Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: ON-LINE ALGORITHM
Detection and size estimation of crack in plate based on guided wave propagation
PublikacjaThe paper presents results of the comprehensive theoretical and experimental investigation of crack detection in metallic plate using guided wave propagation. The main aim of the paper is to develop the novel method which would allow for linear crack size estimation with the use of minimal number of the transducers. In general, there exists the relation between length of the propagation path and the wave amplitude value. However,...
Rozpoznawanie oraz lokalizacja w obrazie przewodów linii wysokiego napięcia
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono opracowany algorytm rozpoznawania oraz lokalizacji przewodów linii wysokiego napięcia na podstawie obrazu horyzontalnego. Procedura detekcji przewodu została podzielona na trzy etapy. Pierwszy etap zawiera algorytm wykrywania krawędzi wykazujący największą czułość na krawędzie poziome, a jednocześnie brak czułości na krawędzie pionowe. Efektem jest znaczna redukcja liczby wykrytych krawędzi w porównaniu do...
Identification of quasi-periodically varying systems with quasi-linear frequency changes
PublikacjaThe problem of identification of linear quasi-periodically varying systems is considered. This problem can be solved using generalized adaptive notch filtering (GANF) algorithms. It is shown that accuracy of system parameter estimation can be increased if the results obtained from GANF are further processed using a cascade of appropriately designed filters. The resulting generalized adaptive notch smoothing (GANS) algorithms can...
The QDMC Model Predictive Controller for the Nuclear Power Plant Steam Turbine Control
PublikacjaThere are typically two main control loops with PI con trollers operating at each turbo-generator set. In this paper a model predictive controller QDMC for the steam turbine is proposed - instead of a typical PI controller. The QDMC controller utilize a step-response model for the controlled system. This model parameters are determined, based on the simplified and linear model of turbo-generator set, which parameters are identified...
Topological modifications for performance improvement and size reduction of wideband antenna structures
PublikacjaCompact antennas belong to the key components of modern communication systems. Their miniaturization is often achieved by introducing appropriate topological changes such as simple ground plane slots or tapered feeds. More sophisticated modifications are rarely considered in the literature because they normally lead to significant increase of the number of tunable parameters, which makes the antenna design process more challenging....
Comparison of thresholding algorithms for automatic overhead line detection procedure
PublikacjaThe article presents an overview of the thresholding algorithms. It compares the algorithms proposed by Pun, Kittler, Niblack, Huang, Rosenfeld, Remesh, Lloyd, Riddler, Otsu, Yanni, Kapur and Jawahar. Additionally, it was tested how the tuning of the Pun, Jawahar and Niblack methods affects the thresholding efficiency and proposed a combination of the Pun algorithm with a priori algorithm. All presented algorithms have been implemented...
The distributed model predictive controller for the nuclear power plant turbo-generator set
PublikacjaTypically there are two main control loops with PI controllers operating at each turbo-generator set. In this paper a distributed model predictive controller DMPC, with local QDMC controllers for the turbine generator, is proposed instead of a typical PI controllers. The local QDMC controllers utilize step-response models for the controlled system components. These models parameters are determined based on the proposed black-box...
Robustness Analysis of a Distributed MPC Control System of a Turbo-Generator Set of a Nuclear Plant – Disturbance Issues
PublikacjaTypically, there are two main control loops with PI controllers operating at each turbo-generator set. In this paper, a distributed model predictive controller with local quadratic model predictive controllers for the turbine generator is proposed instead of a set of classical PI controllers. The local quadratic predictive controllers utilize step-response models for the controlled system components. The parameters of these models...
The complexity of bicriteria tree-depth
PublikacjaThe tree-depth problem can be seen as finding an elimination tree of minimum height for a given input graph G. We introduce a bicriteria generalization in which additionally the width of the elimination tree needs to be bounded by some input integer b. We are interested in the case when G is the line graph of a tree, proving that the problem is NP-hard and obtaining a polynomial-time additive 2b-approximation algorithm. This particular...
Investigations of the valence state of Co in a MnCoO ceramics
Dane BadawczeMcCoO ceramics materials were produced by solid state reaction and sintred in a furnance in air atmosphere for 20h. Annealing temperature was 600 Celsius degree. For investigations a series of samples, with a various composition was chosen: MnCoO, Mn, Co2O and Mn2CoO. Chemical behaviour of the Cobaltium was measured by XPS method. The analyses were...
Rapid multi-criterial design of microwave components with robustness analysis by means of knowledge-based surrogates
PublikacjaManufacturing tolerances and uncertainties concerning material parameters, e.g., operating conditions or substrate permittivity are detrimental to characteristics of microwave components. The knowledge of relations between acceptable parameter deviations (not leading to violation of design specifications) and the nominal performance (not considering uncertainties), and is therefore indispensable. This paper proposes a multi-objective...
PublikacjaNiniejszy artykuł dotyczy kwestii poprawy dokładności estymacji położenia w systemie lokalizacji wewnątrzbudynkowej, bazującym na radiowych pomiarach odległości realizowanych przez modemy UWB. Proponuje się zastosowanie metody filtracji cząsteczkowej do zmniejszenia błędu wyznaczania pozycji obiektu przy braku bezpośredniej widoczności ze stacją referencyjną. W artykule opisano algorytm filtru cząsteczkowego, jego przykładową implementację...
Smooth least absolute deviation estimators for outlier-proof identification
PublikacjaThe paper proposes to identify the parameters of linear dynamic models based on the original implementation of least absolute deviation estimators. It is known that the object estimation procedures synthesized in the sense of the least sum of absolute prediction errors are particularly resistant to occasional outliers and gaps in the analyzed system data series, while the classical least squares procedure unfortunately becomes...
Chemical analysis of the Au-Ag nanoaloys
Dane BadawczeThe nanostructures of AuAg nanoalloys were prepared by sequential sputtering of gold and silver thin films. Single layer thickness was usually 2.8 nm were deosted by magnetron sputtering method in a Ar plasma. As deposited layers were annealed in Ar atmosphere at 550 degress for 15 minutes. For XPS measurements five samples were selected: pure gold...
XPS study of the YST ceramics
Dane BadawczeYttrium-doped strontium titanate was prepared via conventional solid-state reaction method from Y2O3 (Sigma Aldrich, 99,9%), TiO2 (Sigma Aldrich, 99%) and SrCO3 (Sigma Aldrich,98%). For comparision, two other techniques were used for synthesis: Pechini and wet methods. Both kind of samples were measured, after and before reduction process (in a hydrogen)....
HILS for the Design of Three-Wheeled Mobile Platform Motion Surveillance System with a Use of Energy Performance Index
PublikacjaCurrent tendency in mechatronic design requires the use of comprehensive development of an environment, which gives the possibility to prototype, design, simulate and integrate with dedicated hardware. The paper discusses the Hardware-In-the-Loop Simulations (HILS) mechatronic technique, used during the design of the surveillance system based on energy performance index. The presented test configuration (physical controller – emulated...
Wideband High-Gain Low-Profile Series-Fed Antenna Integrated with Optimized Metamaterials for 5G millimeter Wave Applications
PublikacjaThis paper presents a series-fed four-dipole antenna with a broad bandwidth, high gain, and compact size for 5G millimeter wave (mm-wave) applications. The single dipole antenna provides a maximum gain of 6.2 dBi within its operational bandwidth, which ranges from 25.2 to 32.8 GHz. The proposed approach to enhance both gain and bandwidth involves a series-fed antenna design. It comprises four dipoles with varying lengths, and a...
Surrogate-assisted EM-driven miniaturization of wideband microwave couplers by means of co-simulation low-fidelity models
PublikacjaThis article proposes a methodology for rapid design optimization of miniaturized wideband couplers. More specifically, a class of circuits is considered, in which conventional transmission lines are replaced by their abbreviated counterparts referred to as slow-wave compact cells. Our focus is on explicit reduction of the structure size as well as on reducing the CPU cost of the design process. For the sake of computational feasibility,...
From the multiple frequency tracker to the multiple frequency smoother
PublikacjaThe problem of extraction/elimination of nonstationary sinusoidalsignals from noisy measurements is considered. This problem is usually solved using adaptive notch filtering (ANF)algorithms. It is shown that the accuracy of frequency estimates can be significantly increased if the results obtained from ANF are backward-time filtered by an appropriately designed lowpass filter. The resulting adaptive notch smoothing (ANS)algorithm...
Navigational decision support system during approach manoeuvre in emergency STS transfer operation
PublikacjaThe paper is concerned with the problem of safe trajectory planning for approaching during emergency STS (Ship to Ship) transfer operation with oil spill. The safe trajectory means that the way points does not cross in the area of the environment with the static and dynamic obstacles and at the same time satisfies ship's stopping and speed deceleration performance. The evolutionary path planning algorithm is used to determine trajectory...
Reduced-cost optimization-based miniaturization of microwave passives by multi-resolution EM simulations for internet of things and space-limited applications
PublikacjaStringent performance specifications along with constraints imposed on physical dimensions, make the design of contemporary microwave components a truly onerous task. In recent years, the latter demand has been growing in importance, with the innovative application areas such as Internet of Things coming into play. The need to employ full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simu-lations for response evaluation, reliable yet CPU heavy, only...
Expedited Optimization of Passive Microwave Devices Using Gradient Search and Principal Directions
PublikacjaOver the recent years, utilization of numerical optimization techniques has become ubiquitous in the design of high-frequency systems, including microwave passive components. The primary reason is that the circuits become increasingly complex to meet ever growing performance demands concerning their electrical performance, additional functionalities, as well as miniaturization. Nonetheless, as reliable evaluation of microwave device...
Influence of vision measurement system spatial configuration on measurement uncertainty, based on the example of electric traction application
PublikacjaTechnical diagnostics plays a significant role in ensuring operational reliability of electrified rail transport. The most critical point in the transmission of electric energy to vehicles is the sliding contact of the current collector with the traction network. For this reason, work is currently being carried on new measuring methods, whose appliance allows for more complete diagnostics of the contact line and current collectors,...
The Method of Multi-criteria Analysis to Support the Decision on Load or Micro-generation Connection to a Low- or Medium-voltage Power Grid
PublikacjaThis paper presents a method that supports the decision in terms on selecting the best option of a load connection to a low- or medium-voltage power distribution grid, and of a micro-generation source connection to a low-voltage grid. The method is based on the search for the option with the lowest aggregate assessment measure, which is the weighted average of partial assessment measures determined for each of eight considered...
Reduction of the strontium titanate doped by Ytrium ceramics observed by X-ray photoemission spectroscopy method
Dane BadawczeYtrium-doped strontium titanate (YSTF) ceramics materials were manufactured by three various methods: 1) standard solid-state reaction method from Y2O3 (Sigma Aldrich, 99,9%), TiO2 (Sigma Aldrich, 99%) and SrCO3 (Sigma Aldrich,98%), 2) Pechini method, 3) wet method.
A collection of directed graphs for the minimum cycle mean weight computation
Dane BadawczeThis dataset contains definitions of the 16 directed graphs with weighted edges that were described in the following paper: Paweł Pilarczyk, A space-efficient algorithm for computing the minimum cycle mean in a directed graph, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 20 (2020), no. 4, 349--355, DOI: 10.22436/jmcs.020.04.08, URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.22436/jmcs.020.04.08 These...
Direct algorithm for optimizing robust MPC of drinking water distribution systems hydraulics
PublikacjaModel-based predictive control is an effective method for control the large scale systems [1]–[6], [8], [16], [17]. Method is based on on-line solution of the control task over the control horizon using current and past measurements, as well as the system model. Only a first element of calculated control sequence is applied to the plant. At the next sampling instant, based on new process output measurements, control procedure is...
Approximation algorithms for job scheduling with block-type conflict graphs
PublikacjaThe problem of scheduling jobs on parallel machines (identical, uniform, or unrelated), under incompatibility relation modeled as a block graph, under the makespan optimality criterion, is considered in this paper. No two jobs that are in the relation (equivalently in the same block) may be scheduled on the same machine in this model. The presented model stems from a well-established line of research combining scheduling theory...
Multitaper-Based Post-processing of Compact Antenna Responses Obtained in Non-anechoic Conditions
PublikacjaThe process of developing antenna structures typically involves prototype measurements. While accurate validation of far-field performance can be performed in dedicated facilities like anechoic chambers, high cost of construction and maintenance might not justify their use for teaching, or low-budget research scenarios. Non-anechoic experiments provide a cost-effective alternative, however the performance metrics obtained in such...
Improving css-KNN Classification Performance by Shifts in Training Data
PublikacjaThis paper presents a new approach to improve the performance of a css-k-NN classifier for categorization of text documents. The css-k-NN classifier (i.e., a threshold-based variation of a standard k-NN classifier we proposed in [1]) is a lazy-learning instance-based classifier. It does not have parameters associated with features and/or classes of objects, that would be optimized during off-line learning. In this paper we propose...
PublikacjaThe microseismic monitoring is a method of monitoring of fracture propagation during hydraulic fracturing process. Hydraulic fracturing is a method of reservoir stimulation used especially for unconventional gas recovery. A matrix of several thousand geophones is placed on the surface of earth to record every little tremor of ground induced by fracturing process. Afterwards, the signal is analysed and the place of tremor occurrence...
Current harmonic controller in multiple reference frames for series active power filter integrated with 18-pulse diode rectifier
PublikacjaThe paper presents the control system and selected results of experimental tests of the AC/DC power converter consisting of an 18-pulse diode rectifier based on coupled reactors and a serial active power filter. Proportional integral controllers with decoupling components are implemented in multiple reference frames for selective line current harmonic suppression. The regulator is provided with a backtracking anti-windup mechanism...
Self-optimizing generalized adaptive notch filters - comparison of three optimization strategies
PublikacjaThe paper provides comparison of three different approaches to on-line tuning of generalized adaptive notch filters (GANFs) the algorithms used for identification/tracking of quasi-periodically varying dynamic systems. Tuning is needed to adjust adaptation gains, which control tracking performance of ANF algorithms, to the unknown and/or time time-varying rate of system nonstationarity. Two out ofthree compared approaches are classical...
Application of Regression Line to Obtain Specified Number of Points in Reduced Large Datasets
PublikacjaModern measurement techniques like scanning technology or sonar measurements, provide large datasets, which are a reliable source of information about measured object, however such datasets are sometimes difficult to develop. Therefore, the algorithms for reducing the number of such sets are incorporated into their processing. In the reduction algorithms based on the...
Pre-swirl energy saving device in marine application
PublikacjaThis paper covers topics of energy saving device (ESD) with application to marine propulsors. The form of ESD, considered in this paper, consists of fixed lifting foils mounted in front of the screw propeller (the pre-swirl stator/guide vanes). An algorithm for designing propulsion systems, consisting of guide vanes and screw propeller, is presented. The proposed method relies on hybrid lifting line (guide vanes)-lifting surface...
Multi-Taper-Based Automatic Correction of Non-Anechoic Antenna Measurements
PublikacjaPrototype measurements belong to the key steps in the development of antenna structures. Although accurate validation of their far-field performance can be realized in dedicated facilities, such as anechoic chambers, the high cost of their construction and maintenance might not be justified if the main goal of measurements is to support teaching or low-budget research. Instead, they can be performed in non-anechoic conditions and...
Analiza odcinków generujących straty czasu w transporcie tramwajowym
PublikacjaW czasie analiz i studiów przedwykonawczych dotyczących budowy nowych i modernizacji istniejących tras tramwajowych, bardzo często zakładane są nierealne czasy przejazdów, które weryfikuje się już po oddaniu linii do eksploatacji i przeprowadzeniu badań obserwacyjnych. Problematyczne wydaje się określenie, przed zakończeniem inwestycji, rzeczywistej prędkości jazdy, jak również strat czasu powstających w miejscach potencjalnych...
Advanced Control With PLC—Code Generator for aMPC Controller Implementation and Cooperation With External Computational Server for Dealing With Multidimensionality, Constraints and LMI Based Robustness
PublikacjaThe manufacturers of Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) usually equip their products with extremely simple control algorithms, such as PID and on-off regulators. However, modern PLCs have much more efficient processors and extensive memory, which enables implementing more sophisticated controllers. The paper discusses issues related to the implementation of matrix operations, time limitations for code execution within one PLC...
Design and Optimization of Metamaterial-Based Dual-Band 28/38 GHz 5G MIMO Antenna with Modified Ground for Isolation and Bandwidth Improvement
PublikacjaThis letter presents a high-isolation dual-band multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antenna based on the ground plane modification and optimized metamaterials (MMs) for 5G millimeter-wave applications. The antenna is a monopole providing a dual-band response at 5G 28/38 bands with a small physical size (4.8 × 2.9 × 0.762 mm3, excluding the feeding line). The MIMO consists of two symmetric radiating elements arranged adjacently...
Połączenie G3 dwóch kierunków prostych z użyciem krzywej NURBS
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono nową metodę projektowania układu geometrycznego toru kolejowego opartą na zastosowaniu krzywych NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline) do opisu krzywizny. Punkty kontrolne krzywej NURBS wyznaczane są w procesie optymalizacji za pomocą algorytmu genetycznego. Jako kryterium optymalizacji przyjęto minimalizację oddziaływań dynamicznych występujących w układzie tor-pojazd przy spełnieniu warunków geometrycznych...
PublikacjaRozprawa doktorska dotyczy zagadnienia projektowania układów geometrycznych toru kolejowego w procesie modernizacji linii kolejowych. Scharakteryzowano główne cechy dotyczące tej tematyki w oparciu o literaturę polską i zagraniczną, w tym przepisy branżowe. Przedstawiono czynniki wpływające na projektowanie modernizacji linii kolejowych. Określono wartości dopuszczalne parametrów kinematycznych i geometrycznych. Specyfika omawianego...
A New Adaptive Method for the Extraction of Steel Design Structures from an Integrated Point Cloud
Dane BadawczeA new automatic and adaptive algorithm for edge extraction from a random point cloud was developed and presented herein. The proposed algorithm was tested using real measurement data. The developed algorithm is able to realistically reduce the amount of redundant data and correctly extract stable edges representing the geometric structures of a studied...
Constrained multi-objective optimization of compact microwave circuits by design triangulation and pareto front interpolation
PublikacjaDevelopment of microwave components is an inherently multi-objective task. This is especially pertinent to the design closure stage, i.e., final adjustment of geometry and/or material parameters carried out to improve the electrical performance of the system. The design goals are often conflicting so that the improvement of one normally leads to a degradation of others. Compact microwave passives constitute a representative case:...
Stable indirect adaptive control based on discrete-time T-S fuzzy model
PublikacjaThis paper presents an indirect adaptive fuzzy control scheme for uncertain nonlinear asymptotically stable plants.A discrete-time T-S fuzzy input-output model is employed to approximate the unknown plant dynamics. The T-S fuzzy model is fed with its own states, which are indeed its past outputs, rather than the measurements from the plants. Entirely based on this model, a feedback linearization control law is designed by using...
Stable indirect adaptive control based on discrete-time T-S fuzzy model
PublikacjaThis paper presents an indirect adaptive fuzzy control scheme for uncertain nonlinear asymptotically stable plants.A discrete-time T-S fuzzy input-output model is employed to approximate the unknown plant dynamics. The T-S fuzzy model is fed with its own states, which are indeed its past outputs, rather than the measurements from the plants. Entirely based on this model, a feedback linearization control law is designed by using...
Sterowanie predykcyjne i fuzja danych w systemie dynamicznego pozycjonowania statku
PublikacjaRozprawa doktorska poświęcona jest badaniu zastosowania fuzji danych oraz sterowania predykcyjnego w systemie dynamicznego pozycjonowania statku. W pierwszej części pracy przedstawiono historię rozwoju systemów dynamicznego pozycjonowania, różne metody estymacji położenia statku, metody sterowania oraz cel i tezę pracy. Następnie zaprezentowano model matematyczny statku, kinematykę oraz dynamikę. W kolejnej części przedstawiono...
Personalized avatar animation for virtual reality
PublikacjaThe paper presents a method for creating a personalized animation of avatar for virtual reality application such as multiplayer on-line games. Animation is stored in a simplified version, containing only keyframes for important avatar poses. This version defines key movements, i.e. roughly describes the avatar's action. Animation is enriched by the user with new motion phases utilizing fuzzy descriptors.Various degrees of motion...
Low-Cost Design Optimization of Microwave Passives Using Multi-Fidelity EM Simulations and Selective Broyden Updates
PublikacjaGeometry parameters of contemporary microwave passives have to be carefully tuned in the final stages of their design process to ensure the best possible performance. For reliability reasons, the tuning has to be to be carried out at the level of full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulations. This is because traditional modeling methods are incapable of quantifying certain phenomena that may affect operation and performance of these...
Metoda diagnostyki cieplno-przepływowej turbin parowych wykorzystująca elementy algorytmów genetycznych
PublikacjaRozprawa doktorska poświęcona jest opisowi budowania metody diagnostyki cieplno-przepływowej z wykorzystaniem elementów algorytmów genetycznych. Do tworzenia założeń i algorytmów metody posłużono się przykładem funkcjonowania bloku elektrowni kondensacyjnej ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem układu łopatkowego turbiny parowej. Celem pracy jest zbudowanie metody diagnostyki cieplno-przepływowej. Zadaniem metody jest przeprowadzenie procesu...
Complex multidisciplinary optimization of turbine blading systems
PublikacjaThe paper describes the methods and results of direct optimization of turbine blading systems using a software package Opti_turb. The final shape of the blading is obtained from minimizing the objective function, which is the total energy loss of the stage, including the leaving energy. The current values of the objective function are found from 3D RANS computations (from a code FlowER) of geometries changed during the process...