wszystkich: 562
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: RESEARCH PROJECTS
Dorota Dominika Kamrowska-Załuska dr hab. inż. arch.
OsobyDr hab. inż. arch. Dorota Kamrowska-Załuska, profesorka Politechniki Gdańskiej, jest od 2002 roku związana z Katedrą Urbanistyki i Planowania Regionalnego na Wydziale Architektury Politechniki Gdańskiej. Wieloletnia Kierowniczka Studiów Podyplomowych Urbanistyki i Gospodarki Przestrzennej „Projektowanie przestrzeni i zarządzanie”, odbyła staże badawcze w kilku instytucjach badawczych w tym Massachusetts Institute of Technology...
Marek Wójcikowski dr hab. inż.
OsobyMarek Wójcikowski ukończył w 1993 r. Wydział Elektroniki Politechniki Gdańskiej, specjalność układy elektroniczne. W 2002 r. uzyskał stopień doktora w dziedzinie elektroniki, a w 2016 r. uzyskał stopień doktora habilitowanego na Wydziale Elektroniki Telekomunikacji i Informatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej. Od początku kariery jest związany z Politechniką Gdańską: najpierw jako asystent (lata 1994–2002), a następnie jako adiunkt (od...
Michał Michna dr hab. inż.
OsobyJest absolwentem Wydziału Elektrycznego Politechniki Gdańskiej (1998). W 2004 r. uzyskał stopień doktora. Od 2004 r. zatrudniony w Katedrze Energoelektroniki i Maszyn Elektrycznych Politechniki Gdańskiej (asystent, adiunkt, starszy wykładowca). W latach 2010-2015 zastępca kierownik katedry. Jego zainteresowania naukowe i dydaktyczne obejmują szerokie spektrum zagadnień związanych z projektowanie, modelowanie i diagnostyką maszyn...
Developing Prognostic Models of Organization Evolution
PublikacjaThe work focuses on the problem of measuring evolution of IT organizations. Changes in business influence functioning of the IT organization. IT departments or companies must ensure that the needs of their parent company/customers will be met. Therefore they must constantly evolve. Following question can be raised: is it possible to support process of changes the IT organization to run it smoother, faster, easier but with reduced...
Modern technologies in energy demand reducing of public transport — Practical applications
PublikacjaCity of Gdynia (Poland) exploits one of the most modern trolleybus network in Europe, which has been involved in many projects related to the reduction of energy consumption. Some of them are connected with the improving of energy breaking recovery usage. An experimental stationary storage system at Północna substation, which was tested in 2012-2014, is a bright example of a system which is connected with the improving of the...
Implementation of daylight design strategies in urban planning - barriers to application in Poland
PublikacjaThis paper reflects on studies done in the area of daylight design methods with regard to principles that can be applied in architecture and urban planning strategies. The paper addresses barriers to the application of new daylight design methods in urban planning, and in particular discusses current Polish building regulations in the context of daylight design. The results of the pilot study carried out among 82 participants show...
Adopting collaborative games into Open Kanban
PublikacjaThe crucial element of any agile project is people. Not surprisingly, principles and values such as "Respect for people", "Communication and Collaboration", "Lead using a team approach", and "Learn and improve continuously" are an integral part of Open Kanban. However, Open Kanban has not provided any tools or techniques to aid the human side of software development. Moreover, as a Lean initiative, it is not as comprehensively...
PublikacjaZaspa is a neighbourhood in Gdansk with a long locational history and numerous build-ups. It is situated in a complex landscape between the coastal strip and moraine hills. The housing estates built here in the 1970s followed the postulates of modernist urbanism, ignoring the topographical and natural specifics and the regional heritage. The result was an ergonomic but anonymous space with many current strengths...
Building Project and Project Team Characteristics For Creating Hybrid Management Processes
PublikacjaThis paper introduces a method of building the characteristic of Software Development Project. Project characteristic is determined on the basis of several factors such as the complexity of Software Development Project and Project Team, results of historical projects and information on processes and methodologies, which are implemented in analyzed organizations. Information on project complexity can be applied to many different...
Building collective intelligence through experience: a survey on the use of the KREM model
PublikacjaThis article presents a survey on the use of KREM, a generic knowledge-based framework for building collective intelligence through experience. After a discussion on the disadvantages of the traditional architecture used to deploy intelligent systems, the KREM architecture (Knowledge, Rules, Experience, Meta-Knowledge) is presented. The novelty of the proposal comes from the inclusion of the capitalisation of experience and the...
Students’ soft urban planning skills and local development are the benefits from the Fair of Good Practice. Small cities - big challengesprogramme
PublikacjaThe urban planner in practice needs soft skills when dealing with public consultations connected to local development plans. To improve the abilities of architecture and urban planning students to discuss solutions and to support the development of local public spaces of small towns in the Pomeranian voivodeship ( province) in Poland, the Fair of Good Practice. Small cities - big challenges programme...
Exploring hydrogen energy systems: A comprehensive review of technologies, applications, prevailing trends, and associated challenges
PublikacjaExploring hydrogen energy and its associated technologies is a pivotal pathway towards achieving carbon neutrality. This article comprehensively reviews hydrogen production technologies, storage technologies, and end-use applications of hydrogen, based on the input energy source, operating conditions, conversion efficiency, energy density, and unit investment cost. The review also highlights the advantages, disadvantages, and technological readiness...
Why is IPv6 Deployment Important for the Internet Evolution?
PublikacjaAbstract-Replacing the IPv4 protocol with IPv6 on the Internet is currently one of the aims of the European Union policy. The main reason for this replacement is the effeteness of the addresses pool in the IPv4 protocol, which can cause serious complications in the evolution of the Internet and its adaptation in new areas, e.g., in next generation mobile telephony or the so called Internet of Things. Simultaneously, the addressing...
Perspectives of Telematics Implementation in Tri-City Transport Systems Management and Planning
PublikacjaIn 2010 the City of Gdynia applied for match funding the project ''Implementation of the Integrated Traffic Management System TRISTAR in Tri-City" under the Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment. This year the project has been placed on a list approved by the Ministry of Infrastructure. Tri-City proceeds with a tender for the implementation of the system. The project will be implemented in key elements are included...
The influence of historical conditions on time and cost of construction project
PublikacjaConducting construction works in a building or in an area entered in the historic register is associated with the contracting authority's risk of incurring higher than planned costs of works, as well as delays in their implementation. In many cases, these deviations are completely independent of contracting authority and contractor. The aim of this article is to indicate the reasons for cost and time changes in the construction...
Rewitalizacja przestrzeni w kontekście zrównoważonego rozwoju - potencjał zielonych dachów
PublikacjaThe revitalization of space in the context of sustainable development – potential of green roof. The article shows the need to take into account the principles of sustainable development in the field of the revitalization of space, and point out green roofs as a tool in this process. It is presented in the light of the green city concept, and the criteria of the European Green City Index. The article shows the ecological, social...
Risk Diagnosis and Management with BBN for Civil Engineering Projects during Construction and Operation
PublikacjaThe authors demonstrate how expert knowledge about the construction and operation phases combined with monitoring data can be utilized for the diagnosis and management of risks typical to large civil engineering projects. The methodology chosen for estimating the probabilities of risk elements is known as Bayesian Belief Networks (BBN). Using a BBN model one can keep on updating the risk event probabilities as the new evidence...
Modern approaches to file system integrity checking
PublikacjaOne of the means to detect intruder's activity is totrace all unauthorized changes in a file system.Programs which fulfill this functionality are called fileintegrity checkers. This paper concerns modernapproach to file system integrity checking. It reviewsarchitecture of popular systems that are widely used inproduction environment as well as scientific projects,which not only detect intruders but also take actions tostop their...
Implementation of Contemporary Technologies in Naval Sonars Modernization
PublikacjaToday’s fast technological advancement in electronics and signal processing methods makes electronic systems, including sonars, obsolete very quickly. The Polish Navy seems to be particularly affected as its ships were built in the 1970s and 1980s. Researchers at the Gdansk University of Technology have developed a methodology for modernising Navy sonars which involves the use of new electronic sub-systems and modern, bespoke methods...
Building culture written into the landscape – how to read spatial tradition
PublikacjaThe article presents a discussion on the experimenting with material leading to practical so-lutions in building structure in the context of the tradition of the place. It sketches out the practical aspects of creation of space while working with different local materials during the intensive workshops within the Structures in Building Culture IP programme. This kind of unique possibility to practice raw materials gives also the...
Comparison of Deep Neural Network Learning Algorithms for Mars Terrain Image Segmentation
PublikacjaThis paper is dedicated to the topic of terrain recognition on Mars using advanced techniques based on the convolutional neural networks (CNN). The work on the project was conducted based on the set of 18K images collected by the Curiosity, Opportunity and Spirit rovers. The data were later processed by the model operating in a Python environment, utilizing Keras and Tensorflow repositories. The model benefits from the pretrained...
PublikacjaThis article presents basic dependences for conducting a technical and economic analysis related with investment projects. It describes a combined system of a compression ignition engine and a steam turbine, whose aim, when placed on a floating platform, is to generate electric energy in the so-called distributed generation system. Such a system involves a reciprocating internal combustion engine and a connected steam turbine system...
Regional quality contests based on business excellence models – Pomeranian case study
PublikacjaCompetitions based on models of organizational excellence have significant potential. Organizations participating in these initiatives have the chance not only to get marketing benefits, but also gain comprehensive knowledge about their management systems. Moreover, thanks to the structure of models of excellence an organization can plan in detail the improvement activities in its main processes. The aim of the authors is to analyze...
Sustainable Knowledge Sharing Model for IT Agile Projects
PublikacjaIn order to overcome work environment challenges and remain competitive in the market, organisations must adapt. An organisation's competitiveness can be improved through knowledge sharing; however, improvement without responsibility can have a negative impact on the sociotechnical environment which people cannot fully comprehend. According to researchers, business involvement in sustainable development goals remains minimal [51]....
Methodology for hospital design in architectural education
PublikacjaThe architecture of a hospital should be a response to strong user requirements. Recommendations on how to shape the environment of such facilities are highly complex, integrating guidelines from many fields of science. If contradictions between them exist, the designer is required to set priorities for spatial activities. This issue is particularly important during architectural education. The learning process should include projects...
Piotr Figura dr inż.
OsobyPiotr Figura jest pracownikiem Katedry Finansów na Wydziale Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej, a także członkiem Komisji Wydziałowej ds. Weryfikacji Efektów Uczenia się oraz recenzentem akademickim zadań z zakresu rachunkowości Centralnej Komisji Edukacyjnej. Jest autorem lub współautorem kilku monografii naukowych w tym: Wartości wzorcowe wskaźników finansowych przedsiębiorstw giełdowych; Classical and modern concepts...
Marita Mcphillips dr inż.
OsobyProwadzę badania dotyczące współpracy międzyorganizacyjnej i międzyzespołowej, w szczególności dot. otwartych innowacji. Biorę udział w międzynarodowych projektach/zespołach. Prowadzę zajęcia dydaktyczne w zakresie przedsiębiorczości, praw własności intelektualnej oraz badań jakościowych.
High Rise Building: The Mega Sculpture Made Of Steel, Concrete and Glass
PublikacjaHigh rise building has transformed from providing not only the expansion of floor space but functioning as mega sculpture in the city. The shift away from economic efficiency driven need is only expected to grow in the future. Based on literature studies; after analysing planning documents and case studies, it was examined whether the presumption that gaining the maximum amount of usable area is the only driving factor; or if the...
PublikacjaThe quality of voice messages in speech reinforcement and public address systems is often poor. The sound engineering projects of such systems take care of sound intensity and possible reverberation phenomena in public space without, however, considering the influence of acoustic interference related to the number and distribution of loudspeakers. This paper presents the results of measurements and numerical simulations of the...
Virtual reality technology in architectural education
PublikacjaContemporary virtual reality (VR) technology allows the recreation of non-existent architectural objects of which there may be no trace remaining. Virtual reality applications allow access to digital models, which visualise the lost architecture. The popularity of VR has resulted in it being applied not only to computer games, but also in visualising the past. Maps allow movement through historical trails and 3D models of architecture...
A Systematic Literature Review on Implementing Non-functional Requirements in Agile Software Development: Issues and Facilitating Practices
PublikacjaAgile Software Development methods have become a widespread approach used by the software industry. Non-functional requirements (NFRs) are often reported to be a problematic issue for such methods. We aimed to identify (within the context of Agile projects): (1) the issues (challenges and problems) reported as affecting the implementation of NFRs; and (2) practices that facilitate the successful implementation of NFRs. We conducted...
Adopting Collaborative Games into Agile Software Development
PublikacjaAlthough the emergence of agile methods has triggered a growing awareness that social factors have a crucial impact on the success of software projects, neither the Scrum Guide nor the Agile Manifesto prescribe techniques that aid the human side of software development. To address this challenge, we enriched the Scrum process with a set of collaborative games. Collaborative games refer to techniques inspired by game play, but designed...
Influence of passive house technology on time and cost of construction investment
PublikacjaDue to the changes in the energy standards for housing in Poland there are many concerns. Is the standard required by the regulation achievable and if it is, then at what cost? There are many solutions to construct a building in line with the requirements of passive house technology. They are differentiated by price and time required for implementation. This study is based on the solution proposed by one of Polish companies, offering...
Selecting Requirements Documentation Techniques for Software Projects: a Survey Study
PublikacjaA significant number of techniques dedicated to requirements specification and documentation is described in the available sources. As there is no purpose to use all of them, a selection has to be made, taking into consideration the context of a given software project, for example its size, usage of agile approach or stakeholders' technical competency. This paper is intended to provide guidelines for such selection. We reviewed...
Directions of Energy Transition of Uzbekistan
PublikacjaThe aim of the paper is to present the changes in the Uzbekistan energy market over the past few years. Uzbekistan is self-sufficient in terms of energy resources, the exploitation of which will last for many years. In 2019, the government adopted the "Concept Note ensuring electricity supply in Uzbekistan in 2020-2030" strategy, which announced the modernization of gas and coal power plants and the construction of new energy facilities,...
Applying case studies to teaching architectural investment
PublikacjaCase studies enable students to encounter practical issues during their education. Experiments conducted in class employing this method often feature simplified models of real-world situations. However, they still enable students to encounter actual problems, to which theoretical knowledge is applied. In architectural education, students carrying out semester projects usually rely on data provided by the teacher, without wondering...
Romanika Okraszewska dr inż. arch.
Osobydr inż. arch. Romanika Okraszewska jest adiunktem w Katedrze Inżynierii Drogowej i Transportowej Wydziału Inżynierii Lądowej i Środowiska Politechniki Gdańskiej. W 1996 ukończyła klasę matematyczno-informatyczną w VIII Liceum Ogólnokształcącym im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Gdańsku. Absolwentka dwóch wydziałów Politechiki Gdańksiej, w roku 2002 ukończyła studia architektury i urbanistyki a w 2004 zarządzania i ekonomii. W latach...
Pawel Polaczyk dr inż.
OsobyDr. Pawel Polaczyk is a scholar in civil engineering and a civil engineering practitioner in pavement engineering. Dr. Polaczyk is originally from Warsaw, Poland, where he received his B.Sc. degree in Civil Engineering with a concentration in Transportation from Warsaw University of Technology. His Master`s and Doctorate degrees in Civil Engineering with a concentration in Geotechnology and Materials Engineering are from the University...
Bogdan Wiszniewski prof. dr hab. inż.
OsobyBogdan Wiszniewski ukończył studia na Politechnice Gdańskiej w 1977 r. uzyskując tytuł zawodowy magistra inżyniera elektroniki, specjalności automatyka i informatyka. W 1984 r. uzyskał stopień naukowy doktora nauk technicznych, w 1998 r. doktora habilitowanego, a w 2006 r. tytuł profesora. Wykładał na uniwersytetach w Kanadzie, Stanach Zjednoczonych i Wielkiej Brytanii. Był głównym wykonawcą lub koordynatorem kilkunastu krajowych...
Lucyna Nyka prof. dr hab. inż. arch.
OsobyLucyna Nyka (prof. dr hab. inż. arch.) jest architektem i profesorem na Wydziale Architektury Politechniki Gdańskiej. W latach 2008-2016 pełniła funkcję prodziekana ds. nauki, a od 2016 jest dziekanem Wydziału Architektury. Zainteresowania badawcze prof. Lucyny Nyki skoncentrowane są wokół kwestii powiązań architektury i wody, przekształceń terenów nadwodnych oraz urbanistycznych krajobrazów. Jest autorem i współautorem wielu...
PublikacjaDevelopment of digital technology has resulted in significant transformations of designer workshops. Computer applications replaced the previously existing tools and methods for drawing up of projects. Professional, sophisticated drawing instruments and tools for manual plotting, as well as basic drawing aids, have gradually fallen into oblivion and become relicts of a bygone era - the objects of collectors' interest. Gdansk University...
Cloud solutions as a platform for building advanced learning platform, that stimulate the real work environment for project managers
PublikacjaImproving skills of managers and executives require, that during the transfer of knowledge (in different ways: during studies, trainings, workshops and other forms of education) it is necessary to use tools and solutions that are (or will be) used in real world environments, where people being educated are working or will work. Cloud solutions allow educational entities (universities, training companies, trainers, etc.) to provide...
Cable-stayed bridges. Basic static schemes
PublikacjaThe paper presents an overview of shaping of cable-stayed bridges. Historical background, basic static sketches and overview of selected bridges are included. Selected natural solutions and interesting unrealized projects were presented. Basic ideas and most important principals are discussed. The examples and sketches were given an author's comment. Static diagrams of two pylon structures with three variants of the arrangement...
Benchmarking the Digital Government Value Chain
PublikacjaDigital Government (DG) benchmarking is an academically vivid topic and, equally important, a tool with the potential to provide valuable insights to policymakers and public managers responsible for digital policies at the level of countries and international bodies. Alas, this potential remains largely untapped in the current DG benchmarking practice. In our study, we identify the reasons and propose a way of mitigating them....
Michał Wróbel dr inż.
OsobyMichał Wróbel, adiunkt na wydziale Elektroniki, Telekomunikacji i Informatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej, informatyk, specjalizujący się w Inżynierii Oprogramowania. Ukończył Wydział ETI w 2002 roku, jako magister inżynier ze specjalnością Inżynieria Systemów i Bazy Danych. Do 2006 roku pracował jako administrator systemów, w CI TASK. Od 2006 roku pracuje na wydziale ETI. W 2011 otrzymał stopień naukowy doktora w dziedzinie...
PublikacjaThe need to create ecological and energy efficient architecture is evident today. In the contemporary discourse on architecture more and more attention is dedicated to the aesthetics that expresses the idea of sustainability. The article is a voice in this debate, concentrating on the architecture that features daylight. Solar light comes from the natural environment and brings some substantial benefits for the architectural space,...
Modelling of the Polish Electricity Generation Subsystem in MARKAL Program with Emphasis on the EU Emissions Trading Scheme
PublikacjaThis paper addresses issues related to greenhouse gas emissions in the European Union and measures to reduce them, in particular the European Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS). A model of the Polish electricity generation subsystem, taking into account EU ETS mechanisms, has been developed using the MARKAL optimization package. Data collected on the basis of available projects, regulations and statistics were entered into the model....
Implementation of power transformer controlled switching algorithm
PublikacjaThe article presents two new algorithms of controlled switching the power transformer. The main aim of the paper is to obtain formulas that determine the moments of closing of the circuit breaker poles. The study contains projects of control systems for both algorithms. Mathematical formulas for the time instants of the breaker poles closing were developed on the basis of electric circuit theory and magnetic circuit theory. The...
Developing competences of IT project managers using simulation games
PublikacjaProject Management is a domain in which methodological approach is developing very rapidly. Project managers are required to present knowledge of the various methods of project management and apply them to the management of specific projects. It means that project managers must constantly develop their competence, mainly based on good practices from different formal methods of project management. The purpose of this article is...
Greening the Innovation Landscape: Leveraging Open Innovation Channels for Sustainable Technology Adoption
PublikacjaOpen innovation offers a great potential for accelerating sustainable technology adoption. This study presents the diverse interaction channels of open innovation and their role in facilitating the development and integration of sustainable solutions. Through an analysis of collaboration mechanisms associated with various open innovation channels in sustainable technology adoption projects, this paper offers a comprehensive framework...