Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: MULTIFUNCTIONAL%20BUILDING - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: MULTIFUNCTIONAL%20BUILDING

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: MULTIFUNCTIONAL%20BUILDING

  • Analysis of Investments in RES Based on the Example of Photovoltaic Panels in Conditions of Uncertainty and Risk—A Case Study


    - ENERGIES - Rok 2023

    The aim of this study is to examine the profitability of investment in a photovoltaic microinstallation, to analyze the impact of legal changes on its profitability, and to perform a sensitivity analysis of the investment profitability to energy price changes. The novelty of the research applies to the financial analysis of two legal systems of discount called net-metering and net-billing. The two systems and the change in energy...

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  • Chapel at St. Joseph's Church in Gdańsk


    - Architectus - Rok 2022

    The subject of this article is the chapel located in the former Gdańsk Carmelite monastery complex. The results of the architectural research carried out in it in 2014–2015 are presented. As a result, the time and purpose of the building’s construction were established. The original appearance and traces of later alterations were also recognised. The recesses found on the longitudinal walls, of similar dimensions, not reaching...

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  • Will NILM Technology Replace Multi-Meter Telemetry Systems for Monitoring Electricity Consumption?


    - ENERGIES - Rok 2023

    The estimation of electric power utilization, its baseload, and its heating, light, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) power component, which represents a very large portion of electricity usage in commercial facilities, are important for energy consumption controls and planning. Non-intrusive load monitoring (NILM) is the analytical method used to monitor the energy and disaggregate total electrical usage into appliance-related...

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  • Magnetic nanocomposites for biomedical applications

    • M. Naghdi
    • M. Ghovvati
    • N. Rabiee
    • S. Ahmadi
    • N. Abbariki
    • S. Sojdeh
    • A. Ojaghi
    • M. Bagherzadeh
    • O. Akhavan
    • E. Sharifi... i 6 innych


    Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine have solved numerous problems related to the repair and regeneration of damaged organs and tissues arising from aging, illnesses, and injuries. Nanotechnology has further aided tissue regeneration science and has provided outstanding opportunities to help disease diagnosis as well as treat damaged tissues. Based on the most recent findings, magnetic nanostructures (MNSs), in particular,...

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  • Technologie komputerowego wspomagania projektowania BIM w procesie kształcenia inżyniera branży sanitarnej

    Rozwiązanie, którego początków należy szukać pod koniec lat 80, a które na przełomie XX i XXI wieku zostało nazwane BIM-em, będące innowacyjną technologią parametrycznego modelowania informacji o budynku (z ang. Building Information Modeling), jest do dzisiaj intensywnie rozwijane we wszystkich etapach projektowania inżynierskiego. Uczelnie techniczne, chcąc dostosować program kształcenia współczesnego inżyniera branży sanitarnej...

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  • Błażej Kochański dr

    Błażej Kochański jest adiunktem w Katedrze Statystyki i Ekonometrii na Wydziale Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej, ekspertem ds. ryzyka bankowego. Pracował dla banków w Polsce i Europie jako specjalista ds. ryzyka, kierownik ds. planowania i analiz, członek zarządu ds. ryzyka, członek rady nadzorczej i konsultant ds. zarządzania. Zbudował liczne modele predykcyjne wspomagające zarządzanie ryzykiem, z sukcesem zarządzał...

  • Wybrane problemy geotechniczne na terenach zurbanizowanych na przykładzie Trójmiasta

    Wybrane, współczesne problemy geotechniczne na terenach zurbanizowanych, miejskich i poprzemysłowych na przykładzie Trójmiasta. Dwie grupy problemów związane z podłożem oraz z otoczeniem inwestycji. Problemy związane z wodą gruntową i jej przepływem, z zanieczyszczeniami oraz pozostałościami budowlanymi z przeszłości. Sąsiedztwo zabudowy i brak miejsca. Przykłady z zrealizowanych obiektów budowlanych. Europejskie Centrum Solidarności,...

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  • Reputacja i zaufanie w systemach teleinformatycznych z podmiotami anonimowymi  podejście dynamiczne

    Abstrakcją współczesnego systemu teleinformatycznego jest system wieloagentowy z autonomicznymi, racjonalnymi i wirtualnie anonimowymi agentami wchodzącymi we wzajemne interakcje dla wymiany usług. W referacie uzasadniono konieczność projektowania dla niego podsystemu budowy reputacji i zaufania oraz odpowiednich analiz w ujęciu dynamicznym. Dokonano przeglądu motywacyjnie zgodnych mechanizmów uczciwego raportowania usług oraz...



    W większości krajów o rozwiniętej gospodarce rynkowej, udział pracy w dochodzie narodowym stale obniża się. W literaturze światowej wskazuje się różne przyczyny występowania tego zjawiska. Jedną z przy-czyn obserwowanej tendencji są nasilające się procesy globalizacji. Mają one wpływ na poziom dochodów osiąganych z tytułu świadczenia pracy, tym samym wpływają na udział pracy w dochodzie narodowym. Poza tym wśród czynników determinujących...

  • Seminarium Obierlane III_ sem 6 J.Borucka+J.Wojtas+ M.Szczepański

    Kursy Online
    • E. Miszewska
    • J. Borucka
    • J. Wojtas
    • S. Kowalski
    • M. Szczepański

    Sustainable, High-Performance Timber Building Construction (HiHTC)/Zrównoważone, wysokowydajne drewniane konstrukcje budowlane Budownictwo drewniane jest jednym z ważniejszych i mocno zarysowującym się wyznacznikiem w trendach projektowych we współczesnej architekturze. Obecnie światowe tendencje kierują się ku projektom zrównoważonym, wysokowydajnym a nawet hybrydowym w zakresie budownictwa drewnianego. Seminarium obieralne...

  • HiHTC Seminarium Obierlane III sem 6

    Kursy Online
    • E. Miszewska
    • T. Zybała
    • J. Borucka
    • J. Wojtas
    • S. Kowalski
    • M. Szczepański

    Sustainable, High-Performance Timber Building Construction (HiHTC)/Zrównoważone, wysokowydajne drewniane konstrukcje budowlane Budownictwo drewniane jest jednym z ważniejszych i mocno zarysowującym się wyznacznikiem w trendach projektowych we współczesnej architekturze. Obecnie światowe tendencje kierują się ku projektom zrównoważonym, wysokowydajnym a nawet hybrydowym w zakresie budownictwa drewnianego. Seminarium obieralne...

  • Karol Rudziński inż.

    Karol Rudziński (urodzony 18 sierpnia 1979 w Inowrocławiu). Po ukończeniu Technikum Budowy Okrętów w Gdańsku, kontynuował naukę na Wydziale Mechanicznym Politechniki Gdańskiej. Ukończył w 2007 r. studia I stopnia w specjalności: Mechanika i Budowa Maszyn, Technologia maszyn.  Od 2002 r. rozpoczął pracę na wydziale Budownictwa Wodnego i Inżynierii Środowiska na Politechnice Gdańskiej (obecnie wydział Inżynierii Lądowej i Środowiska)...

  • Nowoczesny system sterowania układem samoczynnego załączania rezerwy zasilania

    W artykule, dla przykładu układu samoczynnego załączania rezerwy (SZR) zasilania o zadanej strukturze i diagramie łączeń, przedstawiono nowoczesny system sterowania tym układem SZR. Omówiono algorytm i program sterowania oraz wizualizację działania układu. Program sterowania i wizualizację opracowano w oprogramowaniu narzędziowym easy Soft CoDeSys ver. Przejrzystą strukturę programu sterowania osiągnięto dzięki opracowaniu...

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  • Analytical tools for functional assessment of architectural layouts

    Functional layout of the building, understood as a layout or set of the facility rooms (or groups of rooms) with a system of internal communication, creates an environment and a place of mutual relations between the occupants of the object. Achieving optimal (from the occupants’ point of view) spatial arrangement is possible through activities that often go beyond the stage of architectural design. Adopted in the architectural...

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  • Utopian Kinetic Structures and Their Impact on the Contemporary Architecture

    This paper delves into relationships between twentieth century utopian concepts of movable structures and the kinematic solutions implemented in contemporary architectural projects. The reason for conducting this study is to determine the impact of early architectural conceptions on today's solutions. This paper points out close links that stem from the imagination of artists and architects working in 1960s and 70s and the solutions...

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  • When digital government matters for tourism: a stakeholder analysis


    - Information Technology and Tourism - Rok 2017

    Despite the importance of governance processes for destination management and the impact of digital technology on such processes, surprisingly little academic research has explored the use of digital technology to transform public governance in the tourism sector. This conceptual paper fills this gap by conducting a digital government stakeholder analysis for the tourism sector using the digital government evolution model as its...

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  • Public Participation practice versus economic pressure: transformation of the Gdansk Coastal Strip

    The paper focuses on the issue of public participation in the areas that are particularly sensitive to the transformation processes based on the case study of Gdańsk Coastal Strip. Moreover the article presents the outcome of an innovative attempt at promotion of public participation introduced in university education that was built on the experiences gathered during elaboration of the pro publico bono project of the Coastal Strip...



    - Rok 2016

    The article presents a general discussion on the direction of contemporary architecture. We can freely speak that postmodernity, understood in its philosophical core as a search for meaning in architecture, as a strategy of building our environment is over. What comes next? Some say, from lack of better naming, that we live in post-postmodern times. Term post-postmodernity is a call for new strategy of shaping our societies and...

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  • The concept of sewage-sludge management system for an individual household

    The individual farms at the rural areas often face problems with domestic sewage collection and treatment. In many cases building of sewerage systems and central wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) brings too high costs, due to high distances from one farm to another and terrain configuration. Treatment wetlands for individual farms can solve this problem. In the article, an overview of individual treatment wetlands in Europe and...



    - Rok 2018

    Constantly changing environment pressures every living for a change, and response becomes a basic reaction of any living form. Change is a natural reaction that enables survivor of all the species. However, in architecture, the responsive structure did not take important role until the twentieth century. During that time many concepts and building introduced kinematics into the discipline. In the late 50 and 60 of XX century, visionary...

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  • Experimental Study on Dynamics of Wooden House Wall Panels with Different Thermal Isolation

    Wood frame buildings are very popular in regions that are exposed to different dynamic excitations including earthquakes. Therefore, their seismic resistance is really important in order to prevent structural damages and human losses. The aim of the present paper is to show the results of experimental tests focused on the dynamic response of wall panels of a wooden frame building with thermal isolation made of mineral wool and...

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  • Robust Object Detection with Multi-input Multi-output Faster R-CNN


    Recent years have seen impressive progress in visual recognition on many benchmarks, however, generalization to the out-of-distribution setting remains a significant challenge. A state-of-the-art method for robust visual recognition is model ensembling. However, recently it was shown that similarly competitive results could be achieved with a much smaller cost, by using multi-input multi-output architecture (MIMO). In this work,...

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  • Robust Object Detection with Multi-input Multi-output Faster R-CNN


    Recent years have seen impressive progress in visual recognition on many benchmarks, however, generalization to the out-of-distribution setting remains a significant challenge. A state-of-the-art method for robust visual recognition is model ensembling. However, recently it was shown that similarly competitive results could be achieved with a much smaller cost, by using multi-input multi-output architecture (MIMO). In this work,...

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  • Design principles for creating digital transparency in government



    Under pressure to fight corruption, hold public officials accountable, and build trust with citizens, many governments pursue the quest for greater transparency. They publish data about their internal operations, externalize decision-making processes, establish digital inquiry lines to public officials, and employ other forms of transparency using digital means. Despite the presence of many transparency-enhancing digital tools,...

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  • Sustainable Use of the Catenary by Trolleybuses with Auxiliary Power Sources on the Example of Gdynia


    - Infrastructures - Rok 2021

    The current developments in onboard power source technology, in particular, traction batteries, open up new potential in trolleybus transport and also make it possible to introduce electric buses. Thus far, trolleybus transport has required the presence of overhead lines (OHL). Introducing trolleybuses with onboard batteries makes it possible to grow the zero-emissions transport network in places with limited power supply capabilities...

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  • Investigation and operation problems of metal tanks in Poland


    The paper consists of three parts concerned with steel cylindrical, vertical tank for liquid fuel. In the first part the present trends in tank design and building in Poland are described. The main are: · reduction of environment contamination danger caused by tank leakage and hydrocarbons evaporation, · increasing capacity of new tanks (100000 m3 and more) due to economic factor - reduction of steel amount per m3 of storage capacity....

  • The Corporate Museum: A New Type of Museum Created as a Component of Marketing Company

    A new type of museum appeared – the corporate museum. The museum institution in this instance has been used as a new marketing device for building corporate identity strategies. Their inception is not based on the existing context of a place, but appears to be integrated with the corporate identity program, exposing the company’s values and philosophy. The corporate museums are thematic, commercial buildings, owned by a particular...

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  • Valorization of Bioplastic Waste: A Review on Effective Recycling Routes for the Most Widely Used Biopolymers

    Plastics-based materials have a high carbon footprint, and their disposal is a considerable problem for the environment. Biodegradable bioplastics represent an alternative on which most countries have focused their attention to replace of conventional plastics in various sectors, among which food packaging is the most significant one. The evaluation of the optimal end-of-life process for bioplastic waste is of great importance...

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  • Understanding Fuel Saving and Clean Fuel Strategies Towards Green Maritime

    • V. N. Nguyen
    • K. Rudzki
    • M. Dzida
    • N. D. K. Pham
    • M. T. Pham
    • P. Q. P. Nguyen
    • P. N. Xuan

    - Polish Maritime Research - Rok 2023

    Due to recent emission-associated regulations imposed on marine fuel, ship owners have been forced to seek alternate fuels, in order to meet the new limits. The aim of achieving low-carbon shipping by the year 2050, has meant that alternative marine fuels, as well as various technological and operational initiatives, need to be taken into account. This article evaluates and examines recent clean fuels and novel clean technologies...

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  • Architektura przyszłości – przekraczanie granic poprzez interfejsy


    - Rok 2014

    Architektura przyszłości rozpatrywana jest w kontekście rozwoju technologii cyfrowych, które umożliwiają nadawanie obiektom architektonicznym cech interfejsów. Przekraczanie granic dotyczy więc nadawania architekturze nowych funkcji - funkcjonalności zapożyczonych ze świata wirtualnego, emisji informacji oraz interakcji. W tym ujęciu „interfejs architektoniczny” stanowi płaszczyznę komunikacji pomiędzy obiektem architektonicznym...

  • Zastosowanie audytu wewnętrznego u operatorów produkcyjnych w zapobieganiu kryzysom-studium przypadku

    Głównym tematem artykułu była analiza badań przeprowadzonych u producenta farb proszkowych przedsiębiorstwa X, w zakresie zastosowania audytu wewnętrznego, jako metody pozwalającej na zapobieganie pojawienia się kryzysu. Właściwa współpraca operatorów produkcyjnych z menedżerami ma kluczowe zna-czenie dla budowy właściwej pozycji audytu wewnętrznego w przedsiębiorstwie X. Brak należytej współpracy na etapie badań, przy braku...

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  • Zaufanie w zespole badawczym – studium przypadku (projekt CD NIWA realizowany na Politechnice Gdańskiej)


    - Rok 2016

    Artykuł dotyczy tematyki klimatu pracy zespołowej, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem zaufania w zespole jako czynnika warunkującego zaangażowanie, efektywność i innowacyjność zespołu. Przeanalizowano znaczenie oraz wymiary zaufania w zespole badawczym na podstawie koncepcji International Team Trust Indicator, czyli dziesięciowymiarowego modelu zaufania. Celem artykułu jest analiza klimatu współpracy i poziomu zaufania w interdyscyplinarnym...

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  • Model obliczania kosztu cyklu życia obiektu na przykładzie budynku mieszkalnego jednorodzinnego

    W artykule przedstawiono model obliczania kosztu cyklu życia budynku mieszkalnego jednorodzinnego oraz wskazano możliwości ograniczenia wydatków związanych z jego użytkowaniem w okresie trzydziestu lat. Celem prezentowanej analizy rachunku kosztu cyklu życia jest porównanie i ocena kosztów nabycia i użytkowania domu realizowanego według alternatywnych technologii z uwzględnieniem przyjętych rozwiązań w zakresie pozyskania energii,...

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  • Romanika Okraszewska dr inż. arch.

    dr inż. arch. Romanika Okraszewska jest adiunktem w Katedrze Inżynierii Drogowej i Transportowej Wydziału Inżynierii Lądowej i Środowiska Politechniki Gdańskiej. W 1996 ukończyła klasę matematyczno-informatyczną w VIII Liceum Ogólnokształcącym  im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Gdańsku. Absolwentka dwóch wydziałów Politechiki Gdańksiej, w roku 2002 ukończyła studia architektury i urbanistyki a w 2004 zarządzania i ekonomii. W latach...

  • Pozwolić odejść, czyli... Granice interwencji


    Celem tekstu jest zwrócenie uwagi na problem ostatecznej granicy interwencji konserwatorskich wobec zabytków architektury w kontekście holistycznej koncepcji ochrony dziedzictwa. Tekst adresowany jest do polskich czytelników ze względu na szczególne odniesienia do sytuacji polskiego systemu ochrony dziedzictwa. Choć architektura należy do sfery sztuk użytkowych, większość budynków nie powstawała...

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  • Whether Carbon Nanotubes Are Capable, Promising, and Safe for Their Application in Nervous System Regeneration. Some Critical Remarks and Research Strategies


    Carbon nanotubes are applied in or considered for different fields of medicine. Among them is the regeneration or rebuilding of nervous system components, which still lack substantial progress; this field is supported by carbon nanotubes to a great extent as the principal material. The limited research on this issue has involved PU/silk/MWCNTs, PCL/silk/MWCNTs, PCL/PGS/CNTs, chitin/CNTs, PGF/CNTs, CNTs/PGFs/PLDLA,MWCNTs chitosan,MWCNTs/PPy,...

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  • Prediploma project KAMiPN, KSW, sem.6, 2023/24

    Kursy Online
    • D. Cyparski
    • M. Podwojewska

    The topics of the classes include issues related to the analysis of conditions resulting from the location, the functional and spatial program and the provisions of the Local Development Plan, technical conditions and construction law. The design covers: plot development, form and function of the building (including an underground garage, if the function and provisions of the local development plan), basic construction and installation...

  • Numerical Investigation on Dynamic Performance of a Multi-storey Steel Structure Model and Comparison with Experimental Results


    Shaking table testing is the most commonly adopted method to simulate earthquake forces. This approach allows us to analyze the dynamic performance and provides a valuable insight into the dynamics of building structures, which helps to improve their future safety and reliability. The present study aims to conduct a numerical evaluation of dynamic response of a multi-storey steel structure model, which was previously examined during...

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  • Numerical investigation on dynamic performance of a multi-storey steel structure model and comparison with experimental results


    Shaking table testing is the most commonly adopted method to simulate earthquake forces. This approach allows us to analyze the dynamic performance and provides a valuable insight into the dynamics of building structures, which helps to improve their future safety and reliability. The present study aims to conduct a numerical evaluation of dynamic response of a multi-storey steel structure model, which was previously examined during...

  • Pawlak's flow graph extensions for video surveillance systems


    The idea of the Pawlak's flow graphs is applicable to many problems in various fields related to decision algorithms or data mining. The flow graphs can be used also in the video surveillance systems. Especially in distributed multi-camera systems which are problematic to be handled by human operators because of their limited perception. In such systems automated video analysis needs to be implemented. Important part of this analysis...

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  • A Method of Fast and Simultaneous Calibration of Many Mobile FMCW Radars Operating in a Network Anti-Drone System


    - Remote Sensing - Rok 2019

    A market for small drones is developing very fast. They are used for leisure activities and exploited in commercial applications. However, there is a growing concern for accidental or even criminal misuses of these platforms. Dangerous incidents with drones are appearing more often, and have caused many institutions to start thinking about anti-drone solutions. There are many cases when building stationary systems seems to be aimless...

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  • Analiza skuteczności wybranych strategii kontrariańskich na warszawskiej GPW w latach 2014–2018

    Capital multiplication is the main goal of investors and for many years they have been looking for methods and strategies that would enable them to achieve it to the greatest possible extent. Due to the fact that the expectations and characteristics of investors, including those concerning the investment period, are diverse, multiple strategies have emerged. One of such strategies, mainly long-term in nature, is the so-called...

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  • Open Data Capability Architecture - An Interpretive Structural Modeling Approach


    - Rok 2020

    Despite of increasing availability of open data as a vital organizational resource, large numbers of startups and organizations fail when it comes to utilizing open data effectively. This shortcoming is attributable to the poor understanding of what types of capabilities are required to successfully conduct data related activities. At the same time, research on open data capabilities and how they relate to one another remains sparse....

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  • A Computationally Efficient Model for Predicting Successful Memory Encoding Using Machine-Learning-based EEG Channel Selection

    • K. Saboo
    • Y. Varatharajah
    • B. M. Berry
    • M. R. Sperling
    • R. Gorniak
    • K. A. Davis
    • B. C. Jobst
    • R. E. Gross
    • B. C. Lega
    • S. A. Sheth... i 4 innych


    Computational cost is an important consideration for memory encoding prediction models that use data from dozens of implanted electrodes. We propose a method to reduce computational expense by selecting a subset of all the electrodes to build the prediction model. The electrodes were selected based on their likelihood of measuring brain activity useful for predicting memory encoding better than chance (in terms of AUC). A logistic...

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  • Metal-organic frameworks (MOF) based heat transfer: A comprehensive review

    • M. Moayed Mohseni
    • M. Jouyandeh
    • S. Mohammad Sajadi
    • A. Hejna
    • S. Habibzadeh
    • A. Mohaddespour
    • N. Rabiee
    • H. Daneshgar
    • O. Akhavan
    • M. Asadnia... i 4 innych


    Higher than a standard level, the humidity provides a suitable environment for the pathogenic microorganisms to grow and increases energy consumption for cooling, increasing greenhouse gas emissions. Desiccant air-conditioning (DAC) is an effective method to reduce humidity and energy simultaneously. Conventional desiccants are not suitable for use as a desiccant in building air conditioners, mainly because of high regeneration...

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  • Cluster organization as a form of non-technological innovation


    - Rok 2022

    The paper aims to investigate the relationships that cluster enterprises develop with their environment through participation in cluster organization (CO). The authors report the findings from a qualitative study carried out in the Lubusz Metal Cluster. The main research strategy is case study. An in-depth individual interview was used to collect the data, and qualitative content analysis and coding for its analysis. The study...

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  • Trees as a solar control measure for southern-oriented street frontages. Analysis of a selected street model for a humid continental climate


    - URBAN ECOSYSTEMS - Rok 2022

    The present study is aimed at the analysis of possibilities for shading southern frontage of street oriented along the E-W axis by the single row of trees, parallel to the southern elevations. The effectiveness of solar control shading was tested depending on the geometric relationships between trees and buildings. Numerical simulation analyses were conducted in Rhinoceros® program for the street located in humid continental climate...

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  • Preferences of the Facade Composition in the Context of Its Regularity and Irregularity

    Abstract: The aim of this study is to determine the preferences of Polish society towards building facades depending on the degree of the composition regularity of the facade elements. The subject matter is inspired by the authors’ observations in relation to the current architectural trends. The purposefulness of the conducted research results from several issues. Firstly, the reports of psychology and neurosciences clearly indicate...

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  • State of the Art in Open Platforms for Collaborative Urban Design and Sharing of Resources in Districts and Cities


    - Sustainability - Rok 2021

    This work discusses recent developments in sharing economy concepts and collaborative co-design technology platforms applied in districts and cities. These developments are being driven both by new technological advances and by increased environmental awareness. The paper begins by outlining the state of the art in smart technology platforms for collaborative urban design, highlighting a number of recent examples. The case of peer-to-peer...

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  • Load capacity of steel-aluminium brackets under static and cyclic laboratory tests

    The aim of the research is the laboratory investigation of steel-aluminium brackets employed to fasten lightweight curtain walls to building facilities. Static pressure, suction forces, and cyclic loads parallel to end plates (horizontal – to simulate wind influence) were applied in the study. The steel-aluminium brackets were tested on a reinforced concrete substrate made of C30/37 concrete class to simulate the real working conditions....

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