wszystkich: 49
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: quaternary structure
Heterogeneity of quaternary structure of glucosamine-6-phosphate deaminase from Giardia lamblia
PublikacjaThe oligoHis-tagged versions of glucosamine-6- phosphate deaminase from Giardia lamblia (GlmNagB-HisN, GlmNagB-HisC) were constructed and purified to hear homogeneity, and their kinetic and structural properties were compared to those of the wild-type enzyme (GlmNagB). Introduction of the oligoHis tag at the GlmNagB C-terminus resulted in almost complete loss of the catalytic activity, while the catalytic properties of GlmNagB-HisN...
Modification of quaternary structure of Candida albicans GlcN-6-P synthase and its desensitization to inhibition by UDP-GlcNAc by site-directed mutagenesis
PublikacjaSite-directed mutagenesis of the CaGFA1 gene encoding glucosamine-6-phosphate synthase from Candida albicans was performed. Desensitization of the enzyme to inhibition by UDPGlcNAc was achieved upon T487I and H492F substitutions at the UDP-GlcNAc binding site, exchange of D524, S525 and S527 for Ala at the dimer:dimer interface and construction of the tail-lock array (L434R and L460A) at the C-tail region. The first two sets if...
Effect of Aromatic System Expansion on Crystal Structures of 1,2,5-Thia- and 1,2,5-Selenadiazoles and Their Quaternary Salts: Synthesis, Structure, and Spectroscopic Properties
PublikacjaRational manipulation of secondary bonding interactions is a crucial factor in the construction of new chalcogenadiazole-based materials. This article reports detailed experimental studies on phenanthro[9,10-c][1,2,5]chalcogenadiazolium and 2,1,3-benzochalcogenadiazolium salts and their precursors. The compounds were synthesized, characterized employing NMR and UV-Vis spectroscopy. TD-DFT calculations were also performed. The influence...
Synthesis and structure of selected quaternary N-(1,4-anhydro-5-deoxy-2,3-O-isopropylidene-D,L-ribitol-5-yl)ammonium salts.
PublikacjaOpracowano metody otrzymywania czwartorzędowych soli amoniowych, pochodnych rybitolu, zawierających reszty: pirydyny, 2-metylopirydyny, 3-karbamoilopirydyny, 4-(N,N-dimetyloamino)pirydyny, chinoliny oraz dwóch amin alifatycznych trimetyloaminy i trietyloaminy. Związki te powstają w reakcji 1,4-anhydro-2,3-O-izopropylideno-5-O-tozylo-D,L-rybitolu z odpowiednimi zasadami azotowymi.
Synthesis of Novel Polycationic Quaternary Di- and Trispirocyclic Benzenes
PublikacjaTreatment of hexakis(bromomethyl)benzene with a cyclic amine {morpholine, 1-methylpiperazine, 1-(2-hydroxyethyl)piperazine, isonipecotamide, 4-hydroxypiperidine, 4-[3-(4-piperidyl)propyl]-1-piperidineethanol} gave a range of di- and trispirocyclic ammonium salts in satisfactory yields (22-62%). Presumably, the electrostatic and repulsion forces play an important role in their formation. The structure in soln. and the protonation...
Bioactive quaternary ammonium ionic liquids.
PublikacjaAn ionic liquid (IL) is an organic compound that contains at least one ionic bond. It consists of an organic cation and an organic or inorganic anion. It is an organic salt having a melting point below 100C. A very interesting group of IL are those with a long chain quaternary ammonium cation. They are formed by direct synthesis or by an anion-exchange reaction in quaternary ammonium halides. Popular and cheap precursors for the...
Freshening of salinized groundwater in Gdańsk Quaternary aquifer
PublikacjaThe main Quaternary aquifer in the Gdańsk region connects directly with salt waters of the Martwa Wisła River and the Gulf of Gdańsk. This aquifer has been used for many years by large municipal and industrial intakes located on the marine lowlands, with maximum output 6236 m3 /h in 1985. Owing to an intensive exploitation, groundwater in the area of the Old Gdańsk has been salinized by intrusion of salt water from the Martwa Wisła...
Experimental and quantum chemical evidences for C–H⋯N hydrogen bonds involving quaternary pyridinium salts and pyridinium ylides
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Random Microscopic Model of Quaternary Alloys
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Efficient synthesis and antifungal investigation of nucleosides’ quaternary ammonium salt derivatives
PublikacjaQuaternary ammonium salts are a group of compounds with diverse biological properties, the most important of which are their antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal activities. The quaternization reactions of 5'-O-tosyl derivatives of uridine and thymidine with triethylamine, trimethylamine, 4-(N ,N -dimethylamino)pyridine, 2-methylpyridine, and pyridine are described in this article. Two of the synthesized compounds are exceptional...
Exposure to Quaternary Ammonium Compounds Selects Resistance to Ciprofloxacin in Listeria monocytogenes
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New class of quaternary ammonium salts, derivatives of methyl D-glucopyranosides.
PublikacjaReakcja zasad azotowych z 6-O-p-tozylo-alfa-D-glukopiranozydem metylu lub 6-O-tozylo-beta-D-glukopiranozydem metylu (prowadzona w skali mikro) dając odpowiednie sole amoniowe. Jako zasady azotowe użyto pirydyny, 2-metylopirydyny i trimetyloaminy. Produkty zostały przebadane przy użyciu spektroskopii 1H, 13C NMR, spektroskopii mas oraz analizy elementarnej a budowa jednego z nich została dodatkowo potwierdzona za pomocą rentgenowskiej...
Numerical simulation of the quaternary aquifer groundwater flow of the northern Vistula delta plain
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono wyniki obliczeń krążenia wód podziemnych w czwartorzędowym poziomie wodonośnym rejonu Żuław Gdańskich. Czwartorzędowy poziom wodonośny odgrywa najważniejszą rolę w zaopatrzeniu w wodę aglomeracji gdańskiej. W obliczeniach wykorzystano programy Modflow i Modpath zawarte w pakiecie (GMS 3.1). Odtworzono warunki przed uruchomieniem ujecia Lipce wykorzystując obliczenia dla stanu ustalonego krążenia wody w warstwie...
PublikacjaThe paper presents methods of determination of analytes of the cation group (alkyl benzyl dimethyl ammonium (BDDA-C12-C16), alkyl trimethyl ammonium (TMA), hexadecyl piridinium (HP)) in surface water and bottom sediment samples. In the sample preparation phase the solid phase extraction (SPE) or accelerated solvent extraction/ultrasound assisted extraction (ASE/UAE)-SPE technique was used and in the identification phase and quantitative...
Application of Aqueous Biphasic Systems Extraction in Various Biomolecules Separation and Purification: Advancements Brought by Quaternary Systems
PublikacjaAqueous biphasic systems (ABS) extraction is a simple, selective, efficient and easy to scale-up technology that, over the years, has attracted a considerable attention from the researcher community as an alternative methodology in downstream processing of a wide variety of biomolecules. This review summarizes and discusses the fundamental features of ABS, as well as its advantages and disadvantages, as a separation and purification...
Synthesis, structural, electronic and linear electro-optical features of new quaternary Ag2Ga2SiS6 compound
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TG-FTIR, DSC and quantum chemical studies of the thermal decomposition of quaternary methylammonium halides
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Novel Quaternary TlGaSn2Se6 Single Crystal as Promising Material for Laser Operated Infrared Nonlinear Optical Modulators
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Novel anion receptors: hybrid materials based on quaternary ammonium salts for selective extraction of dichromate ions
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Stable nanoconjugates of transferrin with alloyed quaternary nanocrystals Ag–In–Zn–S as a biological entity for tumor recognition
PublikacjaOne way to limit the negative effects of anti-tumor drugs on healthy cells is targeted therapy employing functionalized drug carriers. Here we present a biocompatible and stable nanoconjugate of transferrin anchored to Ag-In-Zn-S quantum dots modified with 11-mercaptoundecanoic acid (Tf-QD) as a drug carrier versus typical anticancer drug, doxorubicin. Detailed investigations of Tf-QD nanoconjugates without and with doxorubicin...
Engineering Candida albicans glucosamine-6-phosphate synthase for efficient enzyme purification
PublikacjaRationally designed muteins of Candida albicans glucosamine-6-phosphate synthase, an enzyme known as a promising target for antifungal chemotherapy, were constructed, overexpressed in Escherichia coli and purified to near homogeneity. To facilitate and to optimize the purification of the enzyme, three recombinant versionscontaining internal oligoHis fragments were constructed: (i) by substituting residues 343 - 348...
Modification of Bacterial Cellulose with Quaternary Ammonium Compounds Based on Fatty Acids and Amino Acids and the Effect on Antimicrobial Activity
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Synthesis of some quaternary N-(1,4-anhydro-5-deoxy-D,L-ribitol-5-yl)ammonium salts
PublikacjaOpisano matodę pomyślnego usuwania izopropylidenowych grup ochronnych z 1,4-anhydro-2,3-O-izopropylideno-5-O-tozylo-D,L-rybitolu i czwartorzędowych soli N-(1,4-anhydro-5-deoksy-D,L-rybitolo-5-yl)amoniowych. Struktury otrzymanych związków zostały określone przy pomocy analizy spektralnej, w tym 2D NMR. Otrzymano także dane dyfrakcyjne dla monokryształów 1,4-anhydro-5-O-tozylo-D,L-rybitolu i jego pochodnych 2,3-O-izopropylidenowych.
Oxolane Ammonium Salts (Muscarine-Like)—Synthesis and Microbiological Activity
PublikacjaCommercially available 2-deoxy-D-ribose was used to synthesize the appropriate oxolane derivative—(2R,3S)-2-(hydroxymethyl)oxolan-3-ol—by reduction and dehydration/cyclization in an acidic aqueous solution. Its monotosyl derivative, as a result of the quaternization reaction, allowed us to obtain eight new muscarine-type derivatives containing a quaternary nitrogen atom and a hydroxyl group linked to the oxolane ring. Their structure...
Polymerization-Driven Immobilization of dc-APGD Synthesized Gold Nanoparticles into a Quaternary Ammonium-Based Hydrogel Resulting in a Polymeric Nanocomposite with Heat-Transfer Applications
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New Unsymmetrical Bisacridine Derivatives Noncovalently Attached to Quaternary Quantum Dots Improve Cancer Therapy by Enhancing Cytotoxicity toward Cancer Cells and Protecting Normal Cells
PublikacjaThe use of nanoparticles for the controlled drug delivery to cells has emerged as a good alternative to traditional systemic delivery. Quantum dots (QDs) offer potentially invaluable societal benefits such as drug targeting and in vivo biomedical imaging. In contrast, QDs may also pose risks to human health and the environment under certain conditions. Here, we demonstrated that unique combination of nanocrystals core components...
Zmiany stężeń siarczanów w wodach podziemnych piętra czwartorzędowego Gdańska na Tarasie Nadmorskim = The sulphates concentration in the quaternary aquifer of the marine terrace in Gdańsk
PublikacjaDługoletnia eksploatacja wód podziemnych czwartorzędowego piętra wodonośnego na Tarasie Nadmorskim doprowadziła do zmian składu chemicznego pobieranej wody. Zmiany te można ocenić na podstawie zawartości jonu siarczanowego, uważanego za jeden ze wskaźników antropopresji. W tym celu określono naturalne i aktualne tło hydrogeochemiczne oraz porównano ich zakresy. Stwierdzono wzrost stężeń jonu siarczanowego, różny jednak na...
Wysładzanie się wód podziemnych w piętrze czwartorzędowym Gdańska jako rezultat zmniejszonego poboru = The groundwater desalinization in the quaternary aquifer in gdansk as a result of decreasing exploitation
PublikacjaW wyniku intensywnej eksploatacji w latach 80. wody piętra czwartorzędowego w Gdańsku zostały zasolone przez intruzje słonych wód Martwej Wisły i Zatoki Gdańskiej. Zasolenie to doprowadziło do degradacji zasobów na obszarze Starego Miasta. Po ograniczeniu poboru, obserwuje się od lat 90. zmniejszenie koncentracji jonu chlorkowego. Prowadzi to do wyraźnego wysładzania wód i odnowy ich zasobów. Śledzenie tego procesu utwierdza w...
Synthesis, Antimicrobial and Mutagenic Activity of a New Class of d-Xylopyranosides
PublikacjaEight N-[2-(2′,3′,4′-tri-O-acetyl-α/β-d-xylopyranosyloxy)ethyl]ammonium bromides, a new class of d-xylopyranosides containing a quaternary ammonium aglycone, were obtained. Their complete structure was confirmed using NMR spectroscopy (1H, 13C, COSY and HSQC) and high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS). An antimicrobial activity against fungi (Candida albicans, Candida glabrata) and bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia...
Combined effect of nitrogen-doped functional groups and porosity of porous carbons on electrochemical performance of supercapacitors
PublikacjaIn this work, nitrogen-doped porous carbons obtained from chitosan, gelatine, and green algae were investigated in their role as supercapacitor electrodes. The effects of three factors on electrochemical performance have been studied— of the specific surface area, functional groups, and a porous structure. Varying nitrogen contents (from 5.46 to 10.08 wt.%) and specific surface areas (from 532 to 1095 m2g−1) were obtained by modifying...
The changes of groundwater quality of the ''Czarny Dwór'' intake as a result of the aquifer vulnerability
PublikacjaThe "Czarny Dwór" groundwater intake is one of the main sources of water for Gdańsk. It is situated on the Marine Terrace and exploits mainly Quaternary aquifer, but also Tertiary and Cretaceous. The water is generally of good quality although some undesirable changes were observed in the Quaternary aquifer during almost 40 years of exploitation. The changes are caused by developing urbanization, former high pumping rates and...
Endangering of Groundwater on the Municipal Intakes in Gdańsk
PublikacjaGroundwater from the Quaternary aquifer on the marine terrace in Gdańsk has been exploited for almost a century, supplying the town with water of good quality. However intensive exploitation in the past and development of the urban area influenced the chemical composition of the water. Hydrogeochemical background for such ions as chlorine, sulphate and ammonia has changed and also some organic micro compounds appeared in single...
Green and sustainable hydrogels based on quaternized chitosan to enhance wound healing
PublikacjaHydrogel-based biomaterials applied as wound dressings provide the wound with a moist environment, which facilitates tissue regeneration through granulation and re-epithelialization. The inherent flexibility and adjustable architecture of hydrogels enables incorporation of cells, antimicrobial drugs, growth factors, and bioactive compounds, which leads to expediting wound contraction and enhancing the regeneration process. The...
Occurrence and properties of sulphate reducing bacteria in groundwater in Gdańsk region; Selected methods of elimination.Bakterie redukujące siarczany na ujęciach wód podziemnych w regionie gdańskim.
PublikacjaGdańsk region is situated in the area with good hydrogeological conditions. The ground-water designed for drinking purposes is taken mainly from the Quaternary and addition-ally from Cretaceous aquifers. The urban development and intensive take off have caused the increase of water exploitation and as a consequence of the changes of hydrogeological conditions the deterioration of chemical and bacteriological quality of water has...
Study on polymer modified road asphalt mixture
PublikacjaThe formulation of ternary asphalt-additives blend composed of crumb rubber : low-density polyethylene (CR : LDPE) and crumb rubber : textile fiber (CR : TF) couples, and quaternary asphalt additives-blend composed of (CR : LDPE : TF) triplets on the virgin asphalt to optimize the asphalt basic and rheological properties and to use the extrusion process of two or three additives to obtain composite materials of them, as well as...
New Simple and Robust Method for Determination of Polarity of Deep Eutectic Solvents (DESs) by Means of Contact Angle Measurement
PublikacjaThe paper presents a new method for evaluating the polarity and hydrophobicity of deep eutectic solvents (DESs) based on the measurement of the DES contact angle on glass. DESs consisting of benzoic acid derivatives and quaternary ammonium chlorides–tetrabutylammonium chloride (TBAC) and benzyldimethylhexadecylammonium chloride (16-BAC)—in selected molar ratios were chosen for the study. To investigate the DESs polarity, an optical...
Antimicrobial, Cytotoxic and Mutagenic Activity of Gemini QAS Derivatives of 1,4:3,6-Dianhydro-l-iditol
PublikacjaA series of quaternary diammonium salts derivatives of 1,4:3,6-dianhydro-L-iditol were synthesized, using isommanide (1,4:3,6-dianhydro-D-mannitol) as a startingmaterial. Both aromatic (pyridine, 4-(N,N-dimethylamino)pyridine (DMAP), (3-carboxamide)pyridine; N-methylimidazole) and aliphatic (trimethylamine, N,N-dimethylhexylamine, N,N-dimethyloctylamine, N,N-dimethyldecylamine) amines were used, giving eight gemini quaternary ammonium...
rigid polyurethane foams modified with selected nanofillers
PublikacjaThe nanofillers: natural montmoryllonite (MMT) - Bentonite, natural MMT modified with a quaternary ammonium salt - Cloisite30B, has been used in rigid polyurethane foams (PUFs). The influence of fillers amounts on processing parameters, physical-mechanical properties (density, water absorption, brittleness and compression strength) and thermal properties (thermal stability, fire behaviours) of such foams has been analysed. The...
Barium boron aluminum silicate glass system for solid state optical gas sensors
PublikacjaRecent increasing demand for new eco-friendly materials and for low cost fabrication process for use in optical sensors field, raise concern about alternative materials for this application. We have designed two glass-ceramics compositions from the quaternary ROAl2O3- SiO2-B2O3(R=Ba) alkali-earth aluminum silicate system, labeled B72 and B69, with high refractive index (>1.6), large values of Abbe number (94.0 and 53.0, respectively),...
Interaction of Novel Ionic Liquids with Soils
PublikacjaWith the constant development of new ionic liquids, the understanding of the chemical fate of these compounds also needs to be updated. To this effect, in this contribution, the interaction of a number of novel ionic liquids with soils was determined. Therefore, three novel headgroups (ammonium, phosphonium or pyrrolidinium) with single or quaternary substitution were tested on a variety of soils with high to low organic matter...
A solid phase extraction–ion chromatography with conductivity detection procedure for determining cationic surfactants in surface water samples
PublikacjaA new analytical procedure for the simultaneous determination of individual cationic surfactants (alkyl benzyl dimethyl ammonium chlorides) in surface water samples has been developed. We describe this methodology for the first time: it involves the application of solid phase extraction (SPE – for sample preparation) coupled with ion chromatography–conductivity detection (IC-CD – for the final determination). Mean recoveries of...
Deodorization of model biogas by means of novel non-ionic deep eutectic solvent
PublikacjaThe paper presents new non-ionic deep eutectic solvent (DES) composed of natural and non-toxic components i.e. guaiacol, camphor and levulinic acid in 1:1:3 molar ratio as a promising absorbent for removal of selected volatile organic compounds (VOCs) including dichloromethane, toluene, hexamethyldisiloxane and propionaldehyde from model biogas. The affi nity of DES for VOCs was determined as vapour-liquid coeffi cients and the...
Role of the Lakes in Groundwater Recharge and Discharge in the Young Glacial Area, Northen Poland
PublikacjaThe aim of this research was to delineate characteristic hydrogeological lake types in the Young Glacial Area (YGA). The YGA is in the central and east part of the Kashubian Lake District (KLD) in Northern Poland, an area covered by deposits of Quaternary glaciation. All the bigger lakes were investigated in the area of about 1500 km2 (39 lakes). The role of lakes in groundwater recharge and discharge was determined from total...
Removal of cyclohexane vapors from air in biotrickling filters: Effects of gas mixture composition and circular economy approach
PublikacjaThis work presents results of investigations on biotrickling filtration of air polluted with cyclohexane co-treated in binary, ternary and quaternary volatile organic compounds (VOCs) mixtures, including vapors of hexane, toluene and ethanol. The removal of cyclohexane from a gas mixture depends on the physicochemical properties of the co-treated VOCs and the lower the hydrophobicity of the VOC, the higher the removal efficiency...
Application of safirinium N-hydroxysuccinimide esters to derivatization of peptides for high-resolution mass spectrometry, tandem mass spectrometry, and fluorescent labeling of bacterial cells
PublikacjaMass spectrometry methods are commonly used in the identification of peptides and biomarkers. Due to a relatively low abundance of proteins in biological samples, there is a need for the development of novel derivatization methods that would improve MS detection limits. Hence, novel fluorescent N-hydroxysuccinimide esters of dihydro-[1,2,4]triazolo[4,3-a]pyridin-2-ium carboxylates (Safirinium P dyes) have been synthesized. The...
Soil burial degradation of chemically compatibilized poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate)/thermoplastic starch/poly(ε-caprolactone)/cellulose biocomposites
PublikacjaDeveloping bio-blends and biocomposites has become a widespread strategy to combat plastic pollution in line with sustainability principles and decarbonization necessities. Although chemically modified ternary and quaternary biocomposites are developing rapidly because of their broader processing and performance windows than single matrix and binary counterparts, a few have been reported about their biodegradation. Herein, diisocyanates-based...
Impact of high-pressure processing on the bioactive compounds of milk - A comprehensive review
PublikacjaHigh-pressure processing (HPP) is a promising alternative to thermal pasteurization. Recent studies highlighted the effectivity of HPP (400–600 MPa and exposure times of 1–5 min) in reducing pathogenic microflora for up to 5 logs. Analysis of modern scientific sources has shown that pressure affects the main components of milk including fat globules, lactose, casein micelles. The behavior of whey proteins under HPP is very important...
Characterization of recombinant homocitrate synthase from Candida albicans
PublikacjaLYS21 and LYS22 genes from Candida albicans encoding isoforms of homocitrate synthase (HCS), an enzyme catalyzing the first committed step in the L-lysine biosynthetic pathway, were cloned and expressed as NoligoHistagged fusion proteins in Escherichia coli. The purified gene products revealed HCS activity, i.e. catalyzed the condensation of α-ketoglutarate with acetyl-coenzyme A to yield homocitrate. The recombinant enzymes were purified...
Lignocellulosic waste biosorbents infused with deep eutectic solvents for biogas desulfurization
PublikacjaThis paper introduces an innovative method for treating biogas streams, employing lignocellulosic biosorbents infused with environmentally friendly solvents known as deep eutectic solvents (DES). The primary focus of this study was the elimination of volatile organosulfur compounds (VSCs) from model biogas. Biosorbents, including energetic poplar wood, antipka tree, corncobs, and beech wood, were used, each with varying levels...