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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: KLC APPROACH

  • Electrochemical approach to evaluate the interlayer adhesion of organic coatings


    - Rok 2005

    Zastosowano elektrochemiczną spektroskopię impedancyjną do wyznaczania międzywarstwowej adhezji w powłokach organicznych. Zbadano różne zestawy powłok do ochrony samochodów. Zastosowano dwie elektrody wykonane z prądoprzewodzącego tuszu umieszczone pomiędzy warstwami powłokowymi. Stwierdzono, że utrata adhezji międzywarstwowej następuje podobnie jak zmiany energii aktywacji przewodnictwa jonowego w obszarze międzywarstwowym. Uzyskane...

  • Distortion Analysis of Gm-C Filters - Numerical Approach


    - Rok 2005

    W pracy przedstawiono efektywną procedurę symulacji numerycznej zniekształceń nieliniowych dla dowolnych filtrów Gm-C. Zaprezentowano ogólny model filtrów Gm-C zawierających nieliniowe elementy aktywne (transkonduktory). Przeprowadzono analizę modelu, która prowadzi do sformułowania ogólnego nieliniowego układu równań różniczkowych zwyczajnych opisujacych dynamikę napięć węzłowych filtru w dziedzinie czasu. Scałkowanie numeryczne...

  • A stochastic approach to the problem of bearing capacity by the method of characteristics


    - Rok 2005

    W pracy omówiono zagadnienie nośności granicznej podłoża o własnościach losowych, przy obciążeniu od spoczywającego na nim fundamentu. Zaproponowano stochastyczną modyfikację metody charakterystyk bazującej na metodzie różnic skończonych. Analizowano zagadnienia związane z dyskretyzacją losowego ośrodka gruntowego, symulacją pola losowego oraz ze zbieżnością i stabilnością rozwiązania. Przedstawione podejście umożliwiło uwzględnienie...

  • Evaluation of a Novel Approach to Virtual Bass Synthesis Strategy


    - Rok 2015

    The aim of this paper is to present a novel approach to the Virtual Bass Synthesis (VBS) strategy applied to portable computers. The developed algorithms involve intelligent, rule-based settings of bass synthesis parameters with regard to music genre of an audio excerpt and the type of a portable device in use. The Smart VBS algorithm performs the synthesis based on a nonlinear device (NLD) with artificial controlling synthesis...

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  • An approach to improve the time efficiency of disjoint paths calculation


    - Rok 2015

    Failures of network elements can be appropriately dealt with by utilization of alternate disjoint paths to provide redirection of flows affected by failures of the respective working paths. Known approaches can be broadly divided by decision on backup paths installation into proactive and reactive mechanisms, as well as based on the scope of recovery actions into local and global rerouting. There are several important scenarios...

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    The conducted research investigations aimed to carry out an identification of the constructional materials fatigue state of the ship propulsions’ rotational mechanical units for diagnostic purposes. The fatigue cracks of the elements transmitting mechanical energy streams from the propulsion engines to the ship propellers or to the generators of the ship’s electric power station stand for a primary reason for the secondary, usually...

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  • Alternative convolution approach to friction in unsteady pipe flow

    In the paper some aspects of the unsteady friction in pipe flow expressed by the convolution are analyzed. This additional term introduced into the motion equation involves the accelerations of fluid occurring in the past and a weighting function. The essence of such approach is to assume the appropriate form of weighting function. However, until now no fully reliable formula for this function has been found. To avoid some inconveniences...

  • Module architecture as alternative approach to traditional construction processes

    Module architecture today is a special type of building construction process that combines repetitive design, low-cost production based on prefabricated elements and fast erection. Module does not mean the same as modular. In general, module architecture today refers to the design of any system composed of separate components, manufactured before in factory, that can be connected together at the building site much faster than normally....

  • Improving the Performance of Ontological Querying by using a Contextual Approach

    In the paper we present the results of experiment we performed to determine whether a contextual approach may be used to increase the performance of querying a knowledge base. For the experiments we have used a unique setting where we put much effort in developing a contextual and a non-contextual ontology which are as much close counterparts as possible. To achieve this we created a contextual version...

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  • Managerial Energy in Sustainable Enterprises: Organizational Wisdom Approach


    - ENERGIES - Rok 2021

    The circular economy (CE) as an idea involves applying the concept of sustainable development that has been gaining worldwide support. This shift in perception of energy and resource-use from its linear to circular forms creates a specific business environment, which constitutes the subject of this research. This article aims to analyze the impact of a manager’s energy on organizational wisdom, focusing on its circular business...

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  • Shell with random geometric imperfections simulation-based approach

    Przedstawiono analizę powłok z losowymi imperfekcjami. Zastosowano nieliniowe geometrycznie i materiałowo modele. Geometryczne imperfekcje opisano za pomocą pojedynczych zmiennych oraz pól losowych. Wykorzystano metodę Monte Carlo i metodę elementów skończonych. Zbadano wpływ różnych rozkładów prawdopodobieństwa imperfekcji geometrycznych na probabilistyczny rozkład nośności granicznej powłok. Zastosowane rozkłady ekstremalne imperfekcji...

  • New Approach to Arc Fitting for Railway Track Realignment



    This article presents a new method of arc fitting for railway track realignment. The theoretical foundations are presented, along with a detailed algorithm of the iterative computational process. This method is based on solving a set of linearized pseudo-observation equations. The formulas of the functional model of the fitting problem were derived, and a special form of objective function is proposed. An iterative method for optimization...

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  • Approach to evaluation of time to the critical degradation of ship pipelines


    In the article an approach to the problem of estimating time to the critical degradation of ship pipelines is considered. Such an assessment would consist of six stages. The fundamental idea is to include to the estimation of time to failure of pipelines such elements like: materials that the pipelines are made, destructive physical phenomena taking place in them and applied means of protection. The result of that evaluation should...

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  • An approach to constructing genuinely entangled subspaces of maximal dimension


    Genuinely entangled subspaces (GESs) are the class of completely entangled subspaces that contain only genuinely multiparty entangled states. They constitute a particularly useful notion in the theory of entanglement but also have found an application, for instance, in quantum error correction and cryptography. In a recent study (Demianowicz and Augusiak in Phys Rev A 98:012313, 2018), we have shown how GESs can be efficiently...

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  • General Approach to Continuous-Time OTA-C Filters


    W książce zaprezentowano podstawy analizy i projektowania filtrów aktywnych typu OTA-C. Podana została procedura zunifikowanego opisu macierzowego ogólnej struktury układowej filtrów OTA-C czasu ciągłego dla pracy w trybie napięciowym i prądowym. Przyjęty formalizm macierzowy jest dogodny do zastosowania w różnego rodzaju programowych narzędziach komputerowego wspomagania analizy i syntezy filtrów aktywnych tej klasy. Zaproponowana...

  • The role of process approach in quality systems of small firms


    - Rok 2006

    W opracowaniu przedstawiono znaczenie orientacji procesowej w systemach zarządzania jakością ze szcególnym uwzględnieniem mniejszych organizacji. Zaprezentowano wyniki badań potwierdzających znaczący wpływ podejścia procesowego na skuteczność sytemów jakości. Przedstawiono też kluczowe problemy i oczekiwania sektora MŚP odnośnie do wdrażania zorientowanych procesowo systemów zarzadzania jakością.

  • Quadratic programming approach to coupled resonator filter cad

    Artykuł prezentuje technikę komputerowego wspomagania procesu projektowania filtrów zbliżeniowych. Polega ona na sformułowaniu macierzy sprzężeń jako problemu programowania kwadratowego (QP). Dzięki zdefiniowaniu procedury optymalizacyjnej jako problemu QP, przy założeniu liniowej zależności współczynników sprzężeń od wymiarów geometrycznych struktury, uzyskano znaczącą redukcję liczby pełnofalowych symulacji prowadzących do uzyskania...

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  • A mechatronic approach towards vibration surveillance of manipulator robots


    W pracy przedstawiono nadzorowanie drgań niestacjonarnego układu nośnego manipulatora IRb-6 z wykorzystaniem sterowania modalnego przy energetycznym wskaźniku jakości. Celem proponowanego algorytmu jest minimalizacja poziomu drgań końcówki manipulatora, co prowadzi do zwiększenia dopuszczalnych obciążeń współczesnych linii zrobotyzowanych oraz do poprawy dokładności i powtarzalności pozycjonowania robota. Rozważania dotyczą zadanej...

  • MultiRegional PCA for leakage detection and localisation in DWDS - approach


    - Rok 2007

    Monitoring is one of the most important parts in advanced control of complex dynamic systems. Information about systems behavior, including failures indicating, enables for efficient control. The chapter describes an approach to detection and localisation of pipe leakage in Drinking Water Distribution Systems (DWDS) representing complex and distributed dynamic system of large scale. Proposed MultiRegional Principal Component Analysis...

  • Energy Management in an Islanded Microgrid: A Consensus Theory Approach

    • A. Waqar
    • J. Hu
    • M. Mushtaq
    • H. Hussain
    • H. Qazi

    - Rok 2019

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  • Nonlinear Cointegration Approach for Condition Monitoring of Wind Turbines

    • K. Zolna
    • P. Dao
    • W. Staszewski
    • T. Barszcz
    • P. B. Dao


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  • Mechatronic approach to the design of 2-wheel mobile platform


    W pracy przedstawiono podejście mechatroniczne do projektowania 2-kołowego robota mobilnego przeznaczonego do testowania algorytmu nadzorowania za pomocą sterowania optymalnego przy energetycznym wskaźniku jakości. Badany robot jest skrępowany więzami nieholonomicznymi. Model matematyczny 2-kołowej platformy mobilnej jest opisany za pomocą skończonej liczby nieliniowych równań różniczkowych.

  • A New Approach For High Speed Data Transmission Monitoring


    W artykule przedstawiono nowatorski sposób monitorowania szybkiej transmisji danych. Technika została zaprezentowana dla przypadku transmisji różnicowej na płycie drukowanej. Cechą szczególną rozwiązania jest możliwość pomiaru jakości transmisji w linii bez konieczności montowania dedykowanych złącz pomiarowych, które mogłyby degradować transmisję.

  • Decisional experiance: a new approach to intelligent knowledge representation


    - SYSTEMS SCIENCE - Rok 2009

    Omowiono nowe podejscie do reprezentacji wiedzy oparte na modelowaniu i formalizacji doswiadczen decyzyjnych

  • Open Dialogue Approach – about the phenomenon of Scandinavian Psychiatry


    - Psychiatria Polska - Rok 2015

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  • Understanding of Dementia in the Polish Language: A Frame Semantic Approach



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  • Downside Risk Approach for Multi-Objective Portfolio Optimization


    - Rok 2012

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  • Flexibility and user‐friendliness of Grid portals: the PROGRESS approach

    • M. Bogdanski
    • M. Kosiedowski
    • C. Mazurek
    • M. Rabiega
    • M. Wolniewicz


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  • The Significance of Humanistic Approach in Considerations on the University Social Responsibility


    - Rok 2023

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  • Evolutionary approach to solving multi-ship encounter situations

    W artykule wprowadzono nowe podejście do rozwiązywania sytuacji spotkań wielu statków poprzez połączenie założeń teorii gier z programowaniem ewolucyjnym. Spotkanie wielu statków jest zamodelowane jako gra rozgrywana przez ''myślących graczy'' - statki o różnych, potencjalnie zmiennych strategiach. Rozwiązanie - zbiór kooperujących (niekolidujących) trajektorii jest znajdowane za pomocą algorytmu ewolucyjnego.

  • Multidimensional Approach to Quality Analysis of IPSec and HTTPS Applications


    Niniejsza praca omawia aspekty bezpieczeństwa i wydajności aplikacji rozproszonych działających w środowisku sieci publiczno-prywatnych, stworzonych za pośrednictwem technologii IPSec i HTTPS. Jako przykłady implementacji pokazane są: jeden z największych polskojęzycznych portali motoryzacyjnych: www.auto.gda.pl oraz brama IPSec działająca w środowisku ATCA. Przedstawiona w referacie analiza pod kątem wydajności i bezpieczeństwa...

  • Adhesive compliance effect in mode I separation:Profilometry approach


    The effect of adhesive compliance on the deflection of a loaded, bonded beam was studied using laser profilometry. Experimental data obtained were compared with both Euler-Bernoulli (encastré) and Winkler (one parameter elastic foundation) models. A third, analytical, 2D model, based on shear within the adhesive layer (two parameter elastic foundation), was introduced. Finite element analysis (FEA) was also used to study the effect...

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  • Port-based approach to distributed transfer function method


    In the paper there is presented an uniform, port-based approach to modeling of both lumped and distributed parameter systems. Port-based model of distributed system has been defined by application of distributed transfer function method (DTFM). The approach proposed combines versatility of port - based modeling and accuracy of distributed transfer function method. It enables to formulate appropriate input data for computer analysis...

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  • Dynamics Conscious Approach to Tribometer Design and Tribo-testing

    In the paper findings are discussed on the issue of dynamic characteristics of a tribometer as a factor influencing the result of the tribological experiment. An advanced approach to tribo-testing is attempted with integrated dynamic analysis of the tribometer and the sliding pair. The fundamental idea is explored of the tribometer being regarded as any machine in which friction is inflicted with all the resulting consequences...

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  • Pedestrian safety management using the risk-based approach

    The paper presents a concept of a multi-level pedestrian safety management system. Three management levels are distinguished: strategic, tactical and operational. The basis for the proposed approach to pedestrian safety management is a risk-based method. In the approach the elements of behavioural and systemic theories were used, allowing for the development of a formalised and repeatable procedure integrating the phases of risk...

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  • Multi-Criteria Approach in Multifunctional Building Design Process


    - Rok 2017

    The paper presents new approach in multifunctional building design process. Publication defines problems related to the design of complex multifunctional buildings. Currently, contemporary urban areas are characterized by very intensive use of space. Today, buildings are being built bigger and contain more diverse functions to meet the needs of a large number of users in one capacity. The trends show the need for recognition of...

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  • A Thermographic Measurement Approach to Assess Supercapacitor Electrical Performances


    This paper describes a proposal for the qualitative assessment of condition of supercapacitors based on the conducted thermographic measurements. The presented measurement stand was accompanied by the concept of methodology of performing tests. Necessary conditions, which were needed to minimize the influence of disturbing factors on the performance of thermal imaging measurements, were also indicated. Mentioned factors resulted...

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  • A spatio-temporal approach to intersectoral labour and wage mobility


    - Rok 2017

    The article presents the spatio-temporal approach for intersectoral labor and wage mobility. Analyses of interindustry mobility were performed with the use of general entropy mobility indices (GEMM). Spatio- temporal approach was obtained thanks to the separate measurement of spatial autocorrelation and regression for each set of sectoral wage and employment structure and was conducted in each year of the research period separately....

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  • A Spatio-temporal Approach to Intersectoral Labour and Wage Mobility


    - Rok 2017

    The article presents the spatio-temporal approach for intersectoral labor and wage mobility. Analyses of interindustry mobility were performed with the use of general entropy mobility indices (GEMM). Spatio-temporal approach was obtained thanks to the separate measurement of spatial autocorrelation and regression for each set of sectoral wage and employment structure and was conducted in each year of the research period separately....

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    - Rok 2018

    In this article, we examine the spatial heterogeneities in inflation expectations of the euro area consumers. We expect to find them heterogeneous in our research period of 2001-2016. Contrary to standard examination of heterogeneity, a spatial correlation analysis is applied by referring to global and local correlation measures. It is performed with the economic distance-based weights (the difference in HICP rates). Application...

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  • On the broadband behaviour of planar elliptical dipole-modal approach


    - Rok 2018

    Broadband behavior of planar elliptical dipole structure is analyzed using Illuminatin Modes (IM) approach. The current on patch has been expanded in series of eigenfunctions in form of Mathieu radial and angular functions. The frequency behavior of current distributions and related powers have been discussed to explain the mechanism of broadband operation of the dipole. Different behavior of radiations patterns in wide frequency...

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  • Estimating the Impact of Globalization on International Competitiveneess : a Multidimensional Approach

    This paper examines the effects of globalization on international competitiveness (IC). The aggregated and disaggregated indices of IC (World Economic Forum) and globalization (KOF) for 132 countries in 2008 are used for the estimation of regression functions. The results show that globalization positively influences IC at the highest aggregation levels of the indices used. Social and political globalization affect IC at intermediate...

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  • The Efficiency of Polish Stock Market: Ordinal Patterns Approach

    Zunino et al. analyzed the problem of discrimination of developed and emergent markets by the use of ordinal patterns methods: number of forbidden patterns and ordinal pattern probability distribution as a basis for entropy and statistical measure of complexity. In this paper we apply the same methodology for the analysis of Polish stock market (index WIG). The results indicate that Polish market belongs neither to developed, nor...

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  • An advanced Thermal-FSI approach to flow heating/cooling

    Actually, two-way thermal-energy exchange between working fluid and solid material of a casing is a leading problem for modern – semi automatic – design techniques. Many questions should be solved, especially, the turbulent mode of thermal energy transport both in fluid and solid, should be re-examined and reformulated from the primary principles. In the present paper, a group of researchers from Energy Conversion Department of...

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  • Crowdsourcing and Volunteer Computing as Distributed Approach for Problem Solving


    In this paper, a combination between volunteer computing and crowdsourcing is presented. Two paradigms of the web computing are described, analyzed and compared in detail: grid computing and volunteer computing. Characteristics of BOINC and its contribution to global Internet processing are shown with the stress put onto applications the system can facilitate and problems it can solve. An alternative instance of a grid computing...

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  • A Measurement-Based Approach for Speed Control of Induction Machines

    • M. A. Fnaiech
    • S. Khadraoui
    • H. N. Nounou
    • M. N. Nounou
    • J. Guziński
    • H. Abu-Rub
    • A. Datta
    • S. P. Bhattacharyya


    This paper presents an approach to design a measurement-based controller for induction machines. The proposed control approach is motivated by the fact that developing an appropriate mechanical model of such induction machines is a challenging task. Since our proposed control methodology is only on the basis of measured data, the controller design does not require any information about the model of the mechanical part. The control...

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  • Density smoothness estimation problem using a wavelet approach


    In this paper we consider a smoothness parameter estimation problem for a density function. The smoothness parameter of a function is defined in terms of Besov spaces. This paper is an extension of recent results (K. Dziedziul, M. Kucharska, B. Wolnik, Estimation of the smoothness parameter ). The construction of the estimator is based on wavelets coefficients. Although we believe that the effective estimation of the smoothness...

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  • A two dimensional approach for modelling of pennate muscle behaviour


    - Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering - Rok 2017

    The purpose of this study was to elaborate a two-dimensional approach for unipennate and bipennate striated skeletal muscle modelling. Behavior of chosen flat pennate muscle is modelled as a rheological system composed of serially linked passive and active fragments having different mechanical properties. Each fragment is composed of three elements: mass element, elastic element and viscous element. Each active fragment furthermore...

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  • Security-oriented agile approach with AgileSafe and OWASP ASVS


    In this paper we demonstrate a security enhancing approach based on a method called AgileSafe that can be adapted to support the introduction of OWASP ASVS compliant practices focused on improving security level to the agile software development process. We also present results of the survey evaluating selected agile inspired security practices that can be incorporated into an agile process. Based on the survey’s results, these...



    The Lombard effect is an involuntary increase in the speaker’s pitch, intensity, and duration in the presence of noise. It makes it possible to communicate in noisy environments more effectively. This study aims to investigate an efficient method for detecting the Lombard effect in uttered speech. The influence of interfering noise, room type, and the gender of the person on the detection process is examined. First, acoustic parameters...

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