Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: INCOME INEQUALITIES - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: INCOME INEQUALITIES

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: INCOME INEQUALITIES

  • Can unequal distributions of wealth influence vote choice? A comparative study of Germany, Sweden and the United States.


    - Rok 2019

    It is widely accepted that income influences voting behavior. Does wealth? Is the effect similar across countries? Studies of wealth and voting behavior have not existed until recently, in part because of the absence of data on wealth holdings. The findings in this chapter indicate that wealth is related to voting behavior in some countries but not in others. The chapter models the effects of wealth on one form of voting behavior,...

  • Evaluation of Professional Demands and Financial Reward Through the Perception of Police Managers


    - Internal Security - Rok 2013

    The aim of the study was to examine the relationship between job demands and salary in the subjective perception of mid-level police managers. An occupational stress model in which effort spent on job demands are not balanced by the received reward, was adopted. The study comprised 51 police officers (4 women). The partial least squares method was used for the analysis, and the SmartPLS 2.0 program was applied. The income and...

  • OECD Guidelines for Micro Statistics on Household Wealth


    - Rok 2013

         This report reflects the contributions of members of the OECD Expert Group on Micro Statistics on Household Income, Consumption and Wealth. Members of the Expert Group included representatives from National Statistical Offices – Bob McColl (Chair, Australia); Alison Hale (Canada); Andre Bustamante and David Niculcar (Chile); Henrik Sejerbo Soerensen (Denmark); Yafit Alfandari (Israel); Shinji Yoshioka (Japan); Sinho Kim...

  • Topological invariants for equivariant flows: Conley index and degree


    - Rok 2010

    About forty years have passed since Charles Conley defined the homotopy index. Thereby, he generalized the ideas that go back to the calculus of variations work of Marston Morse. Within this long time the Conley index has proved to be a valuable tool in nonlinear analysis and dynamical systems. A significant development of applied methods has been observed. Later, the index theory has evolved to cover such areas as discrete dynamical...

  • Jakość osadów pochodzących z kanalizacji deszczowej oraz klasyfikacja osadów zdeponowanych w odbiornikach ścieków deszczowych na terenie zurbanizowanym – przegląd literatury

    Sedymentacja osadów w elementach systemu kanalizacji deszczowej. Jakość i ilość osadów odkładających się w osadnikach wpustów deszczowych i separatorach. Charakterystyka jakościowa osadów deponowanych w zbiornikach wodnych (retencyjnych) i potokach, stanowiących odbiorniki dla spływu powierzchniowego i ścieków deszczowych na terenie zlewni zurbanizowanej. Metody klasyfikacji osadów. Analiza specjacyjna jako metoda oceny mobilności...

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  • Assessment of Trace Metals Leaching During Rainfall Events from Building Rooftops with Different Types of Coverage – Case Study

    Runoff water is an important medium transporting various types of pollution originating from the atmosphere and washed out from roofing materials. The study presents a quality assessment of runoff from different roofs in the context of trace metal concentrations. The analysed rooftops were covered with copper, tar paper and ceramic tile. The quality of the rain water collected at the same time satisfies the demands of the first...

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  • Review on the quality of sediments from the stormwater drainage system in the urban area


    The main task of the stormwater drainage system is a safe drainage of rainwater and snowmelt from the urban area to the receiver. The flow of rain water in the drainage pipes is directly related with the formation of sediments in the whole stormwater system. In addition, pollutants from land runoff get adsorbed to the sediments. The sludge is mainly formed in those elements of stormwater drainage system, wherein the flow conditions...

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  • The consequences of applying a new Polish Water Law Act for protection against urban flooding

    Previous legal regulations did not create conditions for a comprehensive solution to the problems of the urban melioration complex. For over 20 years, urban flooding caused by atmospheric precipitation has been systematically recurring in Poland. The article was elaborated on the experience resulting from the 2001 and 2016 floods in Gdansk (Poland). The newly adopted Water Law Act creates a foundation for a systemic solution...

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  • Osady powstające w systemie kanalizacji deszczowej zlewni zurbanizowanej -przegląd literatury


    Na terenie zlewni zurbanizowanej nieodzownym elementem infrastruktury technicznej jest system kanalizacji sanitarnej i deszczowej. Podstawowym zadaniem kanalizacji deszczowej jest bezpieczne odprowadzenie wód opadowych i roztopowych z terenu zlewni do odbiornika. Z przepływem ścieków deszczowych bezpośrednio związane jest tworzenie się osadów w całym systemie kanalizacyjnym. Oprócz zawiesiny (w przeważającej...

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  • Common Independence in Graphs


    - Symmetry-Basel - Rok 2021

    Abstract: The cardinality of a largest independent set of G, denoted by α(G), is called the independence number of G. The independent domination number i(G) of a graph G is the cardinality of a smallest independent dominating set of G. We introduce the concept of the common independence number of a graph G, denoted by αc(G), as the greatest integer r such that every vertex of G belongs to some independent subset X of VG with |X|...

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  • Some variants of perfect graphs related to the matching number, the vertex cover and the weakly connected domination number


    Given two types of graph theoretical parameters ρ and σ, we say that a graph G is (σ, ρ)- perfect if σ(H) = ρ(H) for every non-trivial connected induced subgraph H of G. In this work we characterize (γw, τ )-perfect graphs, (γw, α′)-perfect graphs, and (α′, τ )-perfect graphs, where γw(G), τ (G) and α′(G) denote the weakly connected domination number, the vertex cover number and the matching number of G, respectively. Moreover,...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Tax Evasion, Tax Morale, and Trade Regulations: Company-Level Evidence from Poland

    Objective: To investigate the determinants of the phenomenon of evading taxes among polish entrepreneurs. In particular, I examine such factors as tax administration satisfaction, tax morale, tax burden, and the influence of trade regulations. Research Design & Methods: A survey study conducted in 2017 in Poland among 454 enterprises. I used the zero-inflated negative binomial modelling technique to examine the impact of factors...

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  • Uncovering the invisible barriers to women’s success


    - Rok 2022

    In the area of science and higher education, as in business and politics, the job situation of women is improving, and the percentage of women on executive positions is increasing. However, there is still a serious underrepresentation of women in the highest decision-making bodies. Ladies also take part in the strategic institutional events less frequently. There are still serious disproportions in academic and management positions,...

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  • Wodociągi sem.VI (lato 2022/2023, ST)

    Kursy Online
    • N. Nawrot
    • D. Sobotka

    Kurs dotyczy projektowania sieci wodociągowych.

  • Wodociągi sem.VI (lato 2021/2022, ST)

    Kursy Online
    • N. Nawrot
    • D. Sobotka

    Kurs dotyczy projektowania sieci wodociągowych.

  • Melioracje wodne i miejskie MWIM - I mgr stacjonarne 2021/2022

    Kursy Online
    • E. Wojciechowska
    • N. Nawrot

    Kurs jest przeznaczony dla studentów studiów II stopnia stacjonarnych, semestr 1, specjalność Infrastruktura Wodna. Kurs obejmuje zagadnienia związane z melioracjami (odwadnianie, retencja, nawadnianie) terenów użytkowanych rolniczo oraz z odwadnianiem terenów miejskich przy użyciu metod rozsączania i retencjonowania wody opadowej w miejscu opadu.

  • Wodociągi sem. V (zima 2023/2024, ST)

    Kursy Online
    • N. Nawrot
    • D. Sobotka

    W ramach kursu omawiane będą zagadnienia związane z budową, projektowaniem i eksploatacją sieci wodociągowych. Wykład: Dr inż. Dominika Sobotka Ćwiczenia: Dr inż. Dominika Sobotka 

  • The impact of internal and international migration on regional convergence in Poland


    According to neoclassical theory, migration is expected to speed up the convergence process between countries (Barro, Sala-i-Martin 2004). The flow of labour from low-wage regions to high-wage regions should equalise payrolls. However, the impact of migration on convergence rates is unclear when the labour flow is heterogeneous. Moreover, the movement of labour towards wealthier areas depresses the demand for goods, services and...

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  • Hidden Tensor Structures


    - ENTROPY - Rok 2024

    Any single system whose space of states is given by a separable Hilbert space is automatically equipped with infinitely many hidden tensor-like structures. This includes all quantum mechanical systems as well as classical field theories and classical signal analysis. Accordingly, systems as simple as a single one-dimensional harmonic oscillator, an infinite potential well, or a classical finite-amplitude signal of finite duration...

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  • Static Shape and Stress Control of Trusses with Optimum Time, Actuators and Actuation

    Traditional shape and stress control of structures use many actuators and require enormous time to find reasonable solutions that need designers to input specific target displacement and stress. This study employs a linear technique to static shape and stress control of pin-jointed assemblies as a theoretical advancement to prior works and provides a comparative analysis against previously established works. The study evaluates...

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  • Quantum metrology: Heisenberg limit with bound entanglement


    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Rok 2015

    Quantum entanglement may provide a huge boost in the precision of parameter estimation. However, quantum metrology seems to be extremely sensitive to noise in the probe state. There is an important still open question: What type of entanglement is useful as a resource in quantum metrology? Here we raise this question in relation to entanglement distillation. We provide a counterintuitive example of a family of bound entangled states...

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  • Human poverty - measuring relative deprivation from basic achievements: a comparative study for 144 countries over the period 1990-2010


    - Rok 2014

    Poverty – differently defined and measured – still remains one the crucial parts of the world development debate. It`s broadly perceived as multidimensional phenomenon which deprives people from basic capabilities and freedoms, limits their opportunity to educate and fully participate in the labor market contributing to overall country`s socioeconomic performance. Referring to seminal works of Sen and many others(see e.g. Morris...

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  • Speace frienly for the blind = Przestrzeń przyjazna dla niewidomych


    - Rok 2012

    The article presents issues connected with accessibility of public space for people with eyesight disabilities. The use of the extravisual spatial stimuli in shaping the urban environment has been analysed. Spaces in which musltisensory spatial reception is feasible become user-friendly, as they come to meet the changing needs of their users. The article introduces a system of textures aiding spatial orientation, navigation and...

  • Nicole Mieszkowicz Licencjat


  • Aleksandra Parteka dr hab. inż.

    About me: I am an associate professor and head of doctoral studies at the Faculty of Management and Economics, Gdansk University of Technology (GdanskTech, Poland).  I got my MSc degree in Economics from Gdansk University of Technology (2003) and Universita’ Politecnica delle Marche (2005), as well as MA degree in Contemporary European Studies from Sussex University (2006, with distinction).  I received my PhD in Economics...

  • Wodociągi sem. V (zima 2022/2023, ST)

    Kursy Online
    • E. Wojciechowska
    • N. Nawrot
    • D. Sobotka

    W ramach kursu omawiane będą zagadnienia związane z budową, projektowaniem i eksploatacją sieci wodociągowych. Wykład: Dr inż. Dominika Sobotka Dr inż. Nicole Nawrot Ćwiczenia: Dr inż. Dominika Sobotka (gupy IŚ-1 i IŚ-3) Dr inż. Nicole Nawrot (grupa IŚ-2)

  • Determinants of export diversification: an empirical investigation


    - RED. ZAGR. ANGIELSKI - Rok 2008

    Empirical findings confirm that relatively high specialisation of economic structures tends to be associated with low levels of income per capita, but countries diversify their export structures along their path of growth. However, usually only per capita income, and eventually, country-specific fixed effects are the sole explanatory variables taken into consideration in the estimation of specialisation curves. We extend the analysis...

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  • Arithmetic Loophole in Bell's Theorem: Overlooked Threat to Entangled-State Quantum Cryptography


    Bell’s theorem is supposed to exclude all local hidden-variable models of quantum correlations. However,an explicit counterexample shows that a new class of local realistic models, based on generalized arith-metic and calculus, can exactly reconstruct rotationally symmetric quantum probabilities typical oftwo-electron singlet states. Observable probabilities are consistent with the usual arithmetic employedby macroscopic observers...

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    The known in empirical economics question ‘Why so Few? Why so Slow? Why so Low?’ refers here to the persistently small number of women involved in innovative activities, the slowness of change in the inequalities between women and men in these fields, and women’s continuing lower rank in business and academic positions. In developing countries, women`s labour and entrepreneurial activity remains an ‘untapped resource’ for economic...

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    - Rok 2017

    The following article describes and discusses the theoretical aspects of taxation including its functions, mechanisms and in particular income taxes and progression system. The author analysed the literature both historical and modern to research the topic. The idea of progressive taxation has been present in modern tax system for several ages together with its positive and negative consequences. The article summarises with several...

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  • Pływające wyspy hydrofitowe jako rozwiązanie problemów eutrofizacji wód – koncepcja metody, zastosowanie i wybrane zagadnienia projektowe


    Pływające wyspy hydrofitowe są coraz częściej spotykanym elementem krajobrazu – szczególnie na otwartych akwenach miejskich. Posiadają walory estetyczne, są rozwiązaniami opartymi na naturze, poprawiają mikroklimat, a przede wszystkim pełnią funkcję oczyszczającą. Do tej pory jednak nie udało się precyzyjnie sklasyfikować rozwiązań pływających wysp hydrofitowych (z ang. floating treatment islands) w nomenklaturze polskiej. Brakuje...

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    Artykuł dotyczy problemów zarządzania procesami logistycznymi i ich przebiegów w sferze logistyki magazynowej. Opisano przykładowe rozplanowanie procesów logistyki magazynowej w dwóch przedsiębiorstwach, a następnie porównano przytoczone przebiegi z procesami magazynowymi badanej firmy. W celu optymalizacji zarządzania procesami logistyki magazynowej w opisywanym przedsiębiorstwie zaproponowano trzy warianty poprawy działań logistycznych....

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  • Wage response to global production links: evidence for workers from 28 European countries (2005–2014)

    Using rich individual-level data on workers from 28 European countries, this study provides the first so extensive cross-country assessment of wage response to global production links within GVC in the period 2005–2014. Unlike the other studies, the authors (i) address the importance of backward linkages in globally integrated production structures (capturing imports of goods and services needed in any stage of the production of...

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  • Life cycle theories of savings and consumption


    Life cycle theories of savings and consumption are the economics theories explaining the changes in saving and consumption in the subsequent phases of the human life cycle. There are two main approaches: (1) indicating the dependence of the level of savings and consumption on the average level of income over a long period of human life (life cycle hypothesis; LCH) or (2) on psychological factors, in particular self-control and...

  • Implementing Sustainable Development Goals with Digital Government – Aspiration-capacity gap

    Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) represent a commitment by all United Nations Member States to pursue development efforts, including ending poverty and hunger, promoting well-being and education, reducing inequalities, fostering peace, and protecting the planet. Member States and their governments are supposed to take ownership of the SDGs, strengthen the implementation means, and improve public governance as both the means...

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  • Operation, Administration, Maintenance in Carrier Grade Ethernet


    - Rok 2010

    OAM (Operation, Administration and Maintenance) plays a crucial role in carrier networks. OAM functionality ensures that network operators and service providers can maintain the quality of the services they offer. One of its major tasks is the detection of anomalies in the network before they become a problem. This enables network operators and service providers to deliver services that come up to a predetermined level of quality...

  • Karol Flisikowski dr inż.

    Karol Flisikowski jest profesorem uczelni w Katedrze Statystyki i Ekonometrii, Wydziału Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej. Jest odpowiedzialny jest za prowadzenie zajęć ze statystyki opisowej i matematycznej (w języku polskim i angielskim), a także badań naukowych w zakresie statystyki społecznej. Był uczestnikiem wielu konferencji o zasięgu krajowym, jak i międzynarodowym, gdzie prezentował wyniki prowadzonych przez...

  • Sprawiedliwość agrarna

    prawiedliwość agrarna została napisana z intencją zreformowania stosunków społeczno-politycznych. Tekst opiera się na założeniu wywodzącym się z tradycji prawnonaturalnej, które brzmi, iż pierwotnie każdy był współwłaścicielem powierzchni Ziemi. Powstanie prywatnej własności ziemskiej (czyli, eo ipso, wywłaszczenie większości ludzi) należy zakwalifikować jako akt bezprawia, kumulujący się w historycznie nawarstwionych nierównościach...

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  • Hybrid no-signaling-quantum correlations



    Fundamental investigations in non-locality have shown that while the no-signaling principle alone is not sufficient to single out the set of quantum non-local correlations, local quantum mechanics and no-signaling together exactly reproduce the set of quantum correlations in the two-party Bell scenario. Here, we introduce and study an intermediate hybrid no-signaling quantum set of non-local correlations that we term HNSQ in the...

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  • Advanced Control With PLC—Code Generator for aMPC Controller Implementation and Cooperation With External Computational Server for Dealing With Multidimensionality, Constraints and LMI Based Robustness

    The manufacturers of Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) usually equip their products with extremely simple control algorithms, such as PID and on-off regulators. However, modern PLCs have much more efficient processors and extensive memory, which enables implementing more sophisticated controllers. The paper discusses issues related to the implementation of matrix operations, time limitations for code execution within one PLC...

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  • On the hat problem on a graph


    The topic of this paper is the hat problem in which each of n players is uniformly and independently fitted with a blue or red hat. Then everybody can try to guess simultaneously his own hat color by looking at the hat colors of the other players. The team wins if at least one player guesses his hat color correctly, and no one guesses his hat color wrong; otherwise the team loses. The aim is to maximize the probability of winning....

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  • Certified domination


    Imagine that we are given a set D of officials and a set W of civils. For each civil x ∈ W, there must be an official v ∈ D that can serve x, and whenever any such v is serving x, there must also be another civil w ∈ W that observes v, that is, w may act as a kind of witness, to avoid any abuse from v. What is the minimum number of officials to guarantee such a service, assuming a given social network? In this paper, we introduce...

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  • The influence of the distance of the pyrometer from the surface of the radiating object on the accuracy of measurements

    Dane Badawcze
    wersja 2.0 open access

    During the COVID-19 epidemic, non-contact body temperature measurement has become very important. This dataset contain results of measurements of the four professional commercially available pyrometers. The CHY 314P, TM-F03B, TFA 31.1125 and Abatronic AB-8855 where tested in function of measuring distance from the surface of the radiating black body....

  • Oszacowanie ładunku zanieczyszczeń biogennych transportowanych do Zatoki Gdańskiej przez Potok Oliwski

    Ciągłe zmiany w środowisku wynikające z zaspokajania ciągle rosnących potrzeb ludności mają poważne konsekwencje. Coraz częstsze zjawiska powodziowe, pogorszenie jakości wód powierzchniowych i zwiększające się zanieczyszczenie mórz są w dużym stopniu skutkiem działalności człowieka. Rosnący udział powierzchni uszczelnionej przyczynia się do zwiększenia zarówno stopnia zanieczyszczenia, jak i ilości wód opadowych, a w konsekwencji...

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  • Change in Heavy Metals Concentrations in Sediments Deposited in Retention Tanks in a Stream after a Flood

    Our paper presents the results of heavy metal (HM) (Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd) content in bottom sediments from retention tanks along Oliwa Stream in Gdańsk, Poland, before a flood (BF) and after a flood (AF) 14-15 July 2016. The flood had a huge impact on the quality of bottom sediments and their displacement. The concentrations of HM differed significantly for research series conducted 3 months BF and 8 months AF. The concentration of Cu...

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    Zróżnicowane ujęcie znaczenia pracy stwarza możliwości szerokiego spojrzenia na korzyści jakie daje jej posiadanie, wykorzystanie. Korzyści indywidualne mogą wynikać z osiągania przez pracobiorców dochodów z tytułu świadczenia pracy, zaspakajania swoich potrzeb i możliwości samorealizacji czy rozwoju. Natomiast zaangażowanie zasobów pracy przez przedsiębiorstwa może generować zyski i sprzyjać ich dalszemu rozwojowi. Praca wykorzystana...

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  • Janusz Datta prof. dr hab. inż.

    Janusz Datta w roku 1988 ukończył studia na Wydziale Chemicznym Politechniki Gdańskiej. Po ich zakończeniu został zatrudniony na Wydziale Chemicznym w Zakładzie, a potem po reorganizacji, w Katedrze Technologii Polimerów, gdzie przez sześć lat pracował na stanowisku naukowo-technicznym. W tym okresie zdobywał doświadczenie uczestnicząc w licznych wyjazdach do Zakładów Chemicznych „Zachem” Bydgoszcz, gdzie brał udział w pracach...

  • Runner bean (Phaseolus coccineus) histological cross section observations of stems, leaves, and roots using light microscope

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    This data set contains images of root crown, root, stem, and leaf cross-sections of runner bean (Phaseolus coccineus). Runner bean seedlings (3-5 cm) were planted on soil amended with poultry (chicken) manure biochars pyrolized at various temperatures (400, 500, and 600 C degrees). Three different poultry manure biochar materials (450, 500, and 600°C)...

  • Jean Monnet Symposium – seminarium i warsztaty na WZiE


    24-06-2019 10:00 - 25-06-2019 16:00

    Bezpłatne seminaria i warsztaty z badań nad realną i nominalną konwergencją; analizy sieciowej i wykorzystania danych z badania budżetów gospodarstw – https://zie.pg.edu.pl/jeanmonnet_chair/jean-monnet-symposium1.

  • Gender wage gap convergence and skills heterogeneity in Poland (2005-2014) - quantile regression analysis based on microdata from EUSILC.

    In this article we quantify the magnitude and evolution of gender wage differentials in Poland over the years 2005 – 2014 using microlevel data from EU-SILC database (Statistics on Income and Living Conditions). In the study gender wage gap is examined through quantile regression analysis. It is shown that the gender wage gap varies along the wage distribution with workers’ skills heterogeneity playing a role. Additionally, the...

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