total: 3300
filtered: 52
- Publications 2363 available results
- Journals 13 available results
- Conferences 1 available results
- Publishing Houses 1 available results
- People 151 available results
- Inventions 12 available results
- Projects 52 available results
- Laboratories 3 available results
- Research Teams 23 available results
- Research Equipment 9 available results
- e-Learning Courses 644 available results
- Events 28 available results
Chosen catalog filters
ISOESRE Innovative Solid Oxide Electrolyzers for Storage of Renewable Energy
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Biomedical Engineering according to PL-TW2/6/2015 agreement from 2015-04-27
- Borophene and its derivatives for energy harvesting – design of fabrication processes
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Chemical Technology and Engineering according to 2021/41/B/ST5/03279 agreement from 2022-02-03
- Borophene and its derivatives for energy harvesting – design of fabrication processes
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Chemical Technology and Engineering according to 2021/41/B/ST5/03279 agreement from 2022-02-03
brak Recycling of Plastic Waste into Highly Porous Carbon Nanomaterials for Electrochemical Energy Storage
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Chemical Technology and Engineering according to 2020/39/B/ST8/02937 agreement from 2021-07-27
Hybrid energy storage devices based on composite materials for high power application
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Chemical Apparatus and Theory of Machines according to POWROTY/2017-4/15 agreement from 2018-05-10
Conductive hydrogel-based composite materials for flexible energy conversion and storage devices
ProjectsProject realized in Laboratorium Materiałów Funkcjonalnych ETI according to UMO-2021/43/D/ST5/01828 agreement from 2022-09-29
Zaawansowane technologie pozyskiwania energii - zadanie: Opracowanie zintegrowanych technologii wytwarzania paliw i energii z biomasy; odpadów rolniczych i innych
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Chemistry from 2010-07-01
OPUS 27 Investigation of the processing capability, compatibility and stability of Phase Change Materials (PCM) in polyurethane materials for thermal energy storage
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Chemistry according to UMO-2024/53/B/ST5/03821 agreement from 2025-02-05
PhotoSuperCap Integrated prototype of a photo-supercapacitor based on bismuth vanadate and titanium dioxide nanotubes for energy storage
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Chemistry and Technology of Functional Materials according to LIDER/15/0088/L-10/18/NCBR/2019 agreement from 2019-11-25
BLESS Beyond Li-ion batteries: on novel and Efficient electrode materials for Sodium Storage
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Chemistry according to UMO-2018/31/G/ST5/02056 agreement from 2020-03-02
Beyond MoS2: Unraveling Charge Storage Mechanisms in Transition Metal Dichalcogenides as Anode Materials for Sodium-Ion Batteries through In-situ Raman Measurements
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Chemistry and Technology of Functional Materials
Przygotowanie i charakterystyka nadprzewodzących materiałów hybrydowych Mo2TiC2Tx MXene/grafenu indukowanego laserem do zastosowań w elektrochemicznym magazynowaniu energii Preparation and Characterization of Superconductive Mo2TiC2Tx MXene/Laser-Induced Graphene Hybrid Materials for Electrochemical Energy Storage Applications
Projects -
REGENNOVA Novel technologies for pharmacological stimulation of regeneration
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Microbiology according to STRATEGMED1/235077/9/NCBR/2014 agreement from 2014-12-17
CAR Creating Automotive Renewal
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Chemistry according to STHB.03.01.00-SE-0112/17-00 agreement from 2018-10-04
AEGIS Mobile Device for Generating Electromagnetic Curtain
ProjectsProject realized in Gdańsk University of Technology according to DOB-1P/02/03/2016 agreement from 2016-12-13
WISA Water Innovation system Amplifier
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Environmental Engineering Technology according to STHB.02.02.00-SE-0153/18 agreement from 2019-09-20
AICOSERV AI Technologies for Sustainable Public Service Co-Creation
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Informatics in Management
ENTEMO Advanced Environmental Technologies, Monitoring and Impact on Society
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Chemical Technology according to Nr 1/2009 agreement from 2009-02-04
HEO High entropy oxides for energy conversion
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics according to UMO-2019/35/B/ST5/00888 agreement from 2019-10-01
HEO High entropy oxides for energy conversion
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics according to UMO-2019/35/B/ST5/00888 agreement from 2020-10-01
HEO High entropy oxides for energy conversion
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics according to UMO-2019/35/B/ST5/00888 agreement from 2020-10-01
URANIUM Computer technology and mathematical tools in the education of future engineers
ProjectsProject realized in Zakład Równań Różniczkowych i Zastosowań Matematyki according to DEC-5/URANIUM/2023 agreement from 2023-03-13
(eng)aging! 2021 Technologies for Active and Independent Living in Old Age in V4
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Intelligent Interactive Systems according to 22020301/1 agreement from 2021-01-08
LoCaGas seed money Low Calorific Gas for Green Power Production
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Process Engineering and Chemical Technology according to STHB.02.02.00-22-S166/21-00 agreement from 2022-04-19
Power2Hcarbon Materials for Direct Power-to-Hydrocarbon Conversion
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Biomedical Engineering according to PL-TW/V/4/2018 agreement from 2018-08-23
NaCEnCo Nanocrystalline ceramic materials for efficient electrochemical energy conversion
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Biomedical Engineering according to POIR.04.04.00-00-42E9/17-00 agreement from 2018-10-31
South baltic farms- a part of renewable energy systems
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Process Engineering and Chemical Technology from 2022-06-13
TKIS Dostosowanie kierunku studiów II stopnia Technologie kosmiczne i satelitarne do potrzeb rynku pracy
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Mechanical Engineering according to POWR.03.01.00-IP-.08-00-NPK/16 agreement from 2017-01-17
LongLife Zrównoważone, energooszczędne i chroniące zasoby budynki mieszkalne uwzględniające ujednolicone procedury oraz nowe zaadaptowane technologie
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering according to #006 agreement from 2009-02-23
BIOSOLFarm BIOSOLFarm - South baltic farms - an essential part of renewable energy systems
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Process Engineering and Chemical Technology according to STHB.02.01-0003/23/00 agreement from 2023-11-27
DTWO Federated Digital Twins for Offshore Wind Energy Production and Market Demand
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Intelligent Interactive Systems according to Project 101146689 — DTWO agreement from 2024-04-23
LINTE^2 n/d
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering according to POIG.02.01.00-22-083/09-00 agreement from 2009-12-31
Molekularny mechanizm transferu i konwersji energii w katalitycznej części syntazy ATP
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Physical Chemistry according to Umowa nr 0304/IP3/2013/72 agreement from 2013-06-19
ENERLIQ Energy conversion based on ionic liquids and novel SOLID technology
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics according to 5/2012 agreement from 2012-02-13
TE(A)CHADOPT Teaching students how children with neurodevelopmental disorders adopt and interact with technologies
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Software Engineering
SMARTGYsum SMART Green energY Systems and bUsiness Models
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering according to 955614 agreement from 2021-05-05
EKOŁUPKI Przyjazne środowisku i wykonalne z ekonomicznego punktu widzenia technologie gospodarowania wodą, ściekami i odpadami przy wydobyciu gazu z łupków
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Chemistry according to BG1/EKOŁUPKI/13 agreement from 2013-11-25
Theoretical and spectroscopic investigation of the fotochemistry of supramolecular photocatalysts for hydrogen generation
ProjectsProject realized in Katedra Fizyki Teoretycznej i Informatyki Kwantowej according to UMO-2014/14/M/ST4/00083 agreement from 2015-10-01
SIREN Integrated system for SImultaneous Recovery of Energy, organics and Nutrients and generation of valuable products from municipal wastewater
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Sanitary Engineering according to NOR/POLNOR/SIREN/0069/2019-00 agreement from 2020-09-24
WECHULL+ Sustainable Concrete Material Leading to Improved Substructures for Offshore Renewable Energy Technologies
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Engineering Structures according to CETP/2022/45/WECHULL+/2024 agreement from 2024-09-10
Zastosowanie procesu Anammox w komunalnych oczyszczalniach ścieków dla zmniejszenia zużycia energii i emisji gazów cieplarnianych
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering according to WFOŚ/D/201/140/2011 agreement from 2011-06-07
MODEON Model of sludge management in wastewater treatment plants focused on increasing renewable energy production and nutrients recovery
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Sanitary Engineering according to WFOŚ/D/201/3/2018 agreement from 2018-01-19
Modelowanie wydajności, niezawodności i zużycia energii wilopoziomowych systemów równoległych wielkiej skali z uwzględnieniem CPU oraz GPU
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics according to UMO-2012/07/B/ST6/01516 agreement from 2013-07-17
INNOECOTRIBLOCK Inovative trigeneration unit for production of electricity, heat and cold for distributed energy sector with reduced environmental emission
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Energy and Industrial Apparatus from 2017-08-07
Bioogniwa Biofuel cells implanted into the living body as power source for other implantable devices. Optimization study.
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics from 2019-01-14
HPC4Poland EDIH HPC4Poland
ProjectsProject realized in Dział Usług Chmurowych
HPC4Poland EDIH HPC4Poland European Digital Innovation Hub
ProjectsProject realized in Dział Usług Chmurowych according to 101083764 agreement from 2022-12-06
LIMIT Innovative concepts for sustainable water treatment targeting PFAS and other critical micropollutants from point sources in the South Baltic Sea area
ProjectsProject realized in Gdańsk University of Technology; Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering according to STHB.02.02-IP.01-0001/23 agreement from 2023-09-01
LIMIT Innovative concepts for sustainable water treatment targeting PFAS and other critical micropollutants from point sources in the South Baltic Sea area
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Environmental Engineering Technology
ZSM Logistyka i technologie monitoringu oraz sposoby ochrony środowiska przed rozpoczęciem prac, w trakcie wiercenia, w procesach szczelinowania hydraulicznego oraz na etapie eksploatacji, w tym monitoringu wód podziemnych, powietrza, hałasu, gleby, emisji
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Chemistry according to BG1/ZSM/13 agreement from 2013-11-14