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Search results for: psychological aspects of entrepreneurship
The effect of job-related stress on psychological well-being = Wpływ stresu zawodowego na dobrostan psychiczny
PublicationThe aim of the investigation was to evaluate the effect of job stress factors on psychological well-being of firemen. Goldberg's GHQ-12 for well-being evaluation, the Perceived Job Stress Questionnaire by Dudek et al. for job stress assessment, and indicator of participation in traumatic events were used. 19% of the firemen were qualified to the group with increased risk of mental disorders. Occupational stress had a strong impact...
PublicationThe following article describes and discusses the theoretical aspects of taxation including its functions, mechanisms and in particular income taxes and progression system. The author analysed the literature both historical and modern to research the topic. The idea of progressive taxation has been present in modern tax system for several ages together with its positive and negative consequences. The article summarises with several...
Video-feedback Intervention to promote Positive Parenting and Sensitive Discipline as a new psychological method of development support in Poland
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Psychological and physical components in forming preferences on urban greenery management – The case of trees
PublicationPublic opinion is increasingly important in managing urban greenery. In this regard, this study demonstrates the importance of sociological (environmental worldviews), psychological (place attachment, perceived benefits of trees), and physical factors (type of building people live in, and urban greenery) in forming residents’ opinions on whether the municipality or landowners should decide about tree removal on private land. Logistic...
PublicationEntrepreneurial behaviour and entrepreneurial orientation (EO) of (commercial) entrepreneurship. have received significant scholarly attention in entrepreneurship and management research However, there are insufficient attempts discussing such behaviour and EO in non-profit, and particularly social entrepreneurship context, arguing that EO is higher in such contexts, or remains the same, some new EO dimensions are proposed, existing...
Social Entrepreneurship and Social Enterprise Phenomenon: Antecedents, Processes, Impact across Cultures and Contexts
Security aspects in functional safety analysis
PublicationA security level of distributed control and protection system may have a significant impact on the results of functional safety analysis. However, the issue of integrating the safety and security aspects is difficult and usually is neglected during the functional safety analysis. This article presents a method of functional safety analysis which takes into consideration a concept of integrating these two aspects. It is based on...
Professional activity and women entrepreneurship in Poland – Europe 2020 Strategy perspective
PublicationThe level of economic activity of women in Poland is the lowest among Baltic Sea Region countries. The analysis of Europe 2020 targets, shows that at least 3 of the 5 main objectives relate, more or less, to women (e.g. participation in labor market). The objective concerning social inclusion assumes the increase in the employment rate of men and women (aged 20-64) in Poland up to 71%. To achieve this goal, support programs to...
The effects of relational and psychological capital on work engagement: the mediation of learning goal orientation
PublicationPurpose – This paper proposes a research model in which learning goal orientation (LGO) mediates the impacts of relational capital and psychological capital (PsyCap) on work engagement. Design/methodology/approach – Data obtained from 475 managers and employees in the manufacturing and service industries in Poland were utilized to assess the linkages given above. Common method variance was controlled by the unmeasured latent method...
Psychological consequences of multiple sclerosis and assistance possibilities
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Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation in Aging
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Legal environment of the private entrepreneurship in Poland.
PublicationW pracy dokonano prezentacji i analizy podstawowych składowych otoczenia prawnego określającego warunki kształtowania i rozwoju prywatnej przedsiębiorczości w Polsce w okresie transformacji rynkowej.
The basic barriers to the development of entrepreneurship in Poland
PublicationW opracowaniu przedstawiono najważniejsze zagadnienia związane z czynnikami wpływającymi na aktywność przedsiębiorców w Polsce, w tym takie, jak: problem kosztów pracy, rola systemu podatkowego w kształtowaniu postaw przedsiębiorców, nadmiernie rozbudowana biurokracja. Wskazano także na niezbędne i oczekiwane kierunki zmian.
Academic entrepreneurship - determinants of development and differences
PublicationRozdział w monografii dotyczy charakterystyki przedsiębiorczości akademickiej i różnych form. Porównano przedsiębiorczość akademicką na poziomie międzynarodowym i krajowym. Przedstawiono również i porównano cechy charakterystyczne środowiska akademickiego i środowiska biznesu.
Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation in Aging
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Investigate or not - problems with the entrepreneurship research methodology
PublicationRozdział porusza problemy metodologiczne związane z badaniem przedsiębiorczości. Głównym problemem jest mnogość definicji, które przedstawiono na początku rozdziału. Pozostałe omówione problemy to wybór perspektywy badawczej, poziomu analizy oraz okresu analizy.
Nascent entrepreneurship and the role of self-efficacy
PublicationCelem artykułu jest opisanie roli, jaką w tworzeniu nowej firmy pełni poczucie własnej skuteczności. W pierwszej części artykułu opisane są źródła poczucia samoskuteczności oraz jego następstwa w oparciu o teorię Bandury. W drugiej części artykułu opisane jest rozróżnienie pomiędzy ogólnym poczuciem samoskuteczności a poczuciem samoskuteczności w kontekście przedsiębiorczości (ESE). Autorzy przedstawiają teoretyczne i metodologiczne...
Different aspects of women’s participation in self-employment with particular reference to the costs
PublicationOver the last twenty years a growing number of researchers have been interested in female entrepreneurship. It is wort noting that being a self-employed person, for certain women, is the only chance to participate actively in social and economic life. Women choose self-employment because of flexibility of schedule and family-related reasons. This study aims to increase knowledge about self-employment as one of multiple labor market...
Ontology Engineering Aspects in the Intelligent Systems Development
PublicationThe ontology engineering encompasses both, artificial intelligence methods and software engineering discipline. The paper tries to address a selection of aspects pertaining to development activities such as choice of the environmental framework, functionality description, specification methods and roles definition. Authors refer to the ontology development projects they were involved in.
Psychological profile of female students with a tendency to anorexia nervosa
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Entrepreneurship as the Challenge for Polish Economy in the 21st Century
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Influence of the European Enlargement Process on Entrepreneurship in Poland
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Social Entrepreneurship through Cooperatives: Founder Insights
PublicationIn this research we are interested in how social entrepreneurs think about their organizational creation process in the context of cooperatives, and how cooperatives conceptualize and actualize their ‘care for community’ social principles. In this interface of organizational purpose and form, we find a variety of interesting issues presented by our interview sample of founders of young, global organizations from six nations. Discussing...
Determining and verifying the safety integrity level with security aspects
PublicationSafety and security aspects consist of two different group of functional requirements for the control and protection systems. It is the reason why the analyses of safety and security shouldnt be integrated directly. The paper proposes extension of the currently used methods of functional safety analyses. It can be done with inclusion of the level of information security assigned to the technical system. The article addresses some...
PublicationDevelopment of the domestic grape wine market has been presented. The number of grape wine producing entities, acreage, and volume of production over last five years are presented. The composition of red grape wine has been discussed involving health promoting aspects. Two methods of wine quality determination: analytical and sensory meth ods have been described. Physicochemical parameters influencing wine quali ty (acidity, sweetness)...
Methodological aspects in conducting scientific research - quantitative research
PublicationThis article presents a description of the methodological aspects of conducting (quantitative) scientific research. The publication focuses on the media industry, as it was the case in the previous article about methodological aspects of conducting qualitative research. The publication commences with an indication of scientific theory in the light of reference books, a definition and explanation of...
The Spatial Structure of Suburban Zones in Selected Entrepreneurship Nets of the Tricity Metropolitan Area
PublicationThe chapter describes spatial structures and forms of Polish suburban zones shown on the example of two selected towns in the Trojmiasto Metropolitan Area (TMA). The description of the spatial characteristics in the urban sprawl, with focus on the entrepreneurships nests is illustrated by the choice of typological features, such as: form, land use, density. Suburbanisation is described to be global, however one can observe individual...
Decision-making under stress: A psychological and neurobiological integrative model
PublicationUnderstanding the impact of stress on cognitive processes, particularly decision-making, is crucial as it underpins behaviors essential for survival. However, research in this domain has yielded disparate results, with inconsistencies evident across stress-induction paradigms and drug administration protocols designed to investigate specific stress pathways or neuromodulators. Building upon empirical studies, this research identifies...
Cognitive and Psychological Reverberations of Remote Learning on Students at the University of Saida
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Psychological adjustment of women after oncological surgery and at the end of treatment
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The Quality of Life and Psychological, Social and Cognitive Functioning of Patients with Acromegaly
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Selected aspects of logistics management of the production process in an enterprise
PublicationThe following article presents selected aspects of management of production logistics process in enterprise. Companies treat this part of business as a way to empower market position. In the first part author explained the idea of process. The next part describes the definition of logistics production management, which is crucial for manufacturing enterprises. However, author described lots of tools related to production management...
Corporate Entrepreneurship: A Literature Review and Future Research Perspectives
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The Pomerania Design Faktory as an Example of 50+ Entrepreneurship Promotion
PublicationThe article presents one of the programmes carried out by The Gdańsk Entrepreneurs' Foundation and The Gdansk Labor Office in 2013/14, dedicated to seniors. It is a great example of an innovative project aimed at the activation of individuals aged 50+ by using their own talents and interests in business. It also shows the results of intergenerational cooperation because the trainers — especially the designers — were much younger...
Female entrepreneurship - on the nexus of person and context - merging pigeonholes
PublicationPoprzez opisową analizę przypadku, autor proponuje połączenie osobowego podejścia do przedsiębiorczości kobiet, które wywodzi się z psychologii z podejściem kontekstualnym, pochodzącym z ujęcia socjologicznego. Praca kończy się wnioskiem, iż przedsiębiorczość jest zjawiskiem zbyt złożonym, aby analizować je jedynie w kategoriach nauk ekonomicznych.
Entrepreneurship Vulnerability to Business Cycle. A New Methodology for Identification Pro-cyclical and Counter-cyclical Patterns of Entrepreneurial Activity
PublicationIn literature, there is ongoing discussion whether entrepreneurial activity, approximated by, for instance, changes in self-employment, tends to behave pro-cyclically, counter-cyclically or rather is a-cyclical. Thus far, both theoretical and empirical evidence, where various multiple methodological approaches are used, does not provide clear answer to the latter; while widely offered explanations are scattered and lack robustness....
Does pandemic denial help or harm? Belief in COVID-19 and experience of it affect psychological consequences of using neurotic defence mechanisms
PublicationObjective: The COVID-19 pandemic may activate thoughts of death, leading to aversive psychological states. In such situations, defence mechanisms emerge; however, their adaptability depends on many factors. The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between neurotic defence style and depressive symptoms. We assumed that the sense of coherence underlies this correlation and investigated how both believing (or not)...
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Selected aspects of the operation of Dual Active Bridge DC/DC converters
PublicationThis review paper discusses the concept of a bidirectional dual active bridge (DAB) DC/DC converter. Practical applications and control methods are explored, and various types of DAB converters are introduced and characterized. Aspects of operation are discussed, and enriched by the results of theoretical analyses, simulations, and experimental measurements of the original authors’ work.
Exploring the Role of Social Media Use Motives, Psychological Well-Being, Self-Esteem, and Affect in Problematic Social Media Use
PublicationGiven recent advances in technology, connectivity, and the popularity of social media platforms, recent literature has devoted great attention to problematic Facebook use. However, exploring the potential predictors of problematic social media use beyond Facebook use has become paramount given the increasing popularity of multiple alternative platforms. In this study, a sample of 584 social media users (Mage = 32.28 years; 67.81%...
Supporting local entrepreneurship by creating innovativeness incubators - example of Gdansk
PublicationW pracy przedstawiona koncepcję budowy inkubatora przedsiębiorczości i innowacyjności w Gdańsku, zawierającą zarówno strukturę właścicielską, uwarunkowania prowadzenia działalności przez inkubator, jak i koncepcję jego organizacji i funkcjonowania, wstępną analizę finansową oraz charakterystykę klientów inkubatora. W koncepcji tej podkreślono znaczenie społeczne przedsięwzięcia i powiązania priorytetów społecznych z prowadzonym...
The impact of entrepreneurship on regional economy - evidence from empirical studies
PublicationRozdział poświęcony jest analizie wyników badań empirycznych dotyczących relacji pomiędzy przedsiębiorczością a wzrostem gospodarczym, prowadzonych w ostatnich latach na całym świecie. Autorzy przedstawiają rolę tzw. tkanki przedsiębiorczości i powiązań pośrednich (intermediate linkages).W rozdziale zaprezentowano również model relacji pomiędzy przedsiębiorczością a wzrostem gospodarczym.
Innovation Capability Development in Regional Entrepreneurship: The Case of Economies in Transition
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Quality Aspects in Digital Broadcasting and Webcasting Systems: Bitrate versus Loudness
PublicationIn this paper the quality aspects of bitrate and loudness in digital broadcasting and webcasting systems are examined. The authors discuss a survey concerning user preferences related with processing and managing audio content. The coding efficiency of a popular audio format is analyzed in the context of storing media. An objective study on a representative group of signal samples, as well as a subjective study of the perceived...
Safety integrity level verification for safety-related functions with security aspects
PublicationThe article is devoted some important issues of the functional safety analysis, in particular the safetyintegrity level (SIL) verification of safety functions to be implemented within the distributed controland protection systems with regard to cyber security aspects. The procedure for functional safety man-agement includes hazard identification, risk analysis and assessment, specification of overall safetyrequirements and definition...
Unifying Aspects of Generalized Calculus
PublicationNon-Newtonian calculus naturally unifies various ideas that have occurred over the years in the field of generalized thermostatistics, or in the borderland between classical and quantum information theory. The formalism, being very general, is as simple as the calculus we know from undergraduate courses of mathematics. Its theoretical potential is huge, and yet it remains unknown or unappreciated.
On aspects of urban areas rehabilitation.
PublicationW pracy dokonano krótkiego przeglądu literatury z zakresu rewitalizacji i rehabilitacji obszarów miejskich. Omówiono podstawowe aspekty rewitalizacji obszarów miejskich. Zwrócono uwagę między innymi na aspekty: polityczne, kulturalne, socjalne, ekonomiczne.
On aspects of tensile structures analysis.
PublicationW pracy dokonano omówienia podstawowych aspektów analizy konstrukcji napiętych. Przedstawiono krótki rys historyczny tego typu konstrukcji, zwracając uwagę na konstrukcje membranowe, cięgnowe, pneumatyczne.
On some aspects of maritime security
PublicationZostały przedstawione wybrane zagadnienia dotyczące ochrony żeglugi, w tym opisano Międzynarodowy Kodeks Ochrony Statków i Urządzeń Portowych - ISPS, Statkowy System Alarmowania (SSAS) oraz system AIS i System Identyfikacji i Śledzenia Dalekiego Zasięgu (LRIT). Przedstawiono również znaczenie nowoczesnej telekomunikacji dla potrze sprawnej ochrony żeglugi na morzach i oceanach
Some aspects of ship safely
PublicationDokładne przewidywanie parametrów statecznościowych na wstępnym etapie projektowania jest b. ważne z punktu widzenia bezpieczeństwa statku. Parametry te w znaczącym stopniu związane są i zależą od maksymalnych amplitud kołysań bocznych statku - ich zadaniem jest ograniczanie tych amplitud. W pracy badany jest wpływ nieliniowych członów tłumienia i sztywności na amplitudy ruchu statku na bocznej fali regularnej. Wyniki tych badań...