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Search results for: MOUNTAIN PASS THEOREM
On the synthesis of coupled-lossy resonator filters with unloaded quality factor control
PublicationA technique for fast synthesis of coupling matrix low-pass prototypes of generalized Chebyshev bandpass filters with lossy resonators is presented in this paper. The coupling matrix is found by solving a nonlinear least squares problem based on zeros and poles of filter's transfer functions. Additional constraints are introduced that allow one to control the level of unloaded quality factor of resonators.
Problem of inconsistent and contradictory judgements in pairwise comparisonmethod in sense of AHP
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to show the relationship between inconsistent and contradictory matrices of data obtained as a result of the pairwise comparison of factors in the sense of the Analytic Hierarchy Process. The consistency check is performed to ensure that judgements are neither random nor illogical. This paper shows that even if a matrix will pass a consistency test successfully, it can be contradictory. Moreover an algorithm...
PublicationThe representation problem is to prove that a discretization in space of the Fourier transform of a diffusion equation with a constant diffusion coefficient can be realized explicitly by an infinite fractal R-L ladder networks. We prove a rigidity theorem: a solution to the representation problem exists if and only if the space discretization is a geometric space scale and the fractal ladder networks is a Oustaloup one. In this...
Positive solutions for second order impulsive differential equations involving Stieltjes integral conditions
PublicationIn this paper we investigate integral boundary value problems for fourth order differentialequations with deviating arguments.Wediscuss our problem both for advanced or delayedarguments. We establish sufficient conditions under which such problems have positivesolutions. To obtain the existence of multiple (at least three) positive solutions, we use afixed point theorem due to Avery and Peterson. An example is also included to...
An Analysis of Elliptical-Rectangular Patch Structure on Multilayer Elliptic Cylinders
PublicationThe resonance frequency problem of an ellipticalrectangular patch mounted on multilayered dielectric coated elliptic conducting cylinder, is investigated in this paper. A fullwave analysis and a moment-method calculation are employed. The analysis is carried out considering the expansion of the field as a series of Mathieu functions. An additional theorem for Mathieu functions is utilized to investigate the non-confocal ellipse...
The Palais–Smale condition for the Hamiltonian action on a mixed regularity space of loops in cotangent bundles and applications
PublicationWe show that the Hamiltonian action satisfies the Palais-Smale condition over a “mixed regular- ity” space of loops in cotangent bundles, namely the space of loops with regularity H^s, s ∈ (1/2, 1), in the baseand H^{1−s} in the fiber direction. As an application, we give a simplified proof of a theorem of Hofer-Viterbo on the existence of closed characteristic leaves for certain contact type hypersufaces in cotangent bundles.
On solvability of initial boundary-value problems of micropolar elastic shells with rigid inclusions
PublicationThe problem of dynamics of a linear micropolar shell with a finite set of rigid inclusions is considered. The equations of motion consist of the system of partial differential equations (PDEs) describing small deformations of an elastic shell and ordinary differential equations (ODEs) describing the motions of inclusions. Few types of the contact of the shell with inclusions are considered. The weak setup of the problem is formulated...
Fractional Problems with Right-Handed Riemann-Liouville Fractional Derivatives
PublicationIn this paper, we investigate the existence of solutions for advanced fractional differential equations containing the right-handed Riemann-Liouville fractional derivative both with nonlinear boundary conditions and also with initial conditions given at the end point T of interval [0,T ]. We use both the method of successive approximations, the Banach fixed point theorem and the monotone iterative technique, as well. Linear problems...
Subadditivity of the minimum output entropy and superactivation of the classical capacity of quantum multiple access channels
PublicationWe study subadditivity of the minimum output entropy (Hmin) of quantum multiple access channels (MACs). We provide an example of violation of the additivity theorem for Hmin known in classical information theory. Our result is based on a fundamental property of MACs, i.e., independence of each sender. The channels used in the example can be constructed explicitly. On the basis of subadditivity of Hmin we also provide an example...
PublicationAn experimental high-level synthesis (HLS) of the residue number system (RNS) to two’s-complement system (TCS) converter in the Vivado Xilinx FPGA environment is shown. The assumed approach makes use of the Chinese Remainder Theorem I (CRT I). The HLS simplifies and accelerates the design and implementation process, moreover the HLS synthesized architecture requires less hardware by about 20% but the operational frequency is smaller...
Integrable zero-range potentials in a plane
PublicationWe examine general statements in the Wronskian representation of Darboux transformations for plane zero-range potentials. Such expressions naturally contain scattering problem solution. We also apply Abel theorem to Wronskians for differential equations and link it to chain equations for Darboux transforms to fix conditions for further development of the underlying distribution concept. Moutard transformations give a convenient...
A Loophole of All ‘Loophole-Free’ Bell-Type Theorems
PublicationBell’s theorem cannot be proved if complementary measurements have to be represented by random variables which cannot be added or multiplied. One such case occurs if their domains are not identical. The case more directly related to the Einstein–Rosen–Podolsky argument occurs if there exists an ‘element of reality’ but nevertheless addition of complementary results is impossible because they are represented by elements from different...
The equivariant spectral flow and bifurcation of periodic solutions of Hamiltonian systems
PublicationWe define a spectral flow for paths of selfadjoint Fredholm operators that are equivariant under the orthogonal action of a compact Lie group as an element of the representation ring of the latter. This G-equivariant spectral flow shares all common properties of the integer valued classical spectral flow, and it can be non-trivial even if the classical spectral flow vanishes. Our main theorem uses the G-equivariant spectral flow...
Discrete and continuous fractional persistence problems – the positivity property and applications
PublicationIn this article, we study the continuous and discrete fractional persistence problem which looks for the persistence of properties of a given classical (α=1) differential equation in the fractional case (here using fractional Caputo’s derivatives) and the numerical scheme which are associated (here with discrete Grünwald–Letnikov derivatives). Our main concerns are positivity, order preserving ,equilibrium points and stability...
Low-Voltage LDO Regulator Based on Native MOS Transistor with Improved PSR and Fast Response
PublicationIn this paper, a low-voltage low-dropout analog regulator (ALDO) based on a native n-channel MOS transistor is proposed. Application of the native transistor with the threshold voltage close to zero allows elimination of the charge pump in low-voltage regulators using the pass element in a common drain configuration. Such a native pass transistor configuration allows simplification of regulator design and improved performance,...
Sample Rate Conversion Based on Frequency Response Masking Filter
PublicationThe sample rate conversion with high resampling ratios requires low-pass digital filters with very narrow transition band which results in high computational complexity and makes filter design problematic. Therefore in this work we propose to use the FRM method, which breaks the filter with a narrow transition band into a group of filters with reduced design requirements. These decreases the number of non-zero coefficients and...
Asymptotic behaviour in the set of nonhomogeneous chains of stochastic operators
PublicationWe study different types of asymptotic behaviour in the set of (infinite dimensional) nonhomogeneous chains of stochastic operators acting on L1(μ) spaces. In order to examine its structure we consider different norm and strong operator topologies. To describe the nature of the set of nonhomogeneous chains of Markov operators with a particular limit behaviour we use the category theorem of Baire. We show that the geometric structure...
Critical Remarks on Landauer’s principle of erasure– dissipation: Including notes on Maxwell demons and Szilard engines
PublicationWe briefly address Landauer’s Principle and some related issues in thermal demons. We show that an error-free Turing computer works in the zero-entropy limit, which proves Landauer’s derivation incorrect. To have a physical logic gate, memory or information-engine, a few essential components necessary for the operation of these devices are often neglected, such as various aspects of control, damping and the fluctuation–dissipation...
PublicationCorrosion of water distribution system is a significant issue causing problems with quality, safety and continuity of distribution. The changes of corrosion rates of the water distribution systems in Cracow made of carbon steel were investigated by analysis of online corrosion monitoring system results. Corrosion rates were determined using the linear polarization method. The impact of rain, temperatures, conductivity, dissolved...
Vision-based motion analysis of kitesurfer
PublicationKitesurfing is a relatively recent phenomenon with raising popularity worldwide – a recently developed extreme water sport considered a high-risk injury sport. It combines elements of several other sports, in particular sailing, surfing, windsurfing, wakeboarding, and snowboarding. The main purpose of authors’ research in the present paper is to use a vision system technique for measuring a kitesurfer’s body movements in order...
The cohomological span of LS-Conley index
PublicationIn this paper we introduce a new homotopy invariant – the cohomological span of LS-Conley index. We prove the theorems on the existence of critical points for a class of strongly indefinite functionals with the gradient of the form Lx+K(x), where L is bounded linear and K is completely continuous. We give examples of Hamiltonian systems for which our methods give better results than the Morse inequalities. We also give a formula...
Subharmonic solutions for a class of Lagrangian systems
PublicationWe prove that second order Hamiltonian systems with a potential of class C1, periodic in time and superquadratic at infinity with respect to the space variable have subharmonic solutions. Our intention is to generalise a result on subharmonics for Hamiltonian systems with a potential satisfying the global Ambrosetti-Rabinowitz condition from [P. H. Rabinowitz, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A, 114 (1990), 33-38]. Indeed, we weaken...
The Specific Nature of Chemical Composition of Water from Volcanic Lakes Based on Bali Case Study
PublicationThe research area was localized in the Indonesian Archipelago, at the latitude of eight and nine degrees S on the one of the Lesser Sunda group island provinces, Bali (563,3 km2). Two massive calderas (Mount Batur 1717 m above sea level.; Mount Sangiyang 2093 m above sea level) are one of the most prominent landforms in the chain of volcanic mountain ranges of the Bali Island. Lake Batur (17,18 km2) and Batur Spring (which are...
Modeling of a Quasi-Resonant DC Link Inverter Dedicated to Common-Mode Voltage and Ground Current Reduction
PublicationIn this paper, the modeling methodology of the AC drive system with a Parallel Quasi-Resonant DC Link Inverter (PQRDCLI) is described. A presented modeling approach is an attractive tool used for the effective evaluation of a common-mode (CM) voltage and grounds current reduction methods. Designed models of inverter, induction machine (IM), and cable are simple, thus the methods for parameter extraction are not complicated. Verification...
Topological Behaviour of Solutions of Vibro-Impact Systems in the Neighborhood of Grazing
PublicationThe grazing bifurcation is considered for the Newtonian model of vibro-impact systems. A brief review on the conditions, sufficient for the existence of a grazing family of periodic solutions, is given. The properties of these periodic solutions are discussed. A plenty of results on the topological structure of attractors of vibro-impact systems is known. However, since the considered system is strongly nonlinear, these attractors...
Positive solutions to fractional differential equations involving Stieltjes integral conditions
PublicationIn this paper, we investigate nonlocal boundary value problems for fractional differential equations with dependence on the first-order derivatives and deviating arguments. Sufficient conditions which guarantee the existence of at least three positive solutions are new and obtained by using the Avery–Peterson theorem. We discuss problems (1) and (2) when argument b can change the character on [0, 1], so in some subinterval I of...
Limiting distribution of Lempel Ziv'78 redundancy
PublicationWe show that the Lempel Ziv'78 redundancy rate tends to a Gaussian distribution for memoryless sources. We accomplish it by extending findings from our 1995 paper [3]. We present a new simplified proof of the Central Limit Theorem for the number of phrases in the LZ'78 algorithm. As in our 1995 paper, here we first analyze the asymptotic behavior of the total path length in a digital search tree (a DST) built from independent sequences....
On the Limiting distribution of Lempel Ziv'78 Redundancy for Memoryles Sources
PublicationWe show that the Lempel Ziv'78 redundancy rate tends to a Gaussian distribution for memoryless sources. We accomplish it by extending findings from our 1995 paper [3]. We present a new simplified proof of the Central Limit Theorem for the number of phrases in the LZ'78 algorithm. As in our 1995 paper, here we first analyze the asymptotic behavior of the total path length in a digital search tree (a DST) built from independent sequences....
Electromagnetic-based derivation of fractional-order circuit theory
PublicationIn this paper, foundations of the fractional-order circuit theory are revisited. Although many papers have been devoted to fractional-order modelling of electrical circuits, there are relatively few foundations for such an approach. Therefore, we derive fractional-order lumped-element equations for capacitors, inductors and resistors, as well as Kirchhoff’s voltage and current laws using quasi-static approximations of fractional-order...
Using Alpha-beta filtration for robustness improvement of a quadrocopter positioning system
PublicationQuadrocopter is an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) platform. The position of the robot is determined based on readings from an accelerometer and a gyroscope, but the measurement signals contain broadband noise. This article describes a solution for filtering out the noise based on an Alpha – beta filter. It also presents the methodology of designing and implementing such a filter for noise cancellation in measurement signals from...
Support Vector Machine Applied to Road Traffic Event Classification
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to present results of road traffic event signal recognition. First, several types of systems for road traffic monitoring, including Intelligent Transport System (ITS) are shortly described. Then, assumptions of creating a database of vehicle signals recorded in different weather and road conditions are outlined. Registered signals were edited as single vehicle pass by. Using the Matlab-based application...
Recycling of Industrial Waste as Soil Binding Additives—Effects on Soil Mechanical and Hydraulic Properties during Its Stabilisation before Road Construction
PublicationTo improve the in situ soil stabilization, different chemical additives are used (ion exchange compounds, additives based on H2SO4 or vinyl polymers, and organic additives using lignosul- fonates). One interesting alternative is the production of additives from various waste materials. The extensive testing of waste-based blends with soil was performed; the mechanical (unconfined compressive strength (UCS)) and hydraulic (capillary...
Positive solutions to second-order differential equations with dependence on the first-order derivative and nonlocal boundary conditions
PublicationIn this paper, we consider the existence of positive solutions for second-order differential equations with deviating arguments and nonlocal boundary conditions. By the fixed point theorem due to Avery and Peterson, we provide sufficient conditions under which such boundary value problems have at least three positive solutions. We discuss our problem both for delayed and advanced arguments α and also in the case when α(t)=t, t∈[0,1]....
Torsion of restrained thin-walled bars of open constant bisymmetric cross-section
PublicationElastic and geometric stiffness matrices were derived using Castigliano's first theorem, for the case of torsion of restrained thin-walled bars of open constant bisymmetric cross-section. Functions which describe the angles of torsion were adopted from the solutions of thedifferential equation for restrained torsion. The exact solutions were simplified by expanding them in a power series. Numerical examples were taken from Kujawa...
Speed Observer Structure of Induction Machine Based on Sliding Super-Twisting and Backstepping Techniques
PublicationThis paper presents an analysis of the two speed observer structures which are based on the backstepping and sliding super twisting approach. The observer stabilizing functions result from the Lyapunov theorem. To obtain the observer tuning gains the observer structure is linearized near the equilibrium point. The rotor angular speed is obtained from non-adaptive dependence. In the sensorless control system structure the classical...
Simulation of Signal Propagation Along Fractional-Order Transmission Lines
PublicationIn this paper, the simulation method of signal propagation along fractional-order (FO) transmission lines is presented. Initially, fractional calculus and the model of FO transmission line are introduced. Then, the algorithm allowing for simulation of the nonmonochromatic wave propagation along FO transmission lines is presented. It employs computations in the frequency domain, i.e., an analytical excitation is transformed to the...
Equivalent Single Layer Models in Free Vibration Analysis of Laminated Multi-Layered Plates
PublicationThe performance of selected equivalent single-layer (ESL) models is evaluated within several classical benchmark tests for small amplitude free vibration analysis of multi-layered plates. The authors elaborated their own Finite Element software based on the first-order shear deformation (FOSD) theory with some modifications incorporated including a correction of the transverse shear stiffness and an application of zigzag type functions....
Asymmetric Renyi Problem and > PATRICIA Tries
PublicationIn 1960 R´enyi asked for the number of random queries necessary to recover a hidden bijective labeling of n distinct objects. In each query one selects a random subset of labels and asks, what is the set of objects that have theselabels? Weconsider here anasymmetric version of the problem in which in every query an object is chosenwith probability p > 1/2 and we ignore “inconclusive” queries. We study the number of queries needed...
Stability by linear approximation for time scale dynamical systems
PublicationWe study systems on time scales that are generalizations of classical differential or difference equations and appear in numerical methods. In this paper we consider linear systems and their small nonlinear perturbations. In terms of time scales and of eigenvalues of matrices we formulate conditions, sufficient for stability by linear approximation. For non-periodic time scales we use techniques of central upper Lyapunov exponents...
Symmetry-Breaking Bifurcation for Free Elastic Shell of Biological Cluster, Part 2
PublicationWe will be concerned with a two-dimensional mathematical model for a free elastic shell of biological cluster. The cluster boundary is connected with its kernel by elastic links. The inside part is filled with compressed gas or fluid. Equilibrium forms of the shell of biological cluster may be found as solutions of a certain nonlinear functional-differential equation with several physical parameters. For each multiparameter this...
Estimation of blood pressure parameters using ex-Gaussian model
PublicationThe paper presents an example of model-based estimation of blood pressure parameters (onset, systolic and diastolic pressure) from continuous measurements. First, the signal was low pass filtered and its quality was estimated. Good quality periods were divided into beats using an electrocardiogram. Next, the beginning of each beat of the blood pressure signal was approximated basing on the function created from the sum of two independent...
Ultrasound-assisted solvent extraction of porous membrane packed solid samples: A new approach for extraction of target analytes from solid samples
PublicationFor the first time, a porous membrane-based method is proposed for the extraction of target analytes directly from the solid samples. This method involves the packing of solid sample inside a porous polypropylene membrane sheet whose edges are heat-sealed to fabricate a bag. This bag is immersed in a suitable solvent and the analytes are extracted by the application of ultrasound energy. The various factors that affect the extraction...
Symulacje numeryczne jako wsparcie badania właściwości barier ochronnych
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia możliwości wykorzystania symulacji numerycznych do badań efektywności urządzeń bezpieczeństwa ruchu drogowego w aspekcie sposobów ich konfgurowania. Obecnie w celu dopuszczenia do stosowania bariery ochronne muszą przejść specjalistyczne testy zderzeniowe. Ze względu na wysoki koszt tych badań coraz częściej producenci barier oraz inne podmioty odpowiadające za urządzenia bezpieczeństwa ruchu drogowego (brd)...
Interpolator wykorzystujący filtr z maskowaniem charakterystyki częstotliwościowej
PublicationInterpolator o dużej krotności wymaga stosowania dolnoprzepustowych filtrów cyfrowych o bardzo wąskim paśmie przejściowym. Przekłada się to na dużą złożoność obliczeniową i problemy z projektowaniem filtrów interpolacyjnych. W pracy zaproponowano użycie metody FRM rozbijającej filtr o wąskim paśmie przejściowym na grupę filtrów o obniżonych wymaganiach, co zmniejsza liczbę niezerowych współczynników. W rezultacie użycie tego rozwiązania...
Computational issues of solving the 1D steady gradually varied flow equation
PublicationIn this paper a problem of multiple solutions of steady gradually varied flow equation in the form of the ordinary differential energy equation is discussed from the viewpoint of its numerical solution. Using the Lipschitz theorem dealing with the uniqueness of solution of an initial value problem for the ordinary differential equation it was shown that the steady gradually varied flow equation can have more than one solution....
Quantum-correlation breaking channels, broadcasting scenarios, and finite Markov chains
PublicationOne of the classical results concerning quantum channels is the characterization of entanglementbreakingchannels [M. Horodecki et al., Rev. Math. Phys 15, 629 (2003)]. We address the questionwhether there exists a similar characterization on the level of quantum correlations which may gobeyond entanglement. The answer is fully affirmative in the case of breaking quantum correlationsdown to the, so called, QC (Quantum-Classical)...
Non-Adaptive Speed and Position Estimation of Doubly-Fed Induction Generator in Grid-Connected Operations
PublicationThe nonadaptive speed and position estimation scheme for a doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) is presented in this article. The observer structure is based on the extension of the mathematical model of DFIG to the introduced H vector. Based on the defined H vector, the nonadaptive position and speed estimation is proposed. The Lyapunov method is extended to the practical stability theorem to stabilize the structure. The classic...
Constructive Controllability for Incompressible Vector Fields
PublicationWe give a constructive proof of a global controllability result for an autonomous system of ODEs guided by bounded locally Lipschitz and divergence free (i.e. incompressible) vector field, when the phase space is the whole Euclidean space and the vector field satisfies so-called vanishing mean drift condition. For the case when the ODE is defined over some smooth compact connected Riemannian manifold, we significantly strengthen...
Hybridization of the FDTD method with use of the discrete Green's function
PublicationIn this contribution, a hybrid technique is presented which combines the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method and the discrete Green's function (DGF) formulation of this method. FDTD is a powerful technique for the analysis of complex penetrable objects but its application is not efficient when the computational domain includes many free-space cells. Therefore, the hybrid method was developed which is applicable to complex...
2015. Motion analysis of a kitesurfer employing a vision-based measurement system
PublicationAbstract. Kitesurfing is a relatively new phenomenon with rising popularity worldwide – a recently developed extreme watersport considered a high-risk injury sport. It combines elements of several other sports, in particular, sailing, surfing, windsurfing, wakeboarding, and snowboarding. The main purpose of authors’ research in the present paper is to use a vision-based system for measuring a kitesurfer’s body movements in order...