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Search results for: BEST AGERS LIGHTHOUSES
Best Agers Lighthouses - strategie zarządzania wiekiem w MSP w Regionie Morza Bałtyckiego
PublicationW artykule podjęto problematykę zarządzania wiekiem w przedsiębiorstwach sektora MSP. Zaprezentowano założenia międzynarodowego projektu Best Agers Lighthouses - strategic age management for SME in the Baltic Sea Region realizowanego w ramach Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013, współfinansowanego z Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego.
Work and formal retirement age - opinions of SWE employees participating in the Best Agers Lighthouses International Project
PublicationThe paper presents selected results of studies carried out within the framework of the international project Best Agers Lighthouses – Strategic Age Management for SME in the Baltic Sea Region, related to the assessment of the opportunities to continue working beyond the retirement age in the opinion of workers.
Metodyka wdrażania Zarządzania Wiekiem w Przedsiebiorstwach i Organizacjach Publicznych uczestniczących w projekcie Best Agers Lighthouses
PublicationCelem artykułu jest przedstawienie metodyki wdrażania zarządzania wiekiem w małych i średnich przedsiębiorstwach i organizacjach publicznych Regionu Morza Bałtyckiego, opracowanej w ramach projektu Best Agers Lighthouses –Strategic Age Management for SME in the Baltic Sea Region. W artykule opisano sekwencję kluczowych działań podjętych podczas procesu wdrażania oraz strukturę podmiotową wspierającą współpracę uczestników...
Fianl report on carrying out tasks within the project Best Agers Lighthouses - strategic age management for SME in the Baltic Sea Region.
PublicationThe report presents the origin of the project, as well as its characteristics and aims. Project partners are workpackages are described and main project results are listed. the report is concluded with the part dedicated to dissemination measures carried out within the project
A Survey of Ongoing Activities of Best Agers in latvia, Lithuania and Poland: The main Results and lessons from Germany
Zróżnicowanie działań w zakresie zarządzania wiekiem
PublicationArtykuł dotyczy problematyki zarządzania wiekiem (ZW), a w szczególności zróżnicowania jego wdrażania w krajach o odmiennych uwarunkowaniach związanych z sytuacją osób starszych na rynku pracy to jest w Szwecji, Niemczech i Polsce. W części empirycznej przedstawiono wyniki badań własnych porównując je z wynikami badań przeprowadzonych w ramach Best Agers Lighthouses – Strategic Age Management for SME in The Baltic Sea Region. Pozwoliło...
Postawy pracowników wobec zróżnicowania wiekowego w zespołach i organizacjach
PublicationArtykuł dotyczy postaw pracowników wobec zróżnicowania wiekowego w zespołach i organizacjach. W literaturze podkreśla się, że czynnikiem warunkującym efektywność takich zespołów są postawy pracowników wobec osób z innych grup wiekowych oraz wobec pracy z nimi, a ocena postaw pracowników jest niezbędna do wykorzystania właściwych metod zarządzania takim zespołem. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie wyników badań dotyczących...
Employees 55+ - valuable resource in SMEs
PublicationThe article relates to the problem of exploiting the potential of workers aged 55 years or more to build the competitiveness of the SME sector. The aim of the study was an attempt to formulate an answer to the question whether entrepreneurs and managers are able to identify the potential of older workers and whether they use this potential to build the competitiveness of their enterprises. The article is based on the results of...
Niezgodność przekonań i działań menedżerów wobec pracowników w wieku 55+
PublicationArtykuł dotyczy problematyki postaw i działań menadżerów wobec pracowników w wieku 55+. W literaturze dotyczącej zarządzania wiekiem przytaczane są wyniki badań na temat cech charakteryzujących starszych pracowników. Porównuje się je czasami z cechami przypisywanymi pracownikom młodym. Cel prezentowanych w artykule badań sformułowany został nieco inaczej i dotyczył zweryfikowania zbieżności zalet przypisywanych starszym pracownikom...
Poczucie zadowolenia z pracy - czy wiek ma znaczenie?
PublicationW artykule podjęto tematykę satysfakcji z pracy. Dokonano przeglądu podstawowych aspektów tego zjawiska: sposobów definiowania, znaczenia z punktu widzenia przedsiębiorstwa oraz czynników wpływających na występowanie lub niewystępowanie zadowolenia z pracy. Celem głównym była próba odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy charakterystyki demograficzne pracownika – a konkretnie jego wiek – mają znaczenie dla odczuwania zadowolenia z pracy. Dla...
Ageing Workforce – a Challenge for Organizations
PublicationAgeing and its consequences are most frequently analysed in macroscale. If the analyses apply to enterprises, they usually cover working conditions or motivations of the seniors’ choice between continuing employment and retirement. The article discusses slightly different themes, namely the awareness of demographic changes, their consequences for the organization and the new professional role of older people in the new demographic...
Chęć kontynuowania pracy po osiągnięciu wieku emerytalnego w wybranych państwach Regionu Morza Bałtyckiego
PublicationArtykuł odnosi się do problematyki starzenia się społeczeństwa europejskiego i, jako konsekwencji tego, pogłębiania się deficytu zasobów ludzkich na ryku pracy. Najczęściej proponowane działania, które mogłoby przeciwdziałać temu zjawisku to zarządzanie wiekiem w przedsiębiorstwach, promowanie kontynuowania pracy po osiągnięciu wieku emerytalnego czy legislacyjne zmiany w zakresie podwyższenia wieku emerytalnego. W artykule przedstawiono...
The best practices transfer part I
PublicationThis expertise describes the possibilities of best practices implementation. These examples of best practices concern to improve the women’ entrepreneurship and were identified at the earlier stage of the project. One of the areas of activity within the QUICK IGA project was the selection of best practices related to strengthening the economic activity of women in the context of developing the competitiveness and innovation of...
Mobile Security: Threats and Best Practices
PublicationCommunicating mobile security threats and best practices has become a central objective due to the ongoing discovery of new vulnerabilities of mobile devices. To cope with this overarching issue, the goal of this paper is to identify and analyze existing threats and best practices in the domain of mobile security. To this extent, we conducted a literature review based on a set of keywords. The obtained results concern recognizable...
The analysis of the conditions for best practices’ transfer
PublicationOne of the tasks of the Project Partners was identifying best practices in strengthening the economic activity of women and older people in the context of developing the competitiveness and innovation of SMEs, as well as determining the possibilities and conditions of their transfer. Transfer in this case is understood as the implementation of selected and described solutions in enterprises and public organizations from all the...
Best Practices in Monitoring
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Proximal primal–dual best approximation algorithm with memory
PublicationWe propose a new modified primal–dual proximal best approximation method for solving convex not necessarily differentiable optimization problems. The novelty of the method relies on introducing memory by taking into account iterates computed in previous steps in the formulas defining current iterate. To this end we consider projections onto intersections of halfspaces generated on the basis of the current as well as the previous...
The IPV6 Deployment - Best practices
PublicationThe new Internet Protocol IPv6 has been regarded for quite a long time as the only option to ensure uninterrupted operation for the Internet service providers andend-users in the current Internet. The article presents important faets about the IPv6, including current statistics of the IPv4 usage, the IPv6 statistics for Poland comparing to the whole Internet. Moreover, this paper shows important aspeets of migration from IPv4 towards...
Disaster-resilient communication networks: Principles and best practices
PublicationCommunication network failures that are caused by disasters, such as hurricanes, arthquakes and cyber-attacks, can have significant economic and societal impact. To address this problem, the research community has been investigating approaches to network resilience for several years. However, aside from well-established techniques, many of these solutions have not found their way into operational...
Conditions of Best Practice Transfer - Results of the Quick IGA Project
PublicationThe Quick IGA project supports the development of working and organizational structures in SMEs in order to increase the employment rate of women and elderly and concurrently increases innovation capacities. One of the main project’s tasks was to find best practices from SMEs in Nordic countries in that field (in the first step) and identify (in second step) possibilities and conditions of their implementation in SMEs in other...
Criteria for evaluation and selection of the best offer for the Contract Engineer service
PublicationThe purpose of the legal regulations regarding public procurement in EU countries is to ensure effective funds' spending. When assessing and selecting the best offer, the contracting entities have at their disposal many different criteria, including non-price criteria. Their proper selection and application is necessary to ensure the high quality of the ordered product, delivery or service. Making an order for intellectual services,...
The best practices transfer part II
PublicationThis report has been produced within Work Package 4 of the EU-funded project QUICK IGA The project is part-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013
A method of predicting the best conditions for large-size workpiece clamping to reduce vibration in the face milling process
PublicationThe paper presents an innovative method of solving the problem of vibration suppression during milling of large-size details. It consists in searching for the best conditions for clamping the workpiece based on a rapid modal identification of the dominant natural frequencies only and requires repetitive changes in the tightening torque of the clamping screws. Then, by estimating the minimum work of the cutting forces acting in...
The criteria for evaluation and selection the best tender applied by the authorities in Poland and selected EU countries
PublicationThe aim of the regulation in EU countries concerning public procurement is to ensure efficient spending of funds by evaluating and choosing the most advantageous offer. The aim of the conducted research is to determine the extent the Polish contracting entities benefit from the possibility of broad selection of various criteria for tender evaluation. On the basis of the analysis of 500 notices on work procedures conducted in the...
Can high hydrostatic pressure processing be the best way to preserve human milk?
PublicationBreastfeeding is one of the most important factors influencing proper child development. When a mother cannot breastfeed, the best alternative, especially for feeding premature infants, is to then use of human milk (HM) which has been collected, preserved and stored in Human Milk Banks (HMB). Scope and approach: In this review, the impact of some stages of the management of HM in HMB on its final biological value and microbiological...
The best porous asphalt pavement in Sweden so far
PublicationIn 2010 a double-layer porous asphalt concrete (DPAC) pavement was constructed in various versions on the E4 motorway through the Swedish city Huskvarna. As a result of a court decision the Swedish Transport Administration had to reduce noise emission by applying a low noise road surface that would reduce A-weighted noise levels by 5 dB, as an average. Earlier experience in Sweden indicated that it was possible to obtain a high...
Modeling of pharmaceuticals mixtures toxicity with deviation ratio and best-fit functions models
PublicationThe present study deals with assessment of ecotoxicological parameters of 9 drugs (diclofenac (sodium salt), oxytetracycline hydrochloride, fluoxetine hydrochloride, chloramphenicol, ketoprofen, progesterone, estrone, androstenedione and gemfibrozil), present in the environmental compartments at specific concentration levels, and theirmutual combinations by couples against Microtox® and XenoScreen YES/YAS® bioassays. As the quantitative...
Assessment Of the Relevance of Best Practices in The Development of Medical R&D Projects Based on Machine Learning
PublicationMachine learning has emerged as a fundamental tool for numerous endeavors within health informatics, bioinformatics, and medicine. However, novices among biomedical researchers and IT developers frequently lack the requisite experience to effectively execute a machine learning project, thereby increasing the likelihood of adopting erroneous practices that may result in common pitfalls or overly optimistic predictions. The paper...
Property sustainable value versus highest and best use analyzes
PublicationThis article proposes the possibility of applying fuzzy logic theory to perform the tasks of determining the market value of agricultural lands. These tasks are of a multi‐criteria character, as multiple factors are taken into consideration during the land value valuation process. The market value of agricultural land plots, calculated using fuzzy logic methods, can provide a basis for further use in the processes that are directly...
Wdrażanie metod zarządzania wiekiem w organizacjach publicznych na przykładzie Urzędu Miejskiego w Kilonii
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia działania podjęte w ramach projektu „Best Agers Lighthouses – Strategic Age Management For SME in The Baltic Sea Region” w celu wypracowania i wdrożenia metod zarządzania wiekiem w Urzędzie Miejskim w Kilonii (Rathaus Kiel). Opisano sekwencję działań podejmowanych w ramach procesu wdrażania interwencji. Przeanalizowano wyniki wywiadu pogłębionego przeprowadzonego wśród kierowników w...
Chemometric Assessment and Best-Fit Function Modelling of the Toxic Potential of Selected Food Packaging Extracts
PublicationFood packaging materials constitute an ever more threatening environmental pollutant. This study examined options to specifically assess the ecotoxicity of packaged wastes, such as cans, subjected to various experimental treatments (in terms of extraction media, time of exposure, and temperature) that imitate several basic conditions of the process of food production. The extracts were studied for their ecotoxicity with bioluminescent...
Experimentally Aided Operational Virtual Prototyping to Predict Best Clamping Conditions for Face Milling of Large-Size Structures
PublicationVibrations occurring during milling operations are one of the main issues disturbing the pursuit of better efficiency of milling operations and product quality. Even in the case of a stable cutting process, vibration reduction is still an important goal. One of the possible solutions to obtain it is selection of the favorable conditions for clamping the workpiece to the machine table. In this paper, a method for predicting and...
Smart growth - is it a fairytale or the best initiative for polish cities and their functional regions?
PublicationThe paper presents smart growth perceived as natural step in sustainable development understanding.
Multi-Decision Analysis for selection of the best procedure for PAHs determination in smoked food.
PublicationMaking a proper decision in multifacitated situation is very challenging task. Especially, if there are many alternatives and criteria, even contradictory ones. The support tools may be application of MultiCriteria Decision Analysis methods. In this study the application of PROMETHEE...
An introduction to lessons learned and best practices sharing as a chance for improvement in automative corporation
PublicationOmówiono szereg metodologii związanych z poprawą jakości funckjonowania organizacji i zarządzania w przemyśle samochodowym
Smart Growth – Is It a Fairy Tale or the Best Initiative for Polish Cities and Their Functional Regions?
An Experimentally Aided Operational Virtual Prototyping to Obtain the Best Spindle Speed during Face Milling of Large-Size Structures
PublicationAbstract: The paper presents an original method concerning the problem of vibration reduction in the general case while milling large-size and geometrically complex details with the use of an innovative approach to the selection of spindle speed. A computational model is obtained by applying the so-called operational approach to identify the parameters of the workpiece modal model. Thanks to the experimental modal analysis results,...
A technique of experiment aided virtual prototyping to obtain the best spindle speed during face milling of large-size structures
PublicationThe paper presents an original method concerning vibration suppression problem during milling of large-size and geometrically complicated workpieces with the use of novel way of selecting the spindle speed. This consists in repetitive simulations of the cutting process for subsequent values of the spindle speed, until the best vibration state of the workpiece is reached. An appropriate method of obtaining a computational model,...
Artificial intelligence and health-related data: The patient’s best interest and data ownership dilemma
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Deep Learning-Based, Multiclass Approach to Cancer Classification on Liquid Biopsy Data
PublicationThe field of cancer diagnostics has been revolutionized by liquid biopsies, which offer a bridge between laboratory research and clinical settings. These tests are less invasive than traditional biopsies and more convenient than routine imaging methods. Liquid biopsies allow studying of tumor-derived markers in bodily fluids, enabling the development of more precise cancer diagnostic tests for screening, disease monitoring, and...
Which Curve Fits Best: Fitting ROC Curve Models to Empirical Credit-Scoring Data
PublicationIn the practice of credit-risk management, the models for receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves are helpful in describing the shape of an ROC curve, estimating the discriminatory power of a scorecard, and generating ROC curves without underlying data. The primary purpose of this study is to review the ROC curve models proposed in the literature, primarily in biostatistics, and to fit them to actual credit-scoring ROC data...
Comparison of single best artificial neural network and neural network ensemble in modeling of palladium microextraction
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Influence of Montmorillonite on the Properties of Silicone Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives: Preparation of a Double-Sided Tape Based on the Best Composition
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Best State Estimate for the Phase Angles of Busbars in Power Systems via Circuit Modeled with DC Load Flow
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Membrane-SPME the best 'green' sample preparation technique for the gas chromatographic determination polar organic pollutants in polar media
PublicationOne of the most popular technique for sample preparation, which fulfill requirements of green analytical chemistry, is solid phase microextraction (SPME). Because of the undoubted advantages of SPME technique, solvent-free character of the extraction process and the enormous potential in analytical practice, a series of studies has been undertaken to develop new technical solutions, where improving the sensitivity and the extraction...
Influenza vaccination: key facts for general practitioners in Europe—a synthesis by European experts based on national guidelines and best practices in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands
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Research-by-design Best Practices in Architectural Lighting Design: Defragmenting Research Theories for their Effective Use in the Practice of Architectural and Spatial Design After Dark
Publication"This paper aims to combine theory and applied science; academia and practice for the creative transformation of spaces after dark taking into account a consistent environmental awareness. It is based on the premise that design research in the realm of architectural lighting design should function as a development of practice, instead of being a distraction to it. Architectural lighting design is a field within architecture and...
imPlatelet classifier: image‐converted RNA biomarker profiles enable blood‐based cancer diagnostics
PublicationLiquid biopsies offer a minimally invasive sample collection, outperforming traditional biopsies employed for cancer evaluation. The widely used material is blood, which is the source of tumor-educated platelets. Here, we developed the imPlatelet classifier, which converts RNA-sequenced platelet data into images in which each pixel corresponds to the expression level of a certain gene. Biological knowledge from the Kyoto Encyclopedia...
A Hierarchical Multiscale Approach to Protein Structure Prediction: Production of Low‐Resolution Packing Arrangements of Helices and Refinement of the Best Models with a United‐Residue Force Field
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Generowanie idei biznesowych z wykorzystaniem webinariów
PublicationWraz z rozwojem Internetu poszukiwane są rozwiązania które pozwalają zwiększyć szybkość oraz efektywność wymiany wiedzy.W artykule podjęto próbę zaprezentowania wykorzystania technologii internetowych i nowych rozwiązań w zakresie transferu wiedzy na podstawie zorganizowanego w ramach projektu Best Agers webinarium pt. ''Biznes plan''