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Search results for: optical and electrochemical sensors
Hardware implementation of digital image stabilization using optical flow algorithm and FPGA technology
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono efektywną procedurę uproszczenia algorytmu przepływu optycznego oraz jego realizację w układzie programowalnym FPGA. Zmodyfikowany algorytm wykorzystuję metodę blokowego dopasowania podobszarów oraz jednowymiarową reprezentację podobszarów. Dodatkowo, funkcja korelacji oparta jest o normę L1. W rezultacie uzyskano zmniejszenie zużytych zasobów kosztem nieznacznej utraty dokładności. Zarówno dokładność,...
Jan Biernat prof. dr hab. inż.
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Burst loss probability for the combination of extended offset time based service differentiation scheme and PPS in optical burst switching network
PublicationIn the paper analytical model for calculating burst loss probabilities for the combination of two service differentiation schemes for OBS network namely: extended offset time based scheme and PPS (Preemption Priority Schemes) is revised. Moreover authors introduce analytical model for calculating burst loss probabilities for an optical path when OBS network employs both service differentiation schemes and JET signaling. The comparison...
Cathodic Activation of Titania-Fly Ash Cenospheres for Efficient Electrochemical Hydrogen Production: A Proposed Solution to Treat Fly Ash Waste
PublicationFly ash (FA) is a waste product generated in huge amounts by coal-fired electric and steam-generating plants. As a result, the use of FA alone or in conjunction with other materials is an intriguing study topic worth exploring. Herein, we used FA waste in conjunction with titanium oxide (TiO2) to create (FA-TiO2) nanocomposites. For the first time, a cathodic polarization pre-treatment regime was applied to such nanocomposites...
Low-volume label-free SARS-CoV-2 detection with the microcavity-based optical fiber sensor
PublicationAccurate and fast detection of viruses is crucial for controlling outbreaks of many diseases; therefore, to date, numerous sensing systems for their detection have been studied. On top of the performance of these sensing systems, the availability of biorecognition elements specific to especially the new etiological agents is an additional fundamental challenge. Therefore, besides high sensitivity and selectivity, such advantages...
FPGA-Based Implementation of Real Time Optical Flow Algorithm and Its Applications for Digital Image Stabilization
PublicationAn efficient simplification procedure of the optical flow (OF) algorithm as well as its hardware implementation using the field programmable gate array (FPGA) technology is presented. The modified algorithm is based on block matching of subsets of successive frames, and exploits one-dimensional representation of subsets as well as the adaptive adjustments of their sizes. Also, an l1-norm-based correlation function requiring no...
Does the low optical band gap of yellow Bi3YO6 guarantee the photocatalytical activity under visible light illumination?
PublicationBi3YO6, which is known as an ionic conductor, was tested here as an electrode and photoanode in contact with aqueous electrolytes. Bi3YO6 was deposited onto the Pt substrate and the such prepared electrode was polarized in various aqueous electrolytes. The optical energy band gap of the material equal to 1.89 eV was determined using the Kubelka-Munk function resulting from the UV-Vis spectrum (allowed indirect transition) and also...
Influence of hydrochloric acid concentration and type of nitrogen source on the electrochemical performance of TiO2/N-MoS2 for energy storage applications
PublicationIn this work, nitrogen-doped molybdenum sulfide was directly deposited on titanium dioxide nanotubes substrate (TiO2/N-MoS2) during hydrothermal synthesis. The study focuses on the influence of hydrochloric acid concentration used for the synthesis, with the results indicating its essential role in thioacetamide hydrolysis and thus in the effectiveness of the N-MoS2 deposition. The electrode material itself is characterized by...
Electrochemical studies of poly(lactic acid)-carbon black-nanodiamond composites
Open Research DataThis dataset contains electrochemical investigation on electrodes 3D printed using a new composite composed of poly-lactic acid (PLA), carbon black (CB) and nanodiamond fillers. Two types of nanodiamonds were studied: detonation nanodiamonds (DND) and boron-doped carbon nanowalls (BCNW). The presented results contain:1. electrochemical characterisation...
PublicationThe purpose of this study is to compare the strain measurement techniques of concrete in R-C element subjected to the monotonic load up to the failure. In the analysis manual extensometer methods of measurements and the optical system ARAMIS for non-contact three-dimensional measurements of deformation was used. The test sample was a cantilever deep beam loaded throughout the depth which was a part of the reinforced concrete deep...
The electrochemical impedance spectroscopy studies of the anode material based on polymer and starch derived ceramic for lithium ion batteries
PublicationThe anode materials derived of preceramic polymer poly(1,2-dimethylsilazane) (PSN) and starch was study. Commercially available polysilazane (poly(1,2-dimethylsilazane (PSN 2M01 Gelest) was mixed with commercially available starch (POCH Gliwice). The ratio polymer/starch (PSN/starch) was 1/1 or 3/7. The polysialazane/starch blend was cross-linked at 230 ºC for 2 h followed by heating to the final temperature (500 ºC, 700 ºC and...
C-reactive protein (CRP) evaluation in human urine using optical sensor supported by machine learning
PublicationThe rapid and sensitive indicator of inflammation in the human body is C-Reactive Protein (CRP). Determination of CRP level is important in medical diagnostics because, depending on that factor, it may indicate, e.g., the occurrence of inflammation of various origins, oncological, cardiovascular, bacterial or viral events. In this study, we describe an interferometric sensor able to detect the CRP level for distinguishing between...
Enhanced stability of electrochemical performance of few-layer black phosphorus electrodes by noncovalent adsorption of 1,4-diamine-9,10-anthraquinone
PublicationIn this paper, the novel noncovalent functionalisation strategy of few-layer black phosphorus by 1,4-diamine-9,10-anthraquinone electrode was proposed and studied. The degradation of few-layer black phosphorus under exposure to oxygen and water is a significant obstacle to its use as an electroanalytical electrode. The anthraquinone compound adsorbed at black phosphorus flakes results in improved prevention of the phosphorus surface...
Cathodic activation of synthesized highly defective monoclinic hydroxyl‐functionalized ZrO2 nanoparticles for efficient electrochemical production of hydrogen in alkaline media
PublicationThe high electrochemical stability of Zirconia (ZrO2) at high potentials strongly suggested it as an alternative to carbon supports, which experience reduced efficiency due to some corrosion problems particularly during prolonged electrocatalysis activity. However, the use of ZrO2 was limited by its low electrical conductivity and surface area. In this work, we developed a methodology for synthesizing monoclinic ZrO2 NPs with increased...
The electrochemical studies for chitosan hydrogel membranes on glassy carbon substrates
Open Research DataThis dataset contains various electrochemical studies carried out to investigate the preconcentration of [Fe(CN)6]3- ions by chitosan hydrogel membranes coating the glassy carbon electrodes. The glassy carbon electrode (GCE, 3.0 mm diameter) was first polished with Al2O3 powder (0.3 mm) using a polishing kit from Buehler, rinsed with deionized...
Enhanced electrochemical performance of sulfur-doped laser-induced graphene supercapacitors: Synergistic effects of doping and plasmochemical surface modification
PublicationThis work introduces a novel, scalable methodology for rapidly fabricating sulfur-doped laser-induced graphene with enhanced porosity and wetting characteristics, targeting advanced supercapacitor applications. An infrared laser scribing technique was employed to create a three-dimensional porous graphene network, with in-situ sulfur doping achieved through physical evaporation using powder precursor. A second-pass laser process...
Elucidating charge transfer process and enhancing electrochemical performance of laser-induced graphene via surface engineering with sustainable hydrogel membranes: An electrochemist's perspective
PublicationLaser-induced graphene (LIG) has emerged as a promising solvent-free strategy for producing highly porous, 3D graphene structures, particularly for electrochemical applications. However, the unique character of LIG and hydrogel membrane (HM) coated LIG requires accounting for the specific conditions of its charge transfer process. This study investigates electron transfer kinetics and the electroactive surface area of LIG electrodes,...
New bis(azobenzocrown)s with dodecylmethylmalonyl linkers as ionophores for sodium selective potentiometric sensors
PublicationNovel biscrowns 1 and 2 were synthesized from 13-membered azobenzocrown ethers containing bromoalkylenoxy chains in para position relative to the azo group. The synthesized diester molecules are dodecylmethylmalonic acid derivatives differing by the linker length. The synthesized compounds have the potential of being used as sodium ionophores in ion-selective electrodes. They were characterized and used as ionophores in classic...
Gas Detection Using Resistive Gas Sensors And Radial Basis Function Neural Networks
PublicationWe present a use of Radial Basis Function (RBF) neural networks and Fluctuation Enhanced Sensing (FES) method in gas detection system utilizing a prototype resistive WO3 gas sensing layer with gold nanoparticles. We investigated accuracy of gas detection for three different preprocessing methods: no preprocessing, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and wavelet transformation. Low frequency noise voltage observed in resistive gas...
Single-Slope ADC With Embedded Convolution Filter for Global-Shutter CMOS Image Sensors
PublicationThis brief presents an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) suitable for acquisition and processing of images in the global-shutter mode at the pixel level. The ADC consists of an analog comparator, a multi-directional shift register for the comparator states, and a 16-bit reversible binary counter with programmable step size. It works in the traditional single-slope mode. The novelty is that during each step of the reference ramp,...
Resistance noise in TiO2-based thin film gas sensors under ultraviolet irradiation
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An application of neural network for Structural Health Monitoring of an adaptive wing with an array of FBG sensors
PublicationW pracy przedstwiono możliwości zastoswania sieci czujników FBG i sztucznych sieci neuronowych do detekcji uszkodzeń w poszyciu adaptacyjnego skrzydła.
Usage of Two-Center Basis Function Neural Classifiers in Compact Smart Resistive Sensors
PublicationA new solution of the smart resistance sensorwith the Two-Center Basis Function (TCBF) neuralclassifier, for which the resistance sensor is a component ofan anti-aliasing filter of an ADC is proposed. Thetemperature measurement procedure is based on excitationof the filter by square impulses, sampling time response ofthe filter and processing measured voltage values by theTCBF classifier. All steps of the measurement procedure...
3D Sound Intensity Measurement Around Organ Pipes Using Acoustic Vector Sensors
PublicationThe aim of the presented paper was to obtain and visualize sound intensity distribution of radiated acoustic energy around the organ pipes. The experimental setup consisted of the multichannel acoustic vector sensor and the specialized Cartesian robot. Measurements were performed in free field with spatial resolution of 0.1 [m]. Two organ pipes, i.e. wooden and metal were measured during the ex-periment. The organ pipes were activated...
Sensors in River Information Services of the Odra River in Poland: Current State and Planned Extension
PublicationAccording to adopted in 2016 by the polish Council of Ministers assumptions for the plans for the progress of inland waterways in Poland for the years 2016-2020, with the perspective of 2030, assume that by 2030 Odra along its entire length and the Vistula from Warsaw to Gdansk, they will have become international shipping routes, which will be implemented system of River Information Services (RIS). Aspects of RIS sensor application...
Determination of bulk solid concentration changes during granular flow in a silo with ECT sensors
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki doświadczeń pomiaru zmian koncentracji materiału granulowanego podczas przepływu silosowego. Zmiany zostały pomierzone przy pomocy tomografu. Doświadczenia wykonano w silosie cylindrycznym dla 2 różnych szorstkości ścian i różnych zagęszczeń suchego piasku.
Electrochemical data for carbonized metal-organic framworks with cobalt
Open Research DataThe data includes the Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOF) measurements, where cobalt was added. The research focuses on the impact of aluminium on Oxygen Evolution Reaction (OER). The measurements were conducted on [EC Lab]. The techniques included are Linear Sweep Voltammetry (LSV), Tafel slope, Chronopotentiometry (CP) and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy...
Investigation of optical properties of Infitec and Active Stereo stereoscopic techniques for CAVE-type virtual reality systems
PublicationIn recent years, many scientific and industrial centres in the world developed virtual reality systems or laboratories. At present, among the most advanced virtual reality systems are CAVE-type (Cave Automatic Virtual Environment) installations. Such systems usually consist of four, five, or six projection screens arranged in the form of a closed or hemi-closed space. The basic task of such systems is to ensure the effect of user...
The optical and electrical properties of nanocrystalline La0.4Sr0.6TiO3 thin films.
PublicationW pracy badano wpływ mikrostruktury cienkich filmów La0.8Sr0.6TiO3 na właściwości optyczne. Gęste filmy o grubości około 200nm były przygotowane na szafirze z prekursorów polimerowych metodą wirową. Filmy były wypalone w temperaturze 500-800 stC. Badania rentgenowskie wskazały utworzenie kubicznej struktury perowskitowej podobnej do niedomieszkowanego SrTiO3. Wielkość ziaren zależała od temperatury wypalenia osiągając 30nm w 800stC....
Ray-tracing analysis of uniaxial birefringent optical components
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono elgorytm pozwalający na wyznaczenie kierunków i natężeń promieni propagowanych w układach optycznych zawierających elemennty wykonane z jednoosiowych materiałów dwójłomnych. Obliczenia w prezentowanym algorytmie są wykonywane na wektorach w globalnym układzie współprzędnych, eliminując konieczność częstych zmian ukłądu współprzędnych. Jako przykład obliczeniowy przedstawiono pełną analizę propagacji promieni...
Optical Diffraction Strain Sensor Prepared by Interference Lithography
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Nonlinear waves in optical waveguides and soliton theory applications
PublicationRównania teorii solitonów zastosowano do propagacji impulsów światła w falo-wodach dielektrycznych.Wyprowadzono i zbadano rozwiazania równań oddziaływa-nia (z uwzględnieniem tłumienia) trzech fal Maxwella-Blocha.
Diagnostics of cvd process by means of optical emission spectroscopy.
PublicationZastosowano optyczną spektroskopię emisyjną do badania w trybie in-situ dysocjacji cząsteczek oraz wzbudzenia i jonizacji atomów wodoru podczas procesu syntezy cienkich warstw diamentowych metodą chemicznego osadzania z par gazowych wspomaganego plazmą mikrofalową (mPACVD). Zbudowano tor światłodowy, umożliwiający sprzężenie komory CVD z systemem spektroskopowym i wykonywanie pomiarów bezinwazyjnych. Wykonano pomiary spektralne...
Polarized light pulses propagation and coupling in optical waveguides
PublicationGłównym celem tej pracy było zbudowanie modelu teoretycznego, na bazie równań Maxwella, który pozwoliłby na opis transmisji wielomodowej w falowodach dielektrycznych (światłowodach) z uwzględnieniem efektu nieliniowego typu Kerra. W pracy wyniki teoretyczne zostały porównane z wynikami doświadczalnymi. Do symulacji propagacji światła z uwzględnieniem efektu Kerra niezbędne było rozwiązanie sprzężonych nieliniowych równań Schrödingera...
Optical low-coherence interferometry for selected technical applications
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono teoretyczne podstawy optycznej interferometrii niskokoherentnej i przedyskutowano jej unikatowe właściwości. Opisano w nim opracowany przez autorów system OCT przeznaczony do badań strukturalnych materiałów technicznych. Badania te obejmują także zmiany stanu polaryzacji promieniowania rozproszonego w badanym obiekcie. W artykule zawarto wyniki badań wybranych materiałów silnie rozpraszających promieniowanie...
Thickness monitoring of thin lamellae by optical measurement method
PublicationDo dnia dziesiejszego do pomiaru grubosci tarcicy używa się głównie suwmiarek. Celem projektu było opracowanie skanera, nie wymagajacego wysokich nakładów finansowych, do pomiarów grubości lameli po operacji rozpiłowywania drewna. Opracowany system jest zdolny do wykrywania elementów odbiegajacych od okreslonych tolerancji wymiarowych. zastosowano metodę pomiaru typu sandwich wykorzystująca 4 głowice laserowe. Wyazano, że przy...
Theoretical and experimental investigation of Optical Coherent Tomography topologies
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono teoretyczną i eksperymentalną analizę konfiguracji interferometrów w układach koherentnego tomografu optycznego. Zaprezentowano zrealizowany układ, którego specjalnie zaprojektowana konfiguracja pozawala na analizę zmian polaryzacji sygnału pomiarowego.
In situ thermo-optical studies of polymer:fullerene blend films
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Dielectric and Optical Studies of FLC Sample with Helix Inversion
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Design of Optical Wireless Networks with Fair Traffic Flows
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Yb3+/Ho3+-codoped antimony-silicate optical fiber
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Coherent beam combining of active multicore optical fiber
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Thermal and optical properties of P3HT:PC70BM:ZnO nanoparticles composite films
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Multimode tapered optical light pipe for illumination systems
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Luminescent Polymer Optical Fibre Sensor for Temperature Measurement
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Photochromic optical fibre for VIS spectrum range applications
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Capillary optical fibre with Sm3+doped ribbon core
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<title>Multicore optical fibre doped with neodymium</title>
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Optical absorption studies of (Ga0.1In0.9)2Se3 thin film
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Optical absorption studies of (Ga0.1In0.9)2Se3 thin film