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Cylindrical orifice testing in laminar flow with the orifice diameter ratio β = 0.5
PublicationThe paper presents the results of an experimental study of a cylindrical orifice with the orifice diameter ratio β = 0.5 and the flow opening length‑to‑diameter ratio L/d = 1, with hydraulic oil flowing in the DN50 measuring channel. The measurements of the values characterising the oil flow were made in the laminar flow regime, for the Reynolds numbers ranging between Re = 100 to 950. Based on the experimental tests, standard...
Noise emitted by SKM Trains in Gdansk
PublicationHigh intensity traffic of SKM trains in Gdansk carries a significant level of noise emission. SKM line runs through the central part of the city and therefore in the vicinity of residential areas and recreational facilities. This research was planned and performed to find out what was the real noise emission of SKM trains and to determine whether the measurement noise values are within allowed limits. Individual acoustic events...
An adaptive approach to non-destructive evaluation (NDE) of cast irons containing precipitated graphite particles with the help of magnetoacoustic emission
PublicationPhysical properties of cast irons strongly depend on both their microstructure and the presence of casting defects. The paper analyses the possibility of application of magnetoacoustic emission (MAE) for nondestructive detection of flawed cast iron components. The investigated samples containing dross, chunky graphite and lamellar graphite were compared with the reference, flawless, spheroidal cast iron sample. The optimisation...
Badanie wierności brzmienia dźwięku instrumentów wirtualnych VST/TRTAS
PublicationTematem referatu jest subiektywne badanie wierności brzmienia instrumentów wirtualnych (VST/TRTAS) wykorzystujących próbkowanie dźwięków rzeczywistych instrumentów muzycznych. Na potrzeby przedstawionej pracy wybrano kilka utworów muzyki orkiestrowej z epoki romantyzmu i klasycyzmu, nagranych przy użyciu instrumentów akustycznych. Następnie zaaranżowano fragmenty tych utworów, wykorzystując do tego instrumenty wirtualne i efekty...
Energy efficient indoor localisation for narrowband internet of things
PublicationThere are an increasing number of Narrow Band IoT devices being manufactured as the technology behind them develops quickly. The high co-channel interference and signal attenuation was seen in edge Narrow Band IoT devices make it challenging to guarantee the service quality of these devices. To maximize the data rate fairness of Narrow Band IoT devices, a multi-dimensional indoor localization model is devised, consisting of...
PublicationOver the last years, the City of Gdańsk suffers twice from flash floods. Both events were caused by intense storms which produced significant surface runoff and caused inundation private and cities properties. The first case of July 2001 flood [3], [9] was the turning point for the city authorities, who decide to look close on the flood management in small urban catchments. The aim of research projects was to establish technical...
Ruch wirowy wywoływany przez ultradźwięk w płynach z relaksacją
PublicationRozprawa doktorska poświęcona jest badaniu ruchu wirowego wywoływanego przez ultradźwięk w różnych modelach płynów z relaksacją. Ma ona charakter teoretyczny, jednak wykorzystanie uzyskanych dzięki niej wyników może przynieść lepsze zrozumienie ruchu wirowego wywoływanego przez siłę akustyczną. W I rozdziale rozprawy przedstawione zostały ogólne rozważania dotyczące akustyki nieliniowej. Rozdział II dotyczy ruchu wirowego wywoływanego...
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań laboratoryjnych, z których wynika, że emisja akustyczna (EA) może być uznana za sygnał diagnostyczny, przydatny do identyfikacji stanu technicznego łożysk głównych i korbowych okrętowych silników o zapłonie samoczynnym. Wykazano w nim bowiem, że parametry emisji akustycznej takie jak: czas rejestracji, energia sygnału, amplituda sygnału, ilość przekroczeń poziomu dyskryminacji, czas narastania,...
Pomiar odpowiedzi impulsowej kanału radiowego na obszarze morskim i przybrzeżnym
PublicationW artykule zaprezentowano wyniki pomiarów odpowiedzi impulsowej kanału radiowego na obszarze morskim i przybrzeżnym. Pomiary przeprowadzono na częstotliwości 1457 MHz a sygnałem sondującym był sygnał o paśmie 10 MHz z modulacją BPSK i pseudoprzypadkową zawartością binarną. Odbierane sygnały były rejestrowane przez dwie stacje ruchome, zainstalowane w samolocie i na łodzi patrolowej. Podczas późniejszej obróbki danych zastosowano...
Horizontally-split-drain MAGFET - a highly sensitive magnetic field sensor
PublicationWe propose a novel magnetic field sensitive semiconductor device, viz., Horizontally-Split-Drain Magnetic-Field Sensitive Field-Effect Transistor (HSDMAGFET) which can be used to measure or detect steady or variable magnetic fields. Operating principle of the transistor is based on one of the galvanomagnetic phenomena and a Gradual Channel Detachment Effect (GCDE) and is very similar to that of Popovic and Baltes's SDMAGFET. The...
Integrating heterogeneous systems with high-dependability requirements by means of web services
PublicationWeb services are commonly used on boundaries of heterogeneous components in Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) as they provide a universal communication channel not bound to any particular programming language or run-time platform. This paper describes how web services can be used to integrate heterogeneous systems which serve purposes requiring high dependability, reliability and availability. Examples of such systems include...
Measuring Pulse Rate with a Webcam
PublicationIn this paper a simple method of measuring the pulse rate is presented. Elaborated algorithm allows for efficient pulse rate registration directly from face images captured from a webcam. The desired signal is obtained by proper channel selection and principal component analysis. To determine the accuracy of the method an ECG signal is collected together with a video recordings. The effectiveness of the algorithm is considered...
Karhunen-Loeve-based approach to tracking of rapidly fading wireless communication channels
PublicationWhen parameters of wireless communication channels vary at a fast rate, simple estimation algorithms, such as weighted least squares (WLS) or least mean squares (LMS) algorithms, cannot estimate them with the accuracy needed to secure the reliable operation of the underlying communication systems. In cases like this, the local basis function (LBF) estimation technique can be used instead, significantly increasing the achievable...
Application of TMS320c67xx signal processors for SONIC-self-optimizing narrowband interference canceler
PublicationThe paper presents a laboratory system for testing active control algorithms of acoustics noise in ducts. An applied algorithm - self-optimizing narrowband interference canceller (SONIC), allows one to remove narrowband disturbances of constant or slowly time-varying frequencies. Example experimental results of using the laboratory system for supression of sinusoidal disturbance are described. An electronic part of the system was...
Application of dynamic time warping and cepstrograms to text-dependent speaker verification
PublicationThis work provides a description of an automatic speaker verification (ASV) system. In particular, it documents the evolution of all individual stages of the proposed ASV system design from the phase of preprocessing to an operational decision making system. The aim of this research was to achieve the system of the best safety and ease of use in view of users. The objective estimation of this target has been accomplished by assessing...
Acoustics - new services for urban planning, research and education
PublicationThe main purpose of the presented design is twofold, namely: providing detailed information about the noise threats that occur every day in city areas and preventing the noise induced hearing loss especially among young people. An experimental system designed for the continuous monitoring of the acoustic climate of urban areas was developed and implemented within the PLGrid Plus project. The assessment of environmental threats...
APPLICATION OF THE HIGH FREQUENCY LINEARIZATION OF THE EAR IN PATIENTS WITH TINNITUS . Metoda linearyzacji narządu słuchu u osób cierpiących z szumami usznymi
PublicationThis paper summarises the problem of tinnitus, hypotheses on its causes and the treatment methods. Moreover, a hypothesis on tinnitus origins is explained, based on the mechanisms of the analog-to-digital conversion and quantization. In addition, this paper describes methods of determining the acoustic intensity and spectra of low- level ultrasonic signals, as well as impedance characteristics of an ultrasound transducer. Furthermore,...
Personal adaptive tuning of mobile computer audio
PublicationAn integrated methodology for enhancing audio quality in mobile computers is presented. The key features are adaptation of the characteristics of the acoustic track to the changing conditions and to the user's individual preferences. Original signal processing algorithms are introduced, which concern: linearization of frequency response, dialogue intelligibility enhancement and dynamics processing tuned up to the user's preferences....
Unusual streaming in chemically reacting gases
PublicationNonlinear stimulation of the vorticity mode caused by losses in the momentum of sound in the chemically reacting gas, is considered. The instantaneous dynamic equation which describes the nonlinear generation of the vorticity mode, is derived. It includes a quadratic nonlinear acoustic source. Both periodic and aperiodic sound may be considered as the origin of the vorticity flow. In the non-equilibrium regime of the chemical reaction,...
Standing Waves in One-Dimensional Resonator Contaning an Ideal Isothermal Gas Affected by the Constant Mass Force
PublicationThe study is devoted to standing acoustic waves in one-dimensional planar resonator which containing an ideal gas. A gas is affected by the constant mass force. Two types of physically justified boundary conditions are considered: zero velocity or zero excess pressure at both boundaries. The variety of nodal and antinodal points is determined. The conclusion is that the nodes of pressure and antinodes of velocity do not longer...
On the Nonlinear Effects of Magnetoacoustic Perturbations in a Perfectly Conducting Viscous and Thermoconducting Gas
PublicationNonlinear effects of planar and quasi-planar magnetosound perturbations are discussed. The plasma is as- sumed to be a Newtonian thermoconducting gas with infinite electrical conductivity permeated by a magnetic field orthogonal to the trajectories of gas particles. Generation of the non-wave modes (magnetoacoustic heating and streaming) in the field of periodic and aperiodic magnetoacoustic perturbations is discussed. The results...
PublicationPoroelastic road surfaces are characterized by low noise of tires running on them.Road pavements of this type are promising solution to problems related to traffic noise in cities and on rural roads. Some technical problems still have to be solved, in particular regarding durability and skid resistance on wet surface. Ongoing and planned works are to contribute to create a quiet, durable and safe road surface, which will become...
Noise effect on parameters of quiet sonar with code modulation
PublicationEarlier publications of the paper authors have shown that the use of code keying mixed with the CW FM sound signal allows the significant reduction in the distance measurement error, compared to classic silent CW FM sonar. In addition to the code modulation parameters, the magnitude of this error is influenced by the received input acoustic noise. The article shows the dependence of the input signal-to-noise ratio and the sound...
Mathemathical model of radial passive magnetic bearing
PublicationIn the article mathematical radial model of passive magnetic bearings to ocean engineering units has been presented. The units application in underwater thrusters should increase propulsion systems durability and gives lower maintenance costs. The rotor of electric motor is hanging in magnetic field taken from radial passive magnetic bearings. However axial direction maintenance must be controlled with electromagnets and their...
Web-based 3D processing and dissemination of multibeam sonar data
PublicationThe continuous detailed surveys of the various water bodies over time produce a large and ever-increasing volume and density of underwater sounding data. Three-dimensional data, such as those obtained by multibeam sonar systems, are quite complex to manage, and thus their growing numbers increase the pressure on development of new solutions dedicated to processing them. This paper presents a concept system for web-based dissemination...
Influence of Natural Conditions on the Imaging of the Bottom of the Gdańsk Bay by Means of the Side Scan Sonar
PublicationThe interest in underwater resources is the reason for the development of modern hydroacoustic systems, including side sonars, which find numerous applications such as: research of seabed morphology and sediment characteristics, preparation of sea sediment maps, and even in special cases of biocenoses such as sea grass meadows, detection of specific targets at the bottom such as shipwrecks, mines, identification of suitable sites...
e-Learning CoursesZajęcia z przedmiotu będą realizowane na platformie MS Teams. Dołączenie do zespołu (grupy) pod tym linkiemLogowanie za pomocą konta @o365.pg.edu.pl Prośby o dołączenie zostaną zaakceptowane przed pierwszymi zajęciami.
A current-controlled FET
PublicationA novel semiconductor device, viz., Horizontally-Split-Drain Current-Controlled Field-Effect Transistor (HSDCCFET) with two control electrodes is proposed in this works. For the sake of brevity, the device can be called a CCFET. Operating principle of the proposed transistor is based on one of the galvanomagnetic phenomena, the Biot-Savart-Laplace law and a Gradual Channel Detachment Effect (GCDE). The transistor is dedicated...
Wykorzystanie fazy transformaty STFT do oceny jakości spektrogramu
PublicationW niniejszej publikacji przedstawiono koncepcję oceny jakości spektrogramu, wykorzystując często marginalizowaną fazę transformaty STFT (ang. Short-term Fourier transform). Spektrograf traktowany jest jako bank filtrów demultipleksujących sygnał. Dla każdego w ten sposób odfiltrowanego sygnału składowego obliczana jest kanałowa pulsacja chwilowa (ang. channel instantaneous frequency) oraz lokalne opóźnienie grupowe (ang. local...
Power equalization of AES FPGA implementation
PublicationThis paper briefly introduces side channel attacks on cryptographic hardware with special emphasis on differential power analysis(DPA). Based on existing countermeasures against DPA, design method combining power equalization for synchronous and combinatorialcircuits has been proposed. AES algorithm has been implemented in Xilinx Spartan II-E field programmable gate array (FPGA) deviceusing the standard and power-equalized methods....
A simplified behavioral MOSFET model based on parameters extraction for circuit simulations.
PublicationThe paper presents results on behavior modeling of general purpose Metal-Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor (MOSFET) for simulation of power electronics systems requiring accuracy both in steady-state and in switching conditions. Methods of parameters extraction including nonlinearity of parasitic capacitances and steady-state characteristics are based on manufacturer data sheet and externally measurable characteristics....
Possible effects of the 1984 St. Clair River ice jam on bed changes
PublicationThis study examines the possible effect of the record ice jam of 1984 in the St. Clair River on river bed changes and conveyance. Numerical simulations were made to examine the flow and bed shear stresses during the jam formation and release periods. Simulation results indicate that the ice jam in the river did not cause a significant increase in bed shear stress compared to pre- and post-jam open water conditions. The insignificant...
Performance analysis of data transmission in MC-CDMA radio interface with turbo codes
PublicationMulti-carrier code division multiple access (MC-CDMA) technique is a combination of two radio access techniques: CDMA and orthogonal frequency division multiplexing and has the advantages of both techniques. The paper presents the design of transmitter and receiver for MC-CDMA radio interface. It also presents encoders and decoders of turbo codes which were used in simulation of the MC-CDMA technique. Two turbo codes with 8-state...
Numerical modeling and experimental validation of full-scale segment to support design of novel GFRP footbridge
PublicationThe paper contains analysis of full-scaled three meters long segment of a novel composite footbridge. Both numerical modeling and experimental validation were performed. Analyzed object is a shell type sandwich channel-like structure made of composite sandwich with GFRP laminates as a skin and PET foam as a core. Several static load schemes were performed including vertical and horizontal forces. In FEM analysis multilayered laminate...
Gdańsk Urban Initiative Laboratory
PublicationGdansk is Poland's principal seaport, situated on the southern edge of the Gdansk Bay on the Baltic Sea. The city is the capital and largest city of the Pomeranian Voivodeship. Gdansk, in a conurbation with the city of Gdynia and the resort town of Sopot, and suburban communities, jointly forms Poland's fourth largest metropolitan area, with a population approaching 1.4 million. The pathways towards the Micro ULL FWE Nexus Square...
Przegląd metod pomiaru temperatury przewodów linii napowietrznych wysokiego napięcia
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono przegląd metod pomiaru temperatury napowietrznych linii wysokiego napięcia stosowanych w celu poprawy niezawodności eksploatacji i w celu wyznaczania dopuszczalnej obciążalności linii. Omówiono system DOL dynamicznej obciążalności linii oraz bezdotykowe metody pomiaru temperatury: pomiar z użyciem pasywnych czujników SAW (ang. Surface acoustic wave sensor), DTS (distributed temperature sensing) z wykorzystaniem...
Communication Platform for Evaluation of Transmitted Speech Quality
PublicationA voice communication system designed and implemented is described. The purpose of the presented platform was to enable a series of experiments related to the quality assessment of algorithms used in the coding and transmitting of speech. The system is equipped with tools for recording signals at each stage of processing, making it possible to subject them to subjective assessments by listening tests or, objective evaluation employing...
Observing its long-term effects on a short-term, multi-day evaluation of the effectiveness of hearing aid use
PublicationThe main objective of the research study was to develop a method for evaluating the effectiveness of hearing protection with hearing aids tailored to the needs and prevailing conditions in the acoustic environments where the elderly most often reside. The method was also intended to estimate the benefits of hearing aids and allow prediction of such an effect based on a short-term trial. It is noteworthy that a short-term evaluation...
Two-body dissociation of isoxazole following double photoionization – an experimental PEPIPICO and theoretical DFT and MP2 study
PublicationThe dissociative double photoionization of isoxazole molecules has been investigated experimentally and theoretically. The experiment has been carried out in the 27.5–36 eV photon energy range using vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) synchrotron radiation excitation combined with ion time-of-flight (TOF) spectrometry and photoelectron–photoion–photoion coincidence (PEPIPICO) technique. Five wellresolved two-body dissociation channels have...
Model neuronowy jako alternatywa dla numerycznego modelu okołodźwiękowego przepływu pary przez palisadę turbinową.
PublicationWystępowanie skośnej fali uderzeniowej w przepływie pary przez palisadę turbinową stanowi zagrożenie dla bezpiecznej pracy turbiny oraz dla jej elementów konstrukcyjnych. Detekcja oraz lokalizacja fali uderzeniowej, a także rozpoznanie przyczyny jej powstawania, nie są możliwe do osiągnięcia na drodze pomiarowej. Analizę zjawisk zachodzących wewnątrz kanału przepływowego umożliwiają natomiast modele numeryczne oraz neuronowe. Zaletą...
Product Graph Invariants with Applications in the Theory of Information
PublicationThere are a large number of graph invariants. In the paper, we consider some of them, e.g. the independence and chromatic numbers. It is well know that we cannot efficiently calculate these numbers for arbitrary graphs. In the paper we present relations between these invariants and concepts from the theory of information. Concepts such as source coding and transmission over a noisy channel with zero probability of error are modeled...
Fading Modelling in Dynamic Off-Body Channels
PublicationThis paper presents an off-body fading channel model for Body Area Networks. The proposed model, based on both simulations and measurements at 2.45 GHz in a realistic indoor environment, consists of three components: mean path loss, body shadowing, and multipath fading. The first is modelled as a log function of distance, the path loss exponent being in between 0.4 and 1.6. A statistical perspective is taken for the other two components,...
Modeling of Ice Phenomena in the Mouth of the Vistula River
PublicationThe mouth of the Vistula River, which is a river outlet located in tideless area, is analyzed. The Vistula River mouth is a man-made, artificial channel which was built in the 19th century in order to prevent the formation of ice jams in the natural river delta. Since the artificial river outlet was constructed, no severe ice-related flood risk situations have ever occurred. However, periodic ice-related phenomena still have an impact...
Impact of Geometrical Imperfections on Estimation of Buckling and Limit Loads in a Silo Segment Using the Vibration Correlation Technique
PublicationThe paper examines effectiveness of the vibration correlation technique which allows determining the buckling or limit loads by means of measured natural frequencies of structures. A steel silo segment with a corrugated wall, stiffened with cold-formed channel section columns was analysed. The investigations included numerical analyses of: linear buckling, dynamic eigenvalue and geometrically static non-linear problems. Both perfect...
System Loss Model for Body Area Networks in Room Scenarios
PublicationThis paper presents an analysis of system loss in Body Area Networks for room scenarios, based on a wideband measurement campaign at 5.8 GHz. The measurements were performed with a fixed antenna transmitting vertically and horizontally polarised signals, while the user wears dualpolarised antennas. The average system losses in co- and crosspolarised channels are 41.4 and 42.6 dB for vertically polarised transmitted signals and...
Low-frequency noise in ZrS3 van der Waals semiconductor nanoribbons
PublicationWe report the results of the investigation of low-frequency electronic noise in ZrS3 van der Waals semiconductor nanoribbons. The test structures were of the back-gated field-effect-transistor type with a normally off n-channel and an on-to-off ratio of up to four orders of magnitude. The current–voltage transfer characteristics revealed significant hysteresis owing to the presence of deep levels. The noise in ZrS3 nanoribbons...
Shipping Low Frequency Noise and Its Propagation in Shallow Water
PublicationOne of the most significant factor influencing acoustical climate of the sea is underwater noise generated by moving ships. If the considered sea area has features of the shallow water, namely the wave frequency fulfils relation f < 10c/h, where c denotes phase speed of sound, and h is depths of the sea, then in certain distance from the wave source specific image of sound pressure distribution in the mean of wave modes appears....
Effect of coarse grain aggregate on strength parameters of two-stage concrete
Publication. Two-stage concrete (TSC) is a special type of concrete that the method of its construction and implementation is different from conventional one. In TSC, coarse aggregate particles are first placed in the formwork and voids between them are subsequently injected with a special cementations mixture. TSC has been successfully used in many applications, such as underwater construction, casting concrete sections congested with reinforcement...
Analiza i ocena smarności olejów w ujęciu energetycznym i działania układu tribologicznego = Analysis and evaluation of oil lubricity from the viewpoint of energy apects and of the tribological system action
PublicationBased on measurement results, an interpretation is presented of the tribological system boundary layer action in the form of a four-ball tester friction node. The evaluation was performed of the boundary layer action understood as transfer of energy Ep resulting from loading the tribological system in a determined time t with work Lp, which may lead to breaking the boundary layer. That energy and time are the values unequivocally...
Sound Field Intensity Measurements and Visualization around the Human Head Model . Rozkłąd natężenia pola akustycznego w komorze bezechowej obecności sztucznej głowy i w przypadku braku jej obecności
PublicationThe main goal of this research study was to measure and visualize sound field intensity distribution in and without presence of the human head model. Measurements were performed in the anechoic chamber with the 5 cm grid. Experimental setup consisted of a multitone generator, two loudspeakers, human head model, intensimetric probe, the Cartesian robot applied for precise positioning of the acoustic sensor, and an analyzer. Based...