total: 6678
- Publications 4062 available results
- Journals 1477 available results
- Conferences 89 available results
- Publishing Houses 1 available results
- People 438 available results
- Projects 36 available results
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- Research Teams 2 available results
- e-Learning Courses 300 available results
- Events 22 available results
- Open Research Data 249 available results
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The linkage between knowledge risk management and organizational performance
PublicationThe purpose of this study is to examine the effect of knowledge risk management (KRM) on organizational performance, with measures considered as “softer” measures of performance, i.e. innovativeness, responsiveness, sustainability, and agility. Data were collected using an online questionnaire sent to private and public orga- nizations located all over the world. The analysis and hypotheses testing were performed using structural...
Active management of equipment cooling in hoteling data centers
PublicationHoteling data centers are designated for housing computing and storage units of many, usually small customers, as opposed to traditional data centers supporting own computing and storage resources of a bigger company. One of the services to be provided to consumer’s equipment is cooling. Cooling in data centers is prevalently achieved by circulating air in computer room. Efficient cooling requires delivering cold air from central...
The use of GIS tools for road infrastructure safety management
PublicationThere are many factors that influence accidents and their severity. They can be grouped within the system of man, vehicle and environment. The article focuses on how GIS tools can be used to manage road infrastructure safety. To ensure a better understanding and identification of road factors, GIS tools help with the acquisition of road parameter data. Their other role is helping with a clear and effective presentation of risk...
Security and knowledge management
PublicationOmówiono zagadnienia związane z problemami bezpieczeństwa w obszarach technologicznego wspomagania zarządzania wiedzą.
Methodologies of Project Management
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Physiotherapy Management in Endometriosis
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IT services management standards
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Lean Quality Management
PublicationPostrzeganie przedsiębiorstwa przez pryzmat zachodzących w nim procesów powoduje powstanie dynamicznego obrazu zmian zachodzących w firmie. W wyniku takiego spojrzenia obserwator wykracza poza funkcjonalny układ struktur uzyskując możliwość pełniejszej weryfikacji skuteczności licznych, powiązanych ze sobą działań przedsiębiorstwa i podejmowania decyzji o ich doskonaleniu. Kierunki tego doskonalenia to takie budowanie sekwencji...
Motion Trajectory Prediction in Warehouse Management Systems: A Systematic Literature Review
PublicationBackground: In the context of Warehouse Management Systems, knowledge related to motion trajectory prediction methods utilizing machine learning techniques seems to be scattered and fragmented. Objective: This study seeks to fill this research gap by using a systematic literature review approach. Methods: Based on the data collected from Google Scholar, a systematic literature review was performed, covering the period from 2016...
Optimizing Construction Engineering Management Using Metaheuristic Methods and Bayesian Networks
PublicationThe construction of buildings invariably involves time and costs, and disruptions impact ongoing construction projects. Crisis situations in management strategies, structural confusion, and finan-cial miscalculations often arise due to misguided decision-making. This article proposes a method that combines the learning of Bayesian Networks and heuristic techniques to optimize deci-sion-making processes in construction scheduling....
Becoming a Learning Organization Through Dynamic Business Process Management
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e-Learning Courses -
Knowledge Management
e-Learning CoursesBrand knowledge, customer knowledge, relations knowledge, market knowledge, „know how” etc., are intangible assets with great value to the organization today, and to leave these assets unmanaged would seem to be foolish in the extreme. The aim of the course is to explain: who/ why/ how to manage knowledge effectively. Welcome & GOOD LUCK :) Wioleta Kucharska
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e-Learning Courses -
e-Learning Courses -
Project management
e-Learning Courses -
Management concepts
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e-Learning Courses -
A Mammography Data Management Application for Federated Learning
PublicationThis study aimed to develop and assess an application designed to enhance the management of a local client database consisting of mammographic images with a focus on ensuring that images are suitably and uniformly prepared for federated learning applications. The application supports a comprehensive approach, starting with a versatile image-loading function that supports DICOM files from various medical imaging devices and settings....
A Model for Risk Assessment and Management of Construction Projects in Urban Conditions
PublicationThe authors are seeking new methods for improving the efficiency of the investments associated with the maintenance and operation of existing civil engineering structures. It is demonstrated how the knowledge about the elements of construction and operation phases and their relationships, combined with monitoring data can be used for more effective management of the risks associated with civil engineering projects. The methodology...
Mobile wireless measurement system for potatoes storage management
PublicationThe paper discusses the idea and the design of a remote control system for a storage management of agricultural products which temperature may rise in a result of biological processes during the storage. Exemplary potatoes storehouse is discussed as an application of the automation system. Because of existing buildings and infrastructure in the farm, wireless data transfer system has been proposed for both sensors to data acquisition...
Landscape as the tool of coherence in the land management of rural communes
PublicationEconomic and social transformation of rural areas in Poland after 1990 reveals itself through disintegration of previous spatial order. Building a new pattern requires a vision, which would counteract complex causes of disintegration. The latter belong to institutional domain of planning strategies and the area of common practices. Therefore, agreement on aims and means between spatial policy strategies and tactics of space users...
Where Did Knowledge Management Go?: A Comprehensive Survey
PublicationKnowledge Management (KM) research outputs have been expanding exponentially in the past years, generating diversified topics, which lack integration and classification. It has been challenging for experts to classify KM because of its versatile open fields, and in our view, it contributes to the technocratic approach remaining behind the organizational approach. This paper highlights a way to classify KM publications through a...
Some aspects of mathematical education at Gdansk University of Technology
PublicationReferat omawia wybrane zagadnienia związane z poszukiwaniem i stosowaniem nowych rozwiązań - zarówno programowych jak i organizacyjnych - w realizacji procesu kształcenia matematycznego na poziomie akademickim w Politechnice Gdańskiej.
<title>Automatic measurement system for astronomical education</title>
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Modern Education and Knowledge Transfer Issues in Global Economy
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Customer Education in Omnichannel Marketing – A Systematic Literature Review
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Research - based technology education – the EDURES partnership experience
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Virtual hearing aid - the computer application for education purposes.
PublicationZrealizowano aplikację komputerową demonstrującą zasady działania aparatów słuchowych. Osoba z dobrym słuchem ma możliwość zapoznania się z problemem niedosłuchu i działaniem aparatu. Aplikacja wyposażona jest w intuicyjny interfejs, który przedstawia elementy aparatu słuchowego na schemacie blokowym z opcjami dotyczącymi źródła dźwięku, typu szumu oraz ustawień aparatu. Aplikacja wzbogacona jest o materiały dydaktyczne, opisujące...
Experiential methods in ethical education of nursing and midwifery students
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Acoustics - new services for urban planning, research and education
PublicationThe main purpose of the presented design is twofold, namely: providing detailed information about the noise threats that occur every day in city areas and preventing the noise induced hearing loss especially among young people. An experimental system designed for the continuous monitoring of the acoustic climate of urban areas was developed and implemented within the PLGrid Plus project. The assessment of environmental threats...
In search for new urban planning education and research formulas
PublicationThis paper shows research and educational urban planning projects based on international and mutlicultural cooperation including innovative elements to conduct research on built environment. Their common aim is to search for a new perspective on the city development and challenges resulting from changing conditions.
e-Learning CoursesThe course is dedicated to students at 3 semester of Environmental Engineering. The subject is related to two issues. First is monitoring of the environment- different component of the environment like water, air, soil. Conditions necessary for reliable monitoring and analysis of the results of this monitoring are also discussed. Second is management and covers: Historical development of environmental strategies for protection...
e-Learning CoursesThe course is dedicated to students at 3 semester of Environmental Engineering. The subject is related to two issues. First is monitoring of the environment- different component of the environment like water, air, soil. Conditions necessary for reliable monitoring and analysis of the results of this monitoring are also discussed. Second is management and covers: Historical development of environmental strategies for protection...
e-Learning CoursesThe course is dedicated to students at 3 semester of Environmental Engineering. The subject is related to two issues. First is monitoring of the environment- different component of the environment like water, air, soil. Conditions necessary for reliable monitoring and analysis of the results of this monitoring are also discussed. Second is management and covers: Historical development of environmental strategies for protection...
Management and Environmental Monitoring 2023/2024 - winter
e-Learning CoursesThe course is dedicated to students at 3 semester of Environmental Engineering. The subject is related to two issues. First is monitoring of the environment- different component of the environment like water, air, soil. Conditions necessary for reliable monitoring and analysis of the results of this monitoring are also discussed. Second is management and covers: Historical development of environmental strategies for protection...
Management and Environmental Monitoring 2024/2025 - winter
e-Learning CoursesThe course is dedicated to students at 3 semester of Environmental Engineering. The subject is related to two issues. First is monitoring of the environment- different component of the environment like water, air, soil. Conditions necessary for reliable monitoring and analysis of the results of this monitoring are also discussed. Second is management and covers: Historical development of environmental strategies for protection...
Analysis of an Energy Management System of a Small Plant Connected to the Rural Power System
PublicationThis paper presents the analysis of an energy management system (EMS) implemented to fulfill the requirements of a microgrid (MG) power supply owned by a small industrial company and connected to the rural power system. The main goal of this system is to ensure connection with the existing rural power system in terms of energy exchange, as well as to perform islanding mode operation of the microgrid based on the energy demand of...
PublicationOver the last years, the City of Gdańsk suffers twice from flash floods. Both events were caused by intense storms which produced significant surface runoff and caused inundation private and cities properties. The first case of July 2001 flood [3], [9] was the turning point for the city authorities, who decide to look close on the flood management in small urban catchments. The aim of research projects was to establish technical...
Evaluating the Cost of Personnel Activities in Cybersecurity Management: A Case Study
PublicationThe methods of cybersecurity costs' evaluation are inclined towards the cost of incidents or technological acquirements. At the same time, there are other, less visible costs related to cybersecurity that require proper recognition. These costs are associated with the actions and the time spent by employees on activities connected to cybersecurity management. The costs form a considerable component of cybersecurity expenditures,...
Knowledge management driven leadership, culture and innovation success – an integrative model
PublicationPurpose – This article examines the relation between knowledge management (KM) driven leadership, culture and innovation success of knowledge-intensive small and medium sized companies. By building on the previously reported research on leadership, culture, innovation, and knowledge management, we synergistically integrated KM-driven leadership and innovation success while exploring the meditational role of culture in that. Design/methodology/approach...
[ZiJ] Empirical research in Management
e-Learning CoursesDyscyplina: nauki o zarządzaniu i jakości Zajęcia obowiązkowe dla doktorantów I i II roku Prowadzący: dr inż. Wioleta Kucharska Liczba godzin: 30 Forma zajęć: laboratoria Discipline: management and quality Obligatory course for 1st and 2nd-year PhD students Academic teacher: dr inż. Wioleta Kucharska Total hours of training: 30 teaching hours Course type: laboratories
Relating Information Culture to Information Policies and Management Strategies
PublicationBusiness and information managers have struggled to meet several challenges in aligning information strategies and business cultures. The consequences of a misalignment or misfit of strategy and culture are well known in business literature, and better guidance on how to better align strategy and culture is needed. This means expanding the puzzle to align business and information cultures, align business and information strategies,...
Creating Dynamic Maps of Noise Threat Using PL-Grid Infrastructure
PublicationThe paper presents functionality and operation results of a system for creating dynamic maps of acoustic noise employing the PL-Grid infrastructure extended with a distributed sensor network. The work presented provides a demonstration of the services being prepared within the PLGrid Plus project for measuring, modeling and rendering data related to noise level distribution in city agglomerations. Specific computational environments,...
Does technology matter for economic development? Empirical evidence for Latin American Countries
PublicationThe spread of new Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) has been recognized worldwide. ICTs are broadly perceived as tools facilitating economic growth and development, especially in backward countries. They are easy and cheap to adopt, require minimum skills for effective use, and bring opportunities for disadvantaged societies. They enable education, knowledge dissemination and sharing, and processing and storing...
Implementing Sustainable Development Goals with Digital Government – Aspiration-capacity gap
PublicationSustainable Development Goals (SDGs) represent a commitment by all United Nations Member States to pursue development efforts, including ending poverty and hunger, promoting well-being and education, reducing inequalities, fostering peace, and protecting the planet. Member States and their governments are supposed to take ownership of the SDGs, strengthen the implementation means, and improve public governance as both the means...
Bending analysis of functionally graded nanoplates based on a higher-order shear deformation theory using dynamic relaxation method
PublicationIn this paper, bending analysis of rectangular functionally graded (FG) nanoplates under a uniform transverse load has been considered based on the modified couple stress theory. Using Hamilton’s principle, governing equations are derived based on a higher-order shear deformation theory (HSDT). The set of coupled equations are solved using the dynamic relaxation (DR) method combined with finite difference (FD) discretization technique...
Planning of the green road system as an element of spatial management in suburbs and small towns
PublicationThe premise for the development of sustainable forms of road infrastructure in small towns is the appropriate plan at an early stage or modifi cation in the case of existing spaces. A multi-directional approach is extremely important, which takes into account the specifi city of the regional (country) road system, availability, and capacity of traffi c network, but also social and environmental factors. Effi cient management...
Risk-management of public-private partnership innovation projects