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Comparison of sunshine duration measurements from Campbell-Stokes sunshine recorder and CSD1 sensor
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Laboratory measurements of remote sensing reflectance of selected phytoplankton species from the Baltic Sea
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Integrated geodetic and hydrographic measurements of the yacht port for nautical charts and dynamic spatial presentation
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Study on the Positioning Accuracy of the GNSS/INS System Supported by the RTK Receiver for Railway Measurements
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The use of liquid crystal thermography and particle image velocimetry in the exploration of heat transfer measurements
PublicationArtykuł dotyczy badań eksperymentalnych wymiany ciepła w modelowym wymienniku ciepła z turbulizatorami przepływu przy użyciu termografii ciekłokrystalicznej i cyfrowej anemometrii obrazowej.
ECT image analysis methods for shear zone measurements during silo discharging process
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów zmian koncentracji piasku bezkohezyjnego zachodzących w cylindrycznym modelu silosu opróżnianym grawitacyjnie, w którym występowały silne efekty dynamiczne. Pomiary wykonano z zastosowaniem tomografii pojemnościowej. Badania przeprowadzono dla zróżnicowanego zagęszczenia początkowego piasku oraz różnego stopnia szorstkości ścian. Szczegółowej analizie poddano zmianę koncentracji materiału sypkiego...
Signals Features Extraction in Radioisotope Liquid-Gas Flow Measurements using Autocorrelation Function
PublicationKnowledge of the two-phase flow structure is essential for the proper conduct of industrial processes. Description of liquid-gas flow regimes is possible by using of data analysis in time, frequency, or state-space domain. In this research studies, the autocorrelation function is applied for analysis of signals obtained for liquid-gas flow by use gamma-ray absorption. The experiments were carried out on the laboratory hydraulic...
Inverse determination of sliding surface temperature based on measurements by thermocouples with account of their thermal inertia
PublicationThis study developed an inverse heat conduction algorithm to determine temperature at a sliding surface taking account of thermocouple thermal inertia. The direct heat conduction problem was solved analytically based on the Laplace integral transform approach. The inverse algorithm was applied to the problem of friction of a brake material against a steel. The experiments were conducted on a pin-on-disc tribometer for three short-time...
Measurements of strain localization in granular and brittle specimens using a digital image correlation technique
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów lokalizacji odkształceń w materiałach granulowanych i kruchych przy zastosowaniu cyfrowej techniki korelacji obrazu. Doświadczenia wykonano dla przepływu silosowego (materiały granulowane) i zginanych belek betonowych (materiały kruche).
Application of ECT to solid concentration measurements during granular flow in a rectangular model silo.
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki doświadczeń pomiaru zmian koncentracji materiału granulowanego podczas przepływu silosowego w silosie prostokątnym. Zmiany zostały pomierzone przy pomocy tomografu. Doświadczenia wykonano w modelu silosu dla różnych szorstkości ścian i różnych zagęszczeń suchego piasku.
Composite Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma - Male, 65 - Tissue image [816073002701421]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of LYMPH NODES tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Composite Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma - Male, 65 - Tissue image [8160730027012891]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of LYMPH NODES tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Composite Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma - Male, 65 - Tissue image [8160730027019151]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of LYMPH NODES tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Composite Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma - Male, 65 - Tissue image [8160730027019211]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of LYMPH NODES tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Composite Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma - Male, 65 - Tissue image [3300730069427931]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of LYMPH NODES tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Composite Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma - Male, 65 - Tissue image [8160730027014431]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of LYMPH NODES tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Composite Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma - Male, 65 - Tissue image [3300730069425031]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of LYMPH NODES tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Composite Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma - Male, 65 - Tissue image [3300730069422801]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of LYMPH NODES tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
9,10-Dioxoanthracenyldithiocarbamates effectively inhibit the proliferation of non-small cell lung cancer by targeting multiple protein tyrosine kinases
PublicationAnthraquinones have attracted considerable interest in the realm of cancer treatment owing to their potent anticancer properties. This study evaluates the potential of a series of new anthraquinone derivatives as anticancer agents for non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). The compounds were subjected to a range of tests to assess their cytotoxic and apoptotic properties, ability to inhibit colony formation, pro-DNA damage functions,...
Damage imaging algorithm for non-destructive inspection of CFRP/steel adhesive joints based on ultrasonic guided wave propagation
PublicationThe paper concerns assessing the quality of the adhesive connection between a steel plate and the reinforcing CFRP laminate. A three-stage algorithm for non-destructive damage imaging was developed. As the first step, an initial study involving dispersion curves of joint components was executed to determine the material parameters and the appropriate excitation frequency. During the second step, damage identification in three-layer...
Non-Coaxially Rotating Motion in Casson Martial along with Temperature and Concentration Gradients via First-Order Chemical Reaction
PublicationThe effect of non-coaxial rotation on the transport of mass subjected to first-order chemical reaction is studied analytically. The effects of thermal radiation, buoyancy, constructive and destructive chemical reactions along with Casson fluid in rotating frame are discussed. Time evolution of primary and secondary velocities, energy and solute particles are analyzed. The behavior of flow under the variation of intensity of magnetic...
Cleaner energy for sustainable future using hybrid photovoltaics-thermoelectric generators system under non-static conditions using machine learning based control technique
PublicationIn addition to the load demand, the temperature difference between the hot and cold sides of the thermoelectric generator (TEG) module determines the output power for thermoelectric generator systems. Maximum power point tracking (MPPT) control is needed to track the optimal global power point as operating conditions change. The growing use of electricity and the decline in the use of fossil fuels have sparked interest in photovoltaic-TEG...
Preparation and Characterization of Nanomaterial Consisting of Silica Aerogel & Carbon Tested as an Electrode in Non-Aqueous Media Containing Lithium Salt.
PublicationSilica aerogel (SiO2ag) was combined with carbonaceous material in the pyrolysis process of hydrocarbons. The obtained nanocomposite SiO2ag/C was amorphous, partially preserving the porous structure of SiO2ag. The specific surface area changes from 445.6 m2/g for pure SiO2ag to 205.52 m2/g SiO2ag/C. The 29Si MAS-NMR shows a three-dimensional matrix with silicon atoms connected to other silicon atoms by four...
Measurements of the heat of hydration released by concrete specimens cured under adiabatic conditions
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains measurements of heat of hydartion of concrete cubes (150 x 150 x 150 mm) cured under adiabatic conditions. The specimens were moulded from six types of concrete mixtures produced in the laboratory conditions. Mix #1: Portland cement CEM I 42.5R and gravel aggregate, mix #2: CEM I 42.5R and basalt aggregate, mix#3: Portland-composite...
Magdalena Ewa Apollo dr inż.
People2017 - PhD in Civil Engineering, thesis: Risk management in construction investments related to urban regeneration projects, Gdansk University of Technology IX 2012–VI 2013 - Postgraduate Studies at Gdynia Maritime University: Research Project Management (IPMA D Certificate) 2010 – MSc in Management and Marketing, Gdansk University of Technology 2007 – MSc in Civil Engineering, Gdansk University of Technology 2007-2010 - structural...
Non-existent monuments entered in the register of immovable monuments – comparison of 2003 and 2016
Open Research DataThe following dataset compares the structure of immovable monuments register by a number of non-existent monuments for 2003 and 2016. The dataset has been compiled based on the data contained in the Report analysing the state of immovable monuments (the report was prepared in 2004 based on data collected by provincial conservators of historical monuments...
Checkpointing of Parallel MPI Applications using MPI One-sided API with Support for Byte-addressable Non-volatile RAM
PublicationThe increasing size of computational clusters results in an increasing probability of failures, which in turn requires application checkpointing in order to survive those failures. Traditional checkpointing requires data to be copied from application memory into persistent storage medium, which increases application execution time as it is usually done in a separate step. In this paper we propose to use emerging byte-addressable...
Higher platelet counts correlate to tumour progression and can be induced by intratumoural stroma in non-metastatic breast carcinomas
PublicationBackground Platelets support tumour progression. However, their prognostic significance and relation to circulating tumour cells (CTCs) in operable breast cancer (BrCa) are still scarcely known and, thus, merit further investigation. Methods Preoperative platelet counts (PCs) were compared with clinical data, CTCs, 65 serum cytokines and 770 immune-related transcripts obtained using the NanoString technology. Results High normal...
Measurements of apparent power distribution in a ship power station with two generators working in parallel
Open Research DataThe presented dataset is part of research focusing on the assessment of metrological properties of the instrument, Estimator/Analyzer (E/A v.2), developed and made at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Marine Electrical Power Engineering of Gdynia Maritime University. The attached dataset contains processed data, expressing an apparent...
Income obtained according to particular rates only by taxpayers conducting non-agricultural business activity in 2016
Open Research DataA special form of income taxation addressed to the SME sector is the Lump sum on registered income, which is a simplified form of income tax payment for natural persons conducting business activity.The choice of this form of taxation is optional. In 2016, the tax in this form could be paid by taxpayers who in 2015 obtained income from non-agricultural...
Voltammetric and biological studies of folate-targeted non-lamellar lipid mesophases
PublicationFolate-targeted lipid nanostructures are promising strategies for the development of biocompatible drug delivery systems. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of drug delivery to cancer cells by folate-targeted lipid mesophases, cubosomes (CUB) and hexosomes (HEX), loaded with doxorubicin (DOX). Three cancer-derived cell lines (KB, HeLa, T98G) exhibiting different expressional levels of folate receptor protein...
Fourier transforms on Cantor sets: A study in non-Diophantine arithmetic and calculus
PublicationFractals equipped with intrinsic arithmetic lead to a natural definition of differentiation, integration, and complex structure. Applying the formalism to the problem of a Fourier transform on fractals we show that the resulting transform has all the required basic properties. As an example we discuss a sawtooth signal on the ternary middle-third Cantor set. The formalism works also for fractals that are not self-similar.
Non-Destructive Testing for the In Situ Assessment of the Ionic Flux in Cementitious Materials
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Próba pomiaru rozwoju społecznego za pomocą wskaźników ''non - income''
PublicationArtykuł analizuje dotychczasowe próby pomiaru rozwoju społecznego. Przedstawione są w nim najczęściej spotykane indeksy rozwoju społecznego takie jak: PQLI, ISP, WISP oraz najnowsze - opracowane przez ONZ - HDI, HPI-1, HPI-2, GDI, GEM.
Photoenhanced current as a tool for investigating non-uniform structures of tetracene layer.
PublicationPowierzchniowe prądy fotowzmocnione używane były jako narzędzie do badań fizycznych własności powierzchni warstw od strony podłoża, a także od strony przeciwległej podłożu.
Foil capacitors relability prediction based on fluctuation and non-linear phenomena
PublicationPrzeanalizowano właściwości nieliniowe i zjawiska fluktuacyjne kondensatorów w celu wytypowania kryterium selekcji kondensatorów przeciwzakłóceniowych na grupy o różnej trwałości i niezwodności. Może to poprawić proces oceny jakości kondensatorów o podwyższonej niezawodności. Przedstawiono wybrane wyniki eksperymentalne pomiaru kondensatorów wytwarzanych przez ZR MIFLEX w Kutnie. Opisano rozwiązanie implementacji technik pomiaru...
Primum non necere, czyli jak uczyć, żeby nie szkodzić
PublicationNiezbędna dla projektanta znajomość teorii kompozycji, stylów, kierunków,mód architektonicznych musi stanowić element wspomagający wciąż kształconą i pielęgnowana wrażliwość i umiejętność ekspresyjnego wyrażania emocji, przy użyciu form przestrzennych. Każdy student jest jedynym właścicielem i dysponentem swojej osobowości. To ona określa wrażliwość, ustala granice prywatności, rządzi emocjami i kreuje sposób ekspresji.
Investigations of non-uniform structure of the tetacene layer by photoen-hanced current
PublicationBadano stany pułapkujące nośniki w powierzchniowych obszarach warstwy tetra-cenu. W badaniach wykorzystano metodę prądów fotowzmocnionych. Wykazano obe-cność różnych rozkładów energetycznych pułapek przy obu powierzchniach war-stw tetracenu.
Modal control at energy performance index in reduced non-conservative system
PublicationW pracy rozważa się drgania niestacjonarnych układów mechanicznych modelowa-nych dyskretnie. Jednym ze sposobow nadzorowania tych drgań jest sterowanie optymalne przy energetycznym wskażniku jakości. Tymczasowe założenie o stac-jonarności układu daje możliwość wyznaczenia w trybie on-line optymalnego sygnału sterującego poszczególnymi postaciami drgań swobodnych układu a nas-tepnie - sterowanie układu niestacjonarnego wyznaczonym...
Analysis of Factors Having an Influence on Current in Non-Linear Inductive Brunch
PublicationArtykuł prezentuje analityczny opis pršdu włšczania nieliniowej gałęzi indukcyjnej. Analizę przeprowadzono w oparciu o odcinkowo-liniowš aproksymację charakterystyki magnesowania. Przeanalizowano wpływ chwili właczenia napięcia, charakteru obwodu i magnetyzmu szczštkowego rdzenia na przebieg i wartoć maksymalnš pršdu.
Chapter 6 : Non-intrusive measurement techniques in bubble dynamics investigation
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań dynamiki pęcherzyków parowych i gazowych przy użyciu nieinwazyjnych metod optycznych i akustycznych.
Modeling of the finite amplitude plane wave propagation in non-dissipative medium
PublicationPraca prezentuje wyniki analizy teoretycznej zagadnienia propagacji fali płaskiej o skończonej amplitudzie w ośrodku wodnym bez dyssypacji. Przedstawiono model matematyczny i przykładowe wyniki obliczeń numerycznych. Model matematyczny zbudowano w oparciu o jednowymiarowe równania mechaniki płynów. Do rozwiązania zagadnienia zastosowano metodę różnic skończonych. Analizowano zmiany ciśnienia i zmiany widma. Badano zbieżność i dokładność...
A hierarchical observer for a non-linear uncertain CSTR model of biochemical processes
PublicationThe problem of estimation of unmeasured state variables and unknown reaction kinetic functions for selected biochemical processes modelled as a continuous stirred tank reactor is addressed in this paper. In particular, a new hierarchical (sequential) state observer is derived to generate stable and robust estimates of the state variables and kinetic functions. The developed hierarchical observer uses an adjusted asymptotic observer...
Buckling and post-buckling behavior of column with central non-linear restraint
PublicationW pracy bada się wyboczenie giętne i zachowanie pokrytyczne ściskanego osiowo pręta z nieliniową sprężystą podporą w środku rozpiętości przęsła. Rozwiązanie problemu wyznaczono za pomocą metody małego parametru. Podano przykład numeryczny wyboczenia i zachowania pokrytycznego swobodnie podpartego pręta z nieliniową sprężytą podporą w środku rozpiętości. Wykazano istotny wpływ nieliniowości podpory na zachowanie pokrytyczne pręta.
Computer Vision Methods for Non-destructive Quality Assessment in Additive Manufacturing
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Hydration and glass transition of hybrid non-isocyanate polyurethanes with POSS inclusions
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Historical masonry buildings’ condition assessment by non-destructive and destructive testing
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Non-Newtonian lubrication of human hip joint for unsteady impulsive motion
PublicationTematem niniejszej pracy są parametry smarowania lepkosprężystą cieczą synowialną stawu biodrowego człowieka w czasie kilku, kilkunastu a nawet kilkudziesięciu mikrosekund po doznanym urazie. W niniejszej pracy rozpatruje się urazy wywołujące zmniejszenie lub zwiększenie wysokości i zmiany kształtu szczeliny stawu, które to zmiany po pewnym określonym czasie po doznanym urazie mogą zanikać. W konsekwencji takich urazów i to w...
Non-ionic and zwitterionic forms of neutral arginine – an ab initio study
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