total: 3333
- Publications 2522 available results
- Journals 127 available results
- Conferences 9 available results
- Publishing Houses 1 available results
- People 290 available results
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- e-Learning Courses 96 available results
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- Open Research Data 283 available results
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Analytical modeling of electric drives for vehicle traction control systems
PublicationWheel-torque control bandwidth in vehicle dynamics model is crucial in evaluating optimal tracking ability of tire slip and in analysis of control system stability. Electric drives’ control dynamics are influenced by timing of digital control events, e.g. by sampling instant of motor currents. Reflecting this timing in drive analytical models is therefore important for analysis of vehicle traction systems. The paper considers five...
Mainstream shortcut N removal modeling current status and perspectives
PublicationThis work gives an overview of the state-of-the-art in modelling of short-cut processes for nitrogen removal in mainstream wastewater treatment and presents future perspectives for directing research efforts in line with the needs of practice. The modelling status for deammonification (i.e., anammox-based) and nitrite-shunt processes is presented with its challenges and limitations. The importance of mathematical models for considering...
PublicationFuel tanks are designed with regard to standard actions and operating conditions. The work analyses the impact of corrosion and other means to variation of stresses and deformation of a horizontal underground tank shell. The computations are preliminary. Due to the long computational time of the entire tank the analysis is restricted to its part only. The full analysis is bound to assess structural reliability, further allowing...
Modeling of the behavior of granular bodies using DEM with contact moments
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki symulacji badania trójosiowego dla materiałów granulowanych. Obliczenia wykonano przy zastosowaniu metody DEM. Pokazano wpływ momentów kontaktowych na wytrzymałość próbki. Zbadano wpływ parametrów mikroskopowych.
Comparative modeling of shear localization in granular bodies with FEM and DEM
PublicationThe intention of the paper is to compare the calculations of shear zones in granular bodies using two different approaches: a continuum and a discrete one. In the first case, the FEM based on a micro-polar hypoplastic constitutive law was used. In the second case, the DEM was taken advantage of, where contact moments were taken into account to model grain roughness. The comparative calculations were performed for a passive case...
Numerical modeling of shear localizations during granular flow in silos.
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki numerycznej analizy MES dotyczącej przepływów materiałów sypkich w silosach. Omówiono różne metody opisu lokalizacji odkształceń stycznych wewnątrz materiałów. Wyniki porónano z wynikami doświadczalnymi.
Ireneusz Czarnowski Prof.
PeopleIRENEUSZ CZARNOWSKI is a graduate of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at Gdynia Maritime University. He gained a doctoral degree in the field of computer science at Poznan University of Technology and a postdoctoral degree in the field of computer science at Wroclaw University of Science and Technology. Since 1998 is associated with Gdynia Maritime University, currently is a professor of computer science in the Department...
Modeling and simulation of blood flow under the influence of radioactive materials having slip with MHD and nonlinear mixed convection
PublicationRadioactive materials are widely in industry, nuclear plants and medical treatments. Scientists and workers in these fields are mostly exposed to such materials, and adverse effects on blood and temperature profiles are observed. In this regard, objective of the current study is to model and simulate blood based nanofluid with three very important radioactive materials, named as Uranium dioxide (UO2), Thorium dioxide (ThO2) and...
The forecasted values of cutting power for sawing on band sawing machines for Polish Scots pine wood (Pinus sylvestris L.) in a function of its provenance.
PublicationIn this paper the predicted values of cutting power for band sawing machine (EB 1800, f. EWD), which is used in the Polish sawmills, were showed. The values of cutting power were forecasted for Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) wood of five provenances from Poland. These values were determined using an innovative method of predicting the cutting power, which takes into account of elements of fracture mechanics. The resulting predictions...
Electrical responses of Graphene-Silicon Schottky diodes toward nitrogen dioxide and tetrahydrofuran under irradiation
Open Research DataGraphene-Silicon Schottky junctions were utilized as gas sensors toward inorganic (nitrogen dioxide) and organic (tetrahydrofuran) gas qualitative and quantitative detection. The electrical responses of the sensors were collected in the form of current-voltage characteristics and measurements of current in time domain for a selected voltage bias. The...
Electrical conductivity of NbN-SiO2 films obtained by ammonolysis of Nb2O5-SiO2 sol-gel derived coatings
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono badania przewodnictwa elektrycznego (w zakresie 5-280K) warstw NbN-SiO2 o grubości 450 nm. Warstwy uzyskano poprzez azotowanie otrzymanych metodą zol-żel warstw Nb2O5-SiO2, o różnym stosunku molowym Nb2O5/SiO2. Azotowanie takich warstw w temperaturze 1200C prowadzi do otrzymania metalicznych granul NbN w amorficznej matrycy SiO2. Struktura warstw była badana mikroskopem sił atomowych (AFM) oraz metodą dyfrakcji...
Electrical Transport and Magnetic Properties of Metal/Metal Oxide/Metal Junctions Based on Anodized Metal Oxides
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Electrical Transport and Magnetic Properties of Metal/Metal Oxide/Metal Junctions Based on Anodized Metal Oxides
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Electrical, dielectric, I-V and antimicrobial behavior of cobalt incapacitated Prussian blue graphene ferrites composite
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Structure and electrical properties of ceramic proton conductors obtained with molten-salt and solid-state synthesis methods
PublicationPublikacja omawia wyniki badań niobanu lantanu domieszkowanego akceptorowo pod kątem właściwości elektrycznych i strukturalnych.
Investigation of morphological and electrical properties of the PMMA coating upon exposure to UV irradiation based on AFM studies
PublicationCelem badania było określenie wpływu promieniowania ultrafioletowego na morfologię powierzchni powłoki i na jej właściwości elektryczne. Cienka powłoka z polimetakrylanu metylu została nałożona na podłoże stalowe metodą zanurzeniową. Oceny stanu przed ekspozycją UV i w jej trakcie dokonywano przy użyciu mikroskopu sił atomowych. Na obrazach AFM zaobserwowano pojawienie się mikropęknięć. Celem zweryfikowania czy wykryte nieciągłości...
Modeling Earth Systems and Environment
Journals -
Efficient Surrogate Modeling and Design Optimization of Compact Integrated On-Chip Inductors Based on Multi-Fidelity EM Simulation Models
PublicationHigh-performance and small-size on-chip inductors play a critical role in contemporary radio-frequency integrated circuits. This work presents a reliable surrogate modeling technique combining low-fidelity EM simulation models, response surface approximations based on kriging interpolation, and space mapping technology. The reported method is useful for the development of broadband and highly accurate data-driven models of integrated...
Modeling of TEC Variations Based on Signals from Near Zenith GNSS Satellite Observed by Dense Regional Network
PublicationCurrently the substantial successes in high-resolution ionospheric mapping is declared in many publications. Nevertheless, up to now there are no examples of dynamic visualization of TEC disturbances on regional scale with as high resolution as tropospheric models. Over the years, ionosphere has been modeling basing on the simple assumption, that it is a thin layer, which surrounds the Earth at some arbitrary height. However, the...
The evaluation of COD fractionation and modeling as a key factor for appropriate optimization and monitoring of modern cost-effective activated sludge systems
PublicationA study was conducted to characterize the raw wastewater entering a modern cost effective municipal WWTP in Poland using two approaches; 1) a combination of modeling and carbonaceous oxygen demand (COD) fractionation using respirometric test coupled with model estimation (RTME) and 2) flocculation/filtration COD fractionation method combined with BOD measurements (FF-BOD). It was observed that the particulate fractions of COD obtained...
Mathematical modeling and prediction of pit to crack transition under cyclic thermal load using artificial neural network
PublicationThe formation of pitting is a major problem in most metals, which is caused by extremely localized corrosion that creates small holes in metal and subsequently, it changes into cracks under mechanical load, thermo-mechanical stress, and corrosion process factors. This research aims to study pit to crack transition phenomenon of steel boiler heat tubes under cyclic thermal load, and mathematical modeling...
Audible noise in ship’s electrical drive systems with frequency converters
Open Research DataThe presented dataset is part of research focusing on the impact of the ship's electrical drive systems with frequency converters on vibrations and the level of audible noise on ships.
The voltage on bus bars of the main switchboard of the car carrier electrical power system at sea trials during a sea voyage
Open Research DataThe dataset is part of the research results on the quality of supply voltage on bus bars of the main switchboard of the ship's electrical power system in different states of ship exploitation. The attached dataset contains the measurement results conducted onboard the car carrier at sea trials. The data were recorded during a sea voyage, under normal...
Variable‐fidelity modeling of antenna input characteristics using domain confinement and two‐stage Gaussian process regression surrogates
PublicationThe major bottleneck of electromagnetic (EM)-driven antenna design is the high CPU cost of massive simulations required by parametric optimization, uncertainty quantification, or robust design procedures. Fast surrogate models may be employed to mitigate this issue to a certain extent. Unfortunately, the curse of dimensionality is a serious limiting factor, hindering the construction of conventional data-driven models valid over...
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering Systems
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Istanbul University-Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
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Periodica polytechnica Electrical engineering and computer science
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Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
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International Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications
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Transactions of the South African Institute of Electrical Engineers
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Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology
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Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
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Total electrical conductivity data of (Cr,Fe,Mn,Co,Ni)3O4 High-entropy spinel oxide thin films deposited on amorphous SiO2 substrate by spray pyrolysis techniqe
Open Research DataThis dataset includes electrical conductivity measurements results measured by van der pauw technique up to 900oC.
Estimation of groundwater recharge in a shallow sandy aquifer using unsaturated zone modeling and water table fluctuation method
PublicationQuantification of groundwater recharge is one of the most important issues in hydrogeology, especially in view of the ongoing changes in climate and land use. In this study, we use numerical models of 1D vertical flow in the vadose zone and the water table fluctuation (WTF) analysis to investigate local-scale recharge of a shallow sandy aquifer in the Brda outwash plain in northern Poland. We show that these two methods can be...
Geometry Modeling and Processing
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Modélisation d'ordre non entier des machines synchrones. Modèle fréquentiel non linéaire, identification des paramètres, calcul de la réponse temporelle.
PublicationDans les réseaux d'énergie électrique contemporains, on assiste à une diversification considérable des différentes sources d'énergie. L'énergie produite est transformée par une grande quantité de dispositifs électriques pour être finalement acheminée à diverses installations électriques. Il devient donc primordial d'améliorer les modèles des différents composants électriques afin de pouvoir prévoir les interactions entre eux et...
Electrical responses of nanostructured ZrS3 as field-effect transistor for nitrogen dioxide, ethanol, and acetone detection enhanced by visible light
Open Research DataSmall-area layers of nanostructured ZrS3 were fabricated and measured in the field-effect transistor configuration. Irradiation with visible light enabled generating photocurrent and increasing the sensitivity to selected ambient gases: nitrogen dioxide, ethanol, and acetone. The data set consists of electrical responses (current vs. voltage characteristics...
Metabolic activity of tree saps of different origin towards cultured human cells in the light of grade correspondence analysis and multiple regression modeling
PublicationTree saps are nourishing biological media commonly used for beverage and syrup production. Although the nutritional aspect of tree saps is widely acknowledged, the exact relationship between the sap composition, origin, and effect on the metabolic rate of human cells is still elusive. Thus, we collected saps from seven different tree species and conducted composition-activity analysis. Saps from trees of Betulaceae, but not from...
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems
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Energy Systems-Optimization Modeling Simulation and Economic Aspects
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Modeling the Customer’s Contextual Expectations Based on Latent Semantic Analysis Algorithms
PublicationNowadays, in the age of Internet, access to open data detects the huge possibilities for information retrieval. More and more often we hear about the concept of open data which is unrestricted access, in addition to reuse and analysis by external institutions, organizations and people. It’s such information that can be freely processed, add another data (so-called remix) and then published. More and more data are available in text...
Wind Turbines Modeling as the Tool for Developing Algorithms of Processing their Video Recordings
PublicationIn the real world, many factors exist disturbing observation of the examined phenomena and causing various noises and distortions in recorded signals. It very often makes it difficult or even impossible to optimize various signal processing algorithms, through finding appropriate parameters. In this paper, we show an application, that retrieves wind turbine rotor speed from recorded video. Next, we describe the process of reduction...
Wind Turbines Modeling as the Tool for Developing Algorithms of Processing their Video Recordings
PublicationIn the real world, many factors exist disturbing observation of the examined phenomena and causing various noises and distortions in recorded signals. It very often makes it difficult or even impossible to optimize various signal processing algorithms, through finding appropriate parameters. In this paper, we show an application, that retrieves wind turbine rotor speed from recorded video. Next, we describe the process of reduction...
Knowledge-Based Virtual Modeling and Simulation of Manufacturing Processes for Industry 4.0
PublicationABSTRACT Industry 4.0 aims at providing a digital representation of a production landscape, but the challenges in building, maintaining, optimizing, and evolving digital models in inter-organizational production chains have not been identified yet in a systematic manner. In this paper, various Industry 4.0 research and technical challenges are addressed, and their present scenario is discussed. Moreover, in this article, the novel...
Assessment of rod behavior theories used in spectral finite element modeling
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono teorie prętów i przedstawiono ich przydatnośc w analizie propagacji fal sprężystych z wykorzystaniem metody spektralnych elementów skończonych.
Nonlinear modeling of traction transformer with coiled iron core for dynamic simulation
PublicationW referacie przedstawiono wyprowadzenie zastępczego modelu obwodowego transformatora trakcyjnego o rdzeniu zwijanym do analiz zachowania sie transformatora w układzie napedowym jednostki trakcyjnej. Model zakłada nieliniowa charakterystyke magnesowania B-H i anizotropowe właściwosci magnetyczne i elektryczne zwijanego rdzenia. Wyprowadzenie modelu oparto na metodzie energetycznej Lagrange'a. Uzwojenia zostały zamodelowanie jako...
Process modeling inside cylinder in an internal combustion engine with heat regeneration
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Improving peak detection by Gaussian mixture modeling of mass spectral signal