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Search results for: ROAD TRAFFIC NOISE
Research on the Relationship between CO2 Emissions, Road Transport, Economic Growth and Energy Consumption on the Example of the Visegrad Group Countries
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Application of signal to noise ratio and grey relational analysis to minimize forces and vibrations during precise ball end milling
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Karol Żarski mgr inż.
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Czyżew- Białystok 2020 - video data
Open Research DataThe data contain video traffic data registered on the section Czyżew - Białystok. The analyzed area is located in Podlaskie province. It includes road intersections with railroad line no. 6.
Power grid frequency measurement in LabVIEW environment using the least mean squares method to signal phase approximation in the presence of noise
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A decade of Poland`s integrated Road Safety Programme - economic develop-ment vs. road unsafety. W: [CD-ROM]. Conference proceedings. SORIC´02. 2nd Safety on Road Internationaload International Conference. Kingdom of Bah- rain, 21-23 October 2002. Bahrain: CTRS Univ. Bahrain**2002 [8 s. 5 rys. bibliogr. 5 poz. 10 lat Krajowego Programu Bezpieczeństwa Ruchu Drogowego w Polsce - rozwój ekonomiczny a niebezpieczeństwo ruchu.
PublicationReferat zawiera analizę doświadczeń z dziesięciu lat pracy oraz wdrożeń Kra-jowego Programu Bezpieczeństwa Ruchu Drogowego GAMBIT. Przedstawia również analizę przyczyn gwałtownego spadku liczby- śmiertelnych ofiar wypadków dro-gowych w Polsce w roku 2001.
Determination of modifier contents in polymer-modified bitumens and in samples collected from the roads using high performance gel permeation/size exclusion chromatography
PublicationThis paper describes application of high performance gel permeation/size exclusion chromatography (HP-GPC/SEC) for the determination of content of polymer modifiers in modified road bitumens. The obtained results were compared with the measurements based on the procedure recommended by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, which employs Fourier transform mid-infrared spectroscopy (mid-IR FTIR)....
A1-S6 Rebielcz Raduńska 2016 - video data
Open Research DataThe video cameras installed on the Expressway S6 and motorway A1: 4 cameras in both directions, location: main road registered vehicles along the entire length of the road section. Cameras were mounted on 5-7 meter high masts. Date 29-31.07.2016
Carbon fractionation and stable carbon isotopic fingerprint of road dusts near coal power plant with emphases on coal-related source apportionment
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Pollution characteristics and human health risks of potentially (eco)toxic elements (PTEs) in road dust from metropolitan area of Hefei, China
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Recycling of Industrial Waste as Soil Binding Additives—Effects on Soil Mechanical and Hydraulic Properties during Its Stabilisation before Road Construction
PublicationTo improve the in situ soil stabilization, different chemical additives are used (ion exchange compounds, additives based on H2SO4 or vinyl polymers, and organic additives using lignosul- fonates). One interesting alternative is the production of additives from various waste materials. The extensive testing of waste-based blends with soil was performed; the mechanical (unconfined compressive strength (UCS)) and hydraulic (capillary...
Electrochromic foil-based devices: optical transmittance and modulation range, effect of ultraviolet irradiation,and quality assessment by 1/f current noise
PublicationPrzedstawiono technologię wytwarzania elementów wykazujących zjawisko elektrochromizmu - zmiany transmitancji optycznej pod wpływem gromadzenia ładunku. Pokazano, że zastosowanie warstwy odbijającej może poprawić stopień zmian transmitancji optycznej. Ponadto, pokazano, że zjawiska losowe generujące szum typu 1/f w tych elementach może być wykorzystane do oceny ich jakości.
Electrochromic foil-based devices: Optical transmittance and modulation range, effect of ultraviolet irradiation, and quality assessment by 1/f current noise
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Experimental Study of the Influence of Noise Level on the Uncertainty Value in a Measurement System Containing an Analog-to-Digital Converter
Open Research DataFor newly developed measuring systems it is easy to estimate type B uncertainties based on the technical data of the measuring modules applied. However, it is difficult to estimate A type un-certainties due to the unknown type and level of interferences infiltrating into the measuring sys-tem. This is a particularly important problem for measurements...
Review and evaluation of cold recycling with bitumen emulsion and cement for rehabilitation of old pavements
PublicationThe article presents Polish experience with cold recycling of asphalt pavements with theusage of bituminous emulsion and cement. In the 1990s numerous roads in Polandrequired immediate reinforcement due to their significant degradation. Implementation ofthe cold recycling technology was one of the solutions to this problem. Cold recycledmixtures containebeside the recycled asphalt pavement and aggregateetwo differenttypes of binding...
Editorial, SI EATA2023
PublicationThe European Asphalt Technology Association (EATA) is an organisation of leading European engineers and scientists involved in the asphalt material research. Every two years, the EATA celebrates its international pavement conference, with the aim of disseminating the key advances in scientific knowledge related to asphalt materials and technologies, and to encourage the transfer and application of this knowledge worldwide. Since...
The Impact of Adjacent Road on Vascular Plant Species Composition in Herbaceous Layers of Peucedano-Pinetum and Tilio-Carpinetum Urban Forests in the City of Warsaw (Poland)
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Nowoczesne metody wzmacniania słabych gruntów dla bezpiecznego posadowienia dróg. Modern ground improvement methods for soft soils and safe road constructions.
PublicationW referacie przedstawiono ciekawsze i innowacyjne w skali polskiej i europejskiej rozwiązania geotechniczne, zastosowane w ciągu kilku ostatnich lat w Polsce. Przytoczone przykłady obejmują zastosowanie: geodrenów i przeciążenia, wibroflotacji i wibrowymiany, kolum żwirowych, mieszania wgłebnego gruntu na mokro oraz kolumn betonowych ze żwirową stopą.
Elucidation of chemical compounds in different extracts of two Lavandula taxa and their biological potentials: Walking with versatile agents on the road from nature to functional applications
PublicationDue to their health-promoting and nutraceutical properties, lavenders are frequently employed in the food and pharmaceutical industries. Here, we focused on investigate the chemical profile of hexane, MeOH, and water extracts of leaf, flower, and root of L. pedunculata and L. stoechas and to assess their antioxidant, enzyme inhibitory, and antibacterial properties. The highest total polyphenolic and flavonoids contents were recorded...
Karol Grębowski dr inż.
PeopleKarol Grębowski (M.Sc.) works as an assistant at the Department of Technical Fundamentals of Architecture Design of the Faculty of Architecture at Gdansk University of Technology. His scientific research deals with dynamic phenomena occurring during the vibration of structures, bridges, and studies the design methodology of the elements forming passive protection system of the vehicles degraded by struck or explosion in the context...
Alicja Konczakowska prof. dr hab. inż.
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Braniewo 2020 - video data - pedestrian, bicycles, vehicles
Open Research DataBraniewo 2020 - video data
Paweł Wierzba dr hab. inż.
PeopleDr Paweł Wierzba, E.E. M.Sc. E.E. received from WETI PG 1994 PhD in optoelectronics (with honours) from WETI PG 2001 Research Stays at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland from 1997 to 2000 Finnish Academy Scholarship at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland (12 months) 2002-3 Research interest area covers optical and optical fiber meaurement methods, technology of selected ceramic and liquid crystalline materials relevant...
Mobility Oriented Development (MOD): Public-Private Partnership in Urban Parking & Traffic Management with the Use of Autonomous Automobiles, Car-Sharing, Ridesharing Modes of Transport & Mobility as a Service (MaaS)
PublicationThe focus of the following research are relations between mobility technologies and metropolitan (urban and suburban) spatial structures. In this paper the author discusses various urban modes of transport (automobile, mass transit) in the context of emerging technical (autonomous vehicles, self-driving cars and driverless shuttles) and organizational (carpooling, ridesharing, car-sharing, on-demand mobility) solutions for " mobility...
Jacek Alenowicz dr inż.
PeopleI am a Faculty member (Docent, Highway and Transportation Research Department) at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland).My main research interests include: pavement structures, pavement subgrade, recycling of road pavements (especially hot and warm recycling technologies), geosynthetics in road construction, especially construction and maintenance of pavement structures.My...
Biomonitoring and health risks assessment of trace elements in various age- and gender-groups exposed to road dust in habitable urban-industrial areas of Hefei, China
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Kazimierz Darowicki prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleStudia wyższe ukończyłem w czerwcu 1981 roku po zdaniu egzaminu dyplomowego i obronie pracy magisterskiej. Opiekunem pracy magisterskiej był dr hab. inż. Tadeusz Szauer. W roku 1991, 27 listopada uzyskałem stopień naukowy broniąc pracę doktorską zatytułowaną „Symulacyjna i korelacyjna analiza widm immitancyjnych inhibitowanej reakcji elektrodowej”. Promotorem pracy był prof. dr hab. inż. Józef Kubicki (Wydział Chemiczny...
Skład zanieczyszczeń wprowadzanych do środowiska wzdłuż dróg o różnym natężeniu ruchu pojazdów mechanicznych = Composition of pollutants in the water samples collected along the highways with different traffic intensity
PublicationProwadzono monitoring poziomu stężeń wybranych zanieczyszczeń w próbkach wód opadowych, spływnych, gruntowych i rzecznych, pobieranych wzdłuż dróg o różnym natężeniu ruchu pojazdów. Zlokalizowano pięć stałych punktów pobierania próbek wzdłuż dwóch szlaków komunikacyjnych; drogi o małym natężeniu ruchu nr 501 w miejscowości Sztutowo oraz wzdłuż drogi krajowej nr A7 na odcinku Nowy Dwór Gdański - Elbląg. Próbki pobierano przez okres...
S7-DK7 Myślenice Zakopane 2017 - video data
Open Research DataThe video cameras installed on the Expressway S7: 6 cameras in both directions, location: main road registered vehicles along the entire length of the road section. Cameras were mounted on 5-7 meter high masts. Date 11-15.08.2017
Jerzy Konorski dr hab. inż.
PeopleJerzy Konorski received his M. Sc. degree in telecommunications from Gdansk University of Technology, Poland, and his Ph. D. degree in computer science from the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland. In 2007, he defended his D. Sc. thesis at the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, Gdansk University of Technology. He has authored over 150 papers, led scientific projects funded by the European Union,...
Journal of Low Frequency Noise Vibration and Active Control
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Wpływ obwodnicy Trójmiasta na chemizm wód powierzchniowych niewielkich zagłębień bezodpływowych = The impact of the Gdańsk's ring road on the chemical composition of the surface waters in small outflowless pools
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań wpływu Obwodnicy Trójmiasta na chemizm wód niewielkich zbiorników bezodpływowych. Próbki poddano analizie na zawartość wybranych kationów i anionów oraz zbadano takie parametry jak pH oraz przewodnictwo. Uzyskane wyniki bardzo jasno wskazują na wysoki wpływ obwodnicy na skład i rodzaj zanieczyszczeń obecnych w badanych próbkach. Zaobserwowano m.in. alkalizację badanych wód oraz wysoki poziom stężeń takich...
Michał Ryms dr hab. inż.
PeopleMichał Ryms, PhD, DSc, Eng. is the physicist, graduate of the Gdańsk University of Technology. PhD thesis defended at the Chemical Faculty. Since 2011 an employee at the Department of Energy Conversion and Storage, Chemical Faculty, Gdansk University of Technology, POLAND – now as an associate professor. His research interests includes: improvement of energy efficiency and possibilities of new application of phase change materials...
Impact of accuracy of weigh-in-motion data for pavement analysis and design: influence of temperature variations
PublicationThis paper investigates the effect of temperature on WIM-collected data using the steering axle load spectrum (SALS) and two datasets. The first dataset, provided by the WIM system operator, contains detailed raw data, while the second, supplied by the road authority, includes less detailed information but covers 46 stations with various sensor types and configurations: single-line bending plates and two-line quartz piezoelectric...
Selected problems of estimation of road and marine transport resources operation fuel consumption = Wybrane problemy oceny eksploatacyjnego zużycia paliwa w środkach transportu drogowego i morskiego
PublicationW referacie przedstawiono metody oceny eksploatacyjnego zużycia paliwa w środkach transportu drogowego. Omówiono testy zużycia paliwa prowadzone przez producentów pojazdów oraz zaprezentowano problematykę ich reprezentatywności dla dzisiejszych warunków ruchu. W drugiej części referatu przedstawiono problematykę prognozowania zużycia paliwa statków towarowych ze szczególnym uwypukleniem odmienności opisu warunków eksploatacji środków...
Cross-Sectoral Inter-Country Linkages under the Belt and Road Initiative: Chinese ICT Services Value Added Inflows to Manufacturing Exports in the New Eurasian Land Bridge Economies
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Does China use its trade potential in the Belt and Road Initiative properly? The relations between Chinese value added and trade potential in the European countries: bottom-up analysis
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Wałcz 2018 - video data - pedestrian, bicycles, vehicles
Open Research DataWałcz DK 10 - 2018 - video data - pedestrian, bicycles, vehicles
Rebuilding Bailey Bridge to Bridge With Bascule Span – A Case Study
PublicationThe structural analysis of a road foldable prefabricated steel Bailey- type bridge located over the Tuga River in Żelichowo, Poland is performed in this paper. Interesting and untypical bridge redevelopment performed made it possible to lift the middle foldable bridge span by approximately 4.0 m concerning the existing state. The paper begins with a survey of literature carried out on the investigations of foldable Bailey-type...
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour
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Mariusz Jaczewski dr inż.
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Testing HIADAC high impedance analyzer in cooperation with Road and Bridge Research Institute on polyvinyl coating using 2-wire probe sample 1
Open Research DataThe dataset presents impedance spectrum of polyvinyl coating (code-name PW_2_2_1) sample 1. This object was used to test high-impedance analyzer for diagnostic of anticorossion coatings (HIADAC) realized in the frame of Eureka project E!3174. The impedance spectrum frequency range (0.1 Hz – 100 kHz) was selected in order to test the whole measureement...
Testing HIADAC high impedance analyzer in cooperation with Road and Bridge Research Institute on polyvinyl coating using 2-wire probe sample 2
Open Research DataThe dataset presents impedance spectrum of polyvinyl coating (code-name PW_2_2_1) sample 2. This object was used to test high-impedance analyzer for diagnostic of anticorossion coatings (HIADAC) realized in the frame of Eureka project E!3174. The impedance spectrum frequency range (0.1 Hz – 100 kHz) was selected in order to test the whole measureement...
Forecasting Poland`s road deaths. W: [CD-ROM]. Zbornik referatov. V. Medna- rodna Konferenca Globalna Varnost. V. International Conference Global Safe- ty. Portoroz, od 6. do 9 oktobra 2002, Slovenija. [B.m.]: ZVD, Slovene Road Safety Council**2002 [7 s. 5 rys. bibliogr. 8 poz.] Prognozowanie liczby zabitych w ruchu drogowym w Polsce.
PublicationW referacie przedstawiono sytuację w zakresie bezpieczeństwa ruchu drogowegow Polsce oraz metodykę tworzenia długoterminowych prognoz rozwoju ryzyka w ruchu drogowym na przykładzie prognozy dla potrzeb Krajowego Programu Bez-pieczeństwa Ruchu drogowego GAMBIT 2000.
Testing HIADAC high impedance analyzer in cooperation with Road and Bridge Research Institute on epoxy based coating using 2-wire probe sample 2
Open Research DataThe dataset presents impedance spectrum of epoxy based coating (code-name B2_B3) sample 2. This object was used to test high-impedance analyzer for diagnostic of anticorossion coatings (HIADAC) realized in the frame of Eureka project E!3174. The impedance spectrum frequency range (0.1 Hz – 100 kHz) was selected in order to test the whole measureement...
Testing HIADAC high impedance analyzer in cooperation with Road and Bridge Research Institute on epoxy based coating using 2-wire probe sample 1
Open Research DataThe dataset presents impedance spectrum of epoxy based coating (code-name B2_B3) sample 1. This object was used to test high-impedance analyzer for diagnostic of anticorossion coatings (HIADAC) realized in the frame of Eureka project E!3174. The impedance spectrum frequency range (0.1 Hz – 100 kHz) was selected in order to test the whole measureement...
Testing HIADAC high impedance analyzer in cooperation with Road and Bridge Research Institute on epoxy based coating using 2-wire probe sample 3
Open Research DataThe dataset presents impedance spectrum of epoxy based coating (code-name EPCS1) sample 3. This object was used to test high-impedance analyzer for diagnostic of anticorossion coatings (HIADAC) realized in the frame of Eureka project E!3174. The impedance spectrum frequency range (0.1 Hz – 100 kHz) was selected in order to test the whole measureement...
Szymon Andrzejewski dr
PeopleMaster’s degree at the University of Gdańsk in 2008 Major in political system and self-government. Overgraduate studies at the Gdańsk University of Technology „Management and evaluation of projects financed from EU funds” and at AGH University of Science and Technology Noise protection against noise and vibration. Student of sociology PhD studies at the University of Gdańsk from 2016. The research scope is democracy and institutions...
Investigation of low-temperature cracking in newly constructed high-modulus asphalt concrete base course of a motorway pavement
PublicationThe paper presents the issue of low-temperature transverse cracks which have developed in newly constructed base courses made of high-modulus asphalt concrete mix (HMAC). Numerous transverse cracks developed in the analysed HMAC base during the winter season before the pavement was actually completed, both at the transverse joint locations and in the areas between them. This had not happened so far on such a scale during road construction...
Testing HIADAC high impedance analyzer in cooperation with Road and Bridge Research Institute on nano-nickel based coating using 2-wire probe sample 2
Open Research DataThe dataset presents impedance spectrum of nano-nickel based coating sample 2. This object was used to test high-impedance analyzer for diagnostic of anticorossion coatings (HIADAC) realized in the frame of Eureka project E!3174. The impedance spectrum frequency range (0.1 Hz – 100 kHz) was selected in order to test the whole measureement range of...