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Search results for: abrasive finishing diamond grains electroplating tool wear ceramic samples empirical model
Boron-Doped Diamond/GaN Heterojunction—The Influence of the Low-Temperature Deposition
PublicationWe report a method of growing a boron-doped diamond film by plasma-assisted chemical vapour deposition utilizing a pre-treatment of GaN substrate to give a high density of nucleation. CVD diamond was deposited on GaN substrate grown epitaxially via the molecular-beam epitaxy process. To obtain a continuous diamond film with the presence of well-developed grains, the GaN substrates are exposed to hydrogen plasma prior to deposition....
Types of wear and tear of biomaterials used in orthopaedic surgery
PublicationPurpose of this paper is presentation of observations on different kinds of wear and tear of biomaterials used in contemporary orthopaedic surgery. Types of prosthesis damage, encountered in medical practice, and their causes have been described. Results of many clinical studies were analysed to review prosthesis damage from the stage of implanting (such as intrusion of a foreign object between its components) to their natural...
A semi-empirical model for flow boiling heat transfer with account of the reduced pressure effect
PublicationIn the present study the attention was focused on the influence of reduced pressure on the predictions of heat transfer during flow boiling at the extensive range of pressures. The results of calculations were to test the sensitivity of the in-house flow boiling model with respect to the selection of the appropriate two-phase flow multiplier, which is one of the distinctive elements of that model. For this purpose a few two-phase...
Incorporation of nitrogen in diamond films – A new way of tuning parameters for optical passive elements
PublicationThis paper investigates the impact of nitrogen incorporation in diamond films for the construction of an interferometric sensor to measure displacement. Diamond films with different nitrogen levels (0–5%) were deposited on silicon substrates by microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition. The structural characteristics of these samples are characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), confocal...
Journals -
Micro-Abrasive Wear Testing of Surface Engineered Surgical Grade CoCrMo Alloy for Biotribological Applications
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Quantification of ultrafine airborne particulate matter generated by the wear of car brake materials
PublicationThe wear of car brakes is one of the main sources of airborne particulate matter in urban environments. Ultrafine wear particles are of special environmental interest since they can easily penetrate the human body through inhalation and cause various diseases. In the present study, the contribution of ultrafine particles to airborne particulate matter emitted from car brake materials was investigated under different friction conditions....
Incorporation of nitrogen in diamond films - A new way of tuning parameters for optical passive elements
PublicationThis paper investigates the impact of nitrogen incorporation in diamond films for the construction of an interferometric sensor to measure displacement. Diamond films with different nitrogen levels (0–5%) were deposited on silicon substrates by microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition. The structural characteristics of these samples are characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy...
Nitrogen-Incorporated Boron-Doped Nanocrystalline Diamond Nanowires for Microplasma Illumination
PublicationThe origin of nitrogen-incorporated boron-doped nanocrystalline diamond (NB-NCD) nanowires as a function of substrate temperature (Ts) in H2/CH4/B2H6/N2 reactant gases is systematically addressed. Because of Ts, there is a drastic modification in the dimensional structure and microstructure and hence in the several properties of the NB-NCD films. The NB-NCD films grown at low Ts (400 °C) contain faceted diamond grains. The morphology...
Evaluation of Wear Resistance of Ti alloys used for elements friction of knee endoprosthesis
PublicationThe paper presents research results of resistance to abrasive wear of titanium alloys: Ti6Al4V (commonly used) and Til3Nb13Zr (alloy of new generation) in association with polyethylene (UHMW-PE) predisposed for elements on pair of the knee endoprosthesis. The results were analysed from the point of possibility of an use of new generation titanium alloys as components of such implants. The tests of resistance to abrasive wear of...
A pin-on-disc study of airborne wear particle emissions from studded tyre on concrete road contacts
PublicationStudded tyres wear surfaces of winter roads, generating inhalable airborne particles. In this study, four concrete road materials and two stud geometries were investigated in terms of wear, road material hardness and airborne particle concentration. The sliding contact between studded tyres and road materials was studied using a pin-on-disc machine in a clean chamber. The results show that the normal load and the stud size have...
Sound signals generated during lapping of technical ceramics using electroplated tools with diamond grains
Open Research DataData contains the recordings of sound generated during single-sided lapping with the use of electroplated diamond tools. This relationship was examined with the use of spectral analysis of the sound signal in the frequency domain with a focus on the Ra parameter of the surface roughness. The estimated sound coefficient increased as the surface roughness...
The influence of the basic conditions of the forced feed of abrasive compound on the roughness of flat ceramic elements after lapping.
PublicationW docieraniu standardowym zawiesina ścierna dostarczana jest do strefy obróbki w sposób ciągły - zalewowo lub kroplowo, co generuje duże straty ścierniwa. W artykule opisano innowacyjny system dozowania i nanoszenia zawiesiny ściernej na powierzchnię żeliwnego docieraka tarczowego, który eliminuje tą wadę. W przeprowadzonych eksperymentach badano wpływ procentowej zawartości ziaren ściernych w nośniku oraz wielkość dawki zawiesiny...
The influence of the cooling conditions on the cutting tool wear and the chip formation mechanism
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Enhanced boron doping of thin diamond films grown in deuterium-rich microwave plasma
PublicationThe boron-doped diamond thin films were growth in deuterium rich microwave plasma in CVD process. The mechanism of influence of plasma composition on boron doping level was studied using optical emission spectroscopy. Deuterium rich plasma results in an increased dissociation of B2H6 precursor and intense boron-radicals' production. In consequence, a higher doping level of diamond films was observed by means of Laser Induced Breakdown...
Experimental guinea pig model of dermatophytosis: a simple and useful tool for the evaluation of new diagnostics and antifungals
PublicationCelem badań było opracowanie prostego modelu zwierzęcego (świnki morskie) odpowiedniego do sprawdzania systemów diagnostycznych oraz terapii infekcji dermatofitów. Następujące zmienne były analizowane: przygotowanie skóry przez golenie versus użycie taśmy, testowy szczep Microsporum canis czy Trichophyton mentagrophytes jako czynnik etiologiczny, sposób inokulacji. Przebieg infekcji był oceniany poprzez ocenę zaczerwienienia i...
An empirical study on the impact of AspectJ on software evolvability
PublicationSince its inception in 1996, aspect-oriented programming (AOP) has been believed to reduce the effort required to maintain software systems by replacing cross-cutting code with aspects. However, little convincing empirical evidence exists to support this claim, while several studies suggest that AOP brings new obstacles to maintainability. This paper discusses two experiments conducted to evaluate the impact of AspectJ (the most...
PublicationZ uwagi na potrzeby społeczne, a zwłaszcza rosnące zapotrzebowanie na endoprotezy stawów biodrowego i kolanowego oraz uwzględniając fakt, że procesy tribologiczne odgrywają wiodącą rolę w procesie utraty stabilności endoprotez ortopedycznych i decydują o ich trwałości, uznano za celowe przeprowadzenie oceny wpływu implantacji jonowej na zużycie ścierne biostopu Ti13Nb13Zr. Do badań wykorzystano pary trące: nieimplantowany stop...
Seeding enhancement for microcrystaline diamond layers growth on non-diamond substrates
PublicationThe present paper gives an overview on the possible methods of seeding substrates for diamond layers growth. Diamond in reason of his properties is very desirable material in microelectronic, biomedical and waste treatment sensors. Microcrystalline diamond for these applications must be grown on silicon substrate in microwave plasma assisted chemical vapor deposition (MPACVD). To grow diamond on non-diamond surface pre-growth...
Improved surface coverage of an optical fibre with nanocrystalline diamond by the application of dip-coating seeding
PublicationGrowth processes of diamond thin films on the fused silica optical fibres (10 cm in length) were investigated at various temperatures. Fused silica pre-treatment by dip-coating in a dispersion consisting of detonation nanodiamond (DND) in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) with polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) was applied. Nanocrystalline diamond (NCD) films were deposited on the fibres using the microwave plasma assisted chemical vapour deposition...
Tool wear, surface roughness, cutting temperature and chips morphology evaluation of Al/TiN coated carbide cutting tools in milling of Cu–B–CrC based ceramic matrix composites
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Impact of blending with polystyrene on the microstructural and electrochemical properties of SiOC ceramic
PublicationIn this work, we present the electrochemical behavior and microstructural analysis of silicon oxycarbide (SiOC) ceramics influenced by an addition of polystyrene (PS). Polymer-derived ceramics were obtained by pyrolysis (1000°C, Ar atmosphere) of different polysiloxanes prepared by sol–gel synthesis. This method is very effective to obtain desired composition of final ceramic. Two alkoxysilanes phenylthriethoxysilane and diphenyldimethoxysilane...
Structural and electronic properties of diamond-composed heterostructures
PublicationDiamond is a promising material for 21st century electronics due to its high thermal and electronic conductivity, biocompatibility, chemical stability, high wear resistance, and possibility of doping. However, the semiconductor properties of diamond, especially free-standing films, have not been fully explored. Nor have their integration with polymers and fragile materials and their applications as electronic components. In this...
The influence of variants of finishing machining on scheduling of shaft components manufacturing
PublicationIn the paper variants of technological processes were presented to the study for piston rods and rams of hydraulic cylinders taking issues into consideration scheduling of course of the production in flexible manufacturing cell. At the carried study an attempt of the estimation of the influence of technological variants on the effectiveness to manufacture the flexible manufacturing system on the basis of preliminary schedules of...
Effects of extreme pressure and anti-wear additives on surface topography and tool wear during MQCL turning of AISI 1045 steel
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Dynamic Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (DEIS) as a Tool for Analyzing Surface Oxidation Processes on Boron-Doped Diamond Electrodes
PublicationSurface oxidation processes play a key role in understanding electrochemical properties of boron-doped diamond (BDD) electrodes. The type of surface termination groups, which create the potential window of electrolytic water stability or hydrophobicity, influences such properties. In this study the kinetics of oxidation process under anodic polarization were studied in situ by means of Dynamic Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy...
The Use of Cluster Analysis to Assess the Wear Resistance of Cermet Coatings Sprayed by High Velocity Oxy-Fuel on Magnesium Alloy Substrate
PublicationCermet coatings are one of the best surface protection of machine elements against wear. On the other hand, the most universal and economically justified method of applying such coatings is high velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF) spraying. This method makes it possible to produce coatings characterized by compact structure, low porosity and very good adhesion to the substrate. All these fundamental properties contribute to the high wear...
Modeling flatness deviation in face milling considering angular movement of the machine tool system components and tool flank wear
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The Influence of Tool Wear on the Vibrations During Ball end Milling of Hardened Steel
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Emission and properties of airborne wear particles from train brake friction materials based on novolac phenolic resins and butadiene rubbers
PublicationThe emission of airborne particulate matter from a train brake depends on the formulation of its friction material. This study investigates the emission and properties of wear particles from train brake friction materials based on straight or resorcinol-modified novolac phenolic resin and nitrile or styrene butadiene rubber used as binding ingredients. The wear particles are generated by a pin-on-disc tribomachine inside an aerodynamic...
Multi-criteria Optimization of the Abrasive Waterjet Cutting Process for the High-Strength and Wear-Resistant Steel Hardox®500
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Calculation of flatness errors formed on the tool during finishing machining by lapping. Second International Tribology Conference, SITC 2002.
PublicationPłaskość przedmiotów obrabianych zależy głównie od płaskości narzędzia stosowanego w docieraniu. Orientacja przedmiotu na docieraku musi być wyznaczona w celu określenia korelacji pomiędzy błędami płaskości obu powierzchni. Metoda wyznaczania błędów niepłaskości narzędzia przedstawiona została w referacie. Pokazane zostały przykładowe położenia przedmiotów o różnych kształtach na czynnej powierzchni docieraka z błędem wklęsłości.
Modelling of saturated, subcooled and post-dryout flow boiling with the energy dissipation based semi-empirical model
PublicationA comprehensive semi-empirical model for saturated, subcooled and post dryout heat transfer is presented based on considerations of energy dissipation in the flow. The fundamental hypothesis in the model is the fact that heat transfer during flow boiling can be treated as a sum of two contributions constituting the total energy dissipation in the flow, namely the energy dissipation due to the shearing flow without the bubbles and...
Reduced model of gyroscopic system
PublicationThe paper presents the method of model reduction for the system with gyroscopic interactions. Two methods were used to obtain the approximate discrete models of the continuous structure: the modal decomposition method and the rigid finite element method. The first approach is used for this part of a system for which it is easy to formulate orthogonality conditions, meanwhile the second one is used for other part. The method enables...
Ellipsometric investigation of nitrogen doped diamond thin films grown in microwave CH4/H2/N2 plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition
PublicationThe influence of N2 concentration (1%–8%) in CH4/H2/N2 plasma on structure and optical properties of nitrogen doped diamond (NDD) films was investigated. Thickness, roughness, and optical properties of the NDD films in the VIS–NIR range were investigated on the silicon substrates using spectroscopic ellipsometry. The samples exhibited relatively high refractive index (2.6 6 0.25 at 550 nm) and extinction coefficient (0.05 6 0.02...
Electrical characterization of diamond/boron doped diamond nanostructures for use in harsh environment applications
PublicationThe polycrystalline boron doped diamond (BDD) shows stable electrical properties and high tolerance for harsh environments (e.g. high temperature or aggressive chemical compounds) comparing to other materials used in semiconductor devices. In this study authors have designed electronic devices fabricated from non-intentionally (NiD) films and highly boron doped diamond structures. Presented semiconductor devices consist of highly...
Impact of Brake Wear Particles on Eukaryotic Cell Viability and Associated Oxidative Stress Responses
PublicationIn this study, the cytotoxic effects of brake wear particles (≥250 nm ceramic/ceramic wear particles (CCWPs) and ≤100 nm ceramic/steel wear particles (CSWPs)) and 100 nm iron (III) oxide ultrafine particles (IOUFPs) on human lung carcinoma (A549) and Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells were investigated. Cell viability was determined using the MTT and Calcein AM methods. Oxidative stress was assessed by measuring reactive oxygen...
JOz Model AiR
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Silicon Oxycarbide (SiOC) Ceramic Materials as Anodes for Lithium Ion Batteries
PublicationPolymer derived ceramics (PDCs) have attracted attention as alternative anode material for Li-ion batteries. It has been found that ternary SiOC and SiCN ceramics obtained through pyrolysis of various preceramic polymers display high reversible capacities of 500 – 650 mAh/g. In this work we try to correlate the electrochemical performance of polymer derived silicon oxycarbide with its chemical composition and microstructural features....
The effect of an active force while slide diamond burnishing of wooden shafts upon process quality
PublicationThe quality of the surface of wooden elements that have been turned and burnished has got a crucial meaning in the whole production process flow, since the obtained effects affect the quality of the wooden surface after finishing (coating, painting). In the paper, selected results of the investigation of the effect of the burnishing process on the surface quality of the elements after turning are presented. Research experiments...
PublicationThe article describes the problem of excessive tribological wear of a torsional vibration damper built into a single-disc friction clutch of a truck vehicle. In contrast to the controlled, design-based wear of damper’s friction rings, i.e., wear whose kinetics are known and predictable, uncontrolled wear at Belleville spring contact surfaces effects in a premature decrease in the damper’s friction torque and, consequently, loss...
Studies on the influence of technological variants of finishing machining on flow of parts in flexible manufacturing
PublicationIn the article below the problems of influence of variants of finishing processing on flow of machining parts in flexible manufacturing system were presented. The investigations were carried out the technological processes for piston rods and rams of hydraulic cylinders. There were also presented model variants of technological processes for piston rods finished with the burnishing. In these studies the influence of technological...
Hertzian Crack Propagation in Ceramic Rolling Elements
PublicationThe properties of ceramics are of most interest to rolling element manufacturers. The influence of ring crack size on rolling contact fatigue failure has been studied using numerical fracture analysis. Such crack are very often found on ceramic bearing balls and decrease fatigue life rapidly. The numerical calculations are based on a three dimensional model for the ring crack propagation. The stress intensity factors along crack...
User satisfaction model
PublicationRaport techniczny - opis metody ''User Satisfaction Methods'' wykorzystywanej w projektowaniu komunikacji człowiek-komputer oraz doskonaleniu interfejsu użytkownika.
Fatigue of titanium alloy Ti6Al4V with diamond structure obtained by Laser Power Bed Fusion method
PublicationThis paper presents the results of fatigue tests conducted on Ti6Al4V titanium alloy with diamond structure obtained by the Laser Power Bed Fusion method. Samples used in tests were printed with porosities: 81%, 73%, 50%, 34% and near-zero porosity. Samples were subjected to cyclic tests with a constant stress amplitude. The number of cycles until sample failure was registered. Obtained fatigue test results made it possible to...
Hemocompatibility of nanocrystalline diamond layers
Open Research DataThe biocompatibility of the diamond films were investigated with whole human blood samples. Blood used in this study was drawn from 10 healthy human patients of different age, sex, and blood group. A 2 ml samples were collected into standard tubes with EDTA anticoagulation agent. Blood was used within 6 hours from the collection time. A reference blood...
Diamond-based protective layer for optical biosensors
PublicationOptical biosensors have become a powerful alternative to the conventional ways of measurement owing to their great properties, such as high sensitivity, high dynamic range, cost effectiveness and small size. Choice of an optical biosensor's materials is an important factor and impacts the quality of the obtained spectra. Examined biological objects are placed on a cover layer which may react with samples in a chemical, biological...
The wave character of commutator wear in electrical machines
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań doświadczalnych zużycia elementów ze styku ślizgowego silnika komutatorowego prądu przemiennego małej mocy. Zakres badań obejmował okresowe pomiary profilu powierzchni ślizgowej komutatora w przekroju poprzecznym oraz profilu powierzchni wycinków komutatora w przekroju podłużnym względem osi wirowania. Ponadto zmierzono okresowe wielkości zużycia powierzchni ślizgowej komutatora oraz szczotek...
A simple model of circular hydraulic pump
PublicationRozpatrzono warunki powstawania osiowosymetrycznego uskoku hydraulicznego. Przedstawiono model, w którym rozpatrzono obecność dodatkowych strat w równaniu Bernoulliego. Przyczyniają się one do powstawania dodatkowego wiru w miejscu uskoku. Porównanie z wynikami badań eksperymentalnych potwierdza słuszność przyjętych tez.
Crack propoagation in MgO-PSZ ceramic materials
PublicationThe properties of ceramic materials such as elevated hardness, high temperature capability, low coefficient of thermal expansion are of interest for rolling element materials. Widely used ceramic materials in engineering applications are silicon nitride, zirconia and alumina. The paper presents an experimental study of the fatigue life of MgO-PSZ ceramic material in lubricated contact with defined types of cracks. A ceramic angular...