Search results for: buildings energy
The difficult heritage. The reuse of former prison buildings
PublicationIn recent years, there has been a trend to reuse abandoned buildings. Adaptive re-use allows preservation of the original structure and implements a new function to it. Such activity could help to preserve the historic value of buildings; moreover, many other advantages can be found in educational, ecological and economic fields. However, the question arises of whether every object can be freely adapted. This article examines the...
Traffic-induced vibrations. The impact on buildings and people
PublicationTraffic-induced vibrations have recently been of major concern to engineers as one of the aspects of so called physical environmental pollution. The interest is related to the observations of serious negative effects of such kind of vibrations on buildings and their inhabitants. Traffic-induced vibrations may cause plaster cracks, structural damage and even failure and collapse of the structure. They may also be the reason of serious...
Management of energy renovation for traditional rural residential houses
PublicationRenowacja energetyczna ma na celu zmniejszenie energii zużywanej przez budynek poprzez poprawę właściwości cieplnych przegród budowlanych oraz usprawnienie efektywności systemów instalacyjnych. Jest to istotny element w osiąganiu celów klimatycznych zdefiniowanych przez społeczność międzynarodową. Renowacja zabudowy o wartości kulturowej wiąże się z koniecznością zachowania cech architektonicz- nych, decydujących o jej rozpoznawalności,...
Towards an Understanding of the Stability Assessment of Floating Buildings
PublicationOne of the most important aspects of the design of floating facilities such as ships, floating offshore structures or floating houses is stability. Its impact on both general safety and operational aspects renders it a fundamental consideration already in preliminary design stages. Usually, the concept of sufficient stability of floating buildings is associated with the ability to keep an allowed heel angle and residual freeboard,...
Wear of Farm Buildings in Selected Farms
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Soil mechanics and old buildings foundations
PublicationPraca dotyczy sposobów fundamentowania obiektów zabytkowych. Przeanalizowano historyczny rozwój sposobów posadowienia poczynając od starożytności, poprzez średniowiecze aż do czasów nowożytnych. Omówiono charakterystyczne dla kolejnych okresów historycznych rodzaje fundamentów. Przedstawiono przykłady dobrego i złego fundamentowania.
An Empirical Propagation Model for Corridors in Office Buildings
PublicationThis paper presents an empirical propagation path loss model for corridors in office buildings. The proposed model estimates changeable character of radio signal attenuation, based on a special approach as a combination of the simple free-space model with the author’s model. The measurement stand and measurement scenario are described. The propagation path loss research have been made in corridor for different frequencies in range...
PublicationLateral stiffness of nonstructural components may significantly influence the initial stiffness of the entire structure and consequently alter its dynamic characteristics. While methods for simulating structural members are well-established, approaches for modeling nonstructural components that also participate in seismic response are notably less developed. In this paper a simplified, physically-intuitive approach for estimating...
Relevance of the EU Structural Funds’ Allocation to the Needs of Combating Air Pollution in Poland. Analysis of the Operational Programmes of Regions Threatened With Critical Air Pollution from Distributed Energy Sources
PublicationRecent years, the European Environmental Agency, has been reporting air quality parameters in Poland, as the poorest among all the EU countries. Despite of adoption of the EU legislation on energy efficiency and energy performance of buildings, existing legal solutions occur insufficient in reducing air pollution in Polish regions. Lack of an effective schemes supporting complex thermal renovation of buildings, exchange of inefficient...
Zagrożenia starych budynków w sąsiedztwie nowej zabudowy = The threat of old buildings security in neighbourhood of new buildings
PublicationNa przykładzie jednego z budynków mieszkalnych, przedstawiono zagrożenia na jakie są narażone stare obiekty w zwartej zabudowie śródmiejskiej, podczas prowadzenia w ich sąsiedztwie prac budowlanych, którym często towarzyszą głębokie wykopy. Powoduje to powstawanie licznych uszkodzeń, uniemozliwiających ich prawidłową eksploatację lub stanowiących nawet zagrożenie bezpieczeństwa.
Renovation works in buildings in the area of former defensive fortifications
Publicationhe paperpresents the Complex of Buildings which was created in Gdańsk as a result of the reconstruction and development of the remains of the defensive fortifications of Redita Napoleońska. Some of the buildings of the Building Complex, after many years of operation, were in an emergency condition and required urgent renovation and repair work. The papercontains a detailed analysis of the technicalcondition of individual...
Reducing Air Pollutant Emissions from the Residential Sector by Switching to Alternative Energy Sources in Single-Family Homes
PublicationThe paper discusses a scenario for adapting residential buildings to the requirements of the EU climate and energy package. It analyzes the option of reducing pollutant emissions to ambient air by switching to alternative energy sources in a typical single-family residential building. The most common sources of energy in central heating and ventilation systems and water heating systems were compared, and the analyzed energy carriers...
Earthquake-Induced Pounding Between Asymmetric Steel Buildings
PublicationEarthquake-induced pounding between buildings has been the subject of numerous numerical and experimental studies in the resent years. The phenomenon may cause severe damage to structural elements as well as may also lead to the total collapse of colliding structures. A major reason leading to pounding between adjacent, insufficiently separated buildings results from the differences in their dynamic properties. The aim of this...
Earthquake-induced pounding between asymmetric steel buildings
PublicationEarthquake-induced pounding between buildings has been the subject of numerous numerical and experimental studies in the resent years. The phe-nomenon may cause severe damage to structural elements as well as may also lead to the total collapse of colliding structures. A major reason leading to pounding between adjacent, insufficiently separated buildings results from the differences in their dynamic properties. The aim of this...
Diagnosis of damages in family buildings using neural networks
PublicationThe article concerns a problem of damages in family buildings, which result from traffic-induced vibrations. These vibrations arise from various causes and their size is influenced by many factors. The most important is the type of a road, type and weight of vehicles that run on the road, type and condition of the road surface, the distance from the house to the source of vibrations and many others which should be taken into account....
Modelling of heat and mass transfer through wooden buildings
PublicationThe aim of this review paper is to examine the most recent available studies dealing with theoretical, numerical and experimental aspects related to modelling of heat and mass transfer through wooden buildings. The main thermophysical, mechanical and hygrometric properties of wood are firstly discussed. Then, the basic governing equations of heat and mass transfer phenomena are presented. A detailed description of the physical...
Phase change thermal energy storage – the experience of the materials preparation for the specific applications.
PublicationThermal energy storage and temperature stabilization is very important in many engineering applications. There are three kinds of thermal energy storage: sensible heat, latent heat and reversible chemical reaction heat. Phase change materials (PCM) absorb, store and release large amounts of energy in the form of latent heat, at constant temperature, called the transition temperature. Many innovative applications could be found...
Mitigating the Energy Consumption and the Carbon Emission in the Building Structures by Optimization of the Construction Processes
PublicationFor decades, among other industries, the construction sector has accounted for high energy consumption and emissions. As the energy crisis and climate change have become a growing concern, mitigating energy usage is a significant issue. The operational and end of life phases are all included in the building life cycle stages. Although the operation stage accounts for more energy consumption with higher carbon emissions, the...
Distinctive facades of commercial buildings and the quality of public space,
PublicationMutual relations between the retail center and public spaces of the city are varied. They depend on the type and size of the commercial structure. Other ones are for multifunctional shopping centers and other for high streets. In megastores and shopping malls the essential for their functioning is their interior and entrance, which is sometimes the only place of interpenetration of the commercial structure with the surrounding...
Modelling and Identification of Tower Type Historic Buildings
PublicationW pracy omawia się problemy modelowania i identyfikacji zabytkowych murowanych budowli wieżowych na przykładzie wieży Twierdzy Wisłoujście. Przedstawiono analizę modalną na podstawie dwukierunkowych pomiarów przyspieszeń na 9 poziomach wieży. Wyniki analizy posłużyły do identyfikacji modelu matematycznego budowli w postaci sztywnego bloku na podłożu sprężystym. Wykorzystano hierarchiczną procedurę opartą na analizie wrażliwości.
Acoustic analysis of selected sacred buildings in Szczecin
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The new steel-glass architecture of buildings in Japan
Review of Sustainability Assessment Tools for Buildings and Cities
The Contemporary aspects of revitalization of the buildings and the port areas
PublicationPort cities are the forefront of globalization. The continued growth of international trade of goods and services has now played a major role in shaping the economic and social world. Strategies for mutual cooperation and follow-up between countries, cities and regions are increasingly complex. On the one hand it brings profits, on the other leads to destabilization and the need for transformation and constant modernization. Port...
Pounding between high-rise buildings with different structural arrangements
PublicationEarthquake-induced structural pounding has led to significant damages during previous earthquakes. This paper investigates the effect of pounding on the dynamic response of colliding high-rise buildings with different structural arrangements. Three 3-D buildings are considered in the study, including 5-storey building, 7-storey building and 9-storey building. Three pounding scenarios are also taken into account, i.e. pounding between...
PublicationIn the paper, the authors discuss the construction of a model of an exemplary urban layout. Numerical simulation has been performed by means of a commercial software Fluent using two different turbulence models: the popular k-ε realizable one, and the Reynolds Stress Model (RSM), which is still being developed. The former is a 2-equations model, while the latter – is a RSM model – that consists of 7 equations. The studies have...
PublicationCeramic brick masonry elements constitute the largest number of structural systems of historic buildings, especially sacral and public utility buildings. In the past, they were also very commonly used as a material for the construction of military facilities. Historic buildings and masonry structures undergo destructive processes over time, the course of which can be very diverse and depends, among other things, on the physicochemical...
Integrated spatial and energy planning – importance of a problem for contemporary architects and urban planners with focus on environmental factors
PublicationAlong with respecting basic sustainable development goals, planners will also be obliged to meet more stringent provisions related to energy efficiency in the coming years. In Poland, a crucial year will be 2021, when the EU directive on the energy efficiency of buildings comes into force. In this matter, not only the characteristics of individual objects are of great importance, but their whole complexes and the overall approach...
Contemporary multifunctional buildings towards a sustainable development of the housing environment
PublicationDevelopment of contemporary urban centers depends on the basis that buildings present more and more complex structures in terms of size and purpose. They are referred to as multifunctional buildings. This aspiration has its origins in the development of urban centers and in the desire to optimize the built-up areas. The article presents the theory of the approach to the design of multifunctional buildings with a focus on the residential...
Application of soil nailing technique for protection and preservation historical buildings
PublicationSoil nailing is one of the recent in situ techniques used for soil improvement and in stabilizing slopes. The process of soil nailing consists of reinforcing the natural ground with relatively small steel bars or metal rods, grouted in the pre-drilled holes. This method has a wide range of applications for stabilizing deep excavations and steep slopes. Soil nailing has recently become a very common method of slope stabilisation...
Effect of soil on the capacity of viscous dampers between adjacent buildings
PublicationThis study investigated the seismic pounding of two adjacent buildings considering soil–structure interaction (SSI). A comprehensive parametric study of buildings with different heights was performed to reveal the pounding-involved behaviour considering the soil effect. Wavelet transform has been conducted to gain insight into the differences in the frequency contents of the impact forces between fixed- and flexible-base adjacent...
Numerical Modelling of Connections Between Stones in Foundations of Historical Buildings
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to analyse the behaviour of old building foundations composed of stones (the main load-bearing elements) and mortar, based on numerical analysis. Some basic aspects of historical foundations are briefly discussed, with an emphasis on their development, techniques, and material. The behaviour of a foundation subjected to the loads transmitted from the upper parts of the structure is described...
The smartest location for an eco-district– investigation of urban spatial energy efficiency
Publicationncreasing awareness concerning environmental aspects of spatial and architectural planning led to more deliberated projects of eco-districts. Located all over the world and constantly being improved, apart from excellent energetical parameters, most of them have one specific characteristic in common, which is location in the outskirts. The aim of this article was to understand the importance of ecological district location depending...
Analysis of pounding between adjacent buildings founded on different soil types
PublicationEarthquake-induced pounding was experienced in many previous earthquakes and it was found to be a critical issue. This study investigates the effect of pounding between buildings founded on the same and different soil types. Three 3-D buildings with 4, 6 and 8 storeys were considered in this study. Three pounding scenarios were taken into account, i.e. pounding between 4-storey and 6-storey buildings, between 4-storey and 8-storey...
Analysis of floor-to-column pounding of buildings founded on different soil types
PublicationThe aim of this study is to investigate the effect of the soil type on buildings experiencing floor-to-column pounding during earthquakes. Five buildings with 4-storeys, 6-storeys, and 7-storeys were considered. Three types of the 4-storey building with different total heights were taken into account which leads to floor-to-column pounding at 1/3, 1/2 and 2/3 of the height of the impacted column. Two pounding scenarios were considered,...
Pounding between high-rise buildings founded on different soil types
PublicationEarthquake-induced pounding is a phenomenon that has been often experienced in previous earthquakes. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of the soil type on high-rise buildings experiencing earthquake induced-pounding. Pounding between 7-storey and 9-storey buildings is examined under five soil types defined in the ASCE 7-10 code which are hard rock, rock, very dense soil and soft rock, stiff soil and soft clay soil....
Application of structural dynamic methods in diagnosis of historic buildings
PublicationPraca prezentuje różnego rodzaju badania diagnostyczne wykonane dla dwóch obiektów historycznych. Analizy oparto na drganiach budowli pomierzonych podczas wymuszeń środowiskowych. Opisano sposób identyfikacji parametrów modalnych przy zastosowaniu teorii korelacyjnej, przykładową metodologię określania parametrów posadowienia oraz wykrywania uszkodzeń w konstrukcjach. Zaprezentowano wyniki otrzymane dla badanych obiektów wraz...
Influence of external climate on natural ventilation performance in buildings
PublicationNatural ventilation is driven by either buoyancy forces or wind pressure forces or their combinations that inherit stochastic variation into ventilation rates [ CITATION Hun99 \l 1045 ]. We now that these factors have influence on air flow speed and thermal comfort inside building. This work examines the relationship between external climate and natural ventilation including thermal comfort. The work tries in the first instance...
Smart and resilient cities- new challanges for Polish cities in terms of 2020 energy efficiency and climate action
PublicationGlobal climate change action along with energy efficiency optimizations are becoming increasingly pressing principles in terms of moving towards sustainable development. As a member of EU and UN Poland is also obliged to follow restricted rules concerning energy efficiency of buildings which come to force in 2020. To meet new goals, innovative approaches - like moving towards smart and resilient cities -may be required. Through...
Comparative analysis of earthships and conventional buildings in terms of investment and operating costs
PublicationThe aim of the master's thesis is to present the idea of earthships and compare them with conventional buildings in terms of investment and operating costs. Earthships are buildings erected from tires and other wastes whose characteristic feature is their self-sufficiency. The first part of the master's thesis is to discuss the basic issues related to the earthship building. The beginnings of tire homes and their development are...
Earthquake-Induced Pounding of Medium-to-High-Rise Base-Isolated Buildings
PublicationDuring earthquakes, out-of-phase vibrations in adjacent buildings with limited distance may cause pounding between them. In recent years, the use of seismic isolation has expanded considerably as an effective approach to reduce seismic damage. However, the isolated building experiences large displacements during earthquakes, and there is a possibility of collisions with adjacent structures. The research on earthquake-induced pounding...
Pounding between Inelastic Three-Storey Buildings under Seismic Excitations
PublicationStructural interactions between adjacent, insufficiently separated buildings have been repeatedly observed during damaging ground motions. This phenomenon, known as the structural pounding, may result in substantial damage or even total collapse of structures. The aim of the present paper is to show the results of the nonlinear numerical analysis focused on pounding between inelastic three-storey buildings under seismic excitations....
Predicting the peak structural displacement preventing pounding of buildings during earthquakes
PublicationThe aim of the present paper is to verify the effectiveness of the artificial neural network (ANN) in predicting the peak lateral displacement of multi-story building during earthquakes, based on the peak ground acceleration (PGA) and building parameters. For the purpose of the study, the lumped-mass multi-degree-of-freedom structural model and different earthquake records have been considered. Firstly, values of stories mass and...
Grid-Forming Operation of Energy-Router Based on Model Predictive Control with Improved Dynamic Performance
PublicationThe focus of this study is on the grid-forming operation of the Energy Router (ER) based on Model Predictive Control (MPC). ER is regarded as a key component of microgrids. It is a converter that interfaces the microgrid (s) with the utility grid. The ER has a multiport structure and bidirectional energy flow control. The ER concept can be implemented in Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings (NZEB) to provide flexible energy control. A...
Building Information Modeling in Small and Middle Sized Buildings – Case Study
PublicationBuilding Information Modeling (BIM) is a technology designed to improve and integrate all engineering aspects in the construction design process. Tools that incorporate the idea of BIM are becoming more advanced and also more popular. Available software solutions have already reached an assumable high level of development, but still are not as widespread and used on nearly as many construction projects as could be expected. Therefore...
Numerical Analysis of Seismic Pounding between Adjacent Buildings Accounting for SSI
PublicationThe structural pounding caused by an earthquake may damage structures and lead to their collapse. This study is focused on the pounding between two adjacent asymmetric structures with different dynamic properties resting on the surface of an elastic half-space. An exploration of the relationship between the effects of the seismic analysis with the impact response to the torsional pounding between adjacent buildings under different...
Assessment of Environmental Loads in the Life Cycle of a Retail and Service Building
PublicationIn order to achieve the European Union’s climate and energy goals, investments are required, mainly in the areas of energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and infrastructure. Buildings are responsible for almost half of total energy consumption, and nearly 80% of them are energy and ecologically inefficient. The policy of European countries is increasingly more focused on facilities with the highest potential in the areas...
Nonlinear numerical simulation of earthquake-induced pounding between timber frame buildings
PublicationEarthquakes may induce serious dynamic loads acting on buildings, which can lead to damage or even destruction of the whole structure. In densely populated areas, it is quite common that buildings are located very close one to another which can result in pounding between them during ground motions. Due to the environmental awareness, multi-story timber frame buildings are gaining popularity and therefore there is a need to investigate...
Investigating an Optimal Computational Strategy to Retrofit Buildings with Implementing Viscous Dampers
PublicationCivil engineering structures may seriously suffer from different damage states re-sult of earthquakes. Nowadays, retrofitting the existing buildings is a serious need among designers. Two important factors of required performance level and cost of retrofitting play a crucial role in the retrofitting approach. In this study, a new optimal computational strategy to retrofit structures by implementing linear Viscous Dampers (VDs)...
PublicationThe paper presents the results of the study on the current extent of daylight use in contemporary buildings of art museums, focusing especially on the possibilities of aesthetic function. A case study and critical analysis were used as the research method. Selected, representative examples of museums of the 21st century are discussed with regard to the creative and functional use of daylight and the application of advanced technology....