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Search results for: breath sample collection
Sample Concentration of Charged Small Molecules and Peptides in Capillary Electrophoresis by Micelle to Cyclodextrin Stacking
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Sample processing for DNA chip array-based analysis of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC)
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Evaluation of occupational exposure in a slide bearings factory on the basis of urine and blood sample analyses
PublicationZbadano wpływ pracy w zakładach łożysk ślizgowych na zdrowie pracowników. Przeprowadzono analizę próbek moczu i krwi pobranych od 42 pracowników i 6 osób zatrudnionych w administracji przedsiębiorstwa, stanowiących grupę kontrolną. Oznaczono zawartość Al, Cu, Pb i Zn we krwi i moczu pracowników dwukrotnie, przed i po terapii za pomocą chelatowania, stosując ICP-MS oraz metodę dodatku wzorca. Istotność różnic w zawartości pierwiastków...
Relationships between biomarkers of inflammation, ovarian steroids, and age at menarche in a rural polish sample
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The river water influence on cationic and anionic dyes collection by nickel foam with carbonized metal-organic frameworks and carbon nanotubes
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Structure of partially reduced xPbO (1-x)SiO2 glasses: combined EXAFS and MD study
PublicationWykorzystując połączenie metody EXAFS (extended X-ray absorption finestructure) i symulacji MD (molecular dynamics) zbadano strukturęczęściowo zredukowanych szkieł ołowiowo-krzemianowych o różnejstechiometrii wyjściowej. W wyniku analizy uzyskano szczegółowyopis struktury lokalnej wokół atomów ołowiu i jej zmiany w funkcjiskładu szkła i poziomu redukcji. Określono również jaką tendencjędo aglomeracji w metaliczne klastry wykazują...
PublicationObjectives: The COVID-19 outbreak is an example of a crisis that triggered an increase in generalized anxiety disorder. The study aims to validate the Polish version of the Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7-item scale (GAD-7) by Spitzer et al. among a non-clinical sample of employees and examine the invariance depending on the gender and age of working adults. Material and Methods: For assessing factor structure of the Polish version...
A collection of directed graphs for the minimum cycle mean weight computation
Open Research DataThis dataset contains definitions of the 16 directed graphs with weighted edges that were described in the following paper: Paweł Pilarczyk, A space-efficient algorithm for computing the minimum cycle mean in a directed graph, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 20 (2020), no. 4, 349--355, DOI: 10.22436/jmcs.020.04.08, URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.22436/jmcs.020.04.08 These...
Seeking genetic signature of radiosensitivity - a novel method for data analysis in case of small sample sizes
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Evaluation of sample injection precision in respect to sensitivity in capillary electrophoresis using various injection modes
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The Indirect Relationship Between Spiritual Experiences and Subjective Wellbeing Through Hope? A Sample of Chilean Students
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Determination of environmental pollutants in soil and sediments - some aspects of sample clean-up and GC analysis
PublicationPrzedstawiono wstępne wyniki badań nowej procedury analitycznej przeznaczonej do badań próbek i osadów dennych na zawartość związków organicznych (WWAPCB). Procedura składa się z następujących etapów: - ekstrakcji analitów z wykorzystaniem techniki ASE, - oczyszczania ekstraktów (kolumienki), - chromatograficznego rozdzielania i oznaczania analitów.
Sample preparation for gas chromatographic determination of halogenated volatile organic compounds in environmental and biological samples
PublicationPodstawowym elementem przygotowania próbek środowiskowych i biologicznych do analizy jest etap izolacji i/lub wzbogacania polegający na przeniesieniu analitów z matrycy pierwotnej charakteryzującej się złożonym i często zmiennym składem (próbka oryginalna) do matrycy wtórnej z równoczesnym usunięciem substancji przeszkadzających (izolacja)i zwiększeniem stężenia analitów do poziomu powyżej granicy oznaczalności stosowanego przyrządu...
Self-adjusting sub-sample delay estimator based on fractional delaying Hilbert transform filter
PublicationZaprezentowano nowe rozwiązanie samo-nastrajalnego estymatora opóźnienia sygnału sinusoidalnego, działającego w czasie dyskretnym. Zastosowano filtr Hilberta o skończonej odpowiedzi ipulsowej (FIR od ang. finite impulse response) zagregowany z filtrem ułamkowo-opóźniającym. Zilustrowano performancję estymatora, również w obecności szumu. Przeanalizowano jego złożoność numeryczną.
Krzysztof Nyka dr hab. inż.
PeopleKrzysztof Nyka, received MSc (1986) PhD (2002) and DSc (2020) degrees in telecommunication and electrical engineering from the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics (ETI) of Gdańsk University of Technology (GUT), Poland. He is currently an Associate Professor at the Department of Microwaves and Antenna Engineering, Faculty of ETI, GUT. Before his academic career, he worked for the electronic industry (1984-1986). Research...
Vital and health statistics. Ser. 1: Programs and collection procedures
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Michał Bernard Pietrzak dr hab.
PeopleMichal Pietrzak is head of the Department of Statistics and Econometrics at the Faculty of Economics and Management, Gdańsk University of Technology, and Deputy Editor-in-Chief for Statistical Reviewing of the journals: Oeconomia Copernicana and Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy. Until October 2021, he worked as an associate professor at the Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management, Nicolaus...
Effect of sample-preparation methods on the quantification of selected flavonoids in plant materials by high performance liquid chromatography
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Attitudes and Perceptions Towards the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education: A Survey Study on a Sample of Academic Staff in Algeria
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Sample handling and determination of physico-chemical parameters in rime, hoarfrost, dew, fog and cloud water samples - a review
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono różne typy próbników stosowanych do pobierania próbek osadów atmosferycznych (szron, szadź, rosa, mgła i woda z chmur). Zaprezentowano urządzenia o różnym stopniu automatyzacji. W pracy przedstawiono również informacje literaturowe na temat oznaczania parametrów fizyko-chemicznych w próbkach osadów atmosferycznych z zastosowaniem odpowiednich technik pomiarowych.
Application of deep eutectic solvents in analytical sample pretreatment (update 2017–2022). Part A: Liquid phase microextraction
PublicationSustainable development in all branches of human activity has become an unequivocal necessity in the last two decades, and green chemistry goes hand in hand with it. Various ways have been proposed in analytical chemistry to meet the current requirements of green chemistry. One such approach is the research of new reagents and solvents for analytical purposes. Deep eutectic solvents (DESs) began being investigated and used in analytical...
Wojciech Wojnowski dr inż.
PeopleUkończył V Liceum Ogólnokształcące w Gdańsku w klasie o profilu matematyczno-fizycznym z wykładowym językiem angielskim. W 2009 roku rozpoczął studia na Wydziale Chemicznym PG na kierunku technologia chemiczna, uzyskując w 2012 roku tytuł inżyniera, a w 2013 tytuł magistra. W latach 2013–2015 studiował sinologię na Uniwersytecie w Nankinie dzięki uzyskaniu Stypendium Rządu ChRL. Po powrocie do Polski w 2015 roku rozpoczął studia...
Experimental Evaluation of ND: YAG Laser Parameters and Sample Preparation Methods for Texturing Thin AISI 316L Steel Samples
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Verification of the homogeneity of the matrix/analyte mixture on sample plate using MALDI-MS technique and new ionic liquid matrices
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Three-step stacking by field-enhanced sample injection, sweeping, and micelle to solvent stacking in capillary electrophoresis: Anionic analytes
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Three-step stacking of cationic analytes by field-enhanced sample injection, sweeping, and micelle to solvent stacking in capillary electrophoresis
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Algerian Researchers' Attitudes Towards Employing Artificial Intelligence Applications in Scientific Research: A Survey Study on a Sample of Algerian Researchers
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Respiratory Rythm Phases Classifiction Dataset
Open Research DataThe dataset includes recordings of various breath patterns captured using accelerometer and tensometer sensors. The data is labeled into four classes corresponding to different respiratory phases: inhalation, retention, exhalation, and post-breath apnea.
Elżbieta Cecerska-Heryć dr n.med.
PeopleWykształcenie i stopnie naukowe: 19.06.2018 r.ukończenie studiów doktoranckich z wyróżnieniem summa cum laudena Wydziale Lekarskim z OdziałemNauczania w Języku Angielskim PUM SzczecinStopień naukowy: doktor nauk medycznychWyższe2008-2013 Pomorski Uniwersytet Medyczny w Szczecinie Kierunek: Biotechnologia Specjalność: Biotechnologia MedycznaStudia licencjackie i magisterskieZatrudnienie...
Oprawy ze średniowiecznych rękopisów muzycznych w księgozbiorze Jana Bernarda Bonifacia = Medieval musical manuscript leaves as bookbindings in the book-collection of Giovanni Bernardino Bonifacio
PublicationNiniejsza praca zawiera analizę jakościową i ilościową zespołu analogów, składającego się z około 30 druków (XVI wiek), oprawionych w średniowieczne rękopisy muzyczne na pergaminie z zapisem neumatycznym (XIV/XV wiek) z księgozbioru Jana Bernarda Bonifacia (1517-1597), fundatora Biblioteki Rady Miejskiej w Gdańsku (Bibliotheca Senatus Gedanensis). W centrum interesowania autorki znalazły się wyżej wymienione oprawy, a w szczególności...
Oprawy ze średniowiecznych rękopisów muzycznych w księgozbiorze Jana Bernarda Bonifacia = Medieval musical manuscript leaves as bookbindings in the book-collection of Giovanni Bernardino Bonifacio
PublicationNiniejsza praca zawiera analizę jakościową i ilościową zespołu analogów, składającego się z około 30 druków (XVI wiek), oprawionych w średniowieczne rękopisy muzyczne na pergaminie z zapisem neumatycznym (XIV/XV wiek) z księgozbioru Jana Bernarda Bonifacia (1517-1597), fundatora Biblioteki Rady Miejskiej w Gdańsku (Bibliotheca Senatus Gedanensis). W centrum interesowania autorki znalazły się wyżej wymienione oprawy, a w szczególności...
Hanging drop cathode-atmospheric pressure glow discharge as a new method of sample introduction for inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry
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Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education: An Exploratory Study of a Sample of Professors from the Faculty of Economic Sciences, Commercial Sciences, and Management Sciences at the University of Médéa
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Comparison of mouse plasma and brain tissue homogenate sample pretreatment methods prior to high-performance liquid chromatography for a new 1,2,4-triazole derivative with anticonvulsant activity
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Sample preparation procedure using extraction and derivatization of carboxylic acids from aqueous samples by means of deep eutectic solvents for gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric analysis
PublicationThe paper presents a new procedure for the determination of organic acids in a complex aqueous matrixusing ultrasound-assisted dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction followed by injection port derivati-zation and GC–MS analysis. A deep eutectic solvent (choline chloride: 4-methylphenol in a 1:2 mol ratio)was used both as an extracting solvent and as a derivatizing agent to yield ion pairs which were next con-verted to methyl...
A new dilution-enrichment sample preparation strategy for expanded metabolome monitoring of human breast milk that overcomes the simultaneous presence of low- and high-abundance lipid species
PublicationThe complex nature of human breast milk (HBM) makes samples difficult to analyze, requiring several extraction techniques and analytical platforms to obtain high metabolome coverage. In this work, we combined liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) and solid-phase extraction (SPE) techniques to prepare HBM samples to overcome the challenge of low- and high-abundance lipid species, enabling the semiquantitative analysis of total HBM lipids...
Welds sample 2CA1
Open Research DataIn this series of experimental data, videos of the stretching of welded parts will be presented. To watch movies in .cine format, you need to have Phantom's dedicated free software viewer installed.
Welds sample 1Ca
Open Research DataIn this series of experimental data, videos of the stretching of welded parts will be presented. To watch movies in .cine format, you need to have Phantom's dedicated free software viewer installed.
Welds sample 1Eb
Open Research DataIn this series of experimental data, videos of the stretching of welded parts will be presented. To watch movies in .cine format, you need to have Phantom's dedicated free software viewer installed.
Welds sample 1Z
Open Research DataIn this series of experimental data, videos of the stretching of welded parts will be presented. To watch movies in .cine format, you need to have Phantom's dedicated free software viewer installed.
Welds sample 1Hb
Open Research DataIn this series of experimental data, videos of the stretching of welded parts will be presented. To watch movies in .cine format, you need to have Phantom's dedicated free software viewer installed.
Welds sample 2
Open Research DataIn this series of experimental data, videos of the stretching of welded parts will be presented. To watch movies in .cine format, you need to have Phantom's dedicated free software viewer installed.
Welds sample 1
Open Research DataIn this series of experimental data, videos of the stretching of welded parts will be presented. To watch movies in .cine format, you need to have Phantom's dedicated free software viewer installed.
Instrumental techniques used in the analysis of exhaled air
PublicationExhaled air composition changes depending on the health status of the patient, making it possible to use breath analysis for diagnosis and monitoring purposes. Despite the fact that it is not yet used in every day medical practice, it potential application could facilitate the diagnostics of various diseases such as metabolic disorders, respiratory tract and gastrointestinal diseases. Described in this paper are different application...
Effects of interactions between variation in dopaminergic genes, traumatic life events, and anomalous self-experiences on psychosis proneness: Results from a cross-sectional study in a nonclinical sample
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Simultaneous elimination of Malachite Green, Rhodamine B and Cresol Red from aqueous sample with Sistan sand, optimized by Taguchi L16 and Plackett–Burman experiment design methods
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Methods and Instruments | Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy
PublicationScanning electrochemical microscopy is based on the recording of electrolysis currents (Faradaic currents) at a microelectrode (ME) probe that is scanned over the sample. Different working modes are available to couple the electrolysis at the ME to reactions at the sample. The article explains their principles and provides examples of their application. The feedback mode, the sample-generation/tip collection mode, the redox-competition...
Technical fabrics old sample
Open Research DataThe data presented here includes video of technical fabric strength testing. The included movie is in .cine format, and an external program with a viewer for such movies is required.
Technical fabrics sample 1
Open Research DataThe data presented here includes 3 videos of technical fabrics strength testing. The included movies are in .cine format, and an external program with a viewer for such movies is required.
Technical fabrics sample 2
Open Research DataThe data presented here includes 3 videos of technical fabrics strength testing. The included movies are in .cine format, and an external program with a viewer for such movies is required.