Search results for: WATER SAFETY
Current challenges and methodological issues of functional safety and security management in hazardous technical systems
PublicationCelem artykułu jest zidentyfikowanie problemów oceny ryzyka w kontekście stosowania systemów elektrycznych / elektronicznych / programowalnych elektronicznych (E/E/PE) z uwzględnieniem aspektów bezpieczeństwa funkcjonalnego i zabezpieczeń (ochrony). Zadaniem rozwiązań bezpieczeństwa funkcjonalnego jest efektywne redukowanie ryzyka wychodząc z poziomu nieakceptowanego. Ryzyko jest definiowane jako kombinacja prawdopodobieństwa wystąpienia...
Assessment of risks introduced to safety critical software by agile practices - a software engineer's perspective
PublicationIn this article we investigate the problem of applying agile practices into safety-critical projects.The goal of our research is to investigate potential benefits from introducing agile practicesinto safety-critical environment and to present a solution providing for balancing agileapproach with more disciplined assurance techniques, bringing the best of the two worlds together.In the article we present the supporting ideas such...
Managing safety of industrial hazardous installations with emphasis on the control systems, interfaces and human factors
PublicationIn the paper a procedure for the layer of protection analysis (LOPA) as a tool to evaluate the risk of accident scenarios occurrence in hazardous installations is outlined. In such installations several protection layers exist. Human operator performance in each layer is unavoidable, but the role and tasks are different and depend on the context of situation. Based on suggestions form literature (EEMUA, CREAM) and own proposals...
Human factor and functional Safety analysis = Czynniki ludzkie i analiza bezpieczeństwa funkcjonalnego
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Risk analysis and functional safety management = Analiza ryzyka i zarządzanie bezpieczeństwem funkcjonalnym
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The impact of methods the stochastic analysis on swimming safety of multihull floating units (Part 2)
PublicationIn part 2 the equations of the catamaran motion were divided into the system of two groups not conjugated with themselves containing the mutually conjugated equations. The feedback is obtained by the linear and nonlinear coefficients of dampening and coefficients of hydrostatic elasticity. The first group includes the symmetric movements (longitudinal movements), and the second group includes the antisymmetric movements (transverse)....
Safety Assessment of the Regional Warmia and Mazury Road Network Using Time-Series Analysis
PublicationWarmia and Mazury still belongs to the areas with the smallest transport accessibility in Europe. Unsatisfactory state of road infrastructure is a major barrier to the development of the regional economy, impacting negatively on the life conditions of the population. Also in terms of road safety Warmia and Mazury is one of the most endangered regions in Poland. The Police statistics show that beside a high pedestrian risk observed...
Advanced coating of interior of tanks for rising environmental safety of tankers - novel applications of polyurethanes
PublicationOpisano technologię nanoszenia ciekłego systemu poliuretanowego na niewygrzewane elementy stalowe i stalowo-betonowe oraz sposób łączenia powłoki poliuretanowej z wymienionymi materiałami, a także między sobą przy użyciu odpowiednich środków adhezyjnych. Scharakteryzowano metodę utylizacji i odzysku polioli z zużytych w badaniach powłok poliuretanowych w recyklingu surowcowym poprzez zastosowanie małoczšsteczkowych glikoli jako...
Human Factors and Functional Safety Analysis in Designing the Control Rooms of Industrial Hazardous Plants
PublicationIn this work some aspects of human factors and functional safety analysis in designing the control rooms of industrial hazardous plants are presented. The “defence in depth” (D-in-D) concept is outlined. Some designing issues of the alarm system (AS) with regard to human factors to be supported using the human reliability analysis (HRA) are discussed. The AS and decision support system (DSS), when properly designed, would contribute...
Analysis and Comparison of Safety of Children and Adult Passenger in Car Based on Crash Tests Results
PublicationMost important features of the child seat were presented. There was made analysis of selected dynamic loads acting on mannequins heads during a collision. Comparison of loads acting on the kid in a child seat and the other passengers in a car is presented. In analysis of the results particular attention has been paid on the children's secure in a car. The phenomena of collision child's occipital bone with seat backrest was described....
PublicationAnalyses of road safety at national level have been run for many years and large number of publications concerning them appeared so far. How interdisciplinary the issue is, has been shown by literature studies done by the author of the paper. It appears that economists, mathematicians, doctors as well as engineers have studied the issue. It is not an easy one, as results of many analyses lead to conflicting conclusions and...
PublicationOne of the fundamental states of the sea surface is its heave. Despite of years of the intense scientific inquiry, no clear understanding of the influence of this aspect on the dynamics of the sea environment has emerged. The separation of two nearby fluid elements which one may observed for example as a free floating of small objects on the sea surface (rescuers on the rough sea or small research vessels) is caused by the interaction...
Identifying the Effects of Selected Road and Roadside Parameters on Road Safety Using Geodetic Techniques
PublicationThe paper will present techniques that can be used to obtain data on road alignment and profile including the roadside. In-the-field and simulation studies have helped to develop mathematical models that integrate vehicle position data. The experiments were conducted in a virtual environment using the software ArcGIS that reflects the actual roadside conditions. The site tests were made using a purpose-built device which integrates...
Methodological issues of functional safety and reliability assessment of critical systems in industrial hazardous plants
PublicationThe aim of this article is to identify and discuss some methodological issues that are of interest among functional safety specialists and experts after publication of the second edition of international standards IEC 61508 and IEC 61511, including the design and implementing the safety-related functions of higher safety integrity levels and protection layers. The basic role of safety-related systems is to reduce effectively and...
PublicationThe article presents rules, requirements, and norms for quality management and health safety assurance systems among small and medium bakeries. This group of businesses does not have the obligation of implementing or certifying specific systems. They are, however, implemented in order to increase the quality of the bread or reach a better market position. Also, the results of a 2022 study of 53 bakeries’ implementation of individual...
Weather Hazard Avoidance in Modeling Safety of Motor-Driven Ship for Multicriteria Weather Routing
PublicationWeather routing methods find the most suitable ocean?s route for a vessel, taking into account changeable weather conditions and navigational constraints. In the multicriteria approach based on the evolutionary SPEA algorithm one is able to consider a few constrained criteria simultaneously. The approach applied for a ship with hybrid propulsions has already been presented by one of the authors on previous TransNav?2009. This time...
Electrical safety in low-voltage DC microgrids with B-type residual current devices
PublicationResidual current devices (RCDs) are most popular devices used in low-voltage installations for protection against electric shock and fire. In cases of high risk of electric shock the application of RCDs is mandatory. Currently, the spread of local direct current (DC) microgrids is widely considered. This creates new challenges for protective systems, in particular those based on RCDs. The main purpose of the research is to test...
PublicationW artykule opisano zastosowanie obliczeń numerycznych w procesie projektowania, analizy działania oraz oceny bezpieczeństwa użytkowania wodnych obiektów rekreacyjnych i sportowych. Użytkownicy aquaparków, sportowcy, a szczególnie kibice, oczekują wyjątkowych doznań na obiektach wodnych z jednoczesną gwarancją bezpieczeństwa. Na te kwestie duży wpływ ma hydrodynamika przepływu. Aby właściwie dobrać parametry geometryczne i hydrauliczne...
Towards an Understanding of the Stability Assessment of Floating Buildings
PublicationOne of the most important aspects of the design of floating facilities such as ships, floating offshore structures or floating houses is stability. Its impact on both general safety and operational aspects renders it a fundamental consideration already in preliminary design stages. Usually, the concept of sufficient stability of floating buildings is associated with the ability to keep an allowed heel angle and residual freeboard,...
The Medical Relevance of Toxoplasma Infections in Terms of the Safety of Blood Recipients under Immunosuppression—A Meta-Analysis
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Safety and efficacy of lenabasum in a phase 2 randomized, placebo-controlled trial in adults with cystic fibrosis
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A Method of Risk and Safety Assessment During the Ship Salvage Using the Hazard, Release and Consequence Analysis
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Direct human contact with siloxanes (silicones): safety or risk. Part 1: characteristics of siloxanes (silicones
PublicationSiloxanes are commonly known as silicones. They belong to the organosiliconcompounds and are exclusively obtained by synthesis. Their chemical structuredetermines a range of physicochemical properties which were recognized as unique.Due to the susceptibility to chemical modifications, ability to create short, long orcomplex polymer particles, siloxanes found an application in many areas of human life.
Safety and Outcomes of Inferior Vena Cava Filter Placement in Oncology Patients: A Single-Centre Experience
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Establishing a New ECMO Referral Center Using an ICU-Based Approach: A Feasibility and Safety Study
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Safety and outcomes of laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy in patients older than 60: a case-control study
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The formal safety assesment in conforming to chosen vessel's type on the ground of hydromechanic characteristics in critical conditions.
PublicationTragedia jednego ze statków typu ro-ro pokazała podatność tego typu statków na utratę stateczności, przewrócenie a w ostateczności zatonięcie. Wszystkie ro-rowce charakteryzują się małym zanurzeniem, a wynurzona część kadłuba podatna jest na działanie wiatru. Jeżeli dodatkowo w takich warunkach dochodzi element nieprawidłowego rozmieszczenia pojazdów i ich słabego zamocowania to groźba przesunięcia ładunku staje się realna. W konsekwencji...
Evaluation of quality of electric power distribution network elements in order to maintain functional and technical safety
PublicationPraca dotyczy wieloatrybutowego systemu oceny elementów sieci elektroenergetycznej do celów zapewnienia jej bezpieczeństwa funkcjonalnego i technicznego. Rozważana sieć składa się z dużej liczby elementów, ocenianych jakościowo i ilościowo. Zaproponowana metoda składa się z dwóch etapów: (i)wstępnego wyboru niewielkiej liczby elementów niebezpiecznych w oparciu o małą liczbę informacji (ii) wykonaniu uszeregowania wybranych elementów...
Model of identification of events and accident scenarios for a method of risk and safety assessment of ships in damaged conditions
PublicationW pracy opisano podstawowe problemy związane z identyfikacją zdarzeń i scenariuszy wypadku oraz modelowaniem ryzyka dla alternatywnej metody oceny bezpieczeństwa statków w stanie uszkodzonym. Zastosowano podejście do bezpieczeństwa statków oparte na ocenie zachowania się statku i ocenie ryzyka wypadku. Wskazano możliwości zastosowania modelowania do analizy bezpieczeństwa statków na etapie projektowania, w czasie eksploatacji i...
Verification of safety in low-voltage power systems without nuisance tripping of residual current devices
PublicationLow-voltage power systems require initial and periodical verification to check the effectiveness of protection against electric shock. As a protection in case of fault, automatic disconnection of supply is most often used. To verify such a protection measure, the earth fault loop impedance or resistance is measured. This measurement is easy to perform in circuits without residual current devices. When residual current devices are...
Safety of erection and repair of steel tanks with geometric imperfections using heavylift jack-up system
PublicationSafety analysis is performed of cylindrical vertical steel tanks during erection using heavylift jack up system. During an assembly or repair process a set of hydraulic supports is used. It allows to use the in-place lifting of heavy steel constructions on the required height. Wind can strongly influence stability of the lifted tank. Any geometric imperfections can reduce the critical or limit load. In the work failures of the...
Knowledge-based functional safety and security management in hazardous industrial plants with emphasis on human factors
PublicationExisting and emerging new hazards have significant potential to impact destructively operation of technical systems, hazardous plants, and systems / networks of critical infrastructure. The programmable control and protection systems play nowadays an important role in reducing and controlling risk in the process of hazardous plant operation. It is outlined how to deal with security related hazards concerning such systems to be...
Time-series analysis of road safety trends aggregated at national level in Europe for 2000-2010
PublicationThe reader will find in this study road safety modelling theory and time-series analysis techniques, applications to long period data of injury accidents and casualities, aggregared at national level
Speed, Alcohol and Safety Belts as Important Factors Influencing the Number of Fatalities in Road Accidents in the Voivodships
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Safety issues referred to induced sheath voltages in high-voltage power cables – case study
PublicationLoad currents and short-circuit currents in high-voltage power cable lines are sources of the induced voltages in the power cables’ concentric metallic sheaths. When power cables operate with single-point bonding, which is the simplest bonding arrangement, these induced voltages may introduce an electric shock hazard or may lead to damage of the cables’ outer non-metallic sheaths at the unearthed end of the power cable line. To...
Methodology of research on the impact of ramp metering on the safety and efficiency of road traffic using transport models
PublicationThe methods currently used to assess the impact of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) services on traffic safety and efficiency are mainly based on expert assessments, statistical studies or traffic models that need further development. There is no structured, uniform evaluation method to compare the impact of different ITS services and their different configurations. The impact of ITS deployment on the road network adjacent to...
PublicationThe article describes a comparison of two general methods of occupants safety estimation based on a numerical examples. The so-called direct method is mainly based on the Head Injury Criterion of a crash test dummy in a vehicle with passive safety system while the indirect method uses a European standards approach to estimate impact severity level. Numerical simulations in LS-DYNA have been conducted.
Fuel price, income and road safety as determinants of the level of the population’s economic well-being in Poland
PublicationThe opportunity to travel is one of the most favorite human activities, given that on a trip a person gets new knowledge, impressions and positive emotions. Recreational trips occupy a prominent place in the concept of the economics of happiness, and the study of factors that influence decision-making regarding travel is important for forecasting the number of tourists, infrastructure development, income and expenses of businesses...
A novel approach to energy safety improvement in the marine power plants with active power surge compensator
PublicationPaper raises a point of power surges and theirs adverse effects in the marine power plants. The article explains a source of surges appearance, and presents measurements carried out on a modern ship. It discusses effects of dynamic power transients on the ship’s energy safety. Finally it proposes, a novel approach for power surge elimination, based on medium voltage active conditioner. As well as it propose the topology and control...
Methodology of research on the impact of ITS services on the safety and efficiency of road traffic using transport models
PublicationThe current assessment of the impact of Intelligent Transport System (ITS) services on the level of traffic safety and efficiency is based mainly on expert assessments, statistical surveys or several traffic safety models requiring development. There is no structured, uniform assessment method that would give the opportunity to compare the impact of ITS services and their different configurations. The paper presents the methodology...
Consideration of the safety of bungee jumping in relation to mechanical properties of the instalation based on a jump accident in Gdynia
PublicationThis paper considers a bungee jumping accident that took place in July 2019 in Gdynia, Poland. The authors conducted an investigation to determine the cause of the bungee rope failure. It was based on mechanical tests concerning the strength of the rope as well as the calculation of the force induced in the rope during the jump. Based on the theoretical and experimental results, the rope safety factor was estimated. It appeared...
A performance-oriented risk-based method for assessment of safety of ships. Modelling uncertainties in hazard and risk analysis
PublicationW artykule podano informacje na temat alternatywnej metody oceny bezpieczeństwa statków, opartej na ocenie zachowania się statku i ocenie ryzyka. Zaproponowano użycie metody do projektowania statków w oparciu o ocenę ryzyka. W takim podejściu do projektowania bezpieczeństwo powinno być celem projektowym. Ocena bezpieczeństwa w proponowanej metodzie powinna być dokonywana na podstawie oceny ryzyka. Do oceny ryzyka zastosowano elementy...
Antihypertensive efficacy and safety of olmesartan and ramipril in elderly patients with mild to moderate systolic and diastolic essential hypertension
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Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles in Food and Personal Care Products—What Do We Know about Their Safety?
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The Influence of Bacteriophages on the Metabolic Condition of Human Fibroblasts in Light of the Safety of Phage Therapy in Staphylococcal Skin Infections
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Efficacy and safety of tranexamic acid in prevention of postpartum hemorrhage: a systematic review and meta-analysis of 18,649 patients
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Emotional distress, burnout and sense of safety during the COVID-19 pandemic in teachers after the reopening of schools
PublicationThe COVID-19 pandemic is having a significant impact on people's psychological well-being and mental health. This study aimed to identify factors linked to emotional distress, burnout and sense of safety in teachers related to the reopening of Polish schools after lockdown, remote work, and the holiday period between March and August 2020. A total of 1,286 teachers from different educational institutions participated in the...
Modern design solutions of cooling systems, as an example of energy efficiency rationing, operational safety and environmental protection
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Effectiveness and Safety of Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass in Elderly Patients—Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
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Influence of traffic schemes on the level of vessels safety / WPŁYW TYPU SKRZYŻOWANIA NA POZIOM BEZPIECZEŃSTWA STATKÓW