MPEG-7-based low level descriptor effectiveness in the automatic musical sound classification.
PublicationCelem referatu jest określenie, które z parametrów opisowych MPEG-7 są najbardziej przydatne w klasyfikacji dźwięków instrumentów muzycznych. Określana jest wysokość dźwięku a następnie wyznaczane są wartości parametrów zawartych w standardzie MPEG-7. Otrzymany wektor parametrów poddawany jest analizie statystycznej w celu wyeliminowania danych nadmiarowych. Do celów automatycznej klasyfikacji i testów zaprojektowano dwa systemy...
Ranking Speech Features for Their Usage in Singing Emotion Classification
PublicationThis paper aims to retrieve speech descriptors that may be useful for the classification of emotions in singing. For this purpose, Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) and selected Low-Level MPEG 7 descriptors were calculated based on the RAVDESS dataset. The database contains recordings of emotional speech and singing of professional actors presenting six different emotions. Employing the algorithm of Feature Selection based...
Comparison of sound of organ pipes in contemporary and historical instruments
PublicationThe aim of this research is to examine the differences in the timbre of organ pipes’ sound between a historical and a contemporary organ instrument. The historical instrument is the Oliwa organ from Gdansk, Poland, and the contemporary one is from Kartuzy, Poland. Recordings are made of single notes played by an open labial pipe that belongs to the Principal rank. The analyses and comparison of several sound features compatible...
Processing of musical data employing rough sets and artificial neural networks
PublicationArtykuł opisuje założenia systemu automatycznej identyfikacji muzyki i dźwięków muzycznych. Dokonano przeglądu standardu MPEG-7, ze szczególnym naciskiem na parametry opisowe dźwięku. Przedyskutowano problemy analizy danych audio, związane z zastosowaniami wykorzystującymi MPEG-7. W oparciu o eksperymenty przedstawiono efektywność deskryptorów niskiego poziomu w automatycznym rozpoznawaniu dźwięków instrumentów muzycznych. Przedyskutowano...
Processing of musical data employing rough sets and artificial neural networks
PublicationArtykuł opisuje założenia systemu automatycznej identyfikacji muzyki i dźwięków muzycznych. Dokonano przeglądu standardu MPEG-7, ze szczególnym naciskiem na parametry opisowe dźwięku. Przedyskutowano problemy analizy danych audio, związane z zastosowaniami wykorzystującymi MPEG-7. W oparciu o eksperymenty przedstawiono efektywność deskryptorów niskiego poziomu w automatycznym rozpoznawaniu dźwięków instrumentów muzycznych. Przedyskutowano...
Verification of the Parameterization Methods in the Context of Automatic Recognition of Sounds Related to Danger
PublicationW artykule opisano aplikację, która automatycznie wykrywa zdarzenia dźwiękowe takie jak: rozbita szyba, wystrzał, wybuch i krzyk. Opisany system składa się z bloku parametryzacji i klasyfikatora. W artykule dokonano porównania parametrów dedykowanych dla tego zastosowania oraz standardowych deskryptorów MPEG-7. Porównano też dwa klasyfikatory: Jeden oparty o Percetron (sieci neuronowe) i drugi oparty o Maszynę wektorów wspierających....
Music genre classification applied to bass enhancement for mobile technology
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to present a novel approach to the Virtual Bass Synthesis (VBS) algorithms applied to portable computers. The proposed algorithm is related to intelligent, rule-based setting of synthesis parameters according to music genre of an audio excerpt. The classification of music genres is automatically executed employing MPEG 7 parameters and the Principal Component Analysis method applied to reduce information...
An Approach to Bass Enhancement in Portable Computers Employing Smart Virtual Bass Synthesis Algorithms
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to present a novel approach to the Virtual Bass Synthesis (VBS) algorithms applied to portable computers. The developed algorithms are related to intelligent, rule-based setting of synthesis parameters according to music genre of an audio excerpt and to the type of a portable device in use. To find optimum synthesis parameters of the VBS algorithms, subjective listening tests based on a parametric procedure...
Improving automatic surveillance by sound analysis
PublicationAn automatic surveillance system, based on event detection in the video image can be improved by implementing algorithms for audio analysis. Dangerous or illegal actions are often connected with distinctive sound events like screams or sudden bursts of energy. A method for detection and classification of alarming sound events is presented. Detection is based on the observation of sudden changes in sound level in distinctive sub-bands...
Evaluation of a Novel Approach to Virtual Bass Synthesis Strategy
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to present a novel approach to the Virtual Bass Synthesis (VBS) strategy applied to portable computers. The developed algorithms involve intelligent, rule-based settings of bass synthesis parameters with regard to music genre of an audio excerpt and the type of a portable device in use. The Smart VBS algorithm performs the synthesis based on a nonlinear device (NLD) with artificial controlling synthesis...
PublicationAutomatic classification methods, such as artificial neural networks (ANNs), the k-nearest neighbor (kNN) and selforganizing maps (SOMs), are applied to allophone analysis based on recorded speech. A list of 650 words was created for that purpose, containing positionally and/or contextually conditioned allophones. For each word, a group of 16 native and non-native speakers were audio-video recorded, from which seven native speakers’...
Smart Virtual Bass Synthesis Algorithm Based on Music Genre Classification
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to present a novel approach to the Virtual Bass Synthesis (VBS) algorithms applied to portable computers. The proposed algorithm employed automatic music genre recognition to determine the optimum parameters for the synthesis of additional frequencies. The synthesis was carried out using the non-linear device (NLD) and phase vocoder (PV) methods depending on the music excerpt genre. Classification of musical...
Open Research DataThere is a series of datasets containing feature vectors derived from music tracks. The dataset contains 51582 music tracks (22 music genres) and feature vector after Principal Component Analysis (PCA) performing, so there are 48-element vectors derived from music excerpts. Originally, a feature vector containing 173 elements was conceived in earlier...
SYNAT Music Genre Parameters PCA 19
Open Research DataThe dataset contains feature vector after Principal Component Analysis (PCA) performing, so there are 11 music genres and 19-element vector derived from music excerpts. Originally, a feature vector containing 173 elements was conceived in earlier research studies carried out by the team of authors [1-6]. A collection of 52532 music excerpts described...
Open Research DataThe dataset contains 51582 music tracks (22 music genres) and feature vector after Principal Component Analysis (PCA) performing, so there are 11-element vectors derived from music excerpts. Originally, a feature vector containing 173 elements was conceived in earlier research studies carried out by the team of authors [1-6]. A collection of more than...
Open Research DataThis is the original dataset containing 51582 music tracks (22 music genres) and 173 element-feature vector [1-6,9]. A collection of more than 50000 music excerpts described with a set of descriptors obtained through the analysis of 30-second mp3 recordings was gathered in a database called SYNAT. The SYNAT database was realized by the Gdansk University...
PublicationIPTV (Television over IP) is a modern service with a great potential to expand. It uses the IP transport platform, that is already in worldwide operation. At the time of writing, two techniques are used to transport the video and audio data of IPTV: MPEG-2 TS and Native RTP. The two techniques quite definitely have an influence on both quality of service (QoS) and quality of experience (QoE). This paper sets out to demonstrate...
PublicationPraca dotyczy podejścia do parametryzacji w przypadku klasyfikacji emocji w śpiewie oraz porównania z klasyfikacją emocji w mowie. Do tego celu wykorzystano bazę mowy i śpiewu nacechowanego emocjonalnie RAVDESS (Ryerson Audio-Visual Database of Emotional Speech and Song), zawierającą nagrania profesjonalnych aktorów prezentujących sześć różnych emocji. Następnie obliczono współczynniki mel-cepstralne (MFCC) oraz wybrane deskryptory...
Badanie efektywności kodeków źródłowych w radiofonii cyfrowej DAB+
PublicationW Polsce radiofonia cyfrowa jest dostępna dla słuchaczy już od 2013 roku. Jednakże brakuje ogólnodostępnych publikacji naukowych lub też raportów badawczych uzasadniających przyjęte przepływności dla strumieni audio. W artykule przedstawiono badania sprawności kodowania oraz subiektywnej oceny jakości kodeka MPEG-4 HE-AAC v2, wykorzystywanego w standardzie DAB+. Testy prze-prowadzono wg. techniki porównawczej MUSHRA na dwóch grupach,...
Quality Analysis of Audio-Video Transmission in an OFDM-Based Communication System
PublicationApplication of a reliable audio-video communication system, brings many advantages. With the spoken word we can exchange ideas, provide descriptive information, as well as aid to another person. With the availability of visual information one can monitor the surrounding, working environment, etc. As the amount of available bandwidth continues to shrink, researchers focus on novel types of transmission. Currently, orthogonal frequency...
Video recordings of bees at entrance to hives
Open Research DataVideo recordings of bees at entrance to hives from 2017-04-22, 2017-04-23 and 2018-05-22. All recordings were made using hand-held full HD camera (Samsung Galaxy S3) and encoded using H.264 video codec (Standard Baseline Profile for mov files from 2017, High Profile for mp4 files from 2018) , 30 FPS and bit rate 14478 kb/s (mov files from 2017) or 16869 kb/s...
Rough Sets Applied to Mood of Music Recognition
PublicationWith the growth of accessible digital music libraries over the past decade, there is a need for research into automated systems for searching, organizing and recommending music. Mood of music is considered as one of the most intuitive criteria for listeners, thus this work is focused on the emotional content of music and its automatic recognition. The research study presented in this work contains an attempt to music emotion recognition...
Classification of Music Genres Based on Music Separation into Harmonic and Drum Components . Klasyfikacja gatunków muzycznych wykorzystująca separację instrumentów muzycznych
PublicationThis article presents a study on music genre classification based on music separation into harmonic and drum components. For this purpose, audio signal separation is executed to extend the overall vector of parameters by new descriptors extracted from harmonic and/or drum music content. The study is performed using the ISMIS database of music files represented by vectors of parameters containing music features. The Support Vector...
Eksperymentalna weryfikacja przydatności wybranych parametrów standardu MPEG-7 w procesie klasyfikacji dźwięków instrumentów muzycznych
PublicationObecnie stosowane metody wyszukiwania informacji muzycznej w internecie bazują na parametrycznym opisie zawartości danych multimedialnych. W standardzie MPEG-7 w części dotyczącej sygnałów fonicznych zawarto opis oparty w dużej mierze o analizę widmową, przy czym dla dźwięków muzycznych parametryzowane jest widmo FFT fragmentu stanu quasi-ustalonego.
MPEG-7 jako format zapisu cyfrowych dokumentów muzycznych
PublicationW pracy zwrócono uwagę na problem przechowywania różnych postaci muzyki w cyfrowych dokumentach muzycznych. Przedstawiono ogólną charakterystykę formatu MPEG7. Pokazano możliwości wynikające z zastosowania MPEG7 do cyfrowej reprezentacji dokumentów muzycznych. Zwrócono uwagę na możliwość rozszerzania standardu w celu dopasowania go do przechowywania dokumentów muzycznych zawierających pełną informację muzyczną.
Speech Analytics Based on Machine Learning
PublicationIn this chapter, the process of speech data preparation for machine learning is discussed in detail. Examples of speech analytics methods applied to phonemes and allophones are shown. Further, an approach to automatic phoneme recognition involving optimized parametrization and a classifier belonging to machine learning algorithms is discussed. Feature vectors are built on the basis of descriptors coming from the music information...
Low-Level Music Feature Vectors Embedded as Watermarks
PublicationIn this paper a method consisting in embedding low-level music feature vectors as watermarks into a musical signal is proposed. First, a review of some recent watermarking techniques and the main goals of development of digital watermarking research are provided. Then, a short overview of parameterization employed in the area of Music Information Retrieval is given. A methodology of non-blind watermarking applied to music-content...
Polynomial windows with low sidelobes’ level
PublicationSome of the main advantages of polynomial windows are their low computational complexity and ability to easily change their frequency response modifying the values of their coefficients in the time domain. Kulkarni presented the coefficients obtained for such windows with fastest possible decaying sidelobes...
Enhanced method of DS-CDMA low level singnals detection
PublicationThe following article comprises three main parts. The first one generally describes two methods of low level signals detection which are in the interest of this study. The signal spectrum averaging technique is shown as well as the method exploiting averaged spectrum of the signal raised to the power of 2n (nN). Additionally, this section briefly presents proposed enhancements and modifications of these two solutions, which allow...
In uence of Low-Level Features Extracted from Rhythmic and Harmonic Sections on Music Genre Classi cation
PublicationWe present a comprehensive evaluation of the infuence of 'harmonic' and rhythmic sections contained in an audio file on automatic music genre classi cation. The study is performed using the ISMIS database composed of music files, which are represented by vectors of acoustic parameters describing low-level music features. Non-negative Matrix Factorization serves for blind separation of instrument components. Rhythmic components...
Airborne Laser Scanning Point Cloud Update by Used of the Terrestrial Laser Scanning and the Low-Level Aerial Photogrammetry
PublicationLaser scanning technology is a spatial information gathering technique which is commonly used all over the world. Systems where the red-light beam are used, are divided into: terrestrial, mobile and airborne scanning systems. The main differences between those are the accuracy, the data acquisition solution (f. e. in ALS and MLS besides of the laser scanner, the inertial navigation system is required) and the covered area in one...
A high-gain gap waveguide-based 16 × 16 slot antenna array with low sidelobe level for mmwave applications
PublicationThis study presents the design of a high-gain 16 × 16-slot antenna array with a low sidelobe level (SLL) using a tapered ridge gap waveguide feeding network for Ka-band applications. The proposed antenna element includes four cavity-backed slot antennas. A tapered feeding network is designed and utilized for unequal feeding of the radiating elements. Ridge gap waveguide technology is used to reduce the feeding network loss and...
Low-Level Aerial Photogrammetry as a Source of Supplementary Data for ALS Measurements
PublicationThe development of laser scanning technology ALS allows to make high-resolution measurements for large areas result-ing in significant reduction of costs. The main stakeholders at heights data received from the airborne laser scanning is mainly state administration. The state institutions appear among projects such as ISOK. Each point is classified in ac-cordance with the standard LAS 1.2, our research focuses on the class 6 -...
Low-Level Aerial Photogrammetry as a Source of Supplementary Data for ALS Measurements
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Long‐term variability of the low‐level cloud base height in Poland
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Power of the low alpha brainwaves in the mental imagery experiment in sport: the "Start in High Level Championship" scenario.
Open Research DataThe data were collected to perform research on the neural oscillation during mental imagery in sport. The main aim of the study was to examine the cortical correlates of imagery depending on instructional modality (guided vs self-produced) using various sport-related scripts. The research was based on the EEG signals recorded during the session with...
The time spent sitting does not always mean a low level of physical activity
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Waste tire rubber with low and high devulcanization level prepared in the planetary extruder
PublicationWaste tires management is serious and global environmental problem. Therefore, searching for new andindustrially applicable solutions to convert waste tire rubber into high-value added products is gaining more andmore attention. Rubber devulcanization is step forward for further developing rubber recycling and upcyclingtechnologies. Thermo-mechanical treatment of ground tire rubber (GTR) performed in twin screw extruders iscurrently...
The effect of cabbage juice and it's active components on the protein level and expression of CYP19 in MCF-7 breast cancer cells
PublicationWiadomo, że bioaktywne skladniki kapusty mają chemoprewencyjne działanie w przypadku nowotworów piersi, między innymi ze względu na hamowanie aktywności enzymu aromatazy uczestniczącego w biosyntezie estrogenów. Badania prowadzono przy użyciu komórek raka piersi i stwierdzono, że soki z kapusty, zarówno pochodzącej z uprawy ekologicznej jak i przemysłowej, znacząco hamowały ekspresję genu CYP19 kodującego wspomniany enzym. Sugeruje...
Factors determining accumulation of bisphenol A and alkylphenols at a low trophic level as exemplified by mussels Mytilus trossulus
PublicationThe aim of the study was to investigate abiotic and biotic factors influencing the accumulation of endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) such as bisphenol A (BPA), 4-tert-octylphenol (OP) and 4- nonylphenol (NP) in mussels Mytilus trossulus from the Gulf of Gdansk (Southern Baltic). The key abiotic factor influencing BPA, OP and NP accumulation in mussels is their hydrophilicity/lipophilicity, which affects their main assimilation...
Paweł Możejko dr hab.
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Products of Vitamin D3 or 7-Dehydrocholesterol Metabolism by Cytochrome P450scc Show Anti-Leukemia Effects, Having Low or Absent Calcemic Activity
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The Influence of Essential Oil Compounds on Antibacterial Activity of Mupirocin-Susceptible and Induced Low-Level Mupirocin-Resistant MRSA Strains
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Cardioprotective Effect of Low Level of LDL Cholesterol on Perioperative Myocardial Injury in Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting
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Protective impact of extract from Aronia melanocarpa berries against low-level exposure to cadmium-induced liver damage: a study in a rat model
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Protective impact of extract from Aronia melanocarpa berries against low-level exposure to cadmium-induced lipid peroxidation in the bone tissue: a study in a rat model
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Józef Kotus dr hab. inż.
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Wykorzystanie bezzałogowych aparatów latających (mini śmigłowców) do wykonywania fotogrametrycznych zdjęć lotniczych z niskich pułapów = The use of unmaned aerial vehicles (mini helicoptes) in photogrammetry from low level
PublicationW artykule przedstawione zostały założenia wykorzystania bezzałogowego statku powietrznego do wykonywania zdjęć fotogrametrycznych z niskich pułapów.
Jarosław Łuszcz dr hab. inż.
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Cyfrowa biblioteka dokumentów muzycznych
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono główny cel projektu badawczego Moniuszko, będacego projektem i realizacją interaktywnej biblioteki cyfrowej dokumentów muzycznych. W pracy przedstawiono również koncepcję cyfrowego dokumentu muzycznego, a także wskazano standard MPEG-7, jako najlepiej spełniający wymogi opisu tych dokumentów. Zaproponowano rozszerzenie tego standardu o możliwość pełnego opisu bibliograficznego dokumentu muzycznego, a także...