Search results for: pharmaceuticals
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Pharmaceuticals Policy and Law
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How to decrease pharmaceuticals in the environment? A review
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International Journal of Pharmaceuticals Analysis
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Application of bioassays in studies on the impact of pharmaceuticals on the environment
PublicationDrug interactions are often desirable particularly in medicine, when treatment of a patient requires using a mixture of drugs in specific doses to produce the adequate therapeutic effect. Unfortunately, interactions between drugs in the environment are not as desirable, despite the fact that drugs are present in the environment at low concentration levels [1]. Pharmaceuticals are present in the environment in a mixture of compounds,...
A history of the physical and chemical stability of pharmaceuticals : a review
Publication: There is a great need for a broad range review of stability tests of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) in comparison with current requirements contained in the pharmacopoeia. This review focuses on a pharmaceutical history of physical and chemical stability determination. Traditional knowledge must be considered in the context of physical stability, while new knowledge must be applied and acquired in terms of identification...
Mytilidae as model organisms in the marine ecotoxicology of pharmaceuticals - A review
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Impact of Veterinary Pharmaceuticals on the Agricultural Environment: A Re-inspection
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Daphnia magna model in the toxicity assessment of pharmaceuticals: A review
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Study of the effect of residues of pharmaceuticals on the environment on the example of bioassay Microtox®
PublicationResidues of pharmaceuticals present in the aqueous environment can be found in a mixture of different substances wherein drugs not remain inert with respect to each other. In such mixtures a phenomenon of synergism or antagonism may occur, which can contribute to increase or decrease the overall toxicity of the mixture of drugs. Pharmaceuticals namely: diclofenac (sodium salt), oxyteracycline hydrochloride, fluoxetine hydrochloride,...
Sorption Properties of Polydivinylbenzene Polymers towards Phenolic Compounds and Pharmaceuticals
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Analytical techniques in studies of the environmental fate of pharmaceuticals and personal-care products
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono dane literaturowe odnośnie źródeł emisji, dróg transportu, przemian i metabolizmu, pomiomu stężeń ksenobiotyków z grupy farmaceutyków i środków higieny osobistej w próbkach pobranych z różnych elementów środowiska (woda, gleba, osady denne) oraz próbek bioty. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na techniki analityczne wykorzystywane w badaniach losu środowiskowego w/w zanieczyszczeń.
Towards modelling of the environmental fate of pharmaceuticals using the QSPR-MM scheme
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Effect of salinity and pH on the calibration of the extraction of pharmaceuticals from water by PASSIL
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Calibration of Passive Samplers for the Monitoring of Pharmaceuticals in Water-Sampling Rate Variation
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New Trends in Sample Preparation Techniques for the Analysis of the Residues of Pharmaceuticals in Environmental Samples
PublicationPharmaceutical residues in the environment is a field of special interest due to the adverse effects to either human health or aquatic and soil environment. Pharmaceuticals have been already detected in underground, surface and wastewaters, soils, manure and sediments. The growing awareness of environmental pollution arising from human activity forces the need for their comprehensive determination. Environmental samples are complex...
Modeling of pharmaceuticals mixtures toxicity with deviation ratio and best-fit functions models
PublicationThe present study deals with assessment of ecotoxicological parameters of 9 drugs (diclofenac (sodium salt), oxytetracycline hydrochloride, fluoxetine hydrochloride, chloramphenicol, ketoprofen, progesterone, estrone, androstenedione and gemfibrozil), present in the environmental compartments at specific concentration levels, and theirmutual combinations by couples against Microtox® and XenoScreen YES/YAS® bioassays. As the quantitative...
LC-MS and LC-NMR as Complementary Techniques for the Determination of Pharmaceuticals in Dosage Formulations
PublicationPharmaceuticals contain not only pharmacologically active compounds but also a range of excipients. The danger exists that impurities may also be present in such drugs, which may adversely affect their efficacy and even endanger patient health and life. Monitoring the composition of pharmaceutical products is therefore essential. The trace amounts of such impurities in pharmaceuticals are often identified and determined with liquid...
The triple-sorbents solid-phase extraction for pharmaceuticals and estrogens determination in wastewater samples
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Salinity and pH as factors affecting the passive sampling and extraction of pharmaceuticals from water
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Legislative and criminal law aspects of water protection and prevention of pharmaceuticals accumulation in nature
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Optimization of liquid chromatographic separation of pharmaceuticals within green analytical chemistry framework
PublicationThe contribution is aimed at the development of methodology that allows to consider green analytical chemistry criteria during optimization of liquid chromatographic separation with design of experiment. The objectives of the optimization are maximization of peak areas of five non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs, maximization of resolution between peaks, with simultaneous shortening of chromatographic separation time and minimization...
Determination of pharmaceuticals in fish: method optimization and occurrence in different species from Mediterranean rivers
PublicationThe multi-residue analytical method developed, based on accelerated solvent extraction, gel permeation chromatography purification and UPLC-MS/MS analysis allowed the simultaneous determination of 21 pharmaceuticals. Recoveries obtained for most of the target compounds were higher than 50%. The application of UPLC-MS/MS operating in the MRM mode, with two transitions monitored for each compound, provided good sensitivity and selectivity....
Selected analytical challenges in the determination of pharmaceuticals in drinking/marine waters and soil/sediment samples
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Determination of solvents residues in vegetable oils and pharmaceuticals by headspace analysis and capillary gas chromatography.
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki zastosowania techniki analizy fazy nadpowierzchniowej w połączeniu z kapilarną chromatografią gazową do oznaczania wybranych rozpuszczalników organicznych w próbkach olejów jadalnych i produktów farmaceutycznych. Oznaczane rozpuszczalniki to: benzen, toluen, heksan oraz chlorowcopochodne węglowodorów alifatycznych. Opracowaną procedurę poddano walidacji. Wyznaczono granicę wytrzymalności, oznaczalności, liniowość...
Spatial distribution of pharmaceuticals in conventional wastewater treatment plant with Sludge Treatment Reed Beds technology
PublicationPharmaceutical residues are an emerging environmental problem. It is strongly confirmed that pharmaceuticals are present in soils and environmental waters (surface, marine and even groundwater), and that wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluents are the main source of pharmaceuticals in the watershed. The aim of this studywas to recognize the spatial distribution and seasonal changes of selected pharmaceuticals in conventional WWTP...
Impact of inorganic ions and pH variations on toxicity and endocrine potential of selected environmentally relevant pharmaceuticals
PublicationAssessment of the impact of pharmaceutical residues on living organisms is a very complex subject. Apart from taking into account the toxicity of individual compounds, environmental factors should also be taken into account. In this paper, attempts were made to assess the impact of coexisting inorganic ions and changes in pH on the toxicity of ten selected pharmaceuticals. Two bioassays were used to measure the estrogenic and androgenic...
Polymer and graphitic carbon nitride based nanohybrids for the photocatalytic degradation of pharmaceuticals in wastewater treatment – A review
PublicationPharmaceuticals, including antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs, have been frequently detected in water reservoirs, in concentrations ranging from ng/L to μg/L, owing to their wide use in treatment of human and animal disease. Their uncontrolled use results in their increased release into the environment which is harmful for humans, animals, aquatic life and aquatic system. To remove these pollutants from water bodies, various...
Bisphenols (A, S, and F) affect the basic hormonal activity determined for pharmaceuticals – Study of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
PublicationPharmaceuticals and analogs of bisphenol A (BPA) are increasingly threatening environmental pollutants. In this study, mixtures of selected pharmaceuticals (diclofenac sodium salt, chloramphenicol, oxytetracycline hydrochloride, fluoxetine hydrochloride, estrone, ketoprofen, progesterone, gemfibrozil and androstenedione) were prepared with BPA and its two analogs (namely, bisphenols F and S) at such ratios to reflect environmentally...
Closing the loop: Upcycling secondary waste materials into nanoarchitectured carbon composites for the electrochemical degradation of pharmaceuticals
PublicationIn this study, we demonstrated the application of electrochemical oxidation as a safer and cleaner technology for minimizing the impact of pharmaceuticals in wastewaters, simultaneously mediated by upcycled secondary waste materials (SWMs)-derived electrodes, to further reduce their environmental impact. The modularity, scalability, ease of operation and reliability make electrochemical oxidation an ideal process for the destruction...
Static renewal and continuous-flow calibration of two types of passive samplers for the monitoring of pharmaceuticals in wastewater
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Limitations of Integrative Passive Samplers as a Tool for the Quantification of Pharmaceuticals in the Environment – A Critical Review with the Latest Innovations
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A Holistic Approach to Determining Stereochemistry of Potential Pharmaceuticals by Circular Dichroism with β-Lactams as Test Cases
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Analytical procedures for quality control of pharmaceuticals in terms of residual solvents content: Challenges and recent developments
PublicationResidual solvents play an important role in the synthesis of drugs and in product formulations. In addition, they pose a serious problem, that is toxicity, as many of them exhibit toxic or environmentally hazardous properties. Therefore, constant monitoring of quality control is needed. In this study, we present an overview of regulatory and general methods described by various pharmacopoeias. Then, the most commonly used methodologies...
Phototransformation of three selected pharmaceuticals, naproxen, 17α-Ethinylestradiol and tetracycline in water: Identification of photoproducts and transformation pathways
PublicationTransformation products (TPs) may be formed during various processes, however, it was proved that one of the main mechanisms responsible for degradation of pharmaceuticals in natural waters is photolysis. Three compounds were selected, tetracycline (TC), 17-α-ethinylestradiol (EE2) and naproxen (NAP), for degradation experiments which were performed using a xenon lamp emitting light with a spectrum closely approximating that of...
Novel composite of Zn/Ti-layered double hydroxide coupled with MXene for the efficient photocatalytic degradation of pharmaceuticals
PublicationIn the present study, a hybrid photocatalyst of Zn/Ti layered double hydroxide (LDH) coupled with MXene – Ti3C2 was synthesized for the first time and applied in photocatalytic degradation of acetaminophen and ibuprofen, two commonly present in the natural environment and prone to accumulate in the aquatic ecosystem pharmaceuticals. The effect of MXene content (0.5 wt%, 2.5 wt%, and 5 wt%) on the photocatalytic activity of LDH/MXene...
Application of the PASSIL technique for the passive sampling of exemplary polar contaminants (pharmaceuticals and phenolic derivatives) from water
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Analysis of multi-class pharmaceuticals in fish tissues by ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry
PublicationA new sensitive method based on pressurized liquid extraction (PLE) and purification by gel permeation chromatography (GPC) prior to ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC–MS/MS) was developed for the determination in fish homogenate, liver and muscle of twenty pharmaceuticals compounds and metabolites from seven commonly used therapeutic families. An extensive matrix effect evaluation...
Pharmaceuticals and another groups of emerging contaminants: Occurrence and sources in Admiralty Bay (King George Island, Maritime Antarctica)
PublicationEveryday live activities may introduce a wide range of chemicals into wastewater systems. In this study presence of selected types of pharmaceuticals from cardiovascular system group, nervous and muscolo-skeleton system group, antimicrobial agents, genitourinary and sex hormones were tested in the wastewater from H. Arctowski Antarctic station. Moreover, the receiver of discharged wastewater (Admiralty Bay) were also studied. Considering...
Impact of humic acids, temperature and stirring on passive extraction of pharmaceuticals from water by trihexyl(tetradecyl)phosphonium dicyanamide
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Evaluation of the Possibility of Using Hydroponic Cultivations for the Removal of Pharmaceuticals and Endocrine Disrupting Compounds in Municipal Sewage Treatment Plants
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Matrix effects and recovery calculations in analyses of pharmaceuticals based on the determination of β-blockers and β-agonists in environmental samples
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Development of headspace solid-phase microextraction-gas chromatography method for the determination of solvent residues in edible oils and pharmaceuticals
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki opracowania procedury oznaczania pozostałości rozpuszczalników organicznych w olejach jadalnych z wykorzystaniem techniki HS-SPME na etapie izolacji i wzbogacania analitów. Przedstawiono proces optymalizacji etapu izolacji i rozdzielenia związków. Dla każdego z analitów wyznaczono parametry walidacyjne charakteryzujące procedurę tj. granice wykrywalności, granicę oznaczalności, liniowość, zakres pomiarowy,...
Genotoxicity of selected pharmaceuticals, their binary mixtures, and varying environmental conditions – study with human adenocarcinoma cancer HT29 cell line
PublicationPharmaceutical residues are present in the environment in mixtures and their adverse effects may also result from interactions that occur between compounds. Studies presented in this work focus on genotoxicity of pharmaceuticals from different therapeutic groups in mixtures and in individual solutions impacted with different environmental conditions assessed using comet assay (alkaline approach). Binary mixtures of pharmaceuticals...
Pharmaceuticals and other contaminants of emerging concern in Admiralty Bay as a result of untreated wastewater discharge: Status and possible environmental consequences
PublicationConsidering how the impact of human activity in Antarctica is growing, the aim of this study was to conduct the first assessment of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs), other emerging contaminants (ECs), and antibiotic resistance genes present in the western shore of the Admiralty Bay region of King George Island. In total, more than 170 substances were evaluated to assess the potential environmental risks they pose...
Graphitic carbon nitride/bismuth-based Z-scheme heterojunctions for the photocatalytic removal of pharmaceuticals and personal care products — a review
PublicationZ-scheme heterojunction in recent years is one of the most promising approaches in photocatalytic materials in solar light region for various environmental applications, including the removal of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs). Integrating g-C3N4 and Bi-based semiconductors via Z-scheme is highly effective in providing efficient flow of charge carriers along with suitable redox sites. The g-C3N4/Bi-based photocatalysts...
Determination of flavanols by liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection. Application to the characterization of cranberry-based pharmaceuticals through profiling and fingerprinting approaches
PublicationIn this work, a new method based on reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with fluorescence detection (FLD) was established for the determination of catechins and related oligomeric proanthocyanidins (PACs) in cranberry-based pharmaceuticals. Compounds were recovered by liquid extraction using methanol/water/hydrochloric acid (60:39:1, v:v:v) as the extraction solvent. The chromatographic separation was carried...
Evaluation the environmental fate of pharmaceuticals using a level III model based on poly-parameter linear free energy relationships
PublicationOpisano możliwości zastosowania modelu ''Level III Model'' do opisu losu środowiskowego pozostałości farmaceutyków w środowisku. Zastosowany model umożliwia oszacowanie trwałości, stężeń oraz transportu poszczególnych zanieczyszczeń pomiędzy poszczególnymi elementami składowymi środowiska (powietrze, woda, gleba i osady denne).
Pharmaceuticals wastewater treatment via different advanced oxidation processes: Reaction mechanism, operational factors, toxicities, and cost evaluation – A review
PublicationPharmaceuticals comprises different drugs used for treating different infections in human being and animals. The huge quantities of pharmaceuticals used are found to discharge into different water resources and cause different health and environmental problems. The continuous and large-scale discharge of pharmaceuticals increases their persistency which can consequently make them more toxic. The different advanced oxidation processes...
Results of pharmaceuticals mixtures toxicity on inhibition of bioluminescence of Vibrio fischeri (Microtox)
Open Research DataThe research was concerned with verifying the impact of mixtures of nine pharmaceuticals against a selected organism, i.e., the bacterium Aliivibrio fischeri. A. fisheri is used as a model organism in the monitoring of acute toxicity in environmental and reference samples in Microtox® systems. Tested pharmaceuticals, namely: diclofenac (sodium salt),...