Search results for: proton exchange membrane fuel celldynamic impedance measurementsoptimizationmonitoringair humidity
The impact of air humidity on the operation of proton exchange membrane fuel cells determined using dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
PublicationThis paper describes the changes in the fuel cell impedance across a range of current loads and humidity changes. The changes of each equivalent circuit parameters representing specific processes occurring in fuel cells, as a function of humidity and current changes, were determined. Within the combined scope of current and humidity, the optimal working conditions of the cells were determined, corresponding to the lowest impedance...
The impedance of hydrogen oxidation reaction in a proton exchange membrane fuel cell in the presence of carbon monoxide in hydrogen stream
PublicationEvaluation of performance of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell, which is affected by carbon monoxide that pollutes the hydrogen stream, was presented. This influence was studied for carbon monoxide concentration of 125–325 ppb, which are close to values specified in ISO 14687:2019 standard. Performed studies provided crucial information for further development of fuel cell as an energy source for automotive application. Impedance...
An integral-differential method for impedance determination of the hydrogen oxidation process in the presence of carbon monoxide in the proton exchange membrane fuel cell
PublicationThe impedance of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell powered by hydrogen contaminated with carbon monoxide, ranging from 150 to 300 ppb, is measured and discussed. The tested range of CO concentration complied with the fuel standard specified in the ISO standards. Studies of influence of CO contamination on operation of PEMFC are crucial for further development and commercialization of fuel cells for automotive applications. Based...
Kazimierz Darowicki prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleStudia wyższe ukończyłem w czerwcu 1981 roku po zdaniu egzaminu dyplomowego i obronie pracy magisterskiej. Opiekunem pracy magisterskiej był dr hab. inż. Tadeusz Szauer. W roku 1991, 27 listopada uzyskałem stopień naukowy broniąc pracę doktorską zatytułowaną „Symulacyjna i korelacyjna analiza widm immitancyjnych inhibitowanej reakcji elektrodowej”. Promotorem pracy był prof. dr hab. inż. Józef Kubicki (Wydział Chemiczny...
Optimization of the Relative Humidity of Reactant Gases in Hydrogen Fuel Cells Using Dynamic Impedance Measurements
PublicationWater management is a key factor affecting the efficiency of proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs). The currently used monitoring methods of PEMFCs provide limited information about which processes or components that humidity has a significant impact upon. Herein, we propose the use of a novel approach of impedance measurements using a multi-sinusoidal perturbation signal, which enables impedance measurements under dynamic...
Visualization of the surface of the Nafion membrane
Open Research DataFuel cells use the chemical energy of hydrogen or other fuels to produce electricity. If the fuel is hydrogen, the only products are electricity, water and heat. Fuel cells are unique in the variety of their potential applications, they can use a wide variety of fuels. They are also highly scalable devices that can power both cars and mobile phones....
Assessment of Fuel Cells’ State of Health by Low-Frequency Noise Measurements
PublicationWe proposed applying low-frequency (flicker) noise in proton-exchange membrane fuel cells under selected loads to assess their state of health. The measurement set-up comprised a precise data acquisition board and was able to record the DC voltage and its random component at the output. The set-up estimated the voltage noise power spectral density at frequencies up to a few hundred mHz. We observed the evolution of the electrical...
Dynamic characteristics of the proton exchange membrane fuel cell module
PublicationThe paper describes a fuel cell based system and its performance. The system is based on two fuel cell units, DC/DC converter, DC/AC inverter, microprocessor control unit, load unit, bottled hydrogen supply system and a set of measurement instruments. In the study presented in the paper a dynamic response of the proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell system to unit step change load as well as to periodical load changing cycles...
Influence of temperature and nitrogen pressure on the test without active gases for high-temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cells
PublicationHigh-Temperature Proton-Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells (HT-PEMFCs) are a candidate for electrical energy supply devices in more and more applications. Most notably in the aeronautic industry. Before any use, an HT-PEMFC is preheated and after that supplied with its active gases. Only at this state, the diagnostics can be performed. A method of testing not requiring a complete start-up would be beneficial for many reasons. This article...
Impedance monitoring of fuel cell stacks
PublicationThis paper presents an innovative, electrochemical impedance method for monitoring of electrochemical behaviour of a multi-cell, direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC) device. This method not only provides classical voltage changes at successive cells but also allows their detailed impedance behaviour to be presented. Impedance characteristics of individual cells within a fuel cell stack (depending on actual operating conditions) are...
Are Radicals Formed During Anion-Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Operation?
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Operando EPR Study of Radical Formation in Anion-Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells
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Performance and Stability in H2S of SrFe0.75Mo0.25O3-δ as Electrode in Proton Ceramic Fuel Cells
PublicationThe H2S-tolerance of SrFe0.75Mo0.25O3-δ (SFM) electrodes has been investigated in symmetric proton ceramic fuel cells (PCFC) with BaZr0.8Ce0.1Y0.1O3-δ (BZCY81) electrolyte. The ionic conductivity of the electrolyte under wet reducing conditions was found to be insignificantly affected in the presence of up to 5000 ppm H2S. The fuel cell exhibited an OCV of about 0.9 V at 700 °C, which dropped to about 0.6 V and 0.4 V upon exposure...
The influence of dynamic load changes on temporary impedance in hydrogen fuel cells, selection and validation of the electrical equivalent circuit
PublicationTo achieve optimal performance of a fuel cell, a reliable monitoring and diagnostic method is required. The currently utilized methods give limited information or they are impossible to use under dynamic working conditions. To obtain comprehensive information about the fuel cell operation we utilized novel dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Impedance measurements in dynamic mode were performed on a hydrogen fuel cell,...
Performance of a single layer fuel cell based on a mixed proton-electron conducting composite
PublicationMany of the challenges in solid oxide fuel cell technology stem from chemical and mechanical incompatibilities between the anode, cathode and electrolyte materials. Numerous attempts have been made to identify compatible materials. Here, these challenges are circumvented by the introduction of a working single layer fuel cell, fabricated from a composite of proton conducting BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.2O3-δ and a mixture of semiconducting...
Fabrication of the cross-linked PVA/TiO2/C nanocomposite membrane for alkaline direct methanol fuel cells
PublicationA crosslinked Poly(vinyl alcohol) based composite membrane was developed through a phase inversion process for use in alkaline direct methanol fuel cells (ADMFCs). The titanium dioxide (TiO2) and carbon nanoparticles (NPs) have been incorporated into the PVA polymer matrix to improve the mechanical and thermal properties. The membrane samples were further modified with maleic acid, a carboxylic acid acting as the cross-linker,...
Impedance Measurement and Selection of Electrochemical Equivalent Circuit of a Working PEM Fuel Cell Cathode
PublicationThe dynamic impedance analysis of direct methanolfuel cell (DMFC) cathode supplied with pure oxygen is pre-sented. Presented results were obtained during dynamic chang-es of the current density in working fuel cell. Investigation ofthe occurring processes at cathode was carried with dynamicelectrochemical impedance spectroscopy (DEIS). A discussionwas conducted based on the determined correlation parameterχ2. It was shown that...
Influence of Humidity on Parameters of Amperometric Sensor with Nafion Membrane
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań wpływu umiarkowanych i wysokich wilgotności powietrza na sygnał, czułość i czas odpowiedzi prototypowego czujnika ditlenku siarki ze złotą elektrodą pracującą, próżniowo napyloną na powierzchnię membrany nafionowej. Zaprezentowano także wyniki badań impedancyjnych w zakresie potencjałów, w którym mechanizm utleniania ditlenku siarki jest kontrolowany aktywacyjnie i dyfuzyjnie. Parametry odpowiadające...
Dynamic impedance measurements of the Direct Methanol Fuel Cell cathode at various operating temperatures
PublicationThis article discusses the application of impedance analysis for diagnosing the cathode of a direct methanol fuel cell at various operating temperatures. The Dynamic Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy technique coupled with a linear current scan was applied for this purpose. This technique allowed the observation of changes in the cathode's properties in the fuel cell operating under real working conditions. An equivalent model...
Study of Direct Methanol Fuel Cell Process Dynamics Using Dynamic Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
PublicationA new technique, which was developed to characterize the direct methanol fuel cell under work conditions, has been presented in this paper. The impedance measurements were made using dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy research technique in the galvanostatic mode, using multiple sinusoidal excitation. Obtained results show, that together with an increase of the temperature and working load, the global impedance...
Impedance monitoring of fuel cell stacks
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Evaluation of relative humidity effects on interfacial impedance at inter-coat interfaces.
PublicationSpektroskopia impedancyjna została zastosowana jako metoda niedestrukcyjna do oceny adhezji pomiędzy polimerowymi warstwami w ochronnym systemie powłokowym. Celem badań było stwierdzenie wpływu zewnętrznej wilgotności na impedancję międzyfazową. Badano system ochrony stosowany do ochrony samochodów. Zastosowano nowy sensor do detekcji rozwarstwienia i akumulacji wody w obszarze międzyfazy. Elektrody stanowią paski przewodzącego...
On-line Impedance Monitoring of Direct Methanol Fuel Cell
PublicationW niniejszej pracy została przedstawiona technika badawcza Dynamiczna Elektrochemiczna Spektroskopia Impedancyjna w obszarze badań ogniw paliwowych. Obiektem badań było ogniwo paliwowe zasilane bezpośrednio metanolem. Badano on-line wpływ zmian warunków pracy na globalną impedancję ogniwa. Podczas pomiarów zmianie ulegała temperatura, natężenia przepływu utleniacza oraz obciążenie.
Impedance Spectroscopy as a Diagnostic Tool of Degradation of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
Publicationw pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań degradacji tlenkowych ogniw paliwowych przeprowadzone metodą spektroskopii impedancyjnej. Ogniwa paliwowe zostały przetestowane w eksperymentalnych warunkach, które pozwalają na uzyskanie szybkiego spadku wydajności ogniw paliwowych. impedancja i parametry uzyskane z dopasowania widm do elektrycznego obwodu zastępczego zostały skorelowane z poziomem degradacji elementów ogniw paliwowych - anody...
Synthesis and Testing of BCZY/LNZ Mixed Proton–electron Conducting Composites for Fuel Cell Applications
PublicationA composite of BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.2O3–δ and Li2O:NiO:ZnO was investigated for fuel cell applications. The composite was successfully synthesized and its phase stability was confirmed at temperatures up to 900 °C. The influence of sintering and pressing aids on density was also investigated. Electrical properties were measured. DC electrical conductivity was about 8•10-4 S/m at 845 K. Open circuit voltage measurements in wet hydrogen...
Evolution of the nanostructure of Pt and Pt–Co polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell electrocatalysts at successive degradation stages probed by X-ray photoemission
PublicationWe present a set of XPS (X-ray photoemission spectroscopy) measurements and detailed data-analysis of electrodes for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) based on carbon supported catalysts (Pt and Pt–Co) subjected to a step-like potential cycling (accelerated degradation test). The results of the measurements complete and corroborate parallel TEM (transmission electron microscopy), XRD (X-ray diffraction) and XAS (X-ray...
Applicability of Gd-doped BaZrO3, SrZrO3, BaCeO3 and SrCeO3 proton conducting perovskites as electrolytes for solid oxide fuel cells
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Chapter 4. Electricity generation from glucose microbial fuel cell
PublicationThe microbial fuel cell was constructed to generate electricity with simultaneous digestion of a glucose fuel by a bacterial biofilm. The decomposition of glucose resulted in releasing of electrons to an anode and to production of some by-products, e.g. metane or organic acids. It was found that maximum electric power density strongly depended on the proton transport through the proton exchange membrane seperating the anolyte and...
Sebastian Lech Wachowski dr inż.
PeopleBorn in 1987 in Bydgoszcz, Poland. In 2012 graduated MSc in Applied Physics: Nanotechnology and in 2017 finished, with honours, PhD in physics at Gdańsk University of Technology. Since the beginning of his academic journey interested in functional materials, especially in high-tech ceramics. Devoted to the development of high temperature protonic conductors for water vapour electrolyzers and fuel cells. During his career has several...
Structural change of carbon supported Pt nanocatalyst subjected to a step-like potential cycling in PEM FC
PublicationIn this paper we present detailed X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) investigations of the changes in the local geometric and electronic structure of Pt nanoparticles used as a cathode catalyst in proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC), working under controlled potential cycling conditions.
Local atomic order in low Pt-content nanocatalysts investigated in situ by XAS
PublicationThe unique features of X-ray absorption spectroscopy allow investigations of nanosized catalysts for fuel cells under working conditions. We present the results of an experiment carried out on a low Pt content electrocatalyst supported by a mesoporous heteropolyacid salt and used at the cathode of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC). The analysis of the EXAFS signal at the Pt L3-edge indicates that upon operating the fuel...
Impedance spectroscopy as a diagnostic tool of degradation of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells = Spektroskopia impedancyjna jako narzędzie diagnostyczne degradacji tlenkowych ogniw paliwowych
PublicationTlenkowe ogniwa paliwowe SOFC sa obecnie bliskie komercjalizacji. Wiedza na temat mechanizmów degradacji ogniw paliwowych jest niezbędna do dalszej poprawy ich działania. Spektroskopia impedancyjna jest skutecznym narzędziem diagnostycznym. Pozwala ona na wskazanie który element ogniwa SOFC ulega pogorszeniu oraz pozwala poznać dokładniej naturę procesu degradacji. W tej pracy degradacja ogniwa SOFC została zbadana przy użyciu...
A XAS study of a highly diluted Pt electrocatalyst operating in PEM fuel cells
PublicationWe present an X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) study of a low Pt content catalyst layer(Pt loading 0.1 mg c2) operating at the cathode of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell(PEMFC). This catalyst is based on the use of a mesoporous inorganic matrix as a support forthe catalyst Pt nanoparticles. Due to the high Pt dilution, in situ measurements of itsstructural properties by XAS are challenging and suitable experimental strategies...
Fault Diagnostics in PEMFC Stacks by Evaluation of Local Performance and Cell Impedance Analysis
PublicationStarvation, flooding, and dry‐out phenomena occur in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs), due to heterogeneous local conditions, material inhomogeneity, and uneven flow distribution across the single cell active area and in between the individual cells. The impact of the load level and air feed conditions on the performance was identified for individual single cells within a 10‐cell stack. Analysis of the current density...
Protonic Ceramic Fuel Cells as novel electrochemical devices
PublicationProton ceramic conductors are novel materials which are interesting from the application point of view. For example, Protonic Ceramic Fuel Cells (PCFCs) is a type of a solid oxide fuel cell, which uses proton ceramic conductors as an electrolyte. Scientists are looking for the most efficient materials for these devices. In recent years main focus has been put on the search for new proton and mixed proton-electron conductors which...
Charge Transport in High-Entropy Oxides
PublicationThis work presents the results of research on the transport properties of the high-entropy BaZr1/8Hf1/8Sn1/8Ti1/8Y1/8In1/8Sm1/8Yb1/8O3–x perovskite oxide with special focus on proton transport. The presented study is part of broader work in which we focus on multiple different chemical compositions with the cation number varying from 5 up to 12 (in B-sublattice). The presence of proton defects is analyzed with thermogravimetry,...
Influence of vacuum sublimation deposited metal layer thickness on metrological parameters of the amperometric gas sensor with Nafion membrane
PublicationThe paper presents the results of investigation on an influence of vacuum sublimation deposited platinum layer thickness on the signal, sensitivity and response time of a prototype of sulphur dioxide sensor with Nafion membrane. The working electrode was made by vacuum sublimation deposition of platinum on a surface of Nafion membrane. Pt layers deposited changed an initial structure of Nafion membrane and that phenomenon was utilized...
Bartosz Dawidowicz dr inż.
PeopleHe graduated from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Gdańsk University of Technology MSc Eng. - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Gdansk University of Technology: specialization: Machines and Equipment of Food Industry (2000)PhD - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Gdansk University of Technology, discipline: construction and operation of machines, specialization: heat transfer (2008) Main areas of scientific activity related...
Determinants of Directionality and Efficiency of the ATP Synthase Fo Motor at Atomic Resolution
PublicationFo subcomplex of ATP synthase is a membrane-embedded rotary motor that converts proton motive force into mechanical energy. Despite a rapid increase in the number of high-resolution structures, the mechanism of tight coupling between proton transport and motion of the rotary c-ring remains elusive. Here, using extensive all-atom free energy simulations, we show how the motor’s directionality naturally arises from the interplay...
Nowa metoda optymalizacji pracy ogniw paliwowych.
PublicationPrzedstawiono dynamiczną technikę impedancją jako doskonałe narzędzie służące do określenia optymalnych warunków pracy ogniw paliwowych. Możliwości tej techniki zostały przedstawione na przykładzie ustalenia optymalnej temperatury pracy. Otrzymane wyniki zostały skonfrontowane z charakterystykami prądowo napięciowymi ogniwa.
Microstructural Design of Ba0.5La0.5Co0.5Fe0.5O3 Perovskite Ceramics
PublicationBa0.5La0.5Co0.5Fe0.5O3 was synthesized in the solid-state reaction route. The influence of ball milling parameters (such as milling media size, angular velocity, and time), pelletizing pressure, and annealing parameters on the microstructure was studied. The grain size distribution and density or specific surface area changes were investigated in each approach while the individual parameters were changed. The evaluation of BLCF...
Materiały dla jednowarstwowych ogniw paliwowych
PublicationA composite material, which may be further applied as a single layer fuel cell, was synthesizes using solid state synthesis method. Composite consisted of two components. The first was a nanoeramic proton conductor - calcium doped lanthanum niobate. The second one was a nanoceramic semiconductor oxide composed of lithium, nickel and zinc oxides respectively.
A complete impedance analysis of electrochemical cells used as energy sources
PublicationA comprehensive description of impedance ofelectrochemical systems has been presented, along withthe assumptions of the method used. In this method, amultisinusoidal current excitation signal is used. Thechanges of potential of both the electrodes and thepotential difference between these electrodes are allregistered simultaneously as a function of time. Theproposed method offers the possibility of separatelydetermining the instantaneous...
Influence of iron content on water uptake and charge transport in BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.2−xFexO3−δ triple-conducting oxides
PublicationIn this work, we studied the BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.2−xFexO3−δ system which belongs to the triple-conducting oxides (TCOs) group. The electrochemical properties of BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.2−xFexO3−δ were investigated using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and the water uptake was analyzed using thermogravimetry (TG). All investigated materials exhibited water uptake, with proton concentration increasing with decreasing iron content....
Novel Class of Proton Conducting Materials—High Entropy Oxides
PublicationHere, for the first time, we present data on proton conductivity of high-entropy, single-phase perovskites. The BaZr0.2Sn0.2Ti0.2Hf0.2Ce0.2O3−δ, BaZr0.2Sn0.2Ti0.2Hf0.2Y0.2O3−δ, BaZr1/7Sn1/7Ti1/7Hf1/7Ce1/7Nb1/7Y1/7O3−δ, and BaZr0.15Sn0.15Ti0.15Hf0.15Ce0.15Nb0.15Y0.10O3−δ single-phase perovskites were synthesized. Before electrical measurements, materials were characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy...
The innovative experimental rig for wood steam drying at atmospheric pressure
PublicationThe high cost of fossil fuel and soaring consumer interest have encouraged people in the wood industry to look for faster and more energy-efficient methods to dry lumber. The air-steam mixture as medium of drying process was used in a laboratory kiln especially arranged for that reason. Experimental rig is based on automatic control system. At the time of drying measurements of the internal temperature, wood temperature, moisture...
Koncepcja i modelowanie wysokoobrotowego napędu elektrycznego turbosprężarki. Zastosowanie w ogniwach paliwowych pojazdów samochodowych
PublicationAbstract: Electrical vehicles powered by hydrogen fuel cells become a potential alternative to conventional vehicles. The polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) are typical fuel cells used in fuel cell vehicle (FCV). The global efficiency of a PEM fuel cell stack is greatly impacted by the use of a motorized compressor for the air supply system. The motor-compressor set-up may consume up to 19 % of the energy supplied by the PEM fuel...
Torsional elasticity and energetics of F1-ATPase
PublicationFoF1-ATPase is a rotary motor protein synthesizing ATP from ADP driven by a cross-membrane proton gradient. The proton flow through the membrane-embedded Fo generates the rotary torque that drives the rotation of the asymmetric shaft of F1. Mechanical energy of the rotating shaft is used by the F1 catalytic subunit to synthesize ATP. It was suggested that elastic power transmission with transient storage of energy in some compliant...
Impact of strontium non-stoichiometry of SrxTi0.3Fe0.7O3-δ on structural, electrical, and electrochemical properties for potential oxygen electrode of intermediate temperature solid oxide cells
PublicationThis work presents the results of a comprehensive study on the impact of the A-site non-stoichiometry of SrxTi0.3Fe0.7O3-δ (x = 0.90, 0.95, 1.00, 1.05) ceramics on their physicochemical properties. The materials were fabricated by the conventional solid-state reaction method and their structure was determined by X-ray diffractometry, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and electron microscopy. Their sintering and thermal expansion...
Adaptive prediction of stock exchange indices by state space wavelet networks
PublicationThe paper considers the forecasting of the Warsaw Stock Exchange price index WIG20 by applying a state space wavelet network model of the index price. The approach can be applied to the development of tools for predicting changes of other economic indicators, especially stock exchange indices. The paper presents a general state space wavelet network model and the underlying principles. The model is applied to produce one session...