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Search results for: water temperature
Long-term Hindcast Simulation of Currents, Sea Level, Water Temperature and Salinity in the Baltic Sea
PublicationThis dataset contains the results of numerical modelling of currents, sea level, water temperature and salinity over a period of 50 years (1958–2007) in the Baltic Sea. A long-term hindcast simulation was performed using a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model (PM3D) based on the Princeton Ocean Model (POM). The spatial resolution was 3 nautical miles, i.e. about 5.5 km. Currents, water temperature, and salinity were recorded...
Vertical Temperature Stratification of the Gulf of Gdansk Water
PublicationThe Baltic Sea is characterized by variable hydroacoustic conditions, which depend on hydrological conditions throughout the year. The temperature of the water is the factor that has the greatest impact on the changes in the speed of the sound in this basin. Even at a small depth, we can observe a large temperature gradient affecting the accuracy of the conducted research using hydroacoustic devices. A characteristic feature of...
Long-term hindcast simulation of water temperature and salinity in the Baltic Sea
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the results of numerical modelling of water temperature and salinity over a period of 50 years (1958-2007) in the Baltic Sea. A long-term hindcast simulation was performed using a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model PM3D (Kowalewski and Kowalewska-Kalkowska, 2017), a new version of the M3D model (Kowalewski, 1997). The hydrodynamic...
Hydrodynamic reanalysis of water temperature and salinity in the Baltic Sea using the PM3D model
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the results of numerical modeling of water temperature and salinity in the Baltic Sea since 1998. A long-term reanalysis was performed using the three-dimensional hydrodynamic model PM3D (Kowalewski and Kowalewska-Kalkowska, 2017), a new version of the M3D model (Kowalewski, 1997). A numerical dynamic-thermodynamic model of sea...
Excess volumes of mixing in (N,N-Dimethylacetamide+methanol+water) and (N,N-Dimethylacetamide+ethanol+water) at the temperature 313.15 K
PublicationW pracy podane są rezultaty precyzyjnych pomiarów namiarowych objętości molowych dla dwóch układów trójskładnikowych zawierających wodę, amid alifatyczny (N,N-dimetyloacetamid) oraz alkohol: metanol lub etanol. Dla wszystkich badanych układów obserwowane są duże i ujemne wartości nadmiarowych objętości mieszania, wskazujące na obecność silnych oddziaływań międzycząsteczkowych.
(Vapour + liquid) equilibrium in (n,n-dimethylacetamide + ethanol + water) at the temperature 313.15 K
PublicationW pracy prezentowane są pomiary całkowitej prężności pary dla tytułowego układu trójskładnikowego oraz dla składowych układów binarnych. Uzyskane w pracy wyniki porównane zostały z wcześniejszymi danymi dla podobnych układów. Znaleziono w przybliżeniu liniową zależność pomiędzy wartościami nadmiarowej entalpii swobodnej Gibbsa a objętością molową amidu, spełnianą w układach dwuskładnikowych: amid + alkohol alifatyczny.
(Vapour and liquid) equilibrium in (N,N-dimethylacetamide+methanol+water) at the temperature 313.15 K.
PublicationPraca zawiera wyniki pomiarów całkowitej prężności pary dla tytułowego układu trójskładnikowego oraz dla ''składowych'' układów binarnych. Wyniki obliczeń nadmiarowej energii swobodnej mieszania dla układów (N,N-dimetyloaceta-mid+woda) i (N,N-dimetyloacetamid+metanol) porównane zostały z rezultatami uzyskanymi wcześniej dla innych układów (amid+metanol) oraz (amid+woda). Znaleziono interesującą zależność wartości nadmiaru...
Improved Empirical Coefficients for Estimating Water Vapor Weighted Mean Temperature over Europe for GNSS Applications
PublicationDevelopment of the so-called global navigation satellite system (GNSS) meteorology is based on the possibility of determining a precipitable water vapor (PWV) from a GNSS zenith wet delay (ZWD). Conversion of ZWD to the PWV requires application of water vapor weighted mean temperature (Tm) measurements, which can be done using a surface temperature (Ts) and its linear dependency to the Tm. In this study we analyzed up to 24 years...
The Impact of Experimental Temperature and Water Level Manipulation on Carbon Dioxide Release in a Poor Fen in Northern Poland
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Impact of humic acids, temperature and stirring on passive extraction of pharmaceuticals from water by trihexyl(tetradecyl)phosphonium dicyanamide
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Effects Induced by the Temperature and Chemical Environment on the Fluorescence of Water-Soluble Gold Nanoparticles Functionalized with a Perylene-Derivative Dye
PublicationWe developed a fluorescent molecular probe based on gold nanoparticles functionalized with N,N′-bis(2-(1-piperazino)ethyl)-3,4,9,10-perylenetetracarboxylic acid diimide dihydrochloride, and these probes exhibit potential for applications in microscopic thermometry. The intensity of fluorescence was affected by changes in temperature. Chemical environments, such as different buffers with the same pH, also resulted in different fluorescence...
Room temperature ionic liquid-based dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction of uranium in water samples before spectrophotometric determination
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Time series analysis and impact assessment of the temperature changes on the vegetation and the water availability: A case study of Bakun-Murum Catchment Region in Malaysia
PublicationThe Bakun-Murum (BM) catchment region of the Rajang River Basin (RRB), Sarawak, Malaysia, has been under severe threat for the last few years due to urbanization, global warming, and climate change. The present study aimed to evaluate the time series analysis and impact assessment of the temperature changes on the vegetation/agricultural lands and the water availability within the BM region. For this purpose, the Landsat data for...
Diurnal variability of atmospheric water vapour, precipitation and cloud top temperature across the global tropics derived from satellite observations and GNSS technique
PublicationThe diurnal cycle of convection plays an important role in clouds and water vapour distribution across the global tropics. In this study, we utilize integrated moisture derived from the global navigation satellite system (GNSS), satellite precipitation estimates from TRMM and merged infrared dataset to investigate links between variability in tropospheric moisture, clouds development and precipitation at a diurnal time scale. Over...
Textural Characteristics of Resorcinol—Formaldehyde Resin and Temperature Behavior of Bound Water Affected by Co-Adsorbed Trifluoroacetic Acid or Pyridine in Weakly Polar Organic Media
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Room temperature synthesis of water-dispersible Ln 3+ :CeF 3 (Ln = Nd, Tb) nanoparticles with different morphology as bimodal probes for fluorescence and CT imaging
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Excess Gibbs energies and excess molar volumes for binary mixtures: (2-pyr-rolidone+water), (2-pyrrolidone+methanol), and (2-pyrrolidone+ethanol) at the temperature 313.15K
PublicationZmierzono całkowite prężności pary oraz zmiany objętości mieszania dla tytułowych układów dwuskładnikowych w temperaturze 313.15K. Rezultaty zostały porównane z wynikami uzyskanymi poprzednio dla pozostałych amidów N-metylofor-mamidu, N,N-dimetyloformamidu oraz N-metyloacetamidu.
Towards temperature-dependent coarse-grained potentials of side-chain interactions for protein folding simulations. I: Molecular dynamics study of a pair of methane molecules in water at various temperatures
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Central heating temperature control algorithm for systems with condensing boilers
PublicationThe problem of control of a central heating system in a small residence is considered. It is assumed that the system is based on a condensing boiler. Since the boiler efficiency depends on a returning water temperature, the proposed control goal is to provide proper air temperature in the residence as well as the lowest possible water temperature. The proposed algorithm is applied to two buildings. Both of them have the same heating...
Influence of temperature on the activity of anammox granular biomass.
PublicationThe aim of this study was to determine a short-term and long-term effect of temperature on the anammox rate and determination of temperature coefficients in the Arrhenius and Ratkowsky equations. The short-term effects of temperature on the anammox granular biomass were investigated in batch tests at ten different temperatures in the range of 10–55 °C. The maximum overall nitrogen removal rate of 1.3 gN gVSS−1·d−1 was observed...
High-temperature properties of titanium-substituted yttrium niobate
Publicationhe defect fluorite titanium-doped yttrium niobate samples Y3Nb1−xTixO7−δ have been synthesized and investigated by the means of high-temperature X-ray diffraction, dilatometry, and thermogravimetry. Thermal expansion coefficients (TECs) as well as chemical expansion coefficients for material with 5, 10, and 15 mol% of titanium were determined. All investigated samples exhibit chemical contraction caused by Ti doping. The values...
Hyaluronan-Chondroitin Sulfate Anomalous Crosslinking Due to Temperature Changes
PublicationGlycosaminoglycans are a wide class of biopolymers showing great lubricating properties due to their structure and high affinity to water. Two of them, hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulfate, play an important role in articular cartilage lubrication. In this work, we present results of the all-atom molecular dynamics simulations of both molecules placed in water-based solution. To mimic changes of the physiological conditions,...
Impact of Temperature and Nanoparticle Concentration on Turbulent Forced Convective Heat Transfer of Nanofluids
PublicationTheoretical analysis of the influence of nanoparticles and temperature on the average Nusselt (Nu) number and the average heat transfer coefficient (HTC) during the turbulent flow of nanofluid in a horizontal, round tube was carried out. The Nu number is a function of the Reynolds (Re) number and the Prandtl (Pr) number, which in turn are functions of the thermophysical properties of the liquid and the flow conditions. On the other...
Photovoltaic module temperature stabilization with the use of phase change materials
PublicationThe worldwide growth of photovoltaics (PVs) has formed an exponential curve for more than four decades. During this period of time, PVs have evolved from a pure niche market of small-scale applications towards becoming a mainstream electricity source. The influence of temperature on the electrical parameters of crystalline silicon solar cells and solar modules is well described in the literature. In order to diminish these effects,...
Effect of Temperature and Nanoparticle Concentration on Free Convective Heat Transfer of Nanofluids
PublicationA theoretical analysis of the influence of temperature and nanoparticle concentration on free convection heat transfer from a horizontal tube immersed in an unbounded nanofluid was presented. The Nusselt (Nu) number and heat transfer coefficient were parameters of the intensity of the convective heat transfer. For free convection, the Nu number was a function of the Rayleigh (Ra) number and Prandtl (Pr) number. The Rayleigh (Ra)...
Management of low-temperature heat source by ORC aided by additional heat source
PublicationThe presented work is aimed at utilisation of waste heat in the manner to produce electricity in ORC installation. Therefore the precondition of the study was to use the waste heat available in the form of a stream of hot water at 90°C. Such low enthalpy heat source is rather insufficient to produce a good quality vapour to feed the ORC turbine. That was the incentive to search for the ways of increasing the temperature of the...
On the differential effect of temperature on the Nusselt-Rayleigh relationship in free convection
PublicationThe aim of and inspiration behind this paper was to explain the reasons, also observed by other researchers, of the discrepancy in the results of experimental free convection, which for small Rayleigh and Nusselt numbers in the initial phase of research can sometimes reach several hundred percent. These discrepancies decrease with increasing heating power and plate surface temperature, in proportion to the increase in Ra and Nu,...
High temperature corrosion of evaporator tubes with thermal sprayed coatings
PublicationDegradation examinations of outer surface of low-emission steam boiler evaporator tubes are presented in the paper. Metallographic evaluation of scale morphology, its micro sites chemical composition analysis and distribution of elements on cross sections have been performed. Water-wall tubes were exposed in steam boiler for up to two years period. Common tubes made of 16Mo3 steel suffered sulphide and molten salts corrosions....
Sea surface temperature distribution during upwelling along the Polish Baltic coast
PublicationAmong over 150 maps of sea surface temperature in the Polish Baltic coastal region derived from satellite data during the warm period of the year (April-October) in 2000-2002, 41 cases were noted where its distribution showed characteristic features indicating the occurrence of coastal upwelling. The fundamental parameters of range, probability of occurrence and temperature modification caused by water from deeper sea layers...
Sebastian Lech Wachowski dr inż.
PeopleBorn in 1987 in Bydgoszcz, Poland. In 2012 graduated MSc in Applied Physics: Nanotechnology and in 2017 finished, with honours, PhD in physics at Gdańsk University of Technology. Since the beginning of his academic journey interested in functional materials, especially in high-tech ceramics. Devoted to the development of high temperature protonic conductors for water vapour electrolyzers and fuel cells. During his career has several...
The influence of the substrate temperature on the preparation of DNA films for studies under vacuum conditions
PublicationExperiments were carried out to determine the dependence of the physical form of supercoiled DNA films on the initial temperature of the substrate. Such films are often used in irradiation experiments involving low energy particles, like electrons or photons. In order to obtain absolute values for cross sections for such experiments, the spatial distribution of the sample in the film has to be well estimated. These investigations...
The hydration of selected biologically relevant molecules – the temperature effect on apparent molar volume and compression
PublicationThe densities and sound velocities at T = (288.15, 293.15, 298.15, 303.15 and 308.15) K were measured for aqueous solutions of glycine, trimethylamine-N-oxide, taurine and N-methylacetamide. From these data, the apparent molar volumes, V the apparent molar isentropic compressions, KS,, and the Passynski hydration numbers of solutes were determined. The concentration dependencies of the calculated quantities, their limiting values...
The effect of high pressure and subzero temperature on gelation of washed cod and salmon meat
PublicationThe objective of the present work is to examine the infl uence of pressure up to 193 MPa at subzero temperature (without freezing of water) on myofi brillar proteins of salmon and cod meat and on the properties of gels obtained from washed mince of these fi sh. The solubility of proteins from myofi brils of cod and salmon meat suspended in 100 mM KCl solution increased aft er treating the samples with pressure above 60 MPa. The...
Defective TiO2 for CO2 photoreduction: Influence of alkaline agent and reduction temperature modulation
PublicationThis study investigates the synthesis and characterization of Black TiO2 photocatalyst (TiO2-x) through the sol-gel method combined with NaBH4 reduction at different temperatures (350 °C, 500 °C, and 650 °C). The photocatalytic performance for CO2 reduction was evaluated, revealing that TiO2-x_500°C sample exhibited the highest efficiency. This enhanced performance is mainly attributed to a higher concentration of oxygen vacancies...
Comparison of traditional district heating with low temperature district heating systems featuring organic Rankine cycle and heat pump
PublicationPaper presents a comparison between a traditional district heating system with conventional boilers as a source of heat and electricity purchases from power utilities and a low temperature DH system incorporating the CHP with organic Rankine Cycle providing electricity and local heat pump raising the temperature of the DH fluid to the required temperature in the dwelling, meaning that both heat and electricity are produced within...
Challenges in operating and testing loop heat pipes in 500–700 K temperature ranges
PublicationThe potential applications of loop heat pipes (LHPs) are the nuclear power space systems, fuel cell thermal management systems, waste heat recovery systems, medium temperature electronic systems, medium temperature military systems, among others. Such applications usually operate in temperature ranges between 500–700 K, hence it is necessary to develop an LHP system that will meet this requirement. Such a thermal management device...
Water-lubricated stern tube bearing - experimental and theoretical investigations of thermal effects
PublicationThe paper presents research results of thermal phenomena accompanying operation of a water-lubricated stern tube bearing with axial grooves. Experimental tests revealed, that intensity of forced axial flow has strong influence on bush temperature. Numerical simulations focused on investigation of the thermal phenomena under operation of water-lubricated journal bearing showed, that restricted axial flow promotes backflow of the...
Dissolution of Nb-doped hydroxyapatite prepared via low-temperature mechanochemical method: Spectroscopy studies
PublicationCalcium phosphate glass ceramics with nominal hydroxyapatite stoichiometry doped with niobium were synthesized using simple as well as low-temperature mechanochemical method and then in the form of compressed pellet were submitted to the static dissolution process in distilled water for one month. The results of structural analysis, performed mainly on the base of spectroscopic methods such as: infrared absorption spectroscopy,...
Structural changes of a simple peptide—Trpzip-1—in aqueous solutions and the corresponding hydration phenomena under the influence of temperature
PublicationTrpzip-1, a simple β-hairpin, is a rare example of peptide with stable secondary structure and can be a convenient model to study temperature-related processes that potential prion or amyloid proteins undergo. Although its sequence is simple, the exact processes which the peptide undergoes in aqueous solutions are quite complex and not well understood. The selection of well-established experimental (DSC, FTIR) and theoretical methods...
Characterizing surface and air temperature in the Baltic Sea coastal area using remote sensing techniques and GIS
PublicationEstimation of surface temperature using multispectral imagery retrieved from satellite sensors constitutes several problems in terms of accuracy, accessibility, quality and evaluation. In order to obtain accurate results, currently utilized methods rely on removing atmospheric fluctuations in separate spectral windows, applying atmospheric corrections or utilizing additional information related to atmosphere or surface characteristics...
Preparation and Characterization of Au/Pd Modified-TiO2 Photocatalysts for Phenol and Toluene Degradation under Visible Light—The Effect of Calcination Temperature
PublicationRutile loaded with Au/Pd nanoparticles was prepared using a water-in-oil microemulsion system of water/AOT/cyclohexane followed by calcination.Theeffect of calcination temperature (from350 to 700∘C) on the structure ofAu/Pd nanoparticles deposited at rutile matrix and the photocatalytic properties of Au/Pd-TiO2 was investigated in two model reactions (toluene degradation in gas phase and phenol degradation in aqueous phase). The...
Two-particle entropy and structural ordering in liquid water
PublicationEntropies of simple point charge (SPC) water were calculated over the temperature range 278-363 K using the two-particle correlation function approximation. Then, the total two-particle contribution to the entropy of the system was divided into three parts, which we call translational, configurational, and orientational. The configurational term describes the contribution to entropy, which originates from spatial distribution of...
CPLFD-GDPT5: High-resolution gridded daily precipitation and temperature data set for two largest Polish river basins
PublicationThe CHASE-PL (Climate change impact assessment for selected sectors in Poland) Forcing Data–Gridded Daily Precipitation & Temperature Dataset–5 km (CPLFD-GDPT5) consists of 1951–2013 daily minimum and maximum air temperatures and precipitation totals interpolated onto a 5 km grid based on daily meteorological observations from the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management (IMGW-PIB; Polish stations), Deutscher Wetterdienst...
Effect of temperature and ionic strength on volumetric and acoustic properties of solutions of urea alkil derivatives in aqueous NaCl
PublicationThe present work was undertaken to study volumetric and acoustic properties for diluted solutions of tetramethylurea in pure water and for urea, n-propylurea, n-butylurea and tetramethylurea in 0.5 or 1 moldm3 aqueous solutions of sodium chloride. This paper presents measured values of densities and sound velocities at T = (288.15, 298.15 and 308.15) K. From these data the apparent molar volumes, , adiabatic compressibilities,...
Solubility of carbon dioxide in water: Some useful results for hydrate nucleation
PublicationIn this paper, the solubility of carbon dioxide (CO2) in water along the isobar of 400 bar is determined by computer simulations using the well-known TIP4P/Ice force field for water and the TraPPE model for CO2. In particular, the solubility of CO2 in water when in contact with the CO2 liquid phase and the solubility of CO2 in water when in contact with the hydrate have been determined. The solubility of CO2 in a liquid–liquid...
Double-stage ORC system based on various temperature waste heat sources of the negative CO2 power plant
PublicationAnalysed is the modification of the thermodynamic cycle with the negative CO2 power plant concept by its combination with the organic Rankine cycle. The analysed power plant operates on a gas produced from the gasification of sewage sludge. The negative emission term comes from the aggregated CO2 balance resulting from the capture of the CO2, while the sewage sludge is one of the inevitable environmental sources of CO2 to be avoided....
Factors affecting the quality of bottled water
PublicationThe ever-increasing popularity of bottled water means that it is important to analyze not only its mineral content but also, above all,its content of possible contaminants, especially the organic ones. In this respect, bottled waters are a special case, because apartfrom organic chemical contaminants derived from the well from which they were acquired, their secondary contamination is alwayspossible, during treatment or storage...
Unusual structural properties of water within the hydration shell of hyperactive antifreeze protein
PublicationMany hypotheses can be encountered explaining the mechanism of action of antifreeze proteins. One widespread theory postulates that the similarity of structural properties of solvation water of antifreeze proteins to ice is crucial to the antifreeze activity of these agents. In order to investigate this problem, the structural properties of solvation water of the hyperactive antifreeze protein from Choristoneura fumiferana were...