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Search results for: radiotracer measurement
<title>Measurements of SIMCON 3.1 LLRF control signal processing quality for VUV free-electron laser FLASH</title>
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Indicators of recent geodynamic activity in the Książ Castle area (Świebodzice Unit, Sudetes) in the light of structural analysis and geodetic measurements
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The current amplifier in low frequency noise measurements; Absolute calibration and rigorous 1/f noise extraction for MOSFET´s
PublicationPrzedstawiono budowę wzmacniacza prądowego i sposób obliczania szumów wyjściowych przy dołączonym do wejścia rezystorze wzorcowym. Przedstawiono wyniki eksperymentów potwierdzających prawidłowość przyjętego sposobu postępowania. Zaproponowano metodę wyznaczania składowej 1/f szumów drenu tranzystora MOSFET.
Surface Charge Density Spectra: Complex Analysis of the Electrical Double Layer Developed from Measurements of Hexanol Adsorption Kinetics
PublicationA procedure for deriving surface charge density spectra from differential capacitance data is presented in this study, providing a deeper analysis of the generated charge. A set of simulated differential capacitance spectra was determined for three types of adsorption process control: diffusion control, adsorption control, and mixed control. Based on the differential capacitance curves and spectra, surface charge density spectra...
Time-Gating method with automatic calibration for accurate measurements of electrically small antenna radiation patterns in Non-Anechoic environments
PublicationNon-anechoic sites represent a cheap alternative to measurements of antennas in dedicated facilities. However, due to a high noise—from the external EM signal sources and multipath interferences—the quality of radiation patterns obtained in non-anechoic conditions is poor. The characteristics can be corrected using a time-gating method (TGM), which involves filtering of the noise based on temporal analysis of the measured signals....
Fracture surface topography measurements analysis of low-alloyed corrosion resistant steel after bending-torsion fatigue tests
PublicationIn this paper, an assessment of a topography measurement method for fracture surfaces of 10HNAP steel after bending-torsion fatigue tests was performed. Surface roughness was measured by using a non-contact Focus Variation Microscopy (FVM) technique in which the non-measured points (NMPs) and outliers (spikes) were removed by the application of general methods. The results revealed, that the optical measurement method introduced...
Exhaust gas temperature measurements in diagnostic examination of naval gas turbine engines. Part I: Steady-state processes
PublicationThe article presents a possible method of detecting failures in the flow section and supply system of a naval gas turbine engine based on the exhaust gas temperature measured behind the gas generator. This temperature is a basic diagnostic parameter use for evaluating the technical state of the turbine engine in operation, and is monitored during engine start-ups, accelerations and decelerations of rotor units, and steady-load...
Exhaust gas temperature measurements in diagnostic examination of naval gas turbine engines. Part III. Diagnostic and operating tolerances
PublicationThe third part of the article presents a method for detecting failures of the automatic engine control system with the aid of an exhaust gas temperature setter, specially designed and machined for this purpose. It also presents a procedure of identifying the operating tolerances and determining the diagnostic tolerances for the exhaust gas temperature recorded in the naval turbine engine during the start-up and acceleration processes....
Determining the Seasonal Variability of the Territorial Sea Baseline in Poland (2018–2020) Using Integrated USV/GNSS/SBES Measurements
PublicationThe Territorial Sea Baseline (TSB) allows coastal states to define the maritime boundaries, such as: contiguous zone, continental shelf, exclusive economic zone and territorial sea. Their delimitations determine what rights (jurisdiction and sovereignty) a given coastal state is entitled to. For many years, the problem of delimiting baseline was considered in two aspects: legal (lack of clear-cut regulations and different interpretations)...
Effective perturbation signal and measurement of corrosion rate. Response to the commentary of Diard and co-workers concerning the paper in Corros. Sci. 37, 913 (1995)
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<title>Cavity simulator and controller for VUV free electron laser SIMCON 2.1, part III: I/O ports and measurement results</title>
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A.D.A.M. test (Antibiofilm Dressing's Activity Measurement) — Simple method for evaluating anti-biofilm activity of drug-saturated dressings against wound pathogens
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The Effect of Full-Cell Impregnation of Pine Wood (Pinus sylvestris L.) on Changes in Electrical Resistance and on the Accuracy of Moisture Content Measurement Using Resistance Meters
PublicationThe impact of the full-cell impregnation of pine wood was investigated with respect to changes in electrical resistance and the accuracy of moisture content measurement. This study compared the resistance of impregnated and untreated pine timber harvested from the northern part of Poland (Pomeranian region). The wood was impregnated by the vacuum-pressure method. The preservative (TANALITH E 3475) and coloring (TANATONE 3950) agents...
Different Ways to Apply a Measurement Instrument of E-Nose Type to Evaluate Ambient Air Quality with Respect to Odour Nuisance in a Vicinity of Municipal Processing Plants
PublicationThis review paper presents different ways to apply a measurement instrument of e-nose type to evaluate ambient air with respect to detection of the odorants characterized by unpleasant odour in a vicinity of municipal processing plants. An emphasis was put on the following applications of the electronic nose instruments: monitoring networks, remote controlled robots and drones as well as portable devices. Moreover, this paper presents...
O wyszukiwaniu niepoprawnych pomiarów w systemach DCS obiektów energetycznych = On search for incorrect measurement results in distributed control systems (DCS) of power objects
PublicationPrzedyskutowano problem rozpoznawania degradacji mierników pomiarowych w systemach DCS dużych obiektów energetycznych, przy równoczesnym występowaniu degradacji eksploatacyjnej urządzeń składowych tych obiektów. Zastosowano sieć neuronową (SNN) o skokowych funkcjach przejścia. Zastosowana SNN wykazała wysoką jakość. Sprawdzono możliwości rozpoznawania obu typów degradacji występującej w zastosowaniu do tzw. degradacji dwukrotnych.
Corrigendum to “Fatigue life improvement using low transformation temperature weld material with measurement of residual stress” [Int. J. Fatigue 164 (2022) 107137]
PublicationWelding processes often produce high levels of tensile residual stress. Low transformation temperature (LTT) welding wires utilise phase transformation strains to overcome the thermal contraction of a cooling weld. In this paper, the residual stress within each weld was quantified using the milling/strain gauge method, being the strain change measured as the weldment was milled away. The fatigue tests were conducted under uniaxial...
Comparative field test for measurement of PM10 dust in atmospheric air using gravimetric (reference) method and b-absorption method (Eberline FH 62-1)
PublicationThe paper presents the results of a field test carried out in Gdansk region between 01-01-2010 and 31-12-2010 in order to demonstrate equivalence of the Eberline FH 62-1 sampler to the reference gravimetric method of suspended PM10 dust measurement. The differences in PM10 dust concentration provided by both methods have been discussed for different seasons of the year. A method of estimation of the correction factors/correction...
Measurement report: Spatial variations in ionic chemistry and water-stable isotopes in the snowpack on glaciers across Svalbard during the 2015–2016 snow accumulation season
PublicationThe Svalbard archipelago, located at the Arctic sea-ice edge between 74 and 81∘ N, is ∼60 % covered by glaciers. The region experiences rapid variations in atmospheric flow during the snow season (from late September to May) and can be affected by air advected from both lower and higher latitudes, which likely impact the chemical composition of snowfall. While long-term changes in Svalbard snow chemistry have been documented in...
Unravelling the role of electron–hole pair spin in exciton dissociation in squaraine-based organic solar cells by magneto-photocurrent measurements
PublicationA high absorption coefficient and narrow absorption bands in squaraine (SQ) dyes have resulted in rapidly growing interest in them as a donor material in photovoltaic devices. The exciton dissociation process in organic systems proceeds via a multistep mechanism where the electron–hole pairs (charge transfer states) involved in the current generation process determine the recombination losses and subsequently limit the overall...
Diagnostics of the tram track shape with the use of the global positioning satellite systems (GPS/Glonass) measurements with a 20 Hz frequency sampling
PublicationSatellite geodetic measurements used in the diagnosis of railway tracks require professional receivers and a very high frequency rate of data processing. It stems from a significant speed (10 km/h) kinematic measurements carried out during the passage of a measuring platform. The survey results (positions) of deformed railroad track have waveforms nature requiring additional processing methods and approximations. Due to the announcement...
Influence of surface topography on RBS measurements: case studies of (Cu/Fe/Pd) multilayers and FePdCu alloys nanopatterned by self-assembly
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<title>Manufacturing and measurements of triple-core, double-core, and twin-core single-mode soft-glass optical fibers</title>
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Molecular biaxiality determines the helical structure – infrared measurements of the molecular order in the nematic twist-bend phase of difluoro terphenyl dimer
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CFD analysis of primary and secondary flows and PIV measurements in whirlpool and whirlpool kettle with pulsatile filling: Analysis of the flow in a swirl separator
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Fast Fourier Transform detection and reduction of high-frequency errors from the results of surface topography profile measurements of honed textures
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SU‐E‐T‐103: Three‐Dimensional Measurements of Dose and LET from a Proton Beam via Polymer Gel Dosimetry
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Methodology for carrying out measurements of the tombolo geomorphic landform using Unmanned Aerial and Surface Vehicles near Sopot pier, Poland
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Testing the positioning accuracy of GNSS solutions during the tramway track mobile satellite measurements in diverse urban signal reception conditions
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Analytical method of determining dynamic properties of thermocouples used in measurements of quick – changing temperatures of exhaust gases in marine diesel engines
PublicationThe article presents selected issues of mathematical modeling of heat exchange between the thermocouple and the exhaust gas flowing them, in unsteady conditions. On the way of energy balancing consideration of thermodynamic processes developed differential equations describing the dynamic properties for three versions of the design sheathed thermocouples: with weld isolated from the sheath, with weld welded the sheath and with...
Combined Long-Period Fiber Grating and Microcavity In-Line Mach–Zehnder Interferometer for Refractive Index Measurements with Limited Cross-Sensitivity
PublicationThis work discusses sensing properties of a long-period grating (LPG) and microcavity in-line Mach–Zehnder interferometer (µIMZI) when both are induced in the same single-mode optical fiber. LPGs were either etched or nanocoated with aluminum oxide (Al2O3) to increase its refractive index (RI) sensitivity up to ≈2000 and 9000 nm/RIU, respectively. The µIMZI was machined using a femtosecond laser as a cylindrical cavity (d = 60...
Testing the Positioning Accuracy of GNSS Solutions during the Tramway Track Mobile Satellite Measurements in Diverse Urban Signal Reception Conditions
PublicationMobile Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) measurements carried out on the railway consist of using satellite navigation systems to determine the track geometry of a moving railway vehicle on a given route. Their purposes include diagnostics, stocktaking, and design work in railways. The greatest advantage of this method is the ability to perform measurements in a unified and coherent spatial reference system, which...
Methodology for Carrying Out Measurements of the Tombolo Geomorphic Landform Using Unmanned Aerial and Surface Vehicles near Sopot Pier, Poland
PublicationThe human impact on the ecosystem has been particularly evident in the last century; it transforms the Earth’s surface on an unprecedented scale and brings about irreversible changes. One example is an oceanographic phenomenon known as a tombolo, i.e., a narrow belt connecting the mainland with an island lying near the shore formed as a result of sand and gravel being deposited by sea currents. The phenomenon contributes to an...
Eine Eeue Technik zur Präzisen Rissfortschrittsmessung im DCB oder im Keilversuch = A novel technique for precise crack length measurement in the DCB or wedge test
PublicationDiverse methods have been tried to study crack length, most basic relying on direct, or microscopic, observation of the crack tip position. Optical correlation, both lasermoiré and speckle interferometry, a single strain gauge and displacement sensorshave also been employed. Crack length measurement is, however, delicate. We present a novel method making use of strain gauges attached to one of the adherends.
Uncertainty analysis of measuring system for instantaneous power research
PublicationThe paper presents a metrological analysis of the measurement system used for diagnosis of induction motor bearings, based on the analysis of the instantaneous power. This system was implemented as a set of devices with dedicated software installed on a PC. A number of measurements for uncertainty estimation was carried out. The results of the measurements are presented in the paper. The results of the aforementioned analysis helped...
Simultaneous impedance and volumetric studies and additionally potentiodynamic polarization measurements of molasses as a carbon steel corrosion inhibitor in 1M hydrochloric acid solution
PublicationThe inhibition effect of molasses on the corrosion of low carbon steel in 1M hydrochloric acid solution was investigated by volumetric and electrochemical measurements. Potentiodynamic polarization and dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (DEIS) results were obtained and compared with to those, obtained with the hydrogen evolution technique. All results indicate that molasses functioned as a good inhibitor in 1M hydrochloric...
Interactions of N-alkyl-N-methylmorpholinium based ionic liquids with acetonitrile studied by density and velocity of sound measurements and molecular dynamics simulations
PublicationMorpholinium-based ionic liquids (ILs) and their mixtures with polar co-solvents are an interesting class of emerging electrolytes in electrochemistry that is relatively poorly studied. In this work, densities and sound velocities of four ILs, N-ethyl-N-methylmorpholinium tetrafluoroborate, N-butyl-N-methylmorpholinium tetrafluoroborate, N-octyl-N-methylmorpho-linium tetrafluoroborate and N-decyl-N-methylmorpholinium tetrafluoroborate...
Atomic force microscopy based approach to local impedance measurements of grain interiors and grain boundaries of sensitized AISI 304 stainless steel
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First Measurements of the Earth’s Electric Field at the Arctowski Antarctic Station, King George Island, by the New Polish Atmospheric Electricity Observation Network
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The Early Stages of Photosystem II Assembly Monitored by Measurements of Fluorescence Lifetime, Fluorescence Induction and Isoelectric Focusing of Chlorophyll-Proteins in Barley Etiochloroplasts
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Assessment of Grassland Biomass Prediction Using AquaCrop Model: Integrating Sentinel-2 Data and Ground Measurements in Wielkopolska and Podlasie Regions, Poland
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Precise method of vehicle velocity determination basing on measurements of car body deformation–non-linear method for ‘Full Size’ vehicle class
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Probing the binding selected metal ions and biologically active substances to the antimicrobial peptide LL-37 using DSC, ITC measurements and calculations
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Atomic force microscopy based approach to local impedance measurements of grain interiors and grain boundaries of sensitized AISI 304 stanless steel
PublicationPraca prezentuje wyniki badań uzyskane z pomiarów techniką lokalnej spektroskopii impedancyjnej (LIS) wykonanych w trybie kontaktowym mikroskopii sił atomowych (AFM), które zostały przeprowadzone w lokalnych obszarach powierzchni ziarna austenitu i na granicy ziarna austenitu wysokostopowej stali austenitycznej AISI 304 poddanej procesowi uczulania oraz na próbkach odniesienia nie poddanych obróbce cieplnej.Badania LIS-AFM były...
Electron collisions with methyl-substituted ethylenes: Cross section measurements and calculations for 2-methyl–2-butene and 2,3-dimethyl–2-butene
PublicationWe report electron-scattering cross sections determined for 2-methyl–2-butene [(H3C)HC==C(CH3)2] and 2,3-dimethyl–2-butene [(H3C)2C=C(CH3)2] molecules. Absolute grand-total cross sections (TCSs) were measured for incident electron energies in the 0.5–300 eV range, using a linear electron-transmission technique. The experimental TCS energy dependences for the both targets appear to be very similar with respect to the shape. In each...
Analysis of the Dynamic Height Distribution at the Estuary of the Odra River Based on Gravimetric Measurements Acquired with the Use of a Light Survey Boat—A Case Study
PublicationLaCoste) for determining the dynamic height along the Odra River, in northwest Poland. The gravity measurement campaign described in this article was conducted on a small, hybrid-powered survey vessel (overall length: 9.5 m). We discuss a method for processing the results of gravimetric measurements performed on a mobile platform affected by strong external disturbances. Because measurement noise in most cases consists of signals...
Measurements of Dispersed Phase Velocity in Two-Phase Flows in Pipelines Using Gamma-Absorption Technique and Phase of the Cross-Spectral Density Function
PublicationThis paper concerns the application of the gamma radiation absorption method in the measurements of dispersed phase velocity in two-phase flows: liquid–gas flow in a horizontal pipe- line and liquid–solid particles in a vertical pipe. Radiometric sets containing two linear 241Am gamma radiation sources and two NaI(Tl) scintillation detectors were used in the research. Due to the stochastic nature of the signals obtained from the...
A concept of using static gps masurements for determination of vertical and horizontal land deformations in the main and old city of Gdańsk
PublicationArtykuł opisuje koncepcję wykorzystania statycznych pomiarów GPS (stacje GPS) przy analizie przemieszczeń gruntu na terenie Głównego i Starego Miasta w Gdańsku.
Measurement of plasma 25-hydroxyvitamin D2, 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 and 3-epi-25-hydroxyvitamin D3 in population of patients with cardiovascular disease by UPLC-MS/MS method
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<title>Modular version of SIMCON, FPGA based, DSP integrated, LLRF control system for TESLA FEL part II: measurement of SIMCON 3.0 DSP daughterboard</title>
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Direct measurements, numerical predictions and simple formula estimations of welding-induced biaxial residual stresses in a full-scale steel stiffened plate structure