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Search results for: co-sovation
Local Anesthesia with Sedation and General Anesthesia for the Treatment of Chronic Subdural Hematoma: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis (P7-11.017)
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An optimal nonlinear fractional order controller for passive/active base isolation building equipped with friction-tuned mass dampers
PublicationThis paper presents an optimal nonlinear fractional-order controller (ONFOC) designed to reduce the seismic responses of tall buildings equipped with a base-isolation (BI) system and friction-tuned mass dampers (FTMDs). The parameters for the BI and FTMD systems, as well as their combinations (BI-FTMD and active BI-FTMD or ABI-FTMD), were optimized separately using a multi-objective quantum-inspired seagull optimization algorithm...
Friction and wear behaviour of self mated DLC and DLC-W coatings in water or salt in water solution lubricated sliding
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań powłok ceramicznych DLC oraz DLC z wolframem (DLC-W) nałożonych na podłoże ze stali nierdzewnej,przy tarciu ślizgowym , w modelowym skojarzeniu o styku konforemnym (płaskie czoło obracającej się względem swojej osi tulei - powierzchnia płaska). Badania prowadzono stosując smarowanie wodą destylowaną albo wodnym roztworem soli - NaCl. Wyznaczano współczynniki tarcia oraz intensywność zużywania ceramicznej...
Numerical Analysis of an Impact of Planned Location of Sewage Discharge on Natura 2000 Areas – The Dead Vistula Region Case Study
PublicationThis article presents results of an analysis of impact of a designed discharge of contaminated water into the Dead Vistula (Wisła Martwa) in the region of the Isthmus (Przesmyk) with the aim of determination of a possible effect of the pollution onto protected areas of Natura 2000 (bird habitats and sites, especially the Bird Paradise – Ptasi Raj) nature reserve. The analysis was conducted on the basis of the two-dimensional modelling...
Investigation of an elutable N-propylphosphonic acid chitosan derivative composition with a chitosan matrix prepared from carbonic acid solution
PublicationPorous chitosan composites using CO2 dissolution procedure and including water soluble N-propylphosphonic chitosan derivative (p-CHI) were obtained and characterized. In contrast to the control material, composites containing modified chitosan distinguished by a rapid moisture absorption and good adhesion to the skin. The FTIR analysis confirmed the presence of propylphosphonic group in the structure of the polymer. The porosity...
Structural, electrical, and magnetic study of La-, Eu-, and Er- doped bismuth ferrite nanomaterials obtained by solution combustion synthesis
PublicationIn this work, the multiferroic bismuth ferrite materials Bi0.9RE0.1FeO3 doped by rare-earth (RE = La, Eu, and Er) elements were obtained by the solution combustion synthesis. Structure, electrical, and magnetic properties of prepared samples were investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Mössbauer spectroscopy, electrical hysteresis measurement, broadband dielectric spectroscopy, and SQUID magnetometry. All obtained nanomaterials...
Development, characterization and evaluation of composite adsorbent for the adsorption of crystal violet from aqueous solution: Isotherm, kinetics, and thermodynamic studies
PublicationThe purpose of this work focuses on the production and investigations of a new composite material as alternative low-cost adsorbent for the removal of crystal violet (CV) dye from waste solution. The production method was performed by in-situ thermal activation technology via extrusion process of polymer wastes containing tire rubber (50 wt%) and polyurethane foam (50 wt%) using single-screw extruder under processing temperature...
Synthesis, characteristics, and photocatalytic activity of zinc oxide nanoparticles stabilized on the stone surface for degradation of metronidazole from aqueous solution
PublicationAbstract Background: The presence of antibiotics such as metronidazole in wastewater even at low concentrations requires searching for a suitable process such as advanced oxidation process (AOP) to reduce the level of pollutants to a standard level in water. Methods: In this study, zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles were synthesized by thermal method using zinc sulfate (ZnSO4) as a precursor, then, stabilized on stone and was used...
Isolation of Bacteriocin-producing Staphylococcus spp. Strains from Human Skin Wounds, Soft Tissue Infections and Bovine Mastitis
PublicationA collection of 206 Staphylococcus spp. isolates was investigated for their ability to produce compounds exhibiting antistaphylococcal activity. This group included Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus xylosus strains recovered from bovine mastitis (n = 158) and human skin wounds and soft tissues infections (n = 48). Production of substances with antimicrobial activity was observed in six strains. Five...
Preferential solvation in (amide+alcohol) binary mixtures. Part 2. The N-methylpyrrolidinone+methanol mixture at T = 313.15 K: thermodynamic resultsand molecular dynamics calculations.
PublicationBadano zjawisko preferencyjnej solwatacji amidu (N-metylopyrrolidonu) przez metanol wykorzystując dwie uzupełniające się metody: bezpośrednich pomiarów własności termodynamicznych roztworu oraz symulacji komputerowych. W metodzie pierwszej dokonano pomiarów wielkości termodynamicznych takich jak: nadmiarowa energia swobodna mieszania, nadmiarowa objętość mieszania oraz współczynnika ściśliwości izotermicznej mieszaniny,...
Preferential solvation in (amide+alcohol) binary mixtures. Part 1. The N- methylpyrrolidinone+ethanol mixture at T = 313.15 K: thermodynamic resultsand molecular dynamics calculations.
PublicationBadano zjawisko preferencyjnej solwatacji amidu (N-metylopyrrolidonu) przez etanol wykorzystując dwie uzupełniające się metody: bezpośrednich pomiarów własności termodynamicznych roztworu oraz symulacji komputerowych. W metodzie pierwszej dokonano pomiarów wielkości termodynamicznych takich jak: nadmiarowa energia swobodna mieszania, nadmiarowa objętość mieszania oraz współczynnika ściśliwości izotermicznej mieszaniny,...
Implementation of Time-Averaged Restraints with UNRES Coarse-Grained Model of Polypeptide Chains
PublicationTime-averaged restraints from nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) measurements have been implemented in the UNRES coarse-grained model of polypeptide chains in order to develop a tool for data-assisted modeling of the conformational ensembles of multistate proteins, intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) and proteins with intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs), many of which are essential in cell biology. A numerically stable variant...
Agnieszka Bartoszek-Pączkowska prof. dr hab. inż.
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Exsolution of Ni nanoparticles on the surface of cerium and nickel co-doped lanthanum strontium titanate as a new anodic layer for DIR-SOFC. Anti-coking potential and H2S poisoning resistance of the prepared material
PublicationThe aim of this study was to evaluate a new catalytic material for biogas fueled DIR-SOFC. This material was a perovskite-type SrTiO3 doped with La, Ce and Ni of a general formula La0.27Sr0.54Ce0.09Ni0.1Ti0.9O3-σ (LSCNT). Additional preparation steps were undertaken to promote a nickel exsolution process. Heat post-treatment of powders in a humidified H2 resulted in an intensive growth of nickel nanoparticles (NPs) while the temperature...
Inclinometers results
Open Research DataThe aim of the research project is to determine the rotational stiffness of the connection between the purlin and the part of the truss top chord. The attached files are referred to inclinometers results (four devices, two axis of rotation for each device) placed on 16 specimens (two types of inclinometers location).
The efficiency comparison of ramentaceone isolation from Drosera aliciae plants using normal and reversed phase preparative liquid chromatography technique
PublicationW pracy zaprezentowano optymalne warunki otrzymywania ramentaceonu z chloroformowego ekstraktu z rośliny D. muscipula. Opracowano i przedstawiono dwie procedury otrzymywania ramantaceonu z wykorzystaniem NP-PLC i RP-PLC. Dla produktu o określonej czystości, porównano maksymalny stopień przeładowania kolumny, efektywność procesu wyrażoną jako ilość substancji otrzymanej w jednostce czasu oraz produktywność kolumny, wyrażoną jako...
Trypsin inhibitors from the garden four o’clock (Mirabilis jalapa) and spinach (Spinacia oleracea) seeds: Isolation, characterization and chemical synthesis
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Effect of Nitrogen Ion Implantation on the Cavitation Erosion Resistance and Cobalt-Based Solid Solution Phase Transformations of HIPed Stellite 6
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Particle rotation effects in Cosserat-Maxwell boundary layer flow with non-Fourier heat transfer using a new novel approach
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Synthesis and antimicrobial activity of truncated fragments and analogs of citropin 1.1: The solution structure of the SDS micelle-bound citropin-like peptides
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Effect of Nitrogen Ion Implantation on the Cavitation Erosion Resistance and Cobalt-Based Solid Solution Phase Transformations of HIPed Stellite 6
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Novel porous carbon/clay nanocomposites derived from kaolinite/resorcinol-formaldehyde polymer blends: synthesis, structure and sorption properties
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Cluster Donation: How Future Healthcare Professionals Bound Certain Types of Tissues and Biomedical Research and How It Affects Their Willingness to Donate
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Kinetics of adsorption of hydrocarbon chloro-derivatives from seven-component aqueous solution onto a thin layer of DTO-activated carbon
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Survival of probiotic lactic acid bacteria immobilized in different forms of bacterial cellulose in simulated gastric juices and bile salt solution
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Application of gas chromatography to the study of the kinetics of reactionsin solution. Ring opening reactions for á-lactams studied using internal standard
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono metodę badania kinetyki reakcji otwarcia pierścienia á-laktamu, wykorzystującą technikę chromatografii gazowej. Na podstawie badań kinetyki reakcji w różnych temperaturach wyznaczono wartości energii aktywacji dwóch badanych reakcji. Podstawowym celem pracy było pokazanie możliwości wykorzystania GC w badaniach kinetyki reakcji prowadzonych w mikroskali.
Thioamides and selenoamides with chirality solely due to hindered rotation about the C-N bond: enantioselective complexation with optically active hosts
PublicationBariera rotacji wokół wiązania C-N w tioamidach jest średnio o 3-5 kcal/mol wyższa niż w odpowiednich amidach, a w analogicznych selenoamidach wzrasta jeszcze o 1 kcal/mol. Dzięki temu związki te występują w dwu enancjomerycznych formach, których wzajemna przemiana zachodzi w wyniku rotacji wokół wiązań C-N. Bariera rotacji jest wystarczająco wysoka, aby można było podjąć próbę ich rozdziału na enancjomery w temperaturze pokojowej....
Dynamic Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy in Galvanostatic Mode as a Tool for Passive Layer State Monitoring in a Chloride Solution Under a Mechanical Load
PublicationMechanical stress is one of the factors influencing the initiation of pitting corrosion and deterioration of the protective properties of the passive layer on stainless steel. The tests carried out on AISI 304L stainless steel showed that, in the 3.5% NaCl environment for samples loaded in the elastic and plastic range, no pitting corrosion initiation was observed. Only mechanical damage of the passive layer occurred. Galvanodynamic...
Solid State Conductivity of Optimized Polypyrrole Coatings on Iron Obtained from Aqueous Sodium Salicylate Solution Determined by Impedance Spectroscopy
PublicationIn this work the optimization procedure for corrosion resistance, surface analysis and electrical properties of PPy-Fe electrodes have been examined. Polypyrrole (PPy) film was electrochemically synthesized in a one step process from an aqueous solution of sodium salicylate and pyrrole with certain concentrations, different parameters and type of polymerization...
A coordination chemistry study of hydrated and solvated cationic vanadium ions in oxidation states +III, +IV, and +V in solution and solid state
PublicationPrzedmiotem studiów jest chemia koordynacyjna solwatów jonów wanadu(III), oksowanadu(IV) jaki i dioksowanadu(V) w rozpuszczalnikach tlenowo-donorowych takich jak: woda, dimetylosulfotlenek (DMSO) oraz N,N'-dimetylopropylenomocznik (DMPU). Badania prowadzone były w roztworach ciekłych jak i w fazie stałej z wykorzystaniem absorpcji (EXAFS), rozproszenia (LAXS) jak i dyfrakcji promieniowania X. Analiza uzyskanych wyników wskazuje,...
Characteristics of hydration water around hen egg lysozyme as the protein model in aqueous solution. FTIR spectroscopy and molecular dynamics simulation
PublicationW niniejszej pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań dotyczące hydratacji białka modelowego - lizozymu z jaja kurzego w roztworze wodnym. Wiodącą techniką stosowaną w badaniach była spektroskopia oscylacyjna FTIR z zastosowaniem techniki rozcieńczenia izotopowego wody półciężkiej HDO w roztworze wody zwykłej. Analiza widma HDO przy pomocy "metody widm zaburzonych" pozwoliła na wyizolowanie widma wody zaburzonej przez lizozym, a tym samym...
Characterization methods of nickel nano-particles obtained by the ex-solution process on the surface of Pr, Ni-doped SrTiO3 perovskite ceramics
PublicationIn this paper, a novel electrode material based on Pr, Ni co-doped strontium titanate ( Sr0.7Pr0.3)xTi1−yNiyO3 with constant amount of 30% praseodymium dopant, different amount of nickel (y = 0.06 and y = 0.10) and additional nonstoichiometry in Sr-site (x = 1; x = 0.9 and x = 0.8) was investigated as fuel electrode for SOEC devices. A porous ceramics were prepared by solid-state reaction method. X-ray diffraction measurements...
A comprehensive evaluation of mimosa extract as a corrosion inhibitor on AA6060 alloy in acid rain solution: part I. Electrochemical AC methods
PublicationThe inhibition effect of mimosa extract on the corrosion of AA6060 aluminum alloy in acid rain solution was investigated by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (DEIS). All the studied electrochemical parameters showed good corrosion inhibitive characteristics with respect to the aluminum alloy in the tested solution. Inhibitor efficiency increased with the concentration and...
Effect of Chitosan Solution on Low-Cohesive Soil’s Shear Modulus G Determined through Resonant Column and Torsional Shearing Tests
PublicationIn this study the effect of using a biopolymer soil stabilizer on soil stiffness characteristics was investigated. Chitosan is a bio-waste material that is obtained by chemical treatment of chitin (a chemical component of fungi or crustaceans’ shells). Using chitosan solution as a soil stabilizer is based on the assumption that the biopolymer forms temporary bonds with soil particles. What is important is that these bonds are biodegradable,...
Cathodic Activation of Titania-Fly Ash Cenospheres for Efficient Electrochemical Hydrogen Production: A Proposed Solution to Treat Fly Ash Waste
PublicationFly ash (FA) is a waste product generated in huge amounts by coal-fired electric and steam-generating plants. As a result, the use of FA alone or in conjunction with other materials is an intriguing study topic worth exploring. Herein, we used FA waste in conjunction with titanium oxide (TiO2) to create (FA-TiO2) nanocomposites. For the first time, a cathodic polarization pre-treatment regime was applied to such nanocomposites...
The complete list of two-dimensional rotation-symmetric number-conserving septenary cellular automata
Open Research DataThis dataset contains a complete list of all 30144 two-dimensional rotation-symmetric number-con-serving cellular automata with the state set {0,1,2,3,4,5,6} based on adjacent cells only, i.e. with the von Neumann neighborhood. The detailed definitions and the method of enumerating are given in the paper:
The effect of interview location on the perception of Ecosystem Services provided by trees. A Polish case study.
Open Research DataSeveral survey research methods are available to study attitudes towards the environment, including: CAWI (computer-assisted Internet interview), CATI (computer-assisted telephone interview), CAPI (computer-assisted personal interview), and PAPI (paper-pencil interview). An increasingly popular CAWI approach is the geo-questionnaire – an internet survey...
Julia Kurek dr inż. arch.
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Measurements of the fundamental harmonic frequency of voltages on main bars in a ship power station
Open Research DataThe presented dataset is part of research focusing on the assessment of metrological properties of the instrument, Estimator/Analyzer (E/A v.2), developed and made at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Marine Electrical Power Engineering of Gdynia Maritime University. The attached dataset contains processed data, expressing the fundamental...
CLEO®/Europe — IQEC 2013: NIR to visible upconversion in double-clad optical fiber co-doped with Yb<sup>3+</sup>/Ho<sup>3+</sup>
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Electrophoretic co-deposition of Mn1.5Co1.5O4, Fe2O3 and CuO: Unravelling the effect of simultaneous addition of Cu and Fe on the microstructural, thermo-mechanical and corrosion properties of in-situ modified spinel coatings for solid oxide cell interconnects
PublicationA systematic microstructural, thermo-mechanical and electrical characterization of simultaneous Fe–Cu doped Mn–Co spinel coatings processed by electrophoretic co-deposition on Crofer 22 APU is here reported and discussed. An innovative approach for the simultaneous electrophoretic deposition of three spinel precursors is designed, conceived and optimised, with the aim of outlining time- and energy-saving spinel modification routes....
Operational System Modelling in a Focused Fire Alarm System with an Open and Signal Detection Circuit Supervising Railway Station Premises
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Determination of the Self-Ignition Behavior of the Accumulation of Sludge Dust and Sludge Pellets from the Sewage Sludge Thermal Drying Station
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PublicationEarth Observation (EO) products are widely used by geospatial society. Over the last years a number of new applications of satellite imagery were proposed. This led to an increased interest in EO products, not only from researchers but also from companies and individuals. The authors constitute the essential part of the team that created the marine, web-GIS system - SafeCity GIS - for dissemination of data obtained from a 1.5 metre...
Marcin Kulawiak dr hab. inż.
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SEM images of (La0.3Sr0.6Ce0.1)0.9Me0.1Ti0.9O3-δ (Me=Co, Fe, Ni) powder materials after reduction at 1000 deg.C in hydrogen
Open Research DataThe dataset presents SEM images of (La0.3Sr0.6Ce0.1)0.9Me0.1Ti0.9O3-δ (Me=Co, Fe, Ni) powder materials after reduction at 1000 deg.C in hydrogen. The powders were synthesized via the Pechini method. The reduction was performed in order to force the exsolution process of metallic nanoparticles.
Research 1: Heterojunction of (P, S) co-doped g-C3N4 and 2D TiO2 for improved carbamazepine and acetaminophen photocatalytic degradation
Open Research DataThe first research article consisted on the synthesis of phosphorus and sulfur co-doped graphitic carbon nitride incorporated in 2D TiO2 structure for solar-driven degradation of emerging pollutants from the group of pharmaceuticals not susceptible to biodegradation. The hybrid photocatalysts with different loadings of (P, S)-doped g-C3N4 were characterized...
Water vapor induced self-assembly of islands/honeycomb structure by secondary phase separation in polystyrene solution with bimodal molecular weight distribution
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Effect of Laminar Pulsatile Fluid Flow on Separation of Volatile Organic Compounds from Aqueous Solution by a Hollow Fiber Membrane-Based Process
PublicationIn this study, a laminar pulsatile fluid flow was used for the separation of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene isomers (BTEX) from aqueous solutions. Polyether sulfone hollow fiber membrane has been applied to this process. The effects of BTEX concentration, and feed and extraction flow rates were examined. It was found that the application of the pulsatile fluid flow with...
5- epi -Incensole: synthesis, X-ray crystal structure and absolute configuration by means of ECD and VCD studies in solution and solid state