total: 45
Catalog Projects
Year -
DigiClimAct Climate Action in South Baltic Cities Goes Digital
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Architecture
HEPHAESTUS HEPHAESTUS HEritage Protocols for ArcHitecturAl European croSs-bordering siTes evalUationS
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Architecture according to 101182877 — HEPHAESTUS — HORIZON-MSCA-2023-SE-01 agreement from 2024-07-15
Urban ElemenTREE Data-driven approach and management platforms as the basis for the smart development of the urban tree canopy
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Architecture
Gdańsk Digi-City Gdańsk Digital Twin. Digital modelling of the urban growth - from history to the future
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Urban Architecture and Waterscapes according to SKN/SP/570294/2023 agreement from 2023-05-16
PLAN-B The path towards addressing adverse impacts of light and noise pollution on terrestrial biodiversity and ecosystems
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Urban Architecture and Waterscapes according to Project 101135308 — PLAN-B agreement from 2023-10-22
ENACT 15mC Envisioning Neighbourhoods And Co-Creating Thriving Communities in the 15mC
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Urban Design and Regional Planning according to DUT/2022/8/ENACT 15mC/2024 agreement
Brak Nie dotyczy
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Urban Architecture and Waterscapes according to WFOŚ/D/201/10008/2023 agreement
EmbedterLabs Better Embedded Labs for More Synergistic Sustainable Urban Transformation Planning
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Urban Design and Regional Planning according to UMO-2021/03/Y/HS6/00199 agreement from 2022-03-01
Liveability Liveability – Designing public services for resilient neighbourhoods
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Urban Design and Regional Planning
TELOS Towards a European Landscape ecOnomy for a Sustainable urban development
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Urban Design and Regional Planning according to 2021-1-DE01-KA220-HED-000031123 agreement from 2021-12-15
GC GreenCoin
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Visual Arts according to NOR/IdeaLab/GC/0003-2020-00 agreement from 2021-04-02
Searching for stakeholders of energy transformation in an Edge city
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Urban Design and Regional Planning according to DECYZJA DYREKTORA NARODOWEGO CENTRUM NAUKI Nr DEC-2021/05/X/HS4/00456 agreement from 2021-10-18
Identyfikacja i ocena mierzalnych parametrów dotyczących wizualnego i niewizualnego wpływu światła na ludzi w środowisku zbudowanym
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Urban Architecture and Waterscapes according to DEC-2020/04/X/NZ7/00307 agreement from 2020-10-01
NLITED New Level of Integrated Techniques for Daylighting Education
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Urban Design and Regional Planning according to 2020-1-1T02-KA203-079527 agreement
Brak Spatial aspects of urban ventilation management and air quality monitoring: integrated assessment method. Case studies in Gdańsk, Poznań and Warsaw.
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Urban Architecture and Waterscapes according to UMO-2019/33/N/HS4/00978 agreement from 2020-02-05
HiHTC Sustainable, High-Performance Hybrid Timber Building Construction
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Housing and Architecture of Public Buildings according to 2020-1-FR01-KA203-080308 agreement from 2020-09-16
Edukacja+ Dostępna Szkoła - innowacyjne rozwiązania w kreowaniu przyjaznej przestrzeni edukacyjnej z uwzględnieniem potrzeb uczniów oraz otoczenia
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Technical Fundamentals of Architectural Design according to POWR.04.01.00-00-DS10/19 agreement from 2019-12-30
SOS Climate Waterfront Linking Research and Innovation on Waterfront through Technology for Excellence of Resilience to face Climate Change’ — ‘sosclimatewaterfront’
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Architecture according to 442805/PnH 2/PnH/2019 agreement from 2019-11-12
BuildDigiCraft New MINDSET for high-quality European BAUKULTUR: bridging DIGITAL and CRAFT
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Housing and Architecture of Public Buildings according to 2019-1-DE01-KA203-005059 agreement from 2019-10-31
Program im. Iwanowskiej An integrated framework towards the improvement of air quality in urban areas within the capacity of existing local and regional spatial planning and environmental management tools
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Urban Architecture and Waterscapes according to PPN/IWA/2018/1/00029/U/0001 agreement from 2019-07-05
CRUNCH CRUNCH ─ Climate Resilient Urban Nexus Choices: Operationalising the Food-Water-Energy Nexus
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Urban Design and Regional Planning according to UMO-2017/25/Z/HS6/03050 agreement from 2018-06-13
Assessment of ultrasonic transmission tomography algorithms in the context of suitability for imaging the state of preservation of wooden and masonry structural elements.
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Technical Fundamentals of Architectural Design according to UMO-2017/27/N/ST8/02399 agreement from 2018-07-26
S.O.S. Climate waterfront A Strategy of Excellence in Research and Innovation to Design Tools for the Waterfront to face Climate Change.
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Architecture according to 823901 — sosclimatewaterfront — H2020-MSCA-RISE-2018 agreement from 2018-10-04
SKP Strategia rewitalizacji obiektów handlu targowego z wykorzystaniem metody społecznego katalizatora przedsiębiorczości, repozycjonowania marki oraz placemakingu jako narzędzie polityki lokalnej
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Housing and Architecture of Public Buildings according to Gospostrateg1/392278/6/NCBR/2018 agreement from 2018-11-06
Badania architektoniczne kościołów franciszkanów w Barczewie i Chełmnie
ProjectsProject realized in Department of History of Architecture and Conservation of Monuments from 2017-09-26
Landscape protection in Environmental Impact Assessment in context of contemporary legal and methodological constraints
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Architecture according to WFOS/D/201/14/2018 agreement from 2018-03-07
BeInterBaltic Intersections in Built Environment promoting interdisciplinary higher education in the Baltic Sea Region
ProjectsProject realized in Department of History of Architecture and Conservation of Monuments according to 2015-1-DE01-KA203-002172 agreement
ARCHITEKTURA CATALHOYUK Catalhoyuk in the Late Neolith (6500 - 5900 BC): reconstruction of the settlement layout based on architectural and structural aspects of buildings.
ProjectsProject realized in Department of History of Architecture and Conservation of Monuments from 2014-07-01
Opracowanie projektu rewitalizacji Potoku Królewskiego w rejonie kampusu Politechniki Gdańskiej
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Architecture according to WFOŚ/D/201/136/2014 agreement from 2014-06-17
Quo vadis, Gdańsku? Mieszkańcy planują swoje miasto.
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Architecture according to Umowa o dotację dotycząca wniosku nr E2/0519 agreement from 2014-10-13
Wytwarzanie gniazd przedsiębiorczości w Trójmiejskim Obszarze Metropolitalnym. Analiza relacji przestrzenno - ekonomicznych rozwoju sektora MSP
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Architecture according to UMO-2013/09/B/HS4/01175 agreement from 2014-03-13
Paradygmat parametryczno-algorytmiczny w architekturze
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Architecture from 2011-06-02
Przekształcenia przestrzeni publicznej miasta średniej wielkości w warunkach gospodarki rynkowej w Polsce
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Architecture according to UMO-2011/01/N/HS4/05989 agreement from 2011-12-21
Rozwój Wydziału Architektury Politechniki Gdańskiej poprzez zbudowanie nowej oferty kształcenia w zakresie gospodarki przestrzennej
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Architecture according to UDA-POKL.04.01.01-00-237/08-00 agreement from 2008-08-27
RIBA The Royal Institute of British Architects Certificate
ProjectsProject realized in Administration, Faculty of Architecture
PLAN-B Droga ku zaadresowaniu negatywnego wpływu zanieczyszczenia światłem sztucznym i hałasem na lądową różnorodność biologiczną i ekosystemy
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Urban Architecture and Waterscapes
HEPHAESTUS HHEPHAESTUS - HEritage Protocols for ArcHitecturAl European croSs-bordering siTes evalUationS
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Housing and Architecture of Public Buildings
EUR-ACE Label / KAUT ENAEE European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education
ProjectsProject realized in Administration, Faculty of Architecture
Dangerous Heritage. Harmful pollutants and their identification in the substance of an industrial monument versus a model of its conservation.
ProjectsProject realized in Department of History of Architecture and Conservation of Monuments according to UMO-2023/49/B/HS2/01364 agreement from 2024-10-15
ClimaGen Climate-resilient reGeneration and renaturing for, by and with vulnerable neighbourhoods, striving towards net-zero
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Urban Architecture and Waterscapes according to Project 101139637 — ClimaGen agreement
PU EDU ARCH Universal design in the education of architects
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Technical Fundamentals of Architectural Design according to POWR.03.05.00-00-PU36/19 agreement from 2020-05-21
PROMETHEUS PROtocols for information Models librariEs Tested on HEritage of Upper Kama Sites
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Housing and Architecture of Public Buildings according to nember - 821870 - Prometheus agreement
PROMETHEUS PROtocols for information Models librariEs Tested on HEritage of Upper Kama Sites
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Housing and Architecture of Public Buildings
Virtual Reality Technology in Architectural Heritage and Its Impact on Monument Conservation Approach.
ProjectsProject realized in Department of History of Architecture and Conservation of Monuments according to UMO-2023/49/N/HS2/03520 agreement from 2024-10-15
VREA Virtual Reality Engineering and game design for Architecture and Cultural Heritage
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Architecture