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On Accuracy Modeling of Gas Turbine Cycles by the In-house COM-GAS Code
PublikacjaIn this paper, a comparison of accuracy modeling of gas turbine cycles between the basic (classical) model and the in-house COM-GAS code has been presented. The basic model uses a semi-perfect gas and well known projecting assumption. On the other hand, the computational flow mechanics (CFM) basis on a real gas by using thermodynamic tables. The thermodynamic analysis of thermal cycles, simply gas cycle GT8C and gas turbine cycle...
Dot-com and AI bubbles: Can data from the past be helpful to match the price bubble euphoria phase using dynamic time warping?
PublikacjaThe article investigates the existence of a price bubble in the artificial intelligence market, employing the Generalised Supremum Augmented Dickey-Fuller test and dynamic time warping methodology. It proposes a method to detect the end of the price bubble euphoria phase, generating an average profit of close to 7% over 5 days and over 10.5% over 20 days, with almost 90% effectiveness. The study found that the AI market experienced...
Commercial function as a treat to the monument - 25 years of experience in the commercialization of monuments in Gdansk, Poland
PublikacjaThe principles of the market economy adopted in Poland in the nineties have significantly touched the resources of immovable monuments. As a result, monuments have become a product of culture subject to the rules of the free market; and state ownership, patronage and decision-making practice has now been replaced by private interest. Practical monument use has also changed with the shift in ownership of objects after privatization...
Application of a commercially available derivatization instrument and commonly used reagents to HPLC on-line determination of antioxidants
PublikacjaThis study demonstrates the potential of a commercially available derivatization instrument coupled with HPLC for separation and on-line determination of antioxidants detected with widely used screening reagents - DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl), ABTS (2,2'-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) or FCR (Folin-Ciocalteu's phenol reagent ). As the result of optimization, key parameters of the analytical procedure,...
Ageing of Society — Local Disparities. Classification of the Pomorskie Voivodship Communes According to the Pace and Progress of Local Communities’ Ageing
PublikacjaThe article deals with the issues of local disparities in the field of advancement and pace of demographic ageing. The subjects of the research were communes of the Pomorskie Voivodship. The purpose of the article — i.e., diagnosing and assessing the progress and pace of ageing of local communities in all 123 communes of the Pomorskie Voivodship, was achieved using a combination of traditional measures of ageing: age factor,...
Micro-Raman spectroscopy in the studies of multiphase separated polyurethanes. [online] W: [Proc.] UTECH Europe 2003 . The International Polyurethane Industry Conference and Exhibition. 25/26/27 March 2003, The Hague, Netherlands. London: Crain Communications Ltd. Dostępny w World Wide Web: + wydruk.**2003 [s. 123-130 bibliogr. 41 poz.]Mikro-Ramanowska spektroskopia w badaniach poliuretanów wykazujących separację wielofazową.
PublikacjaPrzedmiotem badań były trzy próbki poliuretanowe o zawartości 30% segmentówsztywnych otrzymanych z politlenku propylenu, diizocyjanianu difenylometanui butanodiolu. Próbki te wykazują morfologię wielofazową, w której można wy-różnić globule i sferolity rozproszone w matrycy polimerowej.Za pomocą spek-troskopii mikro-Ramana przeprowadzono mikroanalizę chemiczną wszystkich ele-mentów morfologicznych. Stwierdzono odmienny skład...
Command in the Police – the concept of changes in the area of formation command
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Command in the Police
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Domestic ORC micro-CHP combined with a commercial gas boiler
PublikacjaThe chapter presents the results of experimental studies conducted during the launch of the first in Poland demonstration prototype of the micro ORC coupled to a domestic gas boiler. The accomplished studies indicated the possibility for the ORC module to work with such boiler (autonomous source of heat) with a prototype single-stage axial micro turbine as the expansion machine. Confirmation of that fact has been delineated in...
Fashion communication research: A way ahead
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Comb copolymers of polystyrene-poly(tert-butyl (meth)acrylate) prepared by combination of nitroxide mediated polymerization and photoinduced iniferter technique
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Risking It All or Here Comes the Flood
PublikacjaThe professional reality is interdisciplinary! When city transformation and evolution starts, what are the tools for successful strategies for urban interventions? How does digital planning for digital fabrication processes look like? How dedicated are the new professionals? And how does this all influence the future of bridge design? More than 60 students representing various disciplines of built environment and working together...
Bacteriophage–Ciprofloxacin Combination Effectiveness Depends on Staphylococcus aureus–Candida albicans Dual-Species Communities’ Growth Model
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The Financialization of Commodity Markets
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Challenges of Comparing Marine Microbiome Community Composition Data Provided by Different Commercial Laboratories and Classification Databases
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Mixed electromagnetic - circuits modeling and parallelization for rigorouscharacterization of cosite interference in wireless communication channels. W: UGC 2002 Homepage [online]. Department of Defense High Performance Com- puting Modernization Program. Users Group Conference 2002. Austin, Texas, USA. June 10-14, 2002. [Dostęp: 15 grudnia**2002]. Dostępny w World Wide Web:[45 slajdów]. Modelowanie układów elektromagnetycznych i zrównoleglanie w celu określenia wzajemnych oddziaływań w bezprzewodowych kanałach komunikacyjnych.
PublikacjaRównoległe działanie sąsiadujące modułów nadawczo-odbiorczych typowo prowa-dzi do efektów ubocznych z powodu wzajemnych oddziaływań, które obniżają pa-rametry sieci. W celu scharakteryzowania takich efektów, zaprezentowano roz-wiązanie równań Maxwella w dziedzinie czasu z modelowaniem efektów nielinio-wych.
Cyclodextrin Combinations with Azocompounds
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Cyclodextrin combinations with azocompounds
PublikacjaArtykuł przeglądowy dotyczący cyklodekstryn (CD) i związków azowych. Opisane są główne nurty syntezy, właściwości oraz modyfikacji CD poprzez wprowadzenie ugrupowania azowego.
Finely comminuted frankfurters fortified with potato juice – Quality and structure
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Managing comorbid cardiovascular disease and sleep apnea with pharmacotherapy
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How Swiss Watchmaking Brands are Communicating Made in Switzerland
PublikacjaCountry-of-origin indications, also called “made in” labeling [35], are utilized in marketing strategies by companies to distinguish themselves from others, trying to associate their products with positive characteristics [9]. Swiss watchmaking companies have an iconic status that is essential to their reputation - mainly due to their high quality, precision, innovation, and craftsmanship [7]. They are also using country-of-origin...
Geo-location of the commune of an IP user
PublikacjaThis paper describes a system of geo-location of an IP user that would enable VoIP users to call 112. Basic requirement is fast (under 50ms) determination of the commune of the subscriber. To obtain as accurate information as possible aggregation of several methods was proposed: using a database of locations of IP ranges created by specialized companies, traceroute using history of user locations to assume his current one.It is...
Is Financialization Killing Commodity Investments?
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Commercially produced and modified starches
PublikacjaThis book presents some fascinating phenomena associated with the remarkable features of high performance polymers and also provides an update on applications of modern polymers. It offers new research on structure–property relationships, synthesis and purification, and potential applications of high performance polymers. The collection of topics in this book reflects the diversity of recent advances in modern polymers with a broad...
Political Institution Building in Post-Communist Romania
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Combretastatin A-4 and its analogues as antineoplastic agenst.
PublikacjaCombretastatyna A-4 jest naturalnym związkiem wyizolowanym z wierzby afrykańskiej Combretum caffrum. W pracy opisano syntezę i aktywność biologiczną combretastatyny A-4 i jej analogów jako potencjalnych inhibitorów angiogenezy.
Synthesis of Combretastatin A-4 Analogs and their Biological Activities
PublikacjaCombretastatin A-4 (CA-4) is a natural product, which consists of two phenyl rings, linked by an ethylene bridge. CA-4, inhibitor of polymerization of tubulin to microtubules, possesses a strong antitumor and anti-vascular properties both in vitro and in vivo. Previous studies showed that disodium phosphate salt of CA-4, a water-soluble prodrug is well tolerated at therapeutically useful doses. However, it should be noted that...
The Efficiency of Post‐Communist Countries’ Health Systems
PublikacjaHealth‐care costs are a major financial burden for the transition economies, which have experienced rapidly increasing demand for health‐care services. The former communist countries of the Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia needed to reform the financing of their health‐care systems and make efforts to strengthen the role of primary care while limiting the role of hospital care. The growing health needs and, consequently,...
Work ethic, organizational commitment and burnout
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Comments on "Decomposition of Permutation Networks"
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Comments on hypoplasticity incomputational geotechnics.
PublikacjaW pracy zaproponowano kilka metod analizy poprawności postawionych zagadnień brzegowych mechaniki gruntów w ramach hypoplastycznej teorii konstytutywnej. Omówiono również zagadnienia stabilności rozwiązań
Fast RNS combinational multipliers for small moduli
Publikacjazaprezentowano nowe struktury mnożników modulo m oraz mnożników modulom przez stałą dla modułów 5-bitowych. w zaproponowanym algorytmie projektowania zastosowano kolejno redukcję modulo m potęg liczby 2, sumowanie binarne otrzymanych reszt, redukcję modulo do zakresu 2m oraz dwuoperandowe dodawanie modulo m. mnożnik resztowy w proponowanej strukturze posiada mniejsze opóźnienie niż inne znane mnożniki modulo i porównywalny iloczyn...
Planning documents and sustainable development of a commune in Poland
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Innowacyjność a Electronic Commerce
PublikacjaInnowacyjność jest kluczem do konkurencyjności w przemyśle. Przedsiębiorstwa powinny wprowadzać, rozwijać i sprzedawać nowe technologie. Promocja innowacyjności i wspieranie udziału MSP,są ściśle powiązane w tworzonej polityce innowacyjnej UE. Przeanalizowano programy UE wspierania innowacyjności i rozwijania technologi ICT przez MSP.
Design of Ground Surface Sealing in The Spatial Policy of Communes
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Simplified diffusion analysis – cartography as a tool for combating pandemics
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Advances in bacteriophage-mediated strategies for combating polymicrobial biofilms
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Landscape as the tool of coherence in the land management of rural communes
PublikacjaEconomic and social transformation of rural areas in Poland after 1990 reveals itself through disintegration of previous spatial order. Building a new pattern requires a vision, which would counteract complex causes of disintegration. The latter belong to institutional domain of planning strategies and the area of common practices. Therefore, agreement on aims and means between spatial policy strategies and tactics of space users...
Specialist Committee V.3 "Fabrication Technology"
PublikacjaTreścią raportu jest analiza rozwoju zaawansowanych technologii produkcyjnych w przemyśle stoczniowym oraz analiza opracowania nowych stali konstrukcyjnych do stosowania w zaawansowanych konstrukcjach obiektów oceanotechnicznych, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem ich odporności na wysokie temperatury, odporności korozyjnej i odporności na zmęczenie. Przeanalizowany został postęp w zakresie rozwoju metod oceny stanu naprężeń i odkształceń...
Voice command recognition using hybrid genetic algorithm
PublikacjaAbstract: Speech recognition is a process of converting the acoustic signal into a set of words, whereas voice command recognition consists in the correct identification of voice commands, usually single words. Voice command recognition systems are widely used in the military, control systems, electronic devices, such as cellular phones, or by people with disabilities (e.g., for controlling a wheelchair or operating a computer...
Climbing university rankings under resources constraints: a combined approach integrating DEA and directed Louvain community detection
PublikacjaOver recent years, scholarly interest in universities’ allocation and effective utilisation of financial resources has been growing. When used efficiently, financial resources may improve universities’ quality of research and teaching, and therefore their positions inworld university rankings. However, despite the relevance of financial efficiency to university placement in academic rankings, universities’ total available financial...
Current technology trends in Electronic Commerce. Przegląd trendów technologii dla e-Commerce.
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono przegląd trendów technologii dla e-Commerce. Skupiono się na rozwiązaniach programowanych w dziedzinie wzorców projektowych oraz zastosowania ebXML.
PublikacjaThe aim of this thesis is to solve a disturbing problem, which is illegal sewage discharge, without any previous treatment in a village Kamień, Szemud commune, Poland, by developing a multivariate sewerage system concept. The introduction submits the theory concerning the division of sewer systems as well as the wastewater treatment’s level. Moreover, there is also the problem of rural sanitation presented and main locality –...
Photodynamic therapy – mechanisms, photosensitizers and combinations
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An efficient hardware implementation of a combinations generator
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Commissioning of the CMS experiment and the cosmic run at four tesla
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Commissioning of the CMS High-Level Trigger with cosmic rays
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Comment on ''Quantum Entropy and Special Relativity''
PublikacjaKomentarz na temat publikacji Peresa, Scudo i Terno.
Design and Utility of Specialist Comminution Set-Up for Plastics and Organic Materials
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Spent coffee grounds based circular bioeconomy: Technoeconomic and commercialization aspects