wszystkich: 386
wybranych: 345
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: Sketch Based Image Retrieval
Improved quality assessment of colour surfaces for additive manufacturing based on image entropy
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A Fast Prediction of the OCR Results Based on Binary Image Quality Assessment Methods
PublikacjaSince the first step of the Optical Character Recognition (OCR) procedure is usually image binarization and the execution of the OCR process takes longer time than image quality assessment (IQA) of binary images, a fast prediction of the OCR results before text recognition would be interesting for non-uniformly illuminated document images, also for applications in mobile devices. Since IQA methods for binary images usually require...
Binary Image Quality Assessment—A Hybrid Approach Based on Binarization Evaluation Methods
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Fast quality assessment of 3D printed surfaces based on structural similarity of image regions
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Prediction of the Optical Character Recognition Accuracy based on the Combined Assessment of Image Binarization Results
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Enhancing Breast Cancer Diagnosis: A CNN-Based Approach for Medical Image Segmentation and Classification
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DentalSegmentator: Robust open source deep learning-based CT and CBCT image segmentation
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Fast and accurate vision-based pattern detection and identification using color and grey image segmentation
PublikacjaPraca opisuje niewymagającą obliczeniowo metodę wykrywania i identyfikacji robotów mobilnych, która może być wykorzystywana w zawodach gry robotów w piłkę nożną. Wykrywanie robotów opiera się na przetwarzaniu obrazu otrzymanego z kamery. Zasadniczym elementem przetwarzania obrazu jest jego segmentacja opierająca się na rozpoznaniu koloru w systemie HSI.
Advanced Medical Image Segmentation Enhancement: A Particle Swarm Optimization-Based Histogram Equalization Approach
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Advanced Medical Image Segmentation Enhancement: A Particle-Swarm-Optimization-Based Histogram Equalization Approach
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Measurement of idlers rotation speed in belt conveyors based on image data analysis for diagnostic purposes
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Propulsion System Analysis Based on Particle Image Velocimetry Method in Biomimetic Unmanned Underwater Vehicle
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Assessment of the Accuracy of Determining the Angular Position of the Unmanned Bathymetric Surveying Vehicle Based on the Sea Horizon Image
PublikacjaThe paper presents the results of research on assessing the accuracy of angular position measurement relative to the sea horizon using a camera mounted on an unmanned bathymetric surveying vehicle of the Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV) or Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) type. The first part of the article presents the essence of the problem. The rules of taking the angular position of the vehicle into account in bathymetric surveys...
Performance Analysis of Interaction between Smart Glasses and Smart Objects Using Image-Based Object Identification
PublikacjaWe propose the use of smart glasses to collaborate with smart objects in the Internet of Things environment. Particularly we are focusing on new interaction methods and the analysis of acceptable reaction times in the process of object recognition using smart glasses. We evaluated the proposed method using user studies and experiments with three different smart glasses: Google Glass, Epson Moverio, and the developed eGlasses platform....
FPGA-Based Implementation of Real Time Optical Flow Algorithm and Its Applications for Digital Image Stabilization
PublikacjaAn efficient simplification procedure of the optical flow (OF) algorithm as well as its hardware implementation using the field programmable gate array (FPGA) technology is presented. The modified algorithm is based on block matching of subsets of successive frames, and exploits one-dimensional representation of subsets as well as the adaptive adjustments of their sizes. Also, an l1-norm-based correlation function requiring no...
Offshore benthic habitat mapping based on object-based image analysis and geomorphometric approach. A case study from the Slupsk Bank, Southern Baltic Sea
PublikacjaBenthic habitat mapping is a rapidly growing field of underwater remote sensing studies. This study provides the first insight for high-resolution hydroacoustic surveys in the Slupsk Bank Natura 2000 site, one of the most valuable sites in the Polish Exclusive Zone of the Southern Baltic. This study developed a quick and transparent, automatic classification workflow based on multibeam echosounder and side-scan sonar surveys to...
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Improved Brain Tumor Segmentation Using Modified U-Net based on Particle Swarm Optimization Image Enhancement
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Measuring moisture damage of asphalt mixtures: The development of a new modified boiling test based on color image processing
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Methods and means of measuring control and diagnostics of biological tissues in vivo based on measurements of color coordinates and multispectral image
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Image-based numerical modeling of the tensile deformation behavior and mechanical properties of additive manufactured Ti–6Al–4V diamond lattice structures
PublikacjaThis work concerns the numerical modeling of the deformation process and mechanical properties of structures obtained by the additive method laser power bed fusion (LPBF). The investigation uses diamond structures of Ti–6Al–4V titanium implantation alloy with various relative densities. To model the process of tensile deformation of the materials, geometric models were used, mapping the realistic shape of the examined structures....
Shear fracture of longitudinally reinforced concrete beams under bending using Digital Image Correlation and FE simulations with concrete micro-structure based on X-ray micro-computed tomography images
PublikacjaThe paper presents experimental and numerical investigations of the shear fracture in rectangular concrete beams longitudinally reinforced with steel or basalt bar under quasi-static three point bending. Shear fracture process zone formation and development on the surface of beams was investigated by Digital Image Correlation (DIC) whereas thorough analyses of 3D material micro-structure, air voids, width and curvature of shear...
Words context analysis for improvement of information retrieval
PublikacjaIn the article we present an approach to improvement of retrieval informationfrom large text collections using words context vectors. The vectorshave been created analyzing English Wikipedia with Hyperspace Analogue to Language model of words similarity. For test phrases we evaluate retrieval with direct user queries as well as retrieval with context vectors of these queries. The results indicate that the proposed method can not...
Retrieval of Heterogeneus Sevices in C2NIWA Repository
PublikacjaThe paper reviews the methods used for retrieval of information and services. The selected approaches presented in the review inspired us to build retrieval mechanisms in a system for searching the resources stored in the C2NIWA repository. We describe the architecture of the system, its functions and the surrounding subsystems to which it is related. For retrieval of C2NIWA sevices we propos three approaches based on: keyword...
Context-Aware Indexing and Retrieval for Cognitive Systems Using SOEKS and DDNA
PublikacjaVisual content searching, browsing and retrieval tools have been a focus area of interest as they are required by systems from many different domains. Context-based, Content-Based, and Semantic-based are different approaches utilized for indexing/retrieving, but have their drawbacks when applied to systems that aim to mimic the human capabilities. Such systems, also known as Cognitive Systems, are still limited in terms of processing...
Music Information Retrieval – Soft Computing versus Statistics . Wyszukiwanie informacji muzycznej - algorytmy uczące versus metody statystyczne
PublikacjaMusic Information Retrieval (MIR) is an interdisciplinary research area that covers automated extraction of information from audio signals, music databases and services enabling the indexed information searching. In the early stages the primary focus of MIR was on music information through Query-by-Humming (QBH) applications, i.e. on identifying a piece of music by singing (singing/whistling), while more advanced implementations...
Simulation of Parallel Applications on Large-scale Distributed Systems
PublikacjaThis chapter has a form of a review article in the field of simulating High-Performance Computing systems. We justify the need for a new versatile simulator considering heterogeneity, energy efficiency and reliability of HPC systems. We sketch the problems that need to be solved by such simulator and rationalize using discrete-event simulation for this purpose. Based on a review of existing discrete-event HPC simulation solutions...
Information Retrieval in Wikipedia with Conceptual Directions
PublikacjaThe paper describes our algorithm used for retrieval of textual information from Wikipedia. The experiments show that the algorithm allows to improve typical evaluation measures of retrieval quality. The improvement of the retrieval results was achieved by two phase usage approach. In first the algorithm extends the set of content that has been indexed by the specified keywords and thus increases the Recall value. Then, using the...
Induction machine behavioral modeling for prediction of EMI propagation.
PublikacjaThis paper presents the results of wideband behavioral modeling of an induction machine (IM). The proposed solution enables modeling the IM differential- and common-mode impedance for a frequency range from 1 kHz to 10 MHz. Methods of parameter extraction are derived from the measured IM impedances. The developed models of 1.5 kW and 7.5 kW induction machines are designed using the Saber Sketch scheme editor and simulated in the...
Wear of Electroplated Tools Used for Flat Grinding of Ceramics
PublikacjaTwo methods for the abrasive properties evaluation, based on the image processing, are presented in the paper. Image processing analysis was developed to evaluate quickly the abrasive properties as the tool wears down. The coefficient based on the image brightness was calculated and additional analysis was based on the number of grains located on the active surface of the tool before and after machining. The active surfaces of...
AUDITORY DISPLAY FROM THE MUSIC TECHNOLOGY PERSPECTIVE . Obecność wirtualnego środowiska dźwiękowego w technologiach muzycznych
PublikacjaThis paper presents some applications of Auditory Displays (AD) in the domain of music technology. First, the scope of music technology and auditory display areas are shortly outlined. Then, the research trends and system solutions within the fields of music technology, music information retrieval and music recommendation are discussed. Finally, an example of an auditory display that facilities music annotation process based on...
Fast Approximate String Search for Wikification
PublikacjaThe paper presents a novel method for fast approximate string search based on neural distance metrics embeddings. Our research is focused primarily on applying the proposed method for entity retrieval in the Wikification process, which is similar to edit distance-based similarity search on the typical dictionary. The proposed method has been compared with symmetric delete spelling correction algorithm and proven to be more efficient...
Widespread theta synchrony and high-frequency desynchronization underlies enhanced cognition
PublikacjaThe idea that synchronous neural activity underlies cognition has driven an extensive body of research in human and animal neuroscience. Yet, insufficient data on intracranial electrical connectivity has precluded a direct test of this hypothesis in a whole-brain setting. Through the lens of memory encoding and retrieval processes, we construct whole-brain connectivity maps of fast gamma (30-100 Hz) and slow theta (3-8 Hz) spectral...
Accurate modeling of quasi-resonant inverter fed IM drive
PublikacjaIn this paper wide-band modeling methodology of a parallel quasi-resonant dc link inverter (PQRDCLI) fed induction machine (IM) is presented. The modeling objective is early-design stage prediction of conductive electromagnetic interference (EMI) emissions of the considered converter fed IM drive system. Operation principles of the selected topology of PQRDCLI feeding IM drive are given. Modeling of the converter drive system is...
Musical Instrument Separation Applied to Music Genre Classification . Separacja instrumentów muzycznych w zastosowaniu do rozpoznawania gatunków muzycznych
PublikacjaThis paper outlines first issues related to music genre classification and a short description of algorithms used for musical instrument separation. Also, the paper presents proposed optimization of the feature vectors used for music genre recognition. Then, the ability of decision algorithms to properly recognize music genres is discussed based on two databases. In addition, results are cited for another database with regard to...
MicroGal Gravity Measurements with MGS-6 Micro-g LaCoste Gravimeter
PublikacjaKnowing the exact number of fruit and trees helps growers to make better decisions about how to manage their production in the orchard and prevent plant diseases. The current practice of yield estimation is to manually count fruit or flowers (before harvesting), which is a very time-consuming and costly process. Moreover it’s not practical for large orchards. It also doesn’t allow to make predictions of plant development in a more...
Characteristics of an image sensor with early-vision processing fabricated in standard 0.35 µm CMOS technology
PublikacjaThe article presents measurement results of prototype integrated circuits for acquisition and processing of images in real time. In order to verify a new concept of circuit solutions of analogue image processors, experimental integrated circuits were fabricated. The integrated circuits, designed in a standard 0.35 µm CMOS technology, contain the image sensor and analogue processors that perform low-level convolution-based image...
Examining Feature Vector for Phoneme Recognition / Analiza parametrów w kontekście automatycznej klasyfikacji fonemów
PublikacjaThe aim of this paper is to analyze usability of descriptors coming from music information retrieval to the phoneme analysis. The case study presented consists in several steps. First, a short overview of parameters utilized in speech analysis is given. Then, a set of time and frequency domain-based parameters is selected and discussed in the context of stop consonant acoustical characteristics. A toolbox created for this purpose...
Context Search Algorithm for Lexical Knowledge Acquisition
PublikacjaA Context Search algorithm used for lexical knowledge acquisition is presented. Knowledge representation based on psycholinguistic theories of cognitive processes allows for implementation of a computational model of semantic memory in the form of semantic network. A knowledge acquisition using supervised dialog templates have been performed in a word game designed to guess the concept a human user is thinking about. The game,...
Combined image similarity index
PublikacjaIn the paper the idea of the combined image quality metric based on the structural and feature similarity comparison is discussed. Since most of image quality assessment methods developed during last years require the nonlinear mapping to obtain high correlation with subjective quality scores, there is an important problem of choosing the proper mapping function and its optimal parameters in practical applications. The most...
Auditory Display Applied to Research in Music and Acoustics . Obrazowanie dźwiękowe w muzyce i akustyce.
PublikacjaThis paper presents a relationship between Auditory Display (AD) and the domains of music and acoustics. First, some basic notions of the Auditory Display area are shortly outlined. Then, the research trends and system solutions within the fields of music technology, music information retrieval and music recommendation and acoustics that are within the scope of AD are discussed. Finally, an example of AD solution based on gaze...
The Hough transform in the classification process of inland ships
PublikacjaThis article presents an analysis of the possibilities of using image processing methods for feature extraction that allows kNN classification based on a ship’s image delivered from an on-water video surveillance system. The subject of the analysis is the Hough transform which enables the detection of straight lines in an image. The recognized straight lines and the information about them serve as features in the classification...
Music Mood Visualization Using Self-Organizing Maps
PublikacjaDue to an increasing amount of music being made available in digital form in the Internet, an automatic organization of music is sought. The paper presents an approach to graphical representation of mood of songs based on Self-Organizing Maps. Parameters describing mood of music are proposed and calculated and then analyzed employing correlation with mood dimensions based on the Multidimensional Scaling. A map is created in which...
Evaluating Accuracy of Respiratory Rate Estimation from Super Resolved Thermal Imagery
PublikacjaNon-contact estimation of Respiratory Rate (RR) has revolutionized the process of establishing the measurement by surpassing some issues related to attaching sensors to a body, e.g. epidermal stripping, skin disruption and pain. In this study, we perform further experiments with image processing-based RR estimation by using various image enhancement algorithms. Specifically, we employ Super Resolution (SR) Deep Learning (DL) network...
Music information retrieval—The impact of technology, crowdsourcing, big data, and the cloud in art.
PublikacjaThe exponential growth of computer processing power, cloud data storage, and crowdsourcing model of gathering data bring new possibilities to music information retrieval (mir) field. Mir is no longer music content retrieval only; the area also comprises the discovery of expressing feelings and emotions contained in music, incorporating other than hearing modalities for helping this issue, users’ profiling, merging music with social...
Examining Feature Vector for Phoneme Recognition
PublikacjaThe aim of this paper is to analyze usability of descriptors coming from music information retrieval to the phoneme analysis. The case study presented consists in several steps. First, a short overview of parameters utilized in speech analysis is given. Then, a set of time and frequency domain-based parameters is selected and discussed in the context of stop consonant acoustical characteristics. A toolbox created for this purpose...
A Hybrid Method for Objective Quality Assessment of Binary Images
PublikacjaIn the paper, a novel hybrid method for an automatic quality assessment of binary images is proposed that may be useful, e.g., for computationally limited embedded systems or Optical Character Recognition applications. Since the quality of binary images used as the input for further image analysis strongly influences the obtained results, a reliable evaluation of their quality is a crucial element for the validation of such...
Detecting Apples in the Wild: Potential for Harvest Quantity Estimation
PublikacjaKnowing the exact number of fruits and trees helps farmers to make better decisions in their orchard production management. The current practice of crop estimation practice often involves manual counting of fruits (before harvesting), which is an extremely time-consuming and costly process. Additionally, this is not practicable for large orchards. Thanks to the changes that have taken place in recent years in the field of image...
Predicting emotion from color present in images and video excerpts by machine learning
PublikacjaThis work aims at predicting emotion based on the colors present in images and video excerpts using a machine-learning approach. The purpose of this paper is threefold: (a) to develop a machine-learning algorithm that classifies emotions based on the color present in an image, (b) to select the best-performing algorithm from the first phase and apply it to film excerpt emotion analysis based on colors, (c) to design an online survey...
Joint fingerprinting and decryption method for color images based on quaternion rotation with cipher quaternion chaining
PublikacjaThis paper addresses the problem of unauthorized redistribution of multimedia content by malicious users (pirates). In this method three color channels of the image are considered a 3D space and each component of the image is represented as a point in this 3D space. The distribution side uses a symmetric cipher to encrypt perceptually essential components of the image with the encryption key and then sends the encrypted data via...