wszystkich: 240
wybranych: 213
Optimizing of target detection and tracking processes realized on consoles of passive sonar with linear towed antenna
PublikacjaThe long-range passive towed sonar was first modernised a few years ago. Building on operator experience over that period, a concept was developed of optimising the tasks performed by sonar operators, and improving forms of imaging to inform about object detection and support object tracking. The concept was implemented and successfully tested during ships’ manoeuvres. The optimisation of operator tasks was designed to keep listening...
Implementation of DIFAR Processing in ASW Dipping Sonar
PublikacjaThis paper presents the implementation of the signal processing algorithm used by buoy DIFAR (Directional Frequency Analysis and Recording), that is fully operational on Polish Navy anti-submarine warfare (ASW) helicopters and ships, applied to dipping sonars for detection and tracking of submarines. The development of the DSP algorithms was a part of the modernization of sonars conducted at the Gdansk University of Technology....
Radar and Sonar Imaging and Processing
PublikacjaThe 21 papers (from 61 submitted) published in the Special Issue “Radar and Sonar Imaging Processing” highlighted a variety of topics related to remote sensing with radar and sonar sensors. The sequence of articles included in the SI dealt with a broad profile of aspects of the use of radar and sonar images in line with the latest scientific trends. The latest developments in science, including artificial intelligence, were used.
Radar and Sonar Imaging and Processing (2nd Edition)
PublikacjaThe 14 papers (from 29 submitted) published in the Special Issue “Radar and Sonar Imaging Processing (2nd Edition)” highlight a variety of topics related to remote sensing with radar and sonar sensors. The sequence of articles included in the SI deal with a broad profile of aspects of the use of radar and sonar images in line with the latest scientific trends, in which the latest developments in science, including artificial intelligence,...
Sonar Pulse Detection Using Chirp Rate Estimation and CFAR Algorithms
PublikacjaThis paper presents a new approach to sonar pulse detection. The method uses chirp rate estimators and algorithms for the adaptive threshold, commonly used in radiolocation. The proposed approach allows detection of pulses of unknown parameters, which may be used in passive hydrolocation or jamming detection in underwater communication. Such an analysis is possible thanks to a new kind of imaging, which presents signal energy in...
System for characterisation and multidimensional imaging of seafloor using multibeam sonar data
PublikacjaMultibeam sonars are widely used in applications like high resolution bathymetry measurements, underwater object detection and imaging, etc. Also, they are the promising tool in seafloor characterisation and classification, having several advantages over conventional single beam echosounders. The proposed approach to seafloor classification relies on the combined use of three different techniques. In each of them, a set of descriptors...
Seafloor Characterisation and Imaging Using Multibeam Sonar Data
PublikacjaThe approach to seafloor characterisation and imaging is presented. It relies on the combined, concurrent use of several techniques of multibeam sonar data processing. The first one is based on constructing the grey-level sonar images of seabed using the backscattering strength calculated for the echoes received in the consecutive beams. Then, the set of parameters describing the local region of sonar image is calculated. The second...
The Imaging of Gdansk Bay Seabed by Using Side Sonar
PublikacjaThis paper is mainly aimed at presentation of an impact of environmental conditions on imaging accuracy by using hydro-acoustic systems in waters of a high non-uniformity of spatial distribution of hydrological parameters. Impact of refraction on erroneous estimation of range, in case of wave radiation into water under a large angle, like in side sonars or multi-beam echo-sounders, is especially important. In this paper seasonal...
PublikacjaIn this paper, a novel method of bearing estimation in a passive sonar system with a towed array is introduced. The classical approach of bearing estimation based on the spatial spectrum [1] is extended by using the synchrosqeezing method that is a part of the reassignment method introduced by Kodera et al. [2]. Using this method leads to a precise bearing estimation. The proposed method requires a relatively small amount of computation,...
Modernization of ASW Sonar SQS-56 at Gdańsk University of Technology
PublikacjaKatedra Systemów Elektroniki Morskiej Politechniki Gdańskiej w latach 2008-2010 wykonała modernizację podkilowego sonaru do poszukiwania okrętów podwodnych SQS-56. Jest to sonar wyprodukowany w USA i zainstalowany na fregacie ORP Kościuszko. W ramach modernizacji zastosowano nowe szerokopasmowe impulsy sondujące z hiperboliczną modulacją częstotliwości generowanye w wielokanałowym nadajniku sterowanym mikroprocesorowo. Po stronie...
Combined spline wavelet decomposition for 3d seafloor imaging from multibeam sonar echoes
PublikacjaThe paper proposes combined spline-wavelet approach to the raw echoes seaflor imaging from Multibeam Sonar System (MBSS) records. Wavelet representation is closely related to image representation, due to its unique approximations properties. Splines have the best approximation properties among all known wavelets of a given order, so they are best suited for approximating of smooth seafloor surface. Additionaly, wavelet bases have...
Passive sonar with cylindrical array
PublikacjaArtykuł prezentuje sposób wykorzystania sonaru aktywnego z anteną cylindryczną do nasłuchu pasywnego podwodnych źródeł dźwięku. Wykazano, że wykrycie źródła dźwięku i określenie jego namiaru może być zrealizowane bez zmian konstrukcji odbiornika. Wymagana jest jedynie zmiana algorytmów przetwarzania sygnałów w beamformerze. Wykazano również, że w celu zwiększenia dokładności namiaru można zastosować wysokorozdzielcze metody estymacji...
Application of passive acoustic radar to automatic localization, tracking and classification of sound sources
PublikacjaA concept, practical realization and applications of the passive acoustic radar to automatic localization, tracking and classification of sound sources were presented in the paper. The device consists of a new kind of multichannel miniature sound intensity sensors and a group of digital signal processing algorithms. Contrary to active radars, it does not emit the scanning beam but after receiving surrounding sounds it provides...
Imaging forms in passive sonars
PublikacjaReferat jest kontynuacją tematyki organizacji zobrazowań we współczesnych systemach hydrolokacyjnych przedstawionej w referacie zaproszonym na ubiegłorocznym OSA dla systemów aktywnych. Tym razem dotyczy organizacji zobrazowań w systemach pasywnych. W praktyce, prócz prostych systemów nasłuchu i rejestracji dźwięków podwodnych, używanych przez badaczy fauny wodnej czy oceanografów, systemy pasywne są wykorzystywane w marynarkach...
Automatic localization and continous tracking of mobile sound source using passive acoustic radar
PublikacjaA concept, practical realization and applications of the passive acoustic radar for localization and continuous tracking of fixed and mobile sound sources such as: cars, trucks, aircrafts and sources of shooting, explosions were presented in the paper. The device consists of the new kind of multi-channel miniature three dimensional sound intensity sensors invented by the Microflown company and a group of digital signal processing...
Visualisation forms in passive sonar with towed array
PublikacjaArtykuł dotyczy organizacji zobrazowań na monitorach modernizowanego w KSEM sonaru pasywnego z długą, holowaną za rufą okrętu, anteną akustyczną. We wprowadzeniu opisano strukturę takiego sonaru oraz sposób pozyskiwania i charakter odbieranych sygnałów jako podstawę organizowania zobrazowań efektów nasłuchu. Dalej opisano inne czynniki wpływające na organizację obrazów na monitorach sonaru tzn. zadania operatorów, organizację i...
Smart city and fire detection using thermal imaging
PublikacjaIn this paper, we summarize the results obtained from fire experiments. The aim of the work was to develop new methods of fire detection using IR thermal imaging cameras and dedicated image processing. We conducted 4 experiments in different configurations and with the use of different objects. The conducted experiments have shown the great usefulness of infrared cameras for detecting the seeds of a fire. Even cheap low-resolution...
Resolving conflicts in object tracking for automatic detection of events in video
PublikacjaAn algorithm for resolving conflicts in tracking of moving objects is presented. The proposed approach utilizes predicted states calculated by Kalman filters for estimation of trackers position, then it uses color and texture descriptors in order to match moving objects with trackers. Problematic situations, such as splitting objects, are addressed. Test results are presented and discussed. The algorithm may be used in the system...
Bearing errors passive sonar stationary target location
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono metodę wyznaczania współrzędnych nieruchomego celu na podstawie namiarów wykonywanych w sonarze pasywnym. Określono wymagania odnośnie ruchu sonaru, przy których błędy wyznaczania współrzędnych są minimalne. Podano zależności umożliwiające analityczne wyznaczanie błędów współrzędnych. Poprawność wyników analizy potwierdzono eksperymentami numerycznymi.
3d imaging software tools for multibeam sonar data
PublikacjaArtykuł porusza problem trójwymiarowej wizualizacji dna morskiego na podstawie danych pochodzących z systemu wielowiązkowego. W prezentowanym systemie wykorzystano trzy technologie programistyczne do wytwarzania grafiki 3D (C++ OpenGL, Java 3D, Java OpenGL). W artykule przedstawiono problemy, na które natknięto się podczas tworzenia systemu coraz omówiono sposoby ich rozwiązywania.
Resolving conflicts in object tracking for automatic detection of events in video
PublikacjaW referacie przedstawiono algorytm rozwiązywania konfliktów w śledzeniu obiektów ruchomych. Proponowana metoda wykorzystuje predykcję stanu obiektu obliczaną przez filtry Kalmana oraz dopasowuje wykryte obiekty do struktur śledzących ich ruch na podstawie deskryptorów koloru i tekstury. Omówiono specyficzne sytuacje powodujące konflikty, takie jak rozdzielanie obiektów. Przedstawiono wyniki testów. Algorytm może być zastosowany...
Detection of People Swimming in Water Reservoirs with the Use of Multimodal Imaging and Machine Learning
PublikacjaEvery year in many countries, there are fatal unintentional drownings in different water reservoirs like swimming pools, lakes, seas, or oceans. The existing threats of this type require creating a method that could automatically supervise such places to increase the safety of bathers. This work aimed to create methods and prototype solutions for detecting people bathing in water reservoirs using a multimodal imaging system and...
Acoustic signal processing in passive sonar system with towed array
PublikacjaW referacie opisano przetwarzanie sygnałów akustycznych w pasywnym systemie hydrolokacyjnym. W pojęciu ''przetwarzanie sygnałów akustycznych'' mieszczą się wszelkie operacje wykonywane na sygnałach analogowych tj. wzmacnianie, filtracja i próbkowanie, jak również operacje na sygnałach cyfrowych uzyskanych w procesie próbkowania. Do operacji cyfrowych wykonywanych w systemie zalicza się synchronizację, konwersję, sortowanie, wytwarzanie...
Deep Features Class Activation Map for Thermal Face Detection and Tracking
PublikacjaRecently, capabilities of many computer vision tasks have significantly improved due to advances in Convolutional Neural Networks. In our research, we demonstrate that it can be also used for face detection from low resolution thermal images, acquired with a portable camera. The physical size of the camera used in our research allows for embedding it in a wearable device or indoor remote monitoring solution for elderly and disabled...
Performance Evaluation of Selected Parallel Object Detection and Tracking Algorithms on an Embedded GPU Platform
PublikacjaPerformance evaluation of selected complex video processing algorithms, implemented on a parallel, embedded GPU platform Tegra X1, is presented. Three algorithms were chosen for evaluation: a GMM-based object detection algorithm, a particle filter tracking algorithm and an optical flow based algorithm devoted to people counting in a crowd flow. The choice of these algorithms was based on their computational complexity and parallel...
Detection Range of Intercept Sonar for CWFM Signals
PublikacjaStealth in military sonars applications may be ensured through the use of low power signals making them difficult to intercept by the enemy. In recent years, silent sonar design has been investigated by the Department of Marine Electronic Systems of the Gdansk University of Technology. This article provides an analysis of how an intercept sonar operated by the enemy can detect silent sonar signals. To that end a theoretical intercept...
Driver’s Condition Detection System Using Multimodal Imaging and Machine Learning Algorithms
PublikacjaTo this day, driver fatigue remains one of the most significant causes of road accidents. In this paper, a novel way of detecting and monitoring a driver’s physical state has been proposed. The goal of the system was to make use of multimodal imaging from RGB and thermal cameras working simultaneously to monitor the driver’s current condition. A custom dataset was created consisting of thermal and RGB video samples. Acquired data...
Safety enhancement using 3D multibeam sonar imaging in shallow waters areas
PublikacjaSonary wielowiazkowe wykorzystanee byc moga do poprawy bezpieczenstwa zeglugi na obszarach wod plytkich. Dzieki istotnej poprawie rozdzielczosci horyzontalnej i wertykalnej pomiarow zastosowane byc moga do obrazowania wod plytkich szczegolnie niebezpiecznych pod wzgledem nawigacyjnym.
Graphene ballistic rectifiers for THz detection and imaging
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Influence of Natural Conditions on the Imaging of the Bottom of the Gdańsk Bay by Means of the Side Scan Sonar
PublikacjaThe interest in underwater resources is the reason for the development of modern hydroacoustic systems, including side sonars, which find numerous applications such as: research of seabed morphology and sediment characteristics, preparation of sea sediment maps, and even in special cases of biocenoses such as sea grass meadows, detection of specific targets at the bottom such as shipwrecks, mines, identification of suitable sites...
Algorithms for passive detection of moving vessels in marine environment
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Trajectories detection in a distributed multi-sensor tracking system
PublikacjaW pracy rozważono problem śledzenia obiektów poruszających się za pomocą rozproszonego systemu wieloczujnikowego. Głównym zadaniem systemu śledzenia jest detekcja i estymacja trajektorii obiektów poruszających się w obserwowanej przestrzeni. Trajektoria obiektu to ciąg estymat kinematycznego stanu obiektu, jego pozycji, prędkości, itp. Klasyczne systemy śledzenia oparte są na filtrze Kalmana korzystającym z danych z pojedynczego...
Terahertz Detection and Imaging Using Graphene Ballistic Rectifiers
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Damage Detection in Composite Materials Using Hyperspectral Imaging
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Broadband LFM signal source for a module-based diver detection sonar
PublikacjaPraca przedstawia koncepcję źródła impulsów sondujących sonaru DDS, dla pogrupowanych po stronie nadawczej elementarnych sekcji przetwornika w moduły 8 lub 16 elementowe. Na podstawie oszacowania teoretycznego i pomiarów czwórnikowych określono potrzebną moc wyjściową i topologię tych nadajników. Przedstawione są też uzyskane na drodze pomiarów charakterystyki częstotliwościowe modułów przetwornika, razem z zastosowanym układem...
Acoustic imaging of selected areas of Gdansk Bay with the aid of parametric echosounder and side-scan sonar
PublikacjaThe article presents and analyses the data recorded during sounding of the Gdansk Bay seabed with the aid of a parametric echosounder and a side-scan sonar. The accuracy of seabed structure examination, as a condition for obtaining valuable results, requires correct configuration of echolocation devices and proper calibration of peripheral devices, such as the survey unit geographical position sensor – GPS, the navigation unit,...
Highly Reliable Passive RFID-Based Inductor–Capacitor Sensory System Strengthened by Solvatochromism for Fast and Wide-Range Lactate Detection
PublikacjaA passive radio frequency-identification-based inductor-capacitor (LC) lactate sensory system with a specific dye-containing interdigitated capacitor (IDC) in which the sensing signal is amplified by the solvatochromic effect is proposed. When a lactate solution contacts the IDC of the LC lactate sensor, the capacitance of the IDC changes, changing the resonance frequency of the sensor. This changes the oscillation frequency of...
Design and Experimental Validation of a Metamaterial-Based Sensor for Microwave Imaging in Breast, Lung, and Brain Cancer Detection
PublikacjaThis study proposes an innovative geometry of a microstrip sensor for high-resolution microwave imaging (MWI). The main intended application of the sensor is early detection of breast, lung, and brain cancer. The proposed design consists of a microstrip patch antenna fed by a coplanar waveguide with a metamaterial layer-based lens implemented on the back side, and an artificial magnetic conductor (AMC) realized on as a separate...
Evaluation of wow defects based on tonal components detection and tracking
PublikacjaReferat przedstawia opis metody wyznaczania charakterystyki pasożytniczego kołysania dźwięku. W metodzie wykorzystuje się informacje o zmianach tonalnych składowych dźwięku wyszukiwanych w kolejnych ramkach czasowych. Komponenty tonalne z poszczególnych ramek łączone są w ścieżki. Na podstawie tych trajektorii tworzona jest krzywa PVC obrazująca pasożytnicze zmiany dźwięku. Krzywa PVC może być wykorzystana do usunięcia pasożytniczego...
Receiver of Doppler multistatic system for moving target detection and tracking
PublikacjaThe article presents a method for solving major structural problems that occur in the receiver used in the multistatic Doppler system, aimed at determination of the trajectory and velocity of a moving target. In the system two transmitters emit acoustic continuous sinusoidal waves at different frequencies. The signals, scattered from a moving target are received by four hydrophones. Beside of the echoes, much larger signals coming...
Damage detection in 3D printed plates using ultrasonic wave propagation supported with weighted root mean square calculation and wavefield curvature imaging
Publikacja3D printing (additive manufacturing, AM) is a promising approach to producing light and strong structures with many successful applications, e.g., in dentistry and orthopaedics. Many types of filaments differing in mechanical properties can be used to produce 3D printed structures, including polymers, metals or ceramics. Due to the simplicity of the manufacturing process, biodegradable polymers are widely used, e.g., polylactide (polylactide...
Possibilities of detection and identification objects located on the sea bottom by means of a simple sidescan sonar
PublikacjaPraca zawiera omówienie zagadnień związanych z wykrywaniem i identyfikacją obiektów leżących na dnie przy pomocy sonaru bocznego, umieszczonego na zdalnie sterowanym pojeździe głębinowym.
LCT, PIV and IR Imaging Detection in Selected Technical and Biomedical Applications
PublikacjaPaper presents the brief summary of the history of Thermochromic liquid crystals (TLC), Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) and Infrared Imaging Themography (IR). Principal methods and tools are described and some examples are presented. With this objective, a new experimental technique have been developed and applied to the study of heat and mass transfer and for biomedical diagnosis. Selected results of experiments using these methods...
LCT, PIV and IR Imaging Detection in Selected Technical and Biomedical Applications
PublikacjaThermochromic liquid crystals (TLC), Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) and Infrared Imaging Themography (IR) have been successfully used in non-intrusive technical, industrial and biomedical studies and applications. These four tools (based on the desktop computers) have come together during the past two decades to produce a powerful advanced experimental technique as a judgment of quality of information that cannot be obtained...
PublikacjaObjective: The purpose of the study was to create an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) based on X-ray images of the pelvis, as an additional tool to automate and improve the diagnosis of coxarthrosis. The research is focused on joint space narrowing, which is a radiological symptom showing the thinning of the articular cartilage layer, which is translucent to X-rays. It is the first and the most important of the radiological signs...
Moving object detection and tracking for the purpose of multimodal surveillance system in urban areas
PublikacjaBackground subtraction method based on mixture of Gaussians was employed to detect all regions in a video frame denoting moving objects. Kalman filters were used for establishing relations between the regions and real moving objects in a scene and for tracking them continuously. The objects were represented by rectangles. The objects coupling with adequate regions including the relation of many-to-many was studied experimentally...
Detection and isolation of manoeuvres in adaptive tracking filtering based on multiple model switching
PublikacjaW rozdziale przedstawia się model radarowego procesu pomiarowego oraz omawiaproblem modelowania trajektorii ruchu obiektów latających. Przyjęto klasę o-biektów cywilnych, których tor ruchu można opisać jak złożenie ruchu prosto-liniowego jednostajnego oraz ruchu prostoliniowego jednostajnie zmiennegolub ruchu po okręgu ze stałą prędkością (manewru). zastosowano również meto-dę estymacji nieznanej wartości wielkości sterującej,...
Evaluating the Use of Edge Devices for Detection and Tracking of Vehicles in Smart City Environment
PublikacjaThis paper introduces a Smart City solution designed to run on edge devices, leveraging NVIDIA's DeepStream SDK for efficient urban surveillance. We evaluate five object-tracking approaches, using YOLO as the baseline detector and integrating three Nvidia DeepStream trackers: IOU, NvSORT, and NvDCF. Additionally, we propose a custom tracker based on Optical Flow and Kalman filtering. The presented approach combines advanced machine...
Determining manoeuvre detection threshold of GRNN filter in the process of tracking in marine navigational radars
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Automated detection of sleep apnea and hypopnea events based on robust airflow envelope tracking
PublikacjaThe paper presents a new approach to detection of apnea/hypopnea events, in the presence of artifacts and breathing irregularities, from a single-channel airflow record. The proposed algorithm identifies segments of signal affected by a high amplitude modulation corresponding to apnea/hypopnea events. It is shown that a robust airflow envelope—free of breathing artifacts—improves effectiveness of the diagnostic process and allows...