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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: actin
Proteome Analysis of PC12 Cells Reveals Alterations in Translation Regulation and Actin Signaling Induced by Clozapine
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Negative thermal expansion and antiferromagnetism in the actinide oxypnictide NpFeAsO
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Negative thermal expansion and antiferromagnetism in the actinide oxypnictide NpFeAsO
PublikacjaPrzeprowadzona został udana synteza NpFeAsO, związku będącego analogiem do LaFeAsO. Stwierdzono występowanie antyferromagnetycznego uporządkowania z T_N = 57 K. Poniżej T_N zauważono tzw. ujemną rozszerzalność termiczną. Przeprowadzono badania dyfrakcyjne przy użyciu promieniowania synchrotronowego (ESRF - Grenoble) a także neutronów (ILL - Grenoble).
Actinidia (Mini Kiwi) Fruit Quality in Relation to Summer Cutting
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Actinidia (Mini Kiwi) Fruit Quality in Relation to Summer Cutting
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On hydrodynamic forces acting on the ship in large motions.
PublikacjaPraca zapoznaje czytelnika ze współczesnym stanem dynamiki statku w nieliniowym ujęciu, ukierunkowanym na unikanie zbyt daleko idących komplikacji w rozwiązaniu. Nieliniowość dotyczy przede wszystkim sił Fronda-Kryłowa oraz sił tłumienia po wejściu pokładu do wody, czy też oporu stępek przechyłowych. Do pozostałych sił towarzyszących i dyfrakcyjnych stosuje się ekstrapolację podejścia liniowego.
An Analysis of Low Frequency Discharge in a CH3SiCl3-Ar-H2 Mixture by Optical Emission Spectroscopy and Actinometry
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Synthesis and properties of AxV2Al20 (A = Th, U, Np, Pu) ternary actinide aluminides
PublikacjaPolycrystalline samples of AxV2Al20 (A = Ce, Th, U, Np, Pu; 0.7 ≤ x ≤ 1.0) actinide intermetallics were synthesized using the arc-melting method. Crystal structure studies were performed by means of powder x-ray diffraction and the Rietveld refinement method. All studied compounds crystallize in the CeCr2Al20-type structure (space group Fd-3m, no. 227) with the actinoid and Ce atom located in the oversized icosahedral cage formed...
Assisted Extraction with Cyclodextrins as a Way of Improving the Antidiabetic Activity of Actinidia Leaves
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Decomposition of the wall force acting on the single bubble motion.
PublikacjaW referacie skupiono uwagę na rozkładzie siły hydrodynamicznej działającej na kulę (uproszczony model pęcherzyka) na kierunku prostopadłym do ścianki kanału. Pokazano stanowisko badawcze, omówiono procedurę pomiarową oraz zamiszczono przykładowe wyniki badań eksperymentalnych i modelowania matematycznego.
In vitro studies of polyphenols, antioxidants and other dietary indices in kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa)
PublikacjaOpisano wyniki badań poziomu protein oraz potencjału przeciwutleniającego w próbkach owoców kiwi, przechowywanych i dojrzewających w atmosferze etylenu ( w ciągu pierwszych 10 dni). Próbki owoców kiwi podzielono (w sposób przypadkowy) na dwie grupy:-próbki nie poddawane obróbce,-próbki poddawane obróbce (dojrzewanie w atmosferze etylenu).W próbkach oznaczano między innymi: wolne cukry, proteiny, polifenole oraz zdolność przeciwutleniającą....
Jaw biomechanics: Estimation of activity of muscles acting at the temporomandibular joint
PublikacjaThe aim of this study was to elaborate a method of estimation of activity of surface muscles acting at the temporomandibular joint of the healthy subjects by using a surface electromyography (EMG). The scope of this study involved testing chosen jaw motions (open, close, lateral deviation) and process of mastication occurring during eating food with different toughness (chewing gum, cereal and carrot) by using mixed sides, right...
Prevalence Problem in the Set of Quadratic Stochastic Operators Acting on L1
PublikacjaThis paper is devoted to the study of the problem of prevalence in the class of quadratic stochastic operators acting on the L1 space for the uniform topology. We obtain that the set of norm quasi-mixing quadratic stochastic operators is a dense and open set in the topology induced by a very natural metric. This shows the typical long-term behaviour of iterates of quadratic stochastic operators.
Asymptotic properties of quadratic stochastic operators acting on the L1 space
PublikacjaQuadratic stochastic operators can exhibit a wide variety of asymptotic behaviours and these have been introduced and studied recently in the ℓ1 space. It turns out that in principle most of the results can be carried over to the L1 space. However, due to topological properties of this space one has to restrict in some situations to kernel quadratic stochastic operators. In this article we study the uniform and strong asymptotic...
Estimation of wind pressure acting on the new palm house in Gdansk
PublikacjaThis paper deals with the problem of numerical simulations of wind loads acting on a Palm House with complex geometry. Flow simulations with aid of computational fluid dynamics procedures have been performed to check if the pressure distributions for the structure are greater than those calculated using the standard design codes with assumption that the Palm House horizontal cross sections are described by smooth cylinders.
Effect on Phytochemical Content and Microbial Contamination of Actinidia Fruit after Shock Cooling and Storage
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New Thiophene Imines Acting as Hole Transporting Materials in Photovoltaic Devices
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Detection of white sturgeon iridovirus (WSIV) in wild sturgeons (Actinopterygii: Acipenseriformes: Acipenseridae) in Poland
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Unsteady aerodynamic forces acting on the rotor blades in the turbine stagewith steam extraction.
PublikacjaPrzeprowadzono analizę niestacjonarnych wymuszeń działających na łopatki wirnikowe w stopniu z upustem turbiny 13UC100. Niestacjonarne siły zostały wyznaczone dla 4 punktów pracy upustu. Wskazano na możliwą przyczynę zaistniałego zniszczenia łopatek wirnikowych turbiny.
Temperature influence on key players of the somatotropic axis of tench, Tinca tinca (Actinopterygii: Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae)
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PublikacjaIn the article an approach to the problem of estimating reliability data based on physical models is proposed. The possibility of reliability assessment for selected elements of ship pipelines, based on the recognition of the destructive physical phenomena taking place in them, is discussed. To do this, an overview of these phenomena has been made. In addition, a preliminary review of existing measures of destruction of materials...
Triazoloacridone C-1305 impairs XBP1 splicing by acting as a potential IRE1α endoribonuclease inhibitor
PublikacjaInositol requiring enzyme 1 alpha (IRE1α) is one of three signaling sensors in the unfolding protein response (UPR) that alleviates endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress in cells and functions to promote cell survival. During conditions of irrevocable stress, proapoptotic gene expression is induced to promote cell death. One of the three signaling stressors, IRE1α is an serine/threonine-protein kinase/endoribonuclease (RNase) that...
Analysis of muscles behaviour. Part II. The computational model of muscles group acting on the elbow joint
PublikacjaThe purpose of this paper is to present the computational model of muscles' group describing the movements of flexion/extension at the elbow joint in the sagittal plane of the body when the forearm is being kept in the fixed state of supination/pronation. The method ofevaluating the muscle forces is discussed in detail. This method is the basis for the quantitative and qualitative verification of the proposed computational model...
Self-Organising map neural network in the analysis of electromyography data of muscles acting at temporomandibular joint.
PublikacjaThe temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the joint that via muscle action and jaw motion allows for necessary physiological performances such as mastication. Whereas mandible translates and rotates [1]. Estimation of activity of muscles acting at the TMJ provides a knowledge of activation pattern solely of a specific patient that an electromyography (EMG) examination was carried out [2]. In this work, a Self-Organising Maps (SOMs)...
Genetic identifiability of selected populations of Indian mackerel, Rastrelliger kanagurta (Actinopterygii: Perciformes: Scombridae)—CELFISH Project—Part 1
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N-Substituted piperazine derivatives as potential multitarget agents acting on histamine H3 receptor and cancer resistance proteins
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Detection of white sturgeon iridovirus (WSIV) in sturgeons (Actinopterygii: Acipenseriformes: Acipenseridae) from aquaculture facilities located in Poland, Germany, and Italy
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First record of the leopard pleco, <I>Pterygoplichthys gibbiceps</I> (Actinopterygii, Loricariidae) in the Brda River in the centre of Bydgoszcz (northern Poland)
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Neutrocyte-to-lymphocyte ratio predicts the presence of a replicative hepatitis C virus strand after therapy with direct-acting antivirals
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The Unsteady Low-Frequency Forces Acting on the Rotor Blade in the First Stage on an Axial Compressor of SO-3 Jet Engine
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Parasitic copepods (Crustacea: Copepoda) infecting muscles of a marine fish (Actinopterygii: Moridae)—A spectacular effect on a host fish and a case of seafood identity fraud
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Microsatellite DNA-based genetic traceability of two populations of splendid alfonsino, Beryx splendens (Actinopterygii: Beryciformes: Berycidae)—Project CELFISH—Part 2
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Genetic traceability of selected populations of the yellowstripe scad, Selaroides leptolepis (Actinopterygii: Perciformes: Carangidae), based on the analysis of microsatellite DNA—CELFISH Project—Part 3
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Species and sex-specific variation in the antioxidant status of tench, Tinca tinca; wels catfish, Silurus glanis; and sterlet, Acipenser ruthenus (Actinopterygii) reared in cage culture
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Comparative analysis of the quality parameters and the fatty acid composition of two economically important Baltic fish: cod, Gadus morhua and flounder, Platichthys flesus (Actinopterygii) subjected to iced storage
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Characteristics of Cucumis metuliferus, Actinidia deliciosa and Musa paradisica fragrance profiles using a comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography with time-of-flight mass spectrometric detection (GC×GC-TOF MS)
PublikacjaComprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography with time-of-flight mass spectrometric detection (GC×GC-TOF-MS) is a modern analytical technique used in many fields. This technique enables an effective separation of volatile chemical compounds [1]. In recent years, the topic of healthy food and healthy living has become very popular. For this reason, more and more scientific publications related to the analysis of food products...
Molecular basis for the DNA damage induction and anticancer activity of asymmetrically substituted anthrapyridazone PDZ-7
Publikacjanthrapyridazones, imino analogues of anthraquinone, constitute a family of compounds with remarkable anti-cancer activity. To date, over 20 derivatives were studied, of which most displayed nanomolar cytotoxicity towards broad spectrum of cancer cells, including breast, prostate and leukemic ones. BS-154, the most potent derivative, had IC50 values close to 1 nM, however, it was toxic in animal studies. Here, we characterize another...