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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: IMPLEMENTATION
Implementation Science
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JBI Evidence Implementation
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The Implementation of a Microserver.
PublikacjaArtykuł prezentuje zasady projektowania mikroserwerów o ograniczonej złożoności obliczeniowej i niewielkim poborze energii. Zaproponowana redukcja funkcjonalności protokołow TCP/IP, pomimo niewielkiego zapotrzebowania na obliczenia, pozwala na realizację wydajnego połączenia klient-serwer w układach mikrokontrolerowych.
JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports
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Software Implementation of the RAKE receiver
PublikacjaThis paper presents concept of the RAKE receiver method with implemented algorithm of shifted phase WMSA filter (Weighed Multi-Slot Averaging). First, the RAKE receiver block diagram and WMSA filter analysis have been described. Next, the results of the simulation have been described. In summary usefulness of the concept has been confirmed.
The micro implementation of a Web server.
PublikacjaArtykuł prezentuje techniczne zasady projektowania mikroserwerów internetowych o zredukowanej złożoności konstrukcyjnej i niewielkim poborze energii.
Implementation of TVDI calculation for coastal zone
PublikacjaPaper will show an implementation of TVDI (Temperature-Vegetation-Dryness Index) algorithm on GPU (Graphics Processing Unit). Calculation of this index is based on LST (Land Surface Temperature) and NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index). Discussed results are based on multi-spectral imagery retrieved from AVHRR3 sensors for area of Poland, especially from region of Gdańsk coastal zone. All phases of TVDI implementation...
The Greencoin project. A guideline for the implementation strategy
PublikacjaReport of the Greencoin project identification and implementation strategy, preliminary study, project results, implementation guidelines directed to the European city representatives, educators, urban activists.
PublikacjaThe study presents the implementation of projects in organisations that achieve business objec-tives through the implementation of repetitive actions. Projects in these organisations are, on the one hand, treated as marginal activities, while the results of these projects have significant impact on the delivery of main processes, e.g. through the introduction of new products. Human capital and solutions in this field bear impact...
Practice implementation of operational level agreement
PublikacjaThe paper concerns practical implementation of the Operational Level Agreement (OLA) compared to the Service Level Agreement (SLA).
Power equalization of AES FPGA implementation
PublikacjaThis paper briefly introduces side channel attacks on cryptographic hardware with special emphasis on differential power analysis(DPA). Based on existing countermeasures against DPA, design method combining power equalization for synchronous and combinatorialcircuits has been proposed. AES algorithm has been implemented in Xilinx Spartan II-E field programmable gate array (FPGA) deviceusing the standard and power-equalized methods....
An implementation of deterministic tree automata minimization
PublikacjaWstępujący, deterministyczny, skończony automat drzewiasty (DTA) może być używany jako struktura danych do przechowywania zbiorów nieuporządkowanych drzew bez narzuconej liczby poddrzew. Takie automaty są zwykle rzadsze niż automaty działające na napisach i dlatego należy zwrócić szczególną uwagę na ich wydajną minimalizację. W dostępnej literaturze jest jednak ciężko znaleźć proste i szczegółowe opisy procedury minimalizacji....
Polish Regions in Implementation of the Lisbon Strategy
PublikacjaPolskie regiony w gospodarce opartej na wiedzy. Innowacje jako motor rozwoju regionalnego. Rola regionalnych strategii innowacji (RIS). Fundamentem RIS są technologie innowacyjne i kompleksy naukowo-badawcze. Warunkiem jest rozwój społeczeństwa wiedzy.
An efficient hardware implementation of a combinations generator
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The Implementation of Dynamic Business Process Management
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Internationalization of SME's: context, models and implementation
The implementation of green transformation through clusters
PublikacjaThe paper addresses a poorly documented issue in the literature, namely the role of clusters in green transformation, including processes related to green, low-carbon, and circular economies. The purpose was to identify and understand the practices of clusters in this area. The adopted mixed research strategy consisted of both qualitative and quantitative research. Both research phases were conducted in a group of Polish Key National...
Implementation of AES cryptography alghoritm in FPGA
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono porównanie dwóch realizacji algorytmu kryptograficznego AES w układzie programowalnym FPGA. W pierwszej wersji zrealizowano algorytm prosty i odwrotny łącznie z modułami sprzętowej realizacji rozwijania klucza. W drugiej wersji klucze są rozwijane programowo poprzez wbudowany procesor. Obie realizacje zostały przetestowane praktycznie na płytce prototypowej. Przedstawiono osiągnięte przepustowości jak również...
Implementation of Business Processes in Smart Cities Technology
PublikacjaThe goal of the paper is to present the results of studies concerning the development of a method of implementation of business processes in Smart Cities systems. The method has been developed during studies carried out within the building of a Smart Cities system for Gdańsk, and is based on basic development project management mechanisms (drawing from best practices, and in particular from the RUP methodology) and business-oriented...
Implementation of DIFAR Processing in ASW Dipping Sonar
PublikacjaThis paper presents the implementation of the signal processing algorithm used by buoy DIFAR (Directional Frequency Analysis and Recording), that is fully operational on Polish Navy anti-submarine warfare (ASW) helicopters and ships, applied to dipping sonars for detection and tracking of submarines. The development of the DSP algorithms was a part of the modernization of sonars conducted at the Gdansk University of Technology....
PublikacjaFlexicurity is a policy of flexible and secure labour market. It has been the subject of many analyses, however, a coherent evaluation methodology is difficult to specify. The purpose of this paper is to propose a Data Envelopment Analysis based model for the evaluation of the efficiency of flexicurity implementation in OECD countries. The results will be used to create the ranking of countries, to determine changes in time, and...
Publikacja34 IMPLEMENTATION OF INOGATE PROGRAMME IN ARMENIA, AZERBAIJAN AND GEORGIA Krystyna Gomółka Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy, Faculty of Management and Economics, Gdansk University of Technology Ul. G. Narutowicza 11/12, 80 - 233 Gdańsk, Poland Abstract INOGATE Programme is one of the instruments designed for the implementation of the energy policy developed by the EU and...
Implementation of Active Dynamic Thermography in medical diagnostics
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań wdrożeniowych Aktywnej Termografii Dynamicznej w diagnostyce wybranych chorób.
XML-based monitoring and its implementation in Perl
PublikacjaArtykuł ten omawia w sposób ogólny problem monitorowania systemów informacyjnych oraz opisuje system monitoringu wytworzony w firmie Lufthansa Systems w celu monitorowania systemów informatycznych swoich klientów. Artykuł koncentruje się głównie na XMLowym mechaniźmie przetwarzania danych użytym w tym systemie, opisuje on jednak również skrótowo pozostałe zasady jego działania. Zostały również omówione podstawy przetwarzania danych...
e-JABAT – An Implementation of the Web-Based A-Team
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Implementation of the AdH hydrodynamic model on the Włocławek Reservoir
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Network on Chip implementation using FPGAs resources
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono implementację sieci typu ''Network on Chip'' w układach FPGA. Sieci typu ''Network on Chip'' stały się bardzo interesującym i obiecującym rozwiązaniem dla systemów typu ''System on Chip'' które charakteryzują się intensywną komunikacją wewnętrzną. Ze względu na inne paradygmaty projektowania nie ma obecnie dostępnych efektywnych platform do budowy prototypów sieci typu ''Network on Chip'' i ich weryfikacji....
Implementation of 24-hour Blood Pressure Control
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Implementation of the EVRF2007 height reference frame in Poland
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The Implementation of Fuzzy Logic in Forecasting Financial Ratios
PublikacjaThis paper is devoted to the issue of forecasting financial ratios. The objective of the conducted research is to develop a predictive model with the use of an innovative methodology, i.e., fuzzy logic theory, and to evaluate its effectiveness. Fuzzy logic has been widely used in machinery, robotics and industrial engineering. This paper introduces the use of fuzzy logic for the financial analysis of enterprises. While many current...
Chemically modified carbon nanotubes: synthesis and implementation
PublikacjaNanorurki węglowe, będące alotropową odmianą węgla, wykazują bardzo interesujące właściwości. Wiele ich potencjalnych zastosowań wymaga chemicznej modyfikacji. Przedstawiono metodę wprowadzenia ugrupowań o właściwościach redoks lub o właściwościach kompleksujących na ściany boczne nanorurek węglowych. Otrzymany materiał przenoszono na podłoże stałe za pomocą techniki Langmuir-Bladgett i badano jego właściwości elektrochemiczne...
Business processes implementation using agent systems
PublikacjaThis paper will show that some complex and repetitive actions performed in a company can be modelled for the sake of optimization and automaton. It is achieved by connecting business processes management and agent paradigms. Moreover it shows that organization structure can be mapped to distributed multi agent system. Finally it states that interorganization communication can be automated on the same basis as intra-organization...
Design and implementation of GEPON architecture in laboratory testbed
PublikacjaThis paper presents a proposition of GEPON architecture for the didactic purpose. The GEPON architecture is implemented in access networks laboratory testbed. The paper includes a brief description of GEPON standardization, a description of laboratory GEPON equipment architecture and a short presentation of proposed laboratory exercises. The exemplary performance results are included.The proposition of GEPON architecture testbed...
Implementation of Contemporary Technologies in Naval Sonars Modernization
PublikacjaToday’s fast technological advancement in electronics and signal processing methods makes electronic systems, including sonars, obsolete very quickly. The Polish Navy seems to be particularly affected as its ships were built in the 1970s and 1980s. Researchers at the Gdansk University of Technology have developed a methodology for modernising Navy sonars which involves the use of new electronic sub-systems and modern, bespoke methods...
Implementation of power transformer controlled switching algorithm
PublikacjaThe article presents two new algorithms of controlled switching the power transformer. The main aim of the paper is to obtain formulas that determine the moments of closing of the circuit breaker poles. The study contains projects of control systems for both algorithms. Mathematical formulas for the time instants of the breaker poles closing were developed on the basis of electric circuit theory and magnetic circuit theory. The...
Decisional DNA: the concept and its implementation platforms
PublikacjaOmowiono kopncepcje zarzadzania wiedza oparta na decyzyjnym DNA gdzie wiedza jest reprezentowana poprzez zbiory doswiadczen. Przedstawiono obecne oraz przyszle zastosowania omawianej koncepcji.
Regional implementation of a road safety observatory in Poland
PublikacjaThe paper outlines the background and goals of the Road Safety Observatory in the Polish region of Warmia and Mazury. While created it was Poland’s first road safety Observatory, both at the regional and central level. Established in line with the methodology proposed in the European project SafetyNet, together with the planned National Road Safety Observatory it will form part of a Europe-wide network of observatories linked with...
Implementation of control system and tracking objects in a Quadcopter
PublikacjaIn this paper, we implement a quadcopter assembly with control and navigation module. The project also includes the design of the control panel for the operator which consists of a set of the micro-controller and the glove equipped with sensors and buttons. The panel has a touch screen which displays current parameters such as vehicle status, including information about orientation and geographical coordinates. The concept of quadcopter...
Ontologically Aided Rule Model for the Implementation of ITIL Processes
PublikacjaThe implementation of ITIL processes in IT organizations can be seen as a set of interdependent projects. The sequence of the ITIL implementation relies on such parameters as scope, depth, the capability of processes and the maturity of the organization. These factors can form common patterns of ITIL implementation that might be expressed as rules. Also-to semantically reinforce such a model in its predictiveness and replicativeness-the...
Implementation of the digital receiver in multibeam long-range sonar
PublikacjaThe article presents the implementation of a digital receiver in multibeam long - range sonar. Developed by the authors of the article, the implementation was part of sonar modernisation on large Polish Navy ships. The article explains the structure of the receiver, its design details and requirements affecting the architecture. The technical solutions regarding the equipment and signal processing algorithms for determining receiving...
Design and implementation of the driver system for Hamamatsu C12880MA microspectrometer
PublikacjaRecent miniaturization developments in devices for spectroscopy have reduced greatly their costs and increased their availability for a wide range of users and applications. This paper presents the design and implementation of a driver system for a Hamamatsu C12880MA microspectrometer. The system implementation was carried out and compared using two independent microcontroller modules: Arduino Uno and STM32F411RE Nucleo. We assessed...
Implementation of Addition and Subtraction Operations in Multiple Precision Arithmetic
PublikacjaIn this paper, we present a digital circuit of arithmetic unit implementing addition and subtraction operations in multiple-precision arithmetic (MPA). This adder-subtractor unit is a part of MPA coprocessor supporting and offloading the central processing unit (CPU) in computations requiring precision higher than 32/64 bits. Although addition and subtraction operations of two n-digit numbers require O(n) operations, the efficient...
Implementation of Business Intelligence in an IT organization - the concept of an evaluation model
PublikacjaThis paper presents the issue of assessing the validity and effectiveness of implementing a Business Intelligence system in an IT Support Organization. This entity provides IT services to external clients involving, in particular, the storage and processing of large amounts of data. The vast amount of realized projects and also incidents reported in connection with those projects prevented effective decisions from being made without...
FPGA implementation of the multiplication operation in multiple-precision arithmetic
PublikacjaAlthough standard 32/64-bit arithmetic is sufficient to solve most of the scientific-computing problems, there are still problems that require higher numerical precision. Multiple-precision arithmetic (MPA) libraries are software tools for emulation of computations in a user-defined precision. However, availability of a reconfigurable cards based on field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) in computing systems allows one to implement...
an intelligent image processing sensor - the algorithm and the hardware implementation
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono algorytm przeznaczony do rozpoznawania obiektów ruchomych w obrazie do celu analizy ruchu pojazdów. Algorytm został zrealizowany w układzie FPGA.Ang.: This paper describes the idea and theimplementation of the robust algorithm dedicated toextraction of moving vehicles from real-time cameraimages for the evaluation of traffic parameters, suchas the number of vehicles, their direction of movementand their...
Factors hindering and boosting SDG7 implementation in EU countries
PublikacjaOne of the sustainable development goals (SDG7) is to ensure access to clean and affordable energy, which is related to most other SDGs and plays a crucial role in eco - nomic development and human well-being. The aim of the article is to identify factors that enhance and delay one of the most crucial goals of sustainable development, SDG7. The study’s originality lies in the spatiotemporal approach to analysing the impact of...
Feminist Lens on Gender Roles in Entrepreneurial Intention and Implementation
PublikacjaBased on Social Feminist Theory, Post-Structural Feminism and Gender-Role Orientation (GRO) (masculinity, femininity and androgyny), the aim of this research is to study the entrepreneurial process through the lenses of both biological sex and socially constructed gender, in order to disentangle their effects and to shed new light on the process. Secondly, we aim to push forward the research on the early-stage entrepreneurial process...
Knowledge management implementation in small and micro KIBS : A categorization
Publikacjahe main goal of the paper is to provide a statistical categorization of small and micro knowledge-intensive business service (KIBS) companies, based on their knowledge management (KM) attitude. Since knowledge is the main production factor and output of these companies, it is essential to achieve a better understanding of how they manage this resource. A questionnaire-based survey was conducted on a sample of Polish small and micro...
Digital Government as Implementation Means for Sustainable Development Goals
PublikacjaOne of the challenges for implementing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is the measurement of indicators that represent progress towards such goals. Measuring such progress enables data-driven decision-making and management of SDG-relevant projects and strategies. The premise of this research is that measuring such indicators depends on measuring so-called means of implementation, i.e. activities that directly contribute to...
Parallel implementation of a Sailing Assistance Application in a Cloud Environment
PublikacjaSailboat weather routing is a highly complex problem in terms of both the computational time and memory. The reason for this is a large search resulting in a multitude of possible routes and a variety of user preferences. Analysing all possible routes is only feasible for small sailing regions, low-resolution maps, or sailboat movements on a grid. Therefore, various heuristic approaches are often applied, which can find solutions...