Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: SMALL NAVY SHIP - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: SMALL NAVY SHIP

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: SMALL NAVY SHIP

  • Modelling of some stealth features for a small navy ship at the concept design stage.

    In this paper the basic research problems associated with modelling the basic stealth features for a small navy ship at the concept design stage are introduced. Amongst the major stealth features considered are: the modification of the immersed ship hull form by a rapid change of the ship loading condition, and modification of the ship boundary layer by the hull skin cover. The other stealth features of the ship are not presented...

  • Modelling of some stealth features for a small navy ship at the concept design stage - part II


    In the paper a few problems associated with modelling the basic stealth features for a small ship at the concept design stage are introduced. One problem concerns the modification of the immersed ship hull using the rapid change of the ship loading condition. The second is associated with the modification of the ship boundary layer by the hull skin cover. The other stealth features of the ship are not presented in this paper. The...

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    Ship designing is a complex process, as the ship itself is a complex, technical multi-level object which operates in the air/water boundary environment and is exposed to the action of many different external and internal factors resulting from the adopted technical solutions, type of operation, and environmental conditions. A traditional ship design process consists of a series of subsequent multistage iterations, which gradually...

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    Study of the sea noise has been a subject of interest for years. The first work of this scope were published at the turn of the twentieth century by Knudsen (KNUDSEN et al., 1948) and G. Wenz (WENZ, 1962). Disturbances called "shipping noise" are one of the important components of the sea noise. In this work the results of an experimental research of underwater noise produced by a small ship of a classic propulsion are...

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  • Some aspects of noise generated by a small ship in the shallow sea


    - Rok 2012

    The passing and underwater moving objects produce the noises of variable intensity, which significantly increase the overall level of noise in the sea. This applies to both the sonic and ultrasonic range. The excessive levels of underwater noise adversely affects the so-called underwater acoustic climate and is the reason why this phenomenon is intensively investigated from the number of years. The results of experimental work...

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  • Four Degree-of-Freedom Hydrodynamic Maneuvering Model of a Small Azipod-Actuated Ship With Application to Onboard Decision Support Systems


    - IEEE Access - Rok 2023

    The main contribution of this paper is a numerical ship motion model of NTNU’s research vessel Gunnerus, capturing the surge, sway, roll, and yaw dynamics when sailing in uniform and steady currents. The model utilizes a crossflow drag formulation for the transverse viscous loads, and it includes a nonlinear formulation for the propulsion and steering loads provided by two azipod thrusters. A wide range of experimental data obtained...

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  • Quantitative risk assessment of new ship designs in damage conditions


    - Rok 2015

    The paper is devoted to safety of ships in damage conditions. The novel contribution of the paper is connected with a new Multi-Task ship (MT-ship) design at the preliminary stage of design. There are a few problems at the preliminary stage that should be considered. One problem is connected with if the quantitative risk-based method is a reliable and formal method for safety assessment of such the new design (MT-ship) in damage...

  • UUV and AUV Vehicles as the autonomous systems for naval applications


    - Rok 2019

    There is a growing pressure to investigate how to design and build the unmanned underwater vehicles of different types which are devoted towards performing many tasks under the water surface according to the data missions. During the recent years the Department of Ship Design and Subsea Robotics, Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology, Gdansk University of Technology designed and built a few types of unmanned underwater...

  • Julita Wasilczuk dr hab.

    Urodzona 5 kwietnia 1965 roku w Gdańsku. W latach 1987–1991 odbyła studia na Wydziale Ekonomiki Transportu Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego (obecnie Wydział Ekonomii). Od 1993 roku zatrudniona na nowo utworzonym Wydziale Zarządzania i Ekonomii, Politechniki Gdańskiej, na stanowisku asystenta. W 1997 roku uzyskała stopień doktora nauk ekonomicznych na WZiE, a w 2006 doktora habilitowanego nauk ekonomicznych w dyscyplinie nauki o zarządzaniu,...

  • Digital signal processing applied to the modernization of Polish Navy sonars


    The article presents the equipment and digital signal processing methods used for modernizing the Polish Navy’s sonars. With the rapid advancement of electronic technologies and digital signal processing methods, electronic systems, including sonars, become obsolete very quickly. In the late 1990s a team of researchers of the Department of Marine Electronics Systems, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, Gdansk...

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  • Przemysław Krata dr hab. inż.



    ISSN: 1613-6810 , eISSN: 1613-6829

  • Jakub Montewka prof. dr hab. inż.

    Jakub Montewka is an associate professor at Gdańsk University of Technology in Poland and visiting processor at Aalto University in Espoo, Finland and Wuhan University of Technology in China. Jakub is researching in the field of maritime traffic risk and safety. His primary interests lie in the risk assessment of maritime transportation, quantification of safety of maritime navigation, route optimization for ships in ice-covered...

  • Personality determinants of health behaviours of merchant navy officers


    - International Maritime Health - Rok 2014

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  • Navy sonar's modernization developed in Gdansk University of Technology

    Szybki rozwój technologii elektronicznej i metod przetwarzania sygnałów powoduje szybkie starzenie moralne systemów instalowanych na okrętach. Ponieważ kadłuby, silniki i inne, drogie, mechaniczne komponenty okrętów nie starzeją się w takim tempie i wytrzymują kilkadziesiąt nawet lat eksploatacji, istnieje głęboki sens modernizacji systemów sonarowych, z ewentualnym zachowaniem istniejących anten hydroakustycznych i ich stabilizacji....

  • Stability & Dynamics of Ship and Offshore Structures II W2021/22

    Kursy Online
    • P. Dymarski

    Lecture and Lab classes - Stability & Dynamics of Ship and Offshore Structures II W2021/22

  • Basics of Ship Structures (OE)

    Kursy Online
    • K. Wołoszyk

  • Approach Manoeuvre During Emergency Ship-to-Ship Transfer Operation with Oil Spill

    One of the major activities during Ship to Ship (STS) transfer operation at sea is to safe approach the Ship to be Lightered (SBL) which moves on a constant heading with slow speed or drifting. In the paper described the manoeuvring problem for approaching during emergency STS transfer operation with oil spill. The approach manoeuvre is considered as a sequence of navigation manoeuvres in specific navigational environment with...

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  • Stability & Dynamics of Ship and Offshore Structures I S2020/21

    Kursy Online
    • P. Dymarski

    Lectures and exercises from the course "Stability & Dynamics of Ship and Offshore Structures I"

  • A simplified method to assess the impact of ship-to-ship collision on the risk of tanker ship hull girder breaking accounting for the effect of ageing


    - Rok 2023

    One of the most critical structural failures is the exceedance of the ship hull girder’s ultimate strength, which may result in hull breaking, and subsequent severe consequences, including loss of life and property as well as environmental damage in case of an oil spill. A cause for such loss of structural continuity can be triggered by a collision with another vessel. In addition, the ageing mechanisms of the hull structure could...

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  • New Concept of Numerical Ship Motion Modelling for Total Ship Operability Analysis by Integrating Ship and Environment Under One Overall System

    The paper presents a new concept of overall ship motion modelling for application to total ship operability. The delivered model is a multi-phase and includes both submerged part of ship’s hull and the surrounding water as a unique body. The Discrete Finite Element Method is applied. The model is successfully examined and illustrated for a selected AHTS.

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  • A Generative Approach to Hull Design for a Small Watercraft

    In the field of ocean engineering, the task of spatial hull modelling is one of the most complicated problems in ship design. This study presents a procedure applied as a generative approach to the design problems for the hull geometry of small vessels using elements of concurrent design with multi-criteria optimisation processes. Based upon widely available commercial software, an algorithm for the mathematical formulation of...

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  • Automation of ship and control

    SummaryThe article presents the problem of automation of ship and control. This paper will discuss the basic tasks of the track ship control, collision avoidance and automatic dynamic positioning. The following subjects will be presented: the general structure of the ship's control, methods and control algorithms for the above mentioned tasks..StreszczenieArtykuł przedstawia zagadnienia automatyzacji i sterowania statkiem. W pracy...

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  • Janusz Kozak prof. dr hab. inż.

    Dr hab. inż. Janusz Kozak Dziekan Wydziału Oceanotechniki i Okrętownictwa Politechniki Gdańskiej   Urodzony: 04.07.1953 w Pucku Absolwent Technikum Budowy Okrętów „Conradinum” w Gdańsku, 1973. Absolwent Instytutu Okrętowego PG, 1978.   Po ukończeniu studiów praca w Stoczni Gdynia, a od roku 1980 w Katedrze Technologii Okrętów Instytutu Okrętowego a później Wydziału Oceanotechniki i Okrętownictwa Politechniki Gdańskiej kolejno na...

  • Ship Technology Reaearch


    ISSN: 0937-7255 , eISSN: 2056-7111

  • Ship Building of China


    ISSN: 1000-4882

  • ANALYSIS OF IMPACT of SHIP model parameters on changes of control quality index in ship dynamic positioning system

    In this work there is presented an analysis of impact of ship model parameters on changes of control quality index in a ship dynamic positioning system designed with the use of a backstepping adaptive controller. Assessment of the impact of ship model parameters was performed on the basis of Pareto-Lorentz curves and ABC method in order to determine sets of the parameters which have either crucial, moderate or low impact on objective...

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    - Polish Maritime Research - Rok 2017

    The ship operability can be understood and analysed in different manners, and its quality is described using different indexes by different authors. Practically, there is no general and widely accepted description of total ship operability in the literature, nor in the rules of classification societies, which would include both seakeeping and manoeuvrability characteristics of a ship, and simultaneously take into account all ship...

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  • Multisource model of ship electric field

    A steel-hulled ship in sea water produces an electric field around itself. The source of this field are electrochemical processes and ship's cathodic protection. The analysis of the electric field around the ship is important by the reason of the ship's identification and counter-mine protection. The paper presents a simplified model of the ship's multisource electric field, which allows to calculate the electric field distribution...

  • Supporting development of the smart ship technology by CFD simulation of ship behavior in close to real operational conditions


    - Rok 2017

    The shipping industry is at the milestone of technological development – autonomous ships. Involving smart technologies accelerates development of green and safe shipping. Also IMO regulations, especially EEDI en-hanced application of new technologies. Meeting economic and ecological requirements future ships need to be designed with respect to increased reliability and operational performance. Design process of ships may be improved...

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    This paper shortly presents the issue of utilization of ships after their withdrawal from service. Information on number of floating units liquidated in previous years was presented. Hazards to the environment , health and life of workers employed in the Far East ship scrapping yards operating on the beaches, were indicated. Then, the most important rules which have to make the ship recycling process safe were referred to. This...

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  • Identification of hydroacoustic wave sources of ship in motion


    - Polish Maritime Research - Rok 2010

    This paper deals with results of identification tests of acoustic field spectrum of underwater noise generated by ship in motion. The field is connected with acoustic activity of ship mechanisms and devices in operation. Vibration energy generated by the mechanisms and devices is transferred through ship structural elements to surrounding water where it propagates in the form of acoustic waves of a broad band of frequencies. In...

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  • Review of ship safety domains: Models and applications

    Ship safety domain is a term which is widely used in research on collision avoidance and traffic engineering among others. Classic ship domains have been compared in multiple reports. However, up till now there has been no work summing up contemporary research in this field. The paper offers a systematic and critical review of the newer ship domain models and related research. It discusses multiple differences in approach to ship...

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  • Ship model resistance - KCS

    Dane Badawcze

    Ship model instantaneous resistance, velocity, pitch and heave measured data for a KCS built and tested in the towing tank of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology of Gdansk University of Technology under regular head waves.

  • The structure of the control system for a dynamically positioned ship


    - Rok 2016

    The article discusses functions and tasks of dynamic positioning (DP) systems for ships. The analysed issues include ship steering, in particular stabilisation of ship position and direction of motion (real course) at low manoeuvring speeds, and commonly used DP ship models. Requirements imposed by classification societies on DP ships are quoted. A multi-layer structure of the DP control system is presented, with special attention...

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  • Modern Light Sources on the Ship


    - Rok 2024

    The paper deals with studies on light flicker in selected modern light sources used on ships. The authors present and discuss the relationship between the hostile ship environment affecting the ship light systems and the extreme working conditions of the ship's crew manifested by health problems and a reduction in their manual abilities. These limitations result from the flicker phenomena provoked by both fluorescent lamps and...

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  • Study of Noise Propagation for Small Vessels


    The paper presents the results of the noise propagation analysis in ship structures tested in a number of AHTS (Anchor Handling Tug Supply) vessels. Statistical Energy Analysis (SEA) based on numerical model developed specially for the purpose of this numerical investigation were conducted. This numerical model enabled the analysis of both the structural elements and the acoustic spaces. For the detailed studies 47 points fixed...

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  • Wojciech Litwin prof. dr hab. inż.

    1992÷1996 – Studia na Wydziale Mechanicznym Politechniki Gdańskiej1996 – Zatrudniony na Wydziale Oceanotechniki i Okrętownictwa PG2004 – Obrona pracy doktorskiej2014 – obrona rozprawy habilitacyjnej2012 – obejmuje funkcję prodziekan ds. Nauki na Wydziale Oceanotechniki i OkrętownictwaUczestniczył w wielu projektach badawczych oraz pracach zleconych przez przemysł związanych z łożyskowaniem ślizgowym wałów głównych oraz niekonwencjonalnymi...

  • Introduction to Ship Design O:114009 20232024

    Kursy Online
    • T. Hinz

  • Small Axe


    ISSN: 0799-0537 , eISSN: 1534-6714

  • Small Methods


    ISSN: 2366-9608

  • Small GTPases


    ISSN: 2154-1248

  • Small Science


    ISSN: 2688-4046

  • Small Structures


    ISSN: 2688-4062

  • Parametric method for evaluating optimal ship deadweight


    The paper presents a method of choosing the optimal value of the cargo ships deadweight. The method may be useful at the stage of establishing the main owners requirements concerning the ship design parameters as well as for choosing a proper ship for a given transportation task. The deadweight is determined on the basis of a selected economic measure of the transport effectiveness of ship – the Required Freight Rate (RFR). The...

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  • Polyethylene as a small vessel's building material


    - Rok 2011

    The most common use of polyethylene we can notice nowadays are areas like water supply systems, gas industry (esp. gas piping), food industry, small-scale, light and consumer goods industries. That material has far more applications. One of them is shipbuilding - especially small inland or offshore vessels.


    One of key ways of assuring a high level of reliability of a ship power plant is to design redundancy of its structural elements, for example redundancy of prime drivers, drivelines etc. This paper deals with issues related to the redundancy as a way increasing dependability of the ship power and propulsion systems. Especially, fundamental characteristics of dependability, major design strategies influencing the reliability, and...

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  • Towards Improving Optimised Ship Weather Routing


    - Polish Maritime Research - Rok 2020

    The aim of the paper is to outline a project focusing on the development of a new type of ship weather routing solution with improved uncertainty handling, through better estimation of ship performance and responses to sea conditions. Ensemble forecasting is considered to take into account the uncertainty levels that are typical of operations in a stochastic environment. Increased accuracy of weather prediction is achieved through...

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  • A Simulative Comparison of Ship Domains and Their Polygonal Approximations

    The paper investigates the impact of a precise ship domain shape on the size of collision avoidance manoeuvres. The considered collision avoidance manoeuvres include both course and speed alterations. Various ship domains are compared with their polygonal approximations, which vary in the number of points of a domain contour and placement of these points. The best of all considered approximations is determined in the course of...

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  • A Framework of a Ship Domain-based Collision Alert System


    The paper presents a framework of a planned ship collision alert system. The envisaged system is compliant with IMO Resolution MSC.252 (83) “Adoption of the revised performance standards for Integrated Navigation Systems (INS)”. It is based on a ship domain-oriented approach to collision risk and introduces a policy of alerts on dangerous situations. The alerts will include cautions, warnings and alarms, which will be triggered...