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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: business model
Online brand communities’ contribution to digital business models
PublikacjaAbstract Purpose – There is limited research examining social drivers and mediators of online brand community identification in the context of business models development. This study aims to identify them behind the social mechanisms and present essential factors which should be applied in business models to foster value co-creation. Design/methodology/approach – Data were collected from a convenience sample of 712 cases gathered among...
A Review of the Monograph by Yu. Bilan, O. Chygryn, S. Kolosok “Environmental and Economic Impacts of Energy Transformation: Concepts Innovation and Business Models”
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International Journal of Economics and Business Modeling
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Implementation of Business Intelligence in an IT organization - the concept of an evaluation model
PublikacjaThis paper presents the issue of assessing the validity and effectiveness of implementing a Business Intelligence system in an IT Support Organization. This entity provides IT services to external clients involving, in particular, the storage and processing of large amounts of data. The vast amount of realized projects and also incidents reported in connection with those projects prevented effective decisions from being made without...
An evaluation of effectiveness of fuzzy logic model in predicting the business bankruptcy
PublikacjaW artykule sprawdzono skuteczność pojedynczego modelu logiki rozmytej w prognozowaniu ryzyka upadłości przedsiębiorstw w Polsce. W badaniach wykorzystano wartości 14 wskaźników finansowych oraz ich dynamikę zmiany między pierwszym a drugim, drugim a trzecim oraz trzecim a czwartym rokiem objętymi analizą. We wnioskach omówiono różnicę w skutecznościach modelu uzyskanego na wartościach statycznych oraz dynamicznych wskaźników finansowych....
Developing a model of cooperation between universities and business - the generalization of cases of cooperation
PublikacjaThe aim of this paper is to present a model of cooperation between universities and business.
Toward a unified model of mobile Business Intelligence (m-BI) acceptance and use
PublikacjaFactors affecting mobile business intelligence (m-BI) acceptance and use have become an increasingly important topic in practice due to the growing complexity of organizations, and their underlying information systems (IS). Since, one can notice considerable interest in m-BI, however, to the best of our knowledge few studies (if any) aim to synthesize the existing body of knowledge with regards to the factors affecting m-BI acceptance...
Toward a unified model of mobile Business Intelligence (m-BI) acceptance and use
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Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Maturity Model: Setting New Standards in Responsible Business Education – Evidence from PRIME Reports
PublikacjaPurpose Creating diverse, equal and inclusive (DEI) environments is an important and relevant area of research on corporate social responsibility (CSR). This paper aims to identify recent trends in the business schools context, as they are primary sources of ethical management innovation. The paper also aims to identify business school DEI maturity levels. Design/methodology/approach The research design is qualitative. Using thematic...
Opinions and view of entrepreneurs regerding the single european Market-Analytical Model. W: Entrepreneurship and small business development in the21st century. Przedsiębiorczość i rozwój małych i średnich przedsiebiorstww XI wieku. Ed. B. Piasecki. Łódź: Uniw. Łódź**2002 s. 109-117.**2002 s. 109 - 117 Opinie i poglądy przedsiębiorców na temat Jednolitego Rynku Europejskiego - model analityczny.
PublikacjaArtykuł zawiera propozycje modelu czynników kształtujących świadomość pol-skich przedsiębiorców odnośnie szans i zagrożeń w związku z otwarciem gospodarki Polski na Jednolitu Rynek Europejski. Model ten musi być wykorzystany przy projektowaniu badań opinii i poglądów przedsiębiorców.
Analysis of human negotiations for e-business improvements
PublikacjaW artykule zaproponowano ogólny model negocjacji oraz oparty na nim uproszczony model jakości negocjacji. Zaproponowany model jakości negocjacji umożliwia zdefiniowanie wielu scenariuszy negocjacji i ich ocenę w kategoriach kompletności, efektywności, wydajności i satysfakcji. Przeanalizowano 150 eksperymentów (f2f i czat) w celu określenia wpływu osobowości negocjatorów i strategii negocjacyjnych na ich rezultat.
PublikacjaThe article presents the changes in management concepts used in civil aviation business in last 25 years. There is a need to make prognosis and support decision-making processes with different models but each model is adapted to current management concept. This article will present the changes and possible future trends in management concepts with the description of strengths and weaknesses of each of them. These might be used...
Evaluation of the factors influencing business bankruptcy risk in Poland
PublikacjaThis article is devoted to the issue of assessing the causes of business failure. The presented studies answer two research questions – what are the causes of corporate bankruptcies in Poland and how to more efectively predict the scale of bankruptcies in the country. The author has conducted a study to analyze the specic endogenous and exogenous causes of company bankruptcy depending on the type of the bankruptcy with consideration...
Examining Ownership Equity as a Psychological Factor on Tourism Business Failure Forecasting
PublikacjaThis paper examines ownership equity as a predictor of future business failure within the tourism and hospitality sectors. The main goals of this study were to examine which ratios are the most important for a tourism business failure forecasting model and how significant is the “total percentage of equity ownership by company directors” ratio compared with other ratios associated with the probability of bankruptcy. A stepwise...
Bridging the gap between business process models and use-case models
PublikacjaToday's software development methodologies are equipped with a plethora of methods and techniques for business process engineering and Requirements Engineering. However, heavy investments in IT have not brought forth expected results. What seems to be lacking is a systematic approach that consolidates both disciplines to gain a synergistic effect. To address this challenge we extend Use-Case Driven Approach (UCDA) by binding use...
Digital Transformation and Its Influence on Sustainable Manufacturing and Business Practices
PublikacjaThe paper focuses on the relationship between businesses and digital transformation, and how digital transformation has changed manufacturing in several ways. Aspects like Cloud Computing, vertical and horizontal integration, data communication, and the internet have contributed to sustainable manufacturing by decentralizing supply chains. In addition, digital transformation inventions such as predictive analysis and big data analytics...
Determinants of Business Growth Aspirations among Polish Students: An Empirical Analysis
PublikacjaThis paper aims to discuss the concept of growth aspirations and growth intentions, as well as to identify factors that influence growth aspirations expressed by students with regard to their future businesses. On the basis of a literature review potential determinants of growth aspirations have been identified and tested empirically using data obtained from 223 students from the Pomeranian region in Poland. The authors...
Analyzing content of tasks in Business Process Management. Blending task execution and organization perspectives
PublikacjaAn efficient organization, management, and execution of tasks are central for the successful functioning of any organization. This topic was on the research agenda already in the early 1950s and keeps attracting the scientific community's attention today. Continuous advances and penetration of technologies in organizations are expected to increase task variety and complexity. This creates a constant demand for new methods to analyze,...
What makes them dream big? Determinants of business growth aspirations among Polish students
PublikacjaThe objective of the article is to explore the concept of business growth aspirations and identify its determinants at an early stage of the entrepreneurial process. In this exploratory study, I focused on the underexplored approach to entrepreneurial process i.e. to study the growth aspirations and its determinants alongside entrepreneurial intentions. Studying growth aspirations and their determinants provides valuable insights...
PublikacjaGlobalisation and the growth of e-business and e-commerce have fuelled the need for English as the lingua franca for business communication worldwide. Business internationalisation means that language learners should be prepared to communicate with native speakers who often use rich idiomatic language in business communication. Nonnative speakers have a need to master business idioms not to be at any disadvantage in business communication....
SMAQ - A Semantic Model for Analitical Queries
PublikacjaWhile the Self-Service Business Intelligence (BI) becomes an important part of organizational BI solutions there is a great need for new tools allowing to construct ad-hoc queries by users with various responsibilities and skills. The paper presents a Semantic Model for Analytical Queries – SMAQ allowing to construct queries by users familiar with business events and terms, but being unaware of database or data warehouse concepts...
Entrepreneurship in Internet Business
PublikacjaSklasyfikowano przedsięwzięcia elektroniczne. Zarysowano problematykę rozwoju e-biznesu od fazy startowej do formy dojrzałej. Zaprezentowano technologie informatyczne służące do tworzenia, implementacji oraz wdrożenia komercyjnych witryn internetowych. Zwrócono uwagę na możliwości pozyskiwania wsparcia finansowego od funduszy inwestycyjnych podwyższonego ryzyka. Przedstawiono szereg wniosków praktycznych mogących służyć przedsiębiorcom...
Scientists in the world of business
PublikacjaArtykuł promujący działania badawczo-rozwojowe Zakładu Zarządzania Technologiami Informatycznymi Wydziału Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej.
IT Business Standards as an Ontology Domain
PublikacjaThe aim of this paper is to report a selection of Semantic Web aspects pertaining to ontology development activities in the domain of the IT business standard (TOGAF 9) such as formulating competency questions, conceptualization of the domain, resolution of the source knowledge deficiency and applying common design patterns in the OWL formalization. Authors also try to determine target groups that may benefit from such ontology...
Knowledge risks inherent in business sustainability
PublikacjaSince the connection between business sustainability and knowledge risks has not been established in the literature so far, this paper provides a conceptual framework to demonstrate the possible impact of various knowledge risks on business sustainability and offers potential ways to manage and overcome these risks. The aim of this conceptual paper is to address two main questions: What are the potential effects of knowledge risks...
A business simulation method in educating architects
PublikacjaIn this article, the authors analyse the application of the business simulation method as a support tool in educating undergraduate architecture students. While running a fictional architectural practice, students learn about the role of an architect in the investment process and are introduced to economic aspects of running a small practice, including the importance of cash flow. They are also made aware about the importance of...
Business process nature assessment matrix – a novel approach to the assessment of business process nature
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Traditional Business Process Management
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Dynamic Business Process Management
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Internet entrepreneurship in electronic business
PublikacjaZaproponowano klasyfikację przedsięwzięć Internetowych. Zaprezentowano szereg reprezentatywnych przykładów. Wyszczególniono poszczególne etapy rozwoju działalności gospodarczej w Internecie. Zwrócono uwagę zarówno na aspekty technologiczne, jak i formy pozyskiwania kapitału inwestycyjnego podwyższonego ryzyka. Artykuł może stanowić źródło odniesienia dla przedsiębiorców pragnących otworzyć działalność gospodarczą w Internecie lub...
Where science meets business...
PublikacjaArtykuł opisujący integrację środowisk naukowo-biznesowych za pośrednictwem Uniwersyteckiego Centrum Kompetencyjnego Technologii Oprogramowania na Wydziale Zarządzania i Ekonomii.
Entrepreneurial Business and Economic Review
PublikacjaThe objective of the article is to explore internationalisation patterns of family high-tech firms, especially their internationalisation motives, intensity, speed, and entry modes. The empirical part adopts a quantitative approach. The results of the survey are presented on the sample of 263 high-tech production firms from Poland, including 101 family firms. The survey was conducted in all 16 Polish regions. The calculations from...
Enhancing Business Process Management Through Nature Assessment: Development and Deployment of the Business Process Nature Assessment Tool
PublikacjaIn contemporary business landscapes, the diverse nature of processes necessitates a thor-ough assessment before implementing Business Process Management (BPM). However, conducting such assessments can be arduous, particularly for small and medium-sized en-terprises. This study aims to address this challenge by developing and showcasing the utility of an online tool based on the Business Process Nature Assessment Framework (BPNAF)....
Model of Rules for IT Organization Evolution
PublikacjaThe aim of this paper is to introduce the Model of Rules for IT Organization Evolution which shall be in compliance with the Generic IT Organization Evolution Model. Due to its general nature, a set of practical adjustments is proposed in order to adapt the Generic Model to the IT Service Management domain. Further, two sets of rules describing the evolution of the IT Service Management area are defined based on two types of rules...
A Survey on Identifying and Addressing Business Analysis Problems
PublikacjaDespite the growing body of knowledge on requirements engineering and business analysis, these areas of software project are still considered problematic. The paper focuses on problems reported by business analysts and on applicability of available business analysis techniques as solutions to such problems. A unified set of techniques was developed on the basis of 3 industrial standards associated with IIBA, REQB and IREB certification...
Business Process Modelling and Enterprise Improvement Analysis
PublikacjaThe main trends in developing an approach and tools for business process modelling are discussed. Business Process Management (BPM) and BPM Notation (BPMN) are presented. Moreover, the possibilities of C2NIWA in a wide range of these tools running on a supercomputer are suggested. Firstly, the company development strategy can be planned . Secondly, quick and flexible changes of its processes can be modelled, analysed and implemented....
Implementation of Business Processes in Smart Cities Technology
PublikacjaThe goal of the paper is to present the results of studies concerning the development of a method of implementation of business processes in Smart Cities systems. The method has been developed during studies carried out within the building of a Smart Cities system for Gdańsk, and is based on basic development project management mechanisms (drawing from best practices, and in particular from the RUP methodology) and business-oriented...
An Industrial Survey on Business Analysis Problems and Solutions
PublikacjaThe paper focuses on the problems reported by business analysts which have a negative impact on their work and on the applicability of available business analysis (BA) techniques as solutions to such problems. A unified set of BA techniques was developed on the basis of 3 industrial standards associated with IIBA, REQB and IREB certification schemes. A group of 8 business analysts was surveyed to list problems they encounter in...
Communication as a Factor Limiting University-Business Cooperation
PublikacjaObjective - Despite the broad extent of the scientific activity dealing with university-business cooperation, Poland has yet to develop a satisfactory cooperation strategy that takes business needs into account. This issue is still relevant due to the need for continuous improvement and resulting benefits aimed at improving enterprise competitiveness. Methodology/Technique - Authors of this article attempt to select an overriding...
Business applications of geolocation - modern solutions and trends
PublikacjaThe technological development of geolocation systems has resulted in the utilization of physical location of users by a growing number of entrepreneurs. As mobile technology develops, the use of geolocation in business is becoming widespread with a new range of geomarketing techniques. Entrepreneurs therefore more often utilize geolocation in their promotional and operational activities. In this article mobile-based geolocation...
Model działania analityka biznesowego w administracji publicznej w celu przeciwdziałania ukrytym wymaganiom
PublikacjaCelem referatu było zaproponowanie modelu działania analityka biznesowego po stronie podmiotów administracji publicznej, który jest ukierunkowany na zapobieganie problemom wynikającym z występowania ukrytych wymagań. Podstawą tej propozycji są ogłoszone w 2015 r. dokumenty poświęcone analizie biznesowej, tzn. A Guide to the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge International Institute of Business Analysis oraz Business Analysis...
Business processes implementation using agent systems
PublikacjaThis paper will show that some complex and repetitive actions performed in a company can be modelled for the sake of optimization and automaton. It is achieved by connecting business processes management and agent paradigms. Moreover it shows that organization structure can be mapped to distributed multi agent system. Finally it states that interorganization communication can be automated on the same basis as intra-organization...
High-Level Model for the Design of KPIs for Smart Cities Systems
PublikacjaThe main goal of the paper is to build a high-level model for the design of KPIs. Currently, the development and processes of cities have been checked by KPI indicators. The authors realized that there is a limited usability of KPIs for both the users and IT specialists who are preparing them. Another observation was that the process of the implementation of Smart Cities systems is very complicated. Due to this the concept of a...
Sustainable development model for measuring and managing sustainability in the automotive sector
PublikacjaA growing number of organizations across a variety of industries are now pursuing sustainable management business goals to improve business efficiency, manage stakeholder expectations, or for legislative compliance. This is also the case for automotive manufacturing organizations who are under pressure from their stakeholders to manage and improve sustainability performance. This requires the development of credible measurement...
Dynamic Analysis of Enterprise Business Scenarios
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono system wspomagający projektowanie i poprawęscenariuszy procesów biznesowych. Scenariusze są wykonywane oraz monitorowane w środowisku SOA. Zaproponowany system oferuje dynamiczne gromadzenie i ocenianie metryk scenariuszy. Na podstawie wyników analizy wydajność, jakość oraz użyteczność scenariuszy są ulepszane. Dzięki elastycznemu API, system obsługuje dowolną rozszerzalną technologię wykonania scenariuszy...
Support for Business Succession in the European Union
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The Implementation of Dynamic Business Process Management
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Practical assessment of the nature of business processes
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Business entrepreneur as a precondition for development of enterprise
PublikacjaAspekt ekonomiczny wolności gospodarczej jest warunkiem prawidłowego funkcjonowania gospodarki rynkowej i charakteryzuje się łatwością podejmowania i prowadzenia działalnośći oraz brakiem ograniczeń jej zakresu. Mimo przedstawionych w ostatanich latach prób zmian polskiego prawodawstwa gospodarczego nie uzyskano istotnego postępu w zakresie zwiększenia swobody działalności gospodarczej.Warunkiem ekspansji i rozwoju gospodarczego...