Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: geographic information system - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: geographic information system

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: geographic information system

  • Simple and low-cost wireless voting system


    This paper presents the concept of a simple and low-cost wireless voting system working on the 868 MHz frequency band. Described system is dedicated to general shareholders assemblies but it can be easily adapted for other applications. The main advantage is its simplicity and mobility as it consists solely of three components - voting modules, base station and a PC application from which the whole system is managed. This architecture...

  • Simple and low-cost wireless voting system

    This paper presents the concept of a simple and low-cost wireless voting system working in the 868 MHz frequency band. The described system is dedicated to general shareholders assemblies but it can be easily adapted for other applications. The main advantage is its simplicity and mobility as it consists solely of three components - voting modules, a base station and a PC application from which the whole system is mamaged. This...

  • Intelligent system supporting diagnosis of malignant melanoma

    Malignant melanomas are the most deadly type of skin cancers. Early diagnosis is a key for successful treatment and survival. The paper presents the system for supporting the process of diagnosis of skin lesions in order to detect a malignant melanoma. The paper describes the development process of an intel-ligent system purposed for the diagnosis of malignant melanoma. Presented sys-tem can be used as a decision support system...

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  • A distributed system for conducting chess games in parallel

    This paper proposes a distributed and scalable cloud based system designed to play chess games in parallel. Games can be played between chess engines alone or between clusters created by combined chess engines. The system has a built-in mechanism that compares engines, based on Elo ranking which finally presents the strength of each tested approach. If an approach needs more computational power, the design of the system allows...

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  • Simulation of the switched reluctance drive system


    - Rok 2005

    Switched reluctance motors (SRM), unlike other types of motors, for their application require a control system and the supply from a power electronic converter. A method of modelling and mathematical model of an SRM in a switched reluctance drive (SRD) system is presented in the paper. Modelling is based on Lagrange's energy method. Coefficients of the Lagrange's equation have been calculated using the finite element method (FEM)....

  • Rozproszony system spektroskopii impedancyjnej

    W artykule przedstawiono rozproszony system pomiarowy spektroskopii impedancyjnej przeznaczony do badania i monitorowania obiektów technicznych bezpośrednio w terenie. Omówiono architekturę systemu, skupiając się na doborze i organizacji części komunikacyjnej na bazie bezprzewodowego standardu ZigBee. Przedstawiono wyniki testów części komunikacyjnej systemu, w szczególności badanie zasięgu w typowych warunkach eksploatacji.

  • Human Tracking in Multi-camera Visual Surveillance System

    Artykuł prezentuje krótkie podsumowanie wykorzystywanych technologii z dziedziny śledzenia osób z wykorzystaniem inteligentnych systemów bezpieczeństwa. Opisane w niniejszym opracowaniu systemy rozpoznawania twarzy, w połączeniu ze śledzeniem osób, nie mają na celu rozpoznawania tożsamości osób. Nie powstaje żadna baza danych łącząca cechy biometryczne z konkretnymi osobami, co sprawia że przestrzegane jest prawo w zakresie ochrony...

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  • Measurement system for nonlinear surface spectroscopy by atomic force microscopy for corrosion processes monitoring

    In addition to traditional imaging the surface, atomic force microscopy (AFM) enables wide variety of additional measurements. One of them is higher harmonic imaging. In tapping mode the nonlinear contact between tip and specimen results in higher frequency vibrations. More information available from the higher harmonics analysis proves to be helpful for more detailed imaging. Such visualization is especially useful for heterogeneous...

  • A new approach to modeling of selected human respiratory system diseases, directed to computer simulations

    This paper presents a new versatile approach to model severe human respiratory diseases via computer simulation. The proposed approach enables one to predict the time histories of various diseases via information accessible in medical publications. This knowledge is useful to bioengineers involved in the design and construction of medical devices that are employed for monitoring of respiratory condition. The approach provides the...

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  • Fake News: Possibility of Identification in Post-Truth Media Ecology System


    The main aim of the article is identification of the attitudes towards the processes of identification and verification of fake news in the environment of digital media. The subject of the research refers to the users’ attitudes towards fake news. As indicated by the research, the attitudes towards fake news are not unambiguous. About 2/3 of the respondents claim that they are not able to distinguish fake news from true information;...

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  • Concept of an Innovative System for Dimensioning and Predicting Changes in the Coastal Zone Topography Using UAVs and USVs (4DBatMap System)


    - Electronics - Rok 2023

    This publication is aimed at developing a concept of an innovative system for dimensioning and predicting changes in the coastal zone topography using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USVs). The 4DBatMap system will consist of four components: 1. Measurement data acquisition module. Bathymetric and photogrammetric measurements will be carried out with a specific frequency in the coastal zone using...

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  • System szkolenia inżynierów spawalników


    - Rok 2008

    Przedstawiono system kształcenia międzynarodowych inżynierów spawalników. Przedstawiono ośrodek Politechniki Gdańskiej pod nazwą Katedra Technologii Materiałów Maszynowych i Spawalnictwa - Zespół Spawalnictwa realizujący takie kształcenie. Zaprezentowano programy nauczania realizowane w trakcie studiów stacjonarnych, niestacjonarnych i podyplomowych. Przedstawiono ilości uczestników kształcenia na różnych jego etapach jak również...

  • Method of Skeletal System Modelling

    An original method of skeletal system modelling is presented in detail. Using DICOM images obtained from CT and PET tests, shell models of nine bones were created (humerus, radius, ulna, scapula, clavicle, femur, tibia, fibula, pelvis). Two methods of bone behaviour are also proposed, the first method treating the bone as a solid structure and the second method treating the bone as a complex porous structure. The behaviour of model...

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  • A system automating repairs of IT systems

    This paper presents two problems that are important nowadays: the problem of IT systems monitoring and the problem of repairing them. It shows the developed solution, aimed to automate the existing industrial repair process and to integrate it with the existing monitoring solutions and mechanisms. Described solution is a part of a bigger whole, called the Repair Management Framework (RMF). This paper presents also briefly a case...

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  • The concept of estimation of elevator shaft control measurement results in the local 3D coordinate system.

    Geodetic control measurements play an important part because they provide information about the current state of repair of the construction, which has a direct impact on the safety assessment of its exploitation. Authors in this paper have focused on control measurements of the elevator shaft. The article discusses the problem of determining the deviation of elevator shaft walls from the vertical plane in the local 3D coordinate...

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  • Zintegrowany system bezpieczeństwa transportu


    - Journal of KONBiN - Rok 2008

    W styczniu 2007 Minister Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego, na podstawie konkursu na projekt badawczy zamawiany PBZ 2/2006, podjął decyzję o przyznaniu prawa realizacji trzyletniego projektu pt. ''Zintegrowany system bezpieczeństwa transportu'' konsorcjum naukowemu w składzie: Politechnika Gdańska, Politechnika Śląska, Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych w Warszawie oraz Akademia Morska w Szczecinie. Przedmiotem niniejszego referatu...

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  • Coastal cellular distress system


    - Rok 2005

    Przedstawiono koncepcję systemu bezpieczeństwa w morskiej strefie A1, opartego o istniejące sieci komórkowe GSM. System ten został opracowany dla potrzeb małych jednostek pływających (nieinstytucjonalnych), które mają ograniczony dostęp do zasobów systemu GMDSS. Zostały przeprowadzone również badania symulacyjne efektywności lokalizowania terminala ruchomego w warunkach morskich. Otrzymane rezultaty w wybranych warunkach spełniają...

  • Performance measurements and optimization of visualization of routes traveled in the distributed dispatcher and teleinformation system for visualization of multimedia data for the Border Guard

    Monitoring of country maritime border is an important task of the Border Guard. This activity can be enhanced with the use of the technology enabling gathering information from distributed sources, processing of that information and its visualization. The system presented in the paper is an advancement of the previously developed distributed map data exchange system. The added functionality allows to supplement the map data with...

  • Greencoin: a Pro­environmental Action-­Reward System


    The massive destruction of the natural environment is rapidly eroding the world’s capacity to provide food and water, threatening the security of billions of people. In order to facilitate green lifestyles – understood in terms of both pro-environmental behaviors and green self-image on the one hand, and to build sustainable local and global communities, on the other, we put forward an idea of a novel action-reward system based...

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  • Solar-wind system for lightning of public areas


    - Rok 2011

    Solar-wind system was developed for illumination of public large areas. The energy of this system becomes from renewable sources. Furthermore, they are relatively inexpensive, and the production of pollutants or greenhouse gases are reduced.

  • Integration and Visualization of the Results of Hydrodynamic Models in the Maritime Network-Centric GIS of Gulf of Gdansk


    - Rok 2016

    Ensuring of security in the coastal area makes on a seaside countries research in the field of infrastructure spatial information of environmental data. The paper presents the results of work on the construction of this infrastructure by integrating electronic navigational chart with ortophotomaps of coastal areas as well as numerical data from weather and hydrodynamic models. Paper focuses on a problems associated with creating...

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  • A measurement system for children endurance tests

    There are a lot of ethical problems concerning the use of invasive methods for the measurement of a child's body response to physical exercise and physical training. The alternative is are non-invasive methods like ergospirometry or NIRS. The article presents a measurement system dedicated for children endurance tests, composed of a few non-invasive measurement modules, including a temperature measurement module. Temperature is...

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  • [EMSS] Satellite Technologies: Satellite as a System, Satellite Remote Sensing 2023/24

    Kursy Online
    • T. E. Berezowski
    • Z. Łubniewski

    This course is designed for M.Sc. students of Space and Satellite Technologies, including HSB diploma profiles Computer Science and Aerospace Technologies, within the specialty Engineering and Management of Space Systems (EMSS).



    The article is an overview of the literature output in the field of banking sector stability. In the literature a plethora of definitions of the term may be encountered. There is no universal definition of the term. Therefore, the article proposes a unique division of the existing explanations into the following groups: stability determined by the quality of the banking sector, stability in terms of its influence on the macroeconomic...

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  • Safety assessment of ships in critical conditions using a knowledge-based system for design and neural network system


    - Rok 2005

    W pracy opisano wybrane elementy metody oceny bezpieczeństwa statków w stanie uszkodzonym, ukierunkowanej na ocenę osiągów statku i ocenę ryzyka. Metoda analizy osiągów i zachowania się statku w stanie uszkodzonym została wykorzystana do oceny charakterystyk hydromechanicznych statku uszkodzonego. Do oceny ryzyka wykorzystano elementy metodyki Formalnej Oceny Bezpieczeństwa. System ekspertowy został wykorzystany do analziy podziału...

  • System for automatic singing voice recognition

    W artykule przedstawiono system automatycznego rozpoznawania jakości i typu głosu śpiewaczego. Przedstawiono bazę danych oraz zaimplementowane parametry. Algorytmem decyzyjnym jest algorytm sztucznych sieci neuronowych. Wytrenowany system decyzyjny osiąga skuteczność ok. 90% w obydwu kategoriach rozpoznawania. Dodatkowo wykazano przy pomocy metod statystycznych, że wyniki działania systemu automatycznej oceny jakości technicznej...

  • A socially responsible university - an attempt to approach the system

    It is the author's thesis that social responsibility of university is an integrated system of both knowledge management (KM), quality management (QM) and organizational development (OD) processes. The author determined that the university "bond" is an institutional culture (IC). An integrated system is the way to create university an open system co-operated and co-opetited with stakeholders. The stakes are high in game - both students...

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  • Hybrid System for Ship-Aided Design Automation


    - Rok 2011

    A hybrid support system for ship design based on the methodology of CBR with some artificial intelligence tools such as expert system Exsys Developer along with fuzzy logic, relational Access database and artificial neural network with backward propagation of errors.

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  • System sterowania sesją RTP

    W artykule przedstawiono koncepcję systemu sterowania sesją protokołu RTP oraz praktyczną realizację tego systemu w oparciu o dostępne aplikacje należące do kategorii wolnego oprogramowania. Zaproponowana architektura umożliwia Operatorowi realizowanie następujących funkcji systemu: nagrywanie, podsłuch oraz generowanie zapowiedzi. System przeszedł pozytywnie testy laboratoryjne i możliwe jest jego praktyczne wykorzystanie. W artykule...

  • Wearable system supporting navigation of the blind

    Improving blind people comfort of life is a problem ofgreat importance. Fortunately, new technolgies provide us withadditional methods to improve everyday life of the blind and visuallyimpaired. The paper presents experimental system made byresearchers from Department of Geoinformatics of Gdansk Universityof Technology, which is capable of finding the route from theindicated source to chosen destination, using dedicated digital...

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  • Modern approaches to file system integrity checking


    One of the means to detect intruder's activity is totrace all unauthorized changes in a file system.Programs which fulfill this functionality are called fileintegrity checkers. This paper concerns modernapproach to file system integrity checking. It reviewsarchitecture of popular systems that are widely used inproduction environment as well as scientific projects,which not only detect intruders but also take actions tostop their...

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  • NVRAM as Main Storage of Parallel File System

    Modern cluster environments' main trouble used to be lack of computational power provided by CPUs and GPUs, but recently they suffer more and more from insufficient performance of input and output operations. Apart from better network infrastructure and more sophisticated processing algorithms, a lot of solutions base on emerging memory technologies. This paper presents evaluation of using non-volatile random-access memory as a...

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    The paper describes a discrete-continuous method of dynamic system modelling. The presented approach is hybrid in its nature, as it combines the advantages of spatial discretization methods with those of continuous system modelling methods. In the proposed method, a three-dimensional system is discretised in two directions only, with the third direction remaining continuous. The thus obtained discrete-continuous model is described...

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  • Content-based retrieval system as a telemedicine tool.


    - Rok 2004

    W artykule przedstawiono bazujący na treści system wyszukiwania jako narzędzie w telemedycynie. System taki umożliwia przeszukiwanie bazy wiedzy w celu uzyskania podobnych przypadków medycznych, wspomagając w ten sposób podejmowanie decyzji medycznych.

  • Multidimensional Monitoring System of State Machines


    - Rok 2017

    Technical systems are more complex every day as their electronics and mechanics. Technical advances tend to be autonomous in its performance and perform an auto-diagnosis that allows determining an abnormality existence in a component or subsystem and deciding if the system has to be stopped or not.

  • Automatic detection and correction of detuned singing system for use with query-by-humming applications


    - Rok 2008

    The aim of the paper is to present an idea of using the automatic detection and correction of detuned singing as a subsystem in query-by-humming (QBH) applications. The common approach to searching for a requested song basing on the melody retrieved from hummed pattern usually employs the so-called Parsons code or melody contour. In such a case information about sound pitch is discarded. It was thought out that an additional module...

  • Development of the System Assurance Reference Model for Generating Modular Assurance Cases


    - Rok 2023

    Assurance cases are structured arguments used to demonstrate specific system properties such as safety or security. They are used in many industrial sectors including automotive, aviation and medical devices. Larger assurance cases are usually divided into modules to manage the complexity and distribute the work. Each of the modules is developed to address specific goals allocated to the specific objects i.e. components of the...

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  • Greenhouse control system design


    - Rok 2022

    Coraz większa populacja i zmniejszające się tereny uprawne wymusza efektywniejsze metody uprawy roślin. Zaradzić temu mogą układu hydroponiczne, które dzięki rozwojowi techniki są w stanie osiągać znacznie większe oraz bardziej jednorodne plony. Jest to możliwe dzięki zaawansowanym systemom opartym na dokładnych urządzeniach pomiarowych, sterowaniu w zamkniętej pętli oraz mikrokontrolerom umożliwiającym...

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  • Performance Analysis and Quantification of BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS-3)


    - Rok 2023

    Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) information play a vital role in everyday life of common persons. People greatly rely on Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)-enabled applications for navigation to reach their desired destination. However, GNSS navigation performance is highly degraded in urban environments due to the high probability of signal interruption, multipath (MP), and/or non-line-of-sight (NLOS) signal...

  • Autonomous Driver Based on an Intelligent System of Decision-Making


    The paper presents and discusses a system (xDriver) which uses an Intelligent System of Decision-making (ISD) for the task of car driving. The principal subject is the implementation, simulation and testing of the ISD system described earlier in our publications for the task of autonomous driving. The design of the whole ISD system is a result of a thorough modelling of human psychology based on an extensive literature study. Concepts...

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  • Development of a Control System for an Autonomous Seaplane


    Self-driving vehicles, also branded as driverless vehicles, autonomous vehicles, or robotic vehicles, are transport systems that can operate with a reduced human impact or even with any human input at all. The content of the present paper is limited to three types of potential applications: Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USVs), Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV). We set our particular focus on...

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  • OSC - domain oriented ontology creation system


    Ontologies are, as part of semantic web, a basic component to enrich content available in the Internet with a meaning understandable for computers. In this publication an architecture and functionality of a domain oriented web portal for collaborative creation and storage of ontologies is presented. The system is being created by Gdańsk University of Technology Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics faculty's Department...

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  • Digital phase-location system for marine applications

    This paper presents concept and implementation of digital phase-location system, designed as a navigational aid for marine applications. Main feature of proposed system is the ability to work in both synchronous mode, with one master station and set of slave stations synchronized with master, and in asynchronous mode with independent clocking of all stations.

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    Kursy Online
    • A. Azadgar
    • J. Badach
    • J. M. Józekowski
    • J. Gorzka
    • J. Borucka
    • P. Samól
    • S. Kowalski
    • D. Cyparski
    • A. Orchowska
    • K. Życzkowska
    • M. Kwasek

    Cultural Heritage Routes – Gdańsk Fortification System This course explores challenges, conflicts and concepts of cultural heritage preservation and protection in urban level, their connection to architectural and urban design in the time of digitalisation and their importance for a future of the cities. The aim of this course, based on the case study city of Gdańsk, is to understand the problem of cultural heritage and...

  • Interakcyjny system wizualizacji terenu rzeczywistego na podstawie danych GIS


    Artykuł przedstawia koncepcję interakcyjnego systemu Wiz3D służącego do wizualizacji terenu rzeczywistego na podstawie danych pochodzących z Geograficznych Systemów Informacyjnych GIS (ang. Geographical Information Systems). Ze względu na złożoność i różnorodność formatów oraz niedokładność przechowywanych danych geograficznych system taki przed generacją obrazu powinien dokonywać konwersji danych z formatów GIS na postać dogodną...

  • Procedure based functional safety and information security management of industrial automation and control systems on example of the oil port installations

    The approach addresses selected technical and organization aspects of risk mitigation in the oil port installations with regard to functional safety and security requirements specified in standards IEC 61508, IEC 61511 and IEC 62443. The procedure for functional safety management includes the hazard identification, risk analysis and assessment, specification of overall safety requirements and definition of...

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  • Komputerowy system przetwarzania formularzy testów egzaminacyjnych.


    - Rok 2004

    Opisano ogólną koncepcję systemu automatycznej analizy testów egzaminacyjnych AATE i cztery rodzaje testów, jakie ten system może generować. Bardziej szczegółowo opisano fragment systemu poświęcony lokalizacji i analizie bloku odpowiedzi na pytania zawarte w formularzach testu. System może działać na bazie prostego zestawu sprzętu jaki tworzą: komputer, skaner z podajnikiem i drukarka. Wyniki analizy testów są zapisywane w BD,...

  • Globalny system monitoringu ładunków kontenerowych

    W artykule opisano globalny bezprzewodowy system monitoringu ładunków kontenerowych jako rozwiązanie podnoszące bezpieczeństwo i efektywność takiego transportu. Scharakteryzowano budowę i działanie Inteligentnego Modułu Kontenerowego ( IMK ) w samoorganizującej się sieci monitorującejstan wnętrza kontenera.

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  • Expert System and Decision Support System for Electrocardiogram Interpretation and Diagnosis: Review, Challenges and Research Directions

    • K. S. Adewole
    • H. A. Mojeed
    • J. A. Ogunmodede
    • L. A. Gabralla
    • N. Faruk
    • A. Abdulkarim
    • E. Ifada
    • Y. Y. Folawiyo
    • A. A. Oloyede
    • L. A. Olawoyin... i 4 innych

    - Applied Sciences-Basel - Rok 2022

    Electrocardiography (ECG) is one of the most widely used recordings in clinical medicine. ECG deals with the recording of electrical activity that is generated by the heart through the surface of the body. The electrical activity generated by the heart is measured using electrodes that are attached to the body surface. The use of ECG in the diagnosis and management of cardiovascular disease (CVD) has been in existence for over...

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  • Self-Organizing Wireless Monitoring System for Containers

    This paper presents a description of new global monitoring system for containers, with its layer-modular structure, as a solution for enhance security and efficiency of container transport with particular emphasis on the practical implementation of that system for maritime container terminals. Especially the Smart Container Module (SCM) architecture and its operation as a part of the Self-Organizing Container Monitoring Network...