wszystkich: 350
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: SMART GROWTH
Cybersecurity and Privacy in Standards for Smart Grids – a Comprehensive Survey
PublikacjaResilient information and communications technologies are a prerequisite for reliable operation of smart grid. In recent years, many standards for the new form of electricity network have been proposed, which results in operators and other smart grid stakeholders having difficulties in finding the documents which can be related to their particular problems. The purpose of this paper is to bring in all smart grid standards that...
Septic safe interactions with smart glasses in health care
PublikacjaIn this paper, septic safe methods of interaction with smart glasses, due to the health care environment applications consideration, are presented. The main focus is on capabilities of an optical, proximity-based gesture sensor and eye-tracker input systems. The design of both interfaces is being adapted to the open smart glasses platform that is being developed under the eGlasses project. Preliminary results obtained from the...
A Review of Standards with Cybersecurity Requirements for Smart Grid
PublikacjaAssuring cybersecurity of the smart grid is indispensable for the reliable operation of this new form of the electricity network. Experts agree that standardised solutions and practices should be applied in the first place. In recent years many new standards for smart grids have been published, which paradoxically results in the difficulty of finding a relevant publication in this plethora of literature. This paper presents results...
Greencoin as an AI-Based Solution Shaping Climate Awareness.
PublikacjaOur research aim was to define possible AI-based solutions to be embedded in the Green- coin project, designed as a supportive tool for smart cities to achieve climate neutrality. We used Kamrowska-Załuska’s approach for evaluating AI-based solutions’ potential in urban planning. We narrowed down the research to the educational and economic aspects of smart cities. Furthermore, we used a systematic literature review. We propose...
Rule-Based Model for Selecting Integration Technologies for Smart Cities Systems
PublikacjaThe aim of this article is to present the stages of development for an information technology integration model for the design of systems for smart cities. The Introduction explains the need for integration technologies and presents a model for selecting integration technologies and the conditions for its use in designing smart cities systems. Then two verification stages of the presented model are discussed. In the first stage,...
Smart Cities System Design Method Based on Case Based Reasoning
PublikacjaThe objective of this paper is to present the results of research carried out to develop a design method for Smart Cities systems. The method is based on the analysis of design cases of Smart Cities systems in cities, the selection of the city appropriate to the requirements for implementation and application. The Case Based Reasoning method was used to develop the proposed design methodology, along with mechanisms of the conversion...
An Implementation of a Compact Smart Resistive Sensor Based on a Microcontroller with an Internal ADC
PublikacjaIn the paper a new implementation of a compact smart resistive sensor based on a microcontroller with internal ADCs is proposed and analysed. The solution is based only on a (already existing in the system) microcontroller and a simple sensor interface circuit working as a voltage divider consisting of a reference resistor and the resistive sensor connected in parallel with an interference suppression capacitor. The measurement...
Decisional-DNA Based Smart Production Performance Analysis Model
Publikacjan order to allocate resources effectively according to the production plan and to reduce disturbances, a framework for smart production performance analysis is proposed in this article. Decisional DNA based knowledge models of engineering objects, processes and factory are developed within the proposed framework. These models are the virtual representation of manufacturing resources, and with help of Internet of Things, are capable...
Review of International Standards and Policy Guidelines for Smart Sustainable Cities
PublikacjaSmart cities are often criticized for preoccupation with technology, for ignoring the negative effects of technology, for irrelevance to the needs of the poor, and for ubiquitous data collection creating perfect conditions for surveillance societies and autocratic states. In response, cities pursue smartness and sustainability simultaneously, becoming global (by participation in global digital networks) and local (by addressing...
Metoda projektowania systemów Smart Cities bazowana na Case Based Reasoning
PublikacjaCelem artykułu jest prezentacja wyników badań nad opracowaniem metody projektowania systemów Smart Cities. Metoda ta bazuje na analizie przypadków projektowania systemów Smart Cities w miastach, wybór odpowiedniego do wymagań zdecydowanego na wdrożenie ośrodka i jego zastosowanie. Do budowy proponowanej metody projektowania wykorzystano metodę Case Based Reasoning oraz mechanizmy konwersji procesów i ról projektowych do procesów...
Jak przystąpić do wdrażania inteligentnych rozwiązań w mieście?
PublikacjaNowa kadencja władz lokalnych to wyjątkowa okazja do wprowadzenia zmian, które mogą przekształcić miasta w inteligentne, zrównoważone i przyjazne do życia. Wdrażanie idei smart city nie tylko poprawia jakość życia, ale również sprzyja rozwojowi gospodarczemu i ochronie środowiska. W artykule przedstawiamy kluczowe rekomendacje dla nowych władz, które pomogą w skutecznej transformacji miast w smart cities.
Power electronic systems as a crucial part of Smart Grid infrastructure - a survey
PublikacjaThis article gives a tutorial overview of the most important issues related to the use of power electronic systems in power engineering, with respect to the urgent need for modernization of existing grids in the direction of intelligent networks. The main problems and conditions bound up with the construction of Smart Grids and the location, as well as functioning in them of the most important power electronic systems are presented...
Implementation of Business Processes in Smart Cities Technology
PublikacjaThe goal of the paper is to present the results of studies concerning the development of a method of implementation of business processes in Smart Cities systems. The method has been developed during studies carried out within the building of a Smart Cities system for Gdańsk, and is based on basic development project management mechanisms (drawing from best practices, and in particular from the RUP methodology) and business-oriented...
Self diagnostics using smart glasses - preliminary study
Publikacjan this preliminary study we analyzed the possibility of the reliable measurement of biomedical signals with some potential hardware extensions of smart glasses. Using specially designed experimental prototypes four category of biomedical signals were measured: electrocardiograms, electromyograms, electroencephalograms and respiration waveforms. Experi- ments with volunteers proved that using even simple construc- tion of sensors...
Big Data from Sensor Network via Internet of Things to Edge Deep Learning for Smart City
PublikacjaData from a physical world is sampled by sensor networks, and then streams of Big Data are sent to cloud hosts to support decision making by deep learning software. In a smart city, some tasks may be assigned to smart devices of the Internet of Things for performing edge computing. Besides, a part of workload of calculations can be transferred to the cloud hosts. This paper proposes benchmarks for division tasks between an edge...
Model of an Integration Bus of Data and Ontologies of Smart Cities Processes
PublikacjaThis paper presents a model of an integration bus used in the design of Smart Cities system architectures. The model of such a bus becomes necessary when designing high-level architectures, within which the silo processes of the organization should be seen from the perspective of its ontology. For such a bus to be used by any city, a generic solution was proposed which can be implemented as a whole or in part depending on the requirements...
Blockchain based Secure Data Exchange between Cloud Networks and Smart Hand-held Devices for use in Smart Cities
PublikacjaIn relation to smart city planning and management, processing huge amounts of generated data and execution of non-lightweight cryptographic algorithms on resource constraint devices at disposal, is the primary focus of researchers today. To enable secure exchange of data between cloud networks and mobile devices, in particular smart hand held devices, this paper presents Blockchain based approach that disperses a public/free key...
Enhancing Product Manufacturing through Smart Virtual Product Development (SVPD) for Industry 4.0
PublikacjaABSTRACT This paper proposes the Smart Virtual Product Development (SVPD) system, which enhances the industrial product manufacturing processes. The proposed system comprises of three main modules: design knowledge management (DKM), manufacturing capability analysis and process planning (MCAPP), and product inspection planning (PIP). Smart virtual product development system collects, stores, and uses experiential knowledge from...
Supporting development of the smart ship technology by CFD simulation of ship behavior in close to real operational conditions
PublikacjaThe shipping industry is at the milestone of technological development – autonomous ships. Involving smart technologies accelerates development of green and safe shipping. Also IMO regulations, especially EEDI en-hanced application of new technologies. Meeting economic and ecological requirements future ships need to be designed with respect to increased reliability and operational performance. Design process of ships may be improved...
Open smart glasses development platform for AAL applications
PublikacjaThis paper describes an open platform for multi sensory electronic glasses that supports new and enhanced methods for intelligent interaction with patients, with smart objects, or to be used as new data input modalities like proximity sensor or smart textile interfaces. All the activities have been developed, investigated and evaluated within EU CHIST-ERA eGlasses project...
Implementacja procesów biznesowych w technologiach Smart Cities
PublikacjaCelem artykułu jest prezentacja wyników badań nad opracowaniem metody implementowania procesów biznesowych w systemach Smart Cities. Metoda została opracowana w trakcie badań prowadzonych w ramach budowy systemu Smart Cities dla Gdańska bazuje na podstawowych mechanizmach zarządzania projektami wytwórczymi (czerpiąc z dobrych praktyk metodyki RUP) oraz zasadach biznesowo zorientowanego wytwarzania, gdzie rola modelowania...
Color Processing for Color-Blind Individuals Using Smart Glasses
PublikacjaIn this paper we investigated image processing methods for color-blind individuals. In particular we experimentally verified color naming procedure, generation of maps with color perception differences for average observers and for dichromats, and two color transformation methods. In experiments 7 mobile devices were used: 3 smart glasses and 4 smartphones. User studies were performed with 38 average observers and 9 dichromats....
Multi-objective Tabu-based Differential Evolution for Teleportation of Smart Virtual Machines in Private Computing Clouds
PublikacjaWe propose a multi-objective approach for using differential evolution algorithm with tabu search algorithm as an additional mutation for live migration (teleportation) of virtual machines. This issue is crucial in private computing clouds. Teleportation of virtual machines is supposed to be planned to determine Pareto-optimal solutions for several criteria such as workload of the bottleneck host, communication capacity of the...
Smart Specialization through Cluster Policy. Evidence from Poland and Germany
PublikacjaThe purpose of the chapter is to investigate the interlinks and commonalities between clusters and regional smart specialization strategies (through the prism of experiences of Polish and German regions). The main research strategy was international comparative analysis, and the basic technique for collecting data was document analysis. The research used the four-level procedure of selecting documents, which allowed identification...
Ontology of the Design Pattern Language for Smart Cities Systems
PublikacjaThe paper presents the definition of the design pattern language of Smart Cities in the form of an ontology. Since the implementation of a Smart City system is difficult, expensive and closely linked with the problems concerning a given city, the knowledge acquired during a single implementation is extremely valuable. The language we defined supports the management of such knowledge as it allows for the expression of a solution...
Smart Innovation Management in Product Life Cycle
PublikacjaThe present paper proposes a framework for smart innovation management of the product using a Smart Knowledge Management System comprising Set of Experience Knowledge Structure (SOEKS) and Decisional DNA. This proposed system will allow the entrepreneurs and organizations to perform the innovation process technically and quickly as this framework will store knowledge as well as experiences of the past innovations done in various...
The data exchange between smart glasses and healthcare information systems using the HL7 FHIR standard
PublikacjaIn this study we evaluated system architecture for the use of smart glasses as a viewer of information, as a source of medical data (vital sign measurements: temperature, pulse rate, and respiration rate), and as a filter of healthcare information. All activities were based on patient/device identification procedures using graphical markers or features based on visual appearance. The architecture and particular use cases were implemented...
Can the Pandemic Be a Catalyst of Spatial Changes Leading Towards the Smart City?
PublikacjaThe worldwide spread of Covid‐19 infections has had a pervasive influence on cities and the lives of their residents. The current crisis has highlighted many urban problems, including those related to the functionality of urban structures, which directly affect the quality of life. Concurrently, the notion of “smart cities” is becoming a dominant trend in the discourse on urban development. At the intersection of these two phenomena,...
Engineering education for smart grid systems in the quasi-industrial environment of the LINTE^2 laboratory
PublikacjaSmart grid systems are revolutionising the electric power sector, integrating advanced technologies to enhance efficiency, reliability and sustainability. It is important for higher education to equip the prospective smart grid professional with the competencies enabling them to navigate through the related complexities and drive innovation. To achieve this, interdisciplinary education programmes are necessary, addressing inter...
PublikacjaGlobal climate change action along with energy efficiency optimizations are becoming increasingly pressing principles in terms of moving towards sustainable development. As a member of EU and UN Poland is also obliged to follow restricted rules concerning energy efficiency of buildings which come to force in 2020. To meet new goals, innovative approaches - like moving towards smart and resilient cities -may be required. Through...
Smart Materials in Architecture: Useful Tools with Practical Applications or Fascinating Inventions for Experimental Design?
PublikacjaFor at least several decades smart or so-called intelligent materials, being the result of great advancements in material engineering, appear in architecture in different applications. Most of them are called "smart" because of their inherent properties: a real-time response to environmental stimuli. There are also those considered to be "smart" due to smart design: their original structure or the composition of their materials...
Smart heating system for home extending utilization of renewable energy sources
PublikacjaIn the paper a modern approach to smart home heating is presented. Proposed solution utilizes at least two low-polluting energy source technologies. The main idea is to connect well known ecological energy sources in a way that they can support each other and minimize risks of failure when using single system or even both of them but managed in separate way. Considered energy technologies, used separatelly, have disadvan-tages,...
Selected papers from the Smart Engineering of New Materials Conference, 22-25 June 2015, Lodz, Poland
PublikacjaEditorial to the special issue is a collection of the articles presented at Smart Engineering of New Materials (SENM2015) Conference, held in Lodz, Poland on June 22-25, 2015 (SENM 2015).
Speaker Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Network with Minimal Training Data for Smart Home Solutions
PublikacjaWith the technology advancements in smart home sector, voice control and automation are key components that can make a real difference in people's lives. The voice recognition technology market continues to involve rapidly as almost all smart home devices are providing speaker recognition capability today. However, most of them provide cloud-based solutions or use very deep Neural Networks for speaker recognition task, which are...
Detection of Anomalies in the Operation of a Road Lighting System Based on Data from Smart Electricity Meters
PublikacjaSmart meters in road lighting systems create new opportunities for automatic diagnostics of undesirable phenomena such as lamp failures, schedule deviations, or energy theft from the power grid. Such a solution fits into the smart cities concept, where an adaptive lighting system creates new challenges with respect to the monitoring function. This article presents research results indicating the practical feasibility of real‐time...
Application of Doubly Connected Dominating Sets to Safe Rectangular Smart Grids
PublikacjaSmart grids, together with the Internet of Things, are considered to be the future of the electric energy world. This is possible through a two-way communication between nodes of the grids and computer processing. It is necessary that the communication is easy and safe, and the distance between a point of demand and supply is short, to reduce the electricity loss. All these requirements should be met at the lowest possible cost....
Smart Karyotyping Image Selection Based on Commonsense Knowledge Reasoning
PublikacjaKaryotyping requires chromosome instances to be segmented and classified from the metaphase images. One of the difficulties in chromosome segmentation is that the chromosomes are randomly positioned in the image, and there is a great chance for chromosomes to be touched or overlap with others. It is always much easier for operators and automatic programs to tackle images without overlapping chromosomes than ones with largely overlapped...
Infrastruktura elektroenergetyczna dla transportu elektromobilnego
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono rozwiązania Smart Grid w miejskiej trakcji elektrycznej. W szczególności zwrócono uwagę na infrastrukturę tramwajową i trolejbusową do ładowania autobusów elektrycznych.
Model szyny integracyjnej danych i ontologii procesów Smart Cities
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono propozycję modelu szyny integracyjnej wykorzystywanego w projektowaniu architektur systemów Smart Cities. Model takiej szyny staje się niezbędny przy projektowaniu architektur wysokopoziomowych (ang. high level architecture), w ramach których procesy silosowe organizacji powinny być widziane z pespektywy jej ontologii. Aby taka szyna mogła być wykorzystywana przez dowolne miasta zaproponowano rozwiązanie...
Ontologia języka wzorców projektowych dla systemów Smart Cities
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono definicję języka wzorów projektowych Smart Cities w postaci ontologii. Jako, że wdrażanie rozwiązania Smart City jest trudne, drogie i ściśle związane z problematyką dotycząca danego miasta, wiedza nabywana podczas pojedynczego wdrożenia jest wiedzą niezwykle cenną. Zdefiniowany przez nas język wspiera zarządzanie ww. wiedzą jako, że pozwala on na ekspresję rozwiązania, które bazując na najlepszych praktykach...
Enhancing Security of Advanced Metering Infrastructure by Introducing Threshold Attendance Protocol
PublikacjaThe industry pushes towards smart grid systems in order to resolve current limitations of the unidirectional legacy power grid infrastructure. By introducing Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) as an integral part of the smart grid solution, the utility company obtains an invaluable tool to optimize its network, lower the operational costs, and improve quality of service. Unfortunately, introducing two-way communication poses...
Interactions using passive optical proximity detector
PublikacjaIn this paper we evaluated the possible application of a passive, optical sensor as an interface for human-smart glasses interactions. The designed proximity sensor is composed of set of photodiodes and the appropriate hardware and software components. First, experiments were performed for the estimations of such parameters as distance to an object, its width and velocity. Achieved results were satisfactory. Therefore, next, a...
Metody i aplikacje zdalnego szkolenia mieszkańców inteligentnych miast
PublikacjaSTRONA GŁÓWNAOBSZARY TEMATYCZNERADA NAUKOWARECENZENCIREDAKCJAINFORMACJE DLA AUTORÓWRECENZJAKONTAKT Strona główna > Numer 14/2017 > Metody i aplikacje zdalnego szkolenia mieszkańców inteligentnych miast METODY I APLIKACJE ZDALNEGO SZKOLENIA MIESZKAŃCÓW INTELIGENTNYCH MIAST Jerzy Balicki, Piotr Dryja, Waldemar Korłub, Maciej Tyszka Rozwój nowego rodzaju miast i regionów nazywanych smart cities pociąga za sobą nowy sposób...
Smart Virtual Product Development: Manufacturing Capability Analysis and Process Planning Module
PublikacjaSmart Virtual Product Development (SVPD) system provides effective use of information, knowledge, and experience in industry during the process of product development in Industry 4.0 scenario. This system comprises of three primary modules, each of which has been developed to cater to a need for digital knowledge capture for smart manufacturing in the areas of product design, production planning, and inspection planning. Manufacturing...
Jak smart region wpisuje się w koncepcję Pomorza?
PublikacjaW artykule zaprezentowano koncepcję ''inteligentnego'' (ang. smart) regionu w oparciu o ewolucję pojęć: inteligentnego budynku,inteligentnych sieci elektrycznych. Opisano cechy inteligentnego miasta i regionu na przykładzie województwa pomorskiego.
Efektywność zarządzania energią w sieciach elektroenergetycznych typu Smart Grid - możliwości badawcze laboratorium LINTE^2
PublikacjaJednym z kierunków mającym na celu poprawę bezpieczeństwa elektroenergetycznego kraju może stać się między innymi rozwój technologii sieci elektroenergetycznych typu Smart Grid i efektywne zarządzanie energią elektryczną w takich sieciach. Wyzwania stojące przed polską elektroenergetyką w związku z wdrażaniem całkowicie nowych rozwiązań technicznych i organizacyjnych będą wymagały wsparcia ze strony uczelni i jednostek naukowych....
Smart and resilient cities- new challanges for Polish cities in terms of 2020 energy efficiency and climate action
PublikacjaGlobal climate change action along with energy efficiency optimizations are becoming increasingly pressing principles in terms of moving towards sustainable development. As a member of EU and UN Poland is also obliged to follow restricted rules concerning energy efficiency of buildings which come to force in 2020. To meet new goals, innovative approaches - like moving towards smart and resilient cities -may be required. Through...
Smart Virtual Product Development (SVPD): Experience Based Product Development System for Industry 4.0
PublikacjaThis chapter presents the concept of smart virtual product development (SVPD) system capable of supporting industrial product development. It enhances the decision making process during various activities involved in product development i.e. product design, manufacturing, and inspection planning. This is achieved by using the explicit knowledge of past formal decision events, which are captured, stored, and recalled in the form...
Smart innovation process enhancement using SOEKS and decisional DNA
PublikacjaProduct innovation always requires a foundation based on both knowledge and experience. The production and innovation process of products is very similar to the evolution process of humans. The genetic information of humans is stored in genes, chromosomes and DNA. Similarly, the information about the products can be stored in a system having virtual genes, chromosomes and decisional DNA (DDNA). The present paper proposes...
Deep Learning: A Case Study for Image Recognition Using Transfer Learning
PublikacjaDeep learning (DL) is a rising star of machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) domains. Until 2006, many researchers had attempted to build deep neural networks (DNN), but most of them failed. In 2006, it was proven that deep neural networks are one of the most crucial inventions for the 21st century. Nowadays, DNN are being used as a key technology for many different domains: self-driven vehicles, smart cities,...