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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: West Pomeranian University of Technology
Corporate Social Responsibility Culture in the University of Technology – Polish Students Perspective
PublikacjaPurpose: The view on CSR concept is constantly broadening and still the new perspective is needed. New challenges are imposed by social, environmental and economic changes. A stakeholder approach defining organizations’ responsibility is no more valid. There is a need to redefine CSR concept and its role in sustainable development. Higher education and its role in shaping future attitudes towards corporate social responsibility...
"Shaping space" programme as a tool for educating youth about architecture
PublikacjaThe Polish Architectural Policy’s vision of a systematic promotion of spatial culture has made its way into the national curriculum for 2009 – 2016 designed for various stages of child and teenager education. The objective of this effort was to furnish a basis for a system of architectural education which allows teaching society to be more conscious in their decisions as to spatial order with the effect of improving the quality...
Life after BEXUS: Stratospheric Balloon Activities at Gdańsk University of Technology
PublikacjaHow do you restart an academic stratospheric balloon programme after taking part in the REXUS/BEXUS programme? How to assemble a new team and share the passion for stratosphere with a new generation of students? In this paper we want to summarise the stratospheric balloon activities at Gdańsk University of Technology held by SimLE Science Club since 2022. We’ll outline the challenges of creating a new team as well as the technical...
Center for Scientific and Technical Information - Library Services for Business and Science at Wroclaw University of Technology
PublikacjaWroclaw University of Technology is situated in Lower Silesia – the dynamically developing region of Poland. Focusing on adopting its own offer to the market needs had been selected as a strategy. Due to that, a synergy effect has been achieved with the development of segments strategic for the region. The University is strongly oriented to cooperation with the economy and industry. One of the key initiatives was establishment...
Transformations of descriptive geometry education for architecture students at Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland
PublikacjaIn this article, the authors analyse the evolution of teaching descriptive geometry for architecture students at Gdańsk University of Technology (Gdańsk Tech), Poland. The study traces changes in the curriculum in terms of teaching hours, considering also practices at Politechnika Lwowska (Lwów Polytechnic) and the Technische Hochschule Danzig (Technical University of Gdańsk), before World War II....
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Methodology of entrepreneurship teaching in tertiary education - experiences of the Faculty of Economics and Management on the Gdansk University of Technology
PublikacjaThe purpose of the chapter is an overview of the available methods and techniques of teaching entrepreneurship at the academic level, as well as the presentation of the methodology of the work with students within the framework of the Entrepreneurship course at the Faculty of Management and Economics of the Gdańsk University of Technology.
Urban Prototyping in CAVE Cooperation Between the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdansk and the Gdansk University of Technology
PublikacjaThe paper describes results of cooperation between the Passive Architecture Laboratory at the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk and the Immersive 3D Visualization Lab at the Gdańsk University of Technology. The authors as the design supervisors (respectively for a team of architects and a team of IT specialists) present advantages and disadvantages of urban design with use of virtual reality.
Quality Assurance of Educational Processes as the Foundation of the Quality Management System in Gdansk University of Technology
PublikacjaThe paper presents a model of quality management system (QMS) developed by the author in Gdansk University of Technology (GUT). The core of the model is internal quality assurance system of educational processes based on the ENQA guidelines. Next described in the paper steps of GUT QMS development are the implementation of one of the normative QMS models (e.g. ISO 9001, ISO/IEC 17025) in selected organizational units of GUT and...
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Application of Mathematics in Technology for Dezhou University, 2022
Kursy OnlineApplication of Mathematics
Application of Mathematics in Technology for Dezhou University, 2024
Kursy OnlineApplication of Mathematics MOODLE ENV localdevtestprod
Application of Mathematics in Technology for Dezhou University, 2023
Kursy OnlineApplication of Mathematics MOODLE ENV localdevtestprod
Three Editions of Inter-University Studies on Space and Satellite Technology. Candidate and/vs. Graduate, a Case Study
PublikacjaCurrently, there is a growing demand for most up-to-date academic courses that will fulfil the needs of modern society. Each candidate has to make choices and judgements carefully, in order to succeed on the market. This is particularly important when educating individuals with different backgrounds, especially on an inter-university course in the field of space sciences and technology. This paper describes a case study carried...
Determinants of Business Growth Aspirations among Polish Students: An Empirical Analysis
PublikacjaThis paper aims to discuss the concept of growth aspirations and growth intentions, as well as to identify factors that influence growth aspirations expressed by students with regard to their future businesses. On the basis of a literature review potential determinants of growth aspirations have been identified and tested empirically using data obtained from 223 students from the Pomeranian region in Poland. The authors...
Education in Biomedical Engineering at the Gdansk University of Technology
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Poznan University of Technology Academic Journals. Electrical Engineering
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PublikacjaArchitectural inventories are the main field for using innovative technology ( remote sensing). The main purpose of using ie. Laser scanning or photogrammetry is to capture all of the important details of structure. Regarding the extents of inventory works, it may only apply to external details, such as facades, supporting structures and surroundings, whilst in terms of advanced inventory, the building's interior is also expected...
(Re)Shaping Open Access Policy to Scientific Resources at Polish Technical Universities: Gdańsk University of Technology Perspective
PublikacjaDeveloping European Open Access policy to scientific resources is one of the most important issues undertaken during the public debate about future scholarly communication trends. The Open Access landscape is determined by several factors (e.g. mandates). The open mandate: voluntary or mandatory, can be implemented at the institutional, national or international level. It requires scholars to use open repository to deposit results...
The Bridge of Knowledge – defining and implementing national Open Access policy by Polish universities. Gdansk University of Technology perspective
PublikacjaThe European Commission states that Open Access to scientific resources funded by the European Union shall facilitate the use of research results financed from the public funds. Moreover, it will cause an increase in the innovative capacity of Europe. The Open Access landscape is determined by several factors such as mandates. The open mandate may be voluntary or mandatory and implemented at the institutional, national or international...
Analysis of cost structure of international road transport operators in West Pomeranian voivodship in the years 2008-2014
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The lasting traditions of activities in the field of wood technology researches at the Gdansk University of Technology
PublikacjaW niniejszym artykule przedstawiono sylwetki ludzi z Politechniki Gdańskiej, którzy odeszli, jednakowoż, których działalność była znacząca w obszarze drzewnictwa i mechanicznej technologii drewna.
Ecological bearing systems for water turbines – research and development at Gdansk University of Technology
PublikacjaIncreasing requirements for environmental protection make it necessary to introduce new materials and designs. Hydroelectric power plants operating in direct contact with water reservoirs and rivers are potentially endangering water cleanliness, hence they should also be modernized in the way minimizing the environmental hazards. A lot of progress in this field has been achieved in last decades, but still there is much work to...
Partner profiles: Faculty of Architecture, Gdańsk University of Technology
PublikacjaPublikacja dotyczy uwarunkowań realizacji nowych zespołów mieszkaniowych na obrzeżach miast. Eskalacja procesów suburbanizacji dotyka wszystkich miast europejskich. Powstają struktury nie efektrywne energetycznie. Projekt hopus próbuje właczyć się w badania nad tym problemem. Opisane zostały prawne uwarunkowania planistyczne realizacji zabudowy w Polsce.
Some aspects of mathematical education at Gdansk University of Technology
PublikacjaReferat omawia wybrane zagadnienia związane z poszukiwaniem i stosowaniem nowych rozwiązań - zarówno programowych jak i organizacyjnych - w realizacji procesu kształcenia matematycznego na poziomie akademickim w Politechnice Gdańskiej.
Gdansk University of Technology suggestions for WP7 of INDECT Project
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Gdansk University of Technology achievements in WP7 of INDECT Project
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Gdansk University of Technology - INDECT Project Partner Introduction
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Navy sonar's modernization developed in Gdansk University of Technology
PublikacjaSzybki rozwój technologii elektronicznej i metod przetwarzania sygnałów powoduje szybkie starzenie moralne systemów instalowanych na okrętach. Ponieważ kadłuby, silniki i inne, drogie, mechaniczne komponenty okrętów nie starzeją się w takim tempie i wytrzymują kilkadziesiąt nawet lat eksploatacji, istnieje głęboki sens modernizacji systemów sonarowych, z ewentualnym zachowaniem istniejących anten hydroakustycznych i ich stabilizacji....
A learning community model: the Center for Innovative Education supporting academic didactics at Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland
PublikacjaThe current digital transformation requires academics to apply their pedagogical and technological skills to their teaching and professional development to address the newly emerging needs of the digital era. This study aims to analyse the operating model of the Center for Innovative Education (CIE) at Gdańsk University of Technology (Gdańsk Tech), Poland, as an incubator for professional development of academic staff at Gdańsk...
Managing and funding the innovative path: a close look at the SimLE scientific club at Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland
PublikacjaThis article presents a case study of the simply learn experience (SimLE) scientific club at Gdańsk University of Technology (Gdańsk Tech), Gdańsk, Poland, showcasing an effective model for blending theoretical knowledge with practical engineering applications. This student-led organisation aims to develop soft skills and handson experience through project work, participation in international contests and conferences. This study...
Extra-curricular project-oriented education in optoelectronics in the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics at Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland
PublikacjaProject-oriented education constitutes a key part of the curriculum in the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics of Gdańsk University of Technology (Gdańsk Tech), Poland. Students on the Engineer and Master of Science level studies take part in several projects, both individually and in teams. In addition to compulsory activities, students have the opportunity to take part in the activities of student scientific...
Segmentation of academic community for the purposes of mobility plan development – case study of Gdansk University of Technology
PublikacjaThe objective of the paper is to analyse the structure of academic community for its transport behaviour and attitudes using the example of the Gdansk University of Technology (the GUT) in Poland. Once understood, the group can be divided into homogenous sub-groups and studied for their potential and ways to influence their behaviour, attitudes and transport patterns. The results may be used to develop dedicated actions designed...
The image of the Baltic States as perceived by the students of Gdańsk University of Technology
PublikacjaWizerunek państw stanowi jeden z czynników wpływających na zdolność do osiągania wyznaczonych celów narodowych na scenie międzynarodowej oraz przyczyniających się do ich politycznego, społecznego, ekonomicznego i kulturalnego rozwoju. Obraz republik bałtyckich funkcjonujący wśród studentów Politechniki Gdańskiej ukazuje wyobrażenia o sąsiadach oraz wskazuje na rolę uczelni w procesie jego kreowania.
Research and education at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Gdańsk University of Technology.
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono aktualną działalność naukowo-badawczą Wydziału Mechanicznego Politechniki Gdańskiej w 60-lecie jego istnienia - realizowaną w 11 Katedrach w ramach działalności statutowej, badań własnych, projektów badawczych KBN i umów z przemysłem. Omówiono proces dydaktyczny na studiach inżynierskich, magisterskich i doktoranckich. Scharakteryzowano prowadzone specjalności i podano zamierzenia w zakresie umiędzynarodowienia studiów...
Modernization of ASW Sonar SQS-56 at Gdańsk University of Technology
PublikacjaKatedra Systemów Elektroniki Morskiej Politechniki Gdańskiej w latach 2008-2010 wykonała modernizację podkilowego sonaru do poszukiwania okrętów podwodnych SQS-56. Jest to sonar wyprodukowany w USA i zainstalowany na fregacie ORP Kościuszko. W ramach modernizacji zastosowano nowe szerokopasmowe impulsy sondujące z hiperboliczną modulacją częstotliwości generowanye w wielokanałowym nadajniku sterowanym mikroprocesorowo. Po stronie...
Trzej prorocy: Sołżenicyn, Friedman, Dugin. Część pierwsza: Sołżenicyn
PublikacjaArtykuł przedstawia na tle biograficznym dzieło i myśl profetyczną Aleksandra Sołżenicyna. Podstawą jej analizy jest mowa z okazji przyznania autorowi Oddziału chorych na raka literackiej Nagrody Nobla oraz jego wykład na temat stanu cywilizacji Zachodu wygłoszony na Uniwersytecie Harvarda – zatytułowany Zmierzch odwagi. Proroctwa Sołżenicyna dotyczące Zachodu pokazane są w kontekście jego pracy Jak odbudować Rosję? W artykule...
Universities as Part of the Urban Transport System—Analysis Using the Example of the Gdansk University of Technology and Medical University of Gdansk
PublikacjaMany cities perceive academic function as a distinctive feature, representing the rank and prestige of the city. Universities provide places for work and learning for a high number of people and represent a significant proportion compared to the total city population (even 22%). Many of Polish universities are located in the urban structure in the form of spatially concentrated campuses, where the number of people working and studying...
New direction of education on mechanical engineering faculty in gdansk university of technology
PublikacjaW artykule opisano szczegółowo kierunki kształcenia wprowadzone w ostatnich latach na Wydziale Mechanicznym Pol. Gd. Przedstawiono ofertę kształcenia na nowych kierunkach takich jak Mechatronika, Inżynieria Mechaniczno-Medyczna oraz Zarządzanie i Inżynieria Produkcji dla studiów stacjonarnych pierwszego stopnia. Opisano również własne doświadczenia w implementacji procesu Bolońskiego trójstopniowego kształcenia w systemie European...
Manager - Engineer - the proposal of the Faculty of Management and Economics Gdańsk University of Technology
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono ofertę edukacyjną Wydziału Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej, wskazując cel kształcenia menedżera o dość szerokiej ogólnej wiedzy inżynierskiej, sylwetkę absolwenta wydziału oraz nowe inicjatywy kształcenia w języku angielskim.
Motivating academic library non-users to [re]discover the academic library’s usefulness for their studying practices - the Gdańsk University of Technology Library perspective.
PublikacjaThe main purpose of this article is to present academic library’s methods of motivating library non-users to rediscover the academic library’s values and usefulness for their studying practices from the Gdańsk University of Technology Library perspective. The author focused on discussing the issue of Polish full-time students as one of the groups of non-users of the academic library. -- Głównym celem artykułu jest...
Data from the survey on Gdańsk University of Technology graduates’ competencies assessment by entrepreneurs
Dane BadawczeThe dataset includes data from the survey on the Gdańsk University of Technology (GUT) graduates’ competencies assessment by entrepreneurs. The survey was conducted in 2017. The research sample included 102 respondents representing various firms from Pomeranian Voivodship. The study concerned i.a. assessment of GUT graduates' preparation for the requirements...
Natalia Sokół dr inż.
OsobyBACKGROUND Master of Science in Light and Lighting (2008-2009/11) The UCL Bartlett School of Graduate Studies, Faculty of the Built Environment, London, UK, MA Degree in Interior Architecture (1999-2004), The Academy of Fine Arts, Poznan, Poland, MA Degree in Art Education (1997-2002), Academy of Fine Arts, Poznan, Poland, MAIN RESEARCH AREAS · ...
Control Theory Education in the Distance Education B.Eng. Studies at Warsaw University of Technology
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Technology Acceptance of MS Teams Among University Teachers During COVID-19
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Centre of Excellence in Envirinmental Analysis and Monitoring at the Chemical Faculty of the Gdańsk University of Technology.
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono działalność Centrum (CEEAM) utworzonego 01.01.2003 na Wydziale Chemicznym PG. Opisano cel powstania, zrealizowane zadania i plany.
Using open source LMS Moodle in postgraduate studies at Gdansk University of Technology.
PublikacjaW artykule zaprezentowano doświadczenia Centrum Edukacji Niestacjonarnej Politechniki Gdańskiej na polu wdrażania systemów zarządzania nauczaniem na odległość w edukacji i korzystania z oprogramowania z otwartym kodem źródłowym (ang. open source) na przykładzie projektów Leonardo da Vinci EMDEL i V Ramowy CURE.
Distance Education Centre at Gdansk University of Technology - international project and courses online.
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono programy Unii Europejskiej (Phare, Leonardo da Vinci,Socrates) wspomagające utworzenie Centrum Edukacji Niestacjonarnej PG oraz realizację szkoleń na odległość. Opisano przykładowe szkolenia z wykorzystaniem Internetu, które znajdują się w ofercie CEN PG.
A review of stability problems of thin-walled structures developed at Gdańsk University of Technology
PublikacjaW pracy podano przegląd problemów stateczności konstrukcji cienkościennych, które były przedmiotem badań na Politechnice Gdańskiej. Przedstawiono bibliografię obejmującą 75 prace podzielone na trzy grupy tematyczne: stateczność prętów i łuków, pokrytyczne zachowanie się elemntów oraz optymalne projektowanie i analizę wrażliwości.