Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: impact factors
The impact of internal and international migration on regional convergence in Poland
PublikacjaAccording to neoclassical theory, migration is expected to speed up the convergence process between countries (Barro, Sala-i-Martin 2004). The flow of labour from low-wage regions to high-wage regions should equalise payrolls. However, the impact of migration on convergence rates is unclear when the labour flow is heterogeneous. Moreover, the movement of labour towards wealthier areas depresses the demand for goods, services and...
Factors of change in the planning and control process
PublikacjaZmianom podlegajš wszystkie procesy realizowane w organizacji, również proces planowania i sterowania. W rozdziale przedstawiono klasyfikację czynników zmiany tego procesu i scharakteryzowano poszczególne rodzaje czynników. Przedstawiono również ogólne wytyczne dla procesu identyfikacji i pomiaru czynników zmiany procesu planowania i sterowania. Zaprezentowano też przykładowe mierniki czynników zmiany, zgodne z atrybutami modelu...
Factors affecting the quality of bottled water
PublikacjaThe ever-increasing popularity of bottled water means that it is important to analyze not only its mineral content but also, above all,its content of possible contaminants, especially the organic ones. In this respect, bottled waters are a special case, because apartfrom organic chemical contaminants derived from the well from which they were acquired, their secondary contamination is alwayspossible, during treatment or storage...
Exploring Impact of Requirements Engineering on Other IT Project Areas – Case Study
PublikacjaRequirements Engineering (RE) is recognized as one of the most important (yet difficult) areas of software engineering that has a significant impact on other areas of IT projects and their final outcomes. Empirical studies investigating this impact are hard to conduct, mainly due to the great effort required. It is thus difficult for both researchers and industry practitioners to make evidence-based evaluations about how decisions...
The impact of bankruptcy regimes on entrepreneurship and innovation. Is there any relationship?
PublikacjaThe literature review indicates that bankruptcy law may play an important role in and be one of the factors infuencing the development of entrepreneurship, innovation, and thus economic growth, among other things. In previous studies, the analysis of the impact of bankruptcy law on individual variables has been conducted independently. Our aim was to conduct a holistic analysis, taking several factors into account simultaneously....
Study on the Guides Without Borders organization.
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains responses of a questionnaire study performed with 26 tourist guides involved in the Guides Without Borders organization (in Polsih: Przewodnicy Bez Granic).
Individual corporate reputation, perception of collective corporate reputation, stock market investments
Dane BadawczeThere are two ways of conceiving of corporate reputation: individual and collective. Although related, they are not driven by the same factors. Thus, each of them may have a distinct impact on investment decisions. The following dataset includes the data obtained in an incentivized economic experiment based on vignette studies. We induced the perception...
Share of gross value added by factors of production prices generated by the enterprise sector in Poland and in the EU countries in the GDP of individual countries
Dane BadawczeCompanies operating in the EU countries are characterized by a greater contribution to the creation of GDP than Polish enterprises. Discrepancies in shaping the described value also result from a different industry structure of companies. In other EU countries, more companies are involved in services, and in Poland, enterprises conducting commercial...
Tomasz Janowski dr
OsobyTomasz Janowski jest kierownikiem Katedry Informatyki w Zarządzaniu, Politechnika Gdańska; profesorem wizytującym w Department for E-Governance and Administration, University for Continuing Education Krems, Austria; oraz współredaktorem naczelnym czasopisma Government Information Quarterly, Elsevier. Wcześniej był założycielem i kierownikiem United Nations University Operating Unit on Policy-Driven Electronic Governance (UNU-EGOV),...
Towards a Lightweight Approach for the Evaluation of Requirements Engineering Impact on Other IT Project Areas
PublikacjaRequirements Engineering (RE) is recognized as one of the most important, but difficult areas of software engineering, with a significant impact on other areas of the IT project and its final outcome. The empirical studies investigating this impact are hard to conduct, mainly due to large effort required. It is thus difficult for researchers and even more for industry practitioners to make evidence-based evaluations, how decisions...
Comparing the Effectiveness of ANNs and SVMs in Forecasting the Impact of Traffic-Induced Vibrations on Building
PublikacjaTraffic - induced vibrations may cause damage to structural elements and may even lead to structural collapse. The aim of the article is to compare the effectiveness of algorithms in forecasting the impact of vibrations on buildings using the Machine Learning (ML) methods. The paper presents two alternative approaches by using Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) and Support Vector Machines (SVMs). Factors that may affect traffic-induced...
Share of gross value added by factors of production prices generated by the enterprise sector in Poland and in the EU countries in the GDP of individual countries
Dane BadawczeCompanies operating in the EU countries are characterized by a greater contribution to the creation of GDP than Polish enterprises. Discrepancies in shaping the described value also result from a different industry structure of companies. In other EU countries, more companies are involved in services, and in Poland, enterprises conducting commercial...
Functional safety analysis including human factors
PublikacjaThe article addresses selected aspects of human factors that should be taken into account during the design of safety-related functions for a complex hazardous installation and its protections. In such installations the layer of protection analysis (LOPA) methodology is often used for simplified risk analysis based on defined accident scenarios. To control the risk the safety instrumented functions (SIFs) are identified and their...
Factors that strengthen and weaken the identity of the cluster structures
PublikacjaThe main aim of this paper is the application of "identity" to the issues related to "clustering process" and particularly - to the cooperation in the clusters and the cluster initiatives. The authors distinguish these factors that have the greatest influence on the formation and maintenance of identity in mentioned networks of cooperation.
Functional Safety Analysis including Human Factors
PublikacjaIn this paper selected aspects of human factors are discussed that should be taken into account during the design of safety-related functions for a complex hazardous installation and its protections. The layer of protection analysis (LOPA) methodology is used for simplified risk analysis based on defined accident scenarios. To control the risk the safety instrumented functions (SIFs) are identified and their safety integrity levels...
Factors affecting credibility of e-shops in Poland
PublikacjaArtykuł stanowi kontynuację tematu podjętego w poprzednich pracach autora nt. czynników wpływających na wiarygodność detalicznych sklepów internetowych. Przedstawiono w nim wstępne wyniki badań dokonanych przez autora.
Rhinological factors predisposing to headaches: our experience.
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The Stance, Factors, and Composition of Competitiveness of SMEs in Poland
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Factors affecting response to biologic treatment in psoriasis
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The Factors Affecting Group Identity of Cluster Structures
PublikacjaThe paper provides a new approach to cluster analysis, basing on a sociologically rooted concept of identity. The authors state that identity in cluster structures is formed by two main groups of factors – uncontrollable or slightly controllable factors (identity mix) and factors that can be fully controlled by a cluster initiative (corporate identity mix). It means that the cluster coordinator is able to consciously build the...
Country Safety Performance Function and the factors affecting it
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono metodę modelowania wpływu wybranych czynników na liczbę ofiar śmiertelnych na poziomie światowym. Do budowy modeli wykorzystano podejście bazujące na ryzyku. Wykorzystano dane z kilkudziesięciu krajów świata.
Application of additional factors supporting the microextraction process
PublikacjaDue to the fact that green analytical chemistry is of high importance, the past two decades have witnessed a rapid growth in the sample preparation area with special emphasis on simplification, miniaturization and automation of extraction procedures. In addition, to accelerate the extraction processes and to improve the separation of analytes, several enhanced parameters are applied. These factors include, ultrasounds, microwaves,...
Factors affecting credibility of e-shops in Poland
PublikacjaArtykuł stanowi kontynuację tematu podjętego w poprzednich pracach autora nt. czynników wpływających na wiarygodność detalicznych sklepów internetowych. Przedstawiono w nim wstępne wyniki badań dokonanych przez autora. W artykule wskazano również na związki pomiędzy modelami wiarygodności i powszechnie stosowanymi modelami jakości.
On some accuracy limiting factors in wood sawing
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono szczegółową klasyfikację czynników determinujących dokładność przecinania drewna piłami. Uwzględniono w niej również pozorną utratę dokładności wynikającą z anatomicznej budowy drewna i metody pomiaru (wykorzystywanie lasera). Występujące błędy przecinania zobrazowano szeregiem przykładów z badań doświadczalnych.
Impact of inorganic ions and pH variations on toxicity and endocrine potential of selected environmentally relevant pharmaceuticals
PublikacjaAssessment of the impact of pharmaceutical residues on living organisms is a very complex subject. Apart from taking into account the toxicity of individual compounds, environmental factors should also be taken into account. In this paper, attempts were made to assess the impact of coexisting inorganic ions and changes in pH on the toxicity of ten selected pharmaceuticals. Two bioassays were used to measure the estrogenic and androgenic...
Influence of sensor design and optical properties of tissue on the photoplethysmographic signal
PublikacjaPhotopletysmography and an associated technique called pulse oximetry are still explored due to the expectations that they give a lot of information about the state of the patient and, also, due to the fact that they are non invasive. Knowledge about the impact of various parameters on the measured signal leads to a faster and a more reliable way of analyzing measurement results and finding the dependencies between the involved...
Evaluation of the impact of geometry and plastic deformation on the stray magnetic field around the bone shaped sample
PublikacjaInfluence of two factors: the variable cross-section and the localized plastic deformation, which affect the stray magnetic field profile of a ferromagnetic sample have been studied. Evaluation of an effect size is based on the analysis of the stray magnetic field component which is tangential to the longest dimension of a sample. However, in order to describe the nature of the stray magnetic field, the normal component (perpendicular...
A Proposed Machine Learning Model for Forecasting Impact of Traffic-Induced Vibrations on Buildings
PublikacjaTraffic-induced vibrations may cause various damages to buildings located near the road, including cracking of plaster, cracks in load-bearing elements or even collapse of the whole structure. Measurements of vibrations of real buildings are costly and laborious. Therefore the aim of the research is to propose the original numerical algorithm which allows us to predict, with high probability, the nega-tive dynamic impact of traffic-induced...
Neurological Prognostic Factors in Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19
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Packing [1,Delta]-factors in graphs of small degree
PublikacjaRozważano problem znalezienia w grafie zadanej liczby k krawędziowo rozłącznych [1,Delta]-faktorów, gdzie Delta oznacza stopień grafu. Problem ten można rozwiązać w czasie liniowym dla k=2, jest on jednak NP-trudny dla każdego k>=3. Pokazano, że wariant minimalizacjny problemu dla k=2 jest NP-trudny dla grafów planarnych podkubicznych, jednak w ogólności istnieje algorytm (42 Delta - 30) / (35 Delta - 21) - aproksymacyjny.
Factors Influencing the Popularity of Artificial Insemination of Mares in Europe
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The influence of cultural factors on the collapse of the Greenland Norse civilization
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Molecular factors involved in the development of diabetic foot syndrome.
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Ab initioheat capacity and atomic temperature factors of chalcopyrites
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Personality Factors Crucial in Internalized Stigma Understanding in Psychiatry
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Factors Influencing the Action Point of the Collision Avoidance Manoeuvre
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Characteristic of factors influencing the proper course of folliculogenesis in mammals
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Factors influencing the development of otitis media with effusion in children
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Factors Determining the Susceptibility of Bacteria to Antibacterial Photodynamic Inactivation
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Human Factors in Nuclear Power Engineering in Polish Conditions
PublikacjaThe paper “Human factors in nuclear power engineering in polish conditions” focuses on analysis of dynamics of preparing polish society to build fi rst nuclear power plant in XXI century in Poland. Authors compare experience from constructing nuclear power plant Sizewell B (Great Britain) and Sizewell C, which is in preparation phase with polish nuclear power program. Paper includes aspects e.g. of creating nuclear safety culture and...
Evaluation of the factors influencing business bankruptcy risk in Poland
PublikacjaThis article is devoted to the issue of assessing the causes of business failure. The presented studies answer two research questions – what are the causes of corporate bankruptcies in Poland and how to more efectively predict the scale of bankruptcies in the country. The author has conducted a study to analyze the specic endogenous and exogenous causes of company bankruptcy depending on the type of the bankruptcy with consideration...
Human Factors and Cognitive Engineering in Functional Safety Analysis
PublikacjaHuman factors and cognitive engineering are considered nowadays as important multidisciplinary domains that focus on improving the relations between humans, technology and systems to be supervised and operated. The industrial automation and control systems (IACS) in hazardous plants are increasingly computerized and perform various safety functions. These are usually designed and implemented according to the functional safety requirements....
Factors determining selection of production planning and control system
PublikacjaThe article contains a comparative characteristics of selected systems of production planning and control, such as: MRP, kanban/JiT, DBR/TOC. The results of the performed analyses served as a basis for determining key market factors related to production planning and control functions, which determine the choice of an appropriate system.
Factors disturbing Internet usage in opinion of elderly users
PublikacjaInternet became truly widespread in modern societies. This created its huge economic potential, which is widely used, especially in traditionally communication-oriented societies like USA and Scandinavian countries. This trend enables to create economic growth even despite of worldwide economic slowdown.Together with demographic changes this raise the necessity of research on how older users perceive modern, Internet-based tools...
Factors influencing decisions to retire – case study of Poland
PublikacjaThe main objective of the article is to present the factors influencing the decisions of the Poles from the older age groups to withdraw from the labour market by retirement, or on the contrary – to remain economically active, also upon reaching the formal retirement age.
Human factors in nuclear power engineering in Polish conditions
PublikacjaThe paper “Human factors in nuclear power engineering in polish conditions” focuses on analysis of dynamics of preparing polish society to build first nuclear power plant in XXI century in Poland. Authors compare experience from constructing nuclear power plant Sizewell B (Great Britain) and Sizewell C, which is in preparation phase with polish nuclear power program. Paper includes aspects e.g. of creating nuclear safety culture...
Crack Resistance of Asphalt Concrete Subjected to Environmental Factors
PublikacjaThe paper presents an analysis of the influence of environmental factors on the cracking susceptibility of asphalt concrete resulting in a change in the durability of asphalt pavement. In order to assess the phenomenon, laboratory tests were carried out taking into account the destructive effects of moisture, freeze-thaw cycle and long-term ageing. The influence of both factors occurring simultaneously was also verified. Due to...
Assessing the Risk in Urban Public Transport for Epidemiologic Factors
PublikacjaPandemics have presented new challenges for public transport organisers and operators. New diseases (e.g., influenza H1N1, severe acute respiratory syndrome—SARS, as well as, more recently, SARS-CoV-2) increase the need for new protection measures to prevent epidemic outbreaks in public transport infrastructure. The authors’ goal is to present a set of actions in the area of public transport that are adjusted to different levels...
The effects of selected factors on pedestrian crossings in urban areas
PublikacjaPedestrian crossings are designed to help pedestrians cross a road. There are at-grade pedestrian crossings with or without traffic lights and grade separated crossings such as subways and footbridges. Pedestrian crossings may be located next to a junction or on road sections between junctions. Where at-grade crossings are involved, pedestrians and motorists interact, which may lead to dangerous situations and road traffic conflicts....
Bearing capacity factors of sand assessed by model tests
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono wyniki własnych badań modelowych fundamentów bezpośrednich posadowionych na trzech rodzajach piasków, wykonane w warunkach płaskiego stanu odkształcenia. Przeanalizowano wpływ tarcia gruntu o ściany boczne stanowiska badawczego, wpływ efektu skali oraz powtarzalności wyników na nośność badanych fundamentów bezpośrednich. Zastosowano specjalną własną metodykę wykonywania badań modelowych eliminującą wymieniony wpływ...