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wyświetlamy 1000 najlepszych wyników Pomoc
Cable stayed bridge over Vistula river in Plock. Dynamic analysis and site test
PublikacjaBudowę mostu przez rzekę Wisłę w Płocku ukończono w 2006 roku. Główne przęsło o długości 375 m zaprojektowano jako stalową konstrukcję podwieszoną. W celu weryfikacji konstrukcji zbudowano przestrzenny model MES. Badano zachowanie się konstrukcji mostu pod wpływem statycznego i dynamicznego obciążenia. W dalszym etapie przeprowadzono badania in - situ weryfikujące analizy numeryczne oraz założenia projektowe. Na bazie modelu MES...
Comparative analysis of positioning accuracy of Garmin Forerunner wearable GNSS receivers in dynamic testing
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Identification analysis of dynamic changes in the composition of biogas and their impact on the operation of internal combustion engines
PublikacjaW pracy zamieszczono wyniki badań składu biogazu pozyskiwanego na komunalnym wysypisku śmieci. Pozyskiwany biogaz jest wykorzystywany do zasilania biogazowych zespołów prądotwórczych wyposażonych w silniki o zapłonie iskrowym dostosowanych do zasilania tym paliwem. Pozyskiwany biogaz powstaje w sposób naturalny w procesie beztlenowej fermentacji zachodzącej przez ok. 20 lat, w organicznej części pryzmy odpadów składowanych na wysypisku...
Dynamic analysis of temporary steel grandstand subjected to human-induced excitations due to jumping
PublikacjaSteel grandstands are structures that are frequently used during sport games and many other non-sporting events, such as festivals, music concerts, or even politicians rallies, with participation of a large number of attendees. Unfortunately, the presence of unexpected excessive dynamic loads due to unpredictable behaviour of spectators (e.g. synchronized harmonic jumping or swaying) may lead to...
Few Layered Oxidized h-BN as Nanofiller of Cellulose-Based Paper with Superior Antibacterial Response and Enhanced Mechanical/Thermal Performance
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Effect of Pin Shape on Thermal History of Aluminum-Steel Friction Stir Welded Joint: Computational Fluid Dynamic Modeling and Validation
PublikacjaThis article studied the effects of pin angle on heat generation and temperature distribution during friction stir welding (FSW) of AA1100 aluminum alloy and St-14 low carbon steel. A validated computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model was implemented to simulate the FSW process. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was employed in order to investigate internal materials’ flow. Simulation results revealed that the mechanical work...
Synthesis and thermal studies of flexible polyurethane nanocomposite foams obtained using nanoclay modified with flame retardant compound
PublikacjaThis work presents thermal studies of nanocomposites based on the flexible polyurethane (PU) matrix and filled using montmorillonite organically modified with organophosphorus flame retardant compound. Flexible PU nanocomposite foams were prepared in the reaction carried out between reactive alcoholic hydroxyl and isocyanate groups with the ratio of NCO to OH groups equal to 1.05. The amount of an organoclay ranging from 3 to 9...
Ireneusz Kreja dr hab. inż.
OsobyAbsolwent klasy matematycznej I Liceum Ogólnokształcącego w Gdańsku im. Mikołaja Kopernika (1974). Absolwent Wydziału Budownictwa Lądowego Politechniki Gdańskiej (1979). Od 1979 pracuje na PG. W 1989 uzyskał doktorat (z wyróżnieniem), na Wydziale Budownictwa Lądowego, a w 2008 habilitował się (również z wyróżnieniem) na Wydziale Inżynierii Lądowej i Środowiska PG. Od 2011 jest profesorem PG. Na Politechnice Gdańskiej pełnił funkcje:...
Thermal analysis of manganese(II) complexes of general formula (Bu4N)2[MnBrnCl4−n]
PublikacjaBadano termiczną dekompozycję związków zawierających aniony tetrahalogenomanganese(II), [MnBrnCl4−n]2−(n = 0-4) i kationy tetrabutylammonium. Stosowane metody to: DSC, TG-FTIR, TG-MS i DTA. Pomiary prowadzono w argonie i powietrzu w zakresie temperatur 173-450K (DSC) i 300-1073K (TG). Stałe produkty dekompozycji identyfikowano metodami spektroskopii FT-FIR i dyfraktometrii rentgenowskiej.
Overall Thermal Transfer Analysis of Glazing Facade Design for Passive Building Energy Efficiency
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Multivariate analysis of seasonal variation in the composition and thermal properties of butterfat with an emphasis on authenticity assessment
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Analysis of thermal and structural properties of germanate glasses co-doped with Yb3+/Tb3+ ions
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Analysis of transient thermal processes for improved visualization of breast cancer using IR imaging.
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono analizę możliwości i ograniczeń metod termograficznych w diagnostyce nowotworów piersi. Przeanalizowane termiczne modele numeryczne piersi z nowotworem pokazują, iż zastosowanie nowej metody aktywnej termografii dynamicznej z termicznym wymuszeniem zewnętrznym, może znacząco poprawić skuteczność wykrywania nowotworów piersi we wczesnym stadium ich rozwoju . Pokazano również wyniki badania klinicznego pacjentki...
Application of Tensile Creep Test and Viscoelastic Method to the Analysis of Thermal Stresses at Low Temperatures
PublikacjaThe paper presents the viscoelastic method of thermal stresses calculation with utilization of results from tensile creep test (TCT) at a temperature range from −20 to +20 °C (in the case of asphalt concrete with styrene-butadiene-styrene (SBS) polymer-modified bitumen from −30 to +20 °C). Two types of neat road bitumen 35/50 and 50/70 and polymer SBS-modified bitumen 45/80–55 were tested for tensile creep properties at low temperatures....
Cyclic analysis of thermal impedance of a passive layer of aluminium in a neutral borate buffer solution
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań warstwy pasywnej tworzącej się na stopie 1050 A w warunkach zmieniającej się temperatury. Zmiany realizowano w sposób cykliczny zwiększając a następnie zmniejszając temperaturę. W czasie zmian temperatury prowadzono badania metodę dynamicznej elektrochemicznej spektroskopii impedancyjnej. Stwierdzono największe zmiany parametrów elektrycznego schematu zastępczego w czasie pierwszego cyklu zmian....
Thermal analysis of manganese(II) complexes of general formula(Et4N)2[MnBrnCl4−n]
PublikacjaBadano termiczną dekompozycję związków zawierających aniony [MnBrnCl4−n]2− (n = 0-4) i kation tetraetylammonium. Wykorzystywano metody DSC i TG. Badania prowadzono w atmosferze argonu w temperaturze 173-500K (DSC)i 300-1073K (TG). Produkty dekompozycji określono za pomocą MS, FTIR, Far-FTIR i dyfraktometrii rentgenowskiej.
Mechanical analysis of eccentric defected bilayer graphene sheets considering the van der Waals force
PublikacjaIn this article, we have tried to simulate nonlinear bending analysis of a double-layered graphene sheet which contains a geometrical imperfection based on an eccentric hole. The first-order shear deformation theory is considered to obtain the governing equations. Also, the nonlinear von Kármán strain field has been assumed in order to obtain large deformations. Whereas the double-layered graphene sheet has been considered, the...
PublikacjaThe article describes a comparison of two general methods of occupants safety estimation based on a numerical examples. The so-called direct method is mainly based on the Head Injury Criterion of a crash test dummy in a vehicle with passive safety system while the indirect method uses a European standards approach to estimate impact severity level. Numerical simulations in LS-DYNA have been conducted.
Timber-frame house resistant to dynamic loads - analysis of wall panel filled with polyurethane foam
PublikacjaThe present study shows the experimentally and numerically determined response of a single timber-frame house wall panel filled with polyurethane (PU) foam under dynamic loads. The harmonic tests were conducted for the following frequencies: 0.5 Hz, 1.0 Hz, 2.0 Hz and 5.0 Hz for various values of the specified displacement. Based on the results of the comparison between the experimental tests and the numerical analyses, the numerical...
Nonlinear dynamic analysis of the pure “buckling” mechanism during blow-out trauma of the human orbit
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Comparative analysis of positioning accuracy of GNSS receivers of Samsung Galaxy smartphones in marine dynamic measurements
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Wpływ kolejności dozowania surowców oraz sił ścinających na właściwości mieszanin polietylen dużej gęstości/miał gumowy, wytwarzanych przy użyciu współbieżnej wytłaczarki dwuślimakowej
PublikacjaKompozycje termoplastyczne polietylenu dużej gęstości (PE-HD) z udziałem 50 % mas. miału gumowego (GTR), wytwarzano przy użyciu współbieżnej wytłaczarki dwuślimakowej. Scharakteryzowano wpływ kolejności dozowania surowców oraz sił ścinających generowanych podczas intensywnego mieszania na parametry pracy wytłaczarki, wartości masowego wskaźnika szybkości płynięcia, statyczne właściwości mechaniczne (wytrzymałość na rozciąganie,...
Comparative analysis of mechanical conditions in bone union following first metatarsophalangeal joint arthrodesis with varied locking plate positions: A finite element analysis
PublikacjaFirst metatarsophalangeal joint arthrodesis is a typical medical treatment performed in cases of arthritis or joint deformity. The gold standard for this procedure is arthrodesis stabilisation with the dorsally positioned plate. However, according to the authors’ previous studies, medially positioned plate provides greater bending stiffness. It is worth to compare the mechanical conditions for bone formation in the fracture callus...
Thermodynamic Analysis of a Closed-Cycle Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Power Plant for Offshore Platforms
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Laser melting synthesis of Mg and Si3N4-doped soda-lime glass: structure and thermal analysis
PublikacjaThree series of soda-lime glasses doped with varying contents of Mg, Si3N4, or a combination of both were synthesizedusing laser melting in less than 3 min. The addition of these dopants resulted in notable changes in the structural and ther-mal properties of the glass. Both IR and Raman spectra indicated that the silicate network primarily consisted of Q3 units,with significant amounts of Q2 and Q4 units present in most samples....
Thermodynamic analysis of the Compressed Air Energy Storage system coupled with the Underground Thermal Energy Storage
PublikacjaImprovement of flexibility is one of the key challenges for the transformation of the Polish Power System aiming at a high share of renewable energy in electricity generation. Flexible and dispatchable power plants will contribute to this ongoing transformation process as they compensate for fluctuations in electricity generation from renewable energy sources such as wind and photovoltaics. In this context, CAES storage tanks are...
Evaluation of Selected Properties of Sodium Alginate-Based Hydrogel Material—Mechanical Strength, μDIC Analysis and Degradation
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Coupled DEM/CFD analysis of impact of free water on the static and dynamic response of concrete in tension regime
PublikacjaW tym artykule zbadano numerycznie quasi-statyczne i dynamiczne zachowanie częściowo nasyconego płynem betonu w warunkach dwuwymiarowego (2D) jednoosiowego rozciągania w mezoskali. Obliczono, jaki wpływ ma zawartość wolnego płynu porowego (gazu i wody) na proces pękania i wytrzymałość betonu w rozciąganiu. Do symulacji zachowania betonu całkowicie i częściowo nasyconego płynem w warunkach quasi-statycznych i dynamicznych wykorzystano...
Reactive construction of catalytic carbonization system in PP/C60/Ni(OH)2 nanocomposites for simultaneously improving thermal stability, flame retardancy and mechanical properties
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Michał Mazur dr inż.
OsobyAktualne zainteresowania inżynieria mechaniczna, robotyka, drgania mechaniczne, analiza modalna, sterowanie, systemy czasu rzeczywistego Wybrane publikacje Kaliński K., Galewski M., Mazur M., Chodnicki M, 2017, Modelling and Simulation Of A New Variable Stiffness Holder for Milling Of Flexible Details, Polish Maritime Research, vol 24, ss. 115-124 Kaliński K. J., Mazur M.: Optimal control at energy performance index of the mobile...
Thermal analysis of macro-encapsulated phase change material coupled with domestic gas heater for building heating
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Microscopic and Spectroscopic Imaging and Thermal Analysis of Acrylates, Silicones and Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients in Adhesive Transdermal Patches
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Microscopic and Spectroscopic Imaging and Thermal Analysis of Acrylates, Silicones and Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients in Adhesive Transdermal Patches
PublikacjaDermal or transdermal patches are increasingly becoming a noteworthy alternative ascarriers for active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), which makes their detailed physicochemical evaluation essential for pharmaceutical development. This paper demonstrates mid-infrared (FTIR) and Raman spectroscopy with complementary microscopic methods (SEM, optical and confocal Raman microscopy) and differential scanning calorimetry...
Analysis of the selection of low-temperature medium for a turbine power plant using ocean thermal energy (OTEC)
PublikacjaThe paper presents the results and conclusions of numerical calculations modelled in the EES program of a closed OTEC cycle. The following mediums were analysed: ammonia, R32, R41, R404a, R407c, R410a, R423a, R500, R502, R507a and R114, R152a, R234fa, R600, R1234yf, R1234ze. Analogous assumptions were adopted as in the ORC cycle with heat regeneration for dry refrigerants without regeneration for wet refrigerants. Each of them...
PublikacjaUnderstanding bacterial deactivation at the micro-scale, particularly with E. coli, is crucial for advancing microbiology and has promising applications in biomedical research. In this research contribution, we investigate the thermal inactivation of E. coli bacteria using gold nanoparticles irradiated by a green 1-W laser within a microfluidic chamber. The microfluidic device comprises a fluidic chamber filled with a thin film...
Analysis of the selection of low temperature medium for a turbine power plant using ocean thermal energy (OTEC)
PublikacjaThe paper presents the results and conclusions of numerical calculations modelled in the EES program of a closed OTEC cycle. The following mediums were analysed: ammonia, R32, R41, R404a, R407c, R410a, R423a, R500, R502, R507a and R114, R152a, R234fa, R600, R1234yf, R1234ze. Analogous assumptions were adopted as in the ORC cycle with heat regeneration for dry refrigerants without regeneration for wet refrigerants. Each of them...
Dynamic analysis of lightweight structure of the Viaduct Millau in France subjected to the wind fluctuations described by Karman’s and Davenport’s spectrum
PublikacjaThe article presents numerical simulations for wind impact modelling on the Millau Viaduct structure in France performed with two independent spectrum generation methods. The viaduct's construction in affected by strong forces, as it is situated in the Tarn river's valley. Thus, the loading coming from the wind cannot be modelled, the way it is in case of simple structures as static loading, but as a loading in a form of a spectrum...
Distributed System for Monitoring of the Large Scale Infrastructure Structures Based on Analysis of Changes of its Static and Dynamic Properties
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Blowing Kinetics, Pressure Resistance, Thermal Stability, and Relaxation of the Amorphous Phase of the PET Container in the SBM Process with Hot and Cold Mold. Part II: Statistical Analysis and Interpretation of Tests
PublikacjaThe technology of filling drinks without preservatives (such as fresh juices, iced tea drinks, and vitaminized drinks) is carried out using hot filling. Mainly due to the production costs and lower carbon footprint, polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles are increasingly used in this technology. In this paper, the main aim is to describe and interpret the results of statistical analysis of the influence of the temperature of...
Expanded graphite assistant construction of gradient-structured char layer in PBS/Mg(OH)2 composites for improving flame retardancy, thermal stability and mechanical properties
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Thermal Buckling Analysis of Circular Bilayer Graphene sheets Resting on an Elastic Matrix Based on Nonlocal Continuum Mechanics
PublikacjaIn this article, the thermal buckling behavior of orthotropic circular bilayer graphene sheets embedded in the Winkler–Pasternak elastic medium is scrutinized. Using the nonlocal elasticity theory, the bilayer graphene sheets are modeled as a nonlocal double–layered plate that contains small scale effects and van der Waals (vdW) interaction forces. The vdW interaction forces between the layers are simulated as a set of linear springs...
Numerical Simulation and Experimental Analysis of Thermal Cycles and Phase Transformation Behavior of Laser-Welded Advanced Multiphase Steel
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Advanced Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Behavior Structural Materials Including Dynamic Conditions of Fracture for Needs of Designing Protective Structures
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Structural Analysis and Dynamic Processes of the Transmembrane Segment Inside Different Micellar Environments—Implications for the TM4 Fragment of the Bilitranslocase Protein
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Picomolar analysis of flavins in biological samples by dynamic pH junction-sweeping capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence detection
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Finite element modeling of plastic hinges based on ductility demand-capacity method using nonlinear material for dynamic analysis
PublikacjaThe article discusses modeling plastic hinges in reinforced concrete interme-diate supports using finite elements methods. The ductility demand-capacitymethod was used to determine the geometrical parameters of cross-section plas-ticization zones, their ability to move and rotate, as well as their ductility. Dueto the varied geometry and stiffness of the supports and their nonlinear behav-ior under dynamic load, this method was...
Synteza i właściwości jonowoprzewodzących materiałów poliuretanowych
PublikacjaPrzewodzące kompozyty poliuretanowe otrzymywano w syntezie dwuetapowej. W pierwszym etapie syntetyzowano prepolimer uretanowy. W tym celu poddawano reakcji 4,4'-diizocyjanianu difenylometanu (MDI) oraz oligoeterol ( PTMG 1000, PTMG 2000 lub Rokopol D-2002). W drugim etapie jako przedłużacz łańcuchów stosowano 1,4-butanodiol (BDO). Elastomery te były domieszkowane solami LiClO4 lub LiCl oraz modyfikowane montmorylonitem. Domieszkowanie...
Hyperbranched polyethylenimine functionalized silica/polysulfone nanocomposite membranes for water purification
PublikacjaHyperbranched polyethyleneimine functionalized silica (PEI-SiO2) nanoparticles with considerable hydrophilicity were synthesized and incorporated into a polysulfone (PSF)/dimethylacetamide (DMA)/polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) membrane casting solution in five different ratios to fabricate PEI-SiO2/PSF nanocomposite membranes using nonsolvent-induced phase separation. The hydrophilic PEI-SiO2 nanoparticles were characterized by TEM,...
Silver Nanoparticles (AgNPs) Incorporation into Polymethyl Methacrylate (PMMA) for Dental Appliance Fabrication: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Mechanical Properties
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