Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: SPATIAL MANAGEMENT AND PLANNING - MOST Wiedzy




  • Magdalena Brzozowska-Woś dr hab. inż.

    Magdalena Brzozowska-Woś jest absolwentką Wydziału Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej (specjalność: systemy zarządzania). Jest również absolwentką Podyplomowego Studium Reklamy (Wydział Zarządzania i Ekonomii PG) oraz Podyplomowego Studium Public Relations (SWPS Uniwersytet Humanistycznospołeczny). W latach 2000-2003 współpracowała z Panoramą Internetu sp. z o. o. jako specjalista ds. marketingu. Pełniła również obowiązki...

  • Grzegorz Zieliński dr inż.

    Autor ponad 100 publikacji naukowych (zarówno w języku polskim, jak i angielskim) z zakresu zarządzania działalnością usługową, doskonalenia podmiotów, w tym podmiotów leczniczych. Zainteresowania naukowo-badawcze obejmują obszary związane z dojrzałością i doskonałością przedsiębiorstw w różnych aspektach ich działalności. Uczestniczył w projektach badawczych Narodowego Centrum Nauki oraz projektach realizowanych przez międzynarodowe...

  • Concrete versus green corridors in road planning. Gdansk case


    The aim of an article is to present the threats which may be caused by the construction of the transit road inside the city structure, and some mitigation measures aiming to eliminate or minimize environmental and landscape damages and social problems. Theoretical guidelines and conclusions will be followed by the example illustrating the problem. As an answer, some guidelines enabling sustainable road planning will be presented....

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  • Integration of Lean Manufacturing with ISO Management Systems in Enterprise

    Lean manufacturing [LM], quality management system and environmental management system are clear initiatives with a goal of improving effectiveness and efficiencies of organizations. Many organisations tackle lean philosophy, ISO standards individually but this kind of attempt do not focus on the synergy and the advantage from the potential collaboration. This paper aims to present the possibility of integration Lean Management...

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  • Strengthening the local communities’ competence for engaging in participatory planning

    The article describes the genesis of undertaking the subject of improving the planning competencies in local communities, in order to eliminate communication gaps to strengthen the civil attitudes. It puts forward a thesis that innovation in this issue involves creation of new participatory planning techniques, i.e. the described urban mentoring model. Describing the inclinations for undertaking the subject of the “Quo Vadis Gdansk?...

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  • The Urban Mentoring as a New Method of Participatory Urban Planning in Poland

    Twenty-five years after the return of democracy and the beginning of basing the country's economy on neoliberal developmental paradigm, Poland adopted the regulations regarding management of urban policy, which had been wait for over a decade (accession to the EU). The National Urban Policy as well as the Act on revitalization have defined, in a modern manner, the field of cooperation between the local government, the administration...

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  • Impact of Initial Population on Evolutionary Path Planning Algorithm


    In this paper an impact of initial population on evolutionary path planning algorithm is presented. Tested algorithm is used to determine close to optimal shippaths in collision avoidance situation. For this purpose a path planning problem is defined. A specific structure of the individual path and fitness function is presented. For the simulation purposes a close to real tested environment is created. Four tests are performed....

  • Comparison of Selection Schemes in Evolutionary Method of Path Planning



    This article compares an impact of using various selection schemes on the quality of the solution for the problem of planning the path for a moving object using the evolutionary method. In study case problem of avoiding collisions at sea is analyzed. The modelled environment includes static constraints (lands, canals, etc.) and dynamic objects (moving ships). Article analyses behaviour of selection schemes in two similar environments...

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  • Improving the production planning and control process


    Focusing the activities of a production business on the strategy based on quality entails orientation on meeting the expectations of the customers with respect to the product itself, and the terms of its delivery. The article notes the role of the production planning and control process in improving the quality of the business offer. It identifies the objectives set for the process from the perspective of meeting the expectations...

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  • Structure and Randomness in Planning and Reinforcement Learning


    - Rok 2021

    Planning in large state spaces inevitably needs to balance the depth and breadth of the search. It has a crucial impact on the performance of a planner and most manage this interplay implicitly. We present a novel method \textit{Shoot Tree Search (STS)}, which makes it possible to control this trade-off more explicitly. Our algorithm can be understood as an interpolation between two celebrated search mechanisms: MCTS and random...

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    W artykule opisano projekt standardów dostępności zintegrowanych węzłów przesiadkowych, które zawierają spójne dla wszystkich elementów ZWP z uwzględnieniem potrzeb i wymagań osób ze szczególnymi potrzebami zasady projektowania, budowy i utrzymania oraz minimalne parametry kluczowych dla samodzielnej realizacji podróży przez osoby ze szczególnymi potrzebami rozwiązań i udogodnień. Przedstawione standardy zawierają zasady i wymagania...

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  • Impact of Initial Population on Evolutionary Path Planning Algorithm


    In this paper an impact of initial population on evolutionary path planning algorithm is presented. Tested algorithm is used to determine close to optimal ship paths in collision avoidance situation. For this purpose a path planning problem is defined. A specific structure of the individual path and fitness function is presented. For the simulation purposes a close to real tested environment is created. Four tests are performed....

  • Generative Process Planning with Reasoning based on Geometrical Product Specification

    The focus of this paper is on computer aided process planning for parts manufacture in systems of definite process capabilities, involving the use of multi-axis machining centers for parts shaping and grinding machines for finishing. It presents in particular a decision making scheme for setup determination as a part of generative process planning. The planning procedurę consists of two stages. The first stage is associated with...

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  • Knowledge management in the processes of project requirements analysis

    Authors, based on one of popular software project management methods as RUP fo-cused on one of most important discipline in project management as requirements management. Authors decomposed the role of the business analyst and present methodological and realizational processes of knowledge managament in traditional and applied sources of knowledge tied with this role. An experiment was conducted in four project teams of all sizes,...

  • Can the Pandemic Be a Catalyst of Spatial Changes Leading Towards the Smart City?

    The worldwide spread of Covid‐19 infections has had a pervasive influence on cities and the lives of their residents. The current crisis has highlighted many urban problems, including those related to the functionality of urban structures, which directly affect the quality of life. Concurrently, the notion of “smart cities” is becoming a dominant trend in the discourse on urban development. At the intersection of these two phenomena,...

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  • Export diversification and economic development: a dynamic spatial data analysis


    - Gecomplexity Discussion Papers - Rok 2015

    This paper contributes to the empirical literature on the relationship between ‘export variety’ (export diversification) and economic development by relaxing the assumption of cross-country independence and allowing for spatial diffusion of shocks in observed and unobserved factors. Export variety is measured for a balanced panel of 114 countries (1992-2012) using very detailed information on their exports (HS 6-digit product...

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  • Landscape as a Potential Key Concept in Urban Environmental Planning: The Case of Poland


    Rapid urban development increases the consumption of materials, energy, and water, resulting in an overproduction of waste and emissions. These cause many environmental threats, such as ozone layer depletion and rain acidification, leading to climate change. Therefore, the question arises on how to improve the effectiveness of tools that strengthen environmental protection. This discursive article presents an approach stressing...

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  • Local Planning

    Kursy Online
    • M. Radziszewska
    • M. Arczyńska

    The aim of the course is to present the practical tools for local development. It integrates joint activities of various entities (local government units, private entities, residents) in order to transform a specific space as well as possible ways to procure urban or architectural project and funding.

  • Local Planning

    Kursy Online
    • Ł. Pancewicz

  • Problemy modernizacji szpitali


    Stale dokonujący się rozwój technologii medycznych oraz postęp w możliwościach leczniczych w sposób zasadniczy wpływa na kształt szpitala. W obecnie realizowanych szpitalach maleje powierzchnia działów pielęgnacji chorych, natomiast zwiększa się powierzchnia działów diagnostyczno-zabiegowych. Skraca się średni czas pobytu pacjenta w szpitalu. Szpital staje się sprawną „maszyną” do diagnozowania, a następnie leczenia pacjenta w...

  • Models in Spatial Development

    Kursy Online
    • R. Skrzypczyński

  • Memetic approach for multi-objective overtime planning in software engineering projects


    - Rok 2019

    Software projects often suffer from unplanned overtime due to uncertainty and risk incurred due to changing requirement and attempt to meet up with time-to-market of the software product. This causes stress to developers and can result in poor quality. This paper presents a memetic algorithmic approach for solving the overtime-planning problem in software development projects. The problem is formulated as a three-objective optimization...

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  • A Paradigm for HV, MV, LV Distribution Grid Development Planning


    In the literature, including that relating to businesses in the energy (and power) sector, the concept of these organizations’ operating paradigm may be found. The paper discusses the concept of the paradigm, with a focus on the power grid development planning paradigm. Against this background, issues related to energy security and power systems development trends and problems are presented. A new paradigm is proposed for distribution...

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  • Export diversification and economic development: A dynamic spatial data analysis


    - Review of International Economics - Rok 2018

    This paper contributes to the empirical literature on the relationship between “export variety” (export diversification) and economic development by relaxing the assumption of cross-country independence and allowing for spatial diffusion of shocks in observed and unobserved factors. Export variety is measured for a balanced panel of 114 countries (1992–2012) using very detailed information on their exports (HS 6-digit product level)....

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  • Spatial Statistics


    ISSN: 2211-6753

  • Spatial Demography


    ISSN: 2364-2289 , eISSN: 2164-7070

  • Spatial Economics


    ISSN: 1815-9834 , eISSN: 2587-5957



    ISSN: 0169-1015

  • Progress in used tyres management in the european union: a review

    The dynamic increase in the manufacture of rubber products, particularly those used in the automobile industry, is responsible for a vast amount of wastes, mostly in the form of used tyres, of which more than 17 million tonnes are produced globally each year. The widely differing chemical compositions and the cross-linked structures of rubber in tyres are the prime reason why they are highly resistant to biodegradation, photochemical...

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  • Design thinking (DT) for the design and planning education of engineer-architects

    Engineers are facing new challenges connected with globalisation, digitisation and the increased complexity of the design process. This calls for new, more interdisciplinary and user-oriented approaches to problem- solving. In this article, the authors analyse design thinking (DT) as a method to support the education of engineers specialising in architecture and urban planning. Identified in this study are the opportunities this...

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  • Computer -Aided Local Energy Planning Using ALEP-PL Software

    The issue of energy system planning, including the planning of local energy systems, is critical, since it affects the security of energy supplies in communities, regions, and consequently the security of energy supply within the country. Energy planning is a complex process that requires integration of different goals i.e. improvement of energy efficiency, increase in the share of renewables in the energy balance and CO2} emission...

  • Planning


    ISSN: 0001-2610

  • In search for new urban planning education and research formulas

    This paper shows research and educational urban planning projects based on international and mutlicultural cooperation including innovative elements to conduct research on built environment. Their common aim is to search for a new perspective on the city development and challenges resulting from changing conditions.

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  • Planning for the redevelopment of the Imperial Shipyard - a key eleemnt of Gdańsk waterfront


    - Rok 2016

    This article deals with the planning and implementation of the new urban concept for the young city development structure in Gdańsk

  • Spatial Aspects of Tram and Trolleybus Supply System


    - Rok 2015

    Nowadays the issue of electric energy saving in public transport is becoming a key area of interest which is connected both with a growth in environmental awareness of the society and an increase in the prices of fuel and electricity. It can be achieved by reducing of the transmission losses in supply system or by the improving of the usage of the regenerative breaking. The spatial differentiation of the energy supply system of...


    The research problem considered in this paper is how to protect wireless sensor networks (WSN) against cyber-threats by applying trust management and how to strengthen network resilience to attacks targeting the trust management mechanism itself. A new method, called WSN Cooperative Trust Management Method (WCT2M), of distributed trust management in multi-layer wireless sensor networks is proposed and its performance is evaluated....

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  • Use of Data from Satellite Navigation System in Operational and Strategic Management of Transport in Cities

    The article presents the possibilities of using data from the Global Positioning System for the development of traffic models and examples of use this data in the transport management. Traffic models are useful tools in planning and evaluation of transport solutions, but also can be used for current, operational transport management.

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  • Smart Virtual Product Development (SVPD) System to Support Product Inspection Planning in Industry 4.0


    - Procedia Computer Science - Rok 2020

    This paper presents the idea of supporting product inspection planning process during the early stages of product life cycle for the experts working on product development. Aim of this research is to assist a collaborative product development process by using Smart Virtual Product Development (SVPD) system, which is based on Set of Experience Knowledge Structure (SOEKS) and Decisional DNA (DDNA). The proposed system is developed...

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  • Improvements and Spatial Dependencies in Energy Transition Measures


    - ENERGIES - Rok 2021

    This article aims to improve one of the newest energy transition measures—the WorldEconomic Forum WEF Energy Transition Index (ETI) and find its driving forces. This paper proposesa new approach to correct the ETI structure, i.e., sensitivity analysis, which allows assessing theaccuracy of variable weights. Moreover, the novelty of the paper is the use the spatial error modelsto estimate determinants of the energy transition on...

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  • The Most Valuable Global Brands and Condition of Economies: a Spatial Approach


    Research background: Brands are considered to be the most valuable asset of a company. Some of them achieve spectacular global results. The significance of global brands is proved by the fact that their value is often greater than the sum of all company’s net assets. Purpose of the article: The aim of this article is to highlight that brand value does not only create company’s value but also leverages economies. We claim that even though...

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  • Adaptive Management Approach to an Infrastructure Project

    The paper presents an adaptive approach to project management, illustrated by the description of a case study, i.e., of a project whose aim was to develop the means and prepare the documentation for the revitalization of a railway line. The project itself was a major challenge for the implementers due to a novel and innovative subject thereof, including the construction of a railway line which takes place in a difficult terrain...

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  • Spatial pattern of ASG-EUPOS sites


    - Open Geosciences - Rok 2017

    The article presents the spatial pattern analysis of the ASG-EUPOS permanent GNSS stations in Poland. Using different methods and tools (nearest neighbour, Riplay’s K-function, morphology of Thiessen polygons) we proved that the station distribution model changes within scales. At short distances up to 65 km, which are typical lengths in the network, stations are irregularly dispersed. Increasing this distance to 130 km and over...

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  • Modern Management Challenges of Floating Housing Development

    The aim of the article is to identify factors that determine the development and management models of floating housing development in the analyzed countries. The author indicates factors determining the possibility of settling on bodies of water in Poland, and restrictions connected with this type of development, as well as the need for specialized persons and companies ready to meet the challenges of the modern management of hydro-technical...

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  • Comparison of ambisonic and object-based spatial sound recording techniques


    - Rok 2024

    This article presents a comparison of spatial sound recording techniques based on scene-based and object-based audio. The study aimed to make different mixes from a recording which consists of a higher-order ambisonic microphone and spot microphones. For spot microphones simple ambisonics encoding was used, which allows panning the individual channels on an ambisonic sphere as objects. Recordings were combined in various variants...

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  • Spatial Modelling in Environmental Analysis and Civil Engineering

    As can be seen, Spatial Modelling in Environmental Analysis and Civil Engineering applies to a multitude of applications. In an attempt to bring the topic closer to potential readers, the special issue referred to security methods, optimization of calculations, conducting measurements and empirical tests. Each article has made an original contribution to the development of practical science that can be replicated by researchers...

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  • How the Depths of the Danish Straits Shape Gdańsk's Port and City Spatial Development


    - Urban Planning - Rok 2023

    The depths of the Danish Straits limit the drafts of ships entering the Baltic Sea. The largest ships calling the Baltic in a laden condition are called Baltimax. The article presents how the dredging works carried out in the Danish Straits in the 1970s enabled the development of the Port of Gdańsk and consequently also influenced the city, being a residential base for employees of the new port and shipyards. The analysed case...

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  • Shipping Safety Management on Polish Inland Waterways


    - Archives of Transport System Telematics - Rok 2018

    Over the past years, the role of inland waterway transport has increased compared to other modes of transport. The increasing intensity of the inland vessel traffic significantly affects the safety of navigation. The article analyses the main causes of accidents and incidents that occurred on the Odra Waterway and Lower Vistula. The authors have classified those accidents and suggested possible directions for the development of...

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  • Innovation and Knowledge Management in the SME Sector and the Role of Normative Management Systems


    - Rok 2012

    The article presents deliberations related to importance and specificity of innovation activities in small and medium-sized enterprises. Basing on results of the research the characteristics of the SMEs concerning process related and organizational innovation has been determined. Interrelations between innovation activities and knowledge management within the framework of normative management systems have been emphasized.

  • Spatial differences in sustainable development components in Nordic regions


    - Rok 2017

    Geographical proximity, common historical roots and collaboration within the Nordic Council make the Nordic countries, often wrongly treated as monoliths. How ever, in reality, Nordic regions differ in terms of broadly defined socio - economic development. The aim of this study is to analyze the spatial differences in sustainable development components in Nordic NUTS - 3 regions in the period 2006 - 2014....

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  • Implementation of daylight design strategies in urban planning - barriers to application in Poland


    - Rok 2015

    This paper reflects on studies done in the area of daylight design methods with regard to principles that can be applied in architecture and urban planning strategies. The paper addresses barriers to the application of new daylight design methods in urban planning, and in particular discusses current Polish building regulations in the context of daylight design. The results of the pilot study carried out among 82 participants show...

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