Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: decision support
Enhancing Product Innovation Through Smart Innovation Engineering System
PublikacjaThis paper illustrates the idea of Smart Innovation Engineering (SIE) System that helps in carrying the process of product innovation. The SIE system collects the experiential knowledge from the formal decisional events. This experiential knowledge is collected from the set of similar products having some common functions and features. Due to the fact that SIE system collects, captures and reuses the experiential knowledge of all...
Możliwość oszacowania niezawodności silników o zapłonie samoczynnym z zastosowaniem teorii procesów semi-Markowa oraz podejmowania decyzji eksploatacyjnych z uwzględnieniem wiarygodności diagnozy o stanie technicznym tego rodzaju silników spalinowych = Possibility of estimating the reliability of diesel engines by applying the theory of semi-Markov processes and making operational decisions by considering reliability of diagnosis on technical state of this sort of combustion engines/
PublikacjaThe paper presents semi-Markov models of technical state transitions for diesel engines, useful for determining reliability of the engines. A possibility of application of a three-state model with a simplified matrix function, or even a two-state model, to determine reliability of the engines, has been described herein on examples of known from literature semi-Markov models, for the case when appropriate diagnosing systems (SDG)...
Decisional DNA Based Conceptual Framework for Smart Manufacturing
PublikacjaThis paper presents the conceptual framework for systematic knowledge representation, storage and reuse of manufacturing information in a production scenario. This knowledge structure is designed for three levels in a manufacturing set up viz. first at the engineering objects level, second at process and finally at factory level. Virtual engineering object (VEO) deals with knowledge at the individual object/component/machine level...
Environmental risk- based ranking of solvents by the combination of multimedia model and multi-criteria decision analysis
PublikacjaA novel procedure for assessing the environmental risk related to solvents emissions has been developed. The assessment of risk is based on hazard and exposure detailed investigations. The potential exposure related to different environmental phases is calculated with basic multimedia model, that gives the percentage distribution of solvent in environmental compartments as a result. Specific hazards– toxicological, environmental...
Virtual Engineering Objects (VEO): Designing, Developing and Testing Models
PublikacjaIn this article, the development and implementation of the concept of Virtual Engineering Object (VEO) is described. A VEO is a computerized real world representation of an engineering object. VEO will act as a living representation of the object capable of adding, storing, improving and sharing knowledge through experience, in a way similar to an expert of that object. In this paper, it is shown through test models how the concept...
The Decisional DNA-Based Smart Bike for Internet of Things
PublikacjaIn this paper, we introduce a novel application of the Internet of Things, the Decisional DNAbased Smart Bike. The Decisional DNA is a domain-independent, flexible and standard knowledge representation structure; it allows its domains to acquire and store experiential knowledge and formal decision events in an explicit way. By using Decisional DNA, the sensor-equipped bicycle is able to learn its user’s weight, riding habits, etc....
Evolutionary algorithm and decisional DNA for multiple travelling salesman problem
PublikacjaIn the real world, it is common to face optimization problems that have two or more objectives that must be optimized at the same time, that are typically explained in different units, and are in conflict with one another. This paper presents a hybrid structure that combines set of experience knowledge structures (SOEKS) and evolutionary algorithms, NSGA-II (Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II), to solve multiple optimization...
Optimization of Bread Production Using Neuro-Fuzzy Modelling
PublikacjaAutomation of food production is an actively researched domain. One of the areas, where automation is still not progressing significantly is bread making. The process still relies on expert knowledge regarding how to react to procedure changes depending on environmental conditions, quality of the ingredients, etc. In this paper, we propose an ANFIS-based model for changing the mixer speed during the kneading process. Although the...
Exploring the Benefits, Challenges, and Opportunities of Collaborative Business Intelligence
PublikacjaIn traditional business intelligence (BI) settings, the collective decision-making process is often hindered by the absence of knowledge and expertise exchange among various stakeholders, as well as lack of information sharing. The study delves into the concept of Collaborative BI, which aims to overcome these limitations by promoting collaboration, business networking, knowledge sharing, and improved communication among stakeholders....
Empirical Investigation into the Evaluation Methodology for Transport Interchange Accessibility for Individuals with Special Needs: An In-Depth Analysis of Selected Transport Interchanges in Gdańsk
PublikacjaThe manuscript delineates an empirical research methodology for gathering data for the functional characterization of transport interchanges. The adoption of a universal, standardized field research method ensures the feasibility of objective interchange comparisons. The explicated methodology encompasses observational and survey research, yielding both quantitative and qualitative data. The amassed data comprises the count of...
Formation of a state institution on the basis of a process analysis - The concept of the institution of cadastre
PublikacjaModification of the structures of public administration encounters major obstacles. Institutional changes are difficult to introduce due to their complexity and broad impact. Non-substantial (political) factors are of importance as well. The resistance to change is aggravated by how difficult it is for decision-makers to assess the impact of the changes that are proposed. We present a method of handling such issues based on the...
Fault detection and diagnostics of complex dynamic systems using Gaussian Process Models - nuclear power plant case study
PublikacjaThe article examines the use of Gaussian Process Models to simulate the dynamic processes of a Pressurized Water nuclear Reactor for fault detection and diagnostics. The paper illustrates the potential of Gaussian Process Models as a tool for monitoring and predicting various fault conditions in Pressurized Water nuclear Reactor power plants, including reactor coolant flow and temperature variations, deviations from nominal working...
Implementation of multicriteria decision analysis in design of experiment for dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction optimization for chlorophenols determination
PublikacjaA novel and efficient approach to optimization of extraction step prior the chromatographic determination of nine chlorinated phenols is described. It is based on the combination of design of experiments and multicriteria decision analysis. Such an approach is used to optimize dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction procedure for the determination of 9 chlorophenols in water samples. Three parameters are optimized – sample volume,...
─ Formation of a state institution on the basis of a process analysis - The concept of the institution of cadastre
PublikacjaModification of the structures of public administration encounters major obstacles. Institutional changes are difficult to introduce due to their complexity and broad impact. Non-substantial (political) factors are of importance as well. The resistance to change is aggravated by how difficult it is for decision-makers to assess the impact of the changes that are proposed. We present a method of handling such issues based on the...
Soft-decision schemes for radar estimation of elevation at low grazing angles
PublikacjaIn modern radars, the problem of estimating elevation angle at low grazing angles is typically solved using superresolution techniques. These techniques often require one to provide an estimate of the number of waveforms impinging the array, which one can accomplish using model selection techniques. In this paper, we investigate the performance of an alternative approach, based on the Bayesian-like model averaging. The Bayesian...
Domination subdivision and domination multisubdivision numbers of graphs
PublikacjaThe domination subdivision number sd(G) of a graph G is the minimum number of edges that must be subdivided (where an edge can be subdivided at most once) in order to increase the domination number of G. It has been shown [10] that sd(T)<=3 for any tree T. We prove that the decision problem of the domination subdivision number is NP-complete even for bipartite graphs. For this reason we define the domination multisubdivision number...
Classifying type of vehicles on the basis of data extracted from audio signal characteristics
PublikacjaThe aim of this study is to find and optimize a feature vector for an automatic recognition of the type of vehicles, extracted form an audio signal. First, the influence of weather-based conditions of road surface on spectral characteristic of the audio signal recorded from a passing vehicle in close proximity to the road is discussed. Next, parameterization of the recorded audio signal is performed. For that purpose, the MIRtoolbox,...
Qualia: About Personal Emotions Representing Temporal Form of Impressions - Implementation Hypothesis and Application Example
PublikacjaThe aim of this article is to present the new extension of the xEmotion system as a computerized emotional system, part of an Intelligent System of Decision making (ISD) that combines the theories of affective psychology and philosophy of mind. At the same time, the authors try to find a practical impulse or evidence for a general reflection on the treatment of emotions as transitional states, which at some point may lead to the...
Paired domination subdivision and multisubdivision numbers of graphs
PublikacjaThe paired domination subdivision number sdpr(G) of a graph G is the minimum number of edges that must be subdivided (where an edge can be subdivided at most once) in order to increase the paired domination number of G. We prove that the decision problem of the paired domination subdivision number is NP-complete even for bipartite graphs. For this reason we define the paired domination muttisubdivision number of a nonempty graph...
PublikacjaHandbook of Thermoset Plastics, Fourth Edition provides complete coverage of the chemical processes, manufacturing techniques and design properties of each polymer, along with its applications. This new edition has been expanded to include the latest developments in the field, with new chapters on radiation curing, biological adhesives, vitrimers, and 3D printing. This detailed handbook considers the practical implications of using...
Multi-objective optimization of the ORC axial turbine for a waste heat recovery system working in two modes: cogeneration and condensation
PublikacjaDue to the demand of the district heating network and electric power grid ORC turbines can operate in the condensation and cogeneration modes. This approach requires the design of an expander which is characterized by high efficiency in each mode of operation. The paper is devoted to a multi-objective efficiency optimization of a one stage axial ORC turbine working on MM (Hexamethyldisiloxane). An Implicit Filtering algorithm (IF)...
Stock price reactions to an arrangement approval in restructuring proceedings – the case of Poland
PublikacjaThe study aims to empirically analyze the reaction of stock prices to the information about the conclusion and acceptance of a debtor–creditor arrangement under restructuring proceedings of companies listed on the stock exchange in Poland. The following main research hypothesis was verified: public disclosure of information about an arrangement conclusion and acceptance in restructuring proceedings...
Key success factors for small design offices in the bidding process
PublikacjaCompetition in the design office market is high, therefore it is important to be aware of the conditions determining the competitive advantage, thus increasing the bidding effectiveness. For this reason, the aim of the article is to identify key success factors (KSF) increasing successful bidding of a small design office. The factors were identified and then analysed based on a literature review, expert interviews and using Group...
Overview of the three multicriteria approaches applied to a global assessment of analytical methods
PublikacjaCritical and global evaluation of analytical methods should be one of the primary goals in analytical chemistry. A holistic approach, however, requires a look at the varied features: commonly discussed validation criteria, often underrated practical and economic aspects, and typically overlooked compliance with the principles of green analytical chemistry. Carrying out such an assessment in a critical and transparent way is extremely...
Knowledge Transfer Platform FindFISH – Numerical Forecasting System for the Marine Environment of the Gulf of Gdańsk for Fisheries
PublikacjaFast access to expert knowledge is very valuable, especially in the context of decision-making. Fishermen can use this knowledge to diagnose hydrological and hydrochemical conditions in which fish stocks should be the most abundant. In response to this need, a digital service has been developed. It is a service created within the FindFISH project, which pro- vides the results of all developed models: hydrodynamic, biochemical,...
PublikacjaSuicides are a phenomenon observed in many countries. The causes of a decision so drastic as far as consequences are concerned include i.a. economic reasons. The question arises whether the changing number of suicides reflects the state of the economy. The direct link between the state of the economy and suicides has not been sufficiently studied so far. The authors of this article attempted to identify the links between selected...
Jaroslaw Spychala dr
OsobyOprócz bardzo dobrego wykształcenia osoba posiada również wieloletnie doświadczenie zawodowe, które jest poświadczeniem tego, że potrafi wykorzystać swoją wiedzę teoretyczną w praktycznych działaniach. Doświadczenie zawodowe jest bardzo bogate i rozbudowane. Ze względu na nabyte całkiem nowe umiejętności zwiększa się atrakcyjność doświadczonego pracownika. Są to między innymi kreatywne myślenie, zorientowanie na cel, odporność...
Smart Services supporting Drivers in Effective Cars Parking
PublikacjaThe paper shows how to design and implement intelligent, service oriented systems for management of free places in distributed car parks. The idea of SOA technology is widely used. It is assumed that a state of every car park is automatically determined by a special electronic infrastructure including IoT solutions. The information received from such an infrastructure is sent to the main management system, which processes it and,...
Client-server Approach in the Navigation System for the Blind
PublikacjaThe article presents the client‐server approach in the navigation system for the blind ‐ “Voice Maps”. The authors were among the main creators of the prototype and currently the commercialization phase is being finished. In the implemented prototype only exemplary, limited spatial data were used, therefore they could be stored and analysed (for path-finding process) in the mobile device’s memory without any difficulties. The...
Fuel price, income and road safety as determinants of the level of the population’s economic well-being in Poland
PublikacjaThe opportunity to travel is one of the most favorite human activities, given that on a trip a person gets new knowledge, impressions and positive emotions. Recreational trips occupy a prominent place in the concept of the economics of happiness, and the study of factors that influence decision-making regarding travel is important for forecasting the number of tourists, infrastructure development, income and expenses of businesses...
PublikacjaThis paper discusses the results of a study of the quality of space in hospital buildings in the context of solutions facilitat- ing the orientation of patients in the space of the Outpatient Clinic, in the clinic building complex of the National Institute of Oncology in Gliwice (NIO). By combining qualitative research methods with a syntactic description of the space, the aim was to record the experiences of users and define objective...
PublikacjaThe paper describes the properties of semi-Markov processes and the opportunities and benefits from their use as models of the operation processes for marine combustion engines and other machines of ship power plants. The emphasis is put on the importance of the theory of semi-Markov processes for development of the theory of marine combustion engines and other machines of ship power plants, as well as for development of the operational...
Trigger-based Model to Assess the Readiness of IT Organizations to Agile Transformation
PublikacjaThe process of change the method of project management from waterfall to agile is called “agile transformation” (AT). The decision to agile transformation is undertaken based on many different factors. Many companies decide to abandon classic, waterfall methodology for agile without prior analysis. This approach makes the processes of agile transformation is hard to control and frequently the implementation of agile fails. The...
Set of Experience and Decisional DNA: Experience-Based Knowledge Structures
PublikacjaThis chapter presents a description of Set of Experience Knowledge Structure (SOEKS) and Decisional DNA (DDNA), argumentation for a knowledge representation, composition, configuration and metrics. SOEKS is a combination of filtered and amalgamated information obtained from formal decision events. It facilitates effective explicit representation of decisional experience taken from different technologies. SOEKS comprises variables,...
Green Analytical Chemistry: Summary of Existing Knowledge and Future Trends
PublikacjaAnalysis of recent publications in green analytical chemistry shows the current trends and future needs in this area. The main issues are related with search for cheaper, more efficient, more accurate, greener and miniaturized alternatives. Miniaturization is perhaps, the most notable current trend in analytical chemistry. Rapid developments and improvements in instrumentation have led to impressive range of benchtop technology...
The Selection of Anchoring System for Floating Houses by Means of AHP Method
PublikacjaThis paper indicates and analyses the use of anchoring systems, such as mooring piles, booms, mooring cables, and deadweight anchors with additional elastic connectors, which are the most frequently applied by the producers of floating houses. The selection of the most advantageous anchoring system is complicated and requires the application of quantitative and qualitative data and methods. This publication presents the results...
Experimental examination and modification of chip suction system in circular sawing machine
PublikacjaThe article presents the results of experimental examination of the wood chip suction system in the existing sliding table saw before and after its modifi cation. The studies focused on the extraction hood of the mentioned system. The methodical experimental research of the pressure distribution inside the hood during wood chip removal for the selected rotational speed of saw blades of 3500 and 6000 min-1 with a diameter of 300...
What matters most to patients? On the Core Determinants of Patient Experience from Free Text Feedback
PublikacjaFree-text feedback from patients is increasingly used for improving the quality of healthcare services and systems. A major reason for the growing interest in harnessing free-text feedback is the belief that it provides richer information about what patients want and care about. The use of computational approaches such as structural topic modelling for analysing large unstructured textual data such as free-text feedback from patients...
Organic syntheses greenness assessment with multicriteria decision analysis
PublikacjaGreen chemistry requires a metrics system that is comprehensive by the criteria included and simple in the application at the same time. We propose the application of multicriteria decision analysis for com- parative greenness assessment of organic synthesis procedures. The assessment is based on 9 criteria (the reagent, reaction efficiency, atom economy, temperature, pressure, synthesis time, solvent, catalyst and reactant) for...
A Simulation Model for Risk and Pricing Competition in the Retail Lending Market
PublikacjaWe propose a simulation model of the retail lending market with two types of agents: borrowers searching for low interest rates and lenders competing through risk-based pricing. We show that individual banks observe adverse selection, even if every lender applies the same pricing strategy and a credit scoring model of comparable discrimination power. Additionally, the model justifies the reverse-S shape of the response rate curve....
Impact of digital technologies on reliability of risk forecasting models - case study of enterprises in three global financial market regions
PublikacjaThis chapter focuses on the evaluation of impact of ICT on reliability of financial risk forecasting models. Presented study shows how the development of ICT can improve the effectiveness of such models. Determining a firm’s financial risk is one of the most interesting topics for investors and decision-makers. The multifaceted goal of the presented research is to separately estimate five traditional statistical and five soft computing...
Swarm-Assisted Investment Planning of a Bioethanol Plant
PublikacjaBioethanol is a liquid fuel for which a significant increase in the share of energy sources has been observed in the economies of many countries. The most significant factor in popularizing bioethanol is the profitability of investments in construction of facilities producing this energy source, as well as the profitability of its supply chain. With the market filled with a large amount of equipment used in the bioethanol production...
Employing flowgraphs for forward route reconstruction in video surveillance system
PublikacjaPawlak’s flowgraphs were utilized as a base idea and knowledge container for prediction and decision making algorithms applied to experimental video surveillance system. The system is used for tracking people inside buildings in order to obtain information about their appearance and movement. The fields of view of the cameras did not overlap. Therefore, when an object was moving through unsupervised areas, prediction was needed...
High-Level Model for the Design of KPIs for Smart Cities Systems
PublikacjaThe main goal of the paper is to build a high-level model for the design of KPIs. Currently, the development and processes of cities have been checked by KPI indicators. The authors realized that there is a limited usability of KPIs for both the users and IT specialists who are preparing them. Another observation was that the process of the implementation of Smart Cities systems is very complicated. Due to this the concept of a...
A prototype information system for managing and pricing e-waste
PublikacjaThere is no doubt that innovation drives development in all areas of human activity, including electrical and electronic equipment. However, the production of new equipment has a significant impact on the natural environment and a relatively high consumption of natural resources. To address these issues, the circular economy has been implemented in recent years by promoting and introducing numerous measures to facilitate the recycling...
User-oriented GIS tools in higher education of urban design and planning
PublikacjaGeographic information systems (GIS) have emerged as indispensable tools for decision-making, planning and problem-solving tasks across various domains in today’s evolving world. However, there exists a pressing need to augment the utilisation of GIS tools in higher education of urban design and planning to foster a user-oriented approach. This article explores the imperative of integrating GIS tools more comprehensively into higher...
Optimization of Division and Reconfiguration Locations of the Medium-Voltage Power Grid Based on Forecasting the Level of Load and Generation from Renewable Energy Sources
PublikacjaThe article addresses challenges in optimizing the operation of medium voltage networks, emphasizing optimizing network division points and selecting the best network configuration for minimizing power and energy losses. It critically reviews recent research on the issue of network configuration optimization. The optimization of the medium voltage power grid reconfiguration process was carried out using known optimization tools....
Development of a Control System for an Autonomous Seaplane
PublikacjaSelf-driving vehicles, also branded as driverless vehicles, autonomous vehicles, or robotic vehicles, are transport systems that can operate with a reduced human impact or even with any human input at all. The content of the present paper is limited to three types of potential applications: Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USVs), Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV). We set our particular focus on...
Organizational ethics and position relationship moderators among knowledge workers: a regional study of Poland
PublikacjaThis research explores organizational ethics among knowledge workers using ICT4Ds in regional enterprises in Poland before, during, and after the COVID-19 pandemic. The study addresses the importance of understanding how ethics in organizations, particularly ethical optimism, corporate social responsibility, and top management action, have evolved across these periods. This topic is crucial as organizational ethics influence employee...
The new investing effectiveness evaluation multi-criteria method in modern supply systems
PublikacjaThe important problem in the processes of modelling and programming the development of sustainable energy sector is the multi-criteria manner of assessing the effectiveness of investments. The goal of this paper is to show how to take into account the impact of investments in multidimensional modelling decision-making processes. This goal can be achieved through the development, presentation, and use of a new multi-criteria method...