wszystkich: 43
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: SUSPENDED SOLIDS
The removal of biogenic compounds and suspended solids in a constructed wetland system
PublikacjaW celu ochrony ujęcia powierzchniowego wody pitnej dla m. Gdańska w 1997 roku został wybudowany obiekt hydrofitowy na cieku spływającym ze wsi Bielkowo. System hydrofitowy jest zbiornikiem retencyjnym złożonym z dwóch części: - część ''mokra'' tzn. stale wypełniona wodą stanowiąca system grobli z wewnętrznym drenażem, która miała pełnić rolę oczyszczających złóż korzeniowych, - część ''sucha'' wypełniająca się wodą okresowo i przeznaczona...
Is the microfiltration process suitable as a method of removing suspended solids from rainwater?
PublikacjaDue to climate change and anthropogenic pressure, freshwater availability is declining in areas where it has not been noticeable so far. As a result, the demands for alternative sources of safe drinking water and effective methods of purification are growing. A solution worth considering is the treatment of rainwater by microfiltration. This study presents the results of selected analyses of rainwater runoff, collected from the...
Evaluation of the simultaneous removal of organic matter, nitrogen and suspended solids in a sshf constructed wetland in capinha, Portugal
PublikacjaCelem pracy była ocena systemu hydrofitowego z podpowierzchniowym przepływem wody (SSHF) usytuowanego w miejscwości Capinha w Portugalii, głównie pod względem usuwania substancji organicznej oraz związków azotu. Podczas czteromiesięcznego monitoringu obiekt wykazał niereguralność w suswaniu zawiesiny ogólnej oraz substancjo organicznej wyrażonej w ChZT. Szybkość usuwania zanieczyszczeń organicznych wynosiła 28 g ChZT/m2d. Uzyskaną...
Particle size analysis of suspensions in removing of organic matter and phosphorus from waste water and surface water
PublikacjaIn this paper the particle size of suspended solids in the removing of organic matter and phosphorus compounds from lake- and waste- water treated in the Ecological Treatment Systems (ETS) was analyzed.The invesigated materials were taken from two ETS located in Pomerania Region/Poland. Object in Swarzewo is 3rd stage of biological treatment of municipal waste water, while object in Kartuzy has task to remove a phosphorus from...
PublikacjaIn this paper the particle size of suspended solids in the removing of organic matter and phosphorus compounds from lake water and wastewater treated in the Ecological Treatment Systems (ETS) was analyzed. The invesigated materials were taken from two ETS located in Pomerania Region/Poland. Object in Swarzewo is 3rd stage of biological treatment of municipal wastewater, while object in Kartuzy has task to remove a phosphorus from...
The efficiency and reliability of pollutant removal in a hybrid constructed wetland with giant miscanthus and Jerusalem artichoke in Poland
PublikacjaIn this paper, we analysed the pollutant removal efficiency and reliability of a vertical and horizontal flow hybrid constructed wetland (CW) planted with giant miscanthus and Jerusalem artichoke. The wastewater treatment plant, located in south-eastern Poland, treated domestic sewage at an average flow rate of 1.2m3·d−1. The tests were carried out during. 5-years of operation of the sewage treatment plant (2011–2016). During this...
Treatment Wetland for Overflow Stormwater Treatment: The Impact of Pollutant Particles Size
PublikacjaThe problem of stormwater treatment in urban areas has become increas- ingly crucial. It has been widely recognized that both mechanical and biological treatment of stormwater is necessary to protect surface water against pollution. Moreover, technology must be applied to ensure effective treatment in changing hydraulic conditions and to serve, to the extent possible, as a retention volume. Treatment wetland (TW) could be...
Contamination of water in Oliwski Stream after the flood in 2016
PublikacjaIn the article pollution of stream waters with surface runoff from an urbanized area caused by an extremely high rainfall is discussed. The analyzes were carried out after the rainfall of the depth 152 mm which took place in Gdańsk on 14th and 15th July 2016. This extreme rainfall caused urban flooding, damage of several retention ponds and pollution of surface waters. In the article the results of physical and chemical analyzes...
Reject water and landfil leachate treatment with hydrophyte method - preliminary results
PublikacjaTreatment of landfill leachate (LL) and reject water (RWC) from dewatering of digested sludge in WWTPs have become one of the actual problems. Treatment of both types of wastewater is in many cases very costly and difficult due to quality and quantity fluctuations in time as well as high concentrations of specific pollutants. In case of our investigation the TSS concentration in RWC was two times higher than in LL. The shere of...
Influence of Wastewater Treatment Technology on Particle Size Distribution in the Effluent
PublikacjaSuspended solids in water and wastewater usually carry quite a large load of pollutants (organic substances, nutrients, heavy metals, etc.) adsorbed on the particles surface. Particles of different sizes carry different types and quantities of pollutants. Therefore, particle size distribution is of importance in waster and wastewater treatment. In the article the influence of different treatment technologies on particle size distribution...
Removal of organic matter and nitrogen in an horizontalsubsurface flow (HSSF) constructed wetland undertransient loads
PublikacjaA monitoring campaign in a horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland under the influence of transient loads of flow-rate, organic matter, nitrogen and suspended solids showed an irregular removal of COD and TSS and lower both removal efficiencies and mass removal rates than the ones observed in other studies for similar operating conditions. This circumstance is associated to the presence of large amount of particulate organic...
Pollutants removal effectiveness in hydrophyte filters with sequential vertical and horizontal flow
PublikacjaThe object of investigations was the constructed wetland in Wiedersberg in Saxonia in Germany supplied with domestic sewage from 145 inhabitants. The biological part was composed of sequential reed beds with vertical and horizontal flow of sewage. It in one of new solutions, because up till now configuration with vertical bed situated at front of biological part of treatment was applied.The evaluation of object performance was...
Assessment of wastewater quality indicators for wastewater treatment influent using an advanced logistic regression model
PublikacjaInfluent quality indicators play a significant role in wastewater treatment plant performance due to their correlation with reactor operations and effluent quality. However, selecting a specific/best parameter indicator for predicting influent wastewater quality is one of the challenges in wastewa- ter treatment. This study, therefore, focused on determining suitable variables as influent quality indicators. For this purpose, a...
Nutrient recovery from deammonification effluent in a pilot study using two-step reject water treatment technology
PublikacjaThe aim of this study was to assess the possibility of phosphorus and nitrogen recovery from the liquid fraction of digestates (reject water) pilot study using a two-step technology, where the precipitation of biogenic compounds in the form of magnesium ammonium phosphate (struvite) will be preceded by a deammonification process. The tests confirmed the possibility of nutrient recovery from deammonification effluent. A removal...
Spetiation of organic matter in Vertical Flow Constructed Wetlands
PublikacjaThe object of the research were VFCWs which are a component of biological treatment of two hybrid hydrophyte systems located in Wieszyno and Wiklino, close to Słupsk, Poland. The facilities that are subject to analyses are unified in terms of structure (filtration material, depth of the bed and time of operation), but they differ in organic matter load, amounting respectively to: 8.0 gCOD/m2day and 31.0 gCOD/m2day.The intensity...
Evaluation and start-up of an electro-Fenton-sequencing batch reactor for dairy wastewater treatment
PublikacjaThis study examined the performance of an integrated wastewater (WW) treatment system, namely an electro-Fenton (EF)-sequencing batch reactor (SBR), for dairy industry WW. The EF process was used as the first stage of the SBR. It degrades bio-refractory compounds via advanced oxidation processes, thereby resulting in the formation of simple biodegradable intermediates. Several factors, including the hydraulic retention time (HRT),...
Screening of perfluoroalkyl substances and their environmental impact in sequencing batch reactors combined with nature-based solutions
PublikacjaPerfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a growing problem in the environment. The research indicates that they are present in surface water, groundwater, drinking water sources, wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluents, and landfill leachates. Additionally, the conventional methods of wastewater treatment are ineffective in their removal. This study aimed to indicate the concentration of PFAS in wastewater during treatment processes...
Heavy Metals in a High Arctic Fiord and Their Introduction with the Wastewater: A Case Study of Adventfjorden-Longyearbyen System, Svalbard
PublikacjaLongyearbyen is the largest settlement on Svalbard archipelago, with 2400 permanent residents and approximately 150,000 tourists visiting every year. The city annually releases approximately 285,000 m3 of untreated wastewater to the nearby Adventfjorden. To date, the environmental impact of this continuous input has been studied mainly regarding the sediments and benthic fauna in the fiord. Here, we present results from a study...
Prediction of Wastewater Quality at a Wastewater Treatment Plant Inlet Using a System Based on Machine Learning Methods
PublikacjaOne of the important factors determining the biochemical processes in bioreactors is the quality of the wastewater inflow to the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). Information on the quality of wastewater, sufficiently in advance, makes it possible to properly select bioreactor settings to obtain optimal process conditions. This paper presents the use of classification models to predict the variability of wastewater quality at...
Removal of persistant organic pollutants from landfill leachates treated in three constructed wetland systems
PublikacjaThe objective of the study was assessment of occurrence and removal of two groups of persistent organic pollutants: polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in landfill leachate (LL) treated in three constructed wetland systems (CWs) of different construction and flow regime. Two subsurface flow systems (SSF) were analyzed: one with horizontal flow and the second one consisting of two vertical...
Assessment of the technological reliability of a hybrid constructed wetland for wastewater treatment in a mountain eco-tourist farm in Poland
PublikacjaThe aim of the present study was to assess the technological reliability of a domestic hybrid wastewater treatment installation consisting of a classic three-chambered (volume 6 m3) septic tank, a vertical flow trickling bed filled with granules of a calcinated clay material (KERAMZYT), a special wetland bed constructed on a slope, and a permeable pond used as a receiver. The test treatment plant was located at a mountain eco-tourist...
PublikacjaThe aim of the study is to assess the removal effectiveness of phosphorus compoundsby using lanthanum-modified bentonite. This material was produced by the Australian company Phoslock® Water Solutions Pty Ltd. According to the company, Phoslock® has substantial capacity to bound phosphate anions. The investigation was carried out in steady conditions in laboratory model with beakers. The results of the study are related to the...
Wpływ wybranych parametrów środowiska na przebieg degradacji rur okładzinowych ze stali P110
PublikacjaMateriały używane na orurowanie odwiertów w poszukiwaniu i wydobyciu ropy i gazu poddawane są niekorzystnym warunkom eksploatacji takich jak: podwyższona temperatura, wysokie ciśnienie, turbulentny przepływ korozyjnych cieczy z zawieszonymi cząstkami stałymi. Jednym z gatunków stali używanych do produkcji rur okładzinowych jest stal P110 (za normą API 5CT) będąca stalą średnio-węglową, niskostopową o wysokiej wytrzymałości. Celem...
Polymer based thick films - material quality and interface resistance evaluation
PublikacjaThe properties of polymer based thick film layers mede using different resistive pastes and dipping silvers have been studied. The composite of carbon and graphite (C/Gr) conducting particles suspended in different polymer vehicles were used for preparation resistive layers. Interface resistance Rc created between dipping silver (DiAg) contact layer and resistive layer was determined from the surface potential distribution measurements...
Reliability and efficiency of pollution removal during long-term operation of a one-stage constructed wetland system with horizontal flow
PublikacjaThe paper presents the results of a study of the reliability and efficiency of pollutant removal during long term operation of a one-stage constructed wetland system with horizontal flow. The flow rate of the wastewater treatment plant was 1.2 m3·d-1 during the research period. Physical and chemical analyses of raw wastewater and treated effluent were carried out in the years 1997–2010 (14 years). During this study period, 56 series...
Long-term performance and microbial characteristics of the anammox-enriched granular sludge cultivated in a bench-scale sequencing batch reactor
PublikacjaThe anammox-enriched granular sludge was successfully formed during the long-term biogranulation experiment lasting over 330 days. The cultivation was conducted at 30 ◦C in a 10-L sequencing batch reactor (SBR) fed with synthetic medium containing ammonia, nitrite and trace elements. The properties of the developed granules were investigated in terms of the biomass activity (including the growth rate of anammox bacteria), size...
Nitrification, denitrification, and dephosphatation capability of activated sludge during co-treatment of intermediate-age landfill leachates with municipal wastewater
PublikacjaThis study focuses on the possible use and efficacy of the co-treatment of landfill leachate (intermediate-age) with municipal wastewater. The nitrification, denitrification, and dephosphatation capability of activated sludge acclimated with a mixture of raw municipal wastewater (RWW) with gradually increasing amounts of raw landfill leachate (RLL) (from 0.5 to 5% v/v) were tested. Biochemical tests were conducted simultaneously...
Influence of temperature on the activity of anammox granular biomass.
PublikacjaThe aim of this study was to determine a short-term and long-term effect of temperature on the anammox rate and determination of temperature coefficients in the Arrhenius and Ratkowsky equations. The short-term effects of temperature on the anammox granular biomass were investigated in batch tests at ten different temperatures in the range of 10–55 °C. The maximum overall nitrogen removal rate of 1.3 gN gVSS−1·d−1 was observed...
The Use of Organic Coagulants in the Primary Precipitation Process at Wastewater Treatment Plants
PublikacjaMeasurements for determining the effect of chemically enhanced primary treatment (CEPT) on the efficiency of pollutant removal from wastewater were carried out using conventional inorganic coagulants PIX113 with polymer A110 (Kemipol, Police, Poland) and unconventional cationic organic coagulants Cofloc (Attana, Coalville, UK) C29510 (Kemipol, Police, Poland) and Sedifloc 575 (3F Chimica, Sandrigo, Italy). The average removal efficiency...
Assessment of the Bulgarian Wastewater Treatment Plants’ Impact on the Receiving Water Bodies
PublikacjaDeterioration of water quality is a major problem world widely according to many international non-governmental organizations (NGO). As one of the European Union (EU) countries, Bulgaria is also obliged by EU legislation to maintain best practices in assessing surface water quality and the efficiency of wastewater treatment processes. For these reasons studies were undertaken to utilize ecotoxicological (Microtox®, Phytotoxkit...
Review on mechanisms and efficiency of removal of microbiological contaminants in constructed wetlands
PublikacjaConstructed wetlands (CW) have been considered as a waste and a stormwater treatment systems for small communities or for areas with unsteady sewage flow conditions. Several investigations were undertaken for estimation suspended solids, organic matter and nutrients efficiency removal but only few focused on retention of microorganisms in constructed wetlands. In this review mechanisms of elimination of viruses, indicator bacteria...
Ionic liquid coupled plasma promotes acetic acid production during anaerobic fermentation of waste activated sludge: Breaking the restrictions of low bioavailable substrates and altering the metabolic activities of anaerobes
PublikacjaThis study explored the potential application of plasma coupling ionic liquid on disintegration of waste activated sludge and enhanced production of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) in anaerobic fermentation. Under optimal conditions (dosage of ionic liquid [Emim]OTf = 0.1 g/g VSS (volatile suspended solids) and discharge power of dielectric barrier discharge plasma (DBD) = 75.2 W), the [Emim]OTf/DBD pretreatment increased SCFA...
Recent developnents in wastewater treatment in constructed wetlands in Poland
PublikacjaNowadays more than 100 constructed wetlands are in operation in Poland. Most of them are one stage wetland systems with horizontal subsurface flow. Such constructed wetlands ensure efficient removal of organic matter (BOD5, CODCr) and suspended solids but efficiency of nitrogen compounds removal in many cases is insufficient.In the period from 1995 to 2003 measurements of removal of contaminations in 11 individual pilot household...
25 years of research and experiences about the application of constructed wetlands in southeastern Poland
PublikacjaThis paper is a review of research and experiences related to the application of constructed wetland systems (CWs) in southeastern Poland in 1992–2016. On the basis of literature data, a comparison between pollutant removal efficiencies of one-stage and hybrid CWs was made. Some problems regarding the operation of these treatment plants were also presented. Data from various facilities indicate that one-stage CWs with horizontal...
Implementation of advanced micropollutants removal technologies in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) - Examples and challenges based on selected EU countries
PublikacjaThe accumulation of micropollutants (MPs) and their increasing concentration in the aquatic environment are an emerging issue for water quality in the world. The complex web of exposure pathways, as well as the variety in the chemical structure and potency of MPs, represents enormous challenges for researchers and policy initiatives. In order to manage MPs, it has to be decided which of them have to be reduced and to what extent,...
The effect of aeration mode (intermittent vs. continuous) on nutrient removal and greenhouse gas emissions in the wastewater treatment plant of Corleone (Italy)
PublikacjaThe paper reports the results of an experimental study aimed at comparing two configurations of a full-scale wastewater treatment plant (WWTP): conventional activated sludge (CAS) and oxic-settling-anaerobic process (OSA) with intermittent aeration (IA). A comprehensive monitoring campaign was carried out to assess multiple parameters for comparing the two configurations: carbon and nutrient removal, greenhouse gas emissions, respirometric...
Overcoming carboxylic acid inhibition by granular consortia in high-load liquefied food waste fermentation for efficient lactate accumulation
PublikacjaGranular sludge, a self-aggregating spherical biofilm, possesses better stability compared to flocculent sludge under extreme conditions. This study compared the ability of anaerobic granular sludge (AnGS) and flocculent waste activated sludge (WAS) to convert food waste (FW) into highly-valuable optically active lactic acid (LA), a central and versatile intermediate platform molecule. Different loadings (30–60 g volatile suspended...
Sources of contamination in sediments of retention tanks and the influence of precipitation type on the size of pollution load
PublikacjaDensification of cities and urban population contributes to increased runoff and suspended solids and alteration of the urban water cycle. Nowadays, Blue-Green Infrastructure is promoted to increase a city’s resilience to floods; however, stormwater drainage systems, supported with retention tanks are still important in protecting urban areas against floods. Sediment accumulation in stormwater infrastructure relates to an issue...
Phosphorus removal by application of natural and semi-natural materials for possible recovery according to assumptions of circular economy and closed circuit of P
PublikacjaIn the last fewyears the idea of circular economy has become essential. Thus, designing methods of nutrients removal should be based on usingmaterials that make it possible to recover those nutrients. Recently,methods applied in wastewater treatment plants cannot provide optimal results; moreover, the application of commercial coagulants like ferric chloride and polyaluminumchloride can cause difficulties in potential recovery...
The influence of phosphorus fractions in bottom sediments on phosphate removal in semi-natural systems as the 3rd stage of biological wastewater treatment
PublikacjaThe research was carried out in two semi-natural systems (the polishing ponds in Swarzewo and the free water surface constructed wetland in Zarnowiec) in Poland. They were built as the 3rd stage of a conventional mechanical–biological wastewater treatment plant. These systems were built to improve the quality of the effluent of treated wastewater. In the polishing ponds and FWS wetland system, suspended solids, organic matter as...
New insights into modeling two-step nitrification in activated sludge systems – The effects of initial biomass concentrations, comammox and heterotrophic activities
PublikacjaIn this study, the conventional two-step nitrification model was extended with complete ammonia oxidation (comammox) and heterotrophic denitrification on soluble microbial products. The data for model calibration/validation were collected at four long-term washout experiments when the solid retention time (SRT) and hydraulic retention time (HRT) were progressively reduced from 4 d to 1 d, with mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS)...
Insights into the microbial community of treated wastewater, its year-round variability and impact on the receiver, using cultivation, microscopy and amplicon-based methods
PublikacjaApart from chemical constituents, wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluents also release microorganisms that can be important to the receiving water bodies either from a sanitary point of view, or taking to the account the biogeochemical potential of the recipients. However, little is known about the treated wastewater microbial community, its composition, seasonal changes, functions and fate in the waters of the receiver. Thus,...
Application of Eco-innovative Technologies of Nutrients Removal in Wastewater – Case Study BARITECH Project
PublikacjaEco-innovative technologies in wastewater treatment should provide not only stringent standards for the quality of treated wastewater but also ensure maximum recovery of energy and raw materials from wastewater. One of the ways to improve the removal efficiency of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds in existing conventional wastewater treatment plants is pretreatment of reject water generated during the mechanical...