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Janusz Datta prof. dr hab. inż.
OsobyJanusz Datta w roku 1988 ukończył studia na Wydziale Chemicznym Politechniki Gdańskiej. Po ich zakończeniu został zatrudniony na Wydziale Chemicznym w Zakładzie, a potem po reorganizacji, w Katedrze Technologii Polimerów, gdzie przez sześć lat pracował na stanowisku naukowo-technicznym. W tym okresie zdobywał doświadczenie uczestnicząc w licznych wyjazdach do Zakładów Chemicznych „Zachem” Bydgoszcz, gdzie brał udział w pracach...
Adaptation of the arbitrary Lagrange–Euler approach to fluid–solid interaction on an example of high velocity flow over thin platelet
PublikacjaThe aim of this study is to analyse the behaviour of a thin plate with air flow velocities of 0.3–0.9 Ma. Data from the experiment and numerical tools were used for the analysis. For fluid–solid interaction calculations, the arbitrary Lagrange–Euler approach was used. The results of the measurements are twofold. The first one is the measurement of the flow before and after vibrating plate, i.e. pure flow plate, and the second consists...
Piotr Lorens prof. dr hab. inż. arch.
OsobyPiotr Lorens – prof. dr hab. inż. arch., prof. nzw. Politechniki Gdańskiej. Po ukończeniu studiów w 1994 roku podjął pracę w Zakładzie Rozwoju Miasta na Wydziale Architektury Politechniki Gdańskiej. Uzyskawszy Stypendium Fulbrighta wyjechał na staż do USA, gdzie w latach 1996-1997 ukończył Special Program for Urban and Regional Studies na Massachusetts Institute of Technology oraz International Training Program na Harvard University...
PublikacjaThis paper focuses on the role of nature in placemaking within historic cities. There are two different approaches to placemaking – The first is a more traditional approach, i.e. complete building process which entails significant investments. The second is “Lighter, Quicker, Cheaper” approach proposed by the Project for Public Spaces organization. This article discusses the role, importance and place of nature in both approaches....
The Impact of Sloshing Liquids on Ship Stability for Various Dimensions of Partly Filled Tanks
PublikacjaLiquid sloshing phenomenon taking place in partly filled ships' tanks directly affects the stability of a vessel. However, only static calculations are carried out onboard ships nowadays and static transfer of liquid weight is taken into account in the course of routine stability calculation. The paper is focused on a dynamic heeling moment due to liquid sloshing in tanks onboard ships. A number of numerical simulations of liquid...
A Method of Assessment of the Liquid Sloshing Impact on Ship Transverse Stability
PublikacjaLiquid sloshing phenomenon taking place in partly filled ships? tanks directly affects the stability of a vessel. However, only static calculations are carried out onboard ships nowadays and static transfer of liquid weight is taken into account in the course of routine stability calculation. The paper is focused on a dynamic heeling moment due to liquid sloshing in tanks onboard ships. The set of numerical simulations of liquid...
Geo-Questionnaire for Environmental Planning: The Case of Ecosystem Services Delivered by Trees in Poland
PublikacjaStudies on society and the environment interface are often based on simple questionnaires that do not allow for an in-depth analysis. Research conducted with geo-questionnaires is an increasingly common method. However, even if data collected via a geo-questionnaire are available, the shared databases provide limited information due to personal data protection. In the article, we present open databases that overcome those limitations....
Language Models in Speech Recognition
PublikacjaThis chapter describes language models used in speech recognition, It starts by indicating the role and the place of language models in speech recognition. Mesures used to compare language models follow. An overview of n-gram, syntactic, semantic, and neural models is given. It is accompanied by a list of popular software.
Katarzyna Kubiszewska dr
OsobyKatarzyna Kubiszewska pracuje w Katedrze Finansów o 2008 r. i prowadzi zajęcia z finansów i bankowości. W pracy naukowej interesuje się transformacją systemów bankowych w regionie Europy Centralno - Wschodniej, ale także finansowaniem sektora kultury. Publikacje dotyczą dziedziny nauk społecznych w zakresie dyscypliny ekonomia i finanse. Od 2019 r. współpracuje z czasopismami takimi jak Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja,...
Agnieszka Jeske-Kaczanowska Dr inż
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Sensorless Predictive Multiscalar-Based Control of the Five-Phase IPMSM
PublikacjaThis article proposes multi-scalar variables based predictive control of sensorless multiphase interior permanent magnet synchronous machine. Estimated parameters from adaptive observers are used to implement the proposed control scheme. The control approach is divided into two parts: for the fundamental plane, torque and its dual quantity from the multi-scalar model are directly predicted by the controller, and torque density...
PRACE-LAB 2 Laboratorium PRACE 2: Współpraca w zakresie zaawansowanych obliczeń w Europie
ProjektyProjekt realizowany w Centrum Informat. Trójmiejskiej Akadem.Sieci Komputerowej zgodnie z porozumieniem POIR.04.02.00-00-C003/19-00 z dnia 2019-12-30
The structure of strontium–borate glasses and glass-ceramics containing bismuth and vanadium oxides measured with X-ray diffraction method
Dane BadawczeThe structure of strontium–borate glasses and glass-ceramics containing bismuth and vanadium oxides was measured by XRD.
Green Therapy w projektowaniu ośrodków medycznych Green Therapy in complex design of health centres
PublikacjaKoncepcja przestrzenna ogrodu terapeutycznego podporządkowana jest generalnej idei otwierania się projektantów na poszukiwanie nowych możliwości poprawy samopoczucia odbiorcy - poprzez zapewnienie użytkownikom poczucia bezpieczeństwa, komfortu i odprężenia, harmonii. Dotyczy to nie tylko grupy osób chorych, które dręczone są przez niepokoje i napięcia wywołane przez niepełnosprawność czy chorobę, ale także pacjentów w różnym wieku...
BEXUS 30 Stardust – Preliminary Results of Investigation of Microbes in the Stratosphere
PublikacjaThe stratospheric microbiome has been investigated several times using the methods of classical microbiology. In this experiment, we have combined them with some novel approaches.. Diversification of methods has helped better describe the collected microorganisms. The results of the experiment may help better understand the mechanisms of survivability of microorganisms in stratospheric conditions.
How to teach architecture? – Remarks on the edge of Polish transformation processes after 1989
PublikacjaThe political changes in Poland after 1989 have resulted in a whole range of dynamic processes including the transformation of space. Until that time the established institutional framework for spatial, urban and architectural planning policy was based on uniform provisions of the so-called planned economy. The same applied to the training of architects, which was based on a unified profile of education provided at the state’s...
PublikacjaThe main aim of the paper is to examine the role of creative placemaking in shaping the urban environment in Polish cities. It also focuses on challenges and obstacles that creative placemaking projects encounter in Polish realities. Creative placemaking is a “micro-development” strategy (Johnson 2009) that focuses on cultural participation, com¬munity engagement and highlights the social role of arts and culture. Artistic interventions...
The accretion of the new ice layer on the surface of hexagonal ice crystal and the influence of the local electric field on this process
PublikacjaThe process of creation of a new layer of ice on the basal plane and on the prism plane of a hexagonal ice crystal is analyzed. It is demonstrated that the ordering of water molecules in the already existing crystal affects the freezing. On the basal plane, when the orientations of water molecules in the ice block are random, the arrangement of the new layer in a cubic manner is observed more frequently — approximately 1.7 times...
The Role of Organic and Inorganic Amendments in Carbon Sequestration and Immobilization of Heavy Metals in Degraded Soils
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On rotational instability within the nonlinear six-parameter shell theory
PublikacjaWithin the six-parameter nonlinear shell theory we analyzed the in-plane rotational instability which oc- curs under in-plane tensile loading. For plane deformations the considered shell model coincides up to notations with the geometrically nonlinear Cosserat continuum under plane stress conditions. So we con- sidered here both large translations and rotations. The constitutive relations contain some additional mi- cropolar parameters...
Nonlinear generation of non-acoustic modes by low-frequency sound in a vibrationally relaxing gas
PublikacjaTwo dynamic equations referring to a weakly nonlinear and weakly dispersive flow of a gas in which molecular vibrational relaxation takes place. are derived. The first one governs an excess temperature associated with the thermal mode, and the second one describes variations in vibrational energy. Both quantities refer to non-wave types of gas motion. These variations are caused by the nonlinear transfer of acoustic energy into...
Designing Aggregate KPIs as a Method of Implementing Decision-Making Processes in the Management of Smart Cities
PublikacjaThe aim of the paper is to present a concept of measuring the performance of city management processes by use of a concept of aggregate KPIs. In the management of organizations and, as a consequence of the use of a common design framework also in the management of cities, silo KPIs are commonly used to show the statuses of the processes of organizations/cities. Thus the question arises as to what extent aggregate KPIs, as proposed...
Comparison of the measurement techniques employed for evaluation of ambient air odour quality
PublikacjaThe paper presents the results of investigation on ambient air odour quality in a vicinity of the industrial sewage treatment plant being a part of the crude oil processing plant. The investigation was performed during spring-winter season using a prototype of electronic nose and the Nasal Ranger field olfactometers. The prototype was equipped with a set of six semiconductor sensors by FIGARO Co. and one PID-type sensor. The field...
Freehand drawing versus digital design tools in architectural teaching
PublikacjaThe oldest drawings resembling modern architectural designs date from the 22nd Century BC. Throughout history, the first drawings have evolved into the basic tool of the architect’s work. The exchange of information between the architect and the contractor began to take place through a drawing system, allowing to describe three-dimensional space using flat representations. With time, architectural drawings also began to resemble...
Kinetic analysis of the reduction of a ternary system of Bi, Sb and Te oxides by hydrogen for BiSbTe3 synthesis
PublikacjaReduction in a hydrogen atmosphere of Bi2O3, Sb2O3 and TeO2 mixes oxides for the synthesis of BiSbTe3 was analysed. The reduction reactions of Sb2O3 and Sb2O4 oxides, as well as Bi2O3+Sb2O3 and Sb2O3+3TeO2 mix- tures, were also evaluated. The reduction of Sb2O4 is investigated for the first time. The reactions of the mixed oxides systems also were not the subject of research so far despite being used for synthesis of the (Bi,Sb)2Te3...
Mosleh Ahmadi PhD Candidate
OsobyMosleh Ahmadi has received his bachelor's and master's degrees from 2011-2015 and 2015-2017, respectively, at Islamic Azad University. He is a member of Iran Construction Engineering Organization in Kurdistan as architectural designer since 2020. His pervious publications are focused on the human perception and experience of movement in the built environment. Currently, he is interested in the impact of the daylight on the built...
Morphology of damage inflicted on brittle polymer in lubricated contact under cyclic static load
PublikacjaIn this article morphology of damage inflicted on the polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) plate in static point lubricated contact with a ball made of five different materials under cyclic normal load has been presented. It is argued that the counterface material and lubricating film play an important role in the damage process and the extent of damage inflicted in the PMMA plate.
Heave Plates with Holes for Floating Offshore Wind Turbines
PublikacjaThe paper presents an innovative solution which is heave plates with holes. The long-known heave plates are designed to damp the heave motion of platforms. They are most often used for Spar platforms. The growing interest in this type of platform as supporting structures for offshore wind turbines makes it necessary to look for new solutions. Based on the available literature and the authors’ own research, it was concluded that...
Joanna Szłapczyńska dr hab. inż.
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PublikacjaWithin the framework of the six-parameter nonlinear resultant shell theory we consider the axially symmetric deformations of a cylindrical shell linked to a circular plate. The reinforcement in the junction of the shell and the plate is taken into account. Within the theory the full kinematics is considered. Here we analyzed the compatibility conditions along the junction and their in uence on the deformations and stressed state.
Electrostatic interface recombination in the system of disordered materials characterized by different permittivities
PublikacjaWe report on the analysis of an electrostatic interface recombination in a system consisting of disordered organic materials. This process is a consequence of the polarization effect which takes place at the interface of two phases characterized by different permittivities. In this paper, the impact of tail and deep localized states on the recombination order is demonstrated. We also discuss the influence of temperature on this...
CRVG - a new model for wireless networks topology generation
PublikacjaThis paper presents a new model of wireless network topology generator. Its main advantage is the possibility of relatively sparse networks generation. Because no iteration is needed, the model can be used for massive generation of networks for testing. The topological properties of produced graphs place them in the class of scale free networks, resembling real ones.
Research and development on underwater acoustic systems at Polish Naval Academy and Gdansk University of Technology for the Polish Navy
PublikacjaWe wstępie artykułu wymieniono korzystne aspekty prawie pięćdziesięcioletniej współpracy obu Uczelni z polską Marynarką Wojenną. W dalszych częściach omówiono prace z dziedziny hydroakustyki wykonywane na rzecz Marynarki Wojennej w ciągu ostatnich dziesięciu lat. W Akademii MW w tym okresie były to głównie prace związane z pomiarami i analizami hydroakustycznych pól okrętów wraz z aplikacjami technicznymi tych analiz oraz aplikacje...
UWB Microstrip Antennas on a Cylindrical Surfaces
PublikacjaConformal antennas are becoming popular due to their many advantages and possibilities of applications they offer. The advantages of using antennas with a curved surface arise not only from the possibility of integrating them with the object on which they are mounted on but also from the increase, relatively to planar antennas, of their visible angular range. The circular antenna arrays, or arrays of radiators located on the surface...
Numerical modelling and analysis of steel specimens subjected to marine immersed corrosion and tensile load
PublikacjaThe present study develops numerical models to analyse the behaviour of steel specimens subjected to marine immersed corrosion degradation and tensile load. The finite element method with the use of the explicit dynamic solver LS-DYNA, satisfying the quasi-static conditions, is employed. Two numerical models are developed, where in the first one, the scans of surfaces gathered from corroded plate specimens are implemented directly...
Jan Buczkowski prof. dr hab. sztuki
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The publication of the European Commission's guidelines in an official language of a new Member State as a condition for their application.Case comment to the order of the Polish Supreme Court of 3 September 2009 (Ref. No. III SK 16/09) to refer a preliminary question to the Court of Justice of the European Union (C-410/99 Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa sp. z o.o. v Prezes Urzędu Komunikacji Elektronicznej)
PublikacjaThe case comment concentrates on two issues. In the first place, it contains an analysis of the legal character of the European Commission Guidelines on market analysis and the assessment of significant market power under the Community regulatory framework for electronic communications networks and services. Secondly, it analyses the consequences of the lack of publication of those Guidelines in Polishlanguage in the Official Journal...
Road Safety Observatories within the Structure of Integrated Transport Safety Systems
PublikacjaAccurate knowledge about the causes, circumstances and place of transport accidents is the prerequisite to take the correct action to improve transport safety. Developing appropriate organizational structures, forms and methods of management and implementation of safety measures in the sectoral approach condition the success. Therefore the Safety Information System is one of the integral areas of the Integrated Transport Safety...
The role of observatories in the integrated transport safety systems
PublikacjaAccurate knowledge about the causes, circumstances and place of transport accidents is the prerequisite to take the correct action to improve transport safety. Developing appropriate organizational structures, forms and methods of management and implementation of safety measures in the sectoral approach condition the success. Therefore, the Safety Information System is one of the integral areas of the Integrated Transport Safety...
PublikacjaThe buildings considered as raising the prestige and promoting cities are those related to culture. Their impact on urban life is undeniable, which is reflected in a continuous increase in the number of new museum buildings. Apart from places intrinsically linked with culture, which, as such, may be considered as standard - like museum, theatres or galleries - there also appear alternative places of development and promotion of...
Experimental and numerical study on stability loss of innovative geometry steel girder
PublikacjaThis paper presents the experimental and numerical analysis of an innovative plate girder geometry with variable web thicknesses. An idea proposed in this research is to increase the stability of the girder web by increasing its thickness in the compressed zone. This solution can replace commonly used longitudinal stiffeners which are designed to prevent web local loss of stability. Moreover, such an innovative approach requires...
Video Semantic Analysis Framework based on Run-time Production Rules - Towards Cognitive Vision
PublikacjaThis paper proposes a service-oriented architecture for video analysis which separates object detection from event recognition. Our aim is to introduce new tools to be considered in the pathway towards Cognitive Vision as a support for classical Computer Vision techniques that have been broadly used by the scientific community. In the article, we particularly focus in solving some of the reported scalability issues found in current...
Study of Metrological Properties of Voltammetric Electrodes in the Time Domain
PublikacjaMetrological properties of voltammetric electrodes, in the situation where on their surface an electrochemical reaction of oxidizing/reduction takes place, were analyzed in this chapter. The properties of electrodes on which a reaction controlled by ion transport process takes place were taken into consideration. Also, it was analyzed how the electrode’s shape and the voltage polarizing the electrode influence this electrode’s...
Towards spectroscopic monitoring of photoelectrodes: In-situ Raman photoelectrochemistry of a TiO2/prussian blue photoanode
PublikacjaHere, novel in-situ Raman photoelectrochemical measurements are performed. The obtained results have proved that it is possible to track the progress of a photoelectrochemical reaction that takes place on a semiconducting electrode using the spectroscopic method. As an exemplary system, the Ti/TiO2/Prussian blue electrode is investigated. Since TiO2 is an n-type semiconductor, it cannot act as an efficient anode in dark conditions....
Preparation of platinum modified titanium dioxide nanoparticles with the use of laser ablation in water
PublikacjaWe report on the preparation method of nanocrystalline titanium dioxide modified with platinum by using nanosecond laser ablation in liquid (LAL). Titania in the form of anatase crystals has been prepared in a two-stage process. Initially, irradiation by laser beam of a titanium metal plate fixed in a glass container filled with deionized water was conducted. After that, the ablation process was continued, with the use of a platinum...
Identyfikacja ryzyka zakłóceń logistycznych podczas planowania procesu inwestycyjnego na wybranym przykładzie
PublikacjaDziałania logistyczne w budownictwie obejmują przede wszystkim przepływ informacji, lokalizację zakładów produkcyjnych i magazynów na placu budowy, transport i składowanie materiałów budowlanych, realizowanie zamówień, procesy zaopatrzeniowe, kontrolę zapasów, czynności reparacyjne i zaopatrywanie w części maszyn budowlanych. Zdarzenia losowe, które mogą zaistnieć i przerwać bądź przedłużyć wyżej wymienione prace nie są łatwe do...
Operational Performance and Weld Bead Characteristics of Experimental Tubular-Wires for Underwater Welding
PublikacjaAiming to evaluate new formulations and their operational behavior underwater, two experimental tubular wires with different chemical compositions in their internal flux were initially manufactured, employing a pilot machine and a unique manufacturing process. Weld beads were deposited on a plate placed in a flat position inside a tank using a mechanized system and the IMC 300 welding power source. The work was done at a depth...
Impact of steel grade on a ship colliding with an offshore wind turbine monopile supporting structure
PublikacjaOffshore wind power is experiencing rapid development around the world. The number of installations and their size is growing. Thousands of monopile support structures with diameters of 10 m and weights of 2000 tons will be installed in the coming years. Offshore wind power installations, often located close to the shore and shipping routes, pose a new challenge to ship safety. The study analyses the damages from an accidental...
The image of the City on social media: A comparative study using “Big Data” and “Small Data” methods in the Tri-City Region in Poland
Publikacja“The Image of the City” by Kevin Lynch is a landmark planning theory of lasting influence; its scientific rigor and relevance in the digital age were in dispute. The rise of social media and other digital technologies offers new opportunities to study the perception of urban environments. Questions remain as to whether social media analytics can provide a reliable measure of perceived city images? If yes, what implication does...
Efficient Complex Root Finding Algorithm for Microwave and Optical Propagation Problems
PublikacjaArticle relates to the use of innovative root finding algorithm (on a complex plane) to study propagation properties of microwave and optical waveguides. Problems of this type occur not only in the analysis of lossy structures, but also in the study of complex and leaky modes (radiation phenomena). The proposed algorithm is simple to implement and can be applied for functions with singularities and branch cuts in the complex plane...