Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: INWHEEL DRIVES - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: INWHEEL DRIVES

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: INWHEEL DRIVES

  • Size Reduction of Microwave Couplers by EM-Driven Optimization


    - Rok 2015

    This work addresses simulation-driven design optimization of compact microwave couplers that explicitly aims at circuit footprint area reduction. The penalty function approach allows us to minimize the area of the circuit while ensuring a proper power division between the output ports and providing a sufficient bandwidth with respect to return loss and isolation around the operating frequency. Computational cost of the optimization...

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  • Technology-Driven Internationalization: Central-Eastern European Perspective


    - Rok 2017

    Since the 1990s of the twentieth century onward, Central-Eastern European countries have been extensively involved in these two processes—regarding increasing share of ICT and high-tech exports in country’s total export value—and additionally, across these economies, changes in the level of access to and use of ICT have been observed. The main target of this research is to contribute to the present state of the art, by proving...

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  • Studying the Behaviour of Pedestrians and Drivers Within Pedestrian Crossings


    - Rok 2018

    Every third road accident in Poland involves a pedestrian as a participant or, most of the time, a casualty. Pedestrian accidents are usually the result of complex situations and the outcome of a number of factors related to driver and pedestrian behaviour and road infrastructure. Safety depends largely on how well the traffic condition is perceived and on visibility in traffic. The re-lations between pedestrians and motorists...

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  • Performance‐driven modeling of compact couplers in restricted domains

    Fast surrogate models can play an important role in reducing the cost of EM-driven design closure of miniaturized microwave components. Unfortunately, construction of such models is challenging due to curse of dimensionality and wide range of geometry parameters that need to be included in order to make it practically useful. In this letter, a novel approach to design-oriented modeling of compact couplers is presented. Our method...

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  • Wetlands in flux: looking for the drivers in a central European case

    • T. E. Berezowski
    • M. Wassen
    • J. Szatyłowicz
    • J. Chormański
    • S. Ignar
    • O. Batelaan
    • T. Okruszko


    Planet Earth is undergoing significant changes which are driven by natural and anthropogenic factors. However, it is difficult to identify the drivers and their effect on the environment and ecosystems because there are many interdependencies. In this study we present a multi-parameter approach to assess the effect of changes in human-induced and natural drivers on a wetland ecosystem. The study area is one of the most prominent...

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  • Performance-Driven Surrogate Modeling of High-Frequency Structures


    The development of modern high-frequency structures, including microwave and antenna components, heavily relies on full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation models. Notwithstanding, EM-driven design entails considerable computational expenses. This is especially troublesome when solving tasks that require massive EM analyzes, parametric optimization and uncertainty quantification be-ing representative examples. The employment of...

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  • Smart Services supporting Drivers in Effective Cars Parking


    - Rok 2017

    The paper shows how to design and implement intelligent, service oriented systems for management of free places in distributed car parks. The idea of SOA technology is widely used. It is assumed that a state of every car park is automatically determined by a special electronic infrastructure including IoT solutions. The information received from such an infrastructure is sent to the main management system, which processes it and,...

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  • Gate Driver with Overcurrent Protection Circuit for GaN Transistors

    The improvement of the gate driver for GaN transistor is presented in this paper. The proposed topology contains the overcurrent protectionwith the two-stage turning off and independent control of turn on and off time of the GaN transistor. The operation of driver and its application in thehalf-bridge converter are described using both simulation and prototype measurements. The overcurrent protection was tested in Double Pulse...

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  • Design and implementation of the driver system for Hamamatsu C12880MA microspectrometer

    Recent miniaturization developments in devices for spectroscopy have reduced greatly their costs and increased their availability for a wide range of users and applications. This paper presents the design and implementation of a driver system for a Hamamatsu C12880MA microspectrometer. The system implementation was carried out and compared using two independent microcontroller modules: Arduino Uno and STM32F411RE Nucleo. We assessed...

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    - Rok 2015

    This paper introduces a time-domain, causality-inspired description of a vector-source acoustic wavefield of arbitrary time evolution, where a sphere is a practical realisation of quasi-point contact surface without which a point force would not be able to exert an impact onto non-viscous fluid. At every space location, the resulting acoustic field is described by a pair of physical variables characterising the time evolution of...

  • Risk-driven Software Process Improvement - a Case Study.


    - Rok 2004

    Artykuł przedstawia studium przypadku praktycznego zastosowania metody sterowanej ryzykiem poprawy procesów programowych w rzeczywistym projekcie informatycznym. Metoda zakłada jawne modelowanie procesu i jego braków (czynników ryzyka), a także wspiera ewolucję procesów. Ponadto zawiera dedykowane techniki identyfikacji ryzyka procesów oraz wywodzenia z niego sugestii poprawy procesów. Techniki te są wbudowane w cykliczną procedurę...

  • Implementation of the requirements driven quality method in a small IT company


    - Rok 2005

    Praca przedstawia proces i rezulaty wdrożenia metody RDQC - sterowanej wymaganiami kontroli jakości w rzeczywistej, niedużej firmie informatycznej. Pokazano specyfike firmy i wybranych projektów, omówiono podstawy metody RDQC, plan jej wdrożenia oraz najważniejsze osiągnięte rezultaty.

  • Modeling of Common Mode Currents Induced by Motor Cable in Converter Fed AC Motor Drives


    - Rok 2011

    Investigation of conducted EMI generation in AC motor fed by pulse width modulated frequency converters requires to consider parasitic capacitances in converters, motor windings and feeding cables to be taken into account. Motor voltage transients and related common mode currents are significantly correlated with resonance effects occurring in load circuits. An analysis of frequency converter load impedance-frequency characteristics...

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  • The new SDMT-family of servo-drives for CNC systems with AC permanent magnet synchronous motors


    - Rok 2006

    W artykule przedstawiono strategię sterowania podstawowe parametry oraz wyniki badań nowej rodziny serwonapędów typu SDMT. Układ sterowania serwonapędu zbudowano na procesorze sygnałowym TMS320F2812 firmy Texas Instruments. W serwonapędzie zastosowano metodę sterowania tupu FOC (ang. Field Oriented Control). Regulatory położenia, prędkości i momentu zreali-zowano na bazie klasycznego regulatora PID z układem ograniczenie sygnału...

  • What drives sustainable investing? Adoption determinants of sustainable investing exchange-traded funds in Europe

    Despite the growing interest in various topics related to sustainable (ESG) investing, some issues remain understudied, such as the determinants of their utilization at the macro level. This paper contributes to the state of knowledge two-directionally. First, it shows the development of sustainable investing exchange-traded funds (ETFs) in European countries. Second, it traces the significant determinants of adopting sustainable...

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  • Quasi-discrete modelling of PMSM phase currents in drives with low switching-to-fundamental frequency ratio


    This study proposes a new quasi-discrete approach to modelling the permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM). The quasi-discrete modelling reflects the impact of continuous rotor movement, which takes place during a control cycle, on the shape of motor current waveforms. This provides much improvement in current modelling accuracy under inverter low switching-to-fundamental frequency operation. The proposed approach may be used...

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  • MRAS-Based Switching Linear Feedback Strategy for Sensorless Speed Control of Induction Motor Drives


    - ENERGIES - Rok 2021

    This paper presents a newly designed switching linear feedback structure of sliding mode control (SLF-SMC) plugged with an model reference adaptive system (MRAS) based sensorless fieldoriented control (SFOC) for induction motor (IM). Indeed, the performance of the MRAS depends mainly on the operating point and the parametric variation of the IM. Hence, the sliding mode control (SMC) could be considered a good control alternative...

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  • Metrological analysis of an computerized system of protection against electric shock in circuits with variable speed drives

    Drive systems, that can be operated at variable speed, are equipped with power electronics converters. This causes distortion of the earth current, and consequently the need to take into account the use of proper protective devices in relation to earth current harmonics. This paper presents a system for protection against electric shock in circuits with power electronics converters and metrological analysis indicating the requirements...

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  • Determining the operational loads of the hybrid metalworking machines drive

    • V. Skeeba
    • P. Skeeba

    - IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science - Rok 2019

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  • Sensorless induction motor drive for electric vehicle application

    W artykule przedstawiono układ napędowy pojazdu elektrycznego wykorzystujący niezawodny i tani silnik prądu przemiennego. Zastosowany trójfazowy silnik asynchroniczny klatkowy wymaga zasilaniaz falownika napięcia przekształcającego napięcie stałe z akumulatorów na napięcie przemienne. Wykonany tranzystorowy przekształtnik sterowany jest mikroprocesorowo. Zastosowany procesor realizuje algorytm sterowania polowo zorientowanego,...

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  • Simulation model of IPMSM drive with rotor position estimator

    The paper presents a simulation model of electric drive consisting of: IPMSM motor, inverter and digital controller. The model was designed in Mathlab/Simulink. By modelling of the controller its discrete operation was taken into account in order to simulate precisely a specific sensorless control algorithm. A method for estimation of angular rotor position was proposed. Its mathematical algorithm was explained and errors were...

  • Predictive current controller for sensorless induction motor drive


    - Rok 2010

    Przedstawiono układ bezczujnikowego sterowania dla napedu z silnikiem klatkowym przy zastosowaniu predykcyjnego regulatora pradu. Zastosowany obserwator adaptacyjny wykazuje dużą odporność na zmiany parametrów silnika. W obserwatorze obliczane są wartości sił elektromotorycznych wykorzystywane w procesie regulacji predykcyjnej pradu silnika. Pokazano wyniki badań symulacyjnych i eksperymentalnych.

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  • Selection of the Electric Drive for the Wood Waste Compacting Unit


    - ENERGIES - Rok 2022

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  • Napęd elektryczny w motoryzacji = The electric drive in motorization


    - Rok 2008

    Wyczerpujące się zasoby ropy naftowej sprzyjają rozwojowi spekulacji cen paliw na giełdach światowych. Jednocześnie postępujący efekt cieplarniany zmusza inżynierów do poszukiwania nośników energii oraz napędów, które mógłby być alternatywnym rozwiązaniem zaistniałej sytuacji ekonomicznej oraz ekologicznej. Użycie silników elektrycznych do napędu pojazdów samochodowych jest pewną alternatywą rozwiązującą problem wysokich cen paliw...



    This paper presents a modelling of accumulation and dissipation energy in simple drive system. The simple drive system is presented by laboratory stand designed for calculate fatigue life of material for bending and rotation tests pieces. The laboratory stand was prepared to diagnosis of fatigue life of material by use energetic methods. This idea was submitted as utility model to Polish Patent Office. This laboratory stand gives...

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  • Autonomous Battery Drive in Trolleybuses: an Overview of Practical Examples


    - Rok 2017

    Battery electric buses are believed to be means of transportation of the future. However, despite the continuous development of electrochemical batteries technology and the multitude of electric buses on offer, it is still no proved solutions that can be widely used. Charging is the one of the weakness point of the electric buses. Trolleybuses are alternative for them. Especially, trolleybuses equipment with traction batteries...

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  • Hydraulic drive and control of the equipment of the small fishing cutter.

    Przedstawiono uwarunkowania i założenia techniczne oraz zaprojektowany i zrealizowany układ napędu i sterowania hydraulicznego urządzeń małego kutra rybackiego KR10. Pewna zmiana układu zrealizowanego wynikała z konieczności dostosowania go do tymczasowo zastosowanych urządzeń połowowych, odmiennych niż przewidywał projekt. Przedstawiono także informacje o wynikach prób morskich i dwumiesięcznego okresu eksploatacji w różnych,...

  • Multiparameter analysis of Stirling engine with Ericsson drive mechanism.


    - Rok 2003

    W pracy zaprezentowano wyniki optymalizacji parametrów konstrukcyjnych silnika Stirlinga o konfiguracji beta z mechanizmem korbowym Ericssona. Jako kryterium przyjęto maksymalizację mocy silnika. W pierwszym etapie poddano optymalizacji tylko parametry konstrukcyjne wymiennika ciepła (7 zmiennych) W drugim etapie do powyższych zmiennych decyzyjnych procesu optymalizacyjnego dołączono wymiary tłoka oraz parametry konstrukcyjne...

  • An advanced low-cost sensorless induction motor drive



    W artykule przedstawiono układ sterowania silnikiem asynchronicznym klatkowym pracujący bez pomiaru prędkości obrotowej. Układ zrealizowano na tanim procesorze stałoprzecinkowym. aspekty praktyczne realizacji układu rozpatrzono na podstawie uzyskanych wyników z symulacji i eksperymentu.

  • Digital measurements of the feedback signals for observing behaviour of a drive.


    - Rok 2004

    W pracy omówiono sposoby badań przebiegu ruchu realizowanego przez napęd, w tym poprzez pomiar sygnałów sprzężeń zwrotnych. Przedstawiono różne typy błędów pomiaru sygnałów sprzężeń zwrotnych i ich oddziaływanie na wyniki.

  • Control of Sensorless Electric Drive with Inverter Output Filter


    W artykule przedstawiono układ sterowanie silnikiem asynchronicznym pracyjący bez pomiaru prędkości obrotowej. Zastosowano nowy rodzaj obserwatora prędkości obrotowej będący połączeniem liniowego obserwatora oraz obserwatora zakłóceń. Jako zakłócenia potraktowano siłę elektromotoryczną indukowaną w silniku. Aby umożliwić poprawną pracę układu z filtrem wyjściowym falownika zastosowano symulator dynamiki filtru do wyznaczenia prądów...

  • Prediction of the stability during optimal control of the 3-wheel mobile platform


    W pracy przedstawiono metodę badania stabilności sterowania optymalnego 3-kołową platformą mobilną podczas realizacji zadanej trajektorii ruchu. Badany robot posiada więzy nieholonomiczne. Model matematyczny robota 3-kołowego opisano za pomocą skończonej liczby nieliniowych równań różniczkowych. Stąd, prognozowanie ruchu takiego obiektu wymaga zastosowania efektywnych algorytmów.

  • Wheel-flat detection on trams using envelope analysis with Hilbert transform


    - Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures - Rok 2019

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  • Multidimentional innovation as a driver of economic development. European country study


    - Rok 2011

    Artykuł stanowi analizę innowacyjności w ujęciu wielowymiarowym, jako jednym z głównych czynników poziomu rozwoju gospodarczego kraju. Autorzy wykorzystują Summary Innovation Index jako miary wielowymiarowje innowacyjnosci kraju. Zdefiniowane zostaje pojęcie luki innowacyjnej.

  • A Model-Driven Solution for Development of Multimedia Stream Processing Applications


    This paper presents results of action research related to model-driven solutions in the area of multimedia stream processing. The practical problem to be solved was the need to support application developers who make their multimedia stream processing applications in a supercomputer environment. The solution consists of a domain-specific visual language for composing complex services from simple services called Multimedia Stream...

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    The article presents some problems of seat belt use by car drivers and passengers. It looks in particular at seat belt use and effectiveness in selected countries. Next, factors of seat belt use are presented and methodology of model development. A macro model of seat belt use is presented based on data from around fifty countries from different continents.

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  • Development of Generalized Distribution Utility Index in Consumer-Driven Logistics

    • A. Galkin
    • T. Schlosser
    • Y. Khvesyk
    • O. Kuzkin
    • Y. Klapkiv
    • G. Balint

    - ENERGIES - Rok 2022

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  • A video monitoring system using ontology-driven identification of threats


    In this paper, we present a video monitoring systemthat leverages image recognition and ontological reasoningabout threats. In the solution, an image processing subsystemuses video recording of a monitored area and recognizesknown concepts in scenes. Then, a reasoning subsystem uses anontological description of security conditions and informationfrom image recognition to check if a violation of a conditionhas occurred. If a threat...

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  • Hybridization-driven gap in U3Bi4Ni3: A 209Bi NMR/NQR study

    • S. Baek
    • N. Curro
    • T. Klimczuk
    • H. Sakai
    • E. Bauer
    • F. Ronning
    • J. D. Thompson

    - PHYSICAL REVIEW B - Rok 2009

    Zostały przeprowadzone badania jądrowego rezonansu magnetycznego (na jądrach 209Bi) na kryształach U3Bi4Ni3. U3Ni4Bi3 jest tzw. izolatorem typu Kondo.

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  • Open Strategy for Digital Business. Managing in ICT-Driven Environments


    - Rok 2024

    This book offers the reader a novel perspective on how digital contexts and open strategy approaches – the act of opening up strategic initiatives beyond company managers to involve front-line employees, stakeholders, and entrepreneurs – are related. Going beyond the claim that digital media drives open strategy by containing a detailed analyses of the interrelations between the two, the authors examine how ICT have diffused globally...

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  • On geometry parameterization for simulation-driven design closure of antenna structures

    Full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation tools have become ubiquitous in antenna design, especially final tuning of geometry parameters. From the reliability standpoint, the recommended realization of EM-driven design is through rigorous numerical optimization. It is a challenging endeavor with the major issues related to the high computational cost of the process, but also the necessity of handling several objectives and constraints...

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  • Endothelial Dysfunction Driven by Hypoxia—The Influence of Oxygen Deficiency on NO Bioavailability

    • A. Janaszak-Jasiecka
    • A. Siekierzycka
    • A. Płoska
    • I. T. Dobrucki
    • L. Kalinowski

    - Biomolecules - Rok 2021

    Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of death worldwide. The initial stage of CVDs is characterized by endothelial dysfunction, defined as the limited bioavailability of nitric oxide (NO). Thus, any factors that interfere with the synthesis or metabolism of NO in endothelial cells are involved in CVD pathogenesis. It is well established that hypoxia is both the triggering factor as well as the accompanying factor...

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  • Simulation-driven design of compact ultra-wideband antenna structures

    Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to investigate strategies and algorithms for expedited designoptimization and explicit size reduction of compact ultra-wideband (UWB) antennas.Design/methodology/approach–Formulation of the compact antenna design problem aiming atexplicit size reduction while maintaining acceptable electrical performance is presented. Algorithmicframeworks are described suitable for handling various design situations...

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  • Experience-Driven Model of Decision-Making Processes in Project Teams

    This article presents a model of decision-making processes in project teams. Project teams constitute a specific type of organization appointed to implement a project. Decisions made by project teams result from the methods of project management and best management practices. The authors have undertaken the task of formalizing these processes using the classical method of constructing decision trees. It has been established that...

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  • How to choose drive’s rated power in electrified urban transport?


    Selection of drive's rated power influences not only vehicle's dynamics, but also its energy efficiency. Mentioned above approach requires a multiphysical model, which covers both mechanical and electrical phenomena. This paper discusses how selection of traction drive's rated power influences vehicle energy consumption on example of a trolleybus. A complex mathematical model was developed in Matlab/Simulink to describe the multiphisical...

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  • Application of the IMO standard manoeuvres procedure for pod-driven ships

    International Maritime Organisation (IMO) in the resolution MSC.137(76) Standards for Ship manoeuvrability presents the manoeuvring criteria that has to be satisfied by majority of seagoing ships. Together with the criteria, procedures for carrying out the manoeuvring tests are also presented. They however do not correspond directly to ships with non-conventional steering-propulsion devices, like pod drives. IMO is aware of this...

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  • ICT-driven economic and financial development. Analyses of European countries


    - Rok 2019

    ICT-Driven Economic and Financial Development: Analyses of European Countries demonstrates the effects of ICT diffusion on economic, social and financial development by examining their impact on the structure and dynamics of national economies. It provides the insight into shifts observed in labour markets, international trade activities productivity factors, education and use of innovative financial products. It combines empirical...

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  • Visual GQM approach to quality driven development of electronic documents.


    Jednym z celów projektu europejskiego MEORIAL jest opracowanie nowej technologii wytwarzania webowych systemów informacyjnych wykorzystujących interaktywne dokumenty cyfrowe wytworzone z papierowych oryginałów z zastosowaniem zaawansowanych technik przetwarzania i rozpoznania obrazów. Wieloelementowy model cyklu życia dokumentu cyfrowego przedstawiony w artykule stanowi postawę opracowanej technologii.

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  • Axial piston pumps with cam driven commutation unit. z.


    Przedstawiono wyniki badań i podstawowe dane techniczne typowego szeregu pomp wielotłoczkowych osiowych wdrażanych do produkcji seryjnej.

  • Test limitations induced by fault-driven instability of analog circuits.


    - Rok 2004

    Celem pracy jest ocena ograniczeń testowania uszkodzeń parametrycznych wynikajacych z utraty stabilności przez testowany układ analogowy. Zastosowano metody zapożyczone z teorii sterowania: liniową transformacje frakcyjną i analizę metodą strukturalnych wartości szczególnych. Przykładowej analizie poddano filtr typu leapfrog. Do obliczeń wykorzystano środowisko Matlab/Simulink. Wyniki obliczeń wykazały dużą podatność testowanego...