Wydział Zarządzania i Ekonomii - Jednostki Administracyjne - MOST Wiedzy


Wydział Zarządzania i Ekonomii


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Katalog Publikacji

Rok 2022
  • Transformational leadership for researcher’s innovativeness in the context of tacit knowledge and change adaptability

    This study explores how a learning culture supported by transformational leadership influences tacit knowledge sharing and change adaptability in higher education and how these relations impact this sector’s internal and external innovativeness. The empirical model was tested on a sample of 368 Polish scientific staff using the structural equation modeling (SEM) method. Then results were expanded by applying OLS regression using...

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  • Trust and Distrust in e-Democracy

    - Rok 2022

    In the digital government research literature, the concept of trust is typically used as a precondition for the adoption of digital technology in the public sector or an outcome of a roadmap leading up to such adoption. The concept plays a central role in many decisions linked to the planning, adoption and management of the public sector technology. In contrast, the concept of...

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  • Trust and Distrust in e-Democracy

    - Rok 2022

    In the digital government research literature, the concept of trust is typically used as a precondition for the adoption of digital technology in the public sector or an outcome of a roadmap leading up to such adoption. The concept plays a central role in many decisions linked to the planning, adoption and management of the public sector technology. In contrast, the concept of distrust is almost neglected in such literature but,...

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  • Trust in Electronic Word-of-Mouth (eWOM): the concept and the most important determinants

    - Rok 2022

    eWOM and trust in it is now the most important factor in determining buyers' purchasing behavior. Familiarity with the determinants of trust establishes the formation of appropriate marketing activities. However, the growing number of new forms of eWOM and its increasingly complex and multidimensional nature have created a lot of confusion. The article aims to organize the concepts related to trust in eWOM, to indicate the most...

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  • Tworzenie wartości wspólnej w uniwersytecie. Perspektywa trójkąta wiedzy

    - Rok 2022

    Społeczną odpowiedzialność uniwersytetu definiuje się jako dobrowolne działania uczelni, wykraczające poza obowiązek kształcenia i prowadzenia badań, których celem jest poprawa jakości życia ogółu. Mimo że trójczłonowość misji uniwersytetu może sugerować, że jest on społecznie odpowiedzialny „z natury”, wyniki badań pokazują, że społeczna odpowiedzialność nie jest fundamentem, z którego wynikają działania uniwersytetu, lecz raczej...

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  • Use of structural equation modeling in quantitative research in the field of management and economics: A bibliometric analysis in the systematic literature review
    • A. Zakrzewska-Bielawska
    • A. Lis
    • A. Ujwary-Gil

    - Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation - Rok 2022

    PURPOSE: This paper aims to provide a comprehensive review of scholarly research focusing on using quantitative methods and particularly structural equation modeling (SEM) in management and economics studies, as well as provide a bibliometric agenda including the time horizon of individual publications, the highest citation rate, geographic and industry areas, methodological context, and keywords. METHODOLOGY: A systematic literature...

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  • Using Long-Short term Memory networks with Genetic Algorithm to predict engine condition

    - Gazi University Journal of Science - Rok 2022

    Predictive maintenance (PdM) is a type of approach for maintenance processes, allowing maintenance actions to be managed depending on the machine's current condition. Maintenance is therefore carried out before failures occur. The approach doesn’t only help avoid abrupt failures but also helps lower maintenance cost and provides possibilities to manufacturers to manage maintenance budgets in a more efficient way. A new deep neural...

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  • Validating the Rules of Government Automation

    - Rok 2022

    There is growing evidence on the benefits and risks of government automation, and how should government organizations proceed with automation when the benefits outweigh the risks. This evidence was recently consolidated into the "rules of government automation", part of the project funded by the Inter-American Development Bank. The project uncovered that the combined nature of government work and its transformation into digital...

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    - Technological and Economic Development of Economy - Rok 2022

    The issue of how to price options embedded in callable bonds has attracted a lot of interest over the years. The usual bond valuation methods rely on yield curves, risk premium, and other parameters to estimate interest rates used in discounted cash flow calculations. The option to retire the bond is, however, neglected in the standard pricing models, causing a systematic overvaluation of callable bonds. In the event of a decline...

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  • Wage determination, Global Value Chains and role played by wage bargaining schemes: The case of Poland

    This study examines the linkages between GVC involvement and wages in Poland given different wage bargaining schemes. The analysis is based on microdata from the European Structure of Earnings Survey for Poland combined with sectoral data from the World Input-Output Database. In particular, two measures of GVC involvement were used: the share of foreign value added (FVA) to export and the measure of traditional offshoring. The...

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  • Wavelet filtering of signals without using model functions

    The effective wavelet filtering of real signals is impossible without determining their shape. The shape of a real signal is related to its wavelet spectrum. For shape analysis, a continuous color wavelet spectrogram of signal level is often used. The disadvantage of continuous wavelet spectrogram is the complexity of analyzing a blurry color image. A real signal with additive noise strongly distorts the spectrogram based on continuous...

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  • What Skills for Multi-Partner Open Innovation Projects? Open Innovation Competence Profile in a Cluster Ecosystem Context

    Industry 4.0 and the turbulent environment have rendered increasing interest in open inno- vation that extends from the bilateral transmission of expertise to multilateral platform collaborations. Open innovation ventures are seen as intricate collaborations that require the commitment of numer- ous partners during the lifetime of the project. In order to examine the specific competence of open innovation teams, we set the research...

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  • Which Curve Fits Best: Fitting ROC Curve Models to Empirical Credit-Scoring Data

    - Risks - Rok 2022

    In the practice of credit-risk management, the models for receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves are helpful in describing the shape of an ROC curve, estimating the discriminatory power of a scorecard, and generating ROC curves without underlying data. The primary purpose of this study is to review the ROC curve models proposed in the literature, primarily in biostatistics, and to fit them to actual credit-scoring ROC data...

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  • Wiedza rynkowa i twórczość w kształtowaniu nowych produktów

    - Rok 2022

    Tematyka niniejszej monografii osadzona jest w dyscyplinie nauk o zarządzaniu i jakości, w pracy podjęto bowiem problematykę wyjaśnienia osiągania przez przedsiębiorstwo pożądanych rezultatów (np. przewagi konkurencyjnej, wyników handlowych nowych produktów) na podstawie rozwoju nowych produktów. Uwaga została skupiona na produktach materialnych kierowanych zarówno do konsumentów, jak i do organizacji. Wśród czynników warunkujących...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Within- and between-firm wage inequalities and trade integration in GVC

    This paper examines between- (inter) and within- (intra) firm wage inequality using rich employer-employee data for 12 European countries. We confirm that much overall wage inequality is observed within sectors and within occupations. The share of the within- and between-firm components in overall wage inequality varies across countries. We estimate the link between involvement in global value chains (GVCs) and wages differentiating...

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  • Wybrane rozwiązania prawne z ustawy z 2019 roku – Prawo zamówień publicznych w ocenie polskich przedsiębiorstw

    Przedmiotem analizy w niniejszym artykule jest instytucja zamówień publicznych, uregulowanych aktualnie obowiązującą ustawą – Prawo zamówień publicznych z 2019 r . Analiza ta dotyczy w szczególności nowoprzyjętych w niej zapisów prawnych – nowych w stosunku do obowiązujących poprzednio. Uzasadnieniem wprowadzenia przez ustawodawcę wielu nowych rozwiązań była chęć ułatwienia przedsiębiorcom uczestniczenia...

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  • Wycena przedsiębiorstw dystresywnych. Teoria i praktyka

    - Rok 2022

    Książka pt. „Wycena przedsiębiorstw dystresywnych. Teoria i praktyka" jest pierwszą na polskim rynku wydawniczym zwartą publikacją, w której ukazano zagadnienia wyceny specyficznej grupy przedsiębiorstw, tzn. mających problemy z wypłacalnością (tzw. podmiotów dystresywnych). Omówiono w niej następujące zagadnienia: • uwarunkowania ekonomiczne i prawne funkcjonowania przedsiębiorstw dystresywnych, • uniwersalne metody i zasady wyceny...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Youth attitude to entrepreneurship in Eastern and Central European countries: Gender aspect

    Current business conditions pose new challenges to youth entrepreneurship, which is a significant component of countries’ economic growth. In addition, Generation Z differs from previous generations and requires new approaches. In this context, a comprehensive study of the peculiarities and various aspects of youth entrepreneurship development is highly-demanded and relevant. Furthermore, the lower representation of women among...

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  • Zarządzanie projektami w podejściu zwinnym

    - Rok 2022

    W opracowaniu opisane zostały wzorce postępowania stosowane w przypadku realizacji przedsięwzięć dużych i złożonych, takie jak Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe), Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS) czy Nexus, spośród których najbardziej popularne jest to pierwsze podejście. Każda z tych metodyk zawiera wskazówki i wytyczne dotyczące tego, w jaki sposób koordynować prace wielu Zespołów Scrum. Wprowadzają one wydarzenia oraz role niezbędne w bardziej...

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  • Zrównoważony rozwój lokalny. Podstawy teoretyczne i działania praktyczne
    • A. Sekuła
    • A. Miszczuk
    • J. Wojciechowska-Solis
    • J. Nucińska,

    - Rok 2022

    Rozwój zrównoważony to jedna z koncepcji rozwoju lokalnego. Celem monografii jest prezentacja podstaw tego rozwoju na poziomie lokalnym oraz ukazanie jego przejawów i działań praktycznych w sferach gospodarczej, społecznej i ekologicznej, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem dwóch wewnętrznych czynników rozwojowych – turystyki i oświaty. W pierwszym rozdziale przedstawiono teoretyczne podstawy rozwoju lokalnego. Omówiono najpowszechniej...

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Rok 2021
  • A Comparability of Renal Length and Volume Measurements in MRI and Ultrasound in Children

    - Frontiers in Pediatrics - Rok 2021

    Introduction: Despite the significant increase in use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in children, there is still a lack of normal reference values of renal size in this method and reference values are being interpolated from the ultrasound (US) studies. The study provides comparative analysis of agreement in renal length and volume measurements between MRI and ultrasound. Materials and Methods: Ninety-three children with a...

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  • A Comprehensive Investigation of Knowledge Management Publications

    - Rok 2021

    Recent trends in knowledge management (KM) have increasingly indicated a lack of agreement, integration and classification between different KM domains. As such, experts are inadequately equipped when attempting to classify KM into their specific areas that could effectively contribute to a technocratic approach behind the organizational strategy. This paper illustrates a method of classifying KM publications by using a scheme...

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  • A new concept of contemporary marketing

    - Rok 2021

    Purpose: This conceptual paper aims to propose a new concept of marketing that responds well to the needs of a changing world, taking into account the continuous development of the service economy and the revolution in the development of the Internet and related tools. Methodology/Approach: The proposed concept is based on well-researched theories: service marketing, experience marketing, relationship marketing and digital marketing...

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  • A new multi-process collaborative architecture for time series classification


    Time series classification (TSC) is the problem of categorizing time series data by using machine learning techniques. Its applications vary from cybersecurity and health care to remote sensing and human activity recognition. In this paper, we propose a novel multi-process collaborative architecture for TSC. The propositioned method amalgamates multi-head convolutional neural networks and capsule mechanism. In addition to the discovery...

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  • A Panel Analysis of the Impact of Green Transformation and Globalization on the Labor Share in the National Income

    - ENERGIES - Rok 2021

    This study aims to examine the impact of green transition and globalization processes on changes in the labour share. The study covers 76 national economies diversified in development, global production share and energy transition stage from 2000 to 2018. Based on the Total Economy Database data, panel models of the relationship between green transition, globalization and the labour share in the national income were estimated....

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  • A Review of Traffic Analysis Attacks and Countermeasures in Mobile Agents' Networks

    - Rok 2021

    For traditional, message-based communication, traffic analysis has been already studied for over three decades and during that time various attacks have been recognised. As far as mobile agents’ networks are concerned only a few, specific-scope studies have been conducted. This leaves a gap that needs to be addressed as nowadays, in the era of Big Data, the Internet of Things, Smart Infrastructures and growing concerns for privacy,...

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  • A Simulation Model for Risk and Pricing Competition in the Retail Lending Market

    We propose a simulation model of the retail lending market with two types of agents: borrowers searching for low interest rates and lenders competing through risk-based pricing. We show that individual banks observe adverse selection, even if every lender applies the same pricing strategy and a credit scoring model of comparable discrimination power. Additionally, the model justifies the reverse-S shape of the response rate curve....

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  • Abilities, Motivations, and Opportunities of Furloughed Employees in the Context of Covid-19: Preliminary Evidence From the UK

    - Frontiers in Psychology - Rok 2021

    The Covid-19 global pandemic is a crisis like no other, forcing governments to implement prolonged national lockdowns in an effort to limit the spread of the disease. As organizations aim to adapt and remain operational, employers can suspend or reduce work activity for events related to Covid-19 and claim government support to subsidize employee wages. In this way, some employees are placed on furlough (i.e., temporary unemployment)...

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  • Acid Rider. Idea „komunizmu kwasowego” Marka Fishera a doświadczenie zewnętrzności

    Acid communism pozostaje intrygującym wstępem Marka Fishera do planowanej przezeń historycznej rekonstrukcji radykalnych projektów politycznych wyrosłych na gruncie kultury psychodelicznej. Idea ta nie narodziła się w próżni, lecz stanowi konsekwencję jego poszukiwań teoretycznych. Artykuł próbuje osadzić koncepcję „komunizmu kwasowego” w szerszym kontekście, skupiając się na refleksji poświęconej doświadczeniu psychodelicznemu...

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  • Action Plan “Women”

    Employees of a company are not the first alternative coming into one’s mind when searching suitable successor for the business. Those belonging to the company’s management group are in many cases asked for their interest in being a successor, but the lower level an employee is in the hierarchy, the less probably he/she is inquired of his/her interest in becoming a successor. The contemporary entrepreneur may have had conflicts...

  • Aiming at methods’ wider adoption: Applicability determinants and metrics

    Numerous computer science methods and techniques have been proposed by the scientific community. However, depending on the domain, only their minor fraction has met wider adoption. This paper brings attention to the concept of applicability - the notion that is well acknowledged in the scientific field but have not been analysed with respect to determinants, metrics and systematisation. The primary objective of the study was to...

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  • Algorithmic Human Resources Management - Perspectives and Challenges

    Theoretical background: Technology – most notably processes of digitalisation, the use of artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data and prevalence of remote work due to pandemic – changes the way organizations manage human resources. One of the increasing trends is the use of so-called “algorithmic management”. It is notably different than previous e-HRM or HRIS (human resources information systems) applications, as it...

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  • AMO perspectives on the well-being of neurodivergent human capital

    Existing management research and management practices frequently overlook the relationship between the above-average human capital of highly functioning neurodivergent employees, their subjective well-being in the workplace and performance outcomes. This paper calls for greater attention to the hidden human capital associated with neurodiversity by mainstreaming implementation of neurodiversity-friendly policies and practices. Drawing...

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  • Among Friends: The Role of Friendship in Alternative Organizations

    - Zarządzanie Mediami - Rok 2021

    Friendship, a mutual and profound relationship, permeates history of human culture and occurs in all social situations, including professional and informal human activities. In organizations, it devel­ops through processes of communication and generates a communication culture of kindness and support. Organizational friendship enhances work engagement and satisfaction, as well as helps to promote individual ends. This article investigates...

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  • Analyzing content of tasks in Business Process Management. Blending task execution and organization perspectives


    An efficient organization, management, and execution of tasks are central for the successful functioning of any organization. This topic was on the research agenda already in the early 1950s and keeps attracting the scientific community's attention today. Continuous advances and penetration of technologies in organizations are expected to increase task variety and complexity. This creates a constant demand for new methods to analyze,...

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  • Analyzing Preconditions to Introduce Internet Voting in Portugal: Insights from the Estonian Model

    - Rok 2021

    Internet voting has been trialed or introduced for several countries, including Norway, Portugal, United States, United Kingdom and Switzerland as an additional voting channel to increase voter turnout and, also to modernize the electoral process. However, only Estonia has successful introduced internet voting, deploying e-enabled elections in general governmental levels. This paper aims to provide an exploratory study on the Estonian...

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  • Approval of an Arrangement in the Restructuring Proceedings and the Financial Condition of Companies Listed on the Stock Exchanges in Warsaw. Is There Any Relationship?

    This paper attempts to identify the financial indicators differentiating companies that are insolvent or at risk of insolvency and have successfully entered into an arrangement with their creditors from those that have not. In addition, a two-factor model for predicting the odds of an arrangement has been proposed. The research was conducted using a population of companies listed on stock exchanges in Warsaw that initiated restructuring...

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  • Appunti di corporate governance

    - Rok 2021

    Il libro pone la proprietà al centro di tutte le scelte rilevanti che l’impresa compie: in particolare affronta il «problema» del governo il tema della corporate governance dalla prospettiva della proprietà e in un’accezione più ampia e articolata rispetto agli studi di matrice anglosassone. In questo contesto, si analizza il tema delle relazioni tra proprietà, governo corporate governance e strategia corporate delle imprese, con...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Assessing business process complexity based on textual data: Evidence from ITIL IT ticket processing

    - Business Process Management Journal - Rok 2021

    Purpose This study aims to draw the attention of business process management (BPM) research and practice to the textual data generated in the processes and the potential of meaningful insights extraction. The authors apply standard natural language processing (NLP) approaches to gain valuable knowledge in the form of business process (BP) complexity concept suggested in the study. It is built on the objective, subjective and meta-knowledge...

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  • Bariery i ograniczenia wdrażania technologii BIM- wyniki badań pilotażowych


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  • Book Review

    Acting over the last three decades as an Editor and Associate Editor for a number of international journals in the general area of cybernetics and AI, as well as a Chair and Co-Chair of numerous conferences in this field, I have had the exciting opportunity to closely witness and to be actively engaged in the stimulating research area of machine learning and its important augmentation with deep learning techniques and technologies. From...

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  • Can Web Search Queries Predict Prices Change on the Real Estate Market?

    This study aims to explore whether the intensity of internet searches, according to the Google Trends search volume index (SVI), is a predictor of changes in real estate prices. The motivation of this study is the possibility to extend the understanding of the extra predictive power of Google search engine query volume of future housing price change (shift direction) by (i) the introduction of a research approach that combines...

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  • Cassirer E. Język i mit. Przyczynek do zagadnienia imion bogów.Przekład, wstęp i opracowanie: Przemysław Parszutowicz.. Wydaw. Marek Drzewiecki,2021

    - Rok 2021

    Rozprawa Cassirera pochodzi z najważniejszego bodaj okresu jego twórczości – okresu współpracy z Biblioteką Warburga – i mimo niewielkich rozmiarów jest w dużej mierze reprezentatywna, tak gdy idzie o wykorzystywaną przez niego metodę, jak i o główny obszar jego zainteresowań badawczych. Stanowi bezpośrednie nawiązanie do rozprawy Hermanna Usenera Götternamen. Versuch einer Lehre von der religiösen Begriffsbildung. Pod względem...

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  • Chain Action - How Do Countries Add Value Through Digital Government?

    This study examineshow countries develop and benefit from Digital Government(DG).The literature proposes various conceptualizations of the value-adding logic of DG, but the benchmarking practice is not respondingto such proposals.For instance, the United Nations’E-Government Surveycombines the readiness and uptake indicatorsand failsto cover any impactindicators;thus,its diagnostic valueis limited. To overcome...

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  • Cognitive Systems, Concepts, Processes, and Techniques for the Age of Industry 4.0


    The aim of this Guest Edition of Cybernetics and Systems is to present a wide-ranging scale of concepts and processes being currently researched, developed, and evaluated in real life settings in anticipation of incoming Industry 4.0 era. With the fourth industrial revolution expectation, the broad spectrum of cognitive approaches have emerged as an attempt to mimic and augment, in some way, human intelligence. Intelligence, in...

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  • Commitment Ladder in the Relationship between Service Providers and Customers as Added Value in Sustainable Services Development

    The socioeconomic sphere and the relationships in which commitment occurs are important elements in the development of sustainable services. The study reported in this article identifies the elements that influence the development of the relationship between service providers and their customers and proposes a model that describes the state of the relationship between service providers and customers in terms of symmetrical commitment...

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  • Company versus consumer performance: does brand community identification foster brand loyalty and the consumer’s personal brand?

    - Journal of Brand Management - Rok 2021

    This study investigates the effect of community identification in building brand loyalty (attitudinal and behavioural) and a personal brand via social networks. The proposed model explained the main community identification antecedents and how identification can lead to enhanced company and consumer performance. This study adopts the theoretical lens of uses and gratifications theory and identifies three motivational drivers of...

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  • Comparison of Renewable Energy Sources in ‘New’ EU Member States in the Context of National Energy Transformations

    - ENERGIES - Rok 2021

    The European Union strives to create sustainable, low-carbon economies; therefore, energy policies of all member states should move towards renewable energy sources (RES). That concerns also the so-called new EU member states. These countries, on the one hand, are characterized by significant historical similarities in terms of post-communist legacy and adopted development strategies linked with the EU membership, and on the other...

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  • Comparison of the Effectiveness of Health Systems in The European Countries-Two-Stage DEA Model

    - Rok 2021

    This article compares the efficiency of health systems in selected European countries using two-stage data envelopment analysis (DEA), based on data from the EUROSTAT database. In the first step, DEA efficiency scores were calculated for health care systems and, subsequently, the external variables describing lifestyle were used to calculate the truncated regression. Health care resources (physicians, nurses, hospital beds, financial...

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  • Creating Shared Value by the University

    Purpose Works that link creating shared value (CSV) with the university are arising, and there is a hope for a great future of this combination. The main problem with these works is that they are based on the wrong assumptions of what CSV is. The aim of the paper is to properly explain the concept of CSV and match it with university social responsibility (USR) at a strategic level. Design/methodology/approach A literature review...

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