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Search results for: SLAB-COLUMN STRUCTURE
Structure and electrochemical reactivity of 3-[tris(2-methoxyethoxy)silyl]-propanethiol adsorbed on silver surface
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Irreversible alterations in the hemoglobin structure affect oxygen binding in human packed red blood cells
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The Effect of Fertilization on the Structure of the Aboveground Biomass of Several Cultivars of Jerusalem Artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.)
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Effect of bio-polyol molecular weight on the structure and properties of polyurethane-polyisocyanurate (PUR-PIR) foams
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Core/Shell Structure of Mesoporous Carbon Spheres and g-C3N4 for Acid Red 18 Decolorization
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Insight into the influence of polymer topological structure on the exfoliation of clay in polystyrene matrix via annealing process
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Laser melting synthesis of Mg and Si3N4-doped soda-lime glass: structure and thermal analysis
PublicationThree series of soda-lime glasses doped with varying contents of Mg, Si3N4, or a combination of both were synthesizedusing laser melting in less than 3 min. The addition of these dopants resulted in notable changes in the structural and ther-mal properties of the glass. Both IR and Raman spectra indicated that the silicate network primarily consisted of Q3 units,with significant amounts of Q2 and Q4 units present in most samples....
RNS reverse high-speed converter with quasi-regular structure based on the Chinese Remainder Theorem
PublicationPrzedstawiono dwie nowe architektury szybkiego konwertera z systemuresztowego do systemu binarnego oparte o chińskie tw. o resztach. Zastosowano nowe struktury 4-operandowych sumatorów modulo 2M. Pierwsza ze struktur oparta jest o wstępne sumowanie najstarszych bitów wektorów sumy i przeniesienia na wyjściu sumatora CSA, natomiast druga o bezpośrednie wykrywanie przekroczenia 2M. Konwerter wykorzystujący drugą ze struktur charakteryzuje...
Why set of experience knowledge structure can be considered a knowledge representattion for formal decision events?
PublicationOmówiono zasady reprezentacji wiedzy przy pomocy zbioru dośwadczeń. Uzasadniono wybór takiej reprezentacji na tle badańliteraturowych.
Structure of partially reduced xPbO (1-x)SiO2 glasses: combined EXAFS and MD study
PublicationWykorzystując połączenie metody EXAFS (extended X-ray absorption finestructure) i symulacji MD (molecular dynamics) zbadano strukturęczęściowo zredukowanych szkieł ołowiowo-krzemianowych o różnejstechiometrii wyjściowej. W wyniku analizy uzyskano szczegółowyopis struktury lokalnej wokół atomów ołowiu i jej zmiany w funkcjiskładu szkła i poziomu redukcji. Określono również jaką tendencjędo aglomeracji w metaliczne klastry wykazują...
Elucidating the impact of enzymatic modifications on the structure, properties, and applications of cellulose, chitosan, starch and their derivatives: a review
PublicationPolysaccharides, as one of the most prominent natural biopolymers, display numerous biological activities and industrial applications. Nevertheless, some polysaccharides lack biological properties or display weak biological activities. Besides, practical usages of polysaccharides still remain challenging because of their poor solubility and inappropriate hydrophilic/hydrophobic balance. Hence, enzymatic or chemical modifications...
Computer-Aided Greenery Design—Prototype Green Structure Improving Human Health in Urban Ecosystem
PublicationIncreasing population and urbanization, with climate change consequences, such as rising temperatures, influence public health and well-being. The search to improve the quality of life in cities becomes one of the priority objectives. A solution can be found in the role of greenery in an urban environment and its impact on human health. This opens a path toward experimentation on microclimate green structures that can be inserted...
Analysis of the structure of the atomized fuel spray with marine diesel engine injector in the early stage of injection
PublicationThis paper presents the results of the experimental research of the atomized fuel spray with the marine diesel engine injector in the constant volume chamber. The specificity of the phenomena occurring in the marine engine cylinder was the reason to use the optical visualisation method in the studies – the Mie scattering technique. This work presents an analysis of the influence of different geometry of outlet orifice and opening...
Structure-Property Relationship and Multiple Processing Studies of Novel Bio-Based Thermoplastic Polyurethane Elastomers
PublicationCurrently, the growing demand for polymeric materials has led to an increased need to develop effective recycling methods. This study focuses on the multiple processing of bio-based thermoplastic polyurethane elastomers (bio-TPUs) as a sustainable approach for polymeric waste management through mechanical recycling. The main objective is to investigate the influence of two reprocessing cycles on selected properties of bio-TPUs....
Emplying set of experience knowledge structure and decisional DNA to enhance industrial design: conceptual approach
PublicationZaprezentowano koncepcje wspomagania projektowania przemyslowego przy pomocy nowoczenego podejscia do reprezentacji wiedzy w postaci SOEKS oraz Decyzyjnego DNA
Enhancing set of experiance knowledge structure (SOEKS) with w nearest neighbour algorithm Relief-F
PublicationPrzedstawiono koncepcje uzupelnienia i wpsomagania struktury wiedzy opartej na SOEKS przy pomocy algorytmu przypisujacego wagi atrybutow.
Hunting for the Magnesium(I) Species: Formation, Structure, andReactivity of some Donor-Free Grignard Compounds
PublicationMagnesium bromide radicals have to be prepared as high-temperature molecules and trapped as a metastable solution because a seemingly simple reduction of donor-free Grignard compounds failed. However, the essential role of magnesium(I) species during the formation of Grignard compounds could be demonstrated experimentally.
Structure and superconductivity of VN-SiO2 films obtained by thermal nitridation of sol-gel derived coatings
PublicationPraca prezentuje wyniki badań strukturalnych oraz właściwości nadprzewodzących cienkich warstw xVN-(100-x)SiO2, gdzie x = 90, 80, 70, 60 mol%. Warstwy zostały wykonane metodą termicznego azotowania z użyciem amoniaku cienkich warstw tlenkowych otrzymanych metodą zol-żel. Badania struktury przeprowadzono metodami XRD oraz XPS, natomiast właściwości nadprzewodzące badano metodą MMMA. Właściwości nadprzewodzące warstw zależą zarówno...
Eu3+ doped tellurite glass ceramics containing SrF2 nanocrystals: Preparation, structure and luminescence properties
PublicationEu3+ doped tellurite glass ceramics containing SrF2 nanocrystals were prepared using melt quenching technique and subsequent heat treatment of glass in 370 °C for different time periods. Thermal properties of glass matrix have been determined based on DSC measurements. XRD and XPS results confirmed formation of SrF2 nanocrystals in glass matrices after annealing at 370 °C. FTIR studies revealed absorption bands in the range of...
Structure and thermoelectric properties of Bi–Te alloys obtained by novel method of oxide substrates reduction
PublicationA novel method of thermoelectric materials fabrication has been developed. Oxide reagents have been melted at high temperature in air, quenched, milled to powder and reduced in hydrogen to form Bi–Te alloys. Structural and thermoelectric properties of samples have been investigated depending on initial composition and temperature of reduction process. Sample 25Bi2O3–75TeO2 reduced at 340 °C for 10 h has been found to be a p-type...
Structure-property relationships disclosed in the family of acridinium esters – chemiluminogenic molecules of great practical importance
PublicationAcridinium esters (AE), since their introduction to the analytics 30 years ago, make one of the most important groups of chemiluminogenic (CL) systems, that have been employed in medical diagnostics and environmental analysis today. So far, however, no systematic studies on the structureproperty relationships were carried out in this family of compounds. The latter features likely determine their practical utility and facilitate...
Electrochemical degradation of textile dyes in a flow reactor: effect of operating conditions and dyes chemical structure
PublicationIn this study, electrochemical oxidation of five azo dyestuffs (Yellow D-5GN, Red D-B8, Ruby F-2B, Blue D-5RN, Black DN), that are widely used in the textile industry, was investigated in a flow reactor. BDD electrode with a high boron doping level (C/B = 10 000) was prepared and used. Two configurations of reactor were considered, i.e., one with the undivided cell, and the other with the cell divided by anodic and cathodic compartments....
Microcrystalline Cellulose Management in the Production of Poly(ether-urethane)s- Structure, Morphology, and Thermal Characteristic
PublicationIn response to the demand of polymer industry for reducing the use of synthetic chemicals, eco-friendly materials are investigated. In the presented study, bio-based poly(ether-urethane)s were prepared by using microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) and polyether polyol and 1,3-propanediol derived from corn sugar. A step towards sustainability was taken by incorporating bio-based compounds and cellulose, consequently, bio-waste are utilized...
The effect of morphology and crystalline structure of Mo/MoO3 layers on photocatalytic degradation of water organic pollutants
PublicationMolybdenum oxide layers were formed by anodization of the Mo metallic foil in a water/ethylene glycol-based electrolyte containing fluoride ions. The as-prepared, amorphous samples were annealed in air at different temperatures in a range from 100 �C to 700 �C. The crystal phase and morphology of anodized and annealed MoO3 layers were investigated using X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, and scanning electron microscopy. The...
New uranium(vi) and isothiouronium complexes: synthesis, crystal structure, spectroscopic characterization and a DFT study
PublicationThe crystal structures of S,S′-2,5-dimethylbenzene-1,4-diylbis(methylisothiouronium) diacetate (1_ac), S,S′-2,5-dimethylbenzene-1,4-diylbis(methylisothiouronium) dichloride (1_Cl), 1_U complex, S,S′-naphthalene-1,4-diylbis(methylisothiouronium) dichloride (2_Cl), and 2_U complex were determined for the first time. The supramolecular structures of the compounds obtained are mainly based on hydrogen bonding and ionic interactions...
Multi-objective optimization of the cavitation generation unit structure of an advanced rotational hydrodynamic cavitation reactor
PublicationHydrodynamic cavitation (HC) has been widely considered a promising technique for industrial-scale process intensifications. The effectiveness of HC is determined by the performance of hydrodynamic cavitation reactors (HCRs). The advanced rotational HCRs (ARHCRs) proposed recently have shown superior performance in various applications, while the research on the structural optimization is still absent. The present study, for the...
Improvements and new functionalities of UNRES server for coarse-grained modeling of protein structure, dynamics, and interactions
PublicationIn this paper we report the improvements and extensions of the UNRES server ( for physics-based simulations with the coarse-grained UNRES model of polypeptide chains. The improvements include the replacement of the old code with the recently optimized one and adding the recent scale-consistent variant of the UNRES force field, which performs better in the modeling of proteins with the β and the...
Modal Adjustment of Rayleigh Based Structural Damping and Coordinate-Partitioning Algorithm Dedicated to Frictionless Contact Constraints between Multibody System and Structure Modelled with Finite Elements
PublicationThe paper presents a dedicated numerical algorithm. The algorithm is advantageous during investigations of the dynamics of a hybrid multibody / finite-elements system. We focus our attention on interactions resulting from mechanical contact. Pointwise contact connects a vertex of the multibody structure and a surface of the elastic reference body. Instead of a positive value of the relative penetration factor, constraint equations...
Analytical approach for membrane action in laterally-restrained reinforced concrete square slabs under uniformly distributed loads
PublicationLaterally-restrained reinforced concrete slabs can mobilise compressive membrane action and subsequent tensile membrane action under extreme loading conditions, thereby enhancing the load resistance under uniformly distributed loads. Previous analytical study focuses primarily on tensile membrane action in simply-supported slabs. This paper describes an analytical approach for membrane action in laterally-restrained square slabs....
Behaviour of deformed steel columns exposed to impact load during earthquakes - experimental study
PublicationIt has been observed during major earthquakes that the so called soft-storey failure of an upper floor of a structure results in large impact load acting on structural members of the lower storeys. It may further lead to progressive collapse of the whole structure substantially intensifying human and material losses. The aim of this paper is to investigate experimentally the behaviour of horizontally deformed columns (deformation...
ESCASA : Analytical estimation of atomic coordinates from coarse‐grained geometry for nuclear‐magnetic‐resonance ‐assisted protein structure modeling. I. Backbone and Hβ protons
PublicationA method for the estimation of coordinates of atoms in proteins from coarse-grained geometry by simple analytical formulas (ESCASA), for use in nuclear-magnetic-resonance (NMR) data-assisted coarse-grained simulations of proteins is proposed. In this paper, the formulas for the backbone Hα and amide (HN) protons, and the side-chain Hβ protons, given the Cα-trace, have been derived and parameterized, by using the interproton distances...
Structure and evolution of the 4-helix bundle domain of Zuotin, a J-domain protein co-chaperone of Hsp70
PublicationThe J-domain protein Zuotin is a multi-domain eukaryotic Hsp70 co-chaperone. Though it is primarily ribosome-associated, positioned at the exit of the 60S subunit tunnel where it promotes folding of nascent polypeptide chains, Zuotin also has off-ribosome functions. Domains of Zuotin needed for 60S association and interaction with Hsp70 are conserved in eukaryotes. However, whether the 4-helix bundle (4HB) domain is conserved remains...
From structure to luminescence investigation of oxyfluoride transparent glasses and glass-ceramics doped with Eu3+/Dy3+ ions
PublicationGlasses and glass-ceramics with nominal composition 73 TeO2– 4BaO– 3Bi2O3–18SrF2-2RE2O3 (where RE = Eu, Dy) have been synthesized by conventional melt-quenching technique and subsequent heat treatment at 370 °C for 24 h in air atmosphere. Various Eu3+ to Dy3+ molar ratio have been applied to investigate luminescence properties in both glass and glass-ceramic matrices. Especially, white light emission through simultaneous excitation...
Influence of Ionic Liquid Structure on Supported Ionic Liquid Membranes Effectiveness in Carbon Dioxide/Methane Separation
PublicationThis paper indicates the possibility of application of imidazolium ionic liquids immobilized in polymeric supports—supported ionic liquid membranes—in CO2 separation from gaseous streams (e.g., biogas). Imidazolium salts containing alkyl fluoride anions, bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide and trifluoromethanesulfonate, selectively separating CO2 were used. The permeability of CO2 through membranes was investigated under gas pressure...
The effect of a polyharmonic structure of the perturbation signal on the results of harmonic analysis of the current of a first-order electrode reaction
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Three-dimensional structure of wave-induced momentum flux in irrotational waves in combined shoaling-refraction conditions
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<title>Fiber-optic low-coherence tomography system for visualization of internal structure of ceramic materials</title>
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Effect of Electron Beam Power Density on the Structure of Titanium Under Non-Vacuum Electron-Beam Treatment
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Visible light photocatalytic activity of ionic liquid-TiO2 spheres: effect of the ionic liquid's anion structure
PublicationThe effect of the ionic liquid’s (IL) anion type ([BIMIM][X], where X= [Br], [PF6] or [OctSO4]) and content on the morphology, surface properties and photoactivity of TiO2 obtained by solvothermal method has been systematically investigated. Our results revealed that the presence of [Br], [OctSO4] anions favors formation of anatase phase, while presence of [PF6] anion causes formation of mixture of anatase and Ti(OH)PO4 phases....
Structure and thermoelectric properties of Cs-Bi-Te alloys fabricated by different routes of reduction of oxide reagents
PublicationCesium-bismuth-telluride polycrystalline materials were fabricated using a cost-effective method based on a reduction of oxide reagents, leading to a production of a material with good thermoelectric properties. Several samples with various initial stoichiometry were prepared by melting of oxide powders at 1050 °C, quenching, milling to powders and then reducing in pure hydrogen at 400 °C. Another concept was to obtain the CsBi4Te6...
Synthesis, chemical structure and properties of cross-linked poly(esterourethanes) based on unsaturated oligo(alkyleneester)diols
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań struktury chemicznej i właściwości nienasyconych oligo(alkilenoestro)dioli oraz syntetyzowanych z ich udziałem poli(estrouretanów). Strukturę oligomeroli oraz poliuretanów ustalono w oparciu o wyniki badań FTIR, NMR, analizę elementarną. Właściwości poli(estrouretanów) określono przez pomiary stabilności termicznej, analizę termomechaniczną oraz obliczenia ciężaru cząsteczkowego łańcuchów polimerowych...
Large Language Model-Based Tuning Assistant for Variable Speed PMSM Drive with Cascade Control Structure
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Crystal structure and physical properties of Mg6Cu16Si7-type M6Ni16Si7, for M=Mg, Sc, Ti, Nb, and Ta
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Large Language Model-Based Tuning Assistant for Variable Speed PMSM Drive with Cascade Control Structure
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Large Language Model-Based Tuning Assistant for Variable Speed PMSM Drive with Cascade Control Structure
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Synthesis and electrode properties of 19-membered azo- and azoxycrown ethers. Structure of dibenzo-19-azocrown-7
PublicationW artykule opisano syntezę 19-członowych azo i azoksykoron oraz strukturę dibenzo-19-azokorony-7. Przedstawiono badania elektrodowe niektórych otrzymanych związków. Stwierdzono, że związki są czułe na jony talu (I).
Structure and electric conductivity of reduced lead-germanate, bismuth-germanate and bismuth-silicate glasses modified with potassium
PublicationZbadano szkła germanianowo-ołowiowe i krzemianowo+bizmutowe. Warstwy metalicznych granul wytwarzano w nich poprzez redukcję powierzchni w atmosferze wodoru. Praca dotyczy wpływu potasu na właściwości szkła. Przeprowadzono badania metodami mikroskopii sił atomowych, DSC oraz pomiary przewodności elektrycznej. Stwierdzono, że obecność potasu poprawia mechaniczne i technologiczne właściwości szkła.
Effects of Urea and Trimethylamine-N-oxide on the Properties of Water and the Secondary Structure of Hen Egg White Lysozyme
PublicationW celu określenia sposobu hydratacji mocznika i N-tlenku trimetyloaminy, wykorzystano spektroskopię oscylacyjną FTIR. Dane eksperymentalne, otrzymane z pomiarów widm oscylacyjnych wody półciężkiej (HDO) rozcieńczonej izotopowo w wodnych roztworach badanych związków, analizowane były za pomocą "metody widm różnicowych". Strukturalno-energetyczna charakterystyka wody zaburzonej przez cząsteczki osmolitów wskazuje, że woda zaburzona...
Interfaces with Structure Dynamics of the Workhorses from Cells Revealed through Cross-Linking Mass Spectrometry (CLMS)
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Scale-consistent approach to the derivation of coarse-grained force fields for simulating structure, dynamics, and thermodynamics of biopolymers