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Search results for: REFERENCE GAS MIXTURES
Derivatisation in gas chromatographic determination of acidic herbicides inaqueous environmental samples.
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono przegląd literaturowy dotyczący wykorzystania derywatyzacji w oznaczaniu herbicydów kwasowych w wodnych próbkach środowiskowych za pomocą chromatografii gazowej. Omówiono główne typy reakcji (transestryfikacja, estryfikacja, sililowanie, alkilacja, alkilacja ekstraktywna i pirolityczna), które powodują utworzenie pochodnych, łatwych do analizy techniką chromatografii gazowej. Scharakteryzowano także...
Flue gas treatment for SO2 removal with air-sparged hydrocyclone technology
PublicationOpisano wstępne wyniki badań laboratoryjnych usuwania SO2 z mieszaniny gazów z zastosowaniem reaktora cyklonowego (ASH). Do absorpcji stosowano wodę wodociągową oraz roztwór alkaliów. Zbadano wpływ natężenia przepływu gazu, natężenia przepływu wody oraz długość elementów ASH. Stwierdzono, że efektywność absorpcji SO2 z powietrza stosując technologię ASH jest porównywalna z efektywnością metod konwencjonalnych.
Some remarks on gas chromatographic challenges in the context of green analytical chemistry
PublicationOmówiono możliwości wprowadzenia zasad zielonej chemii analitycznej w odniesieniu do technik chromatograficznych.
Preparation of environmental samples for gas chromatographic determination of selected organic pollutants
PublicationOpisano różne metody izolacji i wzbogacania zanieczyszczeń organicznych z ciekłych, gazowych i stałych próbek środowiskowych. Opisano konstrukcję i testowanie nowych systemów do przygotowania próbek oraz ich zastosowanie w połączeniu z chromatografią gazową do oznaczania zanieczyszczeń organicznych w póbkach rzeczywistych.
Flue gas treatment for SO2 removal with air-sparged hydrocyclone technology
PublicationWyniki badań dowodzą, że reaktor cyklonowy jest wysokosprawnym absorberem. Absorber cyklonowy pozwala na osiągnięcie stopnia redukcji 97% dla samej wody i zawartości dwutlenku siarki w fazie gazowej 5 mg/dm3. Dwutlenek siarki był usuwany również w wodnym rozworze alkaicznym (0.01 mol NaOH/dm3).
A proposal of ship gas-turbine driven waterjet propulsion - preliminary considerations
PublicationPodstawową rolę w napędzie strugowodnym spełnia pompa. Jest ona napędzana, za pośrednictwem wału przez wysokoprężny silnik spalinowy lub turbinę gazową. Napęd strugowodny może być nawet sprawniejszy energetycznie, niż napęd konwencjonalny (śrubą okrętową), wszakże pod warunkiem właściwego doboru dyszy, pompy i silnika napędowego
Properties of a lithium solid electrolyte gas sensor based on reaction kinetics
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono zasadę działania, budowę i właściwości czujnika gazu na bazie elektrolitu stałego z mobilnymi jonami litu. Czujnik został przygotowany w technologii grubowarstwowej. Przedstawiono wyniki badań czujnika w mieszaninach gazów toksycznych.
Ag/Pt-modified TiO2 nanoparticles for toluene photooxidation in the gas phase
PublicationAg/Pt-modified TiO2nanocomposites were synthesized using the sol–gel method. The effect of metal typeand amount as well as synthesis route on the photocatalytic activity in reaction of toluene removal, usedas a model volatile organic compound, was investigated. Toluene, at the concentration of about 200 ppm,was irradiated over modified TiO2using light-emitting diodes (LEDs, max= 415 nm). The results showedthat toluene could be...
Problems of Measuring Gas Content in Oil in a Two-Phase Flow: A Review
PublicationIn view of the necessity of measuring the air content in oil in two-phase flows in the context of general industry, a review of the most popular methods of measuring the air content in oil was carried out. This review includes an assessment of their advantages and disadvantages and of whether they meet criteria such as the degree of filling, the size and number of bubbles, verification, the absence of additional pressure drops,...
Investigation of solid polymer electrolyte gas sensor with different electrochemical techniques
PublicationIn this work solid polymer electrolyte (SPE) amperometric sulphur dioxide sensor is investigated. Nafion was used as a membrane electrode and 1M sulphuric acid as an internal electrolyte. Sensor response to sulphur dioxide was measured. Besides traditional constant voltage amperometry also different electrochemical techniques were used. Results obtained by these methods are compared.
Evaluation of the structures size in the liquid-gas flow by gamma-ray absorption
PublicationThe rapid development of tomography methods particularly electrical, X and gamma rays allows for a wide range of the information about flow structure. However, all of such methods are quite complicated. At the same time much simpler systems as the measuring system of gamma rays absorption, allows to obtain a all key flow information which describe the two-phase flow. In the article the results of analyzes of radiometric signal...
Magnesium-based complex hydride mixtures synthesized from stainless steel and magnesium hydride with subambient temperature hydrogen absorption capability
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Optical emission characteristics of glow discharge in the N2–H2–Sn(CH3)4 and N2–Ar–Sn(CH3)4 mixtures
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Enhancing the Separation Performance of Chitosan Membranes Through the Blending with Deep Eutectic Solvents for the Pervaporation of Polar/Non-Polar Organic Mixtures
PublicationThis study explores the development of chitosan-based membranes blended with three distinct deep eutectic solvents (DESs) for the pervaporation separation of methanol and methyl tert-butyl ether. DESs were selected for their eco-friendly properties and their potential to enhance membrane performance. The chitosan (CS) membranes, both crosslinked and non-crosslinked, were characterized in terms of morphology, chemical composition,...
Metody pomiarowe do kontroli składu i czystości czynników oddechowych. Measuring methods for assessment of composition and purity of breathing mixtures
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono główne źródła zanieczyszczeń nurkowych mieszanin oddechowych oraz ogólne zasady kontroli ich składu i czystości. Ponadto omówiono i scharakteryzowano metody i analizatory stosowane do oznaczania poszczególnych rodzajów zanieczyszczeń występujących w czynnikach oddechowych.
Rozpoznawanie uszkodzeń w części przepływowej okrętowego turbinowego silnika spalinowego na podstawie wyników badania endoskopowego = Failures' recognising within the passages of a marine gas turbine engine on the basis of results of endoscopic investigation
PublicationThe paper deals with diagnostic issues concerning endoscopic examinations of marine gas turbine engines. There will be presented selected information about failures within the passages and accessible endoscopic methods and means enabling their detection. The author focuses on the endoscopic techniques and widely presents the possibilities of this quickly developed diagnostic method. There will be also presented representative results...
Adoption of the F-statistic of Fisher-Snedecor distribution to analyze importance of impact of modifications of injector opening pressure of a compression ignition engine on specific enthalpy value of exhaust gas flow
PublicationThis article analyzes the effect of modifications of injector opening pressure on the operating values of a compression ignition engine, including the temperature of the fumes. A program of experimental investigation is described, considering the available test stand and measurement capabilities. The structure of the test stand on which the experimental measurements were conducted is presented. The method of introducing real modifications...
A Review of Crop Protection Methods against the Twospotted Spider Mite—Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae)—With Special Reference to Alternative Methods
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Pharmacophore models based studies on the affinity and selectivity toward 5-HT1A with reference to α1-adrenergic receptors among arylpiperazine derivatives of phenytoin
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Validation of Real-time PCR Reference Genes of Muscle Metabolism in Harvested Spiny-Cheek Crayfish (Faxonius limosus) Exposed to Seasonal Variation
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Process Control and Investigation of Oxidation Kinetics of Postoxidative Effluents Using Gas Chromatography with Pulsed Flame Photometric Detection (GC-PFPD)
PublicationThis article presents the results of investigations on the use of headspace analysis and gas chromatography with pulsed flame photometric detection (HSA-GC-PFPD) to evaluate the effectiveness of oxidation of postoxidative effluents from the production of bitumens. Samples of effluents from the bitumen oxidation unit were used in the experiments. In addition, the kinetics of effluent oxidation was also investigated. The content...
Simultaneous analysis of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and estrogenic hormones in water and wastewater samples using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry and gas chromatography with electron capture detection
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Application of gas flow headspace liquid phase micro extraction coupled with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry for determination of 4-methylimidazole in food samples employing experimental design optimization
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Techno-economic evaluation of combined cycle gas turbine and a diabatic compressed air energy storage integration concept
PublicationMore and more operational flexibility is required from conventional power plants due to the increasing share of weather-dependent renewable energy sources (RES) generation in the power system. One way to increase power plant’s flexibility is integrating it with energy storage. The energy storage facility can be used to minimize ramping or shutdowns and therefore should lower overall generating costs and CO2 emissions. In this article,...
Various types of semiconductor photocatalysts modified by CdTe QDs and Pt NPs for toluene photooxidation in the gas phase under visible light
PublicationA novel synthesis process was used to prepare TiO2 microspheres, TiO2 P-25, SrTiO3 and KTaO3 decorated by CdTe QDs and/or Pt NPs. The effect of semiconductor matrix, presence of CdTe QDs and/or Pt NPs on the semiconductor surface as well as deposition technique of Pt NPs (photodeposition or radiolysis) on the photocatalytic activity were investigated. The as-prepared samples were characterized by X-ray powder diffractometry (XRD),...
A rapid dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction of antimicrobial onion organosulfur compounds in animal feed coupled to gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
PublicationA rapid analytical procedure is proposed for determining two antimicrobial onion organosulfur compounds, propyl disulfide (PDS) and propyl propane thiosulfonate (PTSO), in animal feed. The use of PTSO as a natural ingredient in animal feed is allowed due to its antimicrobial activity against pathogenic organisms. Two analytical methodologies using gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS) are compared. After the extraction...
Inelastic X-Ray Scattering Studies of Phonon Dispersion in PbTe and (Pb,Cd)Te Solid Solution
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Typing of Scopulariopsis and Microascus fungi by Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD)
PublicationOBJECTIVES Scopulariopsis species and their teleomorphs of the genus Microascus are commonly isolated from soil, decaying plant material and indoor environments. Moreover, certain Scopulariopsis and Microascus species are recognised as opportunistic human pathogens. Although most species can be identified by detailed morphological study, phenotypic characters appear to overlap in several cases and morphology seems to be insufficient...
Capillary gas chromatography using a -cyclodextrin forenantiomeric separation of methylamphetamine, its precursors andchloro intermediates after optimization of the derivatization reaction
PublicationtThe enantiomeric ratio of methylamphetamine (MAMP) is closely related to the optical activity of precur-sors and reagents used for the synthesis and this knowledge can provide useful information concerningthe origins and synthetic methods used for illicit manufacture. The information can be utilized for reg-ulation of the precursors and investigation of the manufacturing sources but this requires analyticalprocedures to determine...
A rapid and sensitive method for the quantitative analysis of ibuprofen and its metabolites in equine urine samples by gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
PublicationIbuprofen is widely used in human and veterinary medicine for the treatment of chronic pain as well as rheumatic and musculoskeletal disorders. However, t he anal- gesic and anti-inflammatory properties of Ibuprofen have contributed to frequent drug abuse in equestr ian s ports. A sensitive and rapid gas chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry based method with a simple liquid-liquid extraction and deriva- tization requiring...
Method for the determination of carboxylic acids in industrial effluents using dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction with injection port derivatization gas chromatography–mass spectrometry
PublicationThe paper presents a new method for the determination of 15 carboxylic acids in samples of postoxidative effluents from the production of petroleum bitumens using ion-pair dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction and gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry with injection port derivatization. Several parameters related to the extraction and derivatization efficiency were optimized. Under optimized experimental conditions,the...
The Verification of the Usefulness of Electronic Nose Based on Ultra-Fast Gas Chromatography and Four Different Chemometric Methods for Rapid Analysis of Spirit Beverages
PublicationSpirit beverages are a diverse group of foodstuffs. They are very often counterfeited which cause the appearance of low quality products or wrongly labelled products on the market. It is important to find a proper quality control and botanical origin method enabling the same time preliminary check of the composition of investigated samples, which was the main goal of this work. For this purpose, the usefulness of electronic nose...
The effect of aeration mode (intermittent vs. continuous) on nutrient removal and greenhouse gas emissions in the wastewater treatment plant of Corleone (Italy)
PublicationThe paper reports the results of an experimental study aimed at comparing two configurations of a full-scale wastewater treatment plant (WWTP): conventional activated sludge (CAS) and oxic-settling-anaerobic process (OSA) with intermittent aeration (IA). A comprehensive monitoring campaign was carried out to assess multiple parameters for comparing the two configurations: carbon and nutrient removal, greenhouse gas emissions, respirometric...
First deep eutectic solvent-based (DES) stationary phase for gas chromatography and future perspectives for DES application in separation techniques
PublicationThe paper presents the first application of deep eutectic solvents (DES) as stationary phases for gas chromatography. DES obtained by mixing tetrabutylammonium chloride (TBAC) as a hydrogen bond acceptor (HBA) with heptadecanoic acid being a hydrogen bond donor (HBD) in a mole ratio of HBA:HBD equal to 1:2 was characterized by its ability to separate volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The Rohrschneider – McReynolds constants determined...
Characterization of diatomaceous earth coated with nitrated asphaltenes as superior adsorbent for removal of VOCs from gas phase in fixed bed column
PublicationAsphaltenes isolated from bitumen possess unusual adsorption characteristics that can be further enhanced by chemical modifications to promote interactions with VOCs’. Herein, nitrated asphaltenes are used as an active layer coated on a surface of a diatomaceous earth, in order to prepare an efficient adsorbent (AsfNitro). Breakthrough experiments with benzene, pyridine, and 1-nitropropane revealed significant increase in adsorption...
Studies on origin of Polish honeys by two-dimensional gas chromatography Ocena pochodzenia surowcowego polskich miodów przy użyciu dwuwymiarowej chromatografii gazowej
PublicationPolish acacia, linden, rapessed and buckwheat-derived honeys and a honydew were analysed for presence of hydrocarbons, alcs., ketones and esters by 2-dimensional gas chromatog. to establish the markers for the honey origin. PrOH was found characteristic for acacia honey, Me(CH2)11OH for linden honey, Me(CH2)6CHOMe for honeydew and Me(CH2)8COOEt for the rapeseed honey. Wykorzystano technikę dwuwymiarowej chromatografii gazowej sprzężonej...
Hardening of (Pb,Cd)Te Crystal Lattice with an Increasing CdTe Content in the Solid Solution
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Impact of Boundary Conditions on Acoustic Excitation of EntropyPerturbations in a Bounded Volume of Newtonian Gas
PublicationExcitation of the entropy mode in the field of intense sound, that is, acoustic heating, is theoreticallyconsidered in this work. The dynamic equation for an excess density which specifies the entropy mode,has been obtained by means of the method of projections. It takes the form of the diffusion equation withan acoustic driving force which is quadratically nonlinear in the leading order. The diffusion coefficient isproportional...
Propagation of initially sawtooth periodic and impulsive signals in a quasi-isentropic magnetic gas
PublicationThe characteristics of propagation of sawtooth periodic and impulsive signals at a transducer are analytically studied in this work. A plasma under consideration is motionless and uniform at equilibrium, and its perturbations are described by a system of ideal magnetohydrodynamic equations. Some generic heating/cooling function, which in turn depends on equilibrium thermodynamic parameters, may destroy adiabaticity of a flow and...
Concept of the multidimensional diagnostic tool based on exhaust gas composition for marine engines
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Separation of CO2 from flue gas in air-sparged hydrocyclone (ash) reactor
PublicationPrzedmiotem badań była absorpcja dwutlenku węgla w wodnym roztworze wodorotlenku sodu, z fazy gazowej w skali laboratoryjnej i technologicznej z wykorzystaniem reaktora typu ash. Natężenie przepływu powietrza wynosiło 900 dm3/min a wodnego roztworu NaOH 15 dm3/min w skali technologicznej. Zbadano stężenie CO2, pH w fazie ciekłej, wpływ natężenia przepływu fazy gazowej i fazy ciekłej na efektywność absorpcji
An application of advanced data processing methods to response analysis of electrocatalytic gas sensor
PublicationPrzedstawiono stosowane dotychczas oraz zaproponowano nowe metody analizy odpowiedzi czujników elektrokatalitycznych. Porównano ich właściwości.
Experimental investigation of utilizing waste flue gas desulfurized gypsum as backfill materials
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Experimental research on low-cost cold gas propulsion for a space robot platform
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Combined gas chromatography—mass spectrometry for the analysis of central and peripheral biogenic amines
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Chemometric optimization of derivatization reactions prior to gas chromatography–mass spectrometry analysis
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Influence of Gas-Flow Conditions on the Evolution of Thermally Insulating Si3N4 Nano-Felts
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The Impact of Innovation and Information Technology on Greenhouse Gas Emissions: A Case of the Visegrád Countries
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The existence and gas phase acidity of the HAlnF3n+1 superacids (n=1–4)
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Photocatalytic activity of anatase powders for oxidation of methylene blue in water and diluted NO gas