Search results for: LISTED%20COMPANIES - Bridge of Knowledge


Search results for: LISTED%20COMPANIES

Search results for: LISTED%20COMPANIES

  • Novel Binary Mixtures of Alkanolamine Based Deep Eutectic Solvents with Water—Thermodynamic Calculation and Correlation of Crucial Physicochemical Properties


    - MOLECULES - Year 2022

    This paper demonstrates the assessment of physicochemical and thermodynamic properties of aqueous solutions of novel deep eutectic solvent (DES) built of tetrabutylammonium chloride and 3-amino-1-propanol or tetrabutylammonium bromide and 3-amino-1-propanol or 2-(methylamino)ethanol or 2-(butylamino)ethanol. Densities, speeds of sound, refractive indices, and viscosities for both pure and aqueous mixtures of DES were investigated...

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  • Anna Brillowska-Dąbrowska dr hab. inż.

    Anna Brillowska-Dąbrowska, born in 1971 in Gdańsk, Poland, graduated in 1996 in Biotechnology from the Faculty of Chemistry, Gdańsk University of Technology (GUT). In 2001 she got her PhD, in 2013 became a DSc (habilitation). She was employed in 2004 as a researcher in Statens Serum Institut in Denmark. Currently she is an Associate Professor (adiunkt) in the Department of Molecular Biotechnology and Microbiology and Vice-dean...

  • Model biznesu przedsiębiorstwa wodociągowego

    W artykule przedstawiono badania nad wartościami modelu biznesu przedsiębiorstw wodociągowych w Polsce oraz przeprowadzono dyskusję nad ich postrzeganiem przez same przedsiębiorstwa. Wartości te w wielu aspektach postrzegane są w zbliżony sposób przez klientów. O ile jednak przedsiębiorstwa, jako istotne wartości postrzegały elementy związa-ne ze sprawnością i ciągłością procesu o tyle klienci kładli nacisk na sferę społeczną doty-czącą...

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  • Examination of the epoxy coating system's resistance to Corrobill


    The tests of the influence of the surface cleaning agent on the epoxy coating were carried out. Electrochemical and corrosion tests were carried out. The effect of the preparation on the adhesion and hardness of the tested coating was tested.

  • Parameter values for topological chaos in the reduced Chialvo model

    Open Research Data

    The following dataset is connected with a map-based neuron model introduced by D. Chialvo (Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 5 (3-4) 1995). The reduced version of this model is a one dimensional discrete system which describes the evolution of the membrane voltage when the value of the second variable, the recovery variable, is fixed. We have recently...

  • Experimental research of the stability of steel cylindricalshell subjected to circumferential compression


    - Year 2008

    At the Department of Metal Structures Gdańsk University of Technology, experiments have been performed on the stability of shell of steel cylindrical models. The experiments have been carried on a test bench built at the Department. The design based on other test benches which were created in the past by other scientists, where modernized by the courtesy of companies that offer modern solutions. The test bench enables to generate...

  • Key logistics processes in project management based on organisation of an international training session-case study


    Improvement of processes, including the logistics processes forms one of the essential aspects of modern business entities functioning. Search for the solutions allowing for quicker and less costly method of realisation of particular activities in highly significant, especially in the conditions of a dynamically changing environment in which the organisations have to function. It is a natural field occuring principally both in...


    The authors present a relatively easy way to extend the quality of education in professional studies (engineering) on major “Geodesy and Cartography”. They indicate the possibility to deepen students’ knowledge by using in the educational process proprietary software enriching education. The authors use their own experiences, results of the cooperation with employers, as well as the effects of scientific research to introduce...

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    The authors present a relatively easy way to extend the quality of education in professional studies (engineering) on major “Geodesy and Cartography”. They indicate the possibility to deepen students’ knowledge by using in the educational process proprietary software enriching education. The authors use their own experiences, results of the cooperation with employers, as well as the effects of scientific research to introduce into...

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  • Poland's economic relations with Kazakhstan


    Before 2019, economic relations between Poland and Kazakhstan were regulated by 22 international agreements. Poland has been trading with Kazakhstan since the 1990s. Overall, Kazakhstan had a positive trade balance with Poland, with the exception of the 1996–1998 and 2006–2007 periods. Polish foreign investment in Kazakhstan was not very impressive; the first investments started only in 2005. In 2019, about 200 companies with Polish...

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  • Adaptacyjny system oświetlania dróg oraz inteligentnych miast


    - Year 2024

    Przedmiotem rozprawy jest zbadanie praktycznej możliwości wykrywania w czasie rzeczywistym anomalii w systemie oświetlenia drogowego w oparciu o analizę danych ze inteligentnych liczników energii. Zastosowanie inteligentnych liczników energii elektrycznej (Smart Meter) w systemach oświetlenia drogowego stwarza nowe możliwości w zakresie automatycznej diagnostyki takich niepożądanych zjawisk jak awarie lamp, odstępstwa od harmonogramu...

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  • SEM (scanning electron microscopy) and TEM (transmission electron microscopy) images of PMD and PMH

    Open Research Data
    open access

    These data contains SEM (scanning electron microscopy) and TEM (transmission electron microscopy) images of PMD and PMH. TEM was performed on a FEI Tecnai F30 transmission electron microscope operating at an acceleration voltage of 200 kV. SEM was done with a SEM, XL30ESEM-FEG with an acceleration voltage of 20 KV. Sample abbreviations (PMH, PMD) are...

  • XPS (X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy) survey spectra of CPMD and CPMH

    Open Research Data
    open access

    XPS (X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy) survey spectra of CPMD and CPMH. XPS spectra were obtained using Al Kɑ (hv=1486.6 eV) radiation with a Prevac system equipped with a Scienta SES 2002 electron energy analyzer operating at constant transmission energy (Ep=50 eV). Sample abbreviations (CPMD, CPMH) are in agreement with the markings used in the linked...

  • Photocatalytic decomposition of ethylene on the TiO2-polystyrene spheres

    Open Research Data
    open access

    Data contain results from the measurements of the photocatalytic decomposition of ethylene under UV irradiation with using TiO2 coating on the expanded polystyrene spheres (EPS). EPS-SiO2-TiO2 and EPS-TiO2 were used as the photocatalytic beds in the fluidized bed reactor.  Both, stationary and fluidized beds were tested. The comparison of ethylene decomposition...

  • Impulse Impedance Measurements of Lightning Protection Earthings


    - Year 2019

    Lightning protection earthing systems should be tested at currents with time parameters similar to those of lightnings. A method and definition of a measured value of impulse impedance are introduced. The impulse impedance was determined by a quotient of voltage drop on the tested earthing to a value of current in measure circuit. The usefulness of the impulse method for lightning protection evaluation is tested on radio base stations...

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  • Strategia działania przedsiębiorstw ciepłowniczych w warunkach konkurencji

    W pracy przedstawiono główne uwarunkowania rozwoju przedsiębiorstw ciepłowniczych w powiązaniu do aktualnej sytuacji, ale także i perspektyw rozwoju w warunkach gospodarki rynkowej.

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  • Tomasz Gzella mgr inż.

  • Concrete temperature measurements of cubic specimens cured under isothermal and semi-adiabatic conditions

    Open Research Data

    The DataSet contains temperature measurements of concrete cubes (150 x 150 x 150 mm) cured under isothermal and semi-adiabatic conditions. The specimens were moulded from six types of concrete mixtures produced in the laboratory conditions. Mix #1: Portland cement CEM I 42.5R and gravel aggregate, mix #2: CEM I 42.5R and  basalt aggregate, mix#3: Portland-composite...


    Poniższy artykuł wskazuje na rosnącą liczbę przedsiębiorców w wieku okołoemerytalnym, tak w krajach europejskich, w tym w Polsce, jak i w USA. Wzrost ten wynika zarówno z rosnącej liczby osób w tej grupie wiekowej, które zakładają swoje firmy, jak i z rosnącej liczby osób, które prowadząc od wielu lat swoje firmy, nie zamierzają przejść na emeryturę. Z nielicznych badań wśród osób starszych prowadzących własne firmy wynika, że...

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  • Microbiological analysis of sea water and bottom sediments in Kosakowo – Gdańsk profile

    Open Research Data
    open access

    This dataset contains the results of microbiological analysis of sea water and bottom sediments in Kosakowo – Gdańsk profile in 2013 - 2014 . The tested material consisted of water samples (surface water and bottom water) and bottom sediment samples. Water and sediment samples were analysed for the following: number of Enterobacteriaceae genus bacteria,...

  • Janusz Datta prof. dr hab. inż.

    In 1988, Janusz Datta finished his studies at the Gdańsk University of Technology (GUT), Faculty of Chemistry. Since then he has been employed at the Faculty of Chemistry in the Department of Polymer Technology. During the first six years of employement he was worked  as a scientist. In this period, he travelled extensively to ZACHEM company located  in Bydgoszcz to gain practical experience related to chemical processing. In 1994,...

  • Combined environmental testing device for picosatellites


    - Year 2021

    As access to space conditions becomes more available, both technically and economically, scientists’ interest in launching finer and more sophisticated experiments grows. To be qualified for launch, such experiments need to be carefully tested prior to the event. The tests should represent actual launch conditions as closely and in a detailed manner. Typical tests for payload include: vibration tests, thermal and vacuum tests,...

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  • Budżet Obywatelski – przyjmowanie propozycji projektów


    17-10-2018 09:00 - 31-10-2018 12:00

    Do 31.10.2018 r. pracownicy, doktoranci i studenci PG mogą zgłaszać projekty do budżetu obywatelskiego na 2019 r. (inwestycyjne i remontowe).

  • Improving agility and discipline of software development with the Scrum and CMMI


    This study presents a method of combining the Scrum methodology with the CMMI maturity model to improve bothagility and discipline of software development. First, the authors propose the CMMI-Scrum reference model, which maps Scrumpractices onto 123 practices of CMMI staged levels 2 and 3. For 60% of CMMI practices, which are insufficiently covered byScrum they add new practices that improve discipline while maintaining agility....

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  • Developing Prognostic Models of Organization Evolution


    - Year 2011

    The work focuses on the problem of measuring evolution of IT organizations. Changes in business influence functioning of the IT organization. IT departments or companies must ensure that the needs of their parent company/customers will be met. Therefore they must constantly evolve. Following question can be raised: is it possible to support process of changes the IT organization to run it smoother, faster, easier but with reduced...

  • Applying Web 2.0 Concepts to Creating Energy Planning Portal

    Community authorities in Europe are tasked to create Advanced Local Energy Plans (ALEP), which encompasses collecting local data on current energy use and generation, as well as generating future development scenarios. Both the data and the development scenarios must be publicly accessible as a basis for energy-related decisions taken by residents, local companies and other local institutions. The data must partially be collected...

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  • Understanding Sustainable Knowledge-Sharing in Agile Projects: Utilizing Follow-the-Sun Technique (FTS) in Virtual Teams


    - Year 2023

    In Agile IT projects, promoting effective knowledge sharing is essential not only for achieving success but also for supporting Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However, Companies using virtual teams may face challenges in coordinating work, particularly when teams are distributed across different time zones, ultimately hindering their ability to consistently share knowledge. This can lead to delays and inefficiencies, ultimately...

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  • State aid for entrepreneurs at special economic zones

    Open Research Data
    open access

    The dataset encompasses a choice of important legal acts, a list of selected Polish  bibliography and a list of important individual sentences issued on the topic of state aid for entreprenuers investing at special economic zones. Thanks to that the reader gets the possibility do acquire basic knowledge on the above mentioned topic.

  • Tinnitus Therapy Based on High-Frequency Linearization Principles - Preliminary Results


    - Archives of Acoustics - Year 2012

    The aim of this work is to present problems related to tinnitus symptoms, its pathogenesis, hypotheses on tinnitus causes, and therapy treatment to reduce or mask the phantom noise. In addition, the hypothesis on the existence of parasitic quantization that accompanies hearing loss has been recalled. Moreover, the paper describes a study carried out by the Authors with the application of high-frequency dither having specially formed...

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  • "Raport z wstępnych badań własności stali trudnościeralnej 460HB",. ang "Report on preliminary tests of the properties of wear-resistant steel 460HB"


    - Year 2022

    Mikrostrukturę badanej stali trudnościeralnej 460HB stanowi drobnoziarnisty martenzyt odpuszczony, który jest właściwy dla stali konstrukcyjnych niskowęglowych, niskostopowych ulepszonych cieplnie. W przypadku blach grubych, do których zalicza się badana stal, struktura może ulec zaburzeniu, jeżeli w hutniczym procesie wytwórczym wystąpiła niejednorodność odkształcenia plastycznego i w konsekwencji tworzenie się pasm segregacyjnych,...



    In the shipbuilding industry, the risk of brittle fracture of the structure is limited by using certified materials with specified impact strength, determined by the Charpy method (for a given design temperature) and by supervising the welding processes (technology qualification, production supervision, non-destructive testing). For off-shore constructions, classical shipbuilding requirements may not be sufficient. Therefore, the...

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  • ‘Acridines’ as New Horizons in Antifungal Treatment


    - MOLECULES - Year 2020

    Frequent fungal infections in immunocompromised patients and mortality due to invasive mycosis are important clinical problems. Opportunistic pathogenic Candida species remain one of the leading causes of systemic mycosis worldwide. The repertoire of antifungal chemotherapeutic agents is very limited. Although new antifungal drugs such as lanosterol 14α-demethylase and β-glucan synthase inhibitors have been introduced into clinical...

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  • Effectiveness of Random Field Approach in Serviceability Limit State Analysis of Strip Foundation

    This work conducts a probabilistic inquiry on how the variability of the parameter defining soil deformability affects the settlement of the foundation located on the soil. The analysis addresses the random foundation model to relevantly estimate the probability of allowable deflection exceedance. The constitutive model parameter is based either on a single random variable or a random field. The computations incorporate direct...

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    Crowdfunding recently became a very popular way of funding, which allows funding almost everything, from minor personal projects to expensive commercial ones, as long as we can find investors. It may also be a new opportunity for entrepreneurial researchers, who may attract capital investment in companies that are promised to own developed technologies. Social financing of science is well suited to reduce some of the biggest problems...

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  • Results and models for Novel high frequency components with non-conventional shape employing smooth geometry deformation of 3D solid with FFD

    Open Research Data

    The project aims to investigate the possibility of developing and manufacturing novel high frequency devices having non-standard geometries, allowing for improved electromagnetic performance over what is achievable with currently available design tools. The non-conventional geometry will be obtained by employing the free-form shape deformation technique...

  • State aid for coal mines in Poland

    Open Research Data
    open access

    The dataset encompassed a choice of important legal acts, a list of selected Polish and foreign bibliography and a list of important individual decisions issued on the topic of state aid for coal mines in Poland in the period 1998-2018. Thanks to that the reader gets the possibility do acquire basic knowledge on the above mentioned topic.

  • Catalytic impact of alloyed Al on the corrosion behavior of Co50Ni23Ga26Al1.0 magnetic shape memory alloy and catalysis applications for efficient electrochemical H2 generation


    - RSC Advances - Year 2017

    The electrochemical and corrosion behaviour of Co50Ni23Ga27-xAlx (x = 0 and 1.0 wt%) magnetic shape memory alloys (MSMAs) was studied in 0.5 M NaCl solutions using various electrochemical techniques. Results showed remarkable activation of the tested MSMA toward pitting corrosion upon alloying it with Al. XPS examination confirmed the activation influence of alloyed Al. It proved that the presence of Al in the alloy's matrix weakens...

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  • Investigation on domestic fruits seed oils in personal care emulsion systems


    - Year 2017

    The use of fruit seed oils in personal care products is of significance to both their function and image. Poland is an important processor of fruit products within the EU, and thus has a large availability of seeds from domestic fruits, which are normally considered to be a waste material. Unfortunately, current literature is scarce of the suitability of these oils for topical use in the form of cosmetic emulsions. Published data...

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  • Joanna Rymaszewska prof. dr hab. n. med.


    CV Joanna Rymaszewska Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Wroclaw, Poland +48 601 98 26 24, 2023 → Professor of Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (WUST), Poland 2011 → 2023 Professor of Wroclaw Medical University (WMU), PL 2016 → 2022 Head of the Department of Psychiatry, Wroclaw Medical University 2016 → 2022 Head of the Clinic of Psychiatry,...

  • Towards Knowledge Formalization and Sharing in a Cognitive Vision Platform for Hazard Control (CVP-HC)


    - Year 2019

    Hazards are present in all workplaces and can result in serious injuries, short and long-term illnesses, or death. In this context, management of safety is essential to ensure the occupational health of workers. Aiming to assist the safety manage-ment process, especially in industrial environments, a Cognitive Vision Platform for Hazard Control (CVP-HC) has been proposed. The CVP-HC is a scalable yet adaptable system capable of...

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  • An approach to improving agility and discipline of software development with Scrum and CMMI


    - LogForum - Year 2011

    The paper reports on two case studies of combining the Scrum methodology with the CMMI maturity model to improve together agility and discipline of software development. First, we propose the CMMI-Scrum reference model, which maps Scrum practices onto 123 practices of CMMI Staged level 2 and 3. Then, for 60% of CMMI practices, which are insufficiently covered by Scrum we extend Scrum with new practices that improve discipline while...

  • Innovative Solutions for Immersive 3D Visualization Laboratory


    The paper presents results of the work concerning the technical specification of Immersive 3D Visualization Laboratory to be opened in late summer 2014 at the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics at Gdańsk University of Technology in Poland. The person immersed in VR space will be placed in a transparent sphere with a diameter of over 10 feet, supported on rollers and equipped with a motion tracking system....

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    This article describes the considerations for the implementation of the Lean Six Sigma (LSS) methodology in small and medium-sized enterprises. Pilot research was conducted in Polish and French SMEs (nine Polish and nine French enterprises from the service and production sectors) referring to the context of the implementation and application of the Lean Six Sigma concept. The studies led to the identification of the motives, needs,...

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  • Evaluation of Selected Innovation Policy Instruments on the Example of Poland


    The main purpose of the paper is to analyze and evaluate the selected instruments of innovation policy in Poland: cooperative relations, business environment institutions and innovation centers, supported within Priority Axis V of OP IE 2007-2013. The evaluation was made on the basis of the four criteria: complementarity, adapting to the needs of businesses, the impact on the innovation and durability of the provided support. The...

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  • Tacit Knowledge Sharing and Value Creation in the Network Economy: Socially Driven Evolution of Business


    - Year 2018

    Key factors which affect competitive advantage in the network economy are innovation, relationships, cooperation, and knowledge. Sharing knowledge is not easy. Companies find it problematic. Presented studies show that the essence of the value creation today is not in sharing explicit but rather tacit knowledge, which is a source of creativity and innovation. Delivering value through knowledge does not only require efficient Transactive...

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  • Estimation of the size of informal employment based on administrative records with non‐ignorable selection mechanism

    In this study, we used company level administrative data from the National Labour Inspectorate and The Polish Social Insurance Institution in order to estimate the prevalence of informal employment in Poland in 2016. Since the selection mechanism is non‐ignorable, we employed a generalization of Heckman’s sample selection model assuming non‐Gaussian correlation of errors and clustering by incorporation of random effects. We found...

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  • ICT-enabled circular economy: conceptualising the links


    This chapter sets conceptual backgrounds regarding the potentially emerging causal links between digital technologies and circular economy ideas implementation. We argue that digital technologies may constitute an effective element enabling the transformation from linear to circular and environmentally friendly economic activities. This work draws the general picture at the macro and micro level. The macro perspective shows how...

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  • How non-technological innovation saved the day by using ICT


    - Year 2022

    Certainly, the current pandemic situation provides a lot of evidence of the need for non-technological innovations, both in the area of company organization and marketing. Socio-cultural innovations are not less important. Therefore, the role of non-technological innovation during the COVID-19 pandemic is discussed in the sixth chapter. Innovations supported by digital solutions have become a silent heroes for many companies as...

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    - Year 2013

    Rozdział prezentuje wybrane modele komunikacji w Internecie oraz crowdsourcing jako nową metodę pozyskiwania pomysłów i informacji od konsumentów. W ciągu ostatnich 5 lat rozwój technologii komunikacyjnych znacząco zmienił sposób komunikowania się ludzi, a w konsekwencji również organizacji z konsumentami. Nie tylko firmy z branży IT mogą wzmocnić swoją markę, reputację oraz zwiększyć przychody dzięki opracowaniu atrakcyjnej, społecznie...

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  • Analiza przestrzenna branży transportu lądowego w Polsce


    - Year 2015

    Celem opracowania było określenie zróżnicowania rozkładu przestrzennego branży transportu lądowego w Polsce oraz czynników wpływających na jej rozmiary. Analizę przeprowadzono na szczeblu wojewódzkim oraz powiatowym, na podstawie danych za lata 2009 i 2012. Wykorzystano analizę lokalizacji, obliczono i zinterpretowano autokorelację przestrzenną, skontruowano i oszacowano także model regresji przestrzennej. Stwierdzono, że na szczeblu...