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Search results for: TEMPERATURE
Impact of fiber geometry, temperature, loading rate, and concrete mix on the pull-out resistance of iron-based shape memory alloy (Fe-SMA): Experimental investigation
PublicationAn experimental campaign was conducted to determine the pull-out resistance of iron-based shape memory alloy (Fe-SMA) fibers embedded in high-performance fiber-reinforced concrete (HPFRC). Seventy-two specimens were examined using different thermal heating temperatures, loading rates, fiber end shapes, and concrete mixtures....
The effect of high pressure and sub-zero temperature on total antioxidant capacity and the content of vitamin C, fatty acids and secondary products of lipid oxidation in human milk
PublicationThe objective of this study was to compare of the effects of high pressure of 193 MPa at - 20°C and Low Temperature Long Time pasteurization (LTLT or holder pasteurization, 62,5°C; 30 min) on the content and composition of fatty acids (FAs), concentrations of secondary products of lipid oxidation (TBARS), the total antioxidant capacity (TAC), total vitamin C and ascorbic acid (AsA) content in human milk. It was shown that no significant...
Low Ambient Temperature Cold Start Emissions of Gaseous and Solid Pollutants from Euro 5 Vehicles featuring Direct and Indirect Injection Spark-Ignition Engines
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A Novel Microstructural Evolution Model for Growth of Ultra-Fine Al2O3 Oxides from SiO2 Silica Ceramic Decomposition during Self-Propagated High-Temperature Synthesis
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Room temperature synthesis of water-dispersible Ln 3+ :CeF 3 (Ln = Nd, Tb) nanoparticles with different morphology as bimodal probes for fluorescence and CT imaging
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Evidence of Ligand Elasticity Occurring in Temperature-, Light-, and Pressure-Induced Spin Crossover in 1D Coordination Polymers [Fe(3ditz)3]X2(X = ClO4-, BF4-)
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Excess Gibbs energies and excess molar volumes for binary mixtures: (2-pyr-rolidone+water), (2-pyrrolidone+methanol), and (2-pyrrolidone+ethanol) at the temperature 313.15K
PublicationZmierzono całkowite prężności pary oraz zmiany objętości mieszania dla tytułowych układów dwuskładnikowych w temperaturze 313.15K. Rezultaty zostały porównane z wynikami uzyskanymi poprzednio dla pozostałych amidów N-metylofor-mamidu, N,N-dimetyloformamidu oraz N-metyloacetamidu.
Investigation of temperature changes using a microsphere-based fiber-optic sensor
Open Research DataInvestigation of temperature changes using a microsphere-based fiber-optic sensor with a 200 nm ZnO ALD coating for the purpose of validation the design of the sensor, measurement setup and method of examination of electric cell materials.
Dependence of biological sensing on temperature based on investigation of SARS-CoV-2
Open Research DataPresented dataset is the result of an investigation of the attachment of SARS-CoV-2 specific IgG in the temepratures relevant in biology. The samples were measured during a period of 15 minutes, at 5°C, 25°C and 55°C. The measurements were performed using the microspher-based fiber-optic sensor, as an interferometer. The broadband optical light source...
D.C. electrical measurements of Bi2VO5.5 ceramic measured at high temperature region
Open Research DataD.C. electrical properties of Bi2VO5.5 ceramic was measured.
High temperature X-Ray difractogramms of 8_B cation multicomponent perovskites
Open Research DataThe dataset contains high-temperature XRD patterns of the Ba(ZrHfSnTiInYYbSm)O3 perovskite which was hydrated at 300 C before the analyses. The set contains the data from four subsequent heating treatments. It also includes the XRD of a dry sample. The technical symbol of the sample is H038.
High temperature X-Ray difractogramms of 10_B cation multicomponent perovskites
Open Research DataThe dataset contains high-temperature XRD patterns of the Ba(ZrHfSnTiCeInYYbSmZn)O3 perovskite which was hydrated at 300 C before the analyses. The set contains the data from four subsequent heating treatments. It also includes the XRD of a dry sample. The technical symbol of the sample is H038. The perovskites were synthesised and studied in the NCN...
Long-term hindcast simulation of water temperature and salinity in the Baltic Sea
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the results of numerical modelling of water temperature and salinity over a period of 50 years (1958-2007) in the Baltic Sea. A long-term hindcast simulation was performed using a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model PM3D (Kowalewski and Kowalewska-Kalkowska, 2017), a new version of the M3D model (Kowalewski, 1997). The hydrodynamic...
Nonlinear high temperature impedance of 35P2O5-30Fe2O3-27.5Nb2O5-7.5TiO2 glass
Open Research DataThe nonlinear high temperature impedance of iron- phosphate glasses doped with niobium oxide was measured. Glass samples of the composition of 35P2O5-30Fe2O3-27.5Nb2O5-7.5TiO2 (in %mol) were prepared by the conventional melt quenching technique. Appropriate amounts of reagents ((NH4)2HPO4 (≥99.9%, POCH), Fe2O3 (≥99.9%, POCH), Nb2O5 (≥99.9%, PLUKA AG)...
The influence of the type of composition of PVA-chitosan blends on stability at elevated temperature
Open Research DataThe dataset shows the results of a visual evaluation of chitosan and polyvinyl alcohol composites. The composites were prepared by combining chitosan water solutions, dissolved in selected acids, and polyvinyl alcohol solution, freeze drying, and heating at 150°C dry composites. The results confirm that the chitosan / PVA composites, in which the first...
Superconductivity of 80NbN-20SiO2 granular films
PublicationPraca przedstawia badania właściwości nadprzewodzących warstw 80%NbN-20%SiO2 (procent molowy) o różnej grubości otrzymanych metodą zol-żel. Przejście nadprzewodzące badanych warstw mierzone w polu magnetycznym jest szerokie, co wyjaśnione zostało termicznie aktywowanym płynięciem pola magnetycznego wnikającego do próbki. W wysokich polach zaobserwowano w badanych warstwach indukowane polem magnetycznym przejście nadprzewodnik -...
Modification and Optimization of the United-Residue (UNRES) Potential Energy Function for Canonical Simulations. I. Temperature Dependence of the Effective Energy Function and Tests of the Optimization Method with Single Training Proteins
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Selected design and construction aspects of supercritical steam generators for high temperature reactors = Wybrane aspekty konstrukcyjne i projektowe generatorów pary nadkrytycznej ogrzewanych z reaktorów wysokotemperaturowych
PublicationW artykule zaprezentowano uwarunkowania projektowe i konstrukcyjne nadkrytycznego generatora pary (jednoprzepływowego) wykorzystującego do ogrzewania hel z reaktorów HTR i VHTR. Wymiennik helikoidalny jest preferowany dla zwiększenia wymiany ciepła i zwartości. Badano własności czynników wymieniających ciepło z parą w obszarach przy- i nadkrytycznych. Analizowano korelacje, aby wybrać najbardziej wiarygodne. Przedyskutowano najbardziej...
Neuronowa symulacja temperatury i ciśnienia pary w upuście parowego bloku energetycznego = Neural simulation of pressure and temperature fluctuations at steam extraction of power units with steam turbine
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono metodę symulacji neuronowej dla zastosowań w diagnostyce on-line bloków energetycznych. Model neuronowy opiera się na statycznych jednokierunkowych sieciach neuronowych (SSN) oraz na danych z parowego bloku energetycznego o mocy 200 MW. SSN obliczają wartości referencyjne parametrów cieplno-przepływowych dla aktualnego obciążenia obiektu. Określono wpływ architektury sieci i danych uczących na jakość symulacji...
Spatial distribution of CO2, O2, CO, NO and temperature within a biowaste composting pile
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the color-coded isophlets illustrating the spatial distribution of gas concentrations (CO, CO2, O2 and NO) and the temperature in biowaste composting pile during 6 weeks of process. Four cross sections and two longitudinal cross sections (the left and right sides of the pile) were made using Surfer 10 software (Golden Software,...
Hydrodynamic reanalysis of water temperature and salinity in the Baltic Sea using the PM3D model
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the results of numerical modeling of water temperature and salinity in the Baltic Sea since 1998. A long-term reanalysis was performed using the three-dimensional hydrodynamic model PM3D (Kowalewski and Kowalewska-Kalkowska, 2017), a new version of the M3D model (Kowalewski, 1997). A numerical dynamic-thermodynamic model of sea...
Maximum temperature of 0.5-W infrared laser-Illuminated gold nanorod platforms
Open Research DataData concern a system consisted of two pieces of borosilicate glass surrounded by air and joined together by a transparent glue, which is to serve as a thermal transducer. On the top and bottom sides of the smaller piece, gold nanorods are dislocated. Glass is prepared here due to its high transparency, facilitating heat to be produced within the system....
Mechanical properties of VL E27 steel for shipbuilding – tensile test in ambient temperature
Open Research DataOne of the basic divisions of steels used for ship hulls and ocean engineering structures is the division into: normal strength steels, high strength steels and extra high strength steels. The belonging to the group is determined by the mechanical properties of the steel, such as: yield point, ultimate strength and plastic elongation after fracture....
Investigation of low-temperature cracks on selected national roads and motorways in Poland 2020
Open Research DataThe dataset contains video investigation and records of 68 road sections in various parts of Poland. Videos were recorded with the use of two cameras: 1) mounted in front of measurement vehicle, which was focused on overall view of road and 2) which was focused on pavement surface. The records are categorized according to the ID of the section given...
Tool wear, surface roughness, cutting temperature and chips morphology evaluation of Al/TiN coated carbide cutting tools in milling of Cu–B–CrC based ceramic matrix composites
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Determination of changes in viscosity of refined oil depending on the temperature (19-96 Celsius degrees).
Open Research DataThe rheological characteristics of the refined oil were made on the basis of the viscosity assessment using a Brookfield viscometer with an LV SC4 - 18 spindle and a shear rate of 52.8 s-1 in from temperature 19-96 °C.
Measurement of the temporal and spatial temperature distribution on the surface of PVCP tissue phantom illuminated by laser.
Open Research DataApplication of laboratory set-up for characterisation of thermal properties of optical tissue phantoms during laser irradiation is presented. The produced system utilizes thermographic camera VIGOcam v50 and dermatological laser system with a 975 nm diode laser module. The set-up was used to perform measurements of the temporal and spatial temperature...
Measurement of the temperature change of PVCP tissue phantom illuminated by dermatological laser 1.series
Open Research DataApplication of laboratory set-up for characterization of thermal properties of optical tissue phantoms during laser irradiation is presented. The produced system utilizes a thermographic camera VIGOcam v50 and a dermatological laser system with a 975 nm diode laser module. The set-up was used to perform measurements of the temporal and spatial temperature...
Concrete temperature measurements of cubic specimens cured under isothermal and semi-adiabatic conditions
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains temperature measurements of concrete cubes (150 x 150 x 150 mm) cured under isothermal and semi-adiabatic conditions. The specimens were moulded from six types of concrete mixtures produced in the laboratory conditions. Mix #1: Portland cement CEM I 42.5R and gravel aggregate, mix #2: CEM I 42.5R and basalt aggregate, mix#3: Portland-composite...
Linear impedance of strontium–borate glass measured with impedance spectroscopy method at high temperature region
Open Research DataThe linear electrcial properties of strontium–borate glass was measured by impedance spectroscopy method.
Linear impedance of 50Bi2VO5.5-50SrB4O7 glass measured with impedance spectroscopy method at low temperature region
Open Research DataThe linear electrcial properties of 50Bi2VO5.5-50SrB4O7 glass was measured by impedance spectroscopy method.
Nonlinear impedance of 35Bi2VO5.5-65SrB4O7 glass measured with impedance spectroscopy method at high temperature region
Open Research DataThe nonlinear electrcial properties of 35Bi2VO5.5-65SrB4O7 glass was measured by impedance spectroscopy method.
Nonlinear impedance of 30Bi2VO5.5-70SrB4O7 glass measured with impedance spectroscopy method at high temperature region
Open Research DataThe nonlinear electrcial properties of 30Bi2VO5.5-70SrB4O7 glass was measured by impedance spectroscopy method.
Nonlinear impedance of 50Bi2VO5.5-50SrB4O7 glass measured with impedance spectroscopy method at low temperature region
Open Research DataThe nonlinear electrcial properties of 50(Bi2VO5.5)-50SrB4O7 glass was measured by impedance spectroscopy method.
Nonlinear impedance of 45Bi2VO5.5-55SrB4O7 glass measured with impedance spectroscopy method at high temperature region
Open Research DataThe nonlinear electrcial properties of 45Bi2VO5.5-55SrB4O7 glass was measured by impedance spectroscopy method.
Nonlinear impedance of 50Bi2VO5.5-50SrB4O7 glass measured with impedance spectroscopy method at high temperature region
Open Research DataThe nonlinear electrcial properties of 50(Bi2VO5.5)-50SrB4O7 glass was measured by impedance spectroscopy method.
High temperature XRD diffraction patterns collected during the reoxidation process of SFM-based compounds
Open Research DataThis dataset contains three file folders for SFM, LSFM (La-doped) and SFMNb (Nb-doped) respectively. Samples were reduced prior to the XRD measurements. The measurements were performed on Philipps X’Pert Pro diffractometer using a high-temperature Anthon Paar HT-1200 oven adapter. Scans were performed each 50 deg. in air. The data in dataset were already...
Linear impedance of Bi2VO5.5 glass-ceramic measured with impedance spectroscopy method at low temperature region
Open Research DataThe linear electrical properties of Bi2VO5.5 glass-ceramic prepared by traditional melt quenching technique was measured by impedance spectroscopy method.
Linear impedance of strontium–borate glass measured with impedance spectroscopy method at low temperature region
Open Research DataThe linear electrcial properties of strontium–borate glass was measured by impedance spectroscopy method.
Wwpływ temperatury suszenia osadów ściekowych na specjację metali ciężkich (Zn, Cu, Cd, Pb) = Influence of thermal drying temperature on heavy metal (Zn, Cu, Cd, Pb) speciation in sewage sludge
PublicationPrzedstawiono wpływ temperatury suszenia osadów ściekowych na zmiany specjacji metali ciężkich oraz określono stopień mobilności metali ciężkich w aspekcie ich późniejszego zagospodarowania. Ekstrakcja sekwencyjna metali ciężkich została wykonana wg schematu Tessier'a.
Room temperature solvent extraction for simple and fast determination of total concentration of Ca, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, and Zn in bee pollen by FAAS along with assessment of the bioaccessible fraction of these elements using in vitro gastrointestinal digestion
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Oxidation kinetics and electrical properties of oxide scales formed under exposure to air and Ar–H2-H2O atmospheres on the Crofer 22 H ferritic steel for high-temperature applications such as interconnects in solid oxide cell stacks
PublicationA 100 h isothermal oxidation kinetics study for Crofer 22H was conducted in air and the Ar–H2-H2O gas mixture (p(H2)/p(H2O) = 94/6) in the range of 973–1123 K. The parabolic rate constant was independent of oxygen partial pressure in the range from 6.2 × 10−24 to 0.21 atm at 1023 and 1073 K, while at 973 and 1123 K it was higher in air than in Ar–H2-H2O. The scales consisted of Cr2O3 and manganese chromium spinel with an Mn:Cr...
The scanning electron microscopy (SEM) studies of heavy boron-doped diamond oxidation under high-temperature
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the results of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of heavy boron-doped diamond (BDD) electrodes subjected to high-temperature oxidation in a furnace at 600 Celsius. The micrographs reveal the material decomposition of BDD grains due to high temperature.
API 5L X65 steel - tensile properties in room temperature +20°C, across rolling direction
Open Research DataSteel designated as API 5L X65 is often used for oil and gas transportation pipelines. It is caused due to its high ductility, weldability and good corrosion resistance. API 5L X65 is a low alloy steel with carbon content less than 0.3% (depends on delivery condition). Once installed, a pipeline remains in place for many years. Throughout its life,...
API 5L X65 steel - tensile properties in room temperature -10°C, along rolling direction
Open Research DataSteel designated as API 5L X65 is often used for oil and gas transportation pipelines. It is caused due to its high ductility, weldability and good corrosion resistance. API 5L X65 is a low alloy steel with carbon content less than 0.3% (depends on delivery condition). Once installed, a pipeline remains in place for many years. Throughout its life,...
API 5L X65 steel - tensile properties in room temperature -10°C, across rolling direction
Open Research DataSteel designated as API 5L X65 is often used for oil and gas transportation pipelines. It is caused due to its high ductility, weldability and good corrosion resistance. API 5L X65 is a low alloy steel with carbon content less than 0.3% (depends on delivery condition). Once installed, a pipeline remains in place for many years. Throughout its life,...
API 5L X65 steel - tensile properties in room temperature +20°C, along rolling direction
Open Research DataSteel designated as API 5L X65 is often used for oil and gas transportation pipelines. It is caused due to its high ductility, weldability and good corrosion resistance. API 5L X65 is a low alloy steel with carbon content less than 0.3% (depends on delivery condition). Once installed, a pipeline remains in place for many years. Throughout its life,...
Linear impedance of as-quenched 40Bi2VO5.5-60SrB4O7 glass measured with impedance spectroscopy method at low temperature region
Open Research DataThe linear electrcial properties of 40Bi2VO5.5-60SrB4O7 glass was measured by impedance spectroscopy method.
Nonlinear impedance of as-quenched 40Bi2VO5.5-60SrB4O7 glass measured with impedance spectroscopy method at high temperature region
Open Research DataThe nonlinear electrical properties of as-quenched 40Bi2VO5.5-60SrB4O7 glass was measured by impedance spectroscopy method.
Linear impedance of 40Na2O-20CaO-40P2O5 glass measured with impedance spectroscopy method at low temperature region
Open Research DataThe linear electrical properties of 40Na2O-20CaO-40P2O5 glass was measured by impedance spectroscopy method.