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Approximating the maximum 2- and 3-edge-colorable subgraph problems
PublicationDla ustalonej wartości parametru k>=2, problem maksymalnego podgrafu krawędziowo k-kolorowalnego polega na wskazaniu k rozłącznych skojarzeń w grafie prostym, a kryterium optymalizacji jest maksymalizacja całkowitej liczby użytych krawędzi. W pracy podano algorytmy 5/6- i 4/5-przybliżone odpowiednio dla przypadków k=2 i k=3, poprawiając wyniki znane z literatury.
A Simplified SPWM Scheme for a Compact 3-Level Dual-Output Inverter
PublicationSinusoidal Pulse-width modulation, SPWM, is inverter-leg-based, logical-operation-based, and lesscomputational-intensive. In this brief, these simplifying features of SPWM are extended to the control of the 10-switch, 3-level inverter. The control strategy is based on the single triangular carrier SPWM perspective. Procedures and details of the sharing of four-common power switches by the 3 inverter legs are given. Classically,...
Gdańskie Biennale Sztuki 3
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Proteinase 3 phosphonic inhibitors
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Ammonolysis of (3-chloropropyl)trimethoxysilane
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Minimal number of periodic points for smooth self-maps of RP^3
PublicationNiech f będzie gładkim odwzorowaniem 3-wymiarowej rzeczywistej przestrzeni rzutowej w siebie, r będzie ustaloną liczbą naturalną. W artykule wyznaczona została minimalna liczba punktów r-periodycznych w gładkiej klasie homotopii odwzorowania f.
PublicationThe article presents the application of the GWR (Geographically Weighted Regression) model to the description of differences in the level of road traffic safety in individual counties on the example of the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship. The GWR model developed for counties, taking into account the diversity of NUTS 3 regions, can be a helpful tool for traffic safety management in voivodships and lower administrative units, and...
Synthesis of 3-(2-Alkylthio-4-chloro-5-methylbenzenesulfonyl)-2-(1-phenyl-3-arylprop-2-enylideneamino)guanidine Derivatives with Pro-Apoptotic Activity against Cancer Cells
PublicationThe untypical course of reaction between chalcones and benzenesulfonylaminoguanidines led to the new 3-(2-alkylthio-4-chloro-5-methylbenzenesulfonyl)-2-(1-phenyl-3-arylprop-2- enylideneamino)guanidine derivatives 8–33. The new compounds were tested in vitro for their impact on the growth of breast cancer cells MCF-7, cervical cancer cells HeLa and colon cancer cells HCT-116 by MTT assay. The results revealed that the activity of...
An Overview of Treatment Approaches for Octahydro-1, 3, 5, 7-tetranitro-1, 3, 5, 7-tetrazocine (HMX) Explosive in Soil, Groundwater, and Wastewater
PublicationOctahydro-1, 3, 5, 7-tetranitro-1, 3, 5, 7-tetrazocine (HMX) is extensively exploited in the manufacturing of explosives; therefore, a significant level of HMX contamination can be encountered near explosive production plants. For instance, up to 12 ppm HMX concentrations have been observed in the wastewater effluent of a munitions manufacturing facility, while up to 45,000 mg/kg of HMX has been found in a soil sample taken from...
The effect of Ru substitution for Ni on the superconductivity in MgCNi_(3-x)Ru_x
PublicationW pracy prezentowane są pomiary podatności magnetycznej i ciepła właściwego domieszkowanego nadprzewodnika MgCNi_(3-x)Ru_x. Wraz ze wzrostem koncetracji Ru współczynnik Sommerfelda, jak również temperatura krytyczna (T_c) maleją, co stoi w sprzeczności z teoretycznymi oczekiwaniami.
A simplified model of 3-D pipe system conveying flowing liquid
PublicationThe paper presents a model reduction technique of a 3-D pipe system with flowing liquid. In the analysis and design of control (mechatronic) systems it is useful to work with simple, low order models. A hybrid reduced order model is proposed. The system model consists of two parts, the modal model and the finite element model.
Low-Cost 3-D Printed Lens Antenna for Ka-Band Connectivity Applications
PublicationThis paper discusses the use of low-cost 3-D printing technology to fabricate dielectric lenses for Ka-band wireless networks. A low-cost FDM alternative to previously presented 3-D printed lens in SLA technology with high performance resin is presented. The presented approach has been demonstrated for a 39 GHz MU-MIMO antenna array modified to realize multibeam or switched-beam antenna that can support demanding energy-efficient...
Vital and health statistics. Series 3, Analytical studies
Journals -
Ekspertyza stanu technicznego zasilaczy UPS NTH 3 x 160 kVA
PublicationEkspertyza zawiera analizę przyczyn i zakres uszkodzeń trójfazowych zasilaczy UPS typu NTH o mocy 3 x 160 kVA
A Low-Profile 3-D Printable Metastructure for Performance Improvement of Aperture Antennas
PublicationIn order to increase the radiation performance of aperture-type antennas, this paper demonstrates a low-profile, planar, single-layer, three-dimensional (3-D) printable metastructure. The proposed hybridized metastructure is highly transparent as it is made out of novel hybrid meta-atoms having transmission coefficient magnitudes greater than -0.72 dB and fully complies with the near-field phase transformation principle. The hybridized...
Analysis of upconversion luminescence in germanate glass and optical fiber codoped with Yb^3+/Tb^3+
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Influence of charge transfer state on Eu 3+ luminescence in LaAlO 3 , by high pressure spectroscopy
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Bio and slide bearings: their lubrication by non-Newtonian fluids and application in non conventional systems. Vol.3. Tribology processes for cells human joints and micro-bearings
PublicationW niniejszej monografii przedstawiony został aktualny pogląd dotyczący procesu smarowania stawów człowieka od strony mechaniki, a szczególnie hydromechaniki i metod matematycznych. Wyznaczono pola prędkości przepływu lepkiej, odżywczej nie Newtonowskiej cieczy biologicznej, a także powstające siły tarcia w trakcie ruchu cieczy w warstwie granicznej wokoło współpracujących powierzchni. Dodatkowo rozpatrywano przepływy potencjalne...
Homoclinic orbits for an almost periodically forced singular Newtonian system in R^3
Publication. This work uses a variational approach to establish the existence of at least two homoclinic solutions for a family of singular Newtonian systems in R^3 which are subjected to almost periodic forcing in time variable
Improving the performance of the 3-dB microstrip hybrid-ring based power dividers
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki teoretycznych i eksperymentalnych badań zintegrowanych układów mikropaskowych 3-dB dzielników mocy wykorzystującch strukturę pierścieniową. Zaproponowano modyfikację geometrii układu prowadzącą do poprawy jego charakterystyk transmisyjnych.
3-Monochloropropane-1,2-diol in Infant Foods and Human Breast Milk: Determination by GC-MS
Publication3-Monochloropropane-1,2-diol is one of the food borne contaminants called chloropropanols. Over the last decade plenty of analytical methods was developed in order to determine 3-monochloropropane-1,2-diol in its free and bound form in various foodstuffs with the use of GC-FID, GC-ECD, LC-TOFMS and finally GC-MS, which is now widely used in laboratories. The aim of this research was the determination of 3-monochloropropane--1,2-diol...
The structure of novel polyurethanes containing synthetic poly[(R,S)-3-hydroxybutyrate]
PublicationThe aim of this study was to estimate the structure of new polyurethanes with the potential to be used in medicine. Atactic poly[(R,S)-3-hydroxybutyrate], obtained via a ring-opening polymerization, and polycaprolactonediol or polyoxytetramethylenediol were used to built the soft segments. 4,4'-methylene dicyclohexyl diisocyanate and 1,4-butanediol were the components to form hard segments. Polyurethanes with low-molecular weight...
A New Microwave Ceramic – Polymer Composite with 0-3 Connectivity
PublicationGoal of the present research was to fabricate and study two-phase BiNbO4//PVDF composites with 0-3 connectivity. Such composite consists of there-dimensionally connected polymer matrix loaded with dielectric ceramic particles. In the present case BiNbO4 powder acted as an active phase (dispersed phase) whereas polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) acted as a non-active (passive) phase (matrix). BiNbO4//PVDF composites with the volume...
Synthesis of 3-Carbamoyl b-Lactams via Manganese(III)-Promoted Cyclization of N-Alkenylmalonamides
PublicationManganese(III)-promoted cyclization of N-alkenylmalonamides (¼N-alkenylpropanediamides) gave 3-(aryl/(alkylamino)carbonyl) b-lactams as well as 3-(aryl/(alkylamino)thiocarbonyl) b-lactams. The relative configuration of the obtained products was unambiguously determined by X-ray crystallography. The proposed method is very useful for the one-pot synthesis of a number of 3-(aryl/ (alkylamino)carbonyl) b-lactams, especially those...
Cobalt(II) tri-tert-butoxysialanethiolates.Synthesis, properties, crystal and molecular structures of [Co{SSi(OtBu)3}2(L)] and[Co{SSi(OtBu)3}2(L)2] type complexes with monodentate nitrogen ligands.
PublicationThe title heteroleptic neutral cobalt(II) tri-tert-butoxysilanethiolate complexes with monodentate nitrogen bases (L) as additional ligands have been prepared by the reactions of [Co{μ-SSi(OtBu)3}{SSi(OtBu)3}(NH3)]2 (1) with respective bases. For pyridine both types have been prepared...
Simple and novel synthesis of 3-(thio)phosphoryl-β-lactams by radical cyclization
PublicationRadical cyclization of phosphono-acetenamides promoted by manganese(III) acetate leads exclusively to the formation of 3-phosphoryl-β-lactams. The thiophosphoryl analogues were also prepared using this method. In particular, the presented protocol does not require the use of noble metals, while comparable methods do.
NIR to visible upconversion in double – clad optical fiber co-doped with Yb^3+/Ho^3+
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Pressure evolution of luminescence in Sr Ba1−(NbO2)3:Pr3+ (x=1/2 and 1/3)
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Badania symulacyjne samowzbudnych drgań wywołanych tarciem modelu tribometru PT-3
PublicationTarcie w pewnych warunkach moze byc źródlem drgań samowzbudnych, które sa przyczyną wielu zjawisk zachodzących w układach mechanicznych. Przykładem takiego układu jest tribometr PT-3 będący uniwersalną maszyną slużącą do badania tarcia i zużycia. W modelu tribometru wyodrębniono pięć podukładów cześciowych: podukład napędu, podukład przekładni pasowej, podukład wrzeciona, podukład modelu tarcia oraz podukład nurnika. Tarcie opisano...
Neutral point balancing technique for 3-level neutral point clamped converter with servo system
PublicationNeutral point voltage drift compensation technique in 3-level NPC multilevel converter and servo system is described in the paper. Analytical expressions are obtained for power subsystem elements parameters of servo drive system. Simulation of servo system, based on PMSM motor with 3-level NPC converter is considered.
Thermodynamic study of binary mixtures of 2-propanol with ionic liquids, 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide, 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium trifluoromethanesulfonate and triethylhexylammonium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide
PublicationIn this work, densities, speeds of sound, refractive indices and viscosities of three binary mixtures containing the ionic liquids 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethyl-sulfonyl)imide, 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium trifluoromethanesulfonate and triethylhexyl-ammonium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide, mixed with 2-propanol at wide temperature and composition ranges at atmospheric pressure have been measured. From these...
Kompleksy [CoCl(S2CNR2)(PR'3)] - synteza i właściwości
PublicationDitiokarbamianiany metali są związkami o znaczeniu przemysłowym, ale wciąż stanowią obiekt badań podstawowych. Właściwości tego typu kompleksów można korzystnie modyfikować stosując różnorodne dodatkowe ligandy, w tym P-donorowe. Stosunkowo dobrze poznano budowę układów [MCl(S2CNR2)(PR'3)] zwłaszcza dla M=Ni, gdzie dane strukturalne jednoznacznie pokazują płaską kwadratową geometrię rdzenia NiClS2P tworzących się kompleksów. Dla...
Kompleksy [CoCl(S2CNR2)(PR'3)] - synteza i właściwości
PublicationDitiokarbamianiany metali są związkami o znaczeniu przemysłowym, ale wciąż stanowią obiekt badań podstawowych. Właściwości tego typu kompleksów można korzystnie modyfikować stosując różnorodne dodatkowe ligandy, w tym P-donorowe. Stosunkowo dobrze poznano budowę układów [MCl(S2CNR2)(PR'3)] zwłaszcza dla M=Ni, gdzie dane strukturalne jednoznacznie pokazują płaską kwadratową geometrię rdzenia NiClS2P tworzących się kompleksów. Dla...
Wolność w sztuce. 3 Pokolenia
PublicationWystawa zbiorowa
[Rozdział] 3. Jakość wyników analitycznych
PublicationPrzedstawiono charakterystykę systemu zapewnienia jakości pomiaru analitycznego. Podano klasyfikację współczesnych metod analitycznych. Opisano i scharakteryzowano technikę spektrometrii mas rozcieńczenia izotopowego jako przykład metody pierwotnej.
Thermal decomposition of [Cd{SSi(OBut)3}(S2CNC4H8)]2 to CdS “micro-noodles”
PublicationThis work presents studies on thermal degradation of novel heteroleptic complex possessing mixed S-donor ligands, [Cd{SSi(OBut)3}(S2CNC4H8)]2 using TGA, DSC, TGA-IR, SEM and XRD methods.
A new approach to the stereoselective synthesis of trans-3-carbamoyl-b-lactam moieties†
PublicationOne-pot synthesis of optically active 1,4-disubstituted-3-carbamoyl-azetidinones from 5-[(N-arylamino)- (hydroxyl)methylene]-2,2-dimethyl-1,3-dioxa-4,6-diones and chiral aldimines is achieved via thermal generation of carbamoyl ketenes and subsequent [2+2] cycloaddition. Three possible chiral induction approaches were tested and (R)-(+)-1-phenylethylamine was confirmed as the best chiral auxiliary. Among the four possible diastereoisomers,...
Peripheral industrial NUTS 3 sub-regions in the European Union – identification and typology
PublicationA common phenomenon of development is the big difference in its levels, especially between metropolitan and non-metropolitan areas. Non-metropolitan areas are also very different. In some of them, industry plays a big role. European Union’s NUTS 3 non-metropolitan low developed sub-regions, whose gross domestic product per capita in 2011 was below 75% of the EU average, were the subject of research. It is based on the data and...
Selective Photocatalytic Reduction of 3‐Nitrophenol to 3‐Aminophenol by Anatase and Rutile TiO2 – What Stands Behind the Photoactivity?
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Spectroscopic investigation of Tb(tmhd)3 - Eu(tmhd)3 co-doped poly(methyl methacrylate) fibre
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Up-conversion luminescence of Tb^3+ ions in germanate glasses under diode-laser excitation of Yb^3+
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Sterowanie optymalne ruchem 3-kołowej platformy mobilnej przy energetycznym wskaźniku jakości
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono metodę sterowania optymalnego 3-kołową platformą mobilną przy uzmiennionym w czasie energetycznym wskaźniku jakości. Parametry ruchu wyznaczano na podstawie rozwiązania zadania odwrotnego kinematyki. Uruchomiono autorskie programy symulacji komputerowej. Proponowany układ sterowania minimalizuje błędy zadanego położenia oraz błędy w przebiegach prędkości uogólnionych.
Preparation and evaluation of 1,3-alternate 25,27-dibenzyloxy-26,28-bis-[3-propyloxy]-calix[4]arene - bonded silica stationary phase for high performance liquid chromatography
PublicationOtrzymano nową fazę stacjonarną na bazie dibenzyloksy pochodnej kaliks[4]arenu w konformacji 1,3-naprzemianległej, chemicznie związaną z żelem krzemionkowym. Przeprowadzano badania selektywności i sprawności tej fazy w rozdzielaniu izomerów konstytucyjnych benzenu i pochodnych fenoli. Zaprezentowano wyniki badania wpływu pH fazy ruchomej oraz stężenia metanolu na zdolność rozdzielczą nowej fazy stacjonarnej.
Structural and electrical properties of Cr-doped SrTiO 3 porous materials
PublicationSeries of single-phase materials with assumed formula SrTi1−xCrxO3 (where x = 0, 1, 4, 6 mol.%) were obtained by sol-gel method. The structure and microstructure of materials were characterised by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy methods. Moreover, the study of electrical properties and evaluation of chemical stability in CO2/H2O atmosphere was performed by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and thermogravimery...
SiC-Based Power Electronic Traction Transformer (PETT) for 3 kV DC Rail Traction
PublicationThe design of rolling stock plays a key role in the attractiveness of the rail transport. Train design must strictly meet the requirements of rail operators to ensure high quality and cost-eective services. Semiconductor power devices made from silicon carbide (SiC) have reached a level of technology enabling their widespread use in traction power converters. SiC transistors oering energy savings, quieter operation, improved reliability...
Evolution of artificial single-cell organisms foraging for resources in a 3-dimensional environment
PublicationForaging for resources is a simple cognitive task that even one-celled biological organisms can ac- complish. We present an Artificial Life system in which artificial unicellular organisms (animats) forage for food in a 3-dimensional simulated liquid environment. The movement of animats is controlled by evolving artificial gene regulatory networks encoded in linear genomes. When an animat consumes enough food, it produces offspring...
Rosuvastatin based novel 3-substituted isocoumarins / 3-alkylidenephthalides: Ultrasound assisted synthesis and identification of new anticancer agents
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Thermal behavior of the highly luminescent poly(3-hydroxybutyrate):Eu(tta)3(H2O)2 red-emissive complex
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Discussion on 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme a reductase inhibitors reduce human pancreatic cancer cell invasion and metastasis
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Ekspertyza podkładów staroużytecznych PS94 w zakresie oceny stanu i rozstawu kotew SB3/3
PublicationW ekspertyzie przedstawiono ocenę stanu i rozstawu kotew SB3/3 w podkładach staroużytecznych PS94